Capital Journal Stayton Power Company Builds fig New Plant Sept. 8. The Stayton light and Power company hag pur chnied the Mrs. Anna Brcwn prop arty mt the end of Third street, and ts ttauiag down the old building. water wheel has been pur- and will be placed on the acquired property on the i side of the water ditch. The la a big one, weighing over bub, and capable of develop aT horsepower when set in its war location. A dynamo wlil be Vlaced on the south side of the and when the work in of construction is complet- cd the company will have two ecpa xste plants. The office building I am in use will probably be moved onto the lot on which the building now being demolished stands. J- W. Mayo and family have re tarned from several days or. the beach at Netarts. , Quite a number of Staytonites have been at the huckleberry patch i the last week. It is stated that t (Mtveral thousand gallons were tak en out during that time. G. R. Munkers was visiting in town this week. He recently ar rived from San Francisco. C B. Schaefer, who liv-'s two miles south of town in Linn county, ha recently completed a new barn on his ICO-acre farm. eH has also purchased the bungalow belonging to Curtis Cole, on the Gus Harold Itiaee. and will move it onto his own land and occupy it. D. M. Doll is acting as rural oar- " rler while Floyd Ciabtre.; is on joy : tue his annual vacation. Henry Smith, formerly in tne . second-hand business in Stayton, was in town last week. He expects ! to return and open a seejrid-hand : store here again in the ne'ir future. Frnk Grlerson, who was confin ed to his home for some time wth g appendicitis, is now able to be out i The George Bell home is .lUiiran- ' tiiMMl for dipthcria, Mrs. Bell Ileitis Hjh sufferer from a slight attack. Manager Humphreys, of the Sar Theater, 'has placed new iera claalis in his theater, which !s an j improveceit that will be greatly appreciated by his patrons. Hj 's showing good pictures and striving 1 hard to entertain the show-going public. j Paul B'akeley and family are now located at Hollywood, Cal., : where he has a position In a drug til ore. Dallas News '. Hallux. Sept. 8. Mrs. Will Mll l.liekanu of Falls City spent Tuesday I as the house guest of Mrs. Floyd 1 , - Sonter. Mi-'.; Amie Pernot and "Brick" iHyde, both of Portland, passed 'tlirouKh Dallas Tuesday on thtds wty to Newport toi' a few days. Mi I'ernot and Mr: Hy.le are stu dents of O. A. C. Miss : 'ernut Is ' a GammB Phi Beta ami Mr. Hyde la a Kappa Theta Rhoo. Miss Janet Laurie hctan-e the bride of Guy 10. .'shorttv at her home, on Friday September 3. Ttev. William A. Curry of file Evangelical church, officiated. The bride is Well known in Dallas, having in tended high school here. The young couple motored to Portland and neighboring cities. They will make their home in Pallas. Mm A. Gooch and son. Fred, and daughter, . Bessie, returned Tuesday from an extensive motor tour through Washington. They -visited relatives in eSattle for sev eral days. a Xi F. Yoakum ftegan picking 'hops in his yard near Dallas Tues : daty. He reports that th.i nops are good this year. He expects a good crop this season. Rtev Friar and Joe Jennings spent a tew days in Portland the last of last week. Fred Jennings visited with his . parents, fcp Perrydale iovcv the week-end. Mrs. Hoyd D. Moore, whJt has been spending a few days with ;BIr. Moore's parents Mor, ; mouth, returned to her home on i Monday. X Miss Magdalene Kuntz visited ijariih her parents. Attorney and ;pSrR. P. J. iKuntz over the week- piiav spent last Saturday afternoon vis iting in the county seat. