Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 18, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Auto Damaged
Women Injured
Head-on Smash
By Kuth tienore Fisher
All Saturday society must be
Id the office by four o'clock Fri
day, Phone 82, ...
independence. Or., Augr. IS. While
a lo'-al physician was treating two
painfully bruised women and the serv-i-n
mtn from Skinners' garage was as
sembling the pieces from two wrecked
: cars yesterday forenoon on the Lueki-
' ITllltA rnnrf Aicrht mHoa aniithtuasi nf
th. h rH .v.- r. U.',. Washington, D,
wna nrtlntr tta Rfhirmn , n ..... m I n Salem C
controversy between two anry drivers. the Court- Several jears
pach of whom claimed the other was
at fault. - , - r '
From a statement obtained from 8.
Dyson, one of thet ourists. it is learn-
OCIETY is happy to welcome
back to Its set, Mrs, Loroy Leedy
and hr daughter, . lately .' of
C who have arrived
in Salem and taken apartments at
ago the
Leedy's were prominent in Salem
then they left for Washington, D. C,
and it . was while In that city that
Mr. Leedjf died. Since his death Mrs,
ed that J. t,. Wilbur and wife and Mr. Leedy and the childrun have been
and Mrs. Dyson of Seattle were riding
In a Buick driven by Wilbur, which
collided with a big machine owned and
driven by a commercial traveler,
whose name Mr. Dyson failedto secure.
The Wilbur-Dyson party had been
touring Oregon and California and
were enroute home when thev me'
traveling over the states.
Honoring her house guest, Mrs. J.
N. Mitchel of Kansas City, Mo., Mrs."
W. T. Grier was a lovely hostess last
Thursday when she invited eighteen
friends to a dancing party at Dream-
wit h the accident. Mr. Dvwin snid!lana rmit- L&ter sne took her guests
that both cars were traveling at a high to the sPa r a supper, -rate
of speed, but the other car was Mrs. Mitchell left 'Tuesday night
going faster than the onij In which he -for California to pass several weeks
was riding. At a sharp turn in the! before reluming to her home in the
road the other car. he said, held to Mat
etc sme or tne road and the Buick hit
it head-on right in the side. Both
cars were badly crippled and unable
to proceed 6n their Journey.
The commercial man insisted that
Mrs. C. E. Reinhart is leaving to
night for San Francisco to spend sev
eral weeks with her husband. . Mrs.
Wilbur was wholly at fault and w!l. I Reinhart will be acoompanied by her
bur was equally as positive that the daughter-in-law, Mrs. C. Edwin Kein-
other fellow was to blame for the ac-, na"- ttna "Br cnuaren 01 oan r ran
ctdent. Warm words ensued and it Cisco, who have been visiting in Sa
appeared as if there was going to be a "em a short time on their way home
tree for all fight, when a third and rrom Camaa, Wash., Where they vis
dlstlnterested party appeared on the ited with Mrs. Relnhart'a parents.
scene ana recommended arbitration Mrs. John Franklin of Kansas
Djr a justice or tne peace, and a physi- City Mo Mrs Re,nharfB sister, left
.claa to care for the two women who Tuesday for her home after visiting
r.wo u.cuiiis. istavii io- y,ere foe soma time
turned to Independence with the phy- nere. ror some tlme'
Bician and told the story of the affray.
Both parties will be held up here for Mrs. -Verne E. Johnson and her
Heveral days pending repairs, and in daughter of Welser, Idaho, are T".sit
the meantime the difficulty will prob-'lng at the home of Mrs. Johnson's
vbly be adjusted out of court. 'sister, Mrs. Emll Roth, on North Cot-
In the opinion of Dyson, both drivers ' tage street. Sunday the Roths will
are to blame, in a measure.- but, he motor as far as Portland with her
mated, ir tne otner car had kept its 'on her way to Seaside to visit rela-
stde of the road it would have avoid
fd the accident. "We had travelec
from Seattle to California," he said,
"and returned this far without an ac
cident. Mr. Wilbur is a careful driver
and he was not going more than fif
teen or twenty miles an hour when we
reached that point in the road." -Independence1
News NoU'A
The three men .whom the county
sheriff is said to have suspected as be
lng Implicated in the moonshine epi
sode here a few days a;o, are in the
city and claim they are prepared to
furnish a perfect alibi If necessary.
