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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1920)
the Weather Tonight ftilrj. Thursday ttli"1 ' - Maximum Tuesday 75 j 6UiF Vodv 41. No rainfull. River minimum touny . 'jj, BtUtiOUW- CtrcIc;::.) mm Average for BU Months Martin 1, 100 5259 .Member of Audit Bureau of Associated Press Full ImmI ttmttYHIRP YEAR-NO. 197 SALEM, OREGON' WEDNESDAY, AUGUST X8, 1920 price two chjtj ml. rrf THl ? P . I 7 i U C fPlP A 77 ennessee j&aunes ivau&nm mtrage menmneu Votes for Women Assured In Coming Election Through Ratification bp 36th State Poles From By Drive Russians Danzig Corridor Counter Offensive le of Warsaw Favor able to Poles -- Minsk Captured From Reds Who are Forced Back From Vistula-Peace tnvoys t o Recognize National Existence of Poland Paris Aug. 18.-The Polish counter offensive with Thorn aa iW base has successfully cleared the Danzig corridor of Russian troops according to a report received from the French mission jnPoan a-a Bf4il rlrivino fVo .... v The roilon iwwo iv -- o "v. wlo x tpui naya. o.rf.- ins. 18.'-Tne Jr-oies nave r"t - caotured Novo-Minsk. a short distance st of Warsaw, according to-a dis natch from the Polish capital today. The battle of Warsaw appears to be favorable to the Poles, the dispatch ays. ' Berlin, Aug. 17. A telephone mes from Posen tonight stated that the Poles had forced the Russians back from the Vistula . (if teen kilo meters. A Koenigsburg dispatch .reported success for a Polish counter attack attack along the line Plonsk-Novo Georglevsk, proceeding from Ciechanow.-A bolshevik attempt to cross the Vistula north of Ivangorod was report ed frustrated and the Poles were sala to have resumed counter operations mitneasi 01 Warsaw. Bolshevik. Report. . . . Moscow, Aug. 18. Bolshevik forces northwest of Warsaw captured 1200 prisoners and seven guns in a battle in which they lost and regained the town, of Clechanow, 65 miles from Warsaw, according o Tuesday's official com munique. "'I ' The statement follows :; ..- . "The enemy broke through to the Narew and occupied Ciechanow but was driven back by our counter at tack and we re-occupied Ciechanow. We captured 1200 prisoners and seven guns. "Fierce fighting continues northeast of Novo Georgievsk and Warsaw. West of Vladimir-Volynskl, we occu pied Brubeshov and a number of vil lages south of Grubeshov. - In the Tamopol region, we occupied a num- tr of points and advanced to Zbor o." , . , . . ... 110 Meter Hurdle Won Thomson by Amer Peace Delesates Meet. London, Aug. 18 Russian neacn aeiegatea at Minsk have ben instruct ed to recognize fully the national ex istence of Poland and not to interfere in the domestic affairs of that coun try, says a Minsk dispatch to the Her aid, labor organ, quoting an interview. All general meetings of the confer ence will be public, M. Danishecsky is quoted as saying. "We will listen to all Polish arguments and while keep ing close to the- published terms, have no intention to refuse reasonable modi fications. The crucial points are those giving, us. security against Polish ag gression. No new demands . will be added to those already made public." Pence, Termg Read: , i . Moscow, Aug. 17. The Russian so viet peace terms were read to the Pol ish delegates at- their first meeting with the soviet representatives", in Minsk today. - The Polish answer will be returned tomorrow. i. k:; " An official statement .said: '" "The Minsk conference opened to day at 7 p. m. with a speech by Chair main Danishovsky, after, which cre dentials were exchanged. Danishovsky emphasised Russia's respect for Pol and's independence, sovereign rights and right to determine her own form of government, and - said . Russia ac corded Poland more territory than the entente. "He said Russia must demand from thel andlords of Poland such guaran tees against renewed attacks as would not be neoessary from the workers and peasants of, Poland. The Polish dele gates proposed to bold the next sitting August 19 but the Russian insisted it 'be held August 1 8, whlchwas agreed to." . . . nesians strike to Protest War Reds and Poles Berlin, Aug. 18. French ' troops clashed with the inhabitants of Kat tawitvan important mining town of upper Silesia yesterday; eleven persons being killed