Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 26, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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upi- insertions 6 cents; one
..... three inw"" n
eek cent!' nth 12 cents; min
one yr- r,' cents.
one year, r s centa
Insertion only in
I h in advance auu uu -Cltf
4aXone? unless advertiser has
"account" No allowance Cor
1 aff2. '
t T .A.vt.crifl rfnmfl
i Com. gn
i -rririZTgow -and eight pigs, ar-
rSIBuS body. 1396 SagiH
f15iSn.K. cheap
uhnne oat1-
j5ir-XLiT--Vc,rk te..,., 1595 N.Cot
, TTlk 8-weeks old pigs, iresn
!VrWm. WV. 9, 1187,
rSCone B and C combination
Je nch. Please phone 108F3.
A cozy two room apt.,
-.-.i A A t TtiA-Hnv n m
"' 178
s-rsnph of keys Sunday He
ward if returned to Capital Jour
nal office.
rooLLbind your grain. Leo Doer.
tier, Salem, Or. Kt. 7, box 231
finrden roaa.
i vtantED Furnished house or rooms
three adults. Address box K Cap
.Tnnrnill. ' not
' WANTED House to rent, no small
"A1... , W 919 VMh
" Church St. , ' 1179
WANTED To buy small acreage
"-nnvwilent to town. P M E, 332 N.
Phurch St. .' U79
SiknksoTIANS meet at 795 N. Cap
itol street Wed. July 28, at 7:30 p.
, mi for organization, in
vrift SALE Three hundred and
.thirty, trays 3GV4-in by 25-in. only
nsprt one year, i'lione ssi'-j. . ciz
FOR BALK Ford coupe, 1920 mod
el excellent cuiiuiliuii, wen cnuipi
Phone 351 R, cull 839 S. 13th. ql79
FOR RENT 40 acres cleared land
if interested call or write M. Mil
ler. Rt. 8, box 91A, Sundays or af-
- ter 6 p. m. Jl82
EIGHT room bungalow for sale, base
ment, furnace, garage, fruit. 'Own
er, 1830 Ferry St. Phone 377W.
- al79
FOR SALE 50 White Leghorn l
year old hens, 6. A. C. strain, $1
each. Mrs. John Tweed, Rt .. 7,
Phone 42F25 - ,: 177
FOR SALE Cheap for cash, White
sewing machine, used very little.
Next door south of Marion Cream
ery, call Tuesday. i77
FOR SALE Whole reed baby car
nage, refrigerator, heater and oth
er things, all in good condition. 497
Union St. 6179
WOOD FOR SALE 16-in. old- fir,
16-ln. mill wood, special price on
car lots, prompt delivery, strictly
cash, 305 S. Church, phone 1542.
Fred E. Wells Pe
WOODS BARGAINS 10 room mod
ern house two blocks from state
house, $8500; 100 .acre farm just
outside city, $250 per acre., F. L.
Wood, 341 State St. al79
WANTTD-Dressmaking, I can acconi
modate a few more customers;
guaranteed satisfactorily done on
electric machine. Prices right. Eva
m. junes, rsz: snipping. H79
FOR SALE Several ton good oats
hay for sale in field . nhmit . 1 u.
miles southwest of Macleay. Phone
577, A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic
Temple, Salem. Or. cl78
A E walnut piano for sale. This
, piano has a beautiful tone, . looks
s equipped- with mandolin
and guitar attachments. The price
rnVer',VnW- .T0he mie B-Allen
- ' 19 Court St. 177
1 mLfAIi!, Fold touline car late
' S? .1 f ' lfke new- new tires, $475:
lord car good condition $350: Ford
- master' body' for sale W rade
ood & O'Neil, 187 S. Liberty
sinTh Ulaif ased woman as as-"
for invalul lady. Address gtving
hoL f 1elx"erieI,ce. Permanent
sat to he ''ight Party as long
''" IL n i'5'- Address box 513,
. .POstoffice, Salem.
ur t 1 1
prBaie Houses,
mnm K.-m.- 1 a
good lota. -
o iv v fivuu terms. ,iart
-AiiHllST. 208 Oregon bldT tt.
?ii,M ouse on car line, good lot
buna?0n,tion- f900' termsg6 r6om
lot 11 Z' fd c"idition, good
wndlUon' ssa a CaSh' 5. room- teir
sesiinn ' "50, easy terms; pos-
pIS are 7 i these as soo as
8 341 aZtlSnea up' Br0". room
concreto i gooa
Prune J2. beting
cated o t lwo larse lots, lo
wiea on South Comm-,.ioi o
r "5 State si 17
U a.ubite house located closo i
IrS"? Property, offered at
Priced Jr r days.
