Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 18, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    ' --rrTwiTr.n KATES'!
WP f.?l..tlJns B cents; on.
ti tl"'8 , month ..50 cents;
52 centSi mln-
CumTer idtlfnoCni'yUin New Today,
f '"h in aTvne ftnd not tak
iri shi ..nleHS advertiser has
" auowanca for
-.,, for 0 or '- H room
yftZyT rlced ilghfc- It E. Scott.
iSfTTo modern bungu
,25 N. 0th. CaU ornlng
-s-STiV Hurley Davidson motor-
ffnloOllJ"- ' , h ql9t9,
-i reelect your roof,, have It
nedD tarred, Phone C,t
i.'nva at
rsCsALE Classiest- 6 '.room bun
F$ofin e.vt Salem. 260 B. 20th St.
-rTWpiiGiil or woman to worn
Wouf4 hours a day. Phone 319.
3nTJrSb-Oie light housekeeping
Tom. Phone 1222J after 6 P. n.
STioSlTURE fr ltle chen: house
ir rent for short, time. Call. ,1493
Fir - : 197
i0E"8AI.E ll Podge , car. Will
Tade for Ford. M. Tingelstad, Jef
: " frmnn. Or. l202
5oR BALK 10x30 one piece silo, In
- giod condition. M. Tlngelstad, Jf-
5oB SALE 2 room house, porch,
wood house, lights, water. Call 700
u .uirti sit. '- ' ' 197
LoSTBlack pocketbook at Willson
park Tuesday night. Please phone
1289, reward. " 19T,
IXdHANGE Would trade good
building 'site for flivver. ' Phone
1719VV before JO, after 5. " 199
BUY suburban acreage, best loban
beny land, will develop . Into mon
ey Easy terms. J. H. Koltes, Bligh
' hotel. ' " - b202
FOE SALE Cow and heifer calf;
,jww fresh 48 days. 1110 Cross St.
; 3 blocks west of S. 12th St. H. A.
Clark. e!99
LOST Large oval agate pin, gold
mounted, safety lock; finder please
. address Mrs. Alollle Merrill, Hud
bard. Or, : ' 197
i HAVE a beautiful large iorae on
very attractive corner -at $15,000.
!' Grtrude J. M. Page, '492 N, Cot
tage. Phone 1186, - ia!99
' ' BONUS for information regarding
. 6 room modern nouse; ior fent, u
satisfactory. Permanent renter, oefit
; references. Phone 827M. " '197
;POR' SALE Jobd 7 room plastered
, house with bath and water system,'
' on car line and paved street, large
, porch, acre land, with barn.
Terms. Phone 981 M. a!99
PlAflO, mahogany finish, beautiful
tone; will take $285 cash, cost dou
? ble, Some good and medium furrtl
i lure for sale. 1493 Kir St, south cor
' Lafelle. ,- ' . 19 1
AN 81 room house on N. Capitol; has
fireplace, basement, furnace,' gav
', age and east front, all for $6000.
: Gertrude J. M.-Page, 492 N, Cot
tage St. Phone 1186. al99
(these beautiful hlinr,ilnua flfA still
: tosibe had at the very same price
: quoted some montns ago,. Gertrude
J.. Page, 492 N. Cottage,, Phone
1188. a!99
I HAVE a ten acre tract, 20 aci-e
' tract, 200 acre tract, 160 acre tract
and beautiful town lots on my list.
, Gertrude J. M. Page 492 N. Cot
itage. Phone 1186. -. . ' nl99
A BTAUTIFUL home on Saginaw
street. Many other homes alt over
the city for you to choose from nt
j reasonable prloes." Gertrude J. M.
Page, 492 N. Cottage. Phone ltSi.
fOR ALE By owner, neat four
room cottage with bath, .electric
"Ems, east front, corner lot, On car
', line, close to school; fruit and
, ?sV'riCe 1600- terms. Enquire
'(JR SAT.F ,ni, - "V ---J
" ouiiimer. ais I
- iuui i:uw, a DtlUHls ;
own wood at $1.50 a load; 80
cres of land at $100 per acre, 86
acres cleared and orchard,, terms.
- ,Boatwr'Kht on Prlngle - road, 2
m es south offcfeeble minded in
rtitute. , t.
- fLSA 41 acres 2 Uliles
irom Salem on Dallas road. 7
, won, house l K Btories, new barn
- L t,hty-Al1 farm toIs.'. : all
iock take house or small place
IM d t: W- M- Sehuett, Rt. 2, box
-H2i Salem. . ,. b202
' COttaire on N- Church, very
f is1Invcmplete ln every way b'
enT 1138 hMutitl large lot,
enough space left for another house
' i?.U,.": IarKe S-age for-4wo
H JLfO;,600- Gertrude J. M
K, 492 N. Cottage. Phone. 1183!
