Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 17, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1920
Aurora Power
Lines Extended
to New Fields
." , Aug. 17. E. O. Robinson
Proprietor of tho light nd
0f system in this vicinity. Is In
CZe moZs in the Fisher mill
"""l also Installing a mo.
in the Stefans mill In this city.
- .lectrio line Is now complet-
T?. Miiia. and new patrons are
Ming added to the list continually.
the out of town consumers on
TneV extensions are: J. S. Fisher,
mill twenty five horse power mo
w t cmith. between here and
tor: B. " .......
who recently completed a
1 L i,. onl orrlst mill, has In-
Sled big motor, and L, L. Horsli
Hreer of Hubbard has just installed
. seven and one half horse power mo
inr In his seed cleaning mill at Hub
bard which takes the place of an oil
turning engine. . t
t, io the intention of a great num
w of DeoDle in the surrounding
country to equip their premises for
Hriit and power service. The service
JLm have been given several days
.a, said Mr. Robinson, but for the
iiniilv in securing the necessary trans-
formers Witnin iwo uaa "
'however, this section of the
country was connected with an almost
unlimited power service, mr. nuum
ton says the transformer station' at
nlard Is capable of handling twice
the load it now carries,, and speaking
(or the Molalla Electric company, ne
lays it Is prepared to care for all the
electrical needs of this section of the
Mr. and Mrs. Hauser of La Crosse,
Wis., have been visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Flick near here
for a few days.
Win. Ortman and wife returned yes
terday from a short visit with the lat
tert parents at Stayton.
Several from here attended the ser
vices at the Wilsonville church Sunday
afternoon and evening. The main fea
ture of these services was special
Sheriff Needham's crusade against
speed fiends has seemed to have a
desired effect. The only accident that
occurred Sunday was . one wheel
knocked off a Chevrolet roadster be
tween here and Hubbard. , .. .
Some of the local Pythians went
in Pniiimbia. Reach, near Portland.
Sunday to attend the Pythian picnic,
which is pronounced as having been
a grand success,
i G. A. Ehlen and family are spend
ing the week on the beach at Netarts.
Paved Highway
is Finished
Near ML Angel
. Mt. Angel, Aug. 17. The county
commissioners have nearly completed
the strips of pavement east and north
of this city and are getting ready to
legin on the road between here and,
the Abiqua. The road north of town
is paved as far as the cemetery and
will be completed for a distance of
two miles. Rapid work is being done
ty the crew having it In charge. ...
unas. o. Lais left this morning tor
Toledo, Ohio, where he expects, to
spend the fall and winter.
. Frank Cmund, the tailor, has clos
es his shop here and" left yesterday
for Portland. Frank was Just a little
humiliated by the publicity he receiv
ed a few days ago on account of his
arrest, and has abandoned Mt. Angel
as a town in which to pursue his vo
cation. The baseball game lit Woodburn
Sunday between Mt. Angel and St.
Pattf resulted in a victory for ;Mt,
, Angel. The score was 16 to 11. '
, .
1 Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali, which is
ery Injurious, as it dries the scalp
and makes the hair brittle. ' ' .
The best thing to use Is Mulsified
cocoanut on shampoo,, for this :s
pure and entirely greaseless. It's very
cheap and beats anything else all to
Pieces. You can get this at any drug
"ore, and a few ounces-will last the
ole family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with wa
ter and rub it in, about a teaspoon
wl is all that is required. It makes
abundance of rich, creamy lather,
cleanses thoroughly, and ' rinses out
aUy- The hair dries quickly and
fenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
nght, fluffy, Wavy, and easy to han
resides, it loosens and takes out
ery particle of dust, dirt and dan-
' (adv)
S fy. Wildroot reeuIarW. I lcn
-?p entirely free from the itching
S ' my luxuria,
wiui uu remedy.
xwount. '
to this
S Far " twler 1
"lintel tW20" Wtnttt v
niel J. Fry, druggist. -
Be Slender
1 lor joc to r
? t. , d
2? ssrs OTs-ss
Cheese Factory
at Silverton to
Open Next Month
Silverton, Aug. 17. The Evergreen
Cooperative Cheese Co, Is making ar
rangements to. start ..the factory
again the fore part of next month. It
is understood that the Marlon cream
ery at Salem has made arrangements
to sell milk to the factory. JohnZoh
ler will be retained as cheese maker.
