Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 19, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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I illrt-UtJ" -
Z-TZrZZri each Insertion i
up . insertion S cents; one
4ntNcents one month 20 cent,;
"vear month 12 eenU; inin
00, year, v ta . .
unl.pmrtioo only in New Today.
Jrfin in advance and not tak
Clty ,to cash W au advBrtiser has
, account" No allowance for
- --.,- ir,65M for wood. eel76
ii-rrTrTrrHnva Anno chunk's
FQ" " , Call 34F13.
-TThaLB Or trade for a cow, u
f. mii-Mf
4-vear -
" . ... ri.inu.
s'rIlS Dodge contract,
FO jgjnst. Phone MM
5. q!72
TrwfCStrny horse at O. II. Hil
K Bt. 7, box 90, Salem. O.V
rnTT'.inU work us housed
A?T ' iinir. no children
i writer,
W"ANT1SL J""""". nntidltlon
:.";J,ble.-Phone. 1196
rSffrBngraved, octagon Bilver
watch. Finder return to
nal onictjst.
;-..Tor TCxiicrienced wa
W, r n,n conk Apply toni
TueBday Blue Bird Cafe, 163
f Upv. Owner
have same by proving property
llt .- ..... -.1.. rni,inn1 nfffCA
paving ror av.
CTtt for 1360. cash. Shattuck
lor i o- w'
fTTsfSund'ny eve in Oregon
ter or on Bium -.
Mies gold brooch with, ruby
Finder niease can
K-PERIENCKD waitress wanted
fc--11 ,.. t? Aof 418 State
Ana. jmcuii v.jv.
....... .i .....11 ir,p,itp,l. nn
ished apartments for rent, tor
173 ,000
formation can imunr inu.
Tr.i.-a sa(TkS For sale, 100
nnrt nnintn sacks.
gram. vuk ,
tal Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa
Phone 398
FOR BALK By owner, 1920 Oak
land six. run 2300 miles. Will sell
cheap. Phone 353 or call at room
416 Mason'" Tern pie
WOOD for sale, 16-inch oak gru I)
wood 3 ricks for $12; 3 rinks 16
inch fir pole wood for $8, deliver
wlR2 til. um.v .
BAROAIN 5 room bungalow near
ly new, $2000: some furniture with
nlace F. L. Wood, 341 State St.
W A NT K I ) Wood on the ground or
on board cars, old fir. second
,-oi-tii mid nh. rt. O. Ttnlter, 2016
bij Phone 2043W. 171
WANTED Cherry ( pickers. Beckley
1 mile west sunnysioe scnooi,
per lb; fine picking, c bonus.
ni,.. i i-rrat . 171
WANTED Girl in business school
wishes afternoon work in store or
office. Box O S care Capital Jour-
WANTED One or two rooms in
business center or saiem, suiuiun
for 2-press job shop. Basement,
ground or second floor. Phone 779
or rail at 301 N. Com, St. 172
IK you desire to buy a nice home in
Salem, of 8 rooms, modern and
with one block of land, barn ana
nice shrubbery, call me up at
phone 1416. I have a snap. No
agents, 171
LOST Between Salem and Jefferson
on the Turner-Marlon road or the
Jefferson road, a new United States
efiain tread tire, 30x3. on the rim
and in black casing. Finder return
to 3. A. Mills, Bligh hotel for re
ward. k!72
FOR SALE Horse 9 years old, 1200
lbs., broke every way; single har
ness, hand made covered delivery
wagon and new 3-4 mattress and
coil springs at fairground, Salem.
Or. I. T). Hutchinson. c-173
WANTED Young man with plenty
of life and getup to take inter
est in good paying business, will
guarantee $25 week to start, only
$375 renuired. Kxperience not re
quired. Man able to drive Ford pre
fwn. Call 1215 S. Commercial St.
KSaCT!V,w"' " 171
For Sale Farms.