CITS; " al99
teamfV10" . hop Pickers- 2
h r'a?ue ,agaln have the 'argest
KiIZthiOree0n- Fiv hund
cen, t! m .hops: a" oIa Planting
' 5 , , Venty acres- High trellis,
to n camps- two "tores with
tOxion tpure watrr- Dance hall
ra eZi?0,1? picki"S- Our old pick-
' Hm ft a ,y, Wa,,ted- E- Clemens
y-gLIndePendence. Or. 197
fcleSi h B8 We B0ld t0 "e
' Piano me" a very fine pIay-
It ha. k on account revers
reyer, a,l,been necessary for us to
nwunt hLPu after a lare
now m een ?ald on H- We
Wsnq t? lmB t0 transfer this
f Piano T6,""6 wantin a pla"
a -Q- 519 cnim pt 197
For Sal
reet neL V 00m hoU8e on od
ct in h G.rant 8hool. 10 acre
on 20 nshaw fruit tract addi
blness co"eS near St- Lool"- A
toe car? ,erdown in ln the bus
Wnei ,'0' Salem- Still another
rirlr ln the business Prt
Salem v Bhop weU located in
"Plendid I LnZ,?ther good buys "in
ftiee i, r"u liertrude J. M
. cottage. Phone -1
hjlse f "
nice lot0!16' 2 tooma nd bath,
reet woodshed. 823 N. 22d
iaSTr . 19S
. 1 our nr.,,-.. rr: r
whor : ",ln ii. lira
Phon. ,, Co- 2" State street.
Oif"T ni99
hom I T with w- Gr"
Phon, s,f Co- State street.
4STE5r nm
Srt I vP.nrchate of eood farm,
er. 208 Oregon bldg.
?5sBAR(iAIXg Mod ,-
L Wood ,4,8r t VUSt ol-
-52!t hou "i,ftatf SL AIso Pa-t-
locited roora dwelling, well
hn,, P,aved Kreet and car
"WALLPASTB"' perfect for paper
hanging,-no , cooking. Max O. Bur
en. 179 N. Com'l.
FOR HALE 5' room modern house,
full basement,- two lots, Inquire
2515 Maple ave. ' a200
HOUSE for sale, 2 rooms and bath,
v nice lot and woodshed, 828 N. 22il
Street. a200
LIST your house with w. H fira.
berihorst & Co:,' 2715 , State 'street.
pnone bis. nl
5 ROOM modern Iiihiia witli lf,a-i
, ment and. fireplace, entirely built
In, 13150. Beoke & Hendricks. 205
" IT. S. Bank bldg. a!97
FOK SALE-r-By owner, striotly mod
ern JO rocci .bungalow, - dose in;
' 8 room house and 2Vs acres, a good
; ba.rn. Information at 840 Union
1 Bt. "-. ' al98
FOR A QUICK SALE $1500, $500
DOWN. M,.' W. ROWLEY, 395
' STATE. ' , '
FOR SALE Twenty room apartment
house, centrally located. Owner In
city for a short time. For informa
tion phone 1429 or write Mrs. H.
W. DeMuth, 835 D St. al97
6 ROOM modern bungalow. Oak St.
a very good house and a good buy
immediate possession. Price $3400,
$2100 down. Barber & Pearson, 200
-ray piqg. fnone 790. - a
T, ROOM modern house except base
ment, very convenient house, new
ly papered, paved streets, 3 blocks
frnn state St. north. Price $2300,
y, cash. Barber & Pearson, 200
Gray bldg. Phone 70. - - a
FOR 'SALE By owner, 7 room home
nne location, paved street, small
fruits and garden, shade trees and
flowers, garage. Price $3500. $1:-
' 600 cash, balance easy terms.
rnone 1944W. t ai93
7 ROOM modern bungalow double
constructea, oest condition, same
as new. A home to be proud of, S.
Salem. Price $5500,' 44 cash. Bar
ber & Pearson, 200 Gray otdg.
Phone 790 a
t ROD I modern our.galow, same as
naw, c very find home for large
family, located i.orth Salem near
school and car line. Price $3700,, Vt
casn. jsarber Pearson, 200 Gray
bldg. Phone 790. - - .
LIST your houses and farms with
us as we have buyers waiting for
different kinds of property.. Price
them right. .1 cars at your, service.
Barber & . Pearson, 00 Gray bldg.
- Phone 79. , n
t ROOM cottage an modern except
basement, has 2 large corner lots,
fruit and garden, good soil, barn,
near school and car line. Bargain
price $2300, 1-3 cash, balance like
rent. Barber & Pearson, 200 Gray
bldg. Phone 790. a
6 ROOM cottage, - modern except
bath and basement, large lot, fruit
nd garden, large enclosed ,back
porch, north Salem near prant
. school and oarllne. . Priced -' very
, reasonable Including winter's wood
for $1600, $500 down. Barber &
Pearson, 200 Gray bldg. Phone 790.
For Bal-Farma.
