Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 02, 1920, Image 1

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    The Weather
. Tonight and Tuesday
.r. Mln. temperaWfe 40, max
onfall. Biver .-M
Average for Six Months" ending
March SI, 1920
5 2 59
Xetnber of Audit Bureau of Olrcnatloo
: , Associated Press Full Leased Wire ':
-5 vJUSaiKSa?1 nr1
Is Doubtful
I. Doubt was ex-
Waw- ."-" irnlea here to-
"""'to whether an agreement for
W Mice would result from nego,
,n,rraWice w h and o,
Baranovitchl. It
SV sbvie (authorities
tS to insist upon terms too
?7 the Poles to accept.
foul dogates earned with
in the Russian lines a port
' outfit which they in-
tided touse for communication
with Warsaw.-
' Hot Fighting Continue
, L Aug. 2. Hot fighting
rivef Narew, In the region
Swert of Warsaw, is reported In
i Sunday's official soviet commu
deceived by wireless from Mos
, today. The statement reads:
4 The Lomca region' fighting Is
Continuing for the fords of the river
Zw. West of Bialystok the soviat
,op8 have crossed the Narew and
continuing the pursuit of , the
Imy. Wet of BieIsk our troous
pouched at the line of the river
Nuretx (Nurzac), forcing it at sev
eral points,
' "In the region of Brody our cav
alry has advanced as a result of the
fighting north of Busk. (Busk is 45
miles northwest of Lemberg.)
"In the Chertkoff region, our ad
vance is continuing"
Polish Envoys on Hand
Paris, Aug. 2. Polish plenipoten
tiaries appointed to negotiate an ar
mistice with the Russian bolshevik
government have arrived at Barano
vltehl, where the armistice confer
ence will be held, according to ad
vices from Warsaw.
London, Aug. 2. Up to early this
afternoon nothing arrived in offi
cial British " or Polish quarters in
London to Indicate whether the Rus
sian and Polish armistice emissnrlos
had met.
' The British foreign office is press
ing all its representatives In that
part of the world for any scrap of
news as to what is going oh.
Readjustment of Rate
Structure of Railroads
Is Commenced Today
Washington, Aug. 2. Readjust- j posed, in the regular manner. In fho
uuuii. mo raw structure ot passenger fares of electric lines."
tha nation's a a,f- tl... . l .,..
tne commission authorized
the nation's transportation systems
was started today with a view to put
ting; into effect by September 1 the
freight, passenger, Pullman, jsx'cfcss
baggage and milk rate' Increases au
thorized Saturday: by the Interstate
commerce commission. ., , . .
"While "tariff experts are working
on the general rate schedules, the
carriers will make application to the
various state commissions ' for ad
vances in intra-state rates to corre
spond to those, in interstate rates
20 per cent on passenger, milk and
excess baggage charges and 50 per
cent on rates for sleeping and par
lor car space.
In the case of freight rates the
states will be asked to make these
separate freight rate increases to the
railroads in the four separate terri
tories the Increase oa freight moving
from- one- territory into- another will
be 33 1-3 percent, - , , .
Creation by the commission on its
own motion of the mountain-Pacific
territory was unexpected. The west
ern roads as a whole had joined 'a
asking for an increase of 32.3 per
cent but the southwestern lines lat
er at the public hearing asked that
they be given separate treatment. .iA
a freight increase of approximately
39 percent. The commission did not
grant this request, saying that It had
been opposed by many shippers and
by other carriers In the western
tariffs to correspond with the in- group.
creases granted by the federal com-I "The record shows," said the com
mission. The interstate Increases au- mission, "that the principal railroads
thorlzed are forty per cent in eastern serving the territory west of the CoJ-
territory, 25 in southern and moun- orado common points, especially tho
tain-Pacific territory and 35 In west
ern territory. .
