Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 30, 1920, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Salem Men Urged
To Apply for New
Victory Medals
Offensivee of the Aisne-Marne,
Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Aisne and defens
ive sectors, it the message that eiut
mall bronze bare bear above ' ' the
Jiandsome victory medal ' received.
- Friday by Major James S. Dusenbury,
' now Inspector-general of the Oregon
oast artillery .corps, but whose er
rlc in France with American expe
ditionary forces won him a colonel
hip In United States artillery forces.
Major Dusenbury recently establish
ed his home in Salem, "
The victory medal which "Is sus
pended from a rainbow hued ribbon
Rearing the inscribed bars, is of un
usually attractive design. The bronze
piece is about the size of the U. S.
aUlver half dollar and Is embossed
with a winged Goddess of Liberty
figure, bearing sword and. shield. The
reverse of the medal is engraved
with a heraldic two bladed fasces
against a V. 8. shield. ,;
The shield side of the medal bears
the inscrlDtion: "The great war for
civilization" and bears the names of
countries making up the allied forc
es. ' '-'-'( - .
Salem men who served with U. S.
forces, at home or abroad during the
nerlod. 1917-1919' may obtain one -f
the medals by writing to the army
recruiting office, Portland, Oregon,
which will furnish application blanks.
. A recent item in the Army and
Navy Journal states that the medals
are ready tor distribution and that
applications have seen . service in
France, the United States, Great Bri
tain. Rlhorln. Russia, and Italy merit
urn har anch. while each battle en
gaged in entitles the service man to
special, bar, designating the active
sector indicated.
belonging to Mrs. Pollock. Mr. Pol
lock's watch went the way 01 me
money ana men ine www w,,wv-
t . - Mr. Pol-
ww j lO Ilavu laikcii tv iaw -
'Gentlemdn' Did Job Anyway-ther arc
Man, Robbed of Sox,
Coin, Feels
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pollock,
Union street, are convinced that the
burglar who entered their home some
time early Friday morning is of the
so called "nentleman" species. The
common, or 'garden" variety of rob
ber would never have appropriated
Mr. Pollock's silk socks, they feel.
Besrdes the hosiery the thief got sev
eral dollars in money and Mr. Pol
lock's watch, according to the report
made to police.
Mr. and Mrs. PdTTock retired about
11:30 Thursday night, Mrs. Pollock
stated today and shortly before ' 6
o'clock Friday morning when Mr.
Pollock rose he discovered that the
rilnlna- rnani window was un. Investi
gation showed that it hod been "Jim
mied open.
ThA hiirerlar. ft noun found. . had
rone throueh the buffet drawers and
had taken some money from a purse
is calling you to go
I Swimming, Camping,
. That's what everybody saws of our : '
fot Ladies Men, andChilhdren
They are knit to fit and modeately priceWater wings, Ear stopples and Swjpiming
. d. Also Mutley Bathing and Driving Caps,Shoes.
; ' 'AND OH BOY : ';. '
i ' It makes yotiwant to hit for the tall timber to see the clever, - modern, camping
devices we have on display. Auto tent beds, air mattresses, Kamp Kook Gasoline
Stoves, Aluminium Folding Cook sets, etc.-
. Also;' outing clothing, hats, leggings shirts and sweaters for Ladies and Men.
is our- strong suit. The biggest secret of a good catch is the right kind of tackle.
That's the kind we carry. - 1 ; v. v
Hauser Bros.
of Ladies
In a great variety of the season's best creations. Noti is
the time to get the pick of the best of them and I get just
what you want We have a big stock just received which
range in price from
$22.50 to $87.50
(Ft vA WyJy Nation-wide Institution
Nothing was
night, Mr. and
Mr. Pollock Is
foury's store.
heard during OT
Mrs. Pollock stated,
an employe of Ka-
F. W. Sears, 1412 Lee street, Thurs
day night reported to police that his
dog, believed to have been stolen, was
Man Says His Heart,
:: Not Whiskey, ::
Made Him act Drunk
. Claiming that he hadn't drunk a
drop that heart trouble made him
act that way, a man who gave his
name as Oliver P. St. Clair appeared
before Police Judge Karl Race Fri
day morning, charged with having
been intoxicated. '
"I intend to prove to you, judge,
that I never had a drop," St. Clair
declared, emphasizing the statement
Here's a Record Breaker
Valley motor company
1 Roadster
3 Touring Cars
" 3 Sedans
2 Used Cars
rALL FORDS, needless to say.
This days business goes to prove two
FIRST The popularity of
SECOND That closed Cars are being
recognized, and forging to the front.
with his left hand. Judge Race, in
quired if Mr. St. Clair wished a hear
ing and the man replied in the af
firmative. '
Taken baek to the police station,
however, where he was . given a
glimpse of a bottle which is said to
have been taken from his person,
Mr. St. Clair decided to change his
plea to "guilty." It cost him $5.
