PAGE EIGHT THE CAPITAL JOURNAL MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 15. Court Orders Work Resumed Upon Highway Monmouth, Or., Aug. 2. -In spite of the restraining order of Judge is cCourt of Multnomah county, an the warm controversy that has ex : Jsted between citizens of Independ , ence and Dallas and the Highway Commission, the work of paving on the Pacific at Rlckreall was resumed . Saturday as directed by the commis sion. The contractors complain that they are not a party to hte contro versy between the commissioners and the two towns named and the delay occasioned by the restraining order of the court Js an expensive proposi tion for them. The gravel has been laid, they contend, and the "hot stuff" is ready to put on the road. The petition was made to Judge Stapleton, who issued an order for - the contractors to proceed with the work according to contract, and in compliance with the order the work was resumed. , The attorney for Dallas and Inde pendence made a strong protest and . undertook to tell Judge Stapleton something about the roads Jn this country, but the judge stated that ne knew the conditions, having trav ersed these roads for the past fifty years, and the order , was - binding. The answer to the injunction case is to be filed on the 16th of August and it is tentatively agreed that the case will be tried on the Man aught With Bag Stolen From Hotel Is Jailed Arrested In Portland with a travel- ... oa sam to have been taken from the Marlon hotel, in his possession, Johnny Coy was brought to Balem Sunday night and Dlaceri in h. i. lull A , .. . -.-.. ...iiiKB or laroeny has been entered against him. ; . .. . ' Following the renort nt T. m . v. j aeons, or Eugene, that his wmrus iraveung bag, containing sli ver-mounted articles and some' cloth es, had been stolen from th r -lo on juiy Z4,'Chief Welsh d....... . . . . ubuu auinoruies to be on the watch for the man. Saturday Gov was apprehended . with . luggage "vugiii w pe Jacob's in M r.n.... slon. anuria io commulrnto urlth To bob, are at present being made by Chief Welsh. Coy, it Is said, was associated with me oi me pugilists who performed Sherwood-Salem Game Very Fast Final Score 2-0 Fans who attended the Senator Sherwood game at Oxford Park, Sun. day, had a genuine surprise in store for them when BIddle Bishop strolled into the diamond as the Salem pitcher and pitched a first class game featured by highest quality . Salem 81 nnnrt through nine innings, the score going iu oaiem, g-u. Blddle's snitball kent 'em. eneaslx? irom tne very start. He offered but four hits and walked one man. as did notified his opponent Myers, whose work for tne Sherwood nine deserved praise. Bishop and Myers each struck out nine men on their respective teams. Cole, Salem's former twlrler is playing with an Oregon City team. The Senators grabbed five hits from the big ex Salem twirler. In the first Inning Myers gave the locals several Bwats at the pill, Holmes and Proctor Cantu Is Denied Permission To Import Arms Washlngotn," Aug. 2. The American government has refused a request of Governor Cantu of the northern dis trict' of Lower California for permis sion, to Import arms and ammunition froni the United tates for use In re pelling the reported -threatened occu pation by Mexican provisional govern ment forces. The request was made by a Washington representative of Go ernor Cantu. coming in through the nice two bag here during the stat .;: i" """inn siammeu out by Jack Hayes. After ne. state convention of this, thn visitor. ana v. Elks. The station. The bag is at the police month. By this time he road In con. troversy, it is said, will be finished to Monmouth. Daily Recipe Jtiints of 7riday Market Page Put three nnnnrtH A i.(ni . . 4 , ' v.imjneu in a not frying pan with one-thi 30th of this Jf- and cook ten minutes, then add" Roosevelt and White Confer .,- New York, Aug. 2. Franklin D. Jtoosevelt, democratic vice-presides L6.r ?.d ,e'ZZ,ara and c n min- .u Tr".' m tmn slies and ' - c'"CKen, with one table puuii or curry powder, and two tea spoons of salt. Add boiling water to cover and simmer until the chicken Is h ii """'"ve cniciten and thicken ill 17, WI " ,,our Pour STivy over the chicken and serve with a rice Baked Chicken. Dress, clean and cut up two chick ens, place in drinnlnc- nan Hal candidate, held a Dre.camrjatn'n,w"n BaIt and pepper and drericre rith conference here today with. George 'lour aH1 dot over, one-half cup of White, chairman of the democratic '.utter- Bake 30 minutes in a hot oven national ; committee, and Senator!, "8 every faw minutes with one Harrison of Mississippi, chairman of. , Ll . cul! of butter in ohe-haif cup the committee's speakers bureau. ,h war "e' wlth ravy made The conference was held in the', ..1" the pan and one "" committee's new headquarters In' the Zce?lTZt Tn "Bd Grand Central palace here, owned by oTflour Th,cken llh one-fourth cu T. Coleman DuPont interests, gener- ' "V--''- ;.C-.