Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 07, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    ( JioToelch insertion 2;s.u;
u.' ,
... . .da cash M .jVBrt ser has
C" i; ohone, un.c ---n. for
",mV account, xnu
- .rrorS,
JiirSTsuaa mules, weitfht
5Tg,bffViiw W'eiso
--IracteU honey,
'? U"fpiinthe cream wparft
FOB WL8" Lull. . Smith, Kt. 1.
JSrrT 4 .or ' 6 room hou89'
tee St.
rrrZ-vTrMil 6 or 7 room mou-
house bV 2 adults,
house u 19.13.
best 6t rof-
' " 11 ! A
'" Phone laJJ- "
-PpnTTTlent, furnished house
AN bv responsible couple.
- U
JZZrZThZi alow, 3 v acres fruit
L Si em grand view, $5000.
STi'd future loretold: Send i
I0UR iu'UI,", truthful Tollable
Send dime,
con- reading. Ha.el Haw.
kr 215. Los,
- nrtw. 24 one
755 1 Mand Red hens. 1
&d China brood sow. Phone
wTjjrBDMan to taKe concraci
m.iko hlir money.
Address 162 N. Commercial, R. C.
ffiivKOLBT car, 'is mooei,, b
tires good top and a mighty , good
S"atg$500. see car at Hulls Top
WOOD for sRle, a car oi "-v-"
M "ir that will sell on Get
your order in at once. Phone 254,
cr an f ter fflgLhOurg. 188
uTTrSALE 25 White Leghorn hens
nd 100 young White Leghorn
chicks mom ha old; also rab
vi.. onio cheno. Phone 1580M.
FOR A QUICK SALE $150(1. $500
OT4TR - ft
FOR SALE Good 6 room house all
mnprn excent basement, several
fine fruit trees, fine location, two
blocks car line, liza . uouage.
FOR SALE By owner, strictly, mod
rn 19 room bungalow, close, in
8 room house and 2 'acres, a good
hum: Information at (S4u union
. 8t al98
ASH or oak cord wood or stove wood
lengths at a specihl low price! for
BeMember delivery, if interested in
6 or 10. cord lots write- Li- Bers-
. man. Rt. 8, box 80A. . eel90
MARRY FOR wealth, happiness,
Hundreds rich, attractive, . congen-
, hi, willing to wed. Photos free
25 years experience. Mrs. Warn,
221614 Temple St. Los Angeles Cal
VACATION time is here. Don't let
yours be spoiled by fear" of burg
lars. Rates on burglary insurance
. are low, let us protect your home.
i The W. A. Liston Agency, $4
,. , Court street. ' . - 18
HEST Ford car buy. in Salem, Jal.e
model, one man top, new ..seats,
starter, demountable rims, in per
fect condition. This car will sell -at
: price asked. See car at Hulls Top
' Shop, Y. M. C. A. bldg. 188
LOST Strayed or stolen, 1 brown
: mare with white spot on forehead,
weight about 1300 lbs., with halter
;' on; finder please notify owner. A.
M. Schmidt, Rt, 3, bos lie, Or phone
luara. . kl90
MARRY It lonely; for results, try
. me; best and most successful
"Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish
marriage soon; strictly confiden
; Ual;- most reliable; year9 expert
' tnce; descriptions free. "The Sue
; eessful Club," Mrs; Ball, box 656
vaniana, calif.
i ALKE farm, especially good for
Prunes, cherries, loganberries and
mrawoerries. Builrlincs trood. nnnr
school. Price and terms right. See
aiso a good nlace of 45 to 60
acres. Some trade considered on
mer. VV. A. Liston, 484 Court St.
Notice to Ai;TniriRiT.w nwidERs
pCouId you defend a damage suit
for $20 ? A personal liability policy
Protects your interests . to the
jmount of $10,000. Let us carry
nan. xne v. A, Liston Agen
- cy' 48 Court street. ' 188'
For diS : :
, vle nave a six - room
' leni bungalow, cottage- with
.k i "Shts, -bath, toilet, wood
, sneo., on navpri tAaf
'hree lots in east Salem; one Half
wn, balance easy terms. 10 acres
: . Z mlles south, 3 acres logans,
i 8 trees for family orch
t-tuuD, terms. A
L. Seamster
uiy Co.,
. .. "hone S53
416 Masonic Temple.
XTtri.1l,(,n n,.: ?r
hm. 6 again have lh largest
"P ""ch in Oreeon. Vive himrl-
LT? in ho',R; aU old Planting
h. . Tventy acres. High trellis,
h aimi,s- two stores with
mZZ f'?68' butcher shop, free
tOxinn . ?ure water. Dance na!