32 ACRES river bottom for sale, 8
miles north west of . Salem. Call nt
Frank Nowak, Brooks; Or. bl97
FOR SALE 97 acres most all in
crop, fair buildings, good location
6 Vt miles out. Price $10,000. Hart
. & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. b
FOR SALE 256 acres 10 miles out,
100 in cultivation,'-some valuable
oak grub timber, balance good pas
ture. Fair house, plumber for hot
and cold water and for irrigating
. the lawn, 2 barns with spring wa
ter piped into each, 4 acres bear
ing orchard Price $45 per ' acre.
JIart & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE 62 42-100 acres all in
cultivation on Howell prairie, good
house and barn, 8 ft miles from Sa
lem, Price $12,500, terms. .Sawyer
and Emmett, Bayne bldg. 196
FOR SALE 20 acres logans, 4 miles
from Salem, fine location, price
$10,500. Ha.rt & Muller, 208 Ore
gon ibldg! b
IMMEDIATE possession on -as good
a, farm as you ever saw. 180 acres
over 100 in wheat. Fine large home
with hot water, furnace, fireplace,
spring, water to "4iouse and . barn.
Good fences, balance .in real pas
ture and timber. This 8 miles from
Salem on good road. Must sell at
$19,000 to settle estate. See this
before wheat- Is off. Becke & Hend
ricks. 205 U. S. bank bldg. bl97
FOR SALE42 acres 8 miles out on
paved ana rock roaa an in cuiciva
'tion, family orchard; 2 acres bear
ing prunes, good buildings. Price
$7000, terms. Hart & Muller, 208
- nrptrnn bids. b
KO RSALE 160 acres in Washing
ton county has fair buildings, some
beaverdam, some saw timber. Price
$6000. For information write or in
quire Rt.. 3, box 144A Salem, Or.
FOR SALE 318 acres in Tillamook
county suitable tor stocK or dairy
ing, 2 miles to Beaver and cheese
factory; fair buildings and run
ning water. Might consider - .some
trade. Address Leig & Green, own
ers, Beaver, Or, Price $6000, some
tlma arlven. - . b202
FOR SALE 5 and 10 acre tracts.
all cleared, close to wooauum,
choice berry land close to school
and highway; $20 percent down
and $20 per month. See or write
V. R. Putnam. Woodburn, Or. n!99
lttwi'uv TinivrR TM THE
City Twenty acres, edge of the
city on -Garden road, splendid 8
room house, full cement basement,
eleetrle lights, flna - barn, wind
mill, granarylitchicken houses; all
the stock, chickens, etc, most of
the furniture, Ford car, all goes
for a quick sale. Owner sick must
- leave The finest home property
adjacent to Salem city schools. The
price Is low for that class of prop
erty. M. W. Rowley, 305 State St.
- . - a
The Little Fellow can
FOR SALE Bi acre all la crop,
highly improved, 9 miles outt ou
rock road. 1 mile south of Sajem
Dallas highway. Price with H of
crop $11,000, terms. Harr a Mul-
ner, zug uregon bldg. - b
FOR SALE 21 acres74 acres in bear
Ing logans, 2ft cherries, prunes and
peaches, all of balance in cultivation
The soil Is rich, loose loam; new
house, barn and outbuildings, 4 &
miles north of Salem. Price includ
ing stock and Implements $10,500,
V cash, balance 6 years 6 per cent.
Han & Muller, 08 Oregon bldg,
- n
For Sale Miscellaneous, j .
LEATHER hand bags $6.75 nd up.
r. Max p. Bupen, N. Commercial.
FOR , SALE Sack sacks, sacks,
grain,' oats and, potato. Capital
' Junk Co., 225 Center St. ' '
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra
, special, 34o double roll. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'L ': a
FOR SALE 8x10 and 8xl2 wall
tents, also larger tents of all kinds.
Steinbock Junk Co., 320 If, Com
FOR SALE Fruit Jars, , all sizesi
ciieap. uapitai, junk co,, ,226 Cen
ter street c201
NEARLY new Altinan & Taylor olov-.
ej huller for sale or trade. Will
trade for Samson of Fordson trac
tor. Call or write James Best, Rt.
z, salem, Or. v. s c!99
FOR 'SALE Large Champion prunes
now ready. Phone 112F12. e200
FOR. SALE Fruit Jars, , all sizes,
cheap. Capital. Junk Co., 226 : Cen
ter street. c201
FOR SALE My entire household
furnishing. In good condition, 235
Union street, opposite; Marion
square. Hallle Parrish Durdall. cl98
For Sale Automobiles
FOR. SALE- 1918 Maxwell roadster,
': .2 - new tires, , good running order.
For quick sale '$375. G. C. Moir,
871 Court St. ql98
FOR SALE Velie car, four' passen
ger roadster, good shape; a bar
galn. Call at 2075 N. 5th St. q202
FOR SALE Ford truck-in good re
paUvwlth long Job wood and grain
hauling, $650, Easy terms, on half.