Co r x rabenhorst
Salen, ZS gilding lots in W
-Orahenhor;r&'eVP 276lttat:-StH-
room cottage on
yountr tr,:i e 01 ground, 2500
fearin, , rZry Plant -"d other
-2rnlnKS 408 W x an-orrer-
x e floor wiih ms and bath on
ent 112 1' us' w. full ce
talt tafSK dut,ch kitohen,
lectricitv " ' 'Ptace. furnace,
,38n. terrn aPPreclated.
Phrms. 280 Richmond ave.
. u SALE-
dutch ro?m house, modern.
basement Z U ath' toiIet- liehts.
J, com!' 5?d garde- 1 lot 160x
-... "" see it. 2m a
4 r ,
ner lot i,h 1 e ana ,aree cor
,nit. 2 b oil- ge wodshed, some
ln , , m car llne riBht
"omeone ' PHf.rer.yBood tot
Barber i pce 550' 150. down.
ROTvvTTtT- L a
of outhiVii'.rr newly Papered, lots
u 1
lr.i. . 3----------
"""!. eoort '1,h one acre
hool, elden land close to
f?? buyers" J .f".01 . .
down n;" . rrlce l'0 I
Pay tote1? & Pearson, 20oJ
j,0 ora. club. Phone
eros, ,a'l cultivated, fenced and
hose ana barn W-eI18- 8maU
5n of town s.n Sood road i
Won conn- 's Per acre; in
J?fifs to re; ?al'e a Pay who
Mney tn 1 farm this fall.
Qom y' ' 1 On farm
Koo4 bDiiHi'1?8 H improved.
road and L 'z., ,ocated on naved
car line. Price
"'ro cash -in 1 '" saue,
- GrabenwL V11 h"e. W. k
- -o 175 Slat, o.
??ResTt r- b178.
c j. " logans, cloee in.l
?"e 21F11 pho"e eve-
SalonJ U r address box 88. Rt.
Jf'or Sale Farms.
FUR SALE. 7 miles SW of Salem 80
; aores, rookroad to place, 40 acres
good standing timber, 4 acres old
orchard ;and 2 acres planted to
prunes and strawberries, balance
plowed. $110 per acre. .2000 win
handle; may divide place to suit.
donn Lunagren, Rt. 3, box 184.
' ' ' bl78
FOR SALE 15 acres. 11 nnre. mil
! tivated, balance timber, located 4
:. milos south of Salem. Price $2000
cash;, this is fine fruit land. W. H.
Grabenhorst & Co., 276 State St.
"" ' -' bl78
ii jtwo- IQ, -jwr.-. tract r olos.i.f , fyv
quick sale. They are both well im
proved, jprice $8000 each;-, terms.
i Also a 7 room house and three lots
with barn Aid out buildings. Price
$1700, $1000 down,: $15 per month
'i A. I Seamster , Realty r Co., 416
Masonic Temple, Phone 863.. n
ii ACRES first class soil,, fair house
and barn, .some fruit, excellent lo
! ganberry, fruit or gardening land
near eaiem ana Oregon Electric;
. would take in Salem property up
to $3500, or will sell on terms. A
gooa investment. Price $7500. Bar
ber & Pearson, 200 Gray bldg,
Phone 70. b
FOR SALE 56 acres all in crop,
oigniy improved, miles out' on
rock road. 1 mile south of Salem,
Dallas highway, Price with V4 of
crop ii,uuu, terms, wart & Mul
ner, 208 Oregon bldg. . b
ACRE ground all In fruit and
' garden with 4 room bungalow,
electrio lighted, Just outside city
limits on qom. St. car line. This is
an exceptionally good buy for
some one. Price $1250, cash or
terms. Barber & Pearson, 200 Gray
oiag, near uom. club. Phone 790.
FOR SALE 42 acres 8 miles out on
paved and rock road all In cuitlva
tion, family orchard; 2 acres .bear
ding prunes,, good ..buildings. Price
$7000, terms. Hart & Muller, 208
Oregon bldg, b
FOR SALE--20 aores logans. r 4 miles
irom saiem, rine : location. Price
$10,500. Hart & Muller, 208 Ore
gon b)dg. , b
FOR SALE 97 acres most all- in
crop, fair buildings, good location
6 miles out. Price $10,000. -Hart
& Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. b
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE Milk goat and kid. 376
S. 24th St. ' - el78
GASOLINE pumps and equipment,
new and secondhand. Wayne, -Ju B.
No. 805, -Eugene. - - - gl81
BLACK Republican cherries 5 cents
a pound. Phone 2027J. cl78
FOR SALE A few loads vetch and
oat hay, loose, $15 per ton. 1 mile
east on pen road,' Mrs. Farrel.
- -cxn
LEATHER hand bags $6.75 and up.
Max o. Buren, 179 N. Commercial.
