J-rT0'riP-euch insertion 2 Insertions 5 cents; one 'WBt,i'.thnntB- one month 20 cents; Ur re" month 12 cents; min ne jre1' j 05 cents.- ....... Lum P6"- B ,, only in New Today. .Virtt '3 ?n advance and not tak OWShoni i advertiser has ,n0tiTy 1,0 llowanc8 for - . nvl 1943R.- ... -"SSTTTClilorse, 9 yearn olcuwt. t'KRt 7?box-89. 6195 l .mil : ; '. .'.- rnw. Phone 53 up CT"th( ot . Sa.en. rnoo r- M - - rrT'rr,M,rt iiurht house keeu rooV upstair,. Phohe 1436J . ?rzr.,, ..Mrii hv vounK woman h.r. Bhe can keep , little -girl : f;rejTBox G Journal.' - h!85 , STINTED Listings ol cheap homes sale to worklngmen. W. A. Lis '!' .Lt. 484 Court St. 193 ion, ... . jFTSThave homes to sell on easy Vrm, "Ltat with Listen" 4.4 f!nnrt St. ;StLL"gtve wav lnto good, home, small white spit. ' female. .Phone CTaKXJSU Two or three furnished housekeeping rooms, 2. beds. El BllEh hotel. - 194 VOR SALE Chalmers in good me chanical condition. - Pride $236. phone 1175 or call -348 N. Front inn . st nfter o P. ioBMLB Ford touring, 19 lb model, looks like new, new tires, ' new ton. good upholstering. Bargain - . 187 s. Liberty St. '193 Adv. FOR SALE SU acres unimproved -..iu ofiotom Owenti. 826 tier acre Will trade for Willamette val ley property. Box 48S, Salem. t193 tlfj . ' ' . ... - - - ri garage, barn, plenty fruit, fine Htreets. Act quickly. Owner 1297 m 18th St. city. a!95 BURGLARS and fires never send notices. Don't take a chance with them. Let us take the risk. The W. ,' A. Liston Agency, 484 Court St. 193 WE have buyers for ten homes .on the monthly installment plan. . If you have something worth ' the money for sale, we can sell it. W. A. Liston, agent, 484 Court'St.-193 FOUND Purse containing money, al so handkerchief. Found . between end of car line and Liberty store. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for ad. 193 FOR SALE 1 tent 16x16 feet, 5 ft. walls; 2 cook stoves, 1 heater, 1 t ft. crosscut saw, sledge, wedgi es, axe, 3 bedsteads and springs, 2 '.commodk's and ' other (small arti cles, h. E. Hartwlg, 2240 N, Liber ty St. 103 PIGS for sale. Phone 110F2. el94 For Sale Houses. HOUSE for sale, 2 rooms and bath, ' nice lot and woodshed. 823 N. 22d street. a!98 WANTED Residence in Salem to apply on purchase of , good farm. Hart & Muller, 288 Oregon bldg. n WANTED Strictly modern residence of 7 or 8 rooms; California client will pay $8000 to $10,000 for place that suits. KINNEY & SMITH 469 State St. Ground floor. FOR SALE Twenty room apartment House, centrally located. Owner in city for a short time. For informaT tion phone 1429 or write Mrs. ft. W. DeMuth, 835 O St. al97 I ROOM cottage modern except base ment, good location. Price $15006 easy terms Barber & Pearson, 200 vtray piqg. .pnone 790. a WOODS BARGAINS Modern house. 1020 Center St. Must be sold. F. L. Wood, 341 State St.-Also apart- mem nonse ciobb in. - a!97 iOR SALK Make me an offer on house and lot at 2280 Fourth St. Riverview park add. H. E. Peters. Snohomish, Wash.. Ht 4. al96 T BUILDING lots, also" 3 half .acre Intn in WTaoi a i . ... ' ' -. Daiciii. (jr ex change, by owner, 1673 Bellevue fit Gq1am .a FOR SALE 4 room dwelling, well located on paved street and car hne, $2250. Terms. H E. Boling- . vtcauii mug. - - a your houses and farms with j as we have buyers waiting for different kinds of property. Priee them right. 2 cars at your service. Barber & Pearson, 200 Gray bldg. FLEMING, of the Fleming Real ty Co., has returned and he is- now reaay for business as usual . The V- use small fruit tracts and cown bungalow property to great advantage. Bring in your listings, or notify him to call and see . the Property. , nLh11-4 room modern bunga low 2 blocks from new paper mill, 4 blocks from State street Price 1850. terms. Box M J care Capi- jgLJournal. ., . 4 OR SALE Good modern house. Basement and furnace, good lot na location. $2250, 1341 McCoy ave i- apitoi and Market. al94 IfOR sale r n,o ,i.i.. loT , T00m house, furnace, large J, fruit and berries. Phone 1598 al94 full h room modern house. 851? V, i lW0 lots- Inquire iiililapleaye. ' 9194 em in owner, strictly mod t1' J00 bungalow, close in; bara A0"36 and 2H acres, a good Information at 840 Union ST rr- alS' ' --TV I BKAr'5; "OOM COTTAGE. fit-,-. - . FOR i Amn ' MODERN; Sown mUIC ".