The railway executives have not
calculated the total Increased revenue
to be derived from the rate advances,
but the sum has been unofficially ap
proximated at one billion and a half
Coastwise and inland steamship
companies and electric, railway lines
are permitted" under the interstate
commerce commission's decision , to
raise only freight rates. Nothing was
said by the commission as to passen
ger rates on the steamboat lines but
the decision did say specifically that
the freight rate increase granted
electric railway lines was "not to be
construed as an expression of dis
approval- of increases, made or pro-
Increase In
Fares Urged
so called transcontinental railroads
as a whole, are in - a substantially
better financial condition thn oth-iri
earners in the western : territory. It
also shows that the rates, generally
speaking, are materially higher m the
region west of the Colorado comm m
points than in the part of the west
ern territory lying east thereof. Con
sidering the whole situation it Is our
view that the territory west of the
Colorado common points and the
traffic to and from that territory miy
properly be , given separate treat
ment." .,
The sur-charge of fifty percent on
sleeping and parlor car space is to
accrue wholly to the railroads. This
charge was opposed by the Pullman
company' on the ground that it would
reduce the travel in cars of that type
Final Plans for
Notification of
Cox are Shaped
Dayton, Ohio, Aug. - 2. Announce
ment of the program for next Saturday
notifying Governor Cox of his noml
Posseman Said
To Have Assisted
Taylor's Slayers
Pendleton, Or., Aug. 2. A posse
man who carried food and newspapers
to Niel Hart and Jim Owens while they
Washington, Aug. 2. "Reasons re
quiring an Increase of interstate rates
are very persuasive of the need for In
crease m trastaie rates," declared a re
port sent -to-various state railway com
missions today by the three represent
atives of those commissions who-sat
with the interstate commerce commis
sion during public hearings on the bil
lion and a half dollar railroad rate
case. ..:
"When all matters are considered,"
says the report, "and remembering
that where thirteen men are consider
ing controverted questions and pro
posed policies their differences of opin
ion must be composed or decided by
the majority, we believe that the con
clusion, considering all things, is Just
and fair and we give It our approval.
A part of the responsibility to meet
the situation rests upon the state com
missions. Such increases as will be
made in Intrastate rates should, If
posiblo, be made effective September
1, 1920."
The report is signed by William D.
B. Ainey, chairman of the public serv
ice commission of Pennsylvania; Royal
C. Dunne of. the Florida railroad corn-
mission, and John A. Quiher, of the
Iowa railroad commission.
Women Footpads
:: y Unmasked ::
Do Regular "Job"
Tacoma, Wash., ' Aug. 2. Two wo
men footpads, operating with a man,
held up George Masko last night and
relieved him of 1240. he reDorted to
'the police today. ' One of the women
stopped him on the street and levelled
a revolver at him. She went- through
his clothes after her two- companions
appeared and drew revolvers. The wo
men were unmasked, and went from
the scene of the holdup In a motor car
that was standing close by.
Irish Support
To Be Harding's
Declares Mason
Marlon, Ohio, , Aug. 2. -A prediction
that Irish sympathizers will support
Harding and Coplldge was made by
Representative S. Mason of Illinois,
one of the leaders of the fight in con
gress for Irish recognition, in a state
ment made public from Harding head
quarters today after he had conferred
with the nominee. ,
"Friends of Ireland, ot course, have
to be for Harding," said the state
ment, "because they know what article
ten of the league 'covenant means it
would hitch Irelahd to England for
ever and bind us to help keep it there,
and Governor Cox has pledged himself
to support the Wilson program."
Representative Mason predicted the
republicans would carry Illinois by at
ania Serves
Ultimatum Upon
Bolshevik Force
Vienna, Aug., 2. Rumania has
served an ultimatum upon soviet Rus
sia, giving the Soviets three days to
withdraw their troops from Ruman
ian territory, according to a Belgrade
dispatch received here today.
In the event of Russia's failure :o
comply, it Is added, Rumania will de
clare a general mobilization.
Rate Advances
Boost Railroad
t Stocks Today
Republicans Boast Solid
Opposition to League In
Statement Issued Today
New York, Aug. 2. Speculative
and investment sentiment on the stock
exchange was hopefully disposed at the
outset of business today as the result
of sweeping advances In railway pas
senger and freight rates granted by
the Interstate commerce commission.
The news brought in a large volume are quite as
,Marlon. Ohio, Aug. 2.-rA claim
complete republican harmony behlnn
Senator Harding on the league of na
tions issue was made In an official
statement issued today . by Hardin
headquarters here.
"Chairman White of the democratlo
national committee," ' the statement
said, "has undertaken to answer some
questions recently addressed to Gov
ernor Cox. His statement is. chiefly.
a complaint because both Senator Hir
am Johnson and Former President
Taft have expressed approval of Sen
ator Harding's position. It Is easy to
understand how such evidences of re
publican unity are displeasing to Mr.