FOR SALE 100 acres all in cultiva-
Uon 6 miles out on bonded - road,
good buildings, family orchard,
- living water on place. Price $110
per acre. Hart & Muller, 208 Ore-
6Jn oiqg.
EXCHANGE 205 acres 15 miles
from Salem on railroad, new mod
ern farm buildings; place suited to
stock or dairy, excellent soil; want
something near Salem, must be on
good road, either with or without
buildings if good land, well located
Pan or all trade if suited. No com
missions P-r.Knn ........ ,
Journal. n174
FOR QUICK SALE 117 acres, good
land , 50 In crop, balance pasture,
etc Good buildings, on rock road,
otock and implements. $75 per
"e. Walter McLaren, room 21,
- "'n. wt. r-none 430. nl7
FOR SALE 50 acres, 30 in pota
toes and wheat, balance pasture and
Jimber, 0 room plastered house,
ir barn, family orchard 6 miles
J"!- Price $8500. Hart & Muller,
Z08 Oregon bldg. n
rSALE;10 acres rich soil highly
improved, on good road close to
Je: s. place is a bargain.
- "flrt Muller. 208 Oregon bldg. n
fur Sale Houses.
Broils buy house and 3 lots in
Brooklyn add, on 22st St. near1
JSlehMill City, or. Box 34 a!71
6 room modern bunga
p7 n Fairmount park addition.
nee jasoo. 6 room bungalow on
hA, 1 street Price $3150. These
are well constructed and in
PiT ( 1. condition. Mrs. Winnie
515 3 275 s,ate sreet Tel.
andSE7"6 rooln Plastered house
r,'" Lots 100x100 feet, located
Price i, 3ust off of State St.
Percent'3,0",0, Cash' terms a 6
Grah?V terest on Glance. W. H.
grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St.
FCnmLE8 room house at 566 N.
GrS,enbClal S Prlce 4000- W. H.
"benhrst & Co., 275 State St.
Summer s,8 tT" ,hoU8e. at 411 N"
"eglect . V Thls is a buy- don,t
W r n '?ok at il- Price $5500.
strlef enh0rst & Co- 275
AcS? - Portland resi-
em resld)na"a 'heat Iand for Sa"
residence. B 1296 Market St.
. SPT C-X-r .Tl
"d X- 'nveatnent on N. High
Cottage "'"'fr- Inquire at 492 K
ge; QertrDde J. M. Page.
and 2
't on ik: reec a house
...n.shllPing. house nn
L. nntK . L
inquire of
Phone 1186.
lotTpti I00.? bungalow. 2
M,. ? 2000, terms. Hart
FoB--gOregon bldg. a
ale. Mdern
1olL00d 'option, imme
1 Possession. Phone 2050M.
MY beautiful home must be sold at
once. Inquire 357 State. al72
FOR SALE By owner strictly mod
ern 10 room bungalow, close in,
good location; 8 room , house, 2
acres. Information 840 Union, al73
FOR SALE 5 room plastered bun
galow at 1379 S. . 13th St. Large
lot. Price $2100, Vi cash, terms-on
balance. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
275 State Bt. al7"
BUNGALOW, 6 rooms and bath on
one floor with music room, full ce
. ment basement, , dutoh kitchen,
built In features, fireplace, furnace,
electricity, garage, 2 lots. This
must be seen to be appreciated.
$3800, terms. 280 Richmond, ave.
Phone 1608. a
FOR SALE 8 room house on Court
street. Has furnace; fireplace, dutch
kitchen, full cement basement,
large, well Ughted rooms, finished
In white 'enamel throughput. A
i good buy at $4200. 6 room house
with lights, bath and built in kltch
en, renovated throughout inside;
on paved street close in., Price $3,-
850. MrB. Winnie Pettyjohn,. 275 State
street. Tel, 515. al72
For iSale Miscellaneous.
b'OH SALK Royal. Annt cherries on
the tree at 6cper lb. Mrs. Selee, S.