; The houses raided by the sheriff Is oc
cupied by a family named Evans, am.
two South boys, according to reports
current, are supposed to have been as
sociated with Evans.-. But the men
have not been arrested, and if .it were
those who escaped from the building
at the time of the raid, there is ap
parently not sufficient evidence to
warrant their arrest.
On acocunt of the heavy growth of
hops several yards in this vicinity are
said to be falling down. Anchor poets
are drawn from the ground by the
heavy weight upon the wires. In the
Hugh Hanna yard considerable dam
age Is said to have ben done, and ..
McLaughlin, it is reported, has one
hundred sixty acres down. This will
not be a total loss, of course, but it
will mean a handicap to pickers and
some loss to the grower.
Allen Jordan of this city and Miss
Emma Oldman of Monmouth were
married at the home of the latter's
parents Sunday afternoon. They will
be at home in Independence after a
Hhort honeymoon" tour at the coast. '
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. A, Becker Sunday at their home
in this cltv.
' T. W. Kilmer and W. C. Pajne of
Seattle were in the city yesterday, each
driving a big 20-passenger Velie car.
They had traveled from Seattle to
British Columbia and " through the
states to Texas with the Whitney Boys'
Chorus, comprising 44 members. They
left here for Salem last evening and
from there will proceed to Seattle,
having finished the tour.
Dr. and Mrs. Butler motored to Sa
lom yesterday, the former on business
and the latter to visit among friends.
Sunday evening the Seventh Day
Advents will begin a tent meeting in
the city on C and Railroad strets.
Reports coming from the coast
where J. G. Mcintosh and wife are
camDlnff. are to the effect that Mc
fishes every day, but so far had not
ben successful. But he is having a
good time and will be ready to start
for horns Sunday.
ttves there for a few weeks.
Mailman Gives
Rght-of-Way to
Run-Away Binder
Independent, Gt, o(T. IS. For at
least once in his career as United
Mates mall carrier, covering a period
of more than fifteen years in this vi
cinity, i Percy- Dickenson voluntarily
cave up the right of way and" he isn't
. norry that he-did. Driving north on
the Bueaa Vista road, yesterday fore
noon he saw a team of horses ap-
preaching at a high rate of speed. Be
" hind the team was a. binder swaying
first to one side of the road and then
the -other. Ths team belonged to a
. farmer who had left them-standing In
" the road without being tied and be
. coming frightened at something, ran
away. Dickenson lost no time in get
ting out of the road and in his hurry
the car went into a ditch. The ma
chine was slightly damaged, but he
managed to drive it home after a few
minor repairs. The horses were cap
turned before they had done much
harm. As the horses passed hit car Mr.
Dickenson observed that he did riot
Klve any too much of the rlgh of way,
And It was a close call to a serious ac
cident. -
Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Olson have re
turned from Seaside, where they
passed a few days.
Salem friends have heard from
Miss Ducile Watson, who for the last
two years, made her home In Salem
while teaohing at the Salem high
school. She and her mother are visit
ing In Spokane and she will soon
leave for Great Falls, Mont., where
she has accepted a position to teach
for the winter.
Miss Dorothy Pearce and Miss Lela
Rtgdon left Tuesday for Newport to
spend a fortnight. .
Salem people are regretting the'com
Ing departure of Mr. and Mrs. John
W. Todd from this city. ' They are
planning to leave Smem by Septem
ber . 1 to make their home in Van
couver, Wash. During the several
years which the Todds have lived
here they have made a host of friends
and were very prominent In educa
tional and musical circles,
Mrs, Jack . Barrett of Los Angelea,
who is visiting for several weeks
with hef parents, Mr, and Mrs. E.
A. Thatcher at their home, 717 North
Liberty street, is spending the week
in Portland. ,.