CaU at Cunningham's camp gtound
inquire for truck. ' ' " q!98
FOR SALE Automobiles. Almost
new 2 Republic truck used 90
-days. Just broke in and running
nicely, $1200, to handle $400. Re
bate for cash or will take late
model Ford touring car. and give
terms. Box Wm K care Journal, or
129 S Com'l. "r ql98
1919 Dort overhauled and repaint
ed $800. 1919 Overland $800; Ford
bug, newly built; '"It's a bear,"
. $450; 1918 Chevrolet $450; 1917
Maxwell $400. Cherry City Garage
170 S. 12th St. ql97
FOR SALE Ford, good mechanical
shape, price right. 560 N. 21 t.
Phone 2018J. ml97
FOR SALE Chalmerst In good me
chanical condition. Price 1 $226,
Phone . 1175 or oall 346 N. Front
St. after 5 p. m. q!98
For Sale Livestock.
FQR SALE Or trade .for horse,- a
good Jersey cow. 233 S. Church.'
STOCK hogs for sale, from small
pigs up to 125. lbs. Some full bloods
Phone 254 or 622. el97
FOR SALE Ancona hens, one year
old; also one year old rooster and
cockerels; best of breeding stock.
W. G. Pearmlne, Phone 98F2. fl98"
FOR SALE Pigs. Call 86F22. cl99
FOR SALE Good work team, 1595
N. Cottage. ' e!97
RABBITS for sale or trade for wheel
434 S. 16th St. 6197
FOR SALE Sows and pigs. Regis
tered stock. Phone 18F21. e"
FOR SALE 1 team black mares, one
has colt 3 months old, the othr
- going to have colt. Rt. 5, box 152.
Phone 74F12. . : e!97
FOR SALE Three months old Ches
ter White pigs Papers if desired.
Phone 65F15. ? e200
PEDIGREED and registered New
Zealand Red rabbits. All ages. Sac
" rifice sale. 809 N. 21st. Phone 9 12 J
FOR SALE 24 Rhode Island Red
hens, 1 year old. 444" N. Com'l St.
H. C. Lockhart. ' ' fl97
FOR SALE A bargain, 2800 lb.
team and harness at Club stables.
Phone 7. 17
Wanted Help.
LOOKERS who need suit eases. Ma
O. Buren, .17 N. Com'l, - ' g'
HIGH school boy wants work for
board and room in private lamiiy
Dr elsewhere, when school begins.
' Box H S care Journal. hl98
LESS HELP NEEDED If you have a
TAtrpntinn oil cook siova. vtittA kj.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. - ' - g
WANTED Man and wife to live in
rooms to do chores and look after
property. Free room rent, lights
and water. Capital City Transfer
Co. Phone 933. gt
HOP pickers - wanted, register at
People's market, 155 North Liber
ty. Lee Hing Hop yard, Rt. 8; box
98. Salem. Jfnone inn. s
WANTED We are now registering
hop piCKers iur LIIO iKHLWixa. uuv
yard near Independence. Durbln &
Cornoyer over the J. C. Penney
store. Phone 491. g
WANTED . Lahorers, , teamsters.
plough holders, Fresno loaders and
dumpers, bridge carpenters, - for
railroad construction on the Willa-
mina & Grande Ronde Ky.. Co.
Bates & Rogers Construction Co.
- nd J. W. Sweeney . Construction
rn. Willamina. Or.-s - - gl97
GIRLS wanted desiring steady work
at the Glove Factory, hm "at
., 202
WANTED Dining room girl. Home
Rest. 223 N. Com.- ',e198
throw a nasty bunch
WANTED To trade almost new sur-
rey and harness for- hay. Phone
2058.: ; . v , v., . 1201
WANTED A lady cook at once, at
. jucks i,uie, uun 1 pnone. 163 B.
com. - .-' - . El7
Wanted to tent a nmHii rn nun
within 6 miles of Salem. Not over
!; CO acres and , party . pasture. Cash
,; rent, WhAt hav.e you? phone 483.
- . - -. -v 1198
WANTED -Furniture of all kinds.
See us before anyone else and get
- our prloes. Capital Junk Co., 225
sCenter street, 1 - 1201
WANTED Furniture of all kinds.
., See us before anyone else and get
our prices. Capital Junk Co., 225
Center street. - . 1201"
WANTED To ; buy, 2d hand 30-30
. Savage rifle, give price. Address
Bavage care Journal. 200
WANTED To rent four or five room
house furnished or party furnished.
J. H. Lieman care Capital Journal.
: , ml 9 7
WANTED To rent small farm, .near
, town, cash in advance. Phone 1791
-' J4. -- . - : . 1200
TRUNKS Stylish and low -priced.
Max O. Buren. 179 N.' Com'l. c
WANTED Board and room In pri
vate family. P. Q. box 231. 218
WANTED An old davenport, must
be cheap. Davenport 41 care Jour
nal, i - ! - 1 1 1 . i .f200
WASTER-Xypewrlting to do at borne
. . by .expartahoed stenographer. Ad
dress 2306 N. Liberty St, 244
For Sale Wood
FOR SALE Oak and ash ' wood.