White, -but It was not anticipated that
he would thus early In the campaign
make such frank acknowledgement. -
Says Messages Proof.
"Inasmuch as Mr. White has thus
publicly and handsomely acclaimed
that all elements ot republicans are
approving Senator Harding's attitude,
it may be added that he has sensed
the situation with admirable per
spicacity. Republicans of all sections
all groups are solidly in favor of Sen
ator Harding s attitude. This Is proven
by thousands of letters and telegrams
from every state, among . which the
numbers from states commonly demo
cratic are not less than amazing. A
large .percentage are, moreover, from
men who describe themselves as hav
ing heretofore been democrats.
"Chairman White has made a cor
rect discovery that the republican par-
Turkish Treaty .
Will Be Signed :
Thursday, Report
Paris, Aug. '2.- The treaty of peace
between the allies and Turkey will bm
signed Thursday, according to news
papers here. . . ,
Former German
Warships Reach
New York Today
New York, Aug. 2. Hulks of ftve
former German warships, allocated,
to the United States for experimen
tation and to be destroyed within
one year, were due to arrive in New
York harbor today. They will be an
chored for two weeks in the Hudson
river and will be open for publio in
spection. After remaining In the Hudson for
two weeks, the Frankfort and three
destroyers will be taken to Newport
News, Va and the dreadnaught Ost
friesland probably will be taken for
a tftii,. tYiA AtlnnHe and Paniflft
ty Is completely unified. Republicans I p0rtg , .
of buying orders from all over the
country. Railroad shares of all descrip
tions were absorbed on a steadily ris
ing scale with the advances rangin,
from one to 3 V points. . ...
Representative dividend - paying
stocks such as New York. Central,
Northern Pacific, Reading, Great
Northern preferred, Southern Pacifio
and Union Pacific, made the most
headway. Popular specialties. Includ
ing motors, papers, steel oils and food
shares also advanced.
satisfied in noting tne
nation for president by the democrats, j were being trailed after the jailbreak least 200,000, and .-that the republican guard of the Fourth
Driver Killed
W tl&TL I tCLY I was exnected following a conference last Sundav and the slavine of Sheriff national ticket would be elected by a
Itoday between the nominee and the. Taylor will be arrested today, accord-! majority "the most overwhelming
1VS.Y HlCfh Honk Dayton arrangement' committee. A lng to an announcement by the sher-. since Grant's." v,
;wcw parade of visiting delegations is the ; if f 's of fice last night. . Senator, Harding; began work today
Oieen, 60, Twin Falls real estate deal- jthe notification address of Senator of the murdered sheriff. Hart, In his which he .will deliver Wednesday. It
er. was J Instantly killed late Sunday i Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas, chair cell here last night, declared that the will be one of two such speeches he
Fourth Division
Arrives To Make
Camp Lewis Home
Tacoma, Wash., Aug.
dent occarred.
when he was carried in his car-over 'man of the San Francisco convention
a S00 foot rlrop off a grade in Snake 'and the acceptance speech ot Governor
river canyon near Blue Likes, threi 'cox.
miles north of here. His wife and two I ' Completion of the democratic cam
other persons had left the car to walk palgn organization late this week,
up the grade shortly before the accl- iwhen many leaders are expected here,
l'ls . expected, including announcement,
'after approval of Governor Cox of the
special campaign committee of fifteen
I members which George White, chair-
iman of the national committee, has
I been composing.
Governor Cox hopes to obtain con
siderable recreation, including golf
and horseback exercise, this- week, in
training for the arduous traveling cam
paign ahead. ,
Cotton Crop To
Exceed Yeild of
1919 Is Belief
posseman, while presumably engaged win maw uuniig me ween..
In the hunt for the outlaws, met them
in the Squaw oreeK country two day
titter the jailbreak and gave them a
bag of food and newspapers to keep
them advised of the movements of the
posses. ' t'.
A marked newspaper from Pendle
ton, which, was found on Hart when
he was captured, supported his state
ment. The paper carried stories of the
deach.-and the funeral of Sheriff Tay
lor. Because the arrest had not yet been
made the sheriff's office tonight re
fused to divulge the name of the ac-
Lcomplice of the jailbreakera
Wellington, Aug. 2. A cotton crop
M lZ.5l9.ooi) bales this vear was fore
east today by the department of agri
culture basing its estimate on the con
dition of the crop July 25 which was
iM per cent of a normal.