Dean Frances M. Richards of Wil
lamette university, returned to Sa
lem Tuesday night from Logan, Utah
where she visited for two months
with her sister.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Carlton Smith have
returned from a short stay at Nesko
win, where they were the guests of
Judge and Mrs, G. G. Bingham, at
their cottage there. .
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Skiff, Mr. and
Mrs. Clark Graves and". Mar Skiff,
Jr , left Tuesday for . Breitenbush
Hot Springs to spend a month.
Miss Pearl McGregor of Seattle is
visiting at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Arthur Benson, to spend her
Mrs. E. E. Upmeier Is spending a
few days visiting friends in Portland.
Miss Fern Wells returned Monday
evening (from Lake Geneva, Wis.,
where she attended the; International
Sunday school training Bchool. She
visited relatives in Iowa on her way
home. Miss Wells was gone ' five
weeks. "-' '?' ''" . "' "
Miss Emma Rodgers of 490 North
Eighteenth street left today for an
extended trip through the east which
will include New York, Nebraska,
Urbana, 111., Cleveland and- Toledo,
Ohio,, and In Oklahoma. Miss Rodgers
will be away from Salem for a year.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Clark and chil
dren have Just returned home from
Portland and near there where they
visited friends and relatives for ten
days. While there Mr. Clark attend
ed the convention of civil engineers.
Miss Mabel A. Wessele and Claude
A. Bruder were married at a uulot
wedding service at the home of the
groom, Saturday evening at 7:30
o'clock with Rev. Leland W. Porter
officiating. Only the relatives and a
few close friends were present to
witness the simple Jing service. The
couple were attendeU by Miss Olive
Leslie as bridesmaid and Frank Per
ry as groomsman. After a short hon
eymoo nln Portland and Oregon City
they will make their home in Sa
lem. . .-. ,
Mrs. F. A. Legge, Miss Margaret
Legge, Miss Grace Hunt and Kenneth
Legge have motored back to Salem
after passing a few days visiting
friends in Portland.- 1 "
Miss Hallie Hinges has gone to Se
attle to spend her jracation visiting
friends for two weeks.
Miss Lila Marcy'from Portland is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Minnie aBtes
at 1138 South 13th street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chambers have
gone to San Francisco to pass
Mrs. S. P. Kimball returned to Sa
lem Tuesday night from a visit with
relatives in Portland.
Open Parcel Post
To Movie Film
London. Auk. 18. Negotiations :i
beina ' conducted by the American
chamber of commerce in London with
the postmaster general In Washington
with a view to the removal of the pres
ent prohibition on the exportation by
narcel noat of cinematograph films
other than , thos e made of cellulose
acetate. -
This prohibition was instituted as a
war measure, but is still in force, and
is causlng-conslderable hardship to im
porters of American films. Importers
are required to pay on valuation,. In
eludlne forwarders' charges to the
amount of 2 ner cent of the invoice
value, and in some cases this rate is
figured on the negative films, tnus
including the cost of the British film
rights. .
In its communication to the Ameri
can postmaster general the chamber
of commerce points out that all other
countries in the Dostal union, with the
exception of the United States, handles
films by parcel post and that nims can
be sent from Great Britain to the
states by parcel post without restric
t LhwH.; ureal rooas c
0ee$i2i2f needed
fiUai'Siviii food.
Today Only
James J.
The Past World's Champion
In ,
"The Prince of
'Avenue A"
Silver Bell circle of the Neighbors
or the Woodcraft are planning to
entertain the Marion circle of the
same organization of Sllverton at the
rooms of the Salem circle In the Mc
Cornack hall Friday night. An inter
esting program has been planned
and refreshments are to be served.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jacobs re
turned yesterday from Seattle and
that vicinity, where they spent their
vacation of two weeks..
Mrs. Zadoc Riggs returned Tues
day from Seal Rocks where she was
the guest of Mrs. William Brown at
her cottage for a week.