and 26 wounded. Polish .troops, attempted to break up a mass meetig at Rybnik near Kattowltz. One person was kiled and four wounded. " Workers in all towns in Uupper Sile i struck yesterday as . a , nrotem gainst the war between . Russia and j ruiana. . A crowd at Kattowltz attacked a de tachment of French cavalry, killing one trooper, whereupon the Frenr. opened fire with machine guns and Penades, killing nine and wounding M. Milewski, a local Polish lead er, threw a grenade from a window ra was dragged from his house and killed. The security police, two of whose comrades were killed by the French , have refused to continue duty " the disturbance, the French ""ops were withdrawn from the town. Fatal Rioting at Siena, Italy kmdon, Aug. 188. Serious rioting occurred at Abbadia, near Siena, resulting in . j ' mimi. '"-""y of seevral others, ac-;rowler Coal Operators May Split Into State Divisions Cleveland. Ohio, Aug. 18 A division of the bituminous coal operators of the central competitive field Ohio, Indiana,- Illinois and Western Pennsyl vania wtih separate bargaining wnu the miners of reach state, is probable, it was learned' after today's meeting of the two sub-committees apoplnted by 'the joint scale committee who report ed a-, disagreement to tne joint com mittee in the existing -deadlock on the miners' reauest for an adjustment of alleged inequalities existing in the re cent award of President Wilson s -Bituminous coal commission. "Great .differences exist among the operators of the four states," said Wiliam Green, secretary-treasurer of the United Mine Workers of America, "which may result in the disruption u. the joint wage movement now in force in the central competitive field." "It was learned from an authorlta , r- that ooerators of Illinois and Indiana are in favor of settling the controversy exisiting over he in equalities in the wage award but that the operators of Ohio ad western "Pennsylvania are opposed to adjust ment." - ican Running for Canadian Hangs Up New Worlds Record Finn Wins Throw , Antwerp, Aug. 18. Earl Thonison, Dartmouth college star representing Canada in the Olympic games, today won the finaf heat of the 110 meters hurdles, hanging up -a new world's record of 14 4-5 seconds. H. E. Bar ron, Meadowbrook club, Philadelphia, was second and Fred S. Murray, New York A. C. third. Wilson, New Zea land, was fourth: Walker Smith, Chi cago A. A., fifth, and Carl Christierns- sen, sweaen, sixth. - The old record, 'both Olympic and world's, was 15 sec onds. 8000 Meter Steeple Chase. Four Americans qualified for the finals in the 3000 meter steeple chase preliminary this morning. They were Michael Devanney,, Millrose A', C. : Patrick Flynh, Paulist A. C; R. B. Watson, Kansas Agricultural college, and Al .Hulsenbosch, paulist. A- C. Others who qualified were Ambrosini. Italy; Rissanen, Finland; Hedval and Mattson, Sweden, and Hodge, Eng: land. . '- - -. Hodge made1 the beat time; 10 min utes and 17 2-5 seconds. .. Patrick J. Ryan, Louglin Lycetim, New 'York, easily took first place In the qualifying round of the 18 pound hammer throw. Ryan threW the ham mer 52.83 meters. B. Bennett, Chicago A. A., was second with a throw of 48.23 meters. C. Lind, Sweden, was third with 48 meters; Svensson,,t, Sweden; fourth. 47.29 -meters; M. J. McGrath. New York A. C., fifth, 48.67 meters, and N. Llnde, Sweden, sixth, with 44.88 H meters. - - ,-, . , . , ; , J. M. McEachern, Olympic club San Francisco, who was seventh with 44.70 meters did not qualify. ,,Finn Wins, Hammer Throw. Americans oaptured .the first two places in the qualifying round .of the 18 pound hammer throw today while another American . took fifth place. Patrick' J. , Ryan, Loughltn Lyceum. New York, threw the hammer 52.83 meters, 1.91 meters short of the Olym pic record, made by M. j. McGrath of the New York A. C. at Stockholm tn 1912. Bennett of the Chicago A. A. was second with 48.23 meters. Mo- Grath took fifth place with 48.67 me ters. .'