-. ' " ally Identified with republican poll- V Chlvkeu VUs. . I tics. In negotiating the lease for the ' Cut up the chicken niirt ."..' new quarters, White said both par- tender. Put it in a deep an with its ties to the contract "apparently were Nl"or and add butter, pepper and salt ignorant of each others identity." also a little flour sifted over It. Mako A democratic speakers bureau will cruit like biscuit dough. But It over be opened in Chicago next week. Ron. lne top and bake fcntll done. Then ator Harrison said. make a Bmall hole in the top of crults 'Among others at the democratic 1,our m one plnt f .sweet milk headquarters today were fifteen l.thlckened wlth two or three table- members of the negro demnrM:B1)oolla of "our- fr 'h sravy. national committee, headed by Oscar game was replete wtth nicely executed plays. ., Holmes and Hayes both made nice grabs in the last innings of the game, Jack holding one that leaned against the fence and putting the cap on wnat would udoubtedly have been a run for Sherwood. ; Billy Stepp made a nice catch in the first inning when he made a hard run and dashed Parrot's hopes to the ground. The little Portlander made a second difficult catch in the sixth, chasing the sphere up to the fence. Salem Infield worked in fault less manner, only one error going to me senators ana mat being on a wild pitch by Bishop. Myers also pitched a wild one. Two base hits were made by Hayes ana btewart for Salem and by Swope of Sherwood. . Salem was at bat 28 time, while the visitors had 30 chances to solve Blddle's mystery, H. Water, New York. Free Radium j Treatments for Cancer Proposed . New York, Aug. a. Free radium treatment for sufferers from cancer win oe aaministered beginning Octo ber 15 by the state institution for the muy oi malignant diseases at Buffa lo, it was announced here today. The i.saimeni nas been made possible through a recent , appropriation ol 1225,000 for the purchase of two and one-quarter grams of radium. "And citizen of the United States will be treated free of charge," said Ir. Harvey R. Gaylord, the director. Lower California Residents Seek Safety In U.S. ...Mexican, Lower Cat., Aug. 2. Many . applications have been made by Mevl- cans living here for permission to send their families across the boundary to Calexlco in the event of fighting re- eultlng from the expected arrival of Mexican federal troops In Lower Cnl Jornla, according to officials of Gov ernor Estebsti Cantu'e government, wo permits for such emigration have , een granted, it was added. .Officials said they were anticipating no change in the situation" until the arrival of federal troops. Mexican Election Reported Quiet Mexico City, Aug. 2. Only a few .i..ior aisoraere marked the congres sional elections throughout Mexico to day. Detail reports of the result are Ji available but there were Indications . that the liberal constitutionalists or . government party, were victorious. . An urgent request for postponement of the presidential elections for at least three, months has been wired to Pro visional President De La Huerta by Esteban Cantu, governor of Lower Cal ifornia, who declares that elections ' eld prematurely would be regarded by the people as a means for Imposing a single presidential candidate upon the country. Mock Bisque Soup. One pint of cooked tomatoes, put one tablespoonful of butter into a saucepan, when very hot add one tai. spoon of flour, add one quart quart of hot milk, when creamy add salt and pepper; add one snltspoon of soda to the cooked tomatoes and strain Into the milk. Kentucky Wool . Will Be Stored Louisville, Ky., Aug. 2 The Ken- tucky slate wool pool. Including more than 700,000 pounds will be stored In warehouses here until the market breaks favorably for the growers, ac cording to announcement today, Raisins Sold ' At 'Auction To Satisfy Federal Board New York, Aug. 2. One hu ndrerl and fifty carloads of raisins owned y the California Associated Raisin com pany were sold at public auction at the mercantile exchange here this noon. Prices ranged from 22 to 24 cents a pound. - The raisins, which are for October delivery, were sold at auction as a re sult of . contentions by the fei-ral trade commission "that the company had been charging more than a fair and reasonable price for its raisins." The company expects soon to estab lish a price for the remainder of its crop. Full Explanation Made of Motor Laws A compendulm of the principle pro visions of the motor vehicle operations law has been compiled and Issued by Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state. Ex planation Is given of the laws as ef fective since July 1. , Emphasis has been placed especially upon the fact that under no circum stances can a person under sixteen be allowed to operate a motor vehicle. The belief has been abroad that spe cial permission may be gained but such is not the case. Explanation is also