Mr. Zohlar left yesterday for Tilla
mook to Inspect the factories there
and. get a line on the equipment re
quired to place the Evergreen fac
tory in first class condition. The Ev
ergreen people intend to make their
factory second to none In the state.
Committed to Hospital y
Bert. James, who was committed to
the state hospital a few days ago, has
been acting strangely for more than
a year. Last winter he left his familv
in somewhat destitute circumstances
and went to' eastern Oregon. He re
turned early in the Spring and after
staying around the house for a week
or more suddenly disappeared. Ho
returned again a few days before he
was committed and seemed to have a
hallucination tha't he should get a
divorce. He went to Salem for that
purpose Friday and it was while seek
ing Information on that subject that
he was arrested by the sheriff and
later committed to the asylum. James
formerly lived In Independence and
moved here from that city nearly
two years ago. His father, who died
at Independence four years ago, was
one of the pioneer newspaper md
of Oregon. , ,
Mrs, Mary Hoff Is receiving a vis
it from her sister and husband from
Sam Lorencen took over the Cen-
jtral Garage on a lease last evening
hid cHuijimeui xiuiu me
P. W. Noftsker shop, ;.
Charles Reynolds and wife,' who
have been at Yellowstone park for
two or three weeks, returned1 yester
day. . ,
Nadinola CREAM
TasUmqukd' Beaatifier
U4anJ WorMf
By ThoMandm
Guaranteed to remove
tan, freckles, pimples. ,
liver-spots, etc. Ex- .
treme cases 20 days.
Rids pores and tissues oi impurities. ,
Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy . At ,
leading toilet counters. If they haven't :
it, by mail, two sizes, 60c. and $1.20.
Sold by Daniel J. Fry, wholesale
and retail; Neimeyer Drug Co., and
other toilet counters. "
Dry Spell Causes
Water Shortage
Silverton, Or., Aug. 17. The transi
tion from rainy days of the previous
month todays of sunshine and unusual
warmth has meant grief for the city
water commissioners and superintend
ent. The sudden demand for water to
irrigate lawns and gardens has been so
enormous that the city's water capac
ity has been heavily taxed at certain
hours of thed ay and patrons, have not
had sufifcient water for irrigation.. The
result of the situation is that the water
commissioners and superintendent
have felt that the city has been .ex
posed to serious danger of fire and a
ruling of those officials has changed
the schedule of irrigation hours from
that of foyner years.
The city has been divided into two
sections, one of which uses the water
on even days of the month and the
month and the 'other section on num
bers designating odd dates. Persons
east of Silver creek use the water ou
dates of even numbers and persons on
the west side odd numbers. The result
has been favorable to the city's supply.
but damaging to lawns and gardens,
and patrons are very much displeased
with the ararngement; It was sup
posed when the ctly voted a bond for
a new water system a rew years ago
that there would be an abundance of
water for domestic use, but it develops
that a large portion of the water from
the new system is consumed by the
mills, and , the residents have not as
much water as in former years. A lot
of money was spent this summer In
making a new reservoir on the ast hill
and stil the water supply has been In
adequate. ': - i .
they will spend a few days.
a. 8. Bates ; made a trip to town
Thursday. . . .
A party1 of young folks gathered at
the Sanifer home Saturday evening.
