Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 14, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    "-rrTr'Trcn RA1E.
Tpb? 6 cents; one
J-lii'"? 'sTv.nce and not tak
f ads m... advertiser has
l nhone, uui fop
"I,, account, no
var III""" ,
...hlV cuu
--rr7 Broke horse at
PB.JphSn. 1758..
a reaa-
r'rtnll larm. f' w
hnii with W. H. Gra-
& y0Uf & Co., 275 State 'street,
benhorst Co., hm,
phone 6l-
I rTTp Three months old Ches.
fenite Pigk lepers ".leered
r "".ipii
V rrTAn nid davenport, must
F..., i.avenuort 41 care Jour
be cheap,
man wants window wash
feany kind o job work. Phone
i4r'nT)t!nW hna mOVdll to the
P- A1..S srrv and Llber-
kVlu7"house with W. H. Gra
J"10". r-n 275 State street.
fauna 610
smn SALE Mfcllathe cream sepa
L. new. Mrs. Lula Smith. Rt. 1.
ff.rsnn. Hi
JfANTBl-"'s- - -----
484 Court St. i93
oiThave homes to sell on easy
0U U ...i.u . Il.lnn " 4)11
Court St.
. . . .. u.iuu uiirrftv anI hflr-
)w . i . t .... t h hair
.. t Liberty store. 1196
vour house with W. H. Gra
benhorst & Co., 275 State street.
Dfcnn. S15. nl99
MEVROLET in good mechanical
condition ?3oo, uy "
a Motor Co., 178 S. Commercial.
i-OtlNO Small purse containing mon
ef. Owner may nave same oy iueu-
tifting and paying ior .aa, w. a.
Sorinser, Rt. 7. kl94
llOUR future foretold: Send oinia,
Wrthdate lor truiniui renaoie con
vincing trial reading. Hazel Hause,
box 215. Los Angeies. uai.
BURGLARS and fires never send
notices. Don't take a chance with
them. Let us take the risk. The W.
A. Liston Agency, 484 court St.
J ALMOST NEW Fordson tractor
with extension riins and ... power
pulley, at a very attractive price.
Vick Bros., 603 Bank of Commerce
bldg. C195
TOUR future foretold: Send dime
Wrthdate for truthful, reliable con
vincing trial reading. Hazel Hause,
Box 215, Los Angeles, Cal.
HARRY .. FOR wealth, happiness.
Hundreds rich, attractive, congen
ial, willing to wed. Photos free.
26 years experience. Mrs. Warn,
2216 Temple St. Los Angeles Cal
NEARLY new Altman & Taylor clov
er huller for sale or trade. Will
trade for Samson or Fordson trac
tor. Call or write James Best, Rt.
2, Salem, Or. CI99
NOTICE 15 acres, 11 acres culti
vated balance in timber, located 3
miles south of Salem. Fine soil
for prunes or logans. Price $5100
cash. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275
S'ate street. :. - bl96
i R0Q ,1 modern .mi- -
neff, e very flim ' home 'for .yirge-
Khool and car line. Price $3700,
casn. naroer & Pearson, .200 Gray
hlclg. Phone 790. . .
T ROOM modern bungalow donhlo
constructed, best condition, same
new. A home to be proud of, 9.
Salem. Price $5500, V4 cash. Bar
ber & Pearson, 200 Gray- Dldg.
Phone 790 . -
FOR SALE 5 and 10 acre tracts,
all cleared, close to 'Woodburn;
choice berry land close to school
and highway; $20 percent down
and I $20 per month. See or write
t-mnam, Woodburn, Or. n!99
I ROOM modern house except base-
ment, verv nmnnni ,.,
1 L' paved streets, 3 blocks
-. mais sc. north. Price $2300,
Barber & Pearson, 200
bldg. Phone 790.
.ear id farden' BQOi s. barn.
S ice't' sno ?n,d carv line' Barln
rae J2300, 1-3 cash, balance like
K'?h 6r Person,. 200 Gray
yi. Phone 790. ai
SrEF' eve,'8"i''P pencil, Fr
re r,eilr post office. State
mZ ame K W- Schmidt
Natinn'.i i?hmitU' room 413 U. S.
National bank building and receive
ioXsTrs : K196
If moTer7aUt'tUl 7 room strit"
taSdtatS 6 8hade trees- Price
I?r cent tr ba,ance 6 yars at 6
OrHt and MUer, 208
'lije. modern except
.north r,6e encioB back
' l"o and , a, em near Grant
wnabie in f r',ine- Priced
. peann iJ down- Barber &
in' 200 Gray bldg. Phone 790.
rn M..5.,roo,n house with mod"
m fumacf : t, 8 ,excePt fireplace
n. V ,arge l0tS With
ttl tfnth' Commercial
"t'!n,,25S0' 5E0 h bal
W m month- '"wrest Per
75 St..: Grabenhorst & Co.,
5TKfS22iZ!!!!Sj sis. ai9s
""""J- tuh.hi 7 s in Tillamook
mi lor tock iry
faory t?Jl B.e,avcr "d cheese
fng water xtTi,ng" and run"
A4dL2 hfht ,ngider. ao
Be.1' Green, wn-
given lc $00,.