Commercial and Hansen-ave. cl72
FOR SALE Child's folding bed and
mattress, A-l condition.. Phone 21.
' ' ' C172
FOR SALE Sterling separator 21V4
inch,. good as new. Phone 88F11.
LEATHER hand bags $0.75 and up.
Max O. Buren, 178 N. Commercial.
For Sale Wood.
CALL Salem Fuel Yards for your
coal and wood. Office 752 Trade
phone 529. eel90
FOR SALE Good fir and oak wood
Phone 1678W. eel94
WANTED Wood cutters wanted. C.
D. Query, phone 77F2. g
WOOD for sale, 16-in. and 4 ft mill
wood. 16-ln old fir. Prompt de
livery. Fred E. Wells, 305 South
Church, phone 1642. ' ee
For Sale Automobiles
FOR SALE Or trade, Chalmers car
See It at 826 N. Capitol. ql74
For Sale Livestock.
FOR SALE 36 head of number one
ewes. . Chas. McAllister,- Shelburn,
' Or. - el75
FOR SALE 70 head wether lambs.
.Phone 38F14. el73
FOR SALE 3 shoats. Phone 71F22.
TOOT? HAT.T7! Small lsm nt l.o."
wt. 1150, ages 8 and 12 years. 1155
Hood St. 172
WANTED 50 head of goats. Phone
or write S. B. Hill, Jefferson, Or.
FOR SALE Horse power selt feed
Bane hay baler, in good condition.
Phone 53F6. cl75
Wanted Help.
CHERRY pickers wanted; camp
house. J. M. Gardner, 65F3. g!71
WANTED Cook at the Methodist
old peoples home, 12th and Ferry
street. g!72
WANTED Several girls for laundry
work. Steady poscltlons. Salem
Laundry Co. g!72
CHAMBERMAID wanted Capital ho
tel. Phone 630. g!71
LESS HELP NEEDED if you have a
Perfection oil cook stove. Mar O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. g
LOOKERS who need suit cases. Max
O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. e
Real Estate Salesmen .
Real Estate Saleswomen
. Immediately.
Apply in person.
Chas, W. Niemeyer,
"Just Real Estate."
Masonic Temple, Salem.
WANTED Carpenter or carpenters
...1.1. n tt rtnaaAmarat o lit n
phone 133M between 5:30 and 7
W anted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Couple want furnished
housekeeping rooms or furnished
house. Box H Capital journal, niz
WANTED Partly furnished house
or apartment. Two adults. Address
Rmr B.R Journal. 1172
FOR SALE Threshing machine out
fit, in good condition; will sell
cheap. Box Machinery Capital Jour
nal. cl74
GENERAL team work. Inquire 1913
Fairground road or phone 1683.
WANTED Contract or day work for
buildlng in wood and cement. 1190
N. 15th. Phone 621W. nl73
WANTED Unfurnished 4 room apts
with bath, or small house. Call Cap
Itfil c-nrne-e. nhone 88. H89
WANTED Stocky built, young, well
broke horse, weighing around 1100
lbs. Phone 486. 188
WANTED Typewriting to do at home
by experienced stenograpuer.
rtrcss a a OS N. Libertv St. 244
TRUNKS Stylish and low priced.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. c
WANTED Board and room in pri
vate family. P. O. box 231. - 213
IF the person who took the keys
from 435 N. Summer St. early Fri-
Anv n-nrnlnff will return- the Same;
no- questions will be asked. k!71
IF you were not at home when the
ladies who solicited rooms for the
Elks state convention, July 22-23-24
called, please phone to Mrs. Frank
M. Brown, No. 193, and list your
ORDER your awnings from Dellman.
9011 Man n ave. - miou
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms,
818 N. Com'l St. No children. j!71
TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co.