Phone -2F22. ee228
OAK wood for sale, order now to
save re-handling charges and money
Capital City Transfer Co. Phone
83. 5 ' eel98
TRY phoning 1565M for wood. ee204'
WANTED Wood cutters wanted. C.
D. Query, phone T7F2. g'
TO TRADJfi-? For wood or cash, a
ouggy. ddu i. uummerciai. fncne
696. m217
WOQD FOR BALE l-in. old Mr,
16-in. mill "wood,;- special price -on
' car lots, prompt . delivery, strictly , 806 p. Church, phone ,1542.
Fred E. "Wells ee
OFFICE rooms for rent; splendid
Janitor service. 205 Oregon bldg. J
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
.sleeping room for gentlemen, steam
heat, by the month. Phone 1427,
205 Oregon bldg.
THE cheapest and quickest way to
get your hay and grain to market
is by auto. Call 937, office; 674R
' evenings: Stand, State and liberty
i streets.1 Transfer work of all kinds.
R. O-. CummmKi : ; ml98
"MARTIN" paliiter. Call J04. 1217
FOR plumliing Vaii3 "general repair-
ine.caii ibsbw.', 1198
4, W. MAKL33Y ifart team work, eel
iar qgtng. He; has the only out
" fit in the CiW Cherry-City harns.
Phone 198 W , - 218
ORDER your.awjllng from Dillmann
2011 Maple ave. 1 ' ' ' c219
FOR carpenter Vork and general re
: pairing and painting wanted done,
call 1969. - " 1 m206
TRANSFER T-1 A. Barvick Co,
Country trips, moving. Wood for
sale. Good aervlce. Stand 271 North
Commercial. Phone 784.- "
- 320 aere tract located. south of Sa
lem, 80 acre plow land, balance good
second growth "fir" timber," house and
barn, spring water piped to house.
Price $50 per acre. Tterms.
200 acre traot'fjocated 9 miles out,.
100 acres farm land, .balance pasture
and goo dtimber, good road, . build
ings. Price $125 per acre.
80 acre tract 6 miles out, 30 acres
cultivated, balance . pasture and tim
ber, spring water. Price $9000.
Well Improved 20 acre farm, good
buildings; this is a first class farm.
Price $150 per acre. ' ,..",
60 acre farm, :30 acres cultivated,
balance pasture "and timber; house,
barn, spring, some fine bottom soil
and good hill land; 6H miles from
Salem. Price $8500.
17 acre . tract, 1 10 . acres bearing
prunes, 2 acres logans, balance - culti
vated, located on Pacifio highway,
close in. Price $12,000. .
10 acres of geod bottom soil, all
cultivated, some fruit, small build
ings. Price $2200, $600 down, bal-;
ance terms. ,., - ?
Well Improved 16 acre tract close
to car line, modern house, sightly lo.
cation; strawberries, loganberries,
cherries, some timber. Price $12,000.
5 acres' of good loganberry, straw
berry or prune soil .located south of
Salem, Pacific highway. Price $1600
Well improved 10 acre tract, good
bungalow, barn, loganberries, prunes,
strawberries, good road, close in.
Price $7500. ' "' .
5 acres bearing- cherry orchard.
Price $4200. ...''-
15 acre tract of good fruit soil, 11
acres cultivated. Price $2200.
1 acre close in, good 6 room cot
tage, electric lights. Price $2000.
12 acres located east of Salem, close
in, good soil, 7 room bouse, fcarn, lo
ganberries, raspberries, close to car
line. Price-$6300.
16 acre tract located : north of Sa
lem, small house, 4 acres logans, fine
sandy loam soil. Price $5500, $2000
down, balance to suit.
If you want to buy, trade or sell see
275 State street. n
FOR SALE If you want a fine large
home, fine location, one of the best
in Salem, I have it. '
A large house, semi-modern, large
lot 65xl'65, close in, terms.
A good home, 6 rooms with lot 90x
160, ideal place- -for apartment
' house, 3 blocks from State. Price
$4500, good terms. , . -'
H. E. BOLINGER '". . .
Oregon, bldg. ' - ;"-.-
ffiJmucldes himself.
v ' ' I j;
but there's 'getting to be mighty few
good houses left in- Salem that can be
bought on.easy payments. I happen
to have most of em. And an. the poet
said "I'm ready" to be 'called.' "
Soon as the paper mill starts opera
tion where, are the " men 'going, to
find 'homes? I have two fine ones.
Just dandy for a family. Both with
in 12 blocks of the water works. And,
both can be .bought ,or a first , pay-
1.47111 ul fuvv uutm wiui iije uaiancu
monthly. One $"3000 the other $2100.
Take advantage of the conditions.
Make a little money on a resale with
out having a whole lot tied up! ,
Another 4 room house. Nice lot on
Fairmount, 1 $1200. $600 cash, bal
ance in 3-years..; ,
: Two fine lots three blocks
south of State with, three
house. $1200, $300 cash, $15 monthly
5 room bungalow on Broadway. $1,
450. A real snap. $460 cash, $20
monthly: -
You know it is like a game of
"musical .chairs." You've played it?