?0P; ,w acres of0','1, Wtth ' Sd
Prinir hi loans set out
hSii IanPe cIvatecU Lo
' mile, south o.
ilLWg"- rabnlrst & Co..
. E: best ,iv: tor "suits, try
? Maker " m?t successful
, Irrtage !, '""Jdreds rich wish
; .nlab"rictl confiden
aescni ei year experi
?rtul S.110"' free. "The Suc-
"f- BaI1, box
kop ranch in h"v the largest
in hoL?,fon.-.riv hundred
r1 "erentv a Panting!
-tl l7"- High trellis
( ri;--pir8GF22. cli
ifJ cam. . "'eh trellis.
b ROOM modern bungalow, Oak St.
A very good house and a good buy
immediate possession. Price $3400,
$2100 down. Barber & Pearson, 20J
Gray bldg. Phone 790. a
WK have buyers for ten homes on'
the monthly Installment plan. If
you have something worth the
money for sale, we can sell it. W.
A. Liston, agent, 484 Court St. 193
t or Sale Houses.
HOUSE for sale, 2 rooms and bath,
nice lot and woodshed. 823 N. 22d
street. ai9g
buti homes, call at 331 N.
Tel. 1943R. -
14th St,
yvAiMiBiJ uesmence In isalem lo
apply on purchabe of good farm.
Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon tildg.
FOR SALE Large house, two lots.
. garage, barn, plenty fruit, fine
streets. Act quickly. Owner 1297
N. 18th St. city.
WANTED Strictly modern residence
of 7 or 8 rooms; California client
. will pay $8000 to $10,000 for place
mat suits,
469 State St. Ground floor. n
FOR SALE Twenty room apartment
house, centrally located.-Owner In
city for a short time. For informa-
tion phone 1429 or write Mrs. H.
W. DeMuth, 885 D St. al97
WOODS BARGAINS Modern house,
1020 Center St. Must be sold. F.
JU Wood, 841 State St. Also apart-
ment house close in. al97
FOR SALE Make me an offer on
house and lot at 2280 Fourth St.
Riverview park add. H. E. Peters,
Snohomish, Wash., Rt 4. - al96
'OR SALE 4 room dwelling, well
located on paved street and car
line, $2250. Terms. H. E. Bollng
er, Oregon bldg. a'
LIST your houses and farms with
us as we have buyers waiting for
different kinds of property. Price
them, right. 2 cars at your service.
Barber & Pearson, 200 Gray bldg.
Phone 790. n
WAI. FLEMING, of the Fleming Real
ty Co., has returned and he is now
ready for business as usual. The
Co. can use 'small fruit tracts and
,- town bungalow property to great
advantage. Bring In your listings,
or notify him to call and see . the
property. n
FOR SALE 4 room modern bunga
low 2 blocks from new paper mill,
4 blocks from State strest. Price
$1850, terms. Box M J care Capi
tal Journal. ai94
FOR SALE Good modern house,
- basement and furnace, good lot
and location. $2250, 1341 McCoy ave
near N. Capitol and Market. al94
FOR SALE By owner, strictly mod
ern room house, furnace, large
t lot, fruit and berries. Phone 1598
M. al94
FOR SALE- 5 room modern house,
full basement, two -lots, Inquire
8516 Maple ave. '- - al94
FOR SALE By owner, strictly mod
ern 10 room bungalow, close in;
, 8 room house and 2 acres, a good
.' barn. Information at 840 Union
St. al98
FOR A QUICK SALE $1600, $500
FOR SALE Good 7 room modern
house on paved, street, basement,
close in. Price $3500. A. L. Seam
. ster Realty Co., 416 Masonic Tem
ple. " " a
Jvor SaJe FarmB.
FOR SALE By Bronsou heirs, two
adjoining farms, each 160 acres.
Polk county, 10 miles SW Dallas
on good rock road, fine for prunes,
foerriett, grain or dairying, running
watefi-one with buildings and or
chards $13,000; . one without $10,
000, Geo. H. Bronson, adm.j or Sib
. ley & Eakin, Dallas, Or.;.:. bl94
FO RSALE 160 -acres in Washing
ton county has fair buildings, some
beaverdam, some saw timber. Price
$6000. For information write or in
quire Rt. 8, box 144A Salem, Or.