Country trips, moving. Wood for
sale. Good service. Stand 27 lr North
commercial. Phone 734,
FOR RENT Furnished house, mod
ern and heated with hot water sys
tem. Address box 373, Salem, Or.
OFFICE rooms- for rent; splendid
janitor Bervlce. 205 Oregon bldg. J
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen, steam
heat, by the month. Phone 1427,
zuo Oregon Didg.
Lost and Found.
OAT Meal Papert 20-inch tan, extra
special, 34o double roll. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. - a
"WALLPASTE" perfect for paper
hanging, no cooking. Mar O; Bur
en, 179 N. Com'l. a
A 6 roorn rouse, modern except
heat, close in on paved street. $4000
Six room house, large barn, paved
streets, for $2500, terms or cash.
Six room house, large lot, not far
out. $1700, on terms..
, Five room house, 4? lots, - near
car, at $1650.
Six room house, close In on paved
street, $2550,' half cash,.
- Eight- room, strictly modern home,
with garage, four blocks from state
house; $5000, with terms.
We also have some very good luys
in fruit fftrros and suburban homes.
W. A LISTON;-Agent
484 Court street,. al72
More and More
Houses, . Farms, Tracts. .
Now organizing
Big .
Belling. Campaign.
Chas. W. Niemeyer, ; ;
"Just Real Estate"
Masonic Temple, Salem.
Telephones 1000 & 1014,
. n
- M, W. ROWLEY '
A splendid small 5 room cottage,
fireplace, electric lights, fine hath
room, nice view, two nice lots, all for
$2700 cash.
A seven room fine home, wide
porches, . full basement; this .place
gives you that homey feeling; two
lots. $4000,
Neat 5 room bungalow, modern In
every respect. $3200.
" 1 Splendid 6 room house on State
street. $5000. Best buy on State.
See me about fruit farms, dairy
farms, grain farms.
Make our place your headquarters
across from Ladd & Bush bank.
305 State St. a
305 State Street
Rooming house 23 rooms, furni
ture, fine location; Income $131 per
month. $8000, terms, -
7 rooms, lot 260x130, fine condi
tion, chicken houses, barn, fruit trees
and garden; really a small farm.
Price $3000, terms.
9 rooms, fair condition, lot 100x150
Price $2000, terms.
5 rooms and 4 lots, good buy.- $1,
600. 5 room cottage, lot 66x126, fruit
and garden. $1600.
5 rooms, close In, barn, large lot.
6 rooms, dandy cottage, good neigh
borhood, large lot. Price $3400.
7 rooms, modern, lot 75x130, fruit
and garden. $4200.
6 rooms, modern, close In. $3000.
9 rooms house and 2 5-room hous
eses with five acres of land, close in
all for $8000. terms.
6 rooms, good location, modern.
8 rooms close in, modern, fruit-and
garden. $4500.
5 rooms, modern; splendid place.
$7600. '
-BAafifi emith Snlem -home- offer
ed for sale this week. Owner leaving
offers for sale on improveu street., a
large living room with fireplace, din
ing room, dutcn Kiicnen,
room, breakfast room, sewing room
and' bath on the first floor, and two
large bed rooms on the second. Full
basement, furnace, large deep lot
with fruit, cement floored garage, $6,
500. It won't last long, see us today.
228 Oregon building. a
100 acres, 50 in cultivation, wheat
oats and hay, family orchard, 5 room
house and . barn for 10 bead of stock,
good spring water piped to house; 30
acres of good second growth timber,
1-3 of the crop and immediate pos
session given, owner -leaving the coun
ty. Price .$5500; Vt cash, balance . 6
years? 6 percent. !
25 acre farm with 2 acres of lo
gans, 1 acre of prunes, acre of
apples, pears and cherries, good
plastered 4 room cottage, barn and
other buildings, 10 acres in crop, Bal
ance timber and pasture. You get a
share of the crop. $3500, cash.
9 9 8 Orpo-on bide. n
10 acres 3 miles out, all in crop.