This is an increase of more than a
muiion bales in the prospective pro- .Racine, Wis., Aug. 2. A gocart con-
"uu.iun ot cotton over the Indicated taining a two-year-old child rolled off
J'leM a month no-n. la Dlrlawull, hard tnAav anV tfa linnrilo
Production last year was 11.329.75S 'was caught by a passing lnterurban
oaies and the condition on July 25 a eanThe cart was dragged three blocks
yew ago was 67.1. The ten year aver-'before frantic pedestrians signals stop
m condition July 25 is 75.6 per cent ped the car. The infant was unhurt.
Baby Carriage ';
Dragged Three
Blocks By Car
Alleged White Slaver
Captured by Officer
Following Fast Chase
Ponzi Denies
Insolvency of
Exchange Firm
. The van
division which
will make Cami Lewis Its permanent
home arrived this morning from Camp
Dodge, Iowa.- .A troop train brought
314 nff!cfr and enlisted men. -The
First infantry, which has been station
ed at Camp Lewis, left yesterday for
Forts Vancouver and Lawton, Wash.
Underground System of Smuggling
Japs Into United States Revealed
By Investigation of Congressmen
Tacoma, . Wash., Aug. 2 Definite in the United States. As a matter of
location ot the "underground sys
tem" on the Pacific eoast by which
thousands of Japanese are smuggled
into the United States yearly, was an
nounced here today by Congressman
Albert Johnson, chairman let th,e
house sub-committee on immigration
which reassembled here today to in
vestigate Japanese activities in the
"Until we came to the northwest
we had only an Indefinite idea of the
operations by which Japanese are be-
lnir broueht surreptitiously into the
United States," said Chairman John
son. ;Now we have the key, so -to
Route Is Traced
"We have found that the Japanese
underground system begins at Yoko
hama. From thence it leads to Hono-
Boston, Aug. 2. The Securities Ex
change company, headed by Charles
Ponzi, whose alleged operations In
foreign exchange are being Investi
gated by federal and state authorities,
continued today the payment of notes
to those Investors who presented their
claims. The line of claimants was
long one. -onzi s. prompt rem... . BXtends on acros8 the Pa to those who asked for them naa, ,. a,tt f f!i-
the efect toward the end of last weeK,--" -y
nf ereatlv diminishing the number ori"""""N -
claimant but there was evidence to- "Here, either by water or across
day of a sudden renewal of the desire jthe border, the Japanese jnvaders are
to cash notes he had issued. smuggled Into the United States. A
Pnn.l issued a statement In denial of perfect system of escort has been ea-
I ' , . . . . . . - v... n.'illfam 1W Mn. tahllahnil Tn TTnnnlultl And At Gav-
L- .. :a pUDtlBIietA ni LllC uj " " vw,.
rUUOWirtE. . , . . ... ... l !-.-.. kia miKlinitv fllTAnt. In man nnatl h a VA h00n fiSfllhliShed
of s.,u iisiuuuai cnase out vaguely laminar aooui me mauniue masicia, v . - - -
, -"em on the Portland r-, : .. i,. oo, . f,. rr. whlh McMasters expressed tne belief which take care of the details of the
"'"dori, 38 wanted , ,. j o. " 'that Ponzi was hopelessly insolvent ' lmlllB-lrHnor. Mexican guards are known
T charge by federal nffir. , ,, ,, .,t. wore and was paying out money to some de- t0 ,ve been bribed with $10 at theling enthusiast,
"nland don9r,... . ... .. I . " . . ... .. . .lnr,ltnrs at the expense of others. I it.i,. j siitu-Mrilcan . hnrder. The tn the New York Yacht club to com
nj mno waiiieu uy nuiuui - , .! mnh mnnev u' . . , . ju.
fact, it would be Impossible for tr
United States to take a correct cen
sus of the Japanese population be
cause the census takers could not lo
cate all of the 'Japanese here. :.J. v
"These Japanese associations pro
tect their countrymen who are smug
gled in and we know It to be a fact.
The United States authorities are per
fectly cognizant of the route of this
underground system of unlawful trans
portatlon and will take some -action
at once."