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Varnes and daughter of this city spent the week end in Newberg visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Ams Post and family. Wayne Bell and family of Ore gon City are here now and will re main for about a. month, they arv here to look after their crop of pears and prunes on their farm north of town. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Harrison returned the latter part of the week from their outing at Newport. Mrs Lucinda Long came home Saturday afternoon from Pacific City where she had spent the whole summer for her health, and says that she was quite well all the time. Jim Woodman went to Portland Monday morning on a business trip. Rev. E. T. Starkey supplied the pulpit at the Baptist church last Sunday morning and evening. The Methodist church dismissed their evening service and went over to hear him; he was a former pas tor here and has many friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ladd of McMinnville spent Sunday here at the home of Mrs. Ladd's mother, Mrs. Phebe Burch. Miss Addle Martin went to Port land Monday for a week or more visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Newman went to Pacific . City Tuesday morning for a fe wdays outing. Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards and Miss Gertie Hea also went over at the same time. Mr. and Mrs. Adrey Richards and family of Portland spent the fore part of the week visiting here at the E. W. Rea home.- Paul Rowley and parents autoed over to Pacific City last Saturday and spent several days at the resort. Bringing Up Father By George McManus '"wraaiia T"lSf Polk County Court m He: estate of Richard Jones Evans, deceased. Petition for order der to pay claims filed. Order to pay claims. In Re: Estate of Barney Phil lips, deceased. Application to set off homestead to widow. Order setting off same. In Re: Guardianship of Ida M. Percival, an incompetent. Order appointing Carl H4 Percival guar dian. In Re: Estate and guardianship of Alice and eHlen Slyfield. minors. Final report and account, i'llsd. Fi nal discharge of guardian filed. In Re: Guardianship of l4t M. PerAval, a icompetet prsogEM r Percival, an incompetent person. Guardian's bond filed. In Re: Estate of Henry Clan field, deceased. Order appointing George Clanfield administrator. Bond approved. Frank H. Fawk, W. J. White, and P. A intuteth ap pointed appraisers. In Re: Estate of Charles A. Hubbard, deceased. Petition pre sented letters to issue. Bond filed. Order approving bond and appoint ing administrator and upuniUsrs. In Re: Estate of John It, Cocp , deceased. Final account (tied. Ordei setting time for hearing. In Re: Guardianship of the Es tate of Frank E. and L. W. Scbrunk minors. Petition for letters. Or der appointing guardian. Order approving bond and appointing ap praisers. noBd filed. In Re: Estate of Alfred, -M ISo'tap. Petition for appointing of execut rix. Last Will and testament filed. . - . , 1 1 ' " SrU . t "" . INrt a M Scotts Mills Man Is Buried Today Near Silverton Silverton, Ore., Sept. 8. The body of Henry Prather, a former Scotts Mills man who died in Cali fornia a few days ago from injur ies sustained in an auto accident, arrived in Silverton last evening and interment will be in Miller cemetery east of here today. Ac cording to information received from California by relatives of Mr. Prather, his arm was injured re cently in an automobile wreck. Later it seemed necessary to am putate the member, and he died shortly after the operation. Mr. Prather was about thirty years of age and had lived In Scotts land spent Sunday here with friends in his former parish. He was ac companied home Monday, by his daughter, 'Velma, who spent the last week with Miss Emma Fisher. G. G. Looney and ramlly are spending a week at Pacific City. Miss Dovey Rhodes