For Sale -Wood.
CALL Salem Fuel Yards for your
coal and wood. Office 752 Trade
phone. 629. ' ' eel 90
FOR SALE Good fir and oak wood
Phone 1678W. eel94
WANTED Wood cutters wanted. C.
D. Query, phone 77F2. g
WOOD for sale, 16-in. and 4 ft mill
wood. 16-in old fir. Prompt de
livery: Fred E. Wells, 805 South
Church, phone 1542. ee
For Sale Automobiles
FOR EXCHANGE Automobile for
span of horses. Phone 5F2 or write
C. W. Pugh, Rt. 8 Salem. cl78
i-ton Ford, cut to $550
1-ton Maxwell, cut to ... $800
1-ton Republic, -cut to $1000
1-ton Ford, , cut to $400
1 Maxwell panel delivery, electric
starter, etc. ..... - $550
1 Overland touring $200
Trucks all have bodies and good
tires, Maxwell has brand new'' tires
;Long easy terms.
279 North Commercial St. ql77
1918 CHEVROLET, paint and up
- holstering in fine shape, runs fine.
: This car is a bargain... 1916 Max
well in good running condition,
just had $100 worth of - repairs.
This car is priced low. Ford $275.
Will trade cars with you if you de
sire a better one than you now
have. Cherry, City Garage, 170 S.12th
St. -. . , qi8
FOR SALE 1920 4 passenger Tem
, plar car; run 4600 miles; Will let
go- cheap' for quick sale. Bargain.
Woodroise "Motor :Co.,' 246 State St.
Salem. q!81
For Sale livestock.
FOR SALE Span mares 6 years old,
bay, weight 1040 each, broke for
far mand logging. G. E". Colby, Rt.
3, box 212A. Team at Hall's-Ferry
station, Oregon Electric. el 81
FOR SALE Cheap a good work
horse.Phone 1 13F11. el7 8
FOR SALE 18 nigs, average 1U0 lb
a piece. Jhon Lundgren, Rt ' 31
opp. Skyline Orchard.
wanted Help.
WANTED Lady dishwasher, gooa
wages; no Sunday work 128 South
Liberty St. gl78
WANTED Salesman for standard
line of automobiles. Permanent po
sition. Box D E Capital Journal
WANTED A couple of loads of loose
hay, vetch and grain hay or good
clover, delivered; hay fork in
barn. If Interested phone 2027J
evenings. 177
WANTED A reliable party to con
tract the picking of 120 acres of
Italian prunes. Address X care
Journal. gl'8
WANTED Teacher wanted to teach
f niiA aotinnl. beginners UP. includ-,
Ing eighth grade. Application- aa- ooui ,5t
dress, Mrs. J. P. Naderman, clerk) nt
Dist. 25, Turner, Oregon. gl77 Room 8, 341 State St.
PAlft T00i THtt SM N"
T rii, .... ,.q, sF .
N ee an He's FoeeATe
LESS HELP NEEDED if you have a
x-enecuon on cook stove. Max O
.puren, 17 N. Com'l.
LOOKERS yho neea suit-oases. Max
vj. nuren, 119 N. Com'l.
WANTED Elderly lady to do light
imuseworK, jnone 3b 22. 1J78
WANTED Man to fire In saw mill,
uou joo. -all phone 8-25 Turner.
Wanted Miscellaneous.
DO not neglect your roof, have it
uieanea, patched and tarred Phone
- -. K-ays, at 1758. ml79
Real Estate Salesmen
and -1 -v -
Real Estate Saleswomen
Apply in person.
Chas. W. Niemeyer,
"Just Real Estate."
Masonic Temple, Salem.
WANTED Unfurnished 4 room apts
wun Datn, or small house. Call Cap
Hal garage, phone 88. 1189
WANTED Stocky built, young, well
, T)roke horso, weighing around 1100
' lbs. Phone ' 486. 188
WANTED Typewriting to do at home
by experienced stenographer. Ad
flress 2305 N. Liberty St. 244
TRUNKS Stylish and low pricea.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. c
WANTED Board and room . In prl
vate family. P. Q. box-231. 213
ORDER your awnings from Dellman,
zuii Maple ave. m!85
TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co.
Country trips, moving. . Wood for
sale. Good service. Stand 271 North
Commercial. Phone 734.
Lost and Found.
LOST A black leather wallet with
valuable papers. Return Portland
Brazing Mach. Works., 266 Glea
son St. kl77
LOST One.-wallet containing cur
rency and check on Pacific Marine
Iron works. Notiry Ray C. Brod
ley care Pacific Marine Iron Works
Portland. - kl78
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra
special, 84o double roll. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. a
'WALL-ASTE" perrect for paper
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en, 179 N. Com'l.