FOR SALE 56 acres all in crop,
highly improved, 9 miles out on
rock road. 1 mile south of Salem
Dallas highway. Price with y, of
crop $11,000, terms. Hart & Mul
ner. 208 Oregon bldg. b
FOR SALE 42 acres 8 miles out on
paved and rock road- all in cultiva
tion, family orchard; 2 acres bear
ing prunes, good buildings. Price
$7000, terms. Hart & Muller, 208
Oregon bldg. - , b
FOR SALE 20 acres logans, 4 miles
from Salem, fine location. Price
$10,500. Hart & Muller. 208 Ore
gon bldg. b
FOR SALE 97 acres most all in
crop, fair buildings, good location
6tt miles out. Price $10,000. Hart
A Muller. 208 Oregon bldg. b
City Twenty acres, edge of the
city on Garden road, splendid 8
room house, full cement basement,
electric lights, fine barn, wind
mill, granary, chicken houses; all
the stock, chickens, etc., most of
the furniture. Ford car, all goes
for a quick sale. Owner sick must
leave The finest home property
adjacent to Salem city schools. The
ii iir du ans atitn Kt i gle or ensuue, iurnusueu ui yai.
erty. M. W. Rowley, 805 State St. b wa ;n
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE Cheap encyclopoedla of I
pleadings and practice zj vois.
Lord's Oregon Laws, good as new.
text books old. 869 S. 12th St. Sa
l.m. ml94
FOR SALE Harley single belt drive
clutch. Inquire for jarvis ai cpaum
ing box factory;
FOR SALE A good buggy ana Har
ness and cow. J. V. Anaerson, m
lem Heights.- ' cl9
FOR SALE Sacks, sacks, sacks,
grain oats and potato. Capital
Junk Co.. 225 Center St.
lrdA f J! TH.TRADoesM'T U eVieD OM "So, W TRAP WHH mL J ' ACCCTM6
lf.-I . Zl 1 P INTO f SNAP! l.KUMTXaeD MORS 0uT.wlT I X)Cf SvRLOUl STCAtt-' 'El PuMVt TT APS. ' IU ' TA6 I 2J f ,.
r tetr.J The mTHea V. - uvte -that etAr J AFTPl eM Fees WJm auonc ""l B : lov-cu'.)
- I WOOfcS AM TRAP J . i. : I CNe,T00'. I" -r I TO &T TH6 IAvr hl TRAPS THAT V)IU. SNAW. J '
41".' r SiL.ea J j ; fc : CoNNA ovjT-vwrr ,Ql AnT sees -meee Y-X? see? 6cNN'' j "" -H
- - V- V ivve U " s - F d' 1 fT no tAM6 - cer -meift mnUMn" ctrc
VS Vrf h? F0S OPTH6WS, Jl I TH6Y-U. ALL 1 - KT THCM THS C. & & ft ,
-- ; : . ' ; - . : - ly.Jim.
sir : - : . 1 : 1
FOR SALE 20 doz. 3-months old
broilers, $8 per doz. 844 S. 25th St.
Telephone 798W. fl94
BAKERY for sale.- AdUeeiKWs Piflfity
I viiininj, vI. CIS1
FOR SALE 8x10 . and . 8.x12 wall
isms, aiso larger tents of alL kinds.
, Steinbock Junk Co., 320 N. Com
mercial. " . .
FOR SALE Month old hound pups
Phone 88F11. el94
LEATHER hand bags $0.75. and up.
Max O. Buren. 17$ N, Commercial.
For Sale Automobiles
FOR SALE -Chuhiieia in good me
chanical condition. Price j $225.
Phone 1175 or. call 346 N. Front
St. after 5 p. m. ql98
1919 Overland 800; 1918 Ford
$400; Mollne roadster.- Parts for
Stoddard Dayton. Cherry Cyy Gar
age, 170 S. 12th St. qi94
FOR SALE Ford, good mechanical
shape, price right. 660 N. 21 ot.
Phone 2018J. m!97
For Sale Livestock.
FOR SALE Horse, 9 years old, wt.
1300 lbs. Rt. 7, box 89. el95
PIGS for -sale. Phone 110F2
FOR SALE Rabbits, 4 Belgian does,
2 Flemish Giant does, 1 pair white
rabbits, 2 Belgian bucks, 25 juung
ones. 2470 Oak street. cl94
PIGS for sale, 8 weeks old.
FOR SALE 20 shoats and 20 pigs,
choice pigs $5 each; also some
brood sows to farrow soon, and
one large Duroc boar 22 months
old, with registered pauers. Will
sell by weight, market price. L. F.
Hill, Rt. 8. box 125. Phone 59F4.