Later in the hearing, the statement
of Congressman Johnson developed
interesting discussion on the subject
between Samuel Hill, capitalist of Se
attle and son-in-law of the late Jas,
J. Hill, as to the possible effect
should the United States government
take action that would tend to put 9
stop to this smuggling of Japanese
Into the country.
complete accord of the president and
the nominee chosen by the democratic
West Is "Satisfied.-'
Among Senator Harding's callers to
day was Representative C. Hicks of
New York, who has Just completed a
trip through vthe west He told the
candidate that although there were
some disappointment there over Sena
tor Johnson's deefat for the nomina
tion in Chicago, the' people now were
satisfied" and that the Harding can
didacy was growing rapidly
Currency inflation and other fiscal rattier m iuo. tie was tormeriy mio-
subjects were discussed with tne nom- snipman in tne tfrmsn navy ana lac-
Ninth Marquis
Of Queensberry
v Called by Death
Johannesburg, Union of South Af
rica, Aug. l.Percy Sholto Douglas,
ninth . marquis of . Queensberry,
dead here. .. - , ' . ... ...
- The ninth marquis of Queensberry
In was born October 13, 1868, succeed-
i lng to the title upon the death of his
lnee by Professor
Irving Fisher of
er was lieutenant in the third battal
ion of the King's Own Scottish Bor
derers. He was twice married and In
survived by two sons and one daugh
ter.. His eldest' son, Francis : Archi
bald Kelhead, Douglas, 1 Viscount
Drumlanrlg, will succeed to the title
The new. marquis was born January
ion In 1917.
Exports From
Portland During
7 1 " Oy- D1in.J new. marquis was born January
1 JUly O0I MXeCOra.n. 1896, and fought during the worbj
Portland, Or., Aug. 2. All export war as a member of the famous
records In the history of Portland , iacK waion, peing wounaea in act-
were broken during the month ot
July. The total valuation of commod
ities sent to foreign ports was 38,033,
099, This figure represents a gain
of 296 percent over the correspond-'
ing month of last year.
Fourteen steamships and three
sailing Vessels were dispatched to
oft shore ports during the month.
Amounts of the principal commod
ities exported last month ere:
wheat 1,698,357. bushels; flour 237,-
357 barrels; lumber 16,818, 742 feet.
Canadian Bid
For Yacht Race
Creates Interest
New York, Aug. 2. News that
Alexander C. Ross, a Canadian yacht -
had issued a challenge
Noted Indian
Editor Buried
' Bombay, Aug. 2. Solemn funeral
services were held late yesterday aft
ernoon over the body of Gangadnar
Tilak, nationalist leader and editor of
the newspaper Mahratta of Poona,
who died yesterday morning. In the
presence of an enormous crowd,, the
body was placed on a funeral pyre
erected on the sea beach at Poona, and
was burned. ' This Is the first crema
tion In India In the memory of the
present generation.
In order that all might see the bod
prior to the cremation it was placed In
a sitting posture on a hotel veranda.
The sheriff Of Deschutes county Is
keeping a close watch for the Pendle
ton outlaws, who may try to reach the
Cascade mountains.
Soldier Found
Dead; Suicide
Astoria, Or., Aug. r 2.- William C.
Cunningham, private In" First - com
pany, coast artillery corps, stationed a.t
Fort Stevens, wag found : dead at the
post yesterday with - a ' bullet ho!a
through his head. . ; A service revolver
was found beside him. . Military an
thoritles believe he committed suicide.
Cunningham enlisted but a short time)
ago at Fort Logan, Colo., and had been
at Fort Stevens only a few weeks.
.. ;,. ' r-. .
Census of Georgia
Shows Increase
Washington, Aug. 2. State of Geor
gla, 2,893,601; increase 284,480 or 19.
per cent. ' ,
(Incomplete because of omission of
one enumeration district.) . .
Race Parses Large
Hartford. Conn., Aiigj i. Purse
for the grand circuit races at Char
ter Oak park September to 10, an
nounced today, aggregate $19,004.
The Charter Oak $10,000 stake for
2:12 trotters will be raced September
9. There are twenty races on the
program, four events for each day.