-" STATE ROWLEY, SOS Roiivi 1 1 - A Ownei Salem grand .view, $5000. , . om, K.T. Z, DOX SO. al93 horn. , M.,y 8 room modern "ou ; "S, ou the court Plumhi . J 0, nom water neat, mKe L thuehout complete; den i , ' mrBe yara- ood gar- Pbo'ne i'20Ca"0"' rtrt ' "ddresa 458 S. High CirT al93 mA " 'or sa 'n . for sale, bnr" 0 """n house. 1 $6500. has Iva' raraK6- Paved street; "y new i ,Z ?ience and Pctic Lam,; the owner. Address ?TglrgCaPital Journa, Kii3. OR house "?i 7 mm modern . on cavAA At. 1 ck-I iJ Paved str, e ta. Price $350? "it Realt'r C"- 41 T"1C A T e. 414 Masonic Tem . -Krjp------" farms. "JiofmtfTl Bro,1!w" "irs. two Poik; coLtv each acrea on goodLw 14 mfes SW Dallas berrt't Sft road: fin fr Pae water- ,.1r da'rying. running chard. Jii n'ln 6'ldings and or- f Meo St4: one without $10,- "Sm. Dallas, Or. bl4 FOR SALE. FO RSALE 180 acres in Washing " ton county has fair buildings, soma beaverdam, soma saw timber. Price $0000. For. information write or In quire. Rt. 3, box 144A Salem, Or. bl9i fOR SALE 66 acres all in crop, highly improved, 1 9 - miles out on rock' road. 1 mile south of Salem Dallas highway. . Price with ft of crop $11,000, terms. Hart & Mul ner, 208 Oregon bldg. b FOR SALE 42 acres 8 miles out. on paved and rock road all in cuitlva- tion, family orchard; 2 acres bear ing prunes, good buildings. Price 17000, terms. Hart & Muller; 208 Oregon bldg. b FOB SALE 20 acres logans, 4 miles from Salem, fine location. Price $10,500. Hart & Muller, 208 Ore gon bldg. - t . b D'UK. hale 7 acres most all . in . crop, fair buildings, good location '6ft miles out. Price $10,000, Hart Muller, Z08 Oregon bldg. b FOR SALE 20 acres rich loam land on Oregon Electrio, north, ten min utes out; all in cultivation; good sizea orcnara, Berries ol all kinds, new 8 room house,, good barn and t out houses; ideal for chickens; quarter of mile from shipping sta tion and adjoining Oregon Electric passenger station. Will consider good 'residence in T Salem as part I payment. Call . at . 818 N. - Liberty St. afternoons and evenings. ni93 A COUNTRY HOME '.IN THE City Twenty acres, - edge of he city on Garden road, splendid 8. v room house, full 'cement basement, electrio lights, fine " barn, wind '. mULs granary, chicken - houses; ' all 1 the stock, -ohickens, etc-., most of the furniture, , Ford, car, all goes for a quick sale. Owner sick must leave. The finest home1 property adjacent to Salem -city- sohools. The price is low for that- class of prop' erty. M. W. Rowley, 305" State St. , . . a For Sale Miscellaneous. FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn hens, prices right. W. A. . Springer, Salem, Or., Rt. T.;- ' - ; tnl9? FOR SALE Henderson motorcyc!i good shape, $200. Phone 285 after noons. ml93 FOR. SALE Cheap encyclopoedia of pleadings and - practice 23 vols. Lord's Oregon Laws, good as new. text books old. .869-8. 12th St. Sa lem. ' ' . ml94 FOR SALE Harley single belt- drive clutch. Inquire for Jaryis at Spauld in; dox tactory. - . . ciao FOR SALE A good buggy and har ness and cow. J. D. Anderson, Sa- lem Heights. ' C194 FOR SALE Combination wood, coal and gas range.. Phone 1726.' cl3 FOR SALE Sacks, sacks, . sacks, grain, oats and , potato. Capital Junk Co., 226 Center St. - .- - FOR SALE 20 doz. 3-months old broilers, $5-per-doz. 84 S.fc25th St. Telephone 798W. , . f!94 BAKERY for- sale. Address Purity Bakery, Ontario, Or. c!94 FOR SALE 8x10 and 9xl2 wall tents,- also larger tents of all kinds. Steinbock Junk: Co., "320 N. Com- mere!al. " ' ' FOR SALE Month old hound pups Phone 88F11. " el94 LEATHER hand bags $6.75 and up. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial, FINE new extracted honey. Phone 82F2. J. W. Beckley. c!93 FOR SALE Kitchen range, heater, baby bed, go-cart, E flat bass horn nearly new and other goods. Phone 728. cl93 For Sale Automobiles EVERY ONE A GOOD DEAL 1919 Overland $800; 1918 Ford $400; Mollne roadster. Parts for . Stoddard Dayton. Cherry City Gar- f ' age, 170 S. 12th St. ' qi94 FOR SALE 1917 Briscoe .touring, first class 1 mechanical condition, 1 good tires, $550; no dealers.- 2290 N. 4th St. ' C193 BUY YOUR NEXT AUTO SUPPLIES FROM GREAT WESTERN GARAGE OPP. COURT HOUSE PHONE 44 193 FOR SALE Ford, good mechanical shape, price right. 