I HAVE a two room and a three
room furnished apartment to rent
well located. Information phone
1418. 178
FOR RENT Office rooms. Apply
Fry's drug store. J177
OFFICE; rooms for rent; splendid
, Janitor service. 206 Oregon bldg. J
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen, steam
heat, by the month. Phone 1427,
205 Oregon bldg. v
' , GOOD?
: 308 acres 3 mijes out Of Browns
ville, Linn qounty, 250 acresi in cul
tivation, good farm house and barns,
place well watered with springs, 20
acres of timber. This is a first class
farm offered at a real bargain, $17.
000. Cash $7000, balance $1000 per
yean- .
121 acres near Brooks, 50 acres in
cultivation, balance in pasture and
valuable timber. Modern new build
ings, with or without stock. .
100 acres, 50 in cultivation, 30 In
goo dumber, balance pasture,, fair
buildings; you get 1-3 of ,the crop.
It's a big snap at $5500, cash, bal
ance long time, 6 per cent.
25 acres loganberries, prunes, ap
ples, cherries and pears, good plas
tered house with- water pipdd. to -the
house. It's a dandy for $3500.
10 acres 4Vi miles out, fair lm
provements, good garden and a barn
full of hay goes for $2300.
When you want good farms priced
right, see us. .
228 Oregon bldg. n
5 acres all In cultivation; good
productive land, bearing fruit, ber
ries and garden. .Fine creek of living
water; 4 room house, barn, etc. A real
snap. $2000. Good terms. .
14 1-3' acres with 7 acres in culti
vation and in bearing prunes, logans,
garden, fete A fine place with all new
and exceptionally productive land
Fine spring and nice little creek. Lots
of wild blackberries, blaeK caps, etc.,
In pasture; small house andbarn; 6
miles from Salejn on rock.,r6ad;''pav-
ed most of way to town. A bargain
at $3200; prunes, garden - and later
crops go to purchaser, terms.
Art excellent tract 6 miles from Sa
lent; new 8 room bungalow with
beam ceilings, .wired for lights and
are installing acyelene lighting sys
tem. An elegant home and well ar
ranged; full basement; 9 acres beard
ing fruit, 3 acres evergreen black
berries and 3 acres strawberries. 2000
gooseberry plants in orchard. A real
bargain at $10,500.
469 State St. ground floor b
nno . onPB i-
cultivation, small
houset berries, on
streetVar. $850.
1 1-3 acres, all fine sou, wen arain
ed, good well, buildings. 5 blocks to
Htreer car $1000
3-4 acre extra fine location, good
soil on car line, paved roaa iuu
3 acres close to car, most all cul
tivated and in fruie $800 per acre
- 4 acres all cultivated, clos ein $1.
000 .
6 acres Inside city limits with house,
most all cultivated. $2000
6 room house on car line, good lot,
ready to move in $900.
House and lot from $250 to an ex
tra fine bungalow A-l location at
-Sure! A guy, is liable
, 1 . 1. 11 1 a mvi mm mv-. ...'- B.fc'1 - mtm iwyuw I I 1 m,mtmm
1055 aero-grain and stock farm in
eastern Oregon, in cultivation, 30
acres alfalfa; best volcanic ash; 3
houses and- 5 good- barns, .granary,
etc. Fenced and cross - fenced in - 8
fields and pastures; water in each
field, also water for irrigation;
mile from school, store and post "of
fice. Krlce only $25 per acre, with
1-3 of the crop and all stock and
machinery $30 per acre.- - -1
10 acres -all in cultivation. fVimMv
orchard; goo valley soil, 5 room
house, fair barn. Crop, stock, imple
ments, wood and hay included at $7
000, terms.
16.8 acres, 15 cleared, .balance
timber; 2 acres fruit, bearing; 4 room
house, fair barn, etc; good red soil,
close to school. Price $3500, terms.
5 acreB all in cultivation, family orchard;-
8-4 mile to city school,
blocks to city limits. $2000, terms.
15 acres, in cultivation, fine
soil ;6 room plastered house, good
barn; .3 miles from city limits.. $7000
terms. .- ., : r -' , .,;
10 acres close lo the city limits;, 3
acres cleared, 2 in fruit! 6 room bun.
galow, bath and hall, chicken house
and small barn;' water - -system: 7
blocks from school, $7500, cash. .
97 acres good red and Jblack soil,
6; miles from a good town;-well and
spring water; nearly new 7 , rnnm
house, ,large barn; 60 acres in culti
vation, $11,000 terms on part. ..