Entries will close August: 23.
arrests k- Jusuce,
Bit inJ u"'cer erden M. Mof-, hastened to
ith k,. ""raoon. Landon, who. over the records he found that a
"1 have twice as mucn money as careful system of
escort haspete forhe- America's cup in 1921,
Yokohama ,'aroused great interest in yachting cir-
After he had volunteered a "lift." to ,
"-- ...... will be needed," saia ronzi, to meei taKiihed both at
wife was .v. , II : . , t -:'&-y obligations mat may Honolulu. c,es nere toaay, out no auinoruauve.two men heading south out of Mill
. aea north in a port, calling Tor a man oi tanaon is . . ail(ie(j that McMasterSi T .... ii statement could be obtained on the ritv'snnitav ft
t-Jt - T.lir ' ... . . I iniW TI1H JauauvaH a. I C OIllUFirilt - .... ..ww-., v.. uva
. AlxK'dAt-t-itiiHa Tha frvm o 1 nha onfro ' j v i i m ...
into California he is taken In tow Dy - .-nu ruuutu mm oi in currency, n.
Men, Not Content With
Free Ride Help Selves
To Motorist s$45 Roll
-an noa-A..
bck te J i road3ter. was brought appearance,
theri,rr m and is at present tn.26.
tthall awaltin8 a United States i Chase la Sensational
"rhere' I Back on the Portland road Officer
can't ti must be some rr.istake. f'Moffitt struck and held a speed of
charse It .htUl-Wh0 would Prefer a 70 miles an hour until he overtook
tout all I , agalnst me." wa3'the huge underslung machine. The
Landon " Wou'd tell police, j man and woman questioned, admit
hat her hi '.weepinS. and declaring ' ted their identity, but insisted that a
chr """d was not guilty jf ! mistake had been made. They were
had been filed on Ju,y..never'was in a position to learn his
' ""f a'ternnen t0 Fortland Sun j brought to headquarters, where Lan
laon was held for investigation.
Small. Doorlv dressed, crying, Mrs.
I ZwliM - Wlth Him
WeL e,e8rara sent " by
'"'wrs 'snDSunday night, federal
fc? wired Po.rtland monday morn
. Tha'01 "Tram re
marThM HM Landon- United
hTLu Ca!1 eet
0,fil Wll td that the Portland
here sometime
'"ttafr v Inam aamitted to po-
molover's financial standing or meth
ods of operating his business.
Jealous Woman
Kills Husband
m member of the JaDanese asso- '"' . ... J. rorsytne or romana, reported to
itin Kranrhes of which are in! Adv,cs rrom canaaa saia mat tne Salem police when he arrived here in
ciation. branches hlch are . chal!en(rer craft probably would be his automobile.
Oregon and Washington He 1, Uken d the MapIe Lea and that the Mr
to the bank and his cred t establish- e8tlmated cost of one million dolkm,:wen ne had ftnished his story. "That's
ur would be raisea Dy popular suosci-.p-
- Hides Five Years ; - . tion
"Then, he goes out into the vine
yards Or into the agricultural districts! n CI x n r
and hides for five years. If he Is : jTOrTZf UOVCMOr
traveling with
but he declared
on was
SH"nlermiss:on from the
.a. - g;ri was not with
' Otn""ittf,r' "Hunch-fcis8-r4niiU
first Noticed, .he
,U 8unda . grounds about
on h. afternoon. Joshing
it OCC'JT4-j
at there was something
New York. Aug. 2. Coroner Mix of
v.. vrvn. Conn- arrived here today
T . rf t. ,ni;ata1 tha ovm m v of of- . nf XT rs Alexan-
a aI . .1 .u.. ,rn.H last, authorities
her husband to be , Innocent. She was I night charged with the murder her , y ar, bef tZ.
woo vt n er irna ui rrniiHHni h iiii a. diiuv i aarnw n i imutKiu.
home dence of five years as required by i
questioned by the government author
ities as to his residence here he can
jquickiy establish this by taking the
to the bank where five
wearing khaki trousers and a shirt ISennnd husband, a prom
... : 1, t ti at,, i, oKnnt tivG'i t their New Haven
ul Bii(iiiti maker, ,ca. uut . ; . - . , - .
.... . v,!,t .nrt ..drhi'Tnn. sfi. He said a statement woula statute,
anDroximatelv 105 pounds. ,be Issued later In connection , with the ,
"Has your husband been good to confession the police
J . ' aftap hpr arrest.