.' :: Ryan "appeared in the" arena with baggy black trousers and coat over ht" throwing togs, looking like ' a huge mountain, even among the other Dig fellows. As his turn came he wouia calmly toss off the coat, slip his sus penders dow and step out of the trous ers, swing a few times and heave the hammer far beyond most of the -oth- Article X Essential to Covenant Secretary Baker Dis cussesLeague of Na lions and Objections Effectiveness at Stake Columbus, Ohio. Aug. : 18. Formal announcement ; of his purpose to dis cuss during the presidential campaign 'some of the objections", which have been urged against American partici pation in the league of nations, was made' yesterday by Secretary -ot War Baker, speaking before the Ohio state democratic convention. : "When the suggestion -based on par- tisan feeling have ben swept aside,'" Mr; Baker said, "there remain but two or three point which- really deserve serious consideration? . The most im portant of these is that which is ad dressed to 'article- 10 of the covenant, which articles, the president has said, is the heart of the whole matter." ; Asserting that the : whole question hinged upon article 10, Mr. Baker de voted himself to discussion of that sec tion of the covenant, saying that he did not believe that there could be -any league or peace or disarmament with out "the equivalent of article 10 in the covenant as a Common principle and obligation by all nations of the earth." f '"Those who -criticise article 10," he said, "misread into It some sort of fear that it places the military- power of the United States at disposal of the coun cil of. nations. and will, require Ameri can armies to be sent overseas to en force guarantees of article 10 without 'consent oif the American people; but there is nothing whatever in the cove nant which seeks to change the power given by the .constitution to congress alone to declare war.-. . ' , "While it might well be that in the early stages of the operation of so great a principle, it might be necessary hart been 'transacted leisurely. . An tor the great powers to show .the Bin- outsider sat in the room and watch 'cerity of their adherence to it by actu-ed the dock's hands make their cir ially enforcing it, and such occasion, so cult while a reporter drew squares Open "Tickle lit" Souvenirs to Find . Very Real Ticklers New York, Aug. 18. - James Shevlin, federal prohibition en forcement agent, today started an investigation to ascertain wheth er there was really a "tickle" In the little souvenir bottles passed out last night at the opening per formance of "Tickle Mee" ' at a theater. v , . While singing an encore to one lumber entitled "We've. , I Got 3omethlng" the chorus girls pass id down- the aisles carrying bas kets filled with tiny bottles, label ed whiskey. A few in the audience opened their souvenlns, sniffed, tasted, smacked their lips and gave exclamations and applause that left no doubt .as to their opinion of the refreshment., - J.W.Todd,Head Of Public Schools In Salem Resigns , John W. Todd, for four . years su perintendent of Salem schools, ten dered his resignation to. the school board at a special meeting held Tues day night at the high school. Mr. Todd told the board that he wanted to leave In order to enter the real es tate and Insurance business In Van couver, Washington. , :-.!" Mr. Todd'a resignation came as .the grand finale of an otherwise -tame meeting. Business of a routine nature. Vote is Ckss in Tessessee House and Effort WD Be Mads to Reconsider Tomorrow -Di 1 1 e r Fight Over Ratification-Tie Vote Upon Re jection Preceeded Favorable Action Nashville, Term., Aug. 18 Tennessee today became the thirty sixth state to ratify the . Susan " B. Anthony federal suffrage amendment. The constitutional change thus will become effec tive in time for the 17(000,000 women of the country to vote in the presidential election in November, unless the lower house ol the Tennessee assembly rescinds its action of today in adopting the ratification resolution, 49 to 47. - ' - ; Speaker Walker, leader of the an ti sufragists, put opponents In a position -far as the United States in .concerned, Iwould have to be addressed to the sound, wisdom ; of congress. Mean while, the league, ithout congression al action would- be able in alt human liklihood to make the guarantee effec tive1 by mere weight of its moral and economic power." i : : "Without article 10," Mr. Baker said, t'he league Is vain, while with it, the league becomes a great modern, civillzen agency," working to bring the world into 'Just relationship.'