TAKEN UP One bay gelding weigh
ing about 1250 pounds; one grey
gelding, 1250 pounds. Owner prove
same and pay for this ad. C. F.
Mumper place. L F. Faist. k!93
FOR SALE Fine young brood mare
with or without colt. Is 2-4 perch-
. eron, Clyde. Phone 61F2, F. P.
Byers. el93
DOR MALE Berkshire brood sow.
Ammann's Grove, .Rt. 4, Salem. '
... ei95
Wanted Help.
WANTED Good young man to work
in saw mill, good job; must be on
Job with pep. Call 8-25 Turner.
WANTED Laborers," teamsters,
plough holders, Fresno loaders and
dumpers, bridge carpenters, - for
railroad construction on the Willa
mina & Grande . Ronde Ry. Co.
, Bates & Rogers ' Construction Co.
and J. W. Sweeney Construction
Co, Willamlna, Or. gl97
WANTED Girl to wait table. Good
Eats Rest., 129 S. Com. gl94
LOOKERS who need suit cases. Max
O. Buren. 179 N. Com'L g
HOP pickers wanted, register at
People's market, 155 North Liber
ty. Lee Hing Hop yard, Rt. 8, box
98, Salem Phone' 71F14. gl99
WANTED We are now registering
hop pickers for the Mitona hop
yard near Independence. Durbin &
Cornoyer over the J. C. Penney
store. Phone 491. e
LESS HELP NEEDED if you have a
Perfection oil cook stove. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. g
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Work , by young woman
where she can keep little girl
with her. Box G Journal. hi 9 5
WANTED Two or three furnished
housekeeping rooms, 2 beds. El
mer Hayes, Bligh hotel: 194
WANTED Plowing or discing near
Salem. V. I. Clutter, 724 Mill St.
WANTED A loan of $4000 on farm
worth $10,000. W.' A. Liston, 4H1
Court street. 1194'
WILL pay bonus for information se
curing small, modern apartment;.
Address Bonus care Journal. m!96
WANTED All kinds of team work.
Phone 1959.
WANTED Typewriting to do at home
by experienced stenograpner. aa
dress 2305 N. Liberty St. 244
TRUNKS Stylish and low priced.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. uom i. c-
WANTED Board and room In pri
vate family. P. O. box real. zi
For Sale Wood.
FOR SALE Big fir wood.
. Phone
938R. '
TRY phoning 1565M for wood. ee204
TO TRADE For wood or . cash, a
buggy. 660 N.' Commercial. Phone
696. m2t7
WOOD FOR SALl!- i-m. oiu in',
16-in. mill wood, special price on
car lots, prompt delivery, strictly
cash. 305 S. Church, phone 1542.
uvd V. Wells ee
FOR SALE Good fir and oak wood
Phnna 1678W. eel4
WANTED Wood cutters wanted. C,
r. Ouerv. nhone 77FZ. B
pnR RENT Large farm. L. H. Tur
ner, Turner, Ore.
FOR RENT Two light house keep
ing rooms, upstairs. Phone 1436.1.
the city. Phone 1627.
nirii'rpR rnnma for rent: splenaid
janitor service. 205 Oregon bldg. J"
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen, sieam
heat, by the month. Phone 1427.
206 Oregon bldg. :
Lost and Found.
LOST 2 halters south
Phone 9F13.
FOR SALE Jersey cow. . Phone 53
F6. ' :cl94
"WALLPASTE" perfect for paper,
hanging, no cooking; .Max O. Bur
n. 179 N. Com'L
will make Dan Bo
Lost and Found
LOST Girl's coat, black and white
check. Finder, please leave at Cap
ital Journal. - kl94
OAT Meal Paper, 20-lnch tan, extra
special, S4o double roll. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'L a
"MARTIN painter; Call 704. 1217
KODAK SHOP-T-Good work guar
. anteed; finishing, developing, ko
' dak repairing. Work done at right
price. 1857 State street. - - ml94
FOR plumbing and general repair-
, . ,1 , e g e w i . n o
nig Vttil Idflwm . 410
J. W. MANLEY for team work, cel
lar digging. He has the only out
fit in the city. Cherry City barns.
Phone 199.- 218
DO not neglect . your roof, have it
cleaned, patched and tarred.
Phone C. C. Kays at 1758. "' ml95
FOR carpenter work and general re-,
pairing and painting wanted done,
' call 1959.' ' - m206
er of cello guitar (steel and Am
erican,) mandolin, banjo, ukulele.
For studio and terms inquire at
Will's muslo store,. State street, Sa
lem. Or. ' . , 1195
i'RANSFER - L. A Barrlck Co.
Country trips, moving. Wood for
sale. Good service. Stand 271 North
Commercial. Phone 784.