enc7n t "rl,e and register at
n i , plcKlnS. Our old pick
Horii p , y wa"ted. E. Clemen;
. r'-Two beautiful "u "eauiuui lots ,. on
tre. 1 between 18 an dl9th
Cemi. ? ""esidence at 1880
eonn.ri 11 water and sewer is
Prove. p on ,ots' street, im-
Placed n l0ls- This is an eal
looking ,reskifence and if you
finer in,8 or a p,ace to build- a
Salem dV0" C!innit be found in
cJ-h 6, ,,25Q' 8ix hundred
. Keliv ?a,anre terms. Write D.
hell. box 312, Gladstone,, Or.
aa's ilouaeti.
ttent 'ge modern except base
J-te pCaUon- Price 1500'
-P"y IXs- & Pearson, 200
ef j . olrlctiy modern residence
w" Pay tsonn1"81 .Califia client
that l:8000 to HO.000 for place
fP--H!L-C;roOTid floor.
"ted nn V ra uwellmg. well
V-H S.aved B,peet and car
Jt ttrZr room house.
-LE 1
840 N.
"P1 treJ -r ille several e,ood
reet" block " Pav-
300. Phone 50SR.
. 4 in J.LlLuy house and Z or
iS2ii7.Ka fur three ot- four
"Ski. E P aiem. Price mint be
IJ Of! ra T . .
BEAUTIFUL 5 room bungalow com
plots in every detail, hard wood
..' floors, enameled wood work, splen
' did location,' small beautiful yard;
6 room house on State, street,- com
.... plete in every way, large lot with
"" lots of fruit, the upstairs unfinlsh-d,-
will-make 4 beautiful rooms.
' Many "other good homes in close
in locations, -492 N. Cottage; Ger
trude J. M. Page, phone 1180.
. ., al'88
LIST your houses and farms with
us as we have buyers waiting for
different - kinds of property.1 Price
f them right. 2 cars at your service.
) j Barber &' Pearson 200 Gray bldgl
Phone 790. n
i ROOM bungalow, same as new, a
., blocks; from State street, modern
iu .every; respect, basement with
. . furnace, .fireplace, - dutch kitohen,
reception hall, large porch, enam
eled bath, room, closets, etc; lot
100 foot frontage, good streets. Just
' what you- are looking for. Price
. $3800, Vt cash. Barber & Pearson,
200 Gray bldg. Phone 790. a
for Sale Farms.
50 ACRES in Polk, county 3H -Wiles
Independence,'. H ; mile electric sta
tion, mile school; 26 acres in
prunes, 6 acres in full bearing; 2
aeres .family, .orchard, ilota of small
fruits, 6 acres in strawberries; 6
room house, new barn, large chick
en houses and parks, R. F. D. and
telephone; a Percheron mares, 2
cows, 500 W. li. chickens, hogs, all
necessary farm implements; hay
In barn; About $3000 of prunes on
trees. Would consider a residence
in Portland or Salem as part pay
ment, and some cash. W. C. Roo
erts, Independence, Rt. 2, Or.- nl88
160 ACRES. 100 in cultivation, bal
ance in pasture and some ash tim
ber, 7 room house, large barn,
garage, tenant house, fine stream
running close to buildings. Locat
ed 2 miles from S. P. main line
'. nd 11 miles from Salem. This is
a bargain and must sell, can ae
handled with' $3000 cash, terms on
balance. Price $16,000. Write A E
care Journal. bl88
fOR SALB Or trade, 160 acres in
Washington county. Want to sell
or trade for smaller tract near Sa
lem. Li B, Fisher,- Rt.- 8, box-14 4 A
Salem, Or. bl89
City- Twenty acres, edge of Khe
city on Garden road, splendid 8
room house, full cement basement,
electric lights, fine barn, wind
mill, granary, chicken houses; all
the stock, chickens, etc., most of
the 'furniture, Ford car, all goes
for a quick sale. Owner sick must
leave; The finest home property
adjacent to Salem city schools. The
price Is low for that class of prop
erty. -M. W. Rowley, 305 State St.
FOR SALE 'Suburban Acre home
'tracts, one mile east of canine; no
better erry land. J. H. Koltes,
'Hotel Bllgh. ; b!8
FIVE acres fruit land, 11 miles from
? Salem, 4 miles to cannery. Pacific
.highway, ta exchange on home in
Salem, near carline preferred. Box
301,' Dallas, Or. . b!88
FOR SALE-66 acres all in - crop,
highly improved, : 9 ' miles out on
- rock road.' 1 mile 'south -of Salem
Dallas .- highway.-JPrioe. with - of
crop $11,000, terms. Hart & Mul
' ner, 208 Oregon bldg. b
FOR SALE By owner, 8 acres on
paved road 6 miles north Salem,
Or., in cultivation; no buildings.
