Capital Journal Wednesday, September 8, 1020 tr.m i m Snvder iinl ,oWl slB" painter, fur San I' run- . ... ittPiC Thf.v "I1"" ' " ,, rurniHu ,h,.ir lenjrt iv J fry If eMs , N Y. rrvi .Utera all ready t0 .1 . multiply . -i f ounsninir ... . nnpr mcniB II IlUt" v i- - . bv W. vvt",1! " v' tinn mm- - i,wl nn his 0, oyatpr reuin. ' Mr. Wells, at his laboratory on the shore of the Grent South Bay, has succeeded In keeping alive mil lions of young oysters from the lar va to the "et" stage. In his report he said that hatcheries modeled after his plant can be built wherein the oysters may be "incubated until time to set them out in deep wa ters. Mr. Wells declared it Ic a well known fact that in the last 10 yenrs (he production of oysters has been very much reduced. It was to de termine Hie exact cause of this re duction, he said, that his studies were undertaken, it has been sug gested, he saM. that pollution of the waters has injure,! many of the most productive beds in Connecti cut and In the Vicinity of Niw Vork. Mrs. A. I,. Mauldon of Ali.-.'oe has committed suicide. She was the mother of five children a id about 40 year.-" of age. Ill heal.! Is assigned as the cause. Old Timers Team Will Celebrate Chicago. The fiftieth anniver sary of the first professional base ball championship game will be celebrated by the Old Timers' Base j ball association at a banquet here October 13. The game was played between the Cincinnati Red Stock ings and the Chicago White Stock ings October 13, .1870, at the old Dexter driving park in this clly. The Cincinnati aggregation went , ttwn to defeat' 16 to H at the hands or th? Chicago, team. . This gnnrt?. wag practically the be ginning of professional baseball, nc I cording to Al G. Spink of Chlcaro. secretary of the old association. I The Old Timers' Haseball aso i elation was organi.ed about a year Migo. It takes in perron who plaped In or who saw the game and now i has about 1,000 members. Tom I l-'oley, manager of the old Whl Stock in -'s team, is a member. I Governor to Play In Benefit Game Newport, R. I., Sept. 8. Gover nor Reeckman lias agreed to cover right field for the Summer visitor's nine when they face the local city officials on the diamond here, l'to ceeds of (be game go to maternity hospitals here and in New York. an1 Mrs. Alary Neal Conkle, secre tary, prepared the program for the meeting, and although they didn't send out cards with kind regrets to every Mary in the land, each ami every one answering to that tnoni ger, was invited. The organiy-athm was formed three years ago, and it has grown steadily until some 2,000 odd Marys belong. 2,000 Marys Hold Annual Meeting Noblesvllle, Intl Do you answj the hum of Marv? Yes? Wei.. ME ahtHlld have been here along wit Arizona. Votes Today. Phoenix, Ariz.. Sept. 7. -Arizona today was balloting to nominate state and county officers. United Ite senator and member of the or 4Use,f. of representatives on both a couple of thousand or so order Marys who attended the annual meeting of (he Marys o." (he nation. Old Msrvs, young Marvs, big ones and little ones, fat and loan, tt headed and otherwise they were here. And "a good lime was had if;-'ratic and republican tickets. . A campaign will be eond'tcte 1 at Kngene to list all available rooms in the city for the use of university students. The new dor mitory for gbis will not 1 com pleted until the middle of the Capital Journal Classified Ads Bring Direct Results by all." Misst Mary Iicy, president school year. i MEET MB AT MILLER'S MILLER'S MILLER'S The Home of Good Goods The Home of 0KP9M ' tv x . sa&nvwmvm ' im mmw nut n - n i mum i ti - Good Goods mmmm s bubiik. TOR OCHOOD RE PARE .1 f V a AlL School Bells Are Ringing. School Demands Are Waiting 'I itNj - T Girls' Gingham II c r i r ocnuoi uresses Before the heavy rains set in a neat, clean gingham Dress gives a girl that fresh dressy look of gentility. viiiiKitain ursKMSN irir i i s Mrs m p o "V 1. 1 i TV I iiiaiirv i .infYti'ttv. They range in size from 6 to 14 years and are very closely priced for quick selling, starting at $2.65 vp to $5.95 n n , f 1 "rvwai SCIIOOI IUnC- VOn i, j . . nam. yuur gin r nn. I , ... uwi, anu taice ner r i-,... i ""s asnamea oi Dresses have been selected for their --i iiu 1I1L1UUC VP to r J . laiietas. Specially Priced $8.50 to $23.75 COAT that have the same classy style as those for ladies. Made out of heavy Coatings, some with plush collars. Colors are reindeer, navy and brown, $7.95 T0 $17.95 We've been thinking broadly about the needs of the school children. Things wanted for school work things needed by school workers. Tomorrow Will Start Our School Week For an entire week we shall specialize on School Boys and Girls needs in Clothing and Wearables. Look over your Boys and Girls Wardrobes and see if they will feel proud to start school wearing those old things of last year. You don't want them to feel ashamed, nor do you want to feel ashamed of them. So many mothers don't real ize that the child's appearance reflects right back on the mother and the home. "Costly thy habit as thy purse can buyy For the apparel oft proclaims the man, and woman too. THIS IS THE BO YS A ND GIRLS A GE. Don't handicap themf in not being well dressed. THE LABEL , "Iron-Clad" Stockings for healthy, romping boys and girls are the best we can get. They wear the longest, keep MM their colors best and cost you rn more bv the pair or box than the poorer kinds. We guarantee ihem to give satisfaction. OF HONOR We specialize on "Jack Tar Middies and "Miss Saratoga." They eome plain white regulation and the all white lace front. Also we have the Navy Flannel Collar and Cuff Models with the detachable or non-detachable collar and uffs. The Boy's New Suit is Ready for Him He'll be proud of it, and you'll be proud of him. A It was made from the finest wool, woven in patterns and designs that give it a class and standing, and made up in style and tailored just as nobby as Dad's. We have them in all ages, in the smartest models made for sturdy well dressed Boys. The price range is such that we can supply the needs of all. When we say that we specialize on Extra Good Clothes for Boys, we could not say more, they stand the recognized line of Boys' Clothing in America. Put the Boy in one of our Suits and he can hold his own in appearance with the best of 'em. Children's Underwear It used to be a problem to find practical well-made, and good fit ting underwear for children. It is no longer a problem with us. We can outfit the girl in under wear just as easy as we can milady MUNSING EAR The best Knit Under wear for Boys and Girls. Try it once and lie convinced. "t