560 N. 21- t. Phone 2018J. . ml97 For Sale Livestock. FOR SALE Rabbits, 4 Belgian does, 2 Flemish Giant does, 1 pair white rabbits, 2 Belgian bucks, 25 young ones . 2470 Oak street. CIS PIGS for sale, 8 weeks old. Phone 86F4. el94 FOR SALE 20 shoais and 20 pigs, choice pigs $5 each; also some : brood sows to farrow soon, and . .aa in.ff. niimn hanr 22 : months old, with registered papers. WHT sell by weight, mamet price, u. r -Hill, Rt 8. box 125. Phone 69F4. " el94 TAKEN UP rOne bay gelding weigh ting about 1260 pounds; one grey gelding, 1260 pounds. Owner prove -same and pay for thie ad. C. F. Mumper place. L. F. Faist. k!93 FOR SALE Fine young brood mare - with or without colt. Is 2-4 perch--eron, A Clyde. Phone 6 1F2, F. P. TOirnfa - el 9 3 FOR SALE One milk cow, 24 one year old Rhode Island Red hens, 1 ' Poland China brood sow. Phone . VH9. 193 FOR SALE Berkshire . brood - sow. Ammann's Grove, Rt. 4, Salem. el95 Wanted Help. WANTED Good young man to work . in saw mill, good job;, most be on job with pep. Call 8-25 Turner. WANTED . Laborers, teamsters. plough holders, Fresno loaders and dumpers, bridge carpenters, for railroad construction on the Willa mina & Grande Ronde Ry. Co. Bates & Rogers Construction Co. and J. W. Sweeney Construction Co., Willamina, Or. e197 MUTT AND JEFF f I'M CJftfOyJ TO KMOVaJ WHAT JEFfS SOCKET IS. He'i BCN "uOBft OM SOMTHlN. D . . r, a uirK ? tfO fHAT wo r"" JV" 60WNA Be A Bis 1 1 1 . WANTED. WANTED -Girl to wait table. Good Eats Kent., 129 S, Com. gin 4 CLERKS (men, womenj.j'wec IT, for postal mail service. "$135 month. " Examinations 'August:'' Experience "unnecessary. For free particulars, write J. Leonard, (former civil ser vice examiner) 1087 Equitable bldg., Washington, D. C. gl93 WANTED school girl to do house work; will pay $30 per .month -until, school starts. K. ,C, Morrison, Salem Automobile Co. gl93 LOOKERS who. need suit cases. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. ' g HOP- pickers - wanted, register at People's market, 165 North Liber , ty. Lee Hlng Hop yard, Rt, 8," box vo, pttiem. rnone ill 19. - - gi WANTED Wer-are now registering hop pickers for the . Mitona ' hop yard near Independence. Durbln & , Cornoyer ov6r ' the J, C. Penney ; store. Phone 491. ; ' - g LESS HELP NEEDED If you have Perfection oil cook stove. . Max O. Buren, 179 1ST. Com'l. g1 Wanted Miscellaneous. wjustjsu -Modern 4 to room house, , guarantee' best of care; no children. Phone 1534M. '198 WANTED Plowing or - discing near Salem, V.. I. Clutter, 724 Mill St. . v 1194 WANTED A loan of $4000 on farm worth $10,000. W. A.. Liston, 481 Court street. - 1194 WILL pay bonus for information se 1 curing small, modern 'apartment. Address Bonus care Journal.- ml96 WANTED All kinds of team work . Phone 1969. ' ' 1196 WANTED Typewriting to do at home by experienced stenographer, i Ad' -dress 2306 N. Liberty St. ' ?244 TRUNKS Stylish and low priced. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. c WANTED Board and room In iprl- vate family. P. O. box 231; ' 218 For Sale WooO. FOR SALE 38R. . -Big : fir wood. Phone 0194 TRY phoning 1665M for wood. ee204 TO TRADE For wood or cash, a buggy. 660 N. Commercial. Phone 696. m217 WOOD FOR SALE 16-ln. old - fir, 16-in. mill wood, special ' price on car lots, prompt delivery, strictly cash. 305 S. Church, phone 1542 Fred E. Wells . ee" FOR SALE Good fir and oak wood Phone 1678W. " . ' eel94 WANTED Wood cutters wanted. C. D. Query, phone 77F2. g FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished - rooms at 639 Center street. J193 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, gentleman preferred. 168 N. 12th street. J198 ROOMS to rent near state house, sin gle or ensuito, r furnished or par ' tially." One of the finest places in the city. Phone 1627. - J194 OFFICE rooms for rent; splendid a i. , AAV Li Jgnitor BBmw. zvo ores"" umg. J PAD . 13 ElTNj'n Vnn.jaV.ail ........ ...T I sleeping room for gentlemen, steam f heat,i by- the -month. Phone 142v 205 Oregon Dtag. .Lost and Found. 'WALLPASTE" perfect for - paper hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur en. 179 N. Com'l. " LOST Girl's coat, black and white check. Finder please leave at Cap ital Journal. kl4 OAT Meal Paper. 