Real estate men need not apply.
Address box 283 care Journal. 1)188
FOR SALE 42 acres 8 miles out -en
paved and rock road all In cuitiva
Hon, family orchard; 2 acres bear
ing prunes, good buildings. Price
$7000, terms. Hart & Muller, 208
Oregon- bldg. - J b
FOR SALE 20 acres logans, 4 miles
from Salem,, fine -. location. Price
$10,600. Hart & Muller, 208 Ore
gon bldg. - ' ' ' h
FOR SALE 97 acres most all in
crop, fair buildings, good location
6 miles out. Price $10,000. Hart
& Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. - b
For Sale Miscellaneous.
WICKER baby carriage1 for sale. 766
S. Summer. cisa
FOR SALE 10 tons of - baled t oat
hay, some wheat, some ' fern,
if taken soon. John Kuhnke, Rt.
4, box 70A, Salerru 1188
FOR SALE 8x10 and 9 "4x12 wall
tents. Stelnback Junk Co, sau iv.
Commercial. 188
MUST SELL Ford worm drive truck
complete with stake body, ozo.
also: Buick chassis, would .make
fine truck only $200. Salem Velie
company. ql88
FOR SALE Household goods, good
range, two pigs, 150 lbs. each, and
140 O. A. C. spring chickens. SaA
lorn. Or.. Rt. 8. box 64. C188
FOR SALE 8x10 and 9x12 wall
tents. Stelnback Junk Co. 320 N.
Commercial. 1$
FOR SALE For less than cost of
material, -good rabbit pen. Call at
. iifiRO Hazel ave. ' " c!88
FOR SALE Range, heater, golden
oak bedstead, dresser, one rug, al
so kitchen chairs, frtiit" jars and
numerous other articles. 1435 Mill
Sr Phone 943R. " C188
FOR SALE Baled hay, the very best
net damaged by rain. Phone sti
C. C. Russell. c
FOR SALE 8x10 and 94xl2wan
tents. Stelnback Junk Co. 320 N.
Commercial. 183
FOR SALE John Deere rbinder, near
ly new, seven foot cut, in first class
order. Ueo. l ose, iiiuciicuuonv-j
RESTAURANT for sale, one 5t the
best paying in Salem. Owner
wishes to sell on account of health.
Price $2200. Barber & Pearson, 200
. r.r kmo PhnriB 790. a
LEATHER hand bags $6.75 and up.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial.
..... ..-.. " 'J' TYl
HE 5l:-' DfeM MUTT- I
AM MAK1N& .lWAiwv
speecrt. xwKwb)
jot ''
- For ' Sale Automobiles .
FOR SALEr-Or trade for Ford, ,mo
torcyole, Phone 285 afternoon. -4m
FOR SALE--MlteheU, car. Will take
y piano as -part payment'' IS 11 Sag
inaw. ' cl8
1918 Chevrolet $450 :
. 1916 Maxwell $350. : .
1918 Ford $400 . . :
1914 Ford $275
Moline roadster $250 -
Repair parts for Stoddard twenty.
Cherry City garage, 170 S. '12th
' St.' - '- . -vql89
BI '
No misrepresentation
For Sale Livestock.
FOR SALE Good work team., 1095
N.- Cottage. . . , ' el87
FORv SALE Cheap, good work horse
, or driving horse, (going away( must
sell by , Tuesday. C. McKillop, fair
grounus. el9
FOR SALE- Good work horses, 7 and
8 years old. I'hone - el88
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey . cow. E,
A. Aufranc, ' phone 86F3. -el88'
Wanted Jielp.
WANTED Woman for dining room
work at Oregon ..state tuberculosis
hospital. - ., , gl91
WANTED Hop pickers wishing to
register for Harlley & raig yard
. 5 OrtiMirito'sj Island, (10) walk from
street car. Call evenings 11P16W,
1489 or 1757. gl88
HOP pickers wanted, 40 acres river
. bottom land, good hops, good camp
" ground, wood and good water.
Phone 314J. 1 " gl2
ploying 1400 men, good chance for
advancement; company stands good
for room and board until pay day,
also need few good carpenters. See
Mr. Neuman, Hotel Bllgh, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday. - g!88
WANTED Woman to care for eld-
early invalid ladyt Call 635 S. 16th.
. - ,1 gl89
WANTED Dairyman to milk 20
cows; house? wood and-. mll-Hwfurn-ished.
