Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 23, 1920, Image 1

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    ' Th2 Weather
,.iv TiKliht iui Sniurdny
J .Uicnue westerly winds.
"".irAfc: Mm. temperature 8, max
60. No rainfall. River
Average for 81s Hoatfea
. March tl, 1MO
Memiber of Audit Bureau of OUwmu
' Associated Frew fall f iWn t)
Victory of
Ties Races
tond, Hook, N. X, uly 8S.
Jlaal cup race after a spectao
TTrlnlyli Ulld tied. IWO W tWO,
jriih Shamrock IV In the fight
' for America's cup.
Resolute crossed the line first with
A . ,. knlf tn ana re. accord-
minute mm -
. .inofficial timing ashore.
Shamrock, after a long stern chase
. i, ir mdiv'a trlaniru-
i course, overhauled the defender
within three miles of the finish, but
the American sloop breaking out a
., haiinoner. took the lead again
within the last half mile and sped
t across the finish line, beating
the challenger boat for boat, accord
ing- to unofficial timing.
Liea vi
.team yacht Victoria, a tre
mendous chorus of whistles greeted
Resolute as she crossea tne une.
The official finishing times were
, Shamrock 4:43:06.
Resolute First Away
' Sandy Hook, N. J., July 23. Reso
lute, defending the America's -cup,-
dashed first across the line today at
the start of the fourth international
yacht race, which she must win to
prevent Sir Thomas Upton's Sham
rock IV from capturing the priceless
pewter trophy.
Shamrock crossed about half
Minute behind (he defender, accord
ing to unofficial timing.
With the starting signal sounded
at 1 p. m. Resolute crossed at 1:01:33
official time and Shamrock at
1:01:66. Then both plunged forward
on the first ten mile leg of the thir
ty mile triangular course a beat .:o
windward down the. Jersey shore.
Rf?olute planted herself squarely
on the weather Quarter.
Resolute crossed the line 23 seconds
' ahead of Shamrock.
America Sets Puce
It was Shamrock today that, hung
back and allowed Resolute to set the
pace. Captain Burton of the challen
ger was very nearly handicapped,
having only four seconds to get over
the line within the two minutes al
lowed after the starting signal.
. Both yachts crossed on the star
board tack and Resolute at once be-
' tan to gain. Ten minutes after the
start, both tacked to port, with Res
, olote 200 yards to windward going
milli. -nj akn. I. .- t.
tr.,"w aim louaiiu uui. milium uc
MIIIICU. ... .
When the two yaojits later headed
, msnore toward the Jersey highlands.
Resolute gained constantly in the
neat to windward. Her sharp bow
' Hftail thn..,k U- 111 -
.-.v wvugu uic liming sea. T11UC11
setter than Shamrock's snubby nose,
, i i-.ii tne American yacht was
,' easily a quarter ot a mile ahead.
Working Inshore, Resolute pinch
ed out further and further to weath
er while Shamrock sought to over
come her rival's advantage' by iore-
Taonh A i , . a . . . . . . -.
-..s. m inn ne wma nauioa ai-
... suulii putting . rtesoiute
ie man one quarter of a mile to
windward where she was almost able
t lay her course for the first mark.
'' Wind Shifts
A 1:30 the wind, after having In
creased -to eight knots went back In
to a south-southwest, making it uead
ahead to the first turn, with Reso
Me half a mile to windward and go
ing faster than Shamrock, wfiich
wemed soggy.
The sloops stood well inshore to
ftn advantage ot the tide.
.At 1:37 observers ashore estlmat-
that Resolute was leading by on
iy a little more than a quarter of a
Captain Burton evidently had
Bjven up trying to fore-reach the
aerreshoff sloop and was beginning
, mVock out alo"S the
Me of the wind.
hifhi11,50 When nearly aown f the
glands Shamrock had picked up
the aid of a small baby jib top-
and was doing better in the
k"0,hlCh had drPPed back to
rival's"1!'0 CUt down some ' her
t'U lead by a tack inshore but
Quite , Amerioan sloop was still
ue a piece to weather.