Price $1800 easy terms..
Nice modern 5 room bungalow, $2,
000. . ,
. Well improved 12 acres 2 m'les
out, stock, machinery, fowls, crop, all
7 room modern bungalow, nice lo
cation in south Salem, $3200, terms.
Choice prune orchard in full bear
ing,, near Salem, heavy crop. , Snap
$500 per acre. . - : .
10 acre tract fine soil, near Sa
lem; buildings orchard. Bargain.
$3000. " V'
5 choice lots, 7 room plastered
house, fruit, garden. Snap. $2000
Choice river bottom farm near
Salem, with crop. Sacrifice price
$135 per acre. -' -
Houses, tracts, orchards, farms.
211-12 Com. club bldg. n
he little fellow uttered
If not here is an opportunity for
you to-make a profitable bargain.
6 room shingled bungalow; attract
ive littl home, fireplace, cozy rooms
modern bathroom. $2000, $500 cash,
balance like rent.
6 room bungalow In North Salem,
close to school and canning factories.
A snap buy at $1600, $750 cash, bal
ance monthly. Immediate possession.
6 room bungalow on South High
street a splendid buy at $2600;
$500 cash, $30 monthly. Immediate
possession-,' -
7 room house at 14th and Che
meketa streets. Large lot; north front
good fruit, barn. Only $2500, $500
cash, balance monthly like rent. Im
mediate possession.
Dandy little 4 room bungalow on
South 21st street; $800, $100 down,
balance like rent
Another at $600 pay like - rent
with $100 down. f
5 room bungalow, a great buy for
$1800, $1000 cash; south 17th. St..
A genuine snap buy in the way of
7 room houses at 14th and' Trade
Sts. Cement basement, garage; $3,
000. ,
Modern bungalow : on north Fifth
street. $4200 . . .
6. room . house; 4 , lots, blacksmith
shop; paved street. $1600. A gift at
the price.
Choice apartment building fine lo
cation, iarge lot; $12,500.
CO acres of choice land at Hop
mere; for 6 days only, $115 an acre;
good terms.
6 acres all in loganberries, $3b00.
18 acres with good buildings; $6,-
700j With all stock and equipment,
49 acres with 16 acres in logan
berries; one third of crop goes with
place if bought this week; $16,000
good terms.
"Just Real Estate"
215-216 Masonic Temple, Phones
1000 and 1014. n
1 acre tract located on gravel
street and not far from carline, good
5 room cottage, well, electric lights.
Price $2000.
E a;res bearing fruit and berries,
good oungalow, clost to carline. Price
$6000. !
6 acres close to car line. 1 acre
strawberries, ' 3 acres of orchard,
mostly cherries, - small house end
barr. Price $3600.
9.80 acres located on rock road,
close to highway, all cultivated. Good
loganberry, strawberry or prune soil.
Price $2750.
10 acres, house and barn, well,
some timber, 5 acres three year old
prunes. Price, $3250.
15 acre tract, nearly all cultivated,
good house, s6me orchard, 1 acreB
strawberries. Price $6500. t,
20 acres located close to carline,
good street, house, barn, 5 acres
prunes, some apples, pears and cher
ries. Price $11,500. .. --
30 acres 6 miles from Salem on
rock road, 6'jroom house,-barn, well.
Price $7600.
60 acres, SO acres in cultivation,
balance pasture and some timber, 6
room house,, barn, spring water, good
road, 5 milesfrom Salem. Price $8,
600. V- '-
80 acre tract, 30 acres cultivated,
some.. fine timber, 6 miles out.
Price $9000.
8 ft acre tract located in West Sa
lem on paved road, 4 room house,
barn, 2 acres river bottom land, ap
ples, pears, prunes and grapes. Price
15 acre tract, good house and
barn, 7 acres set to logans, ood
road. Price $10,500.