Phone 3F3, C. C. -Russell, g
WANTED W-& are- now ... registering
hop. pickers for the. -Mitonai. i hop
yard near . Independence. Durbin &
' Cornoyer over the J.. C. Penney
store. Phone 491. ' g
LOOKERS who neeu suit cases.
' O. Buren, 179 N. Com'L
LESS HELP NEEDED if you have a
Perfection oil cook stove,: Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. g
1310 Waller St.
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED A good ranch. Call or
. write 2310 State street. il88
LOOK Bring 'em in apples for cir
der. Commercial Cider Works, 1010
N. Commercial. 192
WANTED -To rent 5 or 6 room mod
, ern house; : permanently, by re.
sponsible party; best references.
. Phone 827M. ' ' ' J192
WANTED-Typewriting to do at home
by experienced stenographer. Ad
dress 2305 N. Liberty St. - 244
WANTED Furnished house for- el
i derly couple and young man. Pre-
ferably. near university. Phone 46
s F14 or . address B M 168 N. 12th
St. ' - ' 191
WANTED To rent small furnished
house; no children. Call 1870R.
WANTED Unfurnished 4 room apts
with bath, or small house. Call Cap
Ital garage, phone 88. 1189
TRUNKS-" Stylish and low priced.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. -c
WANTED Board and room in pri
vate family. P. O. box 281. 218
For Sale Woofl.
CALL Salem Fuel Yards for your
coal and wood. Office 762 Trade
ohone 529. eel90
TRY phoning 1565M for wood. ee204
WOOD for sale, 4 foot or 16 inch.
Fisher Brothers, pnone ium. eej.aa
FOR SALE Large 2d growth fir
for a, while at $8 75 cord. Mrs, M.
1 Bath, Macleay, Or., box 12. Order
now. eeirfO
WOOD FOR SALE 16-in, old - fir,
mjn . Trill! waod ., snecial.4 Drice on
car lots, prompt delivery, strictly
cash. 305 S. cnurcn, pnone j,ai.
Frea bl. wens
FOR SALE Good, fir and oak wood
Phone 1678W.' ' ' '. eel94
WANTED Wood cutters wanted. C,
D. Query, phone 77F2. g
FOR RENT Housekeeping apart
ments at Cottle, 343 N. Com'd ,
under new management. 3188
FOR RENT 105 acres in Benton
county, 35 acres cultivated, balance
is pasture. $150 per year, nan casn
. .Keo Tvtnnev & Smith. 469 State St
. ..... '-;. bl90
OFFICE rooms for rent; splendid
janitor service. 205 Oregon Piag. j
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen, steam
heat, by the montn. -none mi,
205 Oregon bldg. '
Lost and Found.
FOUND Groceries, owner can have
hv identifying same.'. 430 S.
1 4th at. - ' nl88
OAT Meal Paper, -20-inch tan, extra
special, 34c double roll. -Max O.
179 N. Com'l. a
'WALLPASTE" perfect for paper
hanging, no cooKing. ma. v. u
en. 179 N. Com'l. ' -
MONEY T OLOAN on farm proper
ty. 7 room house, modern conven
iences, close to car, fine location.
$3200. 6 room bungalow, modern
except furnace, for $3000. Brown;
-room 8, 341 state.
The little fellow makes his first campaign
f ? . -' , . I r . ' s. TTTi o.rr itr ,um (TuuaT fVXE nacami I T) I
' 1 1 H RMf ALRtftDIi . - Hs.n TUcV ( MU " ' -- . ,'fDWl6. 1 w .1
. . . r I i v'- ' ir . i I --...ftdr-nciiri i " t-- y- Mir'm, - -a i
. - - - - ,!: .C(WIO.T THAT nu WA Ml.
DO not neglect your roof, have it
oloaned,, patched and tarred.
Phone C. C. Kays at 1758. i ml95
FOR carpenter work and general re
pairing and painting wanted done,
call ' 1959. ' . . J m206
TRANSFER I A. Barclck Co.
Country trips,- moving. Wood for
ale; Good service. Stand 871 North
Commercial. Phone 734.
We have a 60 acre farm, good soil,
40 acres prunes; 8 acres cherries. 4
acres logans; modern bungalow, on
paved road; Tnls is a good Investment
close to Salem; Price 8420 per aore,
terms. : - . ..; - : . .
40 acres prunes in prune district.
at $500 per acre. Crop goes with
each of the above rarms and good
liberal terms can be had.
We also have a 6 room modern
bungalow well located, on caved
street at $5280, $200 down,; terms
on balance.
416 Mtsonio Temple. n
5 room bungalow, modern except
basement; nice.. fireplace, faces east,
close to pavement. A real snap : at
$1600. Good, terms. ',
6 room dwelling, full basement
with-stationary -wash- tubs;." .extra
large-let with-fruit trees, -pave street,
faceainorth. Located at 966 Oak St.,
J. only 8 i, blocks. from post office. A
bargain at $2800. Terms.