VrHir1 ITO OGkAd. lEWWii -vv
Hitchcock Will
Defend "League
In Joint, Debate
Washington, Aug. 2 Senator Hitch
cock of Nebraska, who was the admin
istration leader in the senate treaty
fight has been selected by Governor
Cox to represent the democratic party
in a joint debate on the league ot na
tions to be held at Wlnani Lake. Inrf-
v.jjjlr. Forsythe stated, he say the two i August .. The republican national
nUKn, Vy II. AUK- Xlie IWUJI - . . - 'nnwrnlB.!... .ill ...1 , ,.L,fa,
s-t-nnlr Hanlv former governor men, wno appeareu to oe IOKBer,
rranic tianiy, lormer governor, i nn.i,n. it ,m tnArnr r Renatni
the first time I'd Invited anybody to
Hanlev Is Killed
ride with me for a long time and It'll
be a long time before I Invite some
body else to get in my car when I'm
on the road."
- Men Apienr Iioggcr
Shortly after heh ad left Mill City,
Dennison, Oh is, Aug.
of J.
"Yes, always.'
always. airlnrskv poured acid
When questioned concerning tneir,-- f ag ne 8lepti ,
The Japanese associations In th
made various cities make no record for
i covemment observaflcn cf any of
The alleged confession stated that j, unlawful entries Into the coun
i Indian.! h wm killed near here!walking along the road. The day was position, It was said today at Senator
of Indiana, who was Killed near nere ., . ....... ....u. withpn,-w. ntrif,
freieht train struckl""1' "ul"
- I . . .. . V. I XT. . V. . .
waa riding 1 w njiiiimiiiirin;. 1 1 w uucicu .iiciii .
Aarlv to-!rIue. ,,ul- tnRl waaii t cnuufiu tiiey
say she
yesterday when
ithe automobile in which
I w is taken to Indianapolis
day. -
on her'
trv w have not been able to find
husband's face as he slept, witn i",one secretary of a Japanese assocla-
owti marriage, tney uij - intent,on of disfiguring him alter "n)Uon who can furnish us with ny
tificate. The ceremony took place 'n ,-foul l a ,etter written to him by an- ,nformation a, to how various mem
Seattle. November 20, 1919. i other woman. Sokolowsky Is believed hfn of hjs aBS0..a.lon came int0 tKte
Both Restaurant Workers i h .wallowed some of the acid, . matter of fact we are
positive that thef-e associations in
I Washington, Oregon and California jat ,ocal mill9.
Flour Drops $1
On Texas Market
Panama Names
B. E. Porras as
New President
Fort Worth, Texas, Aug. 2. Flour
prices fell one dollar a barrel today
Also bakers wno last
took his roll of bills.
After they had crossed the ferry
hear Gooch, one of the men seized
him from the rear, Mr. Forsythe stat
ed, while the other took $45 in cur-j
miirv from his nerson.
"I guess you've got the best ot the Panama, Aug. 2. Dr. B. E. Porras,
deal," Mr. Forsvthe says he told the canaiaate ror tne noeny conservative
men. "I suppose the roll's yours. We party, was elected president of the re
might as well be nice about It." public of Panama In the election held
Nothing But Roll Taken. jhere yesterday. His opponent In the
Taking nothing but his money the campaign was Dr. Clero Urriola.
Ithieves climbed out of his car and or- Dr. B. Ellserlo Forras was lormeriy-
to drive on, Mr. Forsythe president ot ranama ana resigned
Imontns ago in oraer to enter tnw cam-
Both Lar.don and his wife are rs-(causing death.
taurant workers. Mrs. Landon, whO -
is about 25 year, or age nas - T"?.t I-Two' bathers are aiding in the surreptitious system :Tue,day advanced the price of bread dered him
anhnrn hair and i rather attractive in oden. Utah, Aug. I.1 two oainem . .... ..n .v,.
-- . i . ... . .. ...14 1 1 jannew c , 1 1 . i aiiw, sut two ii i n. i , i . lvuat mc , . . ,
appearance. Effects of hard work were reportea na"nle" . f re States. - icrease This latter action followed the The two men appeared to be about paign for re-election tne consutuuon
show In her face and hands, however, today following the b ' " r, Confn warnTng of Unite" State. District a..'25 years of age. he stated. Mr. Fo. of the republ c providing that no on.
Landon, also poorly clad, had bof( the Ogden Canyon ' build-, JVmd the rford, con-!t0""y Taylor that prosecution would cythe is a traveling salesman for Din-,e.ected to thatoffice may Succeed him
t:i M that "rams mu-,ir.2s cere ' . . .... w i. i h auanA not rtna M. kAlsntel comDany or foruano. men.,
1 ii - , rUHrig BM iO me numufr ui idiiwCrc3ui. - - -
take had been maae "