St. Clair was arrested by officers
Thursday night, and was given a bed
in the city jail,
' Word has been received from Henry
Radcllff, son of H. S. Radcliff real
estate dealer of this city, that he ex
pects to leave New York for Oregon,
August 12. Mr. Radcliff was chief
pharmacist in the navy and his term
of enlistment has expired. He will be
accompanied by his wife and will
probably make Salem his future home.
Investigating the woolen mills in
dustry in Oregon and Washington,
Homer B. Vanderblue, research di-
rector of the Industrial"
reg earri,
mittee of the Denver civic and
ucanon, s)et Th
in Salem. Mr. Vanderblue hw
through the Oregon City ,,
Kay Woolen mills of Salem' J v
Pendleton mills. ' m V
After spending a few day,
ford, Grants Pass and h2
business relative to the m.T1
in that vicinity, J. H. FraIler '
ant sales manager of tht 'n
Growers' Cooperative assoMati1"
turned tn fin Ion, Ti,, j. """i K-
..... xuuiBuiiy,
Liberty Bond A 1
New York, July 30 Final
of liberty bonds: 1 ' "' p,lt
Btt's 91.04; first 4's 88.70; L
4's 84.54; first 4's 85.60 2
4's 84.62; third 4' 88.J0; 2
4's 85.10; victory 8 3.4', ,V?
Victory 4 3-4's 95.76. '
Ford Sedan
Why shouldn't closed Cars take the lead? . .
: They are classy; convenient; easy to handle ;;' econom
ical in up-keep; have self starters; afford protection from
dust and. heat in summer, and in winter the driving rains
and cold is completely shut out yet there is "Open vision"
to all occupants.
We can make immediate deliveries
A. new shipment just received. of these popular Wraps that
are proving so popular these cool evenings.
84.75, $5.90, S6.75 STC50
Gale & Company
Commercial a nd Court Streets. ' Formerly Chicago Store
Bligh Theatre-r-Today Tomorrow
Crist and Costa's Hawaiians
Wineland Freed
By Jurors Today
"I am very loath to criticise a jury.
but in this case the verdict was an out
rage on Justice and a shame and dis
grace to the men who rendered it.
Wineland's testimony was sufficient to
convict him on the charge in ques
tion," stated City Attorney B. W. Macy
at conclusion of hearing of the Wine-
land case, Friday.
The jury which received the testi
mony in the case were selected Thurs
day afternoon and were F. E. Shaefer,
Krnest Kappahn, Frank Jaskoski, El
mer J. Mangis and Emil Carlson.
' G. W. Wineland,' driver of the car
involved in the accident of Thursday,
July 22, when Mrs. B. E. Denison was
killed by Wineland's car near the in
tersection of State , and Commercial
streets, was acquitted Friday morning
of having violated city traffic ordt
nances. Mr. E. E. Denison, who was
also struck by the car, is slowly re
covering from injuries received in the
During the hearing, over which City
Recorder Earl Race presided, four
witnesses testified that Wineland going
west on State street had drivep his car
at not less than 10 miles per hour
while taking the right-of-way from
Dr. D. X."Beechler, who was preceding
south on Commercial street. These
witnesses further testified that Wine
land had spurted his car up to about
15 miles per hour and had circled
around the Beechler car into groups
of pedestrians who were passing on the
sidewalk line across State street. Wit
nesses who supported this testimony
were Charles Lanham, Everett Craven
and Will Carver. Dr. and Mrs. D. X.
Beechler and C. M. Oglesby testiflev
that a streetcar discharging pasengers
had brought their cars to a halt on
the west side of Commercial street.
.Attorney Macy contended that it would
have been Impossible for the Beechler
car to have obtained the speed of 1
miles per hour as claimed by Mr.
Wineland and by Mrs. Lena Lisle, his
daughter. .
In establishing statements that the
Beechler car had completely halted in
an effort to avoid the Wineland car,
four witnesses concurred with .
Beechler's statement that he was not
going at more than five miles per
hour. "
It was established by witnesses for
Mr. Wineland, that this is the first
time tie has been reported tit an acci
dent nd alse that he was known as a
very careful1 driver. r As reported in
The Capital Journal's first report t.
the accident, Mr. wineland assisted
the injured people after the mishap.
The car, although stopping suddenly
in its passage through the passersby
had passed nearly completely over the
fatally injured women, it being neces
sary for bystanderst o life the machine
bodly from Mrs. Denison, witnesses
aid. - .
ay, Ey
We will be ex
pecting you here
before long to
select your fall
Our Fall Stock is here. It sure is complete -too. We've
studied all the little things that make for big satisfaction
in Boys' Fall .Suits you'll find no faults in the making
and no faults with the fabrics. :
Boys' Oregon Cassimere Suit s ..... ..... S15.Q0 $25.00
Boys' Bishop Fabric Fleece Wool Suits i $25.00
Boys, don't wait, come right in. Bring your mothers and
fathers with you.
fx "J. V
You take no chance to lose if you purchase here,
Salem Woolen Mills Store
CP. Bishop, Prop'