At ts 1eso,ute Holds Lead
D0rt' d4ttu',:,the official Pss boat
d 'hSl they were the south
n even 1 msn,ana3. sailing about
ll to 7 , ,tft Reslute half a
anch ! dw"d a"d,therefore that
At ! , lne turning mark
M that nr acms had reach-
W.I'i1"' " th "ast where
of short tVot w ey began a series
h el, 3 ""i1 thU time Relute
" of w ' nlm a" Ereat hs
At n ""aay.
d oShshore.CK Came 8b0Ut
M".d th0l!hanlrock8 bw
"""fboard tack , . "oout on tne
"sers quarter. . -
n- .. 'd Trick I,n..
!n MsiTI"hr. Captain Eur-
ZTk t eailin, ,, " tne olA English
""tlx for thB naer started
. rival hn.1'. of 'ore-reach
"''inrock fon,,. ras doubtful If
which ;;,,"y raster than Res
" V'-r in ,1,; ..." y - as standing
, "PParentK- ,k 1 lne wind.
urth J 1 veinE,Ushman's hP
es" ,0 come V ln the tw reaching
'he vkT!" 1,031 renorted
Elk Parade Thursday
Most Elaborate Ever
Presented In Salem
1a kt Ji v . j. -J -
Tf Ttljtf f f f f M - 4
' " '
Parade Prbea '
m Largest uniformed delegation. First prise, MoMinnvllle:- eec-
ond prize, Oregon-City. .. . , ' J
Most unique costumes. The D alles, first prize Medford, . second
- Best decorated car. Dan J. Fr y, Jr., first;-P. E. FjiHerton, sec- -
1 UI1U. .. 'r. .... , 'w t J, ...
Most original comic stunt. Lee Gilbert, Salem, "No Gas" first; .
, uaemnsiun ana juevy,. alem, second.
The -magnificent mounted Elk head
offered as first prize for the largest
uniformed delegation appearing in
the parade last evening, was Riven
to McMlnnville; Oregon City receiv
ing second award of $50. For the ag
gregation having the most unique
costumes. The Dalles received first
prize of lodge jewels, and Medford,
the second prize, of a silk altar flag.
Gilbert a Winner
The "No Oas" float, entered by
Lee Gilbert of Salem, claimed first
award of )50 and the Burro entry
by Cherrington and Levy, also of this
city, was given the 125 prize. Dan
Fry, Jr., was recipient of the $100 of
fered for (he best decorated automo
bile and P. E. Fullerton took the sec
odd award of $50. "
There still remain two prizes to be
given, that for the lodge coming the
farthest distance, with a representa
tion of twenty, or more; and that for
the largest lady registration. As both
of these depend upon the registrar
tion, which has not yet been completed
no definite announcements have been
made. r
Roseburg Plane Feature ,
Denton Burdlck of Bend, W. O.
Smith of Klamath Falls and Dan T.
Watklns of Portland, acted as judges
ln last evening's contests. V ,,
The parade was one of the longest
and most elaborate ever witnessed in
Salem. Nearly every aggregation com
peted in the comic contest, and an
abundance of amusement was afford
ed the spectators. A pretty feature of
the performance, wa the presence
of an airplane from Roseburg which
flew in low circles over the line of
march, scattering rose petals among
the crowds. .
Body of Nude Woman Is
Foun d Hidden In T runk
New York, July 23. The body of a
nude woman, jammed in a trunk, was
found today by employes of the Amer
ican Railway Express company,
among the unclaimed baggage In the
company's East 44th street warehouse.
The trunk had been received here
from Detroit June 17. I
Believing that the trunk contained
perishable merchandise, one of the
expresmen opened it and found the
woman's body. The body had been
jammed into the trunk and the clothes
apparently had been thrown In after'
There were no marks of violence on
the body, express company employes
said. The police Immediately took
possession of the trunk' and its con
tents. The trunk was shipped through
the American Railway Express com
panyto this city :by a man- giving the
name of "A. A. Tieturn, of 105 Harper
street.-Detroit," according to the rec-
ofds acocmpanying the baggage, the
police say. It was addressed to "James
Douelas. New York City,:' they de
Clare. . ; ,i. ,;. .