6 room bungalow with" full base
ment, good sized lot;- nearly new; A
fine place' at $3000. Some terms.
8 '. room bungalow modern except
furnace; big -r basement; Music room
and lots of built in features; ; fine
big garden; new garage. Faces north.
A fine place and a bargain at $4200
. 6 room house,, modern except base
ment; 2 lots' with plenty of fruit1
trees. Another real snap at $2100.
Terms. .
'6 coomi bungalow, with full base
ment; modern except furnace;-small
garage. Prioe- $3000;. $500 down, bal
ance like rent.
7 room residence on wide paved
street; modern except furnace; full
basement. A good buy at $3500. Some
terms. 1
6 room bungalow with full base
ment; modern---except -furnace. Close
to car line, faces east. Lots of furnlr
ture included-with place. Price $3Q00
half cash. ,:
Fine tdarge , 11 V room . ; bungalow,
modern! in alL 1 respects; close in;
paved street,, faces north." House and
furniture insured t for $9000. Price
$8000.. Will sell furniture if desired.:
We have more good house buys
on our lists; drop in and ask us about
them. If you will aell your house, list
it with us. .. .
469 State St.' Ground floor.
WANfED Fine tract of 5 to 10 acres
. with strictly modern house; must
not exceed' $10,000. Also want
" larger tract with fine improvements
and, good income from land; will
i go to $20,000. ' We have another
client who wants fine tract of 20
to 60 acres with modern improve-
" jnents and must be on pavement
"now Or' soon, i Wants it for. small
dairy; not over- $20,000.
These clients mean business; if you
will sell your, place) give us your list
ing. ; , . '
469 State St. Ground floor. b
10 acres close to city limits on the
Silverton road, about acres of
loganberries in full bearing, new i
room house and 'new barn. $7600,
terms. . -
-80 acres close to the Portland road
Itmllas from Salem; about 5 acres
ill, hearing orchard, 2 acres prunes?
best or iruit sou; a smau piasiereu
house and good barn; a fine loca
tion for a home. $12,000, terms.
40 acres 4 miles from the center
of Salem, east; air' in cultivation,
best valley soil; close to school, $225
per acre.
13 & acres all in .cultivation; 10
acres, prunes with loganberries .for
fillers; good red fruit soil, in, Liber
ty district. $5000, V, cash.
174 acres nines easi on guou
gravel road; ait school and church;
all in cultivation; 7 room house, fair
barn. $6500.! V". ) ' v
, 17 acres, 3 acres logans, 6
acres prunes, 7 years ' old; good
house and barri, best of soil. Price
including equipment and crop on
land 112.600
,26 acres oil the suverton roaa
liint outside city limits and on oav-
hed road; . fine for subdividing. $500
per acre.
56 acres best of valley loam,, 9
miles from Salem paved "mdst of the
way; 7 room modern- hungalow, 2
large barns and silo ; all - in cultiva
tion and H of the crop goes with
the place. $11,000.
A-, socoLOFsmr u .
341 State St., Salem, Or. n
' 20 acres in the best fruit district
In -Oregon, surrounded by $1000 an
acre land, five acres six year prunes,
loaded; 4 acres gooseberries, 3 acres
strawberries. Now liston, there are a
series of springs on this place that is
used to irrigate six acres of this land,
which if set 4o logans will int,ure
you six tons to the, acre, these state
ments will be verified by any field
man of any canning company in this
town. The price is $8000, if you have
riot $4000. to- pay down, don't bother
me, if ypu have I can show you the
best - Investment neart Salem. "Nuff
Sed.": ; ' ' ':' , '"' ' ' ,
" M. "W. ROWLEY " .
306 fltntfr street. . - ' n
18 acres all in cultivation, with
good buildings, near school, $3600,'
5 acres close in, good seven room
house and. barn. 8-4 mile from car.
$3750, with terms. - i
6 acres, all in. cultivation; 4 acres
of orchard. Near ttlacif io . highway,
Priced at $3200. .
8 acres of choice loganberry land,
all in cultivation; no buildings, 1
miles from.. 17th and Market streets,
31 acres all in cultivation; small
family drchard; large barn; no house.
3 miles from state house. $8000. ,
1 acre, near town; .half acre in
loganberries; ' Chicken park, good
well; situated on Pacific highway.
half mile from ear. $1000; $250 cash,
balance montnly payments.