167 acres, 86 in cultivation, good
chocolate loam, rolling; 6 room new
house, good barn; share of crop goes
with place. $75 per acre. ,
85 acres best bottom soil;' 7 'room
house, barn and other buildlnes! 46
acres timber, 5000 cords of wood M
old fir 1 mile to shipping point and
school; 19 miles from Salem. $6000,
terms... , . -t- j,--- : . . .. ; -t. -
118 acres, 100 cleared. 38 anren
fruit and nuts, good condition! best
of red soil,. 4. miles from Salem on a
gooa roaa striotly modern 8 room
house, large .', barn, springs piped to
buildings. A good buy and a chance
to mane some money. $40,000, terms
7 room house, 4 good lota, nine lo
cation, fruit, , city water. $1800.
5 room bungalow, 2 fine lots, wood
shed and garage, a bargain. $2000.
, room cottage, city water, bath,
lights, sewer; large lot, some fruit,
7 room house on south Hie street
in fine condition, modern except fur
nace, fruit. $6000, terms.
6 room house on North Commer
cial street, large lot. sszho ens-
341 State street. n
254 acre farm, 175 acres cultivat
ed, balance pasture and timber; 9
room house in first class condition:
fine large barn, good fences, running
water, spring , water pipe! to house
and bamr "6cres 7 year old prunes,
1 acre cherries, all machinery to
run place,; small tools, 6 head of
horses, 4 head of cows, 11 hogs, 68
sheep, .36 chickens. Price $120 per
acre; jouuo down, balance long time,
6 per cent interest, , . .
320 acre farm, So acres plow land,
balance good fir timber; good grain,
orchard and berry spil house and
barn, spring -:w4terv twelve thousand
cords of standing fir timber. Price
$60 per acre; cash, balance terms
at 6 per cent Interest. 1
200 acre farm, 100 acres plow land,
balance pasture and timber, running
water, spring, some fine timber, good
road, 6 miles from Salem. Price $125
per acre. -
27 Oacre farm, 240 acres plow
land, balance pasture; good grain and
clover soil.i House and barn, well,
rock road, close to railroad. Posses
sion October , 1st, 1920. Price. $126
per acre. -..., .,
149 acre farm, nearly all cultivat
ed, 6 room house, fine new barn,
well; good roa close to good town.
Price $25,000. -5 v T
21.61 acres located on main road
close to .Salem, 8 room modern house, I
barn, family orchard, stock, machin-i
erv .nd household ennds e-npa "Prinp'
10 acres of good prune, loganber
ry or strawberry soli, 4 miles Tsouth
of Salem, close to main Pacific .high
way. Price $2750.
10 acres all cultivated, 1 acre of
loganberries, acre of prunes, straw
berries, apples, j.cherries, good toad,
8 miles from Salem. Price $7500.
Well improved 6 acre tract close
to ' Salem and carline, good bunga
low, barn, bearing fruit and berrias.
Price $6000.
20 aore tract, 5 acres bearing lo
ganberries, 5 acres prunes, some ti.n
ber, spring water, Small house, Price
56 acre farm, all cultivated, house
and barn, 6 miles from Salem, good
grain and clover soil. Price $200 per
acre. - ..... .... .
5 acres of good bearing ' Italian
prune orchard located on main Pa
cific highway, 3 $ miles from Salem.
Price $4500.
If you want fruit land, farms, city
property or investments, see
275 State street. -r b
IT won't take us long to show a six
room modern house, two lots, barn
fireplace, east front. Thi sis a good
buy and well made a good home
for someone.
We have some good strictly mod
' ern 5, 6 and 7 room homes to show
They are well located on paved
streets. They range in price from
$4000 to $5500.
Let us list your property.
416 Masonic Temple. Phone 353. n
6 room bungalow, modern except
furnace. House and furnishings go at
$3000. Terms. A dandy buy.
8 room house at 966 Oak St., mod
ern except furnace; large lot A
bargain at $2800. Good terms.
9 room plastered house, full base
ment, on paved street. 3 fine lots
with garden, fruits, berries, eta $4,-
jiOO.' Terms. .
9 room plastered house, pavd
street immense lot good barn.. $4,-
to make a punk guess
10 acres 8 miles out, all In crop.
Price $1800 easy terms.
Nice modern 5 room bungalow, $2,-
Well improved 12-:acreg 2 'miles
out, stock, machinery, fowls, crop, all
$7000. . ' , , .
7 room modern bungalow, nice lo
cation in south. Salem, $3200, terms.
Choice prune orchard la full bear
ing, near Salem, Jieavy crop. Snap
$500 per acre.. ,, "
10 acre ' tract fine soil, near Sa
lem; buildings orchard. Bargain.
$3000, .. . . ,
5 choice lots, 7 room plastered
house, fruit, garden. Snap. $2000
Choice river bottom farm near
Salem, with crop. ; Sacrifice : -price
$135 per acre. . ; I
. Houses, tracts, orchards, farms.