275 State street. n
HiasT mrvs
40 acres, modern Improvements, a
real city home, walking distance of
Oregon state 3iormal school; a bar
gain at $14,5011.. ... , 1 .
12 acres, fair Improvements, all In
fruit, on Pacific highway, Hayesville
district. $7600.
12 acres, 6 cultivated, 2 cher
ries, 1 peaches, in good condition; 6
room house, barn, woven fencing,
running water. 1 miles from Sa
lem, on paved road; a snap. $7000,
H cash. 1
20 acres apples, Grimes Golden,
Roman Beauties, Spitzenberg, Yellow
Newtons 9 ytara old, in first class
condition, at station in fine apple dis
trtctr a- snap at $10,000, easy terms.
Call for our list of large farms. If
is a prune orchard you wan we have
it.. ,. .'..a-'"!: '
We will build you a bungalow to
suit at your own price, with one third
of total cost cash, balance like rent.
7 room bungalow, basement, built
in dutch kitchen, garage, fine lot $-4,
6 rooms, 2 lots, family fruit, ma
cadam street, good location. $1500.
7 room, 2 story, modern, acr&
lot, paved street, beautiful shrub
bery, on car line, only $4250,
4 rooms, lights, city water. $900,
$200 cash, balance $15 per month.
2 rooms, 1 lot, $275, all cash.
tstnta ntrpet. n
5 room bunrgalow, modern except
furnace. House and furnishings go lit
$3000. Terms.' A. dandy, buy.
6 room house at 966 Oak St., mod
ewi except furnace; large lot. A
bargain at $2800. Good terms.
9 room plastered house, full base
ment, on paved street. 3 fine lots
with garden, fruits', berries, etc. $4,
100. Terms. -
9- room plastered house; pav-3d
street, immense lot, good barn. $4,
800. ' '
8 room bungalow modern except
furnace; music room, built In fea
tures fine new bungalow at $4200.
5 room cottage, - modern except
hoaement: nice lot, garage. $1500,
good terms. A snap.
6 room Dungaww, muuem --t-furnace;
small garage. $3000; fine
terms. .. - -. -
6 room bungalow, modern exccpi
furnace. $3000. Some terms.
7 room- house, modern except fur- I
an ear-fully at that.
nace; paved street. $3600.
6 room plastered house, , modern
conveniences, 2 lots with fruits. $2,
100, Terms. ,,
469 State St. Ground floor. n
Here is your chance to get a good
farm within 5Vi miles of Salem, on
;: good road; 7 room house good
barn, well; near school and stor.e,
91 acres under cultivation, 6 pas
ture and timber.
12 acres close in on paved" high
way, good improvements $7000.
5 room house, good location, oear
ing fruit trees, $850.
100 acre farm, 25 in bearing prunes
modern house close to Salem. F.
L. Wood, 841 State St. n!71
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
' fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware store, 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734. -
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res, phone 68F5.
teopathic physicians and surgeons,
606 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 869.
Dr. White, res. phone 469; Dr.
Marshall res, phone 834.
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges.
Very, prompt service. Ask about our
20-year loans at 6 per cent. Haw
kins & Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Salem, Or.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time. -6
and 6 percent interest.
City buildings loans.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 68
: Inches high. Paints, oil and varn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hooks. Salem Fence and . Stove
Works, 260 Court streeet. Phone 124
Lodgg Directory.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock In McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. H. G.
Coursey, V. G; Frank A. Turner,
clerk. - - -
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
: amlned, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 U. S. bank. Phone 841.
Water Company-
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Bills payable monthly In advance.
Phone 67. '
Legal Notices.