.' -r ,. ; - Article Ten American. "This is the article of the covenant, which it is said, neds to be American ize," Mr. Baker said. "It Is American. We Invented It and applied rf among ourselves; we fought for it is the carat on a sheet of otherwise blank paper. Reporter Asked to leave Suddenly Mr. Todd turned, and ask ed "that 'the reporter, and the -other man leave the room. He wished to talk to the bbard privately, he said. They left. , ' , '': Several minutes later they were told they might return. "Mr, Todd has tendered his resignation and it has been accepted," .it was announced. ' - Mr. Todd has spent nearly 20 years in school work and has held two teach lug positions and two superintenden cies. He spent five years in a high school at Phoenix, Ariz., four yers in a high school at Tacoma, Wash., to demand reconsideration bp chaiur ing his vote from nay to aye and rm.v ing to reconsider. : The house ad journed until- 10 'o'olook tomorrow. when the speaker's motion' will have the right ot way. Suffrage and anti suffrage forces tightened, their lines this afternoon, for the final fight, and both sides were claiming victory. The suffragists, however, had tht. advantage of today's victory and ex pressed confidence that Speaker Walk er's motion would be voted down to morrow, ' The next step then would b the certifying of the action to the sec retary of state of. the United States, who would Issue a proclamation de claring the amendment ratified. ' The Tennesse senate ratified the amendment last Friday by a vote of 25 to ..., ', -. v. ' Seek Another State. Suffrage leaders- deolare they will not slacken their -efforts; aa they desire to have at least one other state ratify before the November elections, as they expect a fight to be made against Ten nessee's action because of the clause In the state constitution which prohibits any assembly from action on an amend ment hot submitted before the mem bers were eleoted. Both United States Solicitor General Frleraon and the at torney general of Tennessee have de clared this clauuet o be unconstitution al in the light of the recent decision of the supreme court in the Ohio, ref erendum Case, ; ' Ratification by the Tennessee legis lature was the culmination of an in tensive drive made by suffrage pro ponents to have the amendment 'made efefctive in time for (he women of the country to vote In the presidential election in November. The drive was started when West Virginia became the thirty-fourth state to ratify early this year. - i '-" - '' Other States ML Washington was the thirty-fifth to " f Iva vara nn nunerlntAnriAnt nf iw.hnnla nal principle at issue in the world war; 'at Auburn( wash;, and four years In our -president formulated It and forced ,8a,em , "Conditions have been most pleas- its acceptance, Its principle and its pur pose are thoroughly American." e are norousa., . , - ant , Salem and , dIgUke yery muc!l kiatifir- nt all err Skat fiivlllzea ' . '" ".' ' . "lunnwnT-the eere-lt0 leave" Mr. Todd said. "I have McGrath strameo ms kub i" todav and It is feared he may be forced-tary said. ' - - ' ' to remain out of the 56 pound weight "If we do not go hito the league of to remain uui fiu must continue to arm." he eVThe final of the 16 pound shot put continued. If we are to play a. lone was won by'PorkoIa of Finland wui. hand, it must be a strong hand. We N was second;' Niklander, Finland, venal race for armed supremacy, civl-jing Alpheus Gillette, an instructor in made many warm friends here "Mr; Todd is leaving with the sin cere friendship' and the very best wishes of the board," one of the members stated. During the early part of the meet Prowler. Hunted by Police, Vanishes roamfng lap. whereupon the excited Italian jf th i r-H - Tammer. Nilsson, Sweden, iirtn. ana r. j. Donald, New York A. C. sixth. Llversedge put the shot 14.15 met ers; Niianaer j..o; h""""' . Nilsson 13.84. ana Mcuonaia 10,000 Meter Walk. America was represented by only two of three qualified entrants in the final heat of the 10.000 meter walk. The event was captured by Frigerlo, Italy, who won by three-quarters ot a lap from J. B. Pearman, New York A. C., in 48 minutes 6 1-5 seconds. At the end of the fifth lap Pearman was setting the pace with Parker of Anstralia at his hels. Frlgerio