20-inch tan, extra special, 84o double roll. Max O. 1 Buren. 179 N. Com'l. a MISCELLANEOUS. KODAK SHOP Good workf guar anteedf! finishing, developing, ko dak repairing. Work, done at right price. 1857 State street. ml94 J, W. MANLEY for team work, cel " lar digging. He has the only out - fit" in the city. Cherry City barns. Phone 199. - 218 DO not neglect your roof, have it cleaned, patched and tarred. Phone C. C. Kays at 1758. m!95 FOR carpenter work and general re pairing and painting wanted fcone, call 1969. m206 MISS FLORENCE BOWDEN, teach er of cello, guitar (steel and Am erican,) mandolin, banjo, ukulele. For studio and terms inquire at Will's musio store, State street, Sa lem, Or. 1 1195 TRANSFER L. A. BarWck Co. Country trips, moving. Wood : for sale. Good service. Stand 271 North Commercial. Phone 734. ' REAL ESTATE. PRUNE ORCHARDS We have some good prune orch aria a call nnv with laree crons on them. A little money down ana a more substantial payment after crop is harvested. Buy a prune orchard and let it pay for itself. j BARBER & -j;akbij 200 Gray bldg. Phone 790. FOR SALE If you want a fine large home, fine location, one 01 tne Desi in Salem, I have it. A large house, semi-modern, large lAt fiSvlfiS close in. terms. A good home, 6 rooms with lot 9 Ox 160, Ideal place lor apanmeni. house, 3 blocks from State. Price $4500, good terms. H. E. BOLINGER Arp-An Vilrtflr.. n L. A. HAYFORD REAL ESTATE 9"B HTATF, STREET WANTED AT ONCE MODERN UP TO DATE HOUSES e rr c Tfinf q PRICE THEM RIGHT AND WE CAN DISPOSE OF A DOZEN WITHIN A WEEK, AS HJVt! A WAITING LIST n cHtinng tn the- citv council asking ' that portions of Jefferson ana Aaams otrAsta h hard surfaced are being cir culated among Athena property own- Mutt waited a whole JF!7Pl-CAie I'M. ALUTHB6U&H At lasT.muTt! PeRrtAF YovJ RGCALC THAT AT ten. Me WHAT iT'i Awl A B00T ONE TIAC IM NVY lips STvietf I J I CAN'T" AiT SCOwPTOft! day: REAL ESTATE GOOD BUYS Nice 6 room bungalow with nice lot on gravel street, all modern ex cept basement, east front, at the right price. Nice 6 acre tract just off the high way with all kinds of bearing fruit; and 4 room house, barn and other out buildings, together with stock, tools and all crops, for $4500, Choice income property now rent ed a ta good rental close in, can be had If sold soon, at a sacrifice price. 7 room house and 4 lots with barn. garage: and -all kinds of fruit and berries, must be sold by Saturday; if interested In any of these bargains call pnone buy. PERRINE & MARSTER3 a WANTED Fine tract of 5 to 10 acres with strictly modern house; must not exceed $10,000. Also want ,' larger tract with fine improvements and good Income from land; - will go to $20,000. Wo have another client who wants fine tract of 80 to 50 acrea with modern improve ments and must be on pavement . now or soon. Wants it for small dairy i -hot Jover $20,000. - ; " These, clients mean business; if you. will ell yotirf place, give us your list- " - - ' KINNEY & SMITH . ' ' ; 469 State' St. Ground floor. ' b FINE HOUSE BUYS ' ' 5 room bungalow, modern except basement; nice fireplace, faces east, close to. pavement. A real snap, at $1600. Good terms. ; 6 room dwelling, full ' basement with stationary wash tubs; extra large lot with fruit trees. Daved street. faces north. Located at 966 Oak St., only 8 diocks rrom post office. . A bargain at $2800. Terms. 8 room bungalow with full base ment, good sized lot; nearly, new, A fine place at $3000. Some terms. 8 room., bungalow modern except furnace; big basement. Music room and lots of built in features; fine big garden; new garage. Faces north. A fine place- and a bargain at $4200' - 6 room house, modern except base ment; 2 lots with plenty of 1 fruit trees. Another real snap at ' $2100. Terms.' :v.-- . ... 6. room bungalow . with full base ment; modern, except furnace; small garage.. Price $3000;, $500 down, bal ance like rent. ' 7 room residence ' on wide paved Btreet; modern except furnace; full basement. A 'good buy at $3600. Some terms. 