5 room plastered house and : 4
acres of land, in city limits, paved
street, 'small amount-down and bal
ance easy payments, $4000. .-;
5 room house with four lots, abund
ance of fruit and walnuts, near school
and car. $2250, $1000 cash, balance
on terms. '
5 room house, 3 lots, $1600, Vlth
$300 cash, balance monthly.
3 room cottage and two large lots;
fruit and flowers, near school and
car; $850 cash.
6 roo mcheap house,- iVi good lots,
paved street, near school and car.
- 6 room house, modern except heat
with garage,- niote fruit, immediate
possession. Price ' $1650. One half
cash,- balance: -monthly. j -
5 room bungalow. 3 "blocks from
state house, possession Sept.. - 15th.
$2500, part cash, balance on monthly
payments. .
8 room strictly modern home, with
garage, on paved street, 4 blocks
from state house. $5000, part terms.
11 room house, with fireplace,
lights, water and bath, 4W lots. $4,-
000 on easy terms. A real buy.
W. A. LISTON, Agent
48 4Coiirt street. nl89
306 State St.
21 acres the richest of soil; fine 8
room house, new; good barn, silo,
large modern chicken house, fine
garage, all fenced with woven wire
best place in neighborhood. Great
berry land, 8 mites from Salem; seven
miles pavement, l mile rock, pricen
very low $5000, $1500 down. A chance
in a life time. Improvements alone
worth the price.
a room nousa, plastered, iuu oase-
53x166, modern: variety of fruit, IVi
block from street car. Price $4500
If sold soon.
7 room house on paved street, mod
ern with basement, garage, fruit
trees and good - shade trees; a .real
home.. Price $6000, terms.
8 room house on paved street, lot
60x110, east front and modern in
every way with full basement, -All
built in features. A real home - for
8 roo mhouse, plastered, full base.
ment, bath, toilet, lights, city water,
has been built about 6 years and close
in. Price $3400.
5 room house, i 4 rooms plastered
good lot, toilet, bath, city water, good
garden and -some fruit trees, all for
7 room plastered, small cellar, to!
let, bath, electric lights, garage, fruit
trees, Vt block from street oar, $3500
Restaurant, do you want to buy
one?' if so, see us."
100 acres all good land, 75 In crop
nearly all fenced, woven wire; family
orchard, 7 room house and a 4 room
house, large barn, granary, spring,
well, runnfng water. This place is
the one you are looking for. Price
$20,000, terms.
305 State St. . n
:?:"' CrOOD BUYS : -
"-12 acre tractj- located on good road
close . t Pacific highway, 6 acres of
14 year old "prunes,' big crop, crop
goes; 2 acres logans. Price $7500,
$3600 - down, balance 4 years "6 per
cent interest.
61 acre tract located on main highway,-
close in, 8 acres Italian prunes,
house and barn, about 15 cords of
standing fir timber. Price $16,000.
5 acres of first class loganberry,
strawberry or prune soil, fine loca
tion. Price $1600, cash.
60 acre farm 6 miles from Sa
lem, house and barn. Price $8600.
Well improved- 10 acre tract close
in, good bungalow, loganberries, straw
berries, prunes, apples. Price $7500.
20 acre tract 1 mile from city car
I 11,",, V tV - - O ' ""!- I .
3 acres apples, cnerries uau ptcr, u
room plastered house, electric lights,
barn. If you are looking for a bar-Bain-
-In 20 acres investigate this.
Price $11,600. I ,
,.15. acre tract. located north or Sa
lem, , 4 V4 acres logans, small house.
Price $6000, terms.
Improved 6 acre tract east of Sa
lem, house, barn, some " fruit-. Price
. 25 .acre tract, 20 acres cultivated,
balance pasture, 5 room modern
house, barn, garage, 11 acres logans,
6 acres bearing; 2 acres Italian
nrunes. 6 acres of potatoes, located
-close in on good road. Price $17,500,
14 c&sli
275 State street. n
152 acres, 62 Italian prunes, 7
logans, 5 apples, 4 cherries, 1 pears,
1 English . walnuts, , filbedts, 40
acres plow land, some valuable tim
ber, two sets of buildings, on main
highway 6 miles south of Salem. For
price and terms see
228 Oregon -building. " n
We have some good .jrune orch
ards to sell now with, large crops on
them. A little money down ana a
more substantial payment after crop
Is harvested. Buy a prune orchard
and-let it pay for. Itself.
200 Gray bldg. Phone 790. i. ' n
speech.': -
,. 305 STATE ST, '
112 acres six miles south of Salem
all cleared, all in crop, famous red
soil; nine acres orchard, good six
room , house, large barn, improved.
Spring piped to house. $200 per acre
for ail,, but not less than 60' acres in
cluding buildings. .'