The body, which had been cover
over with feminine wearing apparel ot
srood material, had been crammed in
to the trunk, which is 2 fees high
and 3 feet long, The trunk, which
was bound with a clothes line,, was so
crowded by its contests that It bulged
at the side. The woman was appar
ently 25 to 30 years of age, the police
sav. and wettrnea aooui iau pounuu,
hh.d blue eyes and had been lairiy gooa
ookiftg. Two upper teeth of her leri
Jaw slightly protruded.
Detroit Police Know Nothing.
Detroit. Mich.. July 23. Police here
declared they were without a clew as
to the Identitv of the BoUy or a wo
man found in a trunk in an express
warehouse in New York today. Nei
ther could they throw any light upon
th identitv of the person who shipped
thp trunk from here June 17. There
is no such number on Harper street
as "105 ' or no name a. x
In the city directory.
Doctor's Car Is
Damaged In Court
Poles Ask
:" r', : ' - i '
Of Soviet
- America's Support' . Aske "
Washington, ' July 23. Po- ,
land-has asked the state de-
partment to ' formally an-"
, nounce -to the world' "the j
morar support" of the United
States to Poland, in its battle
with the Russian bolshevlkl. .
The suggestion also was
made that a similar : exprea-, .
slon from President Wilson
would be welcomed and would
do much to stiffen the -morale
of the Polish people,
Warsaw, Jul 23. Poland has sent
armistice proposals direct to the so
viet government at Moscow. ; h
After these proposals had been dis
patched by ' wireless at two o'clock
this afternoon by the national coun
cil of defense, a. new coalition cabi
net was formed under the premier
ship of m. witos. :
The new cabinet has the support
of the socialist party, M. Datzenskl,
the head of. the socialist organization
is the vice premier. Aside from : the
two changes the cabinet remains the
same. . -
The Polish message was short and
to the point. There was some delay
In dispatching , it owing chiefly to
hitches in the organization of a coa
lition cabinet i A reply is expected by
Friday night, v ,
"""I !h . """IK thrpp miU.
I 'J orn,!aiVna bot med
at 2:30 that
was WW
,windwari, " Kes'
4""!c b0, Bnamrock and seem-
""wk w", ,"!"ies to the good.
on 'he t-,.,i, "''l"er to the lee-
fi w ih n r ; .
'.-mrock -." '" to the good.
on ,h ... 7 "'tner t
a at 2:30'accorT
t a m"' more than a
I nwin Vj bh'nd the defend-
hih in t 8 had U" American
ever,' pu;; ',nd and kerned to
... .
$125 Separated
From Salem Man
By Pickpocket
One hundred and twenty-five dol
lars in currency and a check for $6
was "lifted" from the person of E. S.
Rntnn. 2!i4 Front street, some time
Thursday night, according to bis re
port made to police.
Four $20 bills, two $10 bills and
five $5 bills with the check were In
a black leather purse, Mr. Eaton stated.
Bryan Refuses
To Be Candidate
Bozema'n, Mont., July 23. William
J. Bryan Thursday announced posi
tively that he would not accept the
nomination for president tendered him
by the prohibiton national convention
at Lincoln, Neb.:
The first Intimation of his nomina
tion was reecived by him -at 1 o'clock
yesterday afternoon at Madison Lake
upon his return from a forenoon of
fishing when he read an Associated
Press dispatch giving the text of the
telegram sent to him by the conven
tion at Lincoln. He was forty miles
from any telegraph office fit the time
but as soon as he reached NorYis,
Mont., he telegraphed a reply declin
ing the nomination.
Preachers Learn
To Play Games
:. Fortress is Taken.
London,, July 23. Capture by so
viet troops of the Fortress of Dubno,
one of the Volhynia group of forti
fications defending the southeastern
Q4-rtt i7cfV-Polteh border'k announced in Thurs
kJtf Vli-l IdlUfl I day's official ratmnt from M.
cow,, received; by wireless today.