5 room - bungalow with f uB base ment; modern except furnace. Close to. ear Me;faces east. Lots of furni ture inoduded -with place.: Price $8000 hall cash. Fine large 11 room bungalow, modern in all respects; close ' in; paved street,, faces north. House and furniture Insured for $9000. Price $8000. -Will sell furniture if desired. We have more good house buys on our lists; drop in and ask us about them. If you will sell your house, list it with us, . " , . . . KINNEY & SMITH '." - '".' 469 State St. .Ground floor. n GOOD BUYS 12 acre tract, located on good road close to Pacific highway, 5 acres of 14 year old prunes, big crop, crop goes; -2 acres.-logans. -Price $7500, $3500 down, balance 4. years per cent interest, 61 acre tract located on main high way, close in, 8 acres Italian prunes, house and barn, about 15 cords of standing fir timber. Price $16,000. . , 5 acres of ' first class loganberry, strawberry . or. prune soil, fine loca tion. Price $1600, ft cash. . 60 acre- faa-m 6ft miles from Sa lem, house and barn. Price $8600. Well Improved 10 acre tract close in, good bungalow, loganberries, straw berries, prunes, apples. Price $7500. 20 acre tract 1 mile from city ear line, good gravel rad. sightly loca tion, 0 acres pearmg Italian prunes, 3 acres apples, cherries ana pears, 4 0 room plastered house, electrio lights, barn. If you are looking for a bar gain in 20 acres investigate this. Price $11,500. 15 acre tract located north or Sa lem, 4ft acres logans, small house. Price $6000, terms. Improved 5 "acre tract east of Sa lem, house, barnt1 some .fruit. Price $4200. - 25 acre tract, 20 acres cultivated, balance pasture, 5 room modern house, barn, garage, 11 acres logans', 6 acres bearing; Z , acres. Italian prunes, 6 acres or potatoes, locatea close in on good rpad.r Price $17,500, ft cash; 's. . ' ; . . GOOD BUYS IN HOUSES 6 room plastered cottage, bath, toi let, lights, (full 'basement, bearing fruit, two lots, feast front, carline, south Salem. Price $2550, $550 down balance $25 per month, 6 percent in terest. ' ' 7 room plastered house located close in, bath, toilet, lights, basement. Price '$2400, $508 'down., balance' $20 per month, 7 percent Interest. 5 room cottage located at 1484 Chemeketa street, bath, toilet, lights. large lot, paved street. ' Price $2600, $600 down, balance terms. 6 room house locatea, at 1330 s. Commercial street, -bearing fruit. Price $2800, $1000 .down, balance terms. v ' ' : Good. 8 room bungalow, two fine lots, paved street. Price $3000. Good 8 room house located - on Fairmount Hill. 110 W. Lincoln St. Bath, toilet, -lights, beautiful view overlooking the city, paved streets, lot 76 by 100 feetr corner lot. Price $4000, ft cash..- . Good 6 roont house located close to -state house, - modern, fireplace-, furnace. Price $5800. . ' - Good 5 rorm rbungalow and two fine lots,- bath, toiIet,-li(hts.--bae-ment. Price. $S2Q0, ft cash, balance 6 percent Interest , . , 6 room house, bath, toilet, lights, two fine- lots. : Price ' $3000, ft cash, balance' 6 percent Interest. 8 room house and large lot locat es close in. Tricff $4600..' , . .1 W H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State street. "' ! . n we tcnsr prise. i'iobe.trO-A v-tJeFf. oul l, ( oNT Yov THimK) I VWHAT" V I " r . " ". '"" - 111 it I'M 1 i s - 9 1 r ' 1 1 it a 3 vv- . 1 REAL ESTATE. .. s BEST- BUYS 160 acres I. miles from Salem, in the fruit belt; 100 acres in cultivation 10 acres in prunes; good 9 room house and' bai n, well and 2 springs, .mile .to 1 school,' Price $160 per acve. " - - . 644 acres, 800 In .cultivation, fam ily orchard, 7 room, house and largo barn, over 3 miles of woven wire fence on place; 7 springs and 2 wells, 3 miles from railroad town, 1 mile to school. Only $40 per acre. 43 acres 6 miles from Salem, near pave droad; 16 acres in cultivation, fine fruit land above the frost line. $75 per. acre.. 1055 acre stock and grain farm, 30 acres alfalfa, 8 houses and 5 barns, -mile to school, post office and store; fenced In 8 fields. $25 - per acre.--;. . ; ... 10 acres 3 miles south, near the highway; 2 acres logans, 7 prunes, lft acres strawberries in prune or chard; income this year over $4000. Will sell for $8500. 10 acres, 5 aores logans, 1ft acres strawberries, 1 ft acres potatoes and corn. 3ft miles from Salem. $4000. -40 . aores 4 miles from Salem, east, all In cultivation, good soil," $225 per acre. , 15 acres 8 ft miles from city lim its, close to Pacific highway; 6 acres in prunes, 6 in cherries and - 4 of strawberries in orchard; small house and barn. A fine suburban home and income. $9000. Terms. 