Neat 5 room bungalow, modern ex
cept basement; faces east on gravel
street; good garden spot $2000.
5 room cottage, large rooms, built
in .kitchen,; full basement; good
lots. Fine buy at $2100. Some terms.
6 room house, modern except base
ment; 2 lots with plenty ot fruit;
graveled street. $2100, good terms, ,,
6 room plastered residence on pav
ed street and close in; full basement
with stationary wash tubs; modern
except furnace.' Extra large lot with
fruit, berries and garden; large chick
en pen. Located at 966 Oak street.
This Is a real snap and will soon be
picked up. $2800, good terms.
5- room bungalow just outside city
limits and 2 blocks to car line. Full
cement basements faces east. Large
list of furnishings are Included with
place. $3000, half -cash. ,
6 room bungalow, nearly new; full
basement; modern except furnace.
This is a dandy place and a bargain
at $3000, .
6 room-modern residence, furnace,
on paved street; not far out. $3400.
9 room plastered house on paved
street; 8 fine lots; fine garden, plen
ty: fruit, berries, grapes, . etc. Small
barn.; Fine buy at $100;; ,about half
cash. : . v.-:. ., , :
: Modern bungalow of 7 tooms and
music room; big basement; good gar
den; new garage, A nice home. $4200
10 room modern house well suited
for keeping roomers; "very close in;
paved street; east froat. In good con
dition; comparatively new. $6500;
terms. ' ' ' '
10 room modern bungalow in fine
condition and well located; close in;
paved street; house and furniture in
sured for $9000. Price $8000. .
Fine 8 room home; modern in all
respects, close in, paved street; built
only 4 yearsi m fine residence sec
tion; paved alley; a truly fine home.
$8600. ,
469 State St. Ground floor.
5 room plastered cottage, bath,' toi
let, lights, jfull basement, bearing
fruit, two lots, east front, carline,
south Salem. Price $2650, $550 down
balance $25 per month, 6 percent In
terest. 7 room plasteredj'house located
CiUESV JU, uttlll, wilct, ugiiia, uaocioi.
Price $2400, $500 down, .balance $20
per month, 7 percent Interest. .
6 room cottage located at 1481
Chemeketa street,, bath, toilet, lights,
large lot, paved street. -Price $2600,
$600 down, balance terms.
A rnnnv 1.A11BA InnjrtA nt 1330' S.
Commercial street, H bearing fruit.
Price $2800, $1000 down, balance
terms. -
Good 5 room bungalow, two fine
lots, paved street. Price $3000.
Good 8 room house located on
Fairmount Hill, 110 W. Lincoln St.
Bath, toilet,, lights, beautiful view
overlooking the; city, paved streets,
lot 75 by 100 feet, corner lot. Price
$4000,.. & cash. t i ; .' i i
Good 6 room ' house located close
to state house,'; "modern,' fireplace,
furnace. Price $5800.;,
Good 6 room bungalow and two
fihe lots, bath, toilet, lights, base
ment. Price $3200, $4 cash, balance
6 percent interest.
8 room house, bath, toilet, lights,
two fine lots. Price $3000, cash,
balance 6 percent interest,
8 room house and large lot locat
ed close in. Price $4500.
275 State street. - ' n
Nice 5 room bungalow with . nice
lot on gravel street; tall modern ex
cept basement, east front, at the
right price.
Nice 6 acre tract just, off .the high
way with all kinds of. bearing fruit,
and 4 room house, barn and other
out buildings, together with stock,
tools and all crops, for $4600.
" Choice income property now rent
ed a ta good rental close in, can be
had if sold soon, at a sacrifice price.
7 room house and 4 lots with barn,
garage and all kinds of fruit and
berries, must be sold by Saturday; if
interested in any of these bargains
call phone 907.' ; '
one turn over in his grave
2 beautiful, lota on' N, Church" St.
.pavement in,i ;; ; J ; ,
You wilj find a splendid investment
in 6 room house, on N. 'Church St.
Lot 66x168, '' ''. ' 'vv ,:. .'.. .. .; '.. 4. .
5 room bungalow, a beautiful home
in every respect. Lot 40x100. ,i , j;
Six room' bungalow and. 2 lots,
this . bungalow is exceptionally well
built; needs tinting and may need
painting. Yard needs to be cleaned
up. Can be bought at reasonable
price. -
. : - ', ---'-.- . ''.
5 room bungalow, large lot -.with
beautiful shade trees and garden.
Gas range, gas heater and bed go
with house. ; ,
A. tire shop for sale in splendid lo
cation in Salem, at invoice price.
A corner lot,' right in business sec
tion of Salem can be bought at very
reasonable price just now.