Notice is hereby - given that the
Common Council deems it expedient
so to do, and hereby declares its
purpose and Intention to improve D
Street from the west lino of Com
mercial Street to the east line of
Front Street at the expense of the
abutting and adjacent property, ex
cept the alley Intersection which
will be paid by the City of Salem, by
bringing said portion of D Street to
the established grade, constructing
cement concrete -curbs and paving
said portion of D Street with a 6-inch
Portland - cement gravel concrete
pavement in accordance with the
plans and specifications therefor
which were adopted by the Common
Council on the 21st day of June,
1920, now on file in the office of the
City Recorder, and which for great
er certainty and convenience and a
more detailed description thereof, are
hereby-referred to and made a part
The Common Council hereby de
clares its purpose and intention to
make the above described improve
ment by and through the Street Im
provement Department of the City
of Salem.
By, order of the Common Council.
EARL RACE, City Recorder.
Date of first publication of this
notice- is July 8, 1920. 174
Market Reports
Grain: Wheat No 1 $2. 40 2.60; feed
eats $1; cheat hay $18 19; oat hay
$1S20; clover hay $1820; mill run
Butterfat: Butterfat 58c; creamery
butter 59 60o.
Pork, veal and- mutton: Pork on
foot 15c; veal fancy 79 20c; steers
9c; spring lams 8c; cows 7c; ewes 6c;
sheep, yearling, 8c.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 36c;
light hens 20c; heavy hens 24c; old
roosters 12c; broilers 24c over two
Vegetables: California onions pel
sack $2.00; ' beets per sack $2.00;
turnips per sack $3.25; carrots pel
sack $3.50;' parsnips per sack
$3.50; spinach lOo lb; radishes 760
doz;. asparagus 15c; new potatoea
7c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 3;
head lettuce 90o doz; rhubarb 4o;
peas 8c; tomatoes 12 c;cucumbers $2
doz: cantaloupes poney $4.25, stand
ard $4.75, Honeydew $2 crate, flat
crate $1.75; watermelons 4c
Fruit: Strawberries $3.00: orange
$77.60;: lemons $5.60 6.25 ;bananas
12c; pineapple $3 doz;, honey extract
20c; apricots $3 crate; peaches early
triumph $1.76.
Retail prices: Eggs dozen 45c;
creamery butter 62 65c; country
butter 57c; flour hard wheat $3.75
3 90; soft wheat 13. 003. 25. ' -
. lilVKMTUCK. ' .
Portland," July 17. Cattle steady;
receipts 27; -choice steers $10.00
10,50; good to choice $9.50010.00;
medium to good $8.75 9.50; fair to
good. $8.008.75; .common to' -fair
$6.75 8.00; choice- cows and heifers
$7.508.00; good -to choice $6.50
$7.00; medium to-good $5.S06.6O:
fair 1 to -medium, $4.605.50;
canners $3.604; bulls $5.506.60;
prime light calves $10.00 12.00; me
dium light $9.00 10.00; heavy $7,00
Hogs steady; receipts none; prime
mixed $16.6017.00; medium $16.00
16.50; smooth heavy $12.5016.00;
rough heavy $10.0012.50; pige $12
Sheep firm; receipts 605; vallay
lambs $10.5011.00; east of moun
tain $11.0011.50; -culls $7-508.60;
yearlings $6.50 800; wethers $6
7; ewes $250 6.26.
Butter ,..
Portland, Or., July H.--Cubes ex
tra 63 54c; parchment wrapped box
lots 57cr cartons 68c; half boxes. MiO
more, less than H boxes lo mor;
butterfat 64 55c f. o. b. station; 6 8e
Poultry and En
Portland, Or, July 17. Eggs sell
ing price case count 43 44c; buying
price case count 41c; selling price
candled 44 46c; selected candled in
carton 47 49c.
Poultry: Hens 2327; broilers 24
30c; roosters 8c; turkeys dressed,
40c; -geese nominal; young ducks, 35o.
Wheat: Club $2.61; bluestem and
Turkey Red $3; barley feed $65.50;
buying; oats feed $68, milling $74; I
yellow 64 65c mil price.