In the big shuffle tori houses, some
one is going to be left standing. Take
the Up. , .,, . , " v . ... . , - :V
;- Any of the fnllo wing nx be bought
' Two - blocks front pose' office, 6
room house, barn, $3200. Lot is worth
more. . . ...... ..... ,. . .
7 room house on paved street .near
S. P. depot. $3500, $750 cash. -.,
S. 21st St. Good 7 room house, 154
lots. $400 cash,' balance monthly.,
Nifty little 4 room bungalow also
on S. 21st Dutch kitchen, etc. 1200.
2 lots and lots of fruit on. S. 19th.
6 rooms and bath. $1200. '
6 rooms on N. 24th, '' good fruit.
$1400. i
A real pippin of a little 5 room
home well located. 2 anna lntn .nil
a dandy barn. $2300. " i v
0 room bungalow, N. salem, 2 lots;
full cement - basement. $2600. Like
wise really good..,-
Very attractive bungalow handy to
state house; 6 rooms and modern.
$2760. : . , , , ' ...
Close in 6 room home In splendid
shape. Good garage. Nice corner. Gas.
$3200. . ,
Center Wreet bungalow with gar
age. $4200.
7 room bungalow off S. Commer
cial, y, block carline. $3000. '
Three blocks off State. Excellent
6 room home with 2 lots; good fruit
and garden. Good terms. $2500. '
Four good lots: abundance of fruit,
basement; garage, 8 rooms, $3000. v
''; ' ." ALSO
' This one for instance at $5500. Is
unquestionably the best buy of Its
Kina in the city. 1 told the owner he
ought to get more for It, but he says
he won't be a piker. It is well worth
$7600. In fact I have sold worse at
that price. Seven ruums and strictly
modern in every respect. Well locat
ed, of course. .
Strictly .modern 6 room home Jn
the 12 hundred block Chemeketa
street. $4500. A beautiful home.
Close by is a lovely , home of 8
rooms $9600
One with 8 rooms with every mod
ern (Convenience. Splendid . location,
corner lot. E. front, $6500,
But then what's the usef If I ad
vertise all my listings at one ' time,
I'd require a full page.
If you are interested ln buying a
home, or building one, come- around
Let's get acquainted. ... 1. .. -,
Don't register gloom. There's good
times ahead.. Bumper ,crops, grain,
fruit and everythin'. ...jr.:
"J ust Real Estate" y
And real service i i.,
215-216 Masonic -Temple, Phones 1000
Salem, Oregon 1014
"alive" to live n
4 -toom bungnlow with full base
ment, nice large ' rooms and well ar
ranged ; built in features. A snap at
$3000. Terms.
Bungalow with 7 rooms and music
room; built in features, good base
ment, nice garden spot, new garage,
close to car line. $4200. .......
6 . room bungalow, modern except
rurnace, -lull cement basement, built
in conveniences, some fruit and good
garden spot. Nearly new. $3000. 1
Neat 6 room, bungalow, modern ex
cept basement; faces east on gravel
street good-garden spot. $2000.
6 room house, modern- except Base;
ment; 2, lots with plenty of fruit;
graveled street. $2100. Good terms.
6 room plastered residence on pav
ed street and close In; full basement
with stationary wash tubs; modern
exeept furnace. Extra large lot with
fruit, berries and garden; large chick
en pen. Located at 966 Oak street.
This is a real snap and will soon be
picked up $2800; good terms.
"8 room bungalow Just outside cltv
limits and 2 blocks to car line. Full
cement basement; faces east. Large
list of furnishings are included wlt'.i
place; $3000. half cash.
9 room plastered house on paved
s'reet, 8 fine lots, fine garden, plenty
fruit," berries, grapes, etc. Small barn
Fine buy at $4100, about half cash.
10 room -modern house well suited
for, keeping roomers; very close in pav
e(J -street; east front. In good condi
tion; comparatively 'new. $5500,
10 room modern bungalow In fine
condition and well located; close In,
on paved street; house and furniture
insured for $9000. Price $8000.
Fine 8 room house, modern in all
respects, close in; paved street; built
Only four years In fine residence sec
tion: paved alley. A truly fine home
$8500. . . .
Fine 8 room rmldfcrtce on Court
street;" full Tinpnt basement; furnace,
toilet on both floors; lots of fruit and
berries. A fine home at $8000.
4i State'St, Ground floor. ji
13 acres close to Hood River, 4
acres in fruit, 3 acres ln .timber, on
a good road and only 2 miles from
the city limits; free water, for irriga
tion. Will sell for $5600 or trade for
Salem property, - '"
X acres river bottom 1 mile from
the city limits; all in ; loganberries,
running water on place, $5500' terms
8 acres river bottom- close in ; 4
acres cleared balance timber. $1700.