Six room modern bungalow; , lino
leum, gas heater and gas range will
go with place. Beautiful large fruit
trees,-. Lot '60x182. . j!-V- V
.8 room house on Hood street, Close
to school. . ; .'. , ;f .
18 room house on N. Winter street
Splendidly arranged for rooming
house. : ... .
A beautiful home, on Saginaw St.
Perfect in every: detail. Large lot,
east front. ,
7 room cottage . on Chem'eketa St.
. 7 room house on N. Church street,
east front, almost in down town dis
trict. , .
7 room house on N. Cottage street,
in splendid condition, east front, small
lot .
1 House on Liberty street, 7 rooms,
all on one floor, .
7 room house on S. Commercial
street, .
492 N. Cottage St. Phone 1186. n
320 acre tract located south of ' Sa
lem, 80 acres plow land, balance good
second growth fir timber, house and
barn, spring water piped to house.
Price $50 per acre. Tterms. - !'
200 acre tract located 6 miles-out,
100 acres farm land, balance pasture
and goo dtlmber, good road, build
ings. Price $125 per acre. , : .
80 aore tract 6 miles out, 30 acres
cultivated, balance , pasture and tim
ber, spring water. Price $9000. ,,
Well improved 820 acre farm, good
buildings; this is a first class farm.
Price: $150" per acre." s '
60 acre farm, 30 acres cultivated,
balance pasture and timber; house,
barn, spring, some fine bottom' soil
and good hill land; 5 miles from
Salem. Price $8500.
17 acre tract, 10 acres bearing
prunes, 2 acres logans, balance culti
vated, located on Pacific, highway,
close in.. Price $12,000. -
10 acres of good bottom soil, all
cultivated, some fruit, small build
ings. Price $2200, $600 down, bal
ance terms.
Well improved 15 acre tract close
to car line, modern house, sflUayy lo
cation; strawberries, loganberries,
cherries, - some timber. Price $12,000.
6 acres of good loganberry, straw
berry or prune soil located south of
Salem, Pacifio highway. Price $1600
' Well improved 10 acre tract, good
bungalow, barn, loganberries, prunes,
strawberries, good road, , , close . in.
Price $7500.
E acres bearing cherry orchard.
Price $4200. ... ; 1 v
15 acre tract of good fruit soil, "11
acres cultivated. Price $2200.
1 acre close in, good 5 room cot
tage, electric" lights. Price $2000. ' .
12 acres located east of Salem, close
In, good soil, 7 room house, barn, lo
ganberries, raspberries, close to ear
line. Price $8300.
15 acre tract located north of Sa
lem, small house, 4 acres logans, fine
sandy loam soil, rrice $5500, $2000
down, balance to suit. '
XI you want to buv. trade or sell see
275 State street. n
Just a few of the properties 1 can
sea you on installments: .'.
. rLroom- house-. flne location. $2100.
f UDV - , ...... . . .. ,
8 room house six blocks north of
Ladd & Bush bank on Commercial.
A real snap at $2500, $500 cash. Has
165 foot lot,..
: Neat little bungalow In Englewood
5 rooms and bath, basement; nice
lot, E front, $2200, $500 down and
$25 monthly.
A 9 room house handy to paper
mill; garage. A marvelous buy at
$3000, $500. down, $20, monthly.
Bungalow Tcottage; plastered, 4
rooms; $600, $100 cash, $10 monthly.
On S.i 21st St.
Dandy little bungalow adjoining
city limits off S. Commercial street.
$2800, $1000 cash, $30 monthly.
Lots 100x150 with 5 room plaster
ed house. Good fruit; good well on
porch. $1200, $600 cash, $15 month
New bungalow under construction,
Broadway. Lot 66x125; four rooms
and bath room, fireplace, garage. $1,
450, $S50 cash. With $400 more this
property would be worth $2500. See
it tonight. .
Four autos at your service.
'-' r ' I'J.ust Real Estate" ,- .
215-216 Masonic Temple, Phones VflOO
Salem, Oregon. 1014
63 acres on paved road milo
from town;- 4 room house, barn and
other outbuildings; fine running wa
ter on the place; 2 acres berries in
creek bottom,-Price $8000, terms.
108 acres, 65-acres -cleared, . 15
acres oak timber; good 7 room house
good barn and. several othet" outbuild
ings; family orchard, 3 ft miles from
town. Price $136 per acre.
100 acres all in. cultivation 8tt
mUes from town on-gravel road; fair
house and good -barn with 2 silos and
milking, machine, - fully equlpt with
tractor and all farm machinery need
ed; 9: registered red Jersey cows, and
heifers, 3 good horses; .crop all goes
with place if sold at once. Price $20,
000, terms, ; '; " ,.'