has gone to Portland to do dressmaking. Mr. and Mrs. WeatheiTord and children of Portland and Mrs. Kirk patrick of Albany spent Sunday at the W. G. Davis home. Dick and Oscar Tuve were home from Oregon City Sunday. . Mott Moyer of Salem spent Bun day with his family at the Fox home. Mills for a number of years. He was well known in Silverton. He was a son of the late John Prath er, whose death occurred about a year ago at Scotts Mills, resulting from burns sustained when his clothing caught fire while sleep ing on a sawdust pile near the Butte Creek Lumber Co. mill east of Scotts Mills. It was believed at the time that' his .clothing caught fire from his pipe. Mr. Prather, Sr., was night watchman at the mill. Hazel Green Notes Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gilbert and Hazel Green, Sept. 8. Edgar Miss Emma Fisher went to Pacific Johnson and E. Lukenbeal havecjtv Tuesday bv auto, for a day or It speaks for the prosperity of Sil verton and also for the vision of the ieople of this community. Of the large class of boys and girls who last spring completed the work In the eighth grade, only two or three living in this city will not enroll, it is said, when the high school opens, making the enroll ment of pupils who finished work In the eighth grade 100 per cent. There are unprecedented finan cial Inducements offered boys who waver in continuing their studies just now. Boys of fifteen and six teen years are frequently paid the sort of wages that men received but three or four years ago. The fact that they have rejected the offers given to work " speaks well for the understanding, it is stated, and the ambition of the boys themselves. Fire Chief Graoner of Baker has gone to Los Angeles to at tend the national fire chiefs' convention. S. C. Stone, M. D. TREATS CANCERS 167 South Commercial Street and does a general office practice. Office Tyler's Drug Store gone on an outing to Brightenbush Springs. Rev. E. O .Shepherd of Port- Marriage LU'ennes. Guy E. Shorey, age ?;t til Janet E. Launer, age 17, both of H&llas. Albert 1. Kullander of Indepen dence, age 31 to Fern M. Seaman, age 26. The annual meeting of the state horticultural society will be held in Eugene during the latter pait of November. A Safe Bet Overlooked "Moses overlooked a safe bet when he forgot to mention the toothbrush in his command ments." Painless Parker. It is safe to say that if every body took good care of the teeth, sickness and disease would be reduced by half. You can't have good digestion and bad teeth at the same time. You can't be happy, healthy or good-looking with decayed teeth in the mouth. E. R. Parker System dentists enjoy the largest dental practice in the world. Their way of practicing dentistry has been tried 28 years, and the public has given its full approval. When vou think of TEETH, think of Parked Registered Dentists Using E. R. PARKER System Dr. t. at. Ogden, Dr. F. V. Grief State and Commercial Streets, Salem, Oregon V Amity News Amity. Sept. 8. -Mrs. Guy Nott and daughter spent the week end lyiaHing with friends and relatives In McMinnville. I i Robert Brown, who is employed In a garage in Salem was home iover Sunday visiting with his par fajafcs. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brown. P. 8. Hevlnnd of Newberg spent last Friday here on business and renewing old acquaintances. It Messrs. Earl Burch and V"s .proves decided to go deer hunt htg last Saturday morning and started out early by auto. but when Corvallls was reached the nachine broke down, so the hunters ;eturned the same evening by train Ma ': Miss Anna Romig of McCoy left Jlast Friday for Camas. Wash., ffvhere she will again take up her UKhooi work. Miss Romig is hn in structor in the schools at Camas ,-ek end visiting with friends In (Portland. of Amity's former young are listed as teachers in the - i rrei rf Lv. v tin bn ex I 'aii.ed ty :. r.u:nbr of dvcurs as fccirjr Sua ta the itnamud t jrrr ard e:rtr. ti w,l.m Tif. mi sdfl it -worry and ortr- v-ork, Mid cur refined, unnatural diet. ' V tic ail lend to drain the natural ambus school in McMinnville! Pn from the blood taier than ilie the coming season, they arsl I'"1'; wi'h?? miwi muia tiouisun ana am- ow Women Are Often Cheated Out Of Their Best Years Iiysician Explains How Many Women Undermine Their Health and i.L.'ri Yl I 1 I! a.I - T rl 1 T- t leva i iictr nap miess oy jueEung me iron in 1 aeuc JDiooa kuh low tm How Organic Iron, Like Nuxated Iron, Helps Strengthen The rves, 1'ut Roses lit The Cheeks and New Vigor and Health -a I he Veins Of Pale, Careworn Women. Lack of iron robs the blood of its power to make f.rm and healthy tissue, brain, and muscle out of the food we cat and the oxygen we breathe, and turns a woman with rosy checks, sparkling health and boundless encry into one who is pale, run-down, tired and hopeless. Her thin, watery blcod, lacking stren-jth-givi.-.g iron, undcr-r.oi',ri:hes her body and brain ar.a rcios her oi her natural energy and. cheerfulness. She loses interest ;n life and cannot enter i:Uo the, normal healthy pleasures of '.hose ibout her. She is li:rr-!ly electing htrrclf out of t.ic beat & years of her life, when :he ir.frrht. in most rasrs. xS tjtjic&y renin h.-r strer.-th I ;.i:. i tT -iiu vi.. iitj Dy icsouaf, !.er Mood with organic iron Jt W-ritr-d Iron Jtffl Tl, .i,rn.l Jl.fM -f .'WA the Mood of to irany V :; Jones. ter. A. F. I,ary returned from business trip to Seattle, last afternoon. thoold teed the bhj,d with organic Iron, and Dr. lamee Franclt Sul'ivan. f rraerly of Brllcvue Hospital (Outdoor !!.), New York, and Wettcheiter Cellar Hospital, explains below why organic iron, like Nuxated Iron, ii admimitervd to Tr , a Hi.An . , mi-i iu uiit.vTTu .rarn ,y y,..; iritis Kreta Allison and mother j auonfrr. healthier, and har.raer. very wtitnan ' the rich! tn mn rlrar and beakh. But many a woniar. cheats herself of her best years by allowing lack of Iron in her hlovd to undermine her beatefa- -10 n; the saMest feature Ot modem condition to ward o the SJaaBsSi ,.te it tte uurcuer ox unnaon careworn ,ut ar ,r,, women who ir tht so easily regain ha' pinm around in. To pert the necesaary iron and kt;!th. llortors' offices are filled wilh in the blood. I tare prescribed -NiDrAtcd e ho are conttartiy tired, paU. sickly. Iron many, many times, and I ha-re aeea itr :.: .,; ;f'c. 1 i- ici :;ice.i that many Itequeut instances where it gas, renewed tjnrh Srara, fcy H !,- puTting iror. in liieir aitength and energy, iaeresvsej 'sowrr of dy bit! 1 np r.h red blood, iiitmanri ma ll Tills mi Iks tiaj hlaaaS - ) v, a: rrierry. get thewiaerswsi ot health' in ahoot test days or two wetanf JDH0ID5 (TaMst or Granules) INDIGESTION tkt or without vrlr; QUICK RELIEF! 2S-50-7SV Cs4jl itOi 3C sfflr imZr MA N 1 f'l WM oA nuhAi MM M ,i iminswm svmsmmaaim i m mBMmimMQswmmvar.usr Sara many t worn Ssh w ho al ta tmaawawa too nn-d to jilay too llatlesa :o M Joy tho too.1 things of life. Sr. SnUtrmn I (bo accompany' log article ,- plain how women m a y IQnlekly regain! tneir health and mo nx or organic iron like JiOTaterl Iron. time. I cnnsite v,-. ..... t TZZ .a the loremns htnl l.i. v..