211-12 Com, club bldg. , , n
"..:.'. . - REAL EiST ATE- ::"'! ' --'
-' . 306 State Street v
Rooming house 23 rooms, furni
ture, fine location; income $131 per
month. $8000, terms,
7 rooms, lot 250x130, fine condi
tion, chicken houses, barn, fruit trees
and garden; really a . small , . farm.
Price $300p, terms. .
9 rooms, fair condition,, lot 100x150
Price $2000, terms.
5 rooms and 4 lots, good buy. $1,
600. - -- ' . '
5 room . cottage, lot 66x126, 'fruit'
and garden. $1600. . , i.
5' ropms, close -, in, barn, large lot
$150P; ?'. --''v, f;
6 rooms, dandy cottage, good neigh
borhood, large lot. Price $3400.
1 rooms, modern,? lot 75x130, fruit
and. garden. $4200. . . .
; 6 rooms, modern, close ln. $3000. (i
9 rooms house and 2 5 -room hous
eses with five acres of land, close ln
all for $8000, terms.
6 rooms, good location, modern.
8 rooms close In, modern, fruit and
garden, $4500.
5 rooms, modern, splendid place.
$7500. .', .i'i-- - .. . -a
' If not here is an opportunity for
you to make a profitable bargain.
5 room shingled bungalow; attract
ive little home, fireplace, cozy rooms
modern bathroom, $2000, $500 cash,
balance like, rent, .
6 room bungalow in NorthSalem,
close to school and canning factories.
A snap buy at $1600, $750 cash, bal
ance monthly, immediate possession.
fl room bungalow on South High
street a splendid buy at $2600;
$500 cash, $30 monthly. Immediate
possession. -
7 room house at 14th and Che
meketa streets. Large lot! north front
good fruit, barn. Only $2500, $500
cash, balance monthly like rent. Im
mediate possession. ':.:.
Dandy little 4 room bungalow on
South 21st street; $800, -$100 down,
balance like rent
Another at $600-pay like rent
with $100 down. ' ,
5 room bungalow, a great buy for
$1800, $1000 cash; south 17th St
A genuine snap buy in the way of
7 room houses at 14th and Trade
Sts. Cement basement, garage; $3,
000. ,"
Modern bungalow on north Fifth
street. $4200.
6 room house; 4 lots, blacksmith
shop; paved street.: $1600. A gift at
the price. v .
Choice apartment building fine lo
cation, large lot; $12,500.
60 acres of choice .land at Hop
mere; for 6 days only! $115 an acre
good terms.
6 acres all in loganberries, $3b00.
18 acres with good buildings; $6,
700. With all stock and equipment.
4 9 ' acres with 16 acres -ln logan
berries; one third of crop goes with
place if bought this week; $18,000
good terms.
"Just Real Estate"
215-216 Masonic Temple, Phones
1000 and 1014. n
8 room bungalow, full basement,
furnace, completely plumbed, laun
dry trays, cement floor in basement,
wood lift for kitchen, also for fire
place, fine fire place, reception hall,
living room, dining room, full dutch
kitchen, two bed rooms and toilet on
first floor, hall, 3 bed rooms and
bath and toilet on second iloor, clos
ets in every bed room, all well light-'!
ed and well finished, hard finish
throughout, would - cost $6000 to
build now, lot of fruit, garage, lot
70x190 feet, on macadamized street
and car line.. Price only $6750. This
is the best snap offered in Salem
Are you interested?
341 State St. n
K splendid small 5 room cottage,
fireplace, electric lights, fine bath
room, nice view, two nice lots, all for
$2700 cash. , '
A seven room fine home, wide
porches, full basement; this place
gives you that homey feeling; . . two
lots, $4000.
Neat 6 room bungalow, modern ln
every respect. $3200.
Splendid 6 room house on State
street. $5000. Best buy on State.
See me about jfruit farms, dairy
f arms grain farms.
. MaKe our place your headquarters
across from Ladd & Bush bank.
305 State St. a
More and More .
Houses, Farms, Tracts.
Now organizing
Big .
Fall "
Selling Campaign; . r
Chas. W. Niemeyer, .
"Just Real Estate"
Masonic Temple, Salem,
Telephones 1000 & 1014.
SALE, or. exchange for, Salem prop
erty,. twe story brick opera-house
block in , Shenaan, 2,000U.. .A.( ftL
Fanning, Amity, Rt. 2.
' n281
occasionally. ' ?
6 room house and 4 lots, near car
and school, fruit and flowers, $2100,
with $1000 cash, , ,
' 6 room house, corner1 lot, fruit and
garage". ' Priced at' $1700, half cash,
balance at $10 -monthly. t . .