Boy 13, Girl 15,
Drown While In
(Continued from Page One.)
ley and Mis Winifred Rinehart, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mr?. T. H. Rinehart,
had gone to the creek to swim and
had been In the .water only a few
minutes. Miss Neptune and Miss Lives
ley were teaching Miss Rinehart to
swim when she is said to have become
frightened, The other two girls went
to her aid and were bring her to safe
ty when Miss Neptune is said to asked
that Mis Rinehart legt go of her hand.
She then sank from sight and was not
sen again.
The other two girls stated they did
not know Mies Neptune had gone un
der until they reach the shore. The
body was found by Oscar B. Gingrich
in about ten feet of water several
minutes later. The remains were tak
en to the Webb & Clough chapel. It
could not be learned whether Miss
Neptune drowned as a result of cramps
or from exhaustion.
Hearing the screams of the girls, R,
A. Haris, former state printer, went to
their aid and succeeded in helping
them to shore. He then tried to find
Miss Neptune by diving until he was
Turks Say Russ
Nation Alone
Fulfills Pact
Moscow,- Turkey has turned " to
Soviet Russia "as the sole- nation
which accepts In fact the principles
asserted In theory at the close of
the great war," said Djemal Pasha,
member of the Young Turkish party,
to the correspondent of The Associat
ed Press. Djemal, formerly Turkish
Minister of Marine is en. extradition'
list.. .....
"We are facing a crisis which- in,
volves our national existence. , It la
a question of might against right, In
which, we have been forced - to a
momentous decision by the Entente
powers, as we were in 1914", DJemal
said. ' .. v . ,.' .
, "After the conclusion of the armi
stice the Young Turkish party was
discretited through: British -intrigue
and forced to turn over the govern
ment to Izzet Pasha, . Plans wera
begun for the dismemberment o
Turkey. . - -
"Our hopes of saving Turkey, with,
the exception., of the loss of Arabia,
vanished as plans of the British and,
French imperialists . became ' clear
and the Versailles treaty utterly re-(
putiated the principles asserted iti
President Wilson's 14 points. Ana
tolian Turks saw the inevitable--cut-
come, and the consequence was thai
revolt led by Mustapha Kemal. end
ing in theestablishment of. the provi
sional government of Angora, sup
ported by the Young, Turkish party.
Sons of Yankee
Father Become
Nippon Subjects
Toklo. Edwin and James, the two
sons of Edwin Dun, former United
States Minister to Japan, have taken
out naturalization papers as Japanese
subjects. Their father married ' a
Japanese woman.
The two sons will go to Ohio, Ed
win Dun's native state to pursue)
their education and later return to
Japan for-their, business.
'Alaska's First
Museum Buili
Juneau , .Alaska. Alaska's firfet
museum is being completed here to
house several thousand articles from
all parts of the territory. One big
exhibit to be brought to the museum
from Washington, D. C, was on dis
play at the St. Louis. World's Fair.
Another exhibit, to be loaned to the
museum, by Dr. Daniel S. Neuman,
is considered the most complete col
lection of Eskimo curios in existence.
The territorial government 1 build
ing the museum. - . . I
English Want
Rugby Contest
Stanford University, . Cal.," Jylu .19.
Offers of rugby games In England
against the American Olympla Games
rugby team have been received here
by Harry Maloney, associate direc
tor of athletes of Stanford University
and one of the prime movers in send
ing the American players overseas.
Oxford, Cambridge, two Plymouth,
rugby unions, and other organiza
tions have asked for games.
H. C. L Stranger ,
In Madagascar
San Francisco, July 19. High cost
of living has- never hit Madagascar,
Kendall K. Kay, former California
newspaperman has written to frlenda
here. Best; prime beef sells for S
1-2 cents and rice for 1 1-2 cents,
he said. Pineaples can be had for
one half cent; each and big- lobsters
for two cents.. .
(Copyright, 1920, by H. C. Fisher.
Trade Mark Reg. U. 8. Pat Offla
lU 11