The time was spent In playing garnet,
and other amusement. Those present
were: Reva Sandifer, Mildred Daven
port, Herbert Smith, James Wlltsey,
Blanche Davenport .Albert Fabry,
Ruth McCleery, Freda Smith, Glen
Davenport, Florence McCleery, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Harr, Mr. and Mrs. Fash
ion,' Charles Smith, Therold Sandifer,
'Jefferson Way Notes
Davis ... Rees .. motored to, .Salem,
' Mr., and Mrs. F. C: Wiltsey and fam
ily left Sunday for the coast, where
Help Your Digestion
When acid-distreued, relieve the
indigestion with
Dissolve easily on tongue as
pleasant to take as candy. Keep
your stomach sweet, try Kl-mold
MAKER) op corra emulsion
Salem Cleaners and Dyers
PHONE, 1868
Mr. and Mrs. Toney, Zella
and John Miller. ,
H. A. Smith was
Ratcllffe, of the vessels has been found.
a Salem visitor ' . The Holle salIed from Norfolk, Va.,
. London, Aug. 17. Danish police re
ceived a wireless from the American
steamer Hoxie, en route for London
yesterday; asking for, help because of
mutiny on board, says a Copenhagen
dispatch. Motorboats, with armed men
were instantly sent out, but no trace
The Original
Malted Miiic
for Infants suid Invalida
Avoid Imitations and Substitnti
L. AllKir" ' 'aSgl (I
(( - -W1
Last call on these Bargains:
Overland Touring ..J.;..... $250
Ford 1-Ton Truck '..:.:..:.......:............ ..........:...:.......:..:..$350
: Maxwell 1-Ton with good stake and 4 brand new tires....$800
Dodge Touring, looks like new ....$850
1920 Bethlehem 2i2-Ton, just new $2,500
279 N. Commercial Street
TRAIN your boy to Vefcr SchUtz to drinks which
are apt to ferment in the stomach and to coffee
and tea which may cause nervousness end di
gestive disorders. ,
Wise fathers give growing boys all the Schlitz they crave.
For Schlitz is a complete food as well as drink made by
a special process from the finest cereals and hops, it
contains every element necessary to the human body.
SchUtz is fine to develop muscular energy, and to replace
broken down tissue. Boys like Schlitz-like its satisfying
"scratchiness" that quenches thirst.
Schlitz is healthful and pure it is aged for months in
glass-lined tanks to preclude biliousness cooled in fil
tered air in plate glass rooms-filtered' through white
wood pulp every bottle sterilized by the Pasteur
process. The Brown Bottle protects Schlitz purity until
it reaches your glass.
i . ... ; CT
in Brown Bottles
BSBBjaaBBsaaaassasBaaB) Bsaasssassasasssasssasi
On sale wherever drinks are sold.
Order a case for your home from
Phone 424 and 425
Gile Mercantile
Company, Inc.
Cor. TrU and Higfc Street
Salem, Oregon.
The Ditab That Hade Milwaskee Famous
Who Says
Pancakes ?
Everybody does. Nothing strikes the inner camper like crisp,
brown PANCAKES frying-pan size.
With FISHER'S PANCAKE FLOUR you don't have to tinker
with the batter: . You just add water from, the nearest spring and
there's a big bowlful of perfect batter ready enough for the
hungriest campful of campers.
We mix sweet, powdered milk and corn sugar right in with the choice buck
wheat, wheat, corn and rice. That saves you adding'milk and sugar and makes
the fluftiest, richest flavored pancakes you ever tasted.
Be sure FISHER'S PANCAKE FLOUR goes into the next camp commissary.
, . , PORTLAND ' '
is 1 111 ... . . HIVHHMlaijw m- m AU I IBS sw m , ,
mm W ffpf
The Cheney Violin
Carved from seasoned
violin wood and sus
pended free - from the
cabinet walls, so that it
can vibrate freely. The
Cheney Violin Resona
tor adds quality and
volume to Cheney reproductions.
Enriched in Its Own Melody
The Cheney has that unusual quality of the
violin "The Longer You Play It, Thb
Sweeter It Grows." .
When first you choose it for your home, it
lays more beautifully than ever you have
ieard music reproduced And then as years
go by, it sweetens and mellows in its own
melody, constantly enhancing in value.
Cheney period cabinets are masterpieces of
furniture craftsmanship. F rfined, quietly elc
gant, they blend harmoniously into any setting.
Szlem Representative cf the Cheny Talking Machinjs Company.