-,j llt to which J have ever had recourse. " Haaofartatwi' Sett: luxated iron, which la rorommeiided a bore lj not a secret rrmedr bat ona of Ifkicli U well kaown to druan esemrheraT Va- Increa NUXatMt Irfm im .!.mn..l mm ... . tha WflMfem Nxt.IhI l .,. , S Sal 2," ,'-h" "f".i" not ba tod C laae acoeptnat asaVrtor auhaatuies. The aamrfaeK mera guaraatea aucceatfal awl anttralr utjffao- "wolts u esary ourchuer or thar will remnal asaaay. n ta dissented by Ul rood drarsMa- aavaDs arr soorr a bowns MAKERS OT two. The Women's Missionary sociaty will meet with Mrs. W. Q. Davis, Friday afternoon. Rev. E. 13. Ward and wife of Phil omath, returned missionaries of the United Brethren hcurch from China will be here next Sunday and speak in the church both in the morning and evening services. Charles Van Cleave and family returned from Portland Saturday evening and reported his sister, Bertha, as some better: Mrs. Kate Basher, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brinkman of San Francis co, passed through this vicinity Monday, having autoed to Portland to see Mrs. Basher's niece, Miss Bertha Van Cleave. Silverton Boys And Girls Stay With Schooling Silverton, 'Ore., Sept. 8. Open ing of the public schools in this city one week from next Monday will disclose a circumstance, it is believed, that is most remarkable. The Best in Dentistry at the Lowest Prices Scientific methods, best materials, and careful attention used In all work Examinations Free Plates $12.50 up Crowns (Anterior) Gold or Porcelain $6.00 Crowns (Posterior) $7.00 Bridge work, Gold or Porcelain $6.00 to $7.00 Gold Fillings $2.00 up Porcelain Fillings Silver Fillings Cement Fillings Cleaning Teeth Removing Nerve . Extractions $2.00 up $1.00 up . $1.00 $1.00 $2.50 $1.00 DRS. ELDRIEDGE & SWENNES DENTISTS EXAMINATIONS FREE Phone 1600 SALEM, OREGON 204-5 Gray Building Corner State and Liberty Sts. Over Harttnan Broa Jewelry Store BadRubbM, Ll tha Hcostr whbltspittatai Molor-Drlvej Brush, beat, weep and tlon clean allr litter and dust out of your ton. no mey ne on uienoM. ! No dirt remains In "B, Let us prova h b jonij WM. The Store of Houmi Phone 67 136 N. j SCHOOL DAYS " k a jSlow is a good time to prepare. Mothers will solve the many problems in preparing their children ready for school at this store. GINGHAM DRESSES CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES, ages 6 to 14 years, in new plaids, QOa and stripes, $2.98, $1.85, UOK" MISSES GINGHAM DRESSES, excel lently good quality, new styles; a real serviceable dress for tJO QQ school wear : Middy Blouses for School Wear $1.65 Gingham Week Buy Rem AT TO Remnant Wanted Hides, Sacks, UaoUs Junk of all kinds, 215 Center i Capital Jan Bargain M Phone Ml ForSaM Stoves, Ranges, Heatenvfl kinds of Furniture CSSCT also. Capital hm Bargain m 215 Center 6tia Phoaw Mt One of the most successful Gingham Sales we have had for some time; each day sees thrifty gingham buy ers taking advantage of tl is sale. FINEST FRENCH GINGHAM, 32 inch, new pretty, plaids, t (1., yard DVt ZEPHER GINGHAM, 32-inch, very choice patterns, J.Qa the yard :i7C ZEPHER GINGHAM, 27-inch, new stipes and colors, 35c APRON GINGHAM, small and large checks, one week, 25C LIGHT PERCALES, 36 inch, JJ2c DEVONSHIRE CLOTH AND SCHOOL DAY CLOTH, guaranteed CC. colors, one week, yard : Wanfe ei n nnn worth of Goods. Will Pa7 Csa Capital M Bargain fl 115 Center Phone : W. W. Mi house rvm Home of the Vie" ydu GET MOKE MONEY AT M00 A satisfied cWr' Rowland W . Pitton sM Phone 1512, over FOB WHO ALTO TB' School Shoes The kind every Boy and Girl needs, at the prices you wish to pay. Visit our Shoe Department Today. Rulers and Pencils Free with suits, dresses and shoes. SCHOOL SUITS FOR BOYS with two pairs of pants with each suit, $7.95. BOYS' WAISTS,. BLOUSES, ETC at SAVING PRICES EOPLE 'S JfiVliMfiTiTj VCKI5 Willawto: Valley Tt Co. PHONE Mft WE ALSO row HAOLt0 Trunks, 1W Cases wS I aal W UmlMll 340 COCBT Music Kolas L.M. YickSoU Chines. cure a Ope" Bat has ' il COTTS EMULSION OresS S.ilem.