given for the issuance of special per mits to those "physically incapacitated. to include persons who has lost use oi one arm or one foot, or Who has lost use of both feet or whose eyesight or hearing is greatly impaired." ' Infor mation, as. to law regulating chauffers, dealers, general definitions, non-resident owners, and operators and Juris diction is fully explained in the book let. ' Costa Rica Is Recognized by United States Washington, Aug. 2. Recognition of the government of Costa Rica by the United States was announced today at the state department. When the constitutional government of Costa Rica was overthrown by Fred erico Tinoco January 27, 1917, and the constitutional president, Gonzales, was forced to leave the country, President Wilson issued his prounciamento against recognizing revolutionary gov ernments in Latin-American countries. The state department's announcement today said: 'The government of the United States refused to recognize the govern ment of which Krederico Tinoco be came chief executive, on the ground that the new government did not rep resent the will of the people of the republic of Costa Rica. Recognition of the Tinoco government was consist- ly withheld. In August, 1919, Federico Tinoco left the country and in Septem ber the Tinoco government finally, fell." The statement reviewed the re- .establishment of the Costa Rican gov ernment with Julio Acosta as the regu larly elected president." J . Ferid Pnshn, grand vizier, has an- against 73 Jermltg involvInr' nounced formation of a new cabinet, .ties aggregating J4373 15o t "ecilrt" composed largely of members friendly year 1918-1919. ' ot " to Brtlish interests, according to poll-t sixty four permits wei'.i tical observers. Damad will be min- during the year and 21 . " ister of foreign affairs and acting for permlts involving 15 05Pfll,' minister of war. He is the only mem- BeoUrlties were either refu!i,25 h ber brought over from the old cabinet, 'definitely postponed M4 or the objections of which to the terms , ""'". of the peace treaty forced its dissolu- ' - tion, - r Jacob Zelgler, aged 90 v.. t The Turkish newspapers declare conlmltte1 .ulolde . - i that the day when the treaty is signed fr.n, " m him. will be observed by the Turks general ly as -a. day of mourning. at the home of his granddaZZ three miles west of Forest Gro""' Ruth s Home Run Record Now 38 Chicago, Aug. 2. "Babe" Ruth hit his 38th home run of the season in the fourth inning of the New York Chicago American league game today. Plea tor Political Prisoners To Be Flour Takes Drop Of 50 Cents Barrel Mineanolis. Minn., Aug. 2. Flour took a further drop of SO cents a bar rel at the principal mills here today. Quotations on family patent in 98 pound cotton sacks, carload lots, were from $12.35 to $12.75. Today's drop follows a recession of 40 cents last Sat urday and r compares with prices of $14.50 to $14.75 a barrel on July 24. League Standings San Francisco, Aug. 2. Standings of clubs in the Pacific Coast baseball league, after yesterday's games, fol low: -. ' ' :V': .' W. L. Vernon 71 62 Salt Lake City 6751 Los Angeles .................. 62 56 San Francisco 60 Portland 55 Seattle : 55 Oakland i 55 Sacramento ,... 60 Pathfinders Hop , Off On Northward Flight to Alaska Jasper, Alta., Aug. 2. Three of the four United States army airplanes en route from Mlneola, N. Y., to rrome, Alaska, hopped off from Jasper at 8:25 o'clock this morning headed for Prince George, B. C, 200 miles distant. Plane No. 1, In charge of Captain St. Clare stret, head of the expedition, also started but was forced to return be cause of a slight fire. Captain Street plans to leave later this afternoon. Incorporations Increase 100 Percent In Year 59 58 62 68 69 Pet. .577 .569 .525 .504 .48 .470 .441 .416 Tuesday's Concert Program Announced T) "J r-. 7 t I Announcement of the prograrr rreSSea tiV LauOrHieai&y vlsMa band concert . . lt1Tltln 1 - n .1 lAni 1.. Gravel Plant Nearly Ready The Sand & Gravel compnny are installing machinery In their new plant at West Salem, and expect to have the machinery in operation this week. Washington, Aug. 2. Officials nl me American Federation of Labor wu. press ineir piea lor general amensty for political prisoners next week, ac- cordlngto a federation announcement today. Attorney General Palmer has been sskedto received a delegation of labor leaders, headed by Samuel Gom- pers, at which the general amnesty resolution adopted by the Montreal labor convention will be presented. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY It Is reported that the state will soon begin condemnation proceedings in Wasco county to secure right of way for an approach to the new Des chutes river bridge. Joe Cooper of Forest Grove has de livered what is claimed the largest single truck load of Royal Anne cher rles to the local cannery. It consist ed of three and one half tons, which brought $866. .