10 acres on the Silverton ' road, close in; 3 aores logans; new 4 room house, barn and chicken house TB00 HOUSES AND BUSINESS PROPO SITIONS ' 5 rooms, strictly modern, . close In, paved street, t $8600. 8 room modern home, good loca tion, on car .line, large lot, . garage. $6750. . 5 room house., northeast part of town. $1500. . . , "16 ' room ' apartment, fine location, strictly modern, 2 baths, hot water heating1! plant. ' $12,000. SOCOLOFSKY f ' 341 State St h BETTER HOUSE BUYS : : Just a few of the properties I can" seU you on installments: 9 room house,, fine location. $2100. $500 cash. 8 room house six blocks north of Ladd & Bush bank on Commercial. A real snap at $2500, $500 cash. Has 165 foot lot. Neat little bungalow in Englewood 5 rooms and bath, basement; nice lot, E front. $2200, $500 down and $25 monthly. A 9 room house handy to paper mill; garage. 'A marvelous buy at $3000, $500 down, "$20 monthly. ' Bungalow cottage; 'plastered, 4 rooms; $600, $100 cash, $.10 monthly. On S. 21st St. ' Dandy little bungalow adjoining city limits off S. Commercial street. $2800, $1000 cash, : $30 : monthly. Lots 100x150 with 5 room plaster ed house. Good fruit; good well - on porch. $1200, $600 cash, $15 month ly. '-' -News bungalow under" construction, Broadway. Lot 66x125; i four rooms and bath room, fireplace, garage. $1, 450, $650 cash. With $400 more this property would be worth $2500. See it tonight, I HAVE MANY MORE. SEE ME ABOUT YOUR HOUSING PROB LEMS, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME WITH SOME WHO CLAIM TO HAVE A LISTING. Four autos at your service. IF YOU NEED THE MONEY TO BUILD; SEE ME I MIGHT BE ABLE TO FINANCE YOU. . , ,....: CHAS. W. NIEMEYER "Just Real Estate" S15-216 Masonic Temple, Phones' 1000 Salem, Oregon. 1014 GOOD BUYS IN HOUSES E room house located on S. 12th St., paved street, and car .Jine. Prio siuov, casn. . - Good 6-room bungalow at 1379 8. 13th St. Price $2100, ft cash, terms on. balance.! '-Good 5 roo mbungalow and 2 large lots located on D St. This is a bar gain at $3150. 5 room modern bungalow on Rich mond ave. Price $2800. 7 room house on Union close to Commercial. Price $2250. Terms. Good 6 room plastered house on 15th, close to State. Price $3000, 6 room plastered house on 23d, Just off of State. Price $2500, terms. 5 room house at 960 Union St. Price $2200. -5 room bungalow at 620 S.'18th St. Price $2000.-$500 cash,, balance $20 per month Including 1 per cent in terest. : -' ' - ' ' 6 room bungalow located on i Fir St., large lot, east front. Price $2500 cash. , . . . . 6 room house and two lots on ISth two blocks off of State. Price $3000. 6 room modern bungalow, 2 lots, located on Richmond ave. Price $5, 000. i room home at 110 Lincoln St. Price $4000. ,. - 7 rooms on State St. Price $4000. If you do not find what you want here, come in and see us, we have others we would be glad to show you. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275. State St. n . , SOMETHING REAL 20 acres in the best fruit district in'' Oregon-, surrounded by $1000 an acre land, five acres six year prunes, loaded; 4 acres gooseberries, 8ft acres strawberries. Now. listen, there are a series of springs on this place that is used to irrigate six acres of this land, which if set to logans will insure you six tons to the acre, these state ments will be verified by any field man of any canning company in this town. The price is $8000, if you have not. $4000 to pay down, don't bother fme, if you have I can show you the best investment near Salem; "Nuff Sed."i i M. W. ROWLEY 305 State street. ' n Retail merchants of Washington county have formed an organization' and elected J. H, Garrett of Hillsbo ro as president. '.'",.. - ... 9 . I r r z; j . mim. m tit REAL ESTATE 6 ROOM modern bungalow and largo upper Iluor, basement and .furnace. garage, lots of fruit and a. large lot, close in. 6 Room bungalow on Shipping street, 2 large lots, and fruit trees, , all modern but furnace. 