Mrs. George Dunsford . returned
Tuesday night fro ma short visit
with friends and relatives in Portland
Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Allen and chil
dren have gone to Newport to T)ass a
Miss Hellen Elois of Grants Pass
returned to her home Tuesday after
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. D. Barton for several days. Her
stay here was shortened by the sud-'
den Illness of her mother. Miss Elois
is a-former. Willamette - university
Probe Water Rates
In Force, Lakeview
An investigation Into the rates, ser
vice and practices of the Lakeview
Water company, Lakeview, ' Lake
county, has been, Instituted by the
public service commission on Its own
motion. A hearing will be held at
Lakeview. on September 16. On the
same date the commission will hear
arguments on the application of N.
P. Jensen of Lakeview for an increase
in electric rates.
Ad Santel Defeats
Londos in Wrestling
San Francisco, Aug. 18. Ad San
tel. claimant of the light heavyweight
wrestling championship of the world
defeated Jim Londos by straight falls
here last night. Santel got the first
fall in two hours 27 minutes 35 sec
onds and the second in 12 minutes
18 seconds, both with an arm scis
sors hold.
Carolinians Try Again.
RalelghW. C, Aug. 18. Suffragist
leaders predicted that an attempi
North. Carolina senate reconsider the
vote by which It decided yesterday to
postpone action on ratification of the
sufrage amendment until next session.
Posters for the 1920 Round-Up at
Pendleton are now off the press and
will bed istributed broadcast through
out the country.
s,W5j "'Iron is red blood food and in
n!rsM, myencrience I have found
SfSjSnSf no better m5ns of building
sli creased3 power tin
, bloodthsnorBaniciron;
issp Vr. H. B. Vftfl. formerly
UCTtrcHc' - Dini-fl Haenltal tad a
ft 4(3. 'lMUeai Eiooiuw. -
Saves You Money
Brownie's Dog Gone Tricka
T2e Century Wonder Dog
Ye Liberty
Come to our drug store in ample time for your sick
room supplies. You should hve our antiseptic things;
and, at the same time get the powders and perfumes you
Will need for baby.-. . v
Let OUR store be YOUR store for all the medicines
and drug store tilings the whole family needs. .
We are Careful Druggists.
Tyler's Drug Store
1 157 S. Commercial Street
Uncomfortable Eyes
Made Comfortable
Our Message
The average, normal human being has a horror of wear
ing glasses a horror that was quite justified half a cen
tury ago, when atrocious disfiguring spectacles were in
use. But today the modern eyeglass., will ..practically
every case really improve the appearance, if intelligently
designed and made. i
Of course appearances are only secondary to relief from
eyestrain; but if you have to wear glasses why not have
hem add to rather than detract from your appearance.
We know how to prescribe lenses and make them: look
their best. . , '
Hartman Bros Co.
Jewelers and Opticians
11$ ft
Fancy, figured Voile, .40 7Q 0 and QQ
inch, value up to 1.75..4 wOt
Beach Cloth,; 36 inch, for-sport skirts,
and outing suits, extra
32 inch Soisette
49 c
: Of aUWah Goods;
. Here's a wonderful assemblage of sheer,
dainty and colorful fabrics which can W
made up into ultra modish and practical gar
ments for street, sports and dresswear.
Many of the fabrics are priced considerably
less than their original cost to us. It is just
one more illustration how profits are totally
disregarded when "Clean Up" time comes ,
. around. ' - - . ,
,7.,. 50c, 59c, 79c
36 inch' "heavy skirting Pique .
65c, 69c, ?8c, $1.00, Sl
Heavy Striped Japanese crepe,, fast color,,
non-shrinkable, 30 inch, extra QJJC
" special ,.;......; I.
Piece Goods;
At'August Clean-Up Reductions v
Su5 offeff foSnv a ded Vou take immediate' advantage of ttoV
'SShta T Sloi anJ mttirn and &oods remnants. They are in various weave
JdSa r skirt TWr S'd Contain enouh yt to make a blouse a suit or coat,
a aress or skirt, lney re worth ronr than fw .j
ura uuieu prima.
Ladies' Store
'All Remnants Marked Half Price
&r J!f04 hi i JfajnA.
Blen's Store
H 41S State St
466-74 State St
mr pa k t 4 a . " cmn m am n "