spurted past Pearman into the lead on the t.nth lan and at the fifteenth lap was 1 90 yards ahead of Pearman. Police aid in putting to rout a night. Frigerlc .won W-- he said, was roaming -y ., WIw!,d the gmti. SOliCited at 1 -"L.r h. nl r Wll 1 1 h . Pr- who, ) . L' ome dispatches. Follow- about his house, was soiicilbu . - . t hut harilv youth. Pear MUi ,t ? at a mass meeting peas- o'clock Wednesday by Roy uuoen. ,"' - (inlshed econd in good form. cnurcnes. a mnnic a. Nortn unurezi bhwi.. . . department last year, was made head of the depart ment, : The next regular . meeting of the board will be held next Tuesday eve ning. ing for its own destruction.' Umpires Blame May's Tactics for Chapman's Death Boston, Aug. 18. The explanation by Carl Mays of the New York Ameri cans that the killing of Ray Chapman, star shortstop of Cleveland, wag due to a rough spot on the ball Mays pitch ed which caused it to take an unex pected twist, was the subject of a Warren. Pa., by automoMle. They statement today by Umpires "William have visited many, many municipal Evans and William Dineen of the 'auto camp grounds. Tuesday they told American league. ... officials at the local commercial club "No pitcher in the American league that the Salem camp for motorists was resorted to trickery more than Carl the most delightful they had found Salem Auto Camp Best In U.S.. Says Pennsylvanians W. V. Smith and B. P. Watson have traveled all the way to Salem from ratify and on the same day it acted- March 22 Governor . Townsend of legislature, of that state to act on the amendment.':. The Delaware assembly met early in May and the senate quick-, ly ratified, but action by the house was delayed.' Finally, June 22, the leglsla ture .adjourned -with the ratification resolution still in the house commit tee of the whole. Meantime the Louisiana legislature- met and efforts were made to have it act favorably. President Wilson ap pealed to Governor Parker to recom mend ratification, but the ; governor declined to do so. The atirjcatlon reso lution was .taken ud , late in Mar and. was debated : at, interval Governor Cox. democratic presidential nominee. threw his -influence on the side of the amendment, declaring that the demo- ' crats of the legislature owed it to their, party to. ratify the .amendment. The legislature . finally adjourned July 8, however, without acting. While the Louisiana legislature was considering the question, appeals for planks favorable to suffrage were made to both the republican and demo cratlo conventions and the republican convention was picketed by representa tives of the woman's party. ; , Lineup of Parties. ; The lineup of the democrats and re publicans on the. vote for ratmcatlon follows: ,'. ..i,-. ... Democrats -Aye 35, no 34,, absent 1. '-. Republicans Aye lij, no 12, absent The suffragists won the preliminary victory in the bouse today when a mo tion to table the ratification-was lost on a tie vote, HJrtb -3.t: Sam df those keeping tally recorded the vote on this motion as 49 to 87 In favor, and first reports were that suffrage Jhad lost. The official tally showed a tie voto. - however, and to make assurance doutw ly sure, a second roll call was ordered. The vote again was recorded 48 to 4S. Admirers Greet 1 Chapmau'sRemains Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 18 Hundreds of admirers and friends of Ray Chap man gathered at the union depot today to meet the body of the Cleveland1 shortstop who died In New York yes terday.' ' "' ; ",' , j Among those accompanying . the body were Chapman's widowed bride, Manager Trls Speaker and Joe Wood of the Cleevland team. It was Chapman's eagerness to aid in giving this city Its first pennant that indirectly resulted in his death. When he married Miss Kathlen Daly, one of Cleveland's best known society women last October, he was asked if he .would retire from the game and devote his time to a business in- which he had acquired an interest. "I'll play next year, for I want to help give Trls Speaker and the Cleve land fans the first pennant Cleveland ever has had," Chapman replied. "Then I will talk' quitting." man i'"'"" -" r . . . i . , .i . , - tn- . , u .ti..u -.... vnurcnea. a mnnK a. hdito uiiurun o" ... w r nmn w:nirinnn. n v m uuaii 111 ttiMjiuwmw