5 Room modern bungalow, wonder- itiny bunt, in every respect, enam eled wood work in rooms, hard wood floors, veneered dining room ' wood work, close in, 6 Room cottage, modern In every detail; a large lot, room, for 2 au tos, very close In. 9 Room modern beautiful home, close " inv 7 Room cottage and large lot ' on : Chemeketa. 8 Room: modern home,' large porch, garage for. 2 cars, east front, close ''in. : ' f;... !.. : - ;;: ( Man yother splendid homes for you ' to buy; need many more' listings. Have very good people inquiring as to furnished houses; list them with me. Have many people wanting to rent large and small houses for lease or otherwise. Bring those listings. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage. Phone 1186. nlS3 . L. A. HAYFORD RH1AL ESTATE 805 STATE ST. "' REAL FARMS 112 acres six miles south of Salem all cleared, all in crop, famous red soil; nine acres orchard, good Bix, room house, large barn, improved. Spring pipe to house. $200 per acre for all, but not less than 60 acres in cluding - buildings. . - . , 100 acres three miles from Brooks, 80 acres cleared, 15 acres Lake La bish land, richest of soil; good seven room house, large barn, outbuildings, garage, three wells, spring, running water; rented for $12. per acre. 20, 000,, $5000 will handle. ' 60 acres 5 miles south, thirty clear ed, black and. red soil, splendid six room house, large barn, well, springs and running water. Price $8500. inn a.n..AA n fi-.. dg a.i.M an t cultivation, five room , house, out- buildings, .good barn, .well, springs and running water. . $116 per acre. - 62ft acres famous Howell Prairie, 61 cleared, fine fenods, family orch ard, good . 6 room house. A. snap at $200 per acre. $4000 will handle. FRUIT TRACTS 40 acres, 7 rosm house, six miles directly south, 23 acres cleared,: 18 timber and pasture, 22 acres prunes 5 to 10 years old; 1 acre, logans; two story 7 ' room honse, - barn, - chicken house etc Spring and ' running ' wa ter, all for. $12,000, $4000' will han dle. SO acres all In cultivation,' 8 miles SW Salem,' Rosedale district,- 20 acres full bearing prunes, 8 acres apples, 3 acres . logans, 'ft acre cherries; all stock and implements, 5 room house, barn, new fruit dryer, spring piped to house. Crop, stock and equipment all for $13,000, .$6000 will handle; mU3t be taken at onee. . v ; Inquire of us about fully equipped fruit farms of 50 acres, 8ft acres prunes, .2 hopies,. 2 cows9 shoats, 2 brood sows, '600 'chickeas, imple ments; 6 acres strawberries, all the crop, six room house,, fine new barn. This is a crackerjack, everything in cluded for $16,000, ft cash. . L. A HAYFORD 305 State St. . n" 10 ACRE tract, splendid soil, 4 room house, barn and other out build ings, pump on back porch : of . house. Nearly 4 acres of evergreen ' berries. Air kinds: of garden truck. All for $8000. Immediate posses sion given. 8 room house on Hood street, for $3, - boo. ,.: , . Splendid 6 room bungalow; large upstairs room tor dancing or on Hard room. This bungalow Is com- . plete in . every detail. Has garage, - large lot and many fruit trees, ' GERTRUDE J. M. Page 492 N. Cottage, phone 1186. nl94 FOR QUICK SALE Nearly new six room bungalow with 4 lots, 8 blocks from, car line, 1 block from paved street, gravel street In front. The house has beam ceiling, and built in conveniences, furnace heat, and a very lovely place; over $200 worth of cherries on place this year. The four large lots will keep a family in all the vegetables you need. Seeing this at the very low price means to buy at ones before some one else beats you to it." Only a few days at $3500. Best of terms. LAFLAR & LAFLAK 406-7 Oregon bldg. - DIRECTORY. WHY SELL FOR LESS WIS will pay you more cash for your household goods. Get our bid be fore you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hardware store, 271 N. Com mercial street. Phone TI4. FURNITURE New and 2dhand, bought and seld. Economy Auction House. 404 Ferry St. Phone 1177. Osteopathy DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, os teopathia physicians and surgeons. 60S U. S. bask bldg. Phone 86. Dr. White, res.',-phone 469; Dr. Marshall res. phone 884. 1 :u DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopat. 4 physician and Burgeon, 403-4 Ore gon bldy. Res. phone 58F5. FARM LOANS Any amount. Low rates. Full repayment ' privileges. Very prompt service. Ask about our 20-year loans at 6 per cent. Haw kins & Roberts, 206 Oregon bldg. Salem, Or.. - ' MONEY TO LOAN Federal Farm Loans ' Any amount. Long time. .5ft and 6 percent interest. City buildings loans. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonlo Temple, Salem, Oregon Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. CO years experience; Depot National and American fence, sizes 26 to St, inches high. Paints, oil and varn ishes, etc., loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stovs Works, 260 Court streeet. Phone 124 Optician. DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician, eyes thoroughly -amined, glasses mads and fitted. 610-12 V. S. bank. Phone 841. . Water Company. SALEM WATER COMPANY-Orfles corner' Commercial and Trade ttta. Bills, payable monthly in advaaoo . Pboo 67. Local The Markets .ForeU:n Grain: Wheat No. 2 $2 2.05; fee oats 6570c; cheat hay $1718; oat nay'$l820; clover bay $18 920; mill run $63. Butter fat: Buttertat 60c; creamery butter 61 62c. Pork, veal and mutton: Fork om foot 1717!4c; veal fancy 2122o; steers 8 ft c ; spring lambs 8c; 00 ws- Mi ewes 2c; sheep, yearling 5c Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 8o: Uight hens 18 20c; heavy hens 22o; old roosters 12c; broilers 24c over two lbS. -' v." -''' ,- - Vegetables: California onions pel! sack $2.00; beets per sack $2.00; turnips per: sack $3.25; carrots vor sack $3.60; parsnips per aausk $2.(0; ' spinach lOo ' lb; radishes lis do.; asparagus 15c; new potatossj 3c; 1 bunch beets 45c; cabbage 80; head lettuce 90o dos; rhubarb 4c; peas 8c;' tomatoes $1.60; cucumbers 6O0 doz; cantaloupes pony ,&, standard $3.00, Honeydew $2 crate. flat crate $1.25; watermelons 2c Fruit: ' Oranges $7.50; lemonc $5.25; bananas 12c; honey - ex tract 20c; apricots $3 crate; peaches; Elbertas $1.50. , Retail prices'. Eggs 60c; cream ery butter 60c;, country butter 65 $80 flour, hard wheat $3.75 8.90; soft wheat $3.00 3.26. LIVESTOCK ' Portland, . A.ug.. 13. Cattle steady;' receipts 63; ? ehoice steers $9,000 10.00; good to choice $8.609.OO; mediu mto good $7.00 8.80; fair to good $6.66 7.00; common to' fair $5.006.50; choice esws and heifers) $7.007.60; good to choice $6,00 0, T.00; medium to good $5.00 6.00; fair to medium $4.005.00; : can ners $2.504.00; bulls $5.006.00; choice dairy calves $13.0015.60; prime light calves $11.60 13.00; mx dlum light $9.0011. 00; heavy tl.f 9.00; best feeders $6.50 7.00; fair to good $S.506.60. . Hogs lower; receipts 176; prims) mixed $17.76 18.00; medium $17.09 1T.76; smooth heavy $14.001. 00; rough heavy $12.0014.00; pigs $114). $19.00. : Sheep weak; receipts 900; ysiueli lambs $.a.00; east- of moun tain $9.60 10.00; culls ' $6.0.0;: yearlings $6.00 7.25; wethers f (9 $6.60; ewes.$2.266 ' - -Butte . Portland. Or., Aug. IS. Cubes ox tra 55 65 ft; parchment wrapped box lots. 59c; 'cartons 60c; half boxes o mora, less-than ft boxes lo morf butterfat 64 56s f. o. b. statlon;0 6 2c Portland. ' Millstuffsf Mill run $6T68. : Hay; buying price, timothy $26 f.o.b alfalfa $24; grain $22; clover $19 921 Poutry and Begs. Portland, Or., Aug. 13. Eggs selling price case count 48 49c, buying price 47e; Belling price candled 652; se lected candled in cartons S4 56c Poultry: Bens 2027o lb; broiler 26 27c; old-roosters lflc; turkeys nominal; geese 12c; ducks 25o. -Wheat: $2.30 soft, $3.35 hard, bushel; barley feel $6564; oats 6 65; corn No. 8 yellow $63; soratcb. feed $8788. Roosevelt Junior To Trail Cousin Chicago, Aug. 18. Announcement was made today by Senator Harry 8. New that" Theodore" Roosevelt would take the stump for Senator Harding early in September. . - Roosevelt will start his campaign In Chicago and will cover virtually tho same route taken .by Franklin D. Roosevelt. British Labor Parly Friendly To Reds London. Aug. 13. The opposition of British labor to assistance in the war against Russia was voiced today with, unanimity at a conference represent ing all elements of the workers. Resolutionst adopted "hailed with' satisfaction the Russian government's declaration in favor of the compkits independence of Poland" and pledged the British labor party to resist anf form of military intervention (Copyright, 11.0, by H. C- Fisher. Trade Mark Reg. U. 8. Pat OfxlsM. ?hoo: ir 4 fi . ' ' ' " z