The bolshevik, also have taken the
and -25
The automobile of Dr, J. W. Welch
of this city was lightly damaged law.
night when it collided with a oar said . ra"way towh.., of Stonlm,
to have been driven by Earl Gray, ac . Zi&ZZSZi
ccuruing 10 a report maae at ponce
Dr. Welch stated he was' driving
east on Court when the accident oc
curred. It happened about 11 o'clock.
Right-ofVay Is c
Taken Crowded
Street, One Dead
Outlook Menacing
London,' July "23. The Polish out
look appears' increasingly menacing
td commentators in this . morning's
newspapers. Poland not only is ex
tremely hard pressed Jy the bolshe
vik armies, they say but her terri
tory Is already Int-acJed. One Of the
papers prints news purported to have
been received by the British foreign
office, which says the bolshevlki
right wing has occupied Ziny, north
west of Grodno, and about 30 miles
from the nearest point on the : Ger
man frontier. The bolshevik capture
mrs. ci. uenison, aSe ,i. is aeau are also reported to have taken Ble
and her husband seriously injured as lovok; 110 miles from Warsaw, while
Divorce Answer Is
Mild But Requests
Nuptial Freedom
' In a complete' answer filed recently
to tne amended complaint in divorce
proceedings filed by his wife. O. B
Durdall -denies her -assertion that he
is worth $ao,900 and $46,000 and alio
refutes charges that he is of a "mean
and nagging" . disposition..
In considering the allegations filed
by his wife, Hallie Parrish Hinges
Durdall, Mr. Durdall refers to a pre
natal contract In which it appears
that .both parties possessed sufficient
resources to -make them independent
of each other and that each had
sighed a stipulation governing the fi
nal .disposition of individual property
Interests. -
. Mr. Durdall asserts that he has
complied with all clauses of this con
tract, but asserts that his wife has vio
lated the contract in several ways. Ho
Claims that after their marriage, he
spent about 910,000 improving his
wire s property and claims mat she
has since disposed of her holdings for .
about $15,000, retaining this money.
Mr. Durdall states that he is worth
about $16,000 at the time of his mar
riage but that he has only $2,000 cleat
at the present time when an $8,000 in
debtedness Is lifted. '
He asks dismissal of Mrs. Durdall's
suit and dissolution of the . nuptial I
bonds, claiming that she has made life
bitter for him because alleging her
disposition and temperament, to be
high-strung and ungovernable. ' He
indicates a desire to make his wife the
beneficiary of $5,000 life Insurance
possessed by him.
Convention Votes Blest
Session To Marshfield
llTf.l TVT - . XT
w nnout negative vo
Marshfield, Oregon, was unanimously chosen by Elk delegates
s tne locality jot me iounn annual state convention oi tne ur-
firon State Rika' Aatwunatinrt tn ha ViaIH nYt. inmmnr whan
men. convened for their second business- meeting: this morning; .
No word was raised against Coos Bay as the next meeting plana.
7 O. Rlisspll rtf V.tltrana -fnrmorlv nnnnnnu1 thia mnntino thift- .
he will be a. candidate fo president of the state associaation whea
election of officers takes place tomorrow morning.
' Clement Scott, first vice-president I , . , im.
of the Washington State Association
of Elks, was elected an honorary
member of the . Oregon association.
and formal acceptance of Mr. Scott's
invitation to attend the convention of
Washington Elks in Vancouver, Au
gust 19-21, was made. '
. Rumors, drifting from the inner
most sanctums of the convention hall,
have it that R. Alexander of Pendle
ton who, It was believed, would be -a
candidate for president of the associa
tion, plans to withdraw from the race
the aftermath of a convention crowd
accident at the";.corne'r of State and
Commercial streets, Thursday . night,
Mr. and Mrs. Denison in a group of
pedestrians passing along Commercial
street and were caught by a car driven
by G. W. Wineland, of 1041 South 13th
street. '
Witnesses of the mishap asserted
that Wineland's car had spurted up
to about 12 to 15 miles per hour in
an attempt to get the right-of-way
from Dr. D. X. Beechler, who was ap
proaching from the north .on Com
mercial street. In order to avoid a
collision with Wineland's car, Dr.