v ivu.ucii a "' ' vwnrio .n v-iic uiihcu piatco. kill. ldier ana four socialists werel Immediately sent tq Mr. Gilbert . ' TOneyt st. Anselms A. in order to get a break-on it which) Asking for advice from t 1 1 AtnAM fmmfl AViaence uz . J . .... . . . t , r mnva i t f rt r, 1 1 T, in hi, " hi..k t. n jrr iiiuuac, a.n - . n ly-ftw York, nnisnea sixiu, Bewruiii uu.u vw ..... v,uw, 'powler's visit to the back yard, but the ew the gtatement said. "Until the new tary of the Hoqi r " Hm.. . . . " intoxicated miners p.lnahd 'now "IU relieimi. , ..... . H, wuc0iuii Jtuu live iiiaii .nmnnt disappeared. raons, includine ono s-iri .nk.ianr.. hnrM -were 'run into" ii jwjath. (back part of the lot, it was said. Soviet Armies Advance Into Polish Territory Without Supply Base the local roe, executive secre- Hoqulam, Wash., commer- pitching rules came Into force which clal club, has written a letter to T. B. put a severe : penalty on a pitcher McCroskey, head of the Salem organ- roughing the ball. Mays constantly ization. used to drag the ball across the pitch- Hoqolam wishes to know, he says, ing rubber in order to roughen the what results Salem has got from its surface. Hundreds of balls . were camp venture, would like to have a thrown out every year because of this I brief description of the camp and its act." - location. The Washington booster asks The umpires tooTc notice of a remark 'various other questions concerning attributed to Mays that Umpire 'Thos-Jthe area of the camp here, and re Connollv. who was behind the plate, I Quests an "honest-to-goodness" state- . ioo m. Trxr, a, was resDonsioie ior tne acicuem oe-imem 01 now me vwiuurc ia rcsarueu oounas or everirreen t .nt.Ads to orotest energeUcal- cause he permitted a rough ball to stay from a sordid commercial point of which, local, authorities agree, will be eminent lnieuiw i y . Thn umnirea character-:. as tn its value to the community. 'mrkctod In Hlm this nur wUI hrlnr Forbid Landing of Munitions at Danzig for Poles Census Figures -Washington, Aug. 18 Gree ley, Colo., 10,838; increase 2704 or 83.1 per cent. Charleston, S. C, 7.57; 'in crease 8124 or 15.6 per cent. Pay Gold Dirt Heart of Gotham charge of an excavation In the heart of-New -York's financial district today were treasuring some tiny yellow met al flakes that one . of them scraped from his muddy shoes. Tests have been applied and indications point to dis covery of gold In the very shadow of thn sub-treasury building. The engineers offered the theory that the metal might have been lost In an old canal which traversed the bm years ago. The locality was the site ot the first American navy yard. R. C. Beadle, . vice-president of the engineering company, said that the. blue clay now being dredged would be washed and a further search made for the mineral. 6-Cent Fare Voted . For Souix City Sioux City, Iowa, Aug. 18. Six cent car fare for the next three years waa I granted by a vote of nearly three to on at a special election yesterday. . The Crook county high school will & Open September 13 for the school year 'of nine months. The enrollment prosa )k ises to be the largest in the history of the schooL Evergreen Blackberry Haroest Expected to Be 1,500,000 Pounds One million. of five hundred thousand sand dollars was received for the crop. blackberries Iv against the decision oi air Keginam ---- ---- ---- T Tower allied high commissioner at Danwho yesterday forbade further W that came with poor grace. detarkaTton at Danzig of French mu-f "A short time ago." they added "the nWons for Poland. It was learned to- club owners complained to President rations . Johnson that too many balls were be- Several French munition ships are' ing thrown out. Pdent Johnson anchored ouTLde Danzig. Sir Reginald sent, out a bulletin telling the umpires according to a report from the French to keep the balls In the game, as much accoraingip a except those which were i amuauaew v - ., ... v.k. thm eaa-ir . . ...mutant m...i danserous. ' ,7 "",.?ney naa n0 a11"' lne Doisnev"" -rtuae mat M u --; " , Tre nlav. ot the Boston and De- Uere "cv'nK their villages, for ture of Warsaw win e.m (troopsto preserve .uBr -- - Srmn' f.'m a' Petition" to hyave travel sairs are holding out dazzling pro"- council for new m ?w; A8- 18. Bolshevikl fore tion adding that the successes gained hert s tat0 Poland march by General Wrangel in southern Rui w.thout any concern for their' sia are causing considerable anxiety. eornmunicatioTi - nrtr.