6 acres all in fruit, good barh, well,
no house; eiose to 'Pacific highway.;
$3200. ... i .
26 4 acres on Sllverton road Just
outside the city close to car line, on
pavement; fine berry land, close ln.
$500 per acre, will sell part.:1
9. acres 1-8 mile from the city lim
its, 714 cleared; V, acre logans and Vi
acre strawberries; 5 room, house, fair
barn, etc. $2600, . .-.'.;
6 acres Joining the above 'tract, all
cleared and ln crop;. .family orchard,
1-3 of the crop goes with the place.
$2000. ' .
71U acres 1VL miles out; .10 acraa
in -prunes, acre' timber; -all fine
prune or berry land: beautiful " view
of the city, only $5250. -
160 acres in' Lincoln county: 1
miles from post office and store, also
cream route, black soil. Only $10 per
acre.. . . '.
if you are in the - market !f or a
home or an -investment' aee us before
you buy. ;If we have something to
suit you, we will be glad to sell it, if
not, we won't foroe you to buy. .. .
, SOCOLOFSKY . . -341
State St. . ' n
FOR BALE ... ... ;- '.- -- .
2 beautiful lota on N. Church St.
pavement inv . -,'A
You will find a splendid investment
in 6 room house, on ti. Church Bt.
Lot 6xl6fi, v. .':
6 room bungalow, a beautiful home
in every, respect. Lot 40x100. f , , ...
Six room "bungalow and ' it ' lots.
This .bungalow is exceptionally ' well
built;; needs tinting and may need
painting. .Yard needs to . he cleaned
up. Can ; be bought
at ' reasonable
6 room bungalow, . large lot rith
beautiful shade trees and -garden.
Gag range, .gas : heater and bed go
with house.... . . .-
. . - ... .v, . .
A tire shop for sale In splendid lo
cation in Salem, at invoice price, -;.
A corner lot, right in. business aeo
tion of Salem can be bought at very
reasonable .price Just now.
"'Six room modern bungalow; lino-
leum, gas heater and gas range will
go with place Beautiful large fruit
trees. Lot 60x182.
8 room house on Hood street. Close
to school. " ,
It room house on N. WJnter atrset
Splendidly arranged for rooming,
bouse. , - ,
' A beautiful home on Saginaw St.
Perfect ln every detail. Largs tot,
east front. ; 1
7 room cottage on Chemeketa St.
7 room house on N. Church street,
east front, almost in -down town dis
trict. ' . ' '
7 room house on N, Cottage street,
In splendid condition, east front, small
lot; ,, ; ... ;., ,.-,,,
House on Liberty street, 7 rooms,
all .on one- floor. ... ; i; , . ; -,- ; .
7 room . house' on S.
street. '-' '
492 N. Cottage St. Phone 1186.'
6 room house, electrto lights, bara
some fruit, one acre land.. A bargain
$1700, terms, ' : i ,
6 room cottage bungilow on car
line, good locality. Price $1500, $500
down, monthly payments. .
7 room modern house close in on
paved street, basament, electric lights
bath and toilet. $3601, V, down.
A 6 room bungaiov on paved street
fireplace, full bawmont, in tine lo
cation near car lino.. $4000, down.
7 room bungalow, modern, garage,
paved street, near cur lino; nl;nout
new. $5260, $2000 down.
6 roo mbungalow, modern except
furnace, on paved street.. This is a
good buy. $5600.
6 room bungalow modern except
furnace, lot. of fruit,, large lot, one
block to car line. Price $4500, terms.
0 room bungalow, modern, on pav
ed street, block to car line; a fine
home. $6500, part cash.
416 Masonic Temple. Phone 853. n
20 acres in the best fruit district
In OPegon, surrounded by $1000 an
acre land, five acres six year prunes.
loaded; 4 acres gooseberries, 8Va acres
strawberries. Now listen, there are a
series of springs on this place that is
used to irrigate six acres of this land,
which if set to logana will Insure
you six tons to the acre, these, state
ments will be verified by any field
man of any canning company in this
town. The price Is $8000, if you have
not $4000 to pay down, don't bother
me, if you have I can show you the
best investment near Salem. "Nuff
Sed." - . ,
806 State street. - n
Nearly new six room bungalow
with 4 lots, 8 blocks from -car line, 1
block from paved atreet, gravel street
in front. The house has beam ceiling,
and built in conveniences, furnace
heat, and a very lovely place; ovqr
$200 worth of cherries on place thuv,i
year. The lour large lota will keep a
family in ail the vegetablea you need.
Seeing this at the very low . price
means to buy at once before some one
else beats vo.u to It,. Only a few days
at $.3500. Best of terms. ,
406-7 Oregon bldg. ..;' .
' $ ', ', 305 STATE ST., ' .
112 acres six miles south of Salem .
all cleared, all In crop, . famous red,
soil; nine acres orchard, good six
room house, large bam, improved.
Soring Diped to house. $800 per aor
for all, but not lesa than 60 acres inn
eluding buildings.