- Announcement of the program for in Willson park, was made today by Di rector Oscar A. Steelhammer. The program follows: March "The Pittsburg Elks" Panella Selection, "Amorlta" .... Laurendeau Waltz "Loveland" Holzmtn (a) Intermezzo RusSe Franke (b) Arabian Nights (Oriental) ..King Vocal solo .... Mrs. Hallie FarrlsJpDurdall Overture "The Golden Dragon" King Idyll "The Glad Girl" Lampe Selection "Lady Luxury" ....Schroedfer March "The Premier" ..Laurence The Star Spangled Banner Russ Children Reach 'Frisco En Route Home San Francisco, Aug. 2. Russian children, 760 In number, arrived here! today from Vladvistok which they left July 13, on the steamer Yomei Maru1 en route to their homes In and near Petrograd, from which they were tak en when the revolution swept Russfa. ' The American Red Cross has char tered the Lomei Maru for the Journey from Vladivostok to Petrograd. After leaving here the steamer will proceed through the Panama canal and touch at New York. Red Cross workers are accompanying the children, During the three days the steamer is here the children will te taken on sight seeing tours. An increase of almost 100 percent in the number of corporations formed in Oregon during the year ending June 30, 1920, over those formed during the preceding year, is shown in a summary Just prepared by T. B. Handley, state corporation com missioner. The summary shows a to tal of 1055 articles of Incorporation filed during the year Just ended as against a total of 578 articles filed during the preceding year. Receipts of the department also show a ma terial increase for the past year with I a total of $30,7,064.81 pate? into the department in fees as against total receipts of $222,176.81 for the year 1918-1919, a gain of $84,888 in favor of the past year. A total of 188 permits were Issued under the blue sky law during the past year involving the sale of secur ities aggregating $28,457,072 as , AIJrAror, 7m , V . WANTED Experienced Salespeople for MR. I CONOMY Apply PEOPLES CASH ISTORE at once Liberty Bonds. New York, Aug. 2. Closing prices of liberty bondstoday were: 3V4's, 91 ; first 4's, 85.60; second 4's, 84.6B; nrst 414 's, 85.76; second 4V4's, 84.68; third 4's, 88.60; fourth 4's, 85.04; vic tory 3 3-4's, 95.66; victory 4 3-4's, 95.68. Canyonville Man Dragged Quarter Mile by Horse canyonville. Or., Aug. 2. William Allen, aged 75, a rancher residing near jmr. was Daaiy injured today when thrown from his horse, his foot caught In the stirrup and he was dragged nearly a quarter of a mile. His In juries consist of bad bruises about the neaa. Grand Jury Will Investigate Coal Famine In East Chicago, Aug. 2. Judge Robert E. Crowe, chief Justice of the criminal court, directed the August grand Jury toaay to investigate the coal famine Which threatens Chicago and deter mine whether or not any persons, firms or corporations are engaged in a criminal conspiracy to bring about a coal shortage for the purpose of manipulating the price. Turk Cabinet Favorable To British Formed Constantinople, July 81. Damad Angor Wool Scarfs A new shipment just received of these popular Wraps that are proving so popular these cool evenings. $4.75, $5.90; $6.75 $l6M OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST Gale & Company Commercial a ltd Court Streets. Formerly Chicago Store Denver Car Men Strike. Denver. Colo.. Aug. 2. No cars were running In the ctiy today, follow ing the strike of union employes of the traction company yesterday. Company oficialtr said emergency train men would begin arriving today. Soldiers from the United States army hospital. at Aurora, a suburb, will operate cars to. that point. Mines Reopening Today. -Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 2. Bitu minous coal mines In Indiana and Illi nois, closed last week because oi strike of day men were being reopened today, according to a statement L-sued from headquarters of the United Mine Workers of America. Work haa begun near Bend on a new building stone quarry. The stone, tl volcanic origin, is In two, colors, black sxd red. NEW FALL STYLES of SM0ES A re arriving i n great quantities now, so that we can now supply your needs in this important line of apparel for Men, Women and Children, THE STYLES ARE RIGHT, THE QUALITY IS RIGHT, ' THE PRICES ARE RIGHT, and you will always find the J. C. PENNY Co. the RIGHT PLACE to buy your SHOES for the least money. M Dress Shirts I. IE Ml ff If 11 I M - V ff f 1 iff I Irk Mn "- CA 'Nation-Wide Institution' en's Men, you should see our assortment of Silk and Madras Shirts. they are, richly serviceable in quality and possess that quality of tailoring that makes them superior to all others. Manhattan and Arrow Shirts MADRAS ' $2.50 i $6 SILKS $6.50 to $15.00 PONGEE SILKS $6.50 d $7.50 You should all see the Shirts, a glance will convince you. You take no chance to lose if you purchase here. '- Salem Woolen Mills Store CP. BISHOP, Prop. EVERY FAMILY IN MARION AND POLK COUNTIES A PATRON.