- tn Th. Rtiutian a-overnment, therefore. rements of refUB-. h:..i. tn finish with the Poles so that toh ttW Gazette. They have lost it may turn its attention to General according. to a report from the French to keep I 4 refn Dases of, operaUon. WrangeL Hem. . . tate they bad no dif-1 The bolshevikl u leaving rh.i. n, . Glared i evlK front line They shared by the Poles, twviet - sir wgini lMtji banned from the game, to.iay Hired t was nn..iKi. ' . , uu nut dazzling pros-Umineil for new instructions, pending . iay '"t - ,u. iy travel o ---ra - , . v,iu ha-will maintain awaiteo worn wwui uu8cr oi":n in . nr rich booty in Warsaw. LI.- the arrival of which he will maintain elub R, . hu vl9yn sin " possiote Wdkr. Wtthout i ewtttriA now nMuiian. v- i A vigom. impress- - 1!r which is acting a. the supreme on their propose act-, 'es wonll Ka . , t .k. rinn of Brest- counuii. . , --...v..i:..L w 111 v.. . uo.i... -' - The council of ambassa jof the Cleevland club a, to hU view. the Olet does not meet until Septein- w . decuiTe il.f... .. . ,. k., worn out .and ber. "Thit . w newspaper decjare. hungry detachments have retusea to Ararngem.nU have been concluded earn-. . tte bolshevikl high obey orders and it has been neces- Washington county prune "U regardless of any action they would, not go to bat against Mays again. , A feature of Labor day celebration U ... . is m. ...... r . .v mmrv exe- -, , k. held under at Klamath rails win oe tne parmu ""uu unisa tne but to replace .growers c"""Tr " " r of the 14 unions affUiated with tm as oii.i - ... . . . . . .iirfit sol- .i.. of the farm bureau at or ot tuts m w . . ma possible. So- cottons naa no tumu . . : Central Labor council.-., "oners confirm this informs- diers are tired of war." jest Grove, August 2L Colby Ready to Speed Suffrage Washington. Aug. 13. Secretary Colby announced today he was pre paredto promulgate the proclamation of the ratification of the suffrage amendment when h. had received for mal notflcatlon of Tennessee's action. New York, Aug. 48. The national American Woman Suffrage association 1 preparing to meet any attacks which may be made to prevent the suffrage amendment from becoming law, ac cording to New York headquarters of the organization. It expects the secretary or state to marketed in Salem this year, will bring approximately I90.000 to the commun ity if the estimated price of six cents a pound is paid. Due to the December freeze, which damaged specially the lowlands crops, this season's yield will be put 75 per cent that of last year's. It la believed. . Cultivated yards of nearly 100 acres north of Salem which are beginning to bear will aid in offsetting the short age resulting from the freeze, W. G. Alen of Hunt Brothers" cannery, stateo. this afternoon. Both Mr. Allen and E. C. Qulnn. manager of the Oregon Packing com pany, stated that this year's market looks bad. Demand ior blackberries Considerable disappointment ia felt by both growers and packers over the) demand which, it is frankly stated. Is not what they anticipated. The mar ket is tumbling fast, they sa, but six cents will probably be paid for the berries. Purchasing Is being exten sively curtailed, and many who have already contracted wouia like to can cel. Mr. Allen stated. The size of the crop which will rs marketed will depend largely on tha amount of labor available for picking; it is stated, since so many of the ber ries are wild. Immediately south ot Salem, and farther away, on the coast, the yield will likely be heavy, Mr. Allen stated. Most of the berries on land which fcs . .L . .!. u la fa. .hnrtcri not too low. are BTUl. nw w. this season than last.a'nd It is th. east berries there are large and ef the which regulates the local market. quauty. - . . Two minion pound, of berries werej In many places where th. berries handled In Saiem last year. It is saldjare small and seedy st present, a .light . , , . .whtiM n will nut tnem in excellent. i" " .1 At Ancji ii when in iveraw pnw m w, r.s " i-. . . rSv- tn. aVemenrid7 leenta, , One hundred and sixty thou Uon. Mr. uinn at.