4 room furnished cottage, near
school and car. $14 0.0, $300 cash and
$10 monthly. t : . t .. ; .
5 rooin house, 4 ' lots, paved
street. $1650.' ' i
5 room bungalow, with fireplace,
on paved street, $2500, part terms.
6 room house, - 4 blocks ' from
Brewer's drug store, for $3260. ,
List with LISTON. ,
484 Court street. nl76
Legal Notices.
The county court of Marlon - coun
ty, Oregon, will receive bide up to 1
o'clock p. m. on August 7, 1920, for
hauling from 6000 to 16,000 cubic
yards of gravel from Abe bunkers
near St. Paul, Oregon, onto the
county roads in that vicinity, The
average haul being- about 3 miles.
Specifications can be seen at the
county clerk's office. -
" County Clerk.
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware store. 271 N. Com
mercial street Phone 734.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res, phone 58FB. i
teopathic physicians and surgeons,
606 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 859.
Dr. White, res. phone 469; Dr.
Marshall res, phone 834. -
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges.
' Very prompt service. Ask about our
20 -year loans at 6 per cent. Haw
kins & Roberts, 205, Oregon bldg.
Salem, Or.
Federal Farm- Loans
Any amount Long time.'
5 Vi and 6 percent interest ,
City buildings loans.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
. and American fence, sizes 26 to 68
inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
" hooks. Salem Fence and' Stove
Works, 250 Court streeet. Phone 12
Lodge Directory.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. JI. G.
Coursey, V. Qj Frank A. Turner,
clerk. . .
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly, ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
' 510-12 V. S.. bank. Phone 841.
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable monthly ln advance.
Phone 67.
Market Reports
Grain: Wheat No 1 $2.402.50; feed
eats $1; cheat hay $1819; oat hay
$1820; clover hay $1820j mill run
$69. ' -
- Butterfat: Butterfat 60c;' creamery
butter 6960o.' n
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork on
foot 15c; ; veal fancy . 19 20c; steers
9c; spring lams 8c; cows 7c; ewes 60;
sheep, yearling, 80. - . -- .,
Eggs and poultry: . Eggs cash 40c;
light hens 20c; heavy hens 24c; old
roosters 12c; broilers 24c over two
Vegetables: California onions pet
sack $2.50; beets per, sack $2.00;
turnips per sack $3.25; carrots per
sack $3.50; parsnips per sack
$3.50; spinach lOo lb; radishes 76c
doz; asparagus 16c; new potatoes
6c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 3c;
head lettuce 90c doz; rhubarb 4o;
peas 8c; tomatoes 1 2 4 c; cucumbers $i
"doz; cantaloupes poney $4.50 5,
standard $4, Honeydew $2. crate, flat
crate $1.76; watermelons 4c.
Fruit: Strawberries $3.00; oranges
$77.50; lemons $5.25 5.75 ;bananas
12c; honey extract 20c; apricots $3
crate; peaches early triumph $2.25.
Retail prices; Eggs dozen 48c;
creamery . butter 62 65c; country
butter 57o; flour hard wheat $3,76 0
8.90; soft wheat 83.00 3.26.
Portland, July 26. Cattle steady;
receipts 2548; choice steers $10.50
11.00; good to choice $10.0010.50;
medium to good $9.00 10.00; fair to
good $8.20 9.00; common to fair
$7.008.25; choice cows and heifers
$8.00 8. 50; good to choice $7.00
8.00; medium 'o good $6.007.00;
fair to medium $5. 00 6. 00;
canners $34.78; bulls $5.606.60;
prime light calves $11.6013.00; me
dium light $9.0011.00; heavy $7.00
9.0O; best feeders $7.508.00; fair
to trood $6.00 7.50.
Hogs firm; receipts 850; prime
mixed $17.2517.76; medium $16.76
17.26; smooth heavy $14.00 15.75;
rough heavy $12.0014.00; pigs
$12.5018116. ,
Sheep . weak ; receipts 8930; valley
lambs $9.25 10.25; east of moun
tain $11. 0011. 50; cuTIs $7.008.50:
yearlings $6.50 800; wethers $8
7; ewes $2.25 06.00. . :
. Butte
Portland, Or., iuly.,26. Cubes ex-
lots E7c: cartons B8e: half boxes Ue
more, lees' than H boxes- lo more-
(butterfat 5455c f. o. b. station; C8a
?rtl.and-. ." '
NO- yellow ..
Millstutfs: Mill, tun $5657- '-
Hay, buying price, timothy $35:
alfalfa. -$25; cheat $23: clover $20
Poultry mod Eggs.
Potlandv,pr., July,. 26. Eggs sell
ing price case count 42 (fr 44c; buying
price 43c; .selling price .candled 45&
47c; selected candled ln cartons 47
49o. -s " I,
... Poultry!-. Hens :8027O' lbj broiler
20 g 27.CJ f, old (foosters 12cj, turkey
nominal; geese nominal; ducks 850.