160 acres 4 miles- from Salem, iOO"
acres cleared, 10 in prunes; good 9
room house, good barn;, well and
springs. With all equipment $25,600,
10 acres hear the fair grounds on
pavement; 3 acres logans in full bear
ing; new 4 room house and new
barn. A nice little home for $7500.
5 acres in Keizer bottom close . to
school; family orchard and Vi acres
logans. $2000, terms.
43 acres, 6 acres beaver dam; 814
acres prunes, acre . logans, acre
strawberries, fine berry land;. 8 room
house, poor barn; on paved road to
Salem. $7000, terms.
5 acres close to car line in South
Salem; 7 room house, small barn,
family orchard. $3200.
62.41 acres all in cultivation but
about 1 acre; best Howell -Prairie
soil; 6 room plastered house, good
barn and full sel of outbuildings, all
fenced with woven wire; good well;
8ft miles from Salem and 3-4 mile
to school. Price $12,600. -r.! t .
Want to secure a' $3000 loan on
good .country security. - s '.
- SOCOLOFSKY . - ' x
341 State street. n
8 acres fine loganberry laad, no
buildings, 1 miles from car line.
Price $2100.
, 31 3-4 acres all in cultivation, barn
no dwelling, one mile from city lim
its. Price $8000.
56 acres, fine improvements, prac
tically all in prunes and logans, beau
tifully located on paved highway.
Price $100 per acre.
18 1-8 A, with nice dwelling and
good barn, land lays practically level
and fine berry, or potato land. Price
$3500. ,,- - , "
One acre with cheap shack,.' small
chicken park, splendid well, on Pa
cific, highway, ft mile from car line
and school. Price $1000, small pay
ment down, balance monthly,
8 room dwelling, two lots, fine
fruit and lawn; a fine home; Price
6 room cottage with garage and
fruit, modern except heat. Price $1,
650. ' .-', ,,. .
6 room . dwelling and barn, four
lots on paved afreet. $1600,
3 room house and two nice lots,
near school and car line. $850.
6 room house and four nice lots,
abundance of fruit. $2260. '
6 room bungalow with moderii
dutch kitchen, fireplace,'' electric
pumping system, two lots, near ear
line and paved streets. Price. $3000.
W. A. LISTON ...
484 Court St. nl96
;. I ji :;'''; ' '' .
112 acres six miles south of Salem
all cleared,' all in crop, famous red
soil; nine acres orchard, good six
room house, large barn, Improved,
Spring piped to house. $200 per acre
for all, but not less than 60 acres In
cluding buildings,., .
100 acres three miles from Brooks,
80 acres cleared, 15 acres Lake La-
bish land, richest of soil; good seven
room house, large barn, outbuildings,
garage, three wells, spring, running
water; rented for $12 per acre, 20,
000., $5000 will handle.
60 acres 5 miles south, thirty clear
ed, black and red soil, splendid six
room house, large barn, well, springs
and running water. Price $8500.
100 acres 7 miles SE Salem, 90 in
cultivation, five room house, out
buildings, good barn, well, springs
and running water, $115 per acre. .
62 Mi acres famous Howell Prairie,
61 cleared, fine fences, family orch
ard, good 5 room house, A snap at
$200 per acre. $4000 will handle.
40 acres, 7 room house, six miles
directly south, 28 acres cleared, 18
timber and pasture, 22 acres prunaw
1 5 to 10 years old; 1 acre logans; two
Btory 7 room house, barn, chicken
house etc. Spring and running wa.
ter, all for $12,000, $4000 will han
dle. '
30 acres all in cultivation, 8 miles
SW Salem, Rosedale district, 20 acres
full bearing prunes, 3 acres apples, 3
acres logans, 'hi acre cherries; all
stock and implements, 5 room house,
barn, new fruit dryer, spring piped to
house. Crop, stock and equipment all
for $13,000, $6000 will handle; muit
be taken at once.
Inquire of. us about fully equipped
fruit farms of 50 acres, 30 acres
prunes, 2 horses, 2 cows, 9 shoats, 2
brood sows, 600 chickens, imple
ments; 6 acres strawberries, all the
crop, six room house, fine new barn.
This is a crackerjack, everything in
cluded for $16,000, Vt cash.
305 State St. n'
OA l .1 V, . , I I .
v cs ill lite ueni null uiBUli;!.
in Oregon, surrounded by $1000 an
acre land, five acres six year prunes,
loaded; 4 acres gooseberries, acres
strawberries. Now listen, there are
series of springs on this place that is
used to Irrigate six acres of this land,
which If set to logans will injure
you six tons to the acre, these state
ments will be verified by-any field
man of any canning company In this
town. The price is $8000, if you have
not $4000 to pay down, don't bother
me, if you have I can show you the
best, investment near Salem. "Nuff
Bed." - " . - - -
805 State street. - n
Nearly new six room bungalow
with 4 lots, t blocks from car lino, 1
block from; paved street, gravel street
in front. The bouse has beam ceiling,
and ' built la conveniences, furnace
heftt, .and a, very, Jovely place; ; ovor
$200 worth of cherries on place this
year. The Jour larger lots? will keep a,'
family in all the vegetables you need.