Beechler "killed" his engine and per
mitted the car to pass. Witnesses
stated that Mr. Wineland's attention
was drawn to the Beechler car ana
that he did not see Mr. and Mrs.
Denison until his machine was upon
That Wineland had absolutely no
IrvVif t-rt talfa thd rifrht-nf-WaV from
Dr. Beechler and to proceed in sucn '
a head-Ions fashion. Is the opinion ml
Chief Welsh and others who witnessed
the accident. Wineland was not ar-,
In an effort to avert the disaster.
Wineland threw on all brakes and stop
ncA within the length of his own car.
After the accident, Mr. Wineland left
his machine, but according to state
ments made by him to Chief of Police
.1. T. Welsh, did not leave the scene.
at- reported but assisted in conveying
Mrs. Denison to the hospital, where
she died within a short time. The car
had passed over the aged woman's
head and chest, death being pro
nounced as due to concussion of the
brafn. , ,
Mr. Ticnison. who suffered painful
v,; inii.riea was taken to a hospital by
t u ni.iid and Chief Welsh. As
usual with large crowds, much
,v.inoBnPsis wa3 displayed, the
hundreds af curious crowding upon the
injured people and interfering with
the efforts Of those who were admin
istering to the aged couple. Although
dozens of strong men were on the
spot, only two volunteered to carry
ori woman to a nearby drug
tm-P. . Soveral kindly disposed men!
" . . r,oniai.TI
and women toon i
until he could be convey eu w w
PiTho accident was witnessed by
Charles Lanham, 633 Ferry street; C.
M H oglesby, 251 Mission; Joseph
8 auzan 1410 South Cottage: Edward
Craven, 343 South ISth; Chief J. T.
Welsh and several others.
Both Mrs. Denison and her husband
arf well known here. . Mrs. Denison
feave her husband, two sons and two
.yfL.. sons are E. K. Denison of
"""S . . , nnmnanv. this
In the south they have entered east
era Galicla.
: The ministry of Premier Grabski
is reported -to have resigned, with
the administration entrusted to ex
treme radicals, with the lrea, it is
said, that such a. government would
be better able to make terms with
the invaders. It Is stated that prepa
rations are being made for the evacu
atlon of Warsaw. v
Fix a Seat or Two
The women's executive com
mittee of the Salem- Elk lodge
has issued a request that all
Salem residents place chairs
or benches Upon their lawns
in order that visiting Elks
may have a- place to rest.
With local hotels and apart
ment houses In an extremely
crowded condition and taxed
to their utmost capacity, and
the lobbies filled, visitors
have little, If any place, In
which to rest during the day.
Sinn Fein Hall
Burned. Houses
Sacked, Report
London, July 23. About 2 o'clock
this morning, Caltra, near Balllnasloe,
Ireland, was visited by police and mill
tary who wrecked many houses in the
town, including the Sinn Fein hall,
which was burned ' to cries of "up
tuam" according to a message from
the press association's correspondent
In Balinasloe today. There was much
shooting but no loss of life is reported.
The slogan, "Up Tuam" evidently re
fers to Sunday night's incident when
Tuam was sacked, the sacking being
charged against police as a reprisal for
the murder of two constables by a
Street Fighting Resumed.
Belfast, July 23. Shooting was re
newed this morning in: the Kashmir
street area where fighting occurred
last night in .clashes between Union
ist and ;Sion Feiners; with military
intervention.- - BariyXn the- renewal
of the hostilities one man was report
ed ' wounded by a shot that passed
through the window of his home.
It was definitely stated thts morn
ing that ten persons were killed ln last
night's hostilities.
- Soldiers used machine guns against
the rioters. . In the Falls Road district
the Sinn Feiners were sniping soldiers
and police from roofs and windows of
houses. " The troops returned the fire.
It is stated that more than 100: per
sons were', wounded in last night's
fighting. Thirty arrests were made. t
; Three Unionists Killed.