100 acres three miles, from Brooks,
80 acres cleared, -16 acres,: Lake,
richest' of soil; good seven
room- house, large-.harn, outbuildings;
garage," three wells, spring,, running
water;-rented for $12 pep-acre. $20,
000, $5000 will handle.
60 acres 5 miles south, thirty clear
ed, black and red soil, splendid six
room house, large barn, well, springs
and running water. Price $8500.
100 acres 7 miles SE Salem, 90 In
cultivation, five room house, out
buildings, ,good ' barn, iwell, springs
and running, water. $115 per acre.
62 acres famous 'Howell' Prairie,
61 cleared, fine fences, family orch
ard, good 6 room house. A. snap at
$200 per acre. $4000 will handle.
40 acres, 7 room house, six miles
directly south, 23 acres cleared," 18
timber and pasture, VI acres prunes
5 to 10 years oldf 1 acre .logans; two
story 7 room house, barn,-ohicken
house etc. Spring and running wa
ter, all for $12,000,, $4000 will han
din 5 "'-:.' .- . . - i
30 acres all in cultivation, 8 miles
SW Salem. Rosedale district. 20 acres
full bearing prunes, $ acres apples, 3
acres logans, Iv4 i acre" cherries; all
stock and implements, 6 room house,
barn; new fruit dryer, spring piped to
house. Crop, stock and equipment; all
for $13,000, $6000 will handle; mtut
be taken at once.
Inquire of us about fully equipped
fruit farms of , 50 acres, 80 acres
prunes, 2 horses, 2 cows, 9 shoats, 2
brood sows, BOO chickens, imple
ments; 6 acres vstrawberries, all " the
crop, six room house, fine new barn;
This is a crackerjack, everything in
cluded -for $16,000, cash.'
... L.- A- HAYFORD : ;
305 State St. .. n
1 acre Just outside the city limits,
5 room house in excellent condition,
small barn, & acre of logans. $1690
cash, balance less than rent.
1 acre and 8 room house south of
Salem, chicken house and other build
ings, 3 blocks i from car line, apples,
prunes and walnuts. $3000.-
60 acres of bottom, land, 35 clear
ed, 4 of strawberries, 4 of logans, 25
of potatoes, 2 houses, barn, stock and
farm machinery for ' $13, 500.
120 acres of the best land on 'How
ell Prairie, 40 In -cultivation,- 15" in
timber.- $6000' cash will handle- this
excellent farm. - - '
: 808 acres iVi miles from a good
town ,275 cleared, 16 of timber, ,7
room house, 2 large barns, good fenc
es, y, acre family orchard. $17,000,
1-3 cash. .
A beautiful home in south Salem,
modern In every respect, for partic
ulars see us. r v
A dandy 6 room residence - near
state house, on Court Btreet, for $5,
800. . : . - -
A 5 room house, on South LiBerty
street,, large lot, lots of fruit, a nice
home for. $3000.
A 7 room house on 20th street, east
front, good size rooms, full basement
and nice lot for $3250.
228 Oregon bldg. ' ' n
5 room house located on S, 12th
St., paved street, and car line. Price
$1050, cash.
Good 6 room bungalow at 1379 3,
13th, St. Price $2100, cash-.-terms
on balance.
Good 5 roo mbungalow and 2 large
lots located on D St. This is a bar
gain at $3150. - '...
5 room modern bungalow on Rich
mond ave. Price $2800.
7 room - house on Union close to
Commercial. Price $2250. Terms.
Good 6 room plastered house on
15th, close to State. Price $3000.
6 room plastered house on 23d,
Just off of State. Price $2500, terms.
5 room house at B0 union fat.
Price $2200.
5 room bungalow at 620 S. 18th St,
Price $2000. $500 cash, balance $20
per month including 7 per cent in
terest. '
6 , room bungalow located on. Fir
St.,. large lot, east front. .Price $2500
cash.. :r- '
6 room house arid two lots on 18th
two blocks off of State. Price $3000." -
5 room modern bungalow, 2 lots,
located on; Richmond .ave; Price $5,
ooo.. ' - ' ' .
8 room home at 110 Lincoln St,
Price $4000.
7 rooms on State St. Price $4000.'
If you do not find what you want
here, come in and see us, .we have
others we would be glad to show
275 State St. n
FOR SALE If you want a fine large
home, fine location, one of the best
in Snlem. I have it.
A large house, semi-modern,, large
lot 65x165, close in, terms.
A good home, 6 rooms with lot 90x
160, ideal place for aoartment
house, 3 .blocks from State, Price
$400, good terms.
Oregon MUg. i
S acres Liberty district, nearly
acres in bearing prunes, 1 acre plow
land, 8 room house and barn. $3500.