Whejil $2y412.50 bUBhel; bar
ley f ee'd. j$ 5 3 4 51 ; ioats . 5 5 6 5 ; cora
No. 64 Oregonlan, 6:00 a. m
No. 18 Oregon Express........ 7:06 a. m.
No. 28 Willamette Limited.. 8:17 a. m.
No. 18 Roseburg Passenger 2:05 p. m.
No. 24 Eugene and Coos Bay 5 :35 p. m.
No. 14 Portland Express . 7:45 p. m
No.'BS Oregonlan 8:08 a. mi
No 23 Eugene and Coos Bay.l0:16 a-m.
No. 16 California Express....ll:28 a,nM
No. 17 Roseburg Passenger 4:08 p. m
No. 27 Willamette Limited.. 6:44 p. m
No. 18 San Francisco Pass 10:03 p. ra
No. 73 Arrive at Salem.,. 9 :10 a. m
No. 74 Leave Salem ........... 4:00 p. nn
163 Leaves Salem, motor.... 7:45 a. m,
166 Leaves Salem, motor.,. 9:35 a-m,
1ST Leaves Salem, motor-.... 1:65 p. m.
171 Leaves Salem............. 6:16 p. ni
162 Arrives at Salem . 9:10 a. nv
164 Arrives at Salem . .11:00 a. m
166 Arrives at Salem 8:20p. m
172 Arrives Salem ...;.......i 7:40 p.m
Train Leave " Arrive Arrlv
No. ' Portland Salem Eugene
1 .6:30am' 8:30am 10:60 an
5 Ltd..8:30am "10:11am 12:86 pm
7 10:45 am i 12:60 pm Cor.2:20pm
9' ....2:05 pm 4:12 pm 6:45 pm
13 Ltd.. 4:46 pm , 6:40 pm 8:66 pm
17 ........6:05 pm ' 8:07 pm Salem only
IB 9:20 pm ' 11:20 pm Salem only
No. 23 from Woodburn arrives Sa
lem 8:05 p. m. ""' -North
Bank Station (leave Jeff ert
on street 1$ and 20 minutes later.)
: i t - - I Northbound 1 :
Train . Leave Arrive Arnvi 1
7:15 am
- 9:45 am
11:30 am
1:35 pm
- 4:00 pm
5:30 pm
7:66 pm
9:25 am
11:30 am
1:45 pra
3:45 pm
6:45 pm
7:40 pm
10 Ltd.. 7:30 am
14 . 11:15 am -
16 Ltd.. 1:55 pm
20 Salem
22........ 6:26 pm
9:55 pm
NO 24 for Woodburn, except Satur
day and Sunday, leaves 8:30 p. m.
North Bank Station (arrive Jeff ew
on street 15 minutes earlier.) Leav
Corvallis 4:10.
. ..Northbound .
Leave Corvallis ..1 .- Arrive Salem
8:20 ami..: ,9:45 am i
2:40pm '-.;... " ) -0 4:00pm
4:10 pm i:-! -'.;! 6:30pm
8:22 pm , 1 7:66 pm
. : Southbound
Leave Salem . . Arrive CorvaDl
8:36 am ; . - 8:65 pm
10:16 am iv, 11:35 am
12:56 pm 2:20 pm .
4:12 pm- . 5:42 pm
8:40 pm n " 8:03 pm
Public Forum
To the Editor: I have been read
ing an excerpt from the Oregon Jour
nal copied from your1 paper which
reminded me yours must be a demo
cratic paper. If .so would you not like
to publish discussion on the "Single
tax," an initiative measure on the
subject has been; filed and will be
voted on at the coming November
election. We believe it to be the most
vital question of the day, and the
most alive issue, and it will be much
discussed during the coming campaign
The reform is more "popular and
better understood by the farmers than
ever before and has a' good chance
of winning. The petition work was
financed by the members of the la
bor unions and the single tax league,
And is a purely "pepole's movement"
The Oregon Journal and other pa
pers are giving us space for discussion
and explanation. California has a pe
tition ready. Our measure is on the
last page of the enclosed booklet and
any of our members would be. 'glad
to Invite debates, discussions or short
letters on topics of the day and their
relation to the subject-as would be
best suited to your patrons. Thank- .
ing you for any interest you might
take in the matter, I am yours truly,
' ... Umatilla,' Ors.
(Copyright, 1910, by H. O. Fish ex.
Trade Mark Reg. U. & Pat OIOMn
fa 7 Uibkard. fa,,?
Ifcgl Vrv. (rWe-rTJral
V Xroofal. ; krion