: Thre Unionists werashot dead by
Sinn Fein snip'ers and another man's
head was blown off. A man helping
to carry the body of one of the dead
men was shot dead.
jlc Alexander to buck.
- Rumore than R. Alexander
of Pendleton, candidate . for
president of the State Associa-
tion of Elks, would withdraw -
from the race were denied by
backers of Alexander this aft-
's Stand
On League Will
Be Chief Izzzz
Marion, Ohio, July 23. Senator
Harding's stand on the league of na
tions, outlined - yesterday in - Ate
speech formally accepting the repub
lican nomination for- the presidency,
was expected today by his manages.
here to furnish the chief bone of con
tention during the next stage of the
political campaign.'
'Democratic demands that the cam
dldate make a more specific exposi
tion of -details - of - the propose
world "Understanding" are fully ex
pected here, and the senator friends-
declare he will be ready to answer.
. His position on the league and oth
er issues before .the country and tksr
strain of notification day. over, tha
candidate planned today to rest aa
hoped to play a game of golf.
the Electric Supply
Sale of Tickets
Presages Great
Crowd at Fight
Elks and their friends who delay
getting tickets for the boxing matches
at the fair ground auditorium tonight
found "slim pickin's when they show
ed up at the places where the coveted
pasteboards are on sale today.
Practically all of the seats close to
the ring were gone at noon today and
the prospect for a capacity crowd
bloomed brighter with rnnrta that
Portland fans would arrli in iha .irv!
en masse late this afternoon.
Al of the fiehtrs are In the prime
of condition and ready to go. Gor
man and B:iird, who head the card,
had no difficulty ia making the 130
pound weight required of them at 3
o'clock this afternoon.
"The bouts will start at 8 o'clock
Pageant Gives
Women Bright
Event Tonight
For the entertainment of the ladles,
this evening, while the men are at tnu
fair grounds attending the boxing con-
testa, the women's reception commit
tee has arranged for the presentation
of Mrs. Ralph White's magnificent
pageant, "The Awakening of Spring"
at the opera house. The pageant was
given early in the spring and was ac
knowledged as the most - beautiful
spectacle of its kind ever presented ln
the city.
Nearly all the children taking part
are sons or daughters of Salem Elks.
A reception committee compuaeu ui - -,hih ra thn
dies of the Ilihee Country clu .will be S"5S:8:;
rending" re7 tlckeu" the enter- i Corp," Everywhere they were greet
tainment may be obtained at Elk head . ed with cheers
Women acting as hostesses for the
event this evening are Mrs. Ben, W.
Olcott. Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mrs.
Chester Cox, Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Mrs.
Dan Fry. Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mrs.
Wiliam H. Burghardt Jr., Mrs. Walter
Mnnnniral. Mrs. R. M. Hofer, Mrs.
William H. Lvtle. Mrs. T. C. Smith Jr.
Mn W. M. Plimnton. Mrs. J.' L. Van
Doren and Mrs. Frederick Thlelsen.
Pitter Saves
Eugene Cherries
Half of Hornbrook
Destroyed by Fire
Hornbrook. Cal.. July 23. About
half of the business district of Horn
brook Thursday was' destroyed by fire
which originated in the basement or
G, W. Howard's general merchandise
3to-e, destroying the Miners' hotel.
ownd by G. W. Day of Ashland, Or.;
Clark's restaurant, Bloomingcamp's
meat market. Howard s store, and par
dally destroying Earhart's hardware
store and the postoffice.
Only a small amount of Insurance
was carried. The loss Is estimated at
!0.000 er more. On account oi me
Canada; Mrs. J. ,Euffe"e' Ju' "-Within J, nIgh wlnd the fire spread rapidly,
city; Roy IenlBon'Va ,';. hours after the rain ceased on the
xs a,.,n Portland: airs. au6 -ln. , i, n kj K,-a
New, York, July 23. Union Theo-
H. Sutlle, Portland,
ton of this city,
in addition to Mr.
wno' were ctMiig iiiLi-eu ana ariea Dy in
' I . v if.nKI! Ill . ti ' -
logical seminary today announced the was o" the accident were
. . . v. . - - a p-rand-
..i r, H
the Wineland l .Y'l
establishment of a department de
signed to teach ministerial students
how to play boys and girls games,
knowledge of which is considered
necessary to hold young people loyal
to the church. A physical director.