18 acres bearing prunes, 6 acres
bearing cherries. Good 7wroom house,
drier, barn. In hill section. $20,000.
Prune orchards of all sizes, small
tracts, walnut planting.
210 Oresron bldg . -tnl89
. " ''' 1 ,
I have buyers for the following!
Strictly modern home in or near
Salem not to exceed $10,000 cash.
Strictly modern; country home with
some income attached not to exceed
$20,000. . : -.
Large . prune orcnara ' iwuno ut
crop Must have first class buildings.
Up- to $35,000 casn, rirst payment.
Good prune orchard, (with ' or
without orop.) First payment $15,-
000;: .: -if '. -''-' "'
Prune aBd loganberry proposition.
Up to 75 acres. Without crop, $10,000
cash first payment. -
C room bungalow S. saiem, tuu
cash; balance' $30 monthly.
Small tract near Salem. , $1000
cash; balance annually.
Several .buyers, for small nomes on
easy payments of. from.-$300 to $750
cash, balance- monthly.
If others have failed to sell your
property. Try me. You will get serv
ice. '' '.
"Just- Real Estate" .
215-216 Masonic Temple. Phones 1000
Salem, Oregon. . -- 1014
For exchange 4 room cottage sin.
good shape,- nice: large lot, hen-thouse ...
and park, good location;' Price $800;
will take good, Ford car as part pay
ment and easy terms: on balance.
Good modern 8 room nousa ciose
in. Price $4200, terms.
Nice modern room Dungaiow on
Court street. Price $5700,' terms.
'Moaern o room cottage uu vm-uua,
2 fine lots, fruit and garden. Snap,
$2200, terms. .
- Extra fine all , moaern - pungaiow, .
close in. fine garage. Price $6500,
'. Farms, acreage,' fruit tracts, nomes
212 Com. club bldg. n
DR. PATTERSON has moved to the
Club stables cor. Ferry and Liber-
' .,' ftn. nhnna 7 rAfllH. 1961.
FURNITURE New - and - 2dhand,
- bought and seld. Economy Auction
House, 404 Ferry St. Phone 1177.
WH will pay you more cash for your
. household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. , Peoples Furniture
. and Hardware store, S71 N. Com-
merclal street. Phone 734.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
- physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore-
. LM- ,D.i n V, .r, n KfllR .
teopathlo - physicians and surgeons,
' 606 U. S. ' bank- bldg. i Phone- IS.
,; Dr; ' Whlte,i res- phone . 469; v Dr.
Marshall resi phone 834.
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. FuU repayment privilege.
Very prompt service. Ask about our
20-year loans at 6 per cent. Haw
kins & Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Salem, Or.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount.- Long time. ;
6Vi and 6 percent interest
City buildings loans.
401 Masonio Temple, Salem, Oregon
- Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and ' repaired. SO
years experience; Depot Nations!
and American fence, sizes. 26 to SI
inches high. Paints, oU and varn
ishes, etc- loganberry - and . hop
.. hooks. Salem Fence ... and Btove
. Works. 260 Court streeet. Phone 114
trlet-optician, eyes thoroughly ex-
'.amlned, glasses 'made and fitted.
' 610-12 V. S: bank. Phone 841.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 67.
Woman Impaled On
Blade of Hay Fork
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Aug. 6. Mrs.
Garwood Belter, thirty-four, is dying
in the i Sharon Hospital, ' Sharon,
Conn., as the result of injuries receiv
ed when' she' was impaled on 'the
blade of, hay loader, ; .
Belter, a . .prosperous farmer,-, in
South Ameniay Dutchess County; had
several tons of; hay to' mow away
and was anxious to get it in the barn,
as rain was; threatening.. He Is short
of farm help, and Mrs. Belter laugh
ingly volunteered to help. ,'
The work was progressing nicely
when Mrs. - Belter -screamed. The
power was shut off arid her husband
and the employees' ran to her assist
ance, to find that one 'of the' blades
of the loader had struck her- three
Inches below the heart, pinning her
to the machine. ' '
Notice is hereby given that ' the
undersigned has filed in the county
court of the state of Oregon, for the
county of Marion;- her final account
as administratrix of the estate of A.
W.- Howell, deceased, and .-that-said
court has fixed Monday, the thirtieth
(30) day of August, 1920, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day as the
time, and the county court . room In
the county court house, in -Salem,
Marlon county, Oregon, as the place
for hearing said final account and of
objections thereto.
Dated in Salem, Oregon, this thir
tieth (80) day of July, 1920.
G. E.' Unruh, ' '
Attorney for administratrix, Salem,
' (Copyright;' 120, by H. C. Fieher
Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Otfle
i -
care JournaL