Seeing -this at the very : lo w - price
means to buy at once before some one
else beats you to it. Only a few days
at $3500. Best of-terms.
406-7 Oregon bMg..-v ; a .
FOR SALE If you want a fine large
home, fine location, one of the best
, in. Salem, I Jiave It. .U .
A large house! "semi-modern, large
lot 65x185, close in," terms.
A good home; -6 Tooms with lot (Ox
160, ideal place for . apartment
house, 8 blocks from State; Price
$4500, good terms.
Oregon bldg. n
WB will pay you more eaeb for yor
household, goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell, Peoples Furniture
and Hardware store, 271 N. Com-
merclal street. Phone 734.
FURNITURE New and 2dhand,
, bought and Mid. Economy Auction
House, 404 Ferry St. Phone 117T.
teopathic physicians and surgeons,
606 U. a bank bldg. Phone 861.
Dr. White, res. phone 469; Dr.
Marshall Tea phone 834. -
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathlo
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res, phone 68FS. ": m
FARM LOAN S Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask about our
' 20-year loans at 6 per cent. Haw
kins & Roberts, 208 Oregon bldg.
.Salem. Or. ' '
Federal Farm Loans .-V
Any amount,. Long time. ,
6 and 8 percent interest -,- .'
City buildings loans.
401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. (
years experience; Depot National
; and American fence, sizes 88 to St
Inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hoy
hooka. Salem Fence and Stove
Works, 250 Court streeet. Phone 114
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 V. S. bank. Phone 341.
I Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sta.
Bills payable monthly in advanoa.
Phone 57.
State Institution for Feeble Minded
On August; 80, 1920, at 10:30 a, m.,
sealed proposals will be opened at
the office of the Oregon State Board
of Control, Salem, Oregon, for the
furnishing ot labor and materials re
quired for the plumbing and heating
Installation for a two story and base
ment briok dormitory building to be
erected about three miles southeast
of the city of "Salem, Oregon, for the
state Institution for feeble minded.
Plans and specifications may be ob
tained at the office or W. C. Knight
on, architect, 404 U. S. Nat'l bank
bldg., Portland, Ore., and R. B. Good
in, secretary State Board of control.
Salem, Ore.
Contractors will be required to de
posit $15 for each set of plans as a.
guarantee that the plans and speci
fications received by them will be re
turned to the office in good condition
on or before the date set for opening
of bids. On return of said drawings
the money will be refunded.
A certified check for $600 must
accompany each proposal and be
drawn to the order of R. B. Goodin,
secretary of the Oregon State Board
of Control, to guarantee that the bid
der will enter Into a contract and ex
ecute the required bond. Same shall
be forfeited to-the state of Oregon if
award of contract Is made to bidder
and he or they fall to enter into a
contract and furnish the required
bond within ten days from the date
of award of contract. ,
Proposals shall be made only on the
form furnished by the architect. The
envelope containing bid to be mark
ed on the outside "proposal for
Plumbing and Heating."
The right is reserved to accept' or
reject any or all bids, or to waive
any informalities In bids.
R. B. GOODIN, Secretary,
Oregon State Board of Control.
German Towns
Have No Service
Berlin. Owing to the enormous In
crease in the cost of operation, street
car service in many of the smaller Ger
man cities has been discontinued. Jena,
Wuerzburg, Freiberg and Heilbronn
are among the towns trying now to get
along without trams. Attempts were
made to keep the lines going by radi
cal increases in fares, but the puhllo,
unable to pay the price, took to walk-
i ing.
Berlin and other large cities, where
stretcar traffic has fallen off alarm-
mg'y ucnuea ui inuretusea iith, are
facing the problem of reorganizing tne
service, retaining only those lines
which are absolutely necessary for the
acoemmodation of persons having to
travel long . distances.. Wagons and
carts brought out to give a lift to pe
destrians during recent strikes or.
streetcar employes . have indicated
which routes through Berlin 'are vital
for transportation.
(Copyright. 1120, by H. C. FUhefc
Trade Mark Reg. U. & Fat OtOm
Z"n Prices k.::."u "ores with
and i,,"" n7 hop. fr
water. Dance hall
aceT,. Writ
' re and . .
Co, iLr"' F- Clemens
truuenee. Or, m