V-t - V. t .
- fir, . within a t formerly a bovs secretary ln a T. M.
1 C. A. has been employed as Instructor.
Mrs. Lyle,
his daughter; a
manager. A cherry pitter was install
ed at the dryer of George W. Weeks'
- j i
r ule, and Rev. ana
Mrs. A-trea -- --- lea Dy t;. jcvans in tnat a.stnct was
near Salem. A day later a dryer own.
. T,, t,nth renaereu , . , h.nji. .u. n
Mr Wineland making every eI""" At ieast 100 tons of cracked cherries I of
-mediate the removal of Mr. ana irs. ere Baved in that diatrict by the as-'
Denison to a hospiUl.
t Crash On State
Damages Machine
When he started, to turn his car
around on State street Thursday night
he f-olided with an au:omoone ownea
by W. H. Ramp of Brooks. F. H. Gand
and that his Pendleton backers -will
throw their support to Mr. . Russell.
Dr. J. H. Rosenburg of Bend, will not
pluck his sombrero from the ring, it Is
, Fraternal Spirit Runs High.
; Fraternal spirit, though seldom eq
qualled, was evldenoed Thursday af
ternoon and evening and tar Into the
wee sma' hours of Friday. Not "play
ed" by midnight, the Eugene Elks
mand decided to stage a serenade at
2:30 a. m., Friday. ; Down the busi
ness streets it' paraded. Every hotel
In the cltv was vlsited--and the musi
cians did not stop on che first floor- Ev
ery story of each, hotel was made and
none there was vwho slept until. 5
o'cloijk when the Eugeneans felt tha
urge of Sleep. . , . ,.
Sunshine and several varieties of
"moonshine" were in evidence through
the day anil njght.t "White water"
which had its effect was in abundance
and the spirits of the -masses rose
heavenward. Not waiting to open ce.
tain Marlon hotel doors, men broka
down three of them, It was stated. Re
ports of one battle wtih fists came to
police headquarters but the principals
were not found.
Overcome with affection, certain
visiting lodgemen took it upon them
selves to caress many of Salem's fair
misses and matrons, From car to cat
they Jaunted on the streets where
automobiles were parked, and a pear
edto be enjoying themselves much.
Thousands Jammed into the. armory
following the formal parade for the
dance in honor: of visiting lodgemen
and .their ladies. Muslo par excellent
was furnished the dancers who, from
the. galleries above appeared to be a
solid mass surging around the floor,
"Tag" dances were staged by Individ
uals whenever one felt that a certain
lady should be his partner for the re
mainder of the dance and good na
tured Elks laughingly relinquished tha
women with- whom they were "step
ping." .
Good Humor Prevalent,
Perhaps the largest crowd which
ever listened to a local band concert
was present In Wlllson park Thurs
day evening to hear renditions of the
45 Portland musicians.
Police state that very litle trouble
has been experienced in handling the
thousands of visitors. Traffic officers
have been asisted by hilarious lodge
men ln seeing that all machines stop
at many of the street intersections.
Good humor is prevalent among the
Several instances' of the work of
sneak thieves have been reported to
police and visitors are urged to Kep
. . . v. ,knu i,4liQhlafl
i.-,iv. 1.11,. .i.j in r,niir. uniforms. I Lincoln, Neb., July 23. The nrohl
naraded about the city Thursday nignr j bl"n party adopted a platform fav-
. i nnnc rna anmia n r nitii.n. i,.,.
pressing no opposition to reservations
advocating greater participation br
women ln federal agencies for better-,
tag the conditions of workers, com
promising farmers' aid in equalizing
prices, securing farm labor and coop
erative marketing and demanding in
ductrial courts to end Industrial war-.
fare. i
The platform set forth the party's
views as follows: 1
1 Prohibition: Gives thanks for
national prohibiton, commendation of
congrees for enforceemnt laws passes
and of the supreme court for uphold
ing the 18th amendment and enforce
ment law.