100 acres three .miles from Brooks,
80 acres cleared, 15 acres Lake La-.
hlsh land, richest f soli; good Bevan
room house, large barn,, outbuildings.
garage, three wells, spring,, running
water; rented for $12 per acre, 20,i
000, $5000 will handle. ,.
60' acres 6 miles south, thirty clear
ed, black and. red soil, splendid six
room house, large barn; well, spring
and running water. Price $8500.
.100 acres 1 miles BE Salem. 90 In
cultivation, five, room house, out
buildings, good barn, well, apringa
and running water. $116 per acre, v
62ft acres famous Howeu rrairid,
41 cleared, fine fences, family orch
ard, good E room house. A Bnap at
$200 per acre. $4000 will handle.
40 acres, 7 roam house, six mile
directly south, 23 acres cleared, 18
timber and pasture, 22 acres prune
5 to 10 years old; 1 acre logans; two
story 7 room house, barn, chicken
house etc. Spring nd running -water,
all for $12,000, $4000 will han-.
die. :'" ' '' '' '' ' "'
80 acres all in cultivation, t milea
SW Salem, Rosedale district, 20 acre
full bearing prunes, acres apples, S
acres logans, acre cherries; all
stock and implements, 6 room house,
barn, new fruit dryer, apring piped to
house. Crop, stock and equipment all
for $13,000, $6000 will handle; miut
be taken at once. , .
Inquire of us about fully equipped
fruit-farms of 60 acres, 30 acre
prunes, 2 horses, 2 cows. D shoata, S
brood sows, 600 chickens, imple
ments; 6 acres strawberries, all the
oropi ilx room house, fine new barn.
This is a crackerjack, everything In
cluded for $16,000, H cash. .
305 State St, ' n
6 room plastered cottage, bath, toi
let, lights, jfull .basement, hearing
fruit, two Jots, east front, carline,,
south Salem. Price $2560, $560 down
balance $25 .per month, 8 percent In-
7 room plastered house located
close in, bath, toilet, lights, basement.
Price $2400, $500 down, balance $2i
per month, 7 percent interest.' , ;
5 room cottage located at 1484
ri,,m,b, .treot. bath, toilet, lights.
large lot, pavad street. Price $2600,
I $000 down, balance terms. .
I 6 room house located at 1830 B.
I Commercial street, bearing fruit.
I Price $2800, $1000 down, ; Daianu
terms. -. , ' . . . .
, Good 5 room bungalow, two tin
lots, paved' street Price $3000.
Good 8 room nouse imawii .
Fairmount Hill, 110 W. Lincoln St.
Bath, toilet, lights, beautiful vieW
n.,innkinir ttie cltv. oaved streets,
lot 75 1y 100 feet, corner lot. Prlc
$4000, V, cash.
Good 6 room house located oloa
tn state house, - modern, fireplace.
furnace. Price $5800.
Good 6 room bungalow ana w
fine lots, bath, toilet, lights, base
ment. Price $3200, cash, balance
8 percent interest. , 1 ,, . . ; '
: room house, bath, toilet, lights,
two fine lota. Price $3900, oaah
balance percent Interest. . -
( room house and .large lot locat
ed close in. Price $4500. ,
7S RtntB street.
noon BUYS
Nice . 8 room bungalow with nice
lot on gravel street, all modern ex
cept basement, east front, at tns
ritNlce 6aare tract Just off the high
way with all kinds of bearing fruit,
and 4 room house, barn and other
out buildings, together with etoon,
tools and all crops, for $4500.
Choice Income property now 'Tent
ed a ta good rental close in, can bs
had if sold soon, at a sacrifice price.
7 room house and 4 lota with barn,
garage and all kinds of fruit and,
berries, must be sold by Saturday; II
interested in any of thess bargains
call phone 807.
' . ' 806 STATE STREET ..
WB HAV JGi A Ol"'"" " " 1
uiv 111 1 iwiri'D
The undersigned will receive seal
ed bids up till 6 o'clock p. m., aep
tember 6, 1920, for the purchase of
85 tons of baled grain and vetch hay,
crop of 1920. Also 6 tons of baled
straw. The City reserves the right to
reject all or ajy part .of la bid.
City Recorder.
WB will pay you more cash to J"
household gooas. m " ,.
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware store, 271 N. Com
merPlBl street. Phone 784.
FURNITURE New and banana.
bought ana sia. uram" j
House, 404 Ferry Bt, Phone 1177.
teopathic pnysiciana ''
606 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 859.
Dr. 'White, res, phone 46; Dr.
Marshall res, pnone an.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathlo
physician and Burgeon, mva-m
gon piag. kbb. i"''ro
FARM LOANS Any amount Low
rates. Full repayment pnvnw
Very prompt service. Ask about our
20-year loans at per cent. Haw
kins A Roberta, 206 Oregon bid
Salem. Or. " "
(Copyright, 120, b7 H. C. risheti
Trade Mark Bee. U. B. Pat OXXkM