2 Nullification: Denounces efforts
of 'organized liquor traffic" to nullify
amendment by modifying enforcement
act and condemns republican ana
democratic parties for platform silence
on this point.
3 League of Nations: Favors en
trance of United States into league by
Immediate ratification of peace treaty,,
"not objecting to reasonable reserva
tions Interpreting American under-'
standing of covenant." Favors con
stlutional amendment providing trea
ties of peace be ratified by majority
bothh ouses of congress.
4 Education: Compulsory educa-
Exports During
Year; Establish '
New High Record
Washington, July 23.' : Exports
from the United States during tha
fiscal year ending June 30, reacheJ
a. new high, record, of I8,lll,000,0
but as" all records for Imports alsa
were smashed the net "trade balance
In favor of . this country was only
12,872,000,060.' ' " " ' ' '
This compared with a trade bal
ance of slightly more than 14,000,-.
000,000 the year before.- - ' -
' .The f!gure,Were made' public to
day by the department of commerce)
Imports for the year Valued at 15,
238,746,530, an Increase of mora
than $2,000,000,000 compared wlrfa
the year before and J3, 000, 000,000.
during the year ending June . SO,.
1918. The reports" for the year com
pared with 17,232,282,686 the year
before, an Increase of ' $978,893,445.
There was a sharp drop in exports
during June and an increase In Im
ports with the result that the trado
balance in favor of the United States),
that month was only $78,000,000. that
lowest of any month-since before th
world war. Exports were valued at
$631,000,000 and imports at $563,
000,000. The Imports reached a new
record, -exceeding by $30,000,000 tlM
previous record made last March.
Gold Imports during the fiscal year
amounted to - $151,000,000 ; agalnt
exports of $467,000,000 but. imports
of the precious metal ln June exceed
ed exports by $21,000,000, the flg
ures being $26,700,000 .tur ' imports'
and only $5,300,000 for exports.
Silver Imports last month totalled
$6,500,000 and exports $4,400,000, an
excess of imports of $2,100,000. Total
silver imports for the twelve months;
ending June 30 were $102,800,004
and exports $179,000,000.
Favor League
route told Salem ponce
I were suveu iu mat auHnct oy tne as- ir. v a kuivuwuuv - -
sociatlon by that means, says Mr. Holt. aged. ......
Most of the visitors seem fond of
nolice. One officer stated Thursday
that a man had told him that, at the j
time, he was without intoxicating
liquors, but as soon as he procurer
some he would be glad to split "50
50." Band concerts on different down
town corners were rendered by the
several musical organizations dliring
Thursday and Friday.
Vacant Lot Made
For Weary Visitors
Necesntly, the old adage tells us, is
the mother of Invention: Evidently,
from the numerous incidents taking
place ln the crowded little during the
convention days, it is also the half-
sister of ingenuity. A mere trifle, like
scarctly of . sleeping apartments,
means nothing at all in the young lives
of some of Salem's visitors. -
For Instance. Tenants in the Court tion English language both in public
apartments woke up this morning to land parochial schools,
find the vacant lot beside the build- 5 Agriculture: Pledges aid to
Ing, transformed into boudoir. Some farmers 'in working out plan to equal
time during the night, evidently after ize prices, secure labor and organize
the shouting and the tumult had died, system cooperative marketing Inciua-
an auto party of visitors, had driven! ing public terminals, mius ana Bror-
into the lot and made themselves at age facilities, extension or parcel
home. A woodpile and two pieces of I post to encourage direct traffic be
canvas served as excellent walls for i twen producer and consumer,
a temporary dreslng room, the 'auto-j 6 Women and Home: Adopts pro
mobile Itself making an Ideal couch. ' gram on National League Women Vot
When the sun was well u"p, the lnvad-'ers providing prohibition child labor,
ers folded their tents, figuratively impropriation for federal childrensT
speaking, and silently stole away. .:.-!.-. , .. ." . . .. .