TC3 CAPITAL JOURNAL. PAGE THREE iinii 1 I'. S. lioveroment Inspected MEATS steiisloff bros. mm Court & Liberty Sts. Phone 1528 FRESH BEEF Boiling Pieces .... .-14c and 18c lb Pot Roasts - ........ 20c FINE LOT BROILERS AND YOUNG HENS SB FINE MUTTON Stew, lb JQg . Shoulder Roast, lbr. 2Q( Loin Roast, lb 25c Leg lb-- 25c Mild, Sugar Cured FANCY SMOKED MEATS Bacon Square, lb ; Wropped l,to 3 lbs. 30c Pic-Nics, Cottage Rolls, Bacon Bax. Cioice Rendered Edible Tallow, lb. 10c Moulded in (Cakes about 2 lbs. each "MARION", "BUTTERCUP" & "4 C" Creamery Butter "NUCOA" Nut Butter COMPLETE LINE OF ALL KINDS FIRST CLASS QUALITY FRESH, CURED & SMOKED ME A TS ; PURE LARD, SAUSAGES, ETC. Steusloff Bros. Market . Salem, Oregon. ; Sanitary methods are nec essary to the production of pure food products. You will be charmed with the scientific cleanliness of our bakery and with the high quality of the ingredients mixed into our bread, cakes .nd pies. PHILIP WINTERS, Prop. 170 N. Com'l. St. Phone 147 Highl and Grocery 3 lbs. Cocoa $1.00 $1.25 broom $1.00 5 cans Salmon $1.00 7 Large cans Shad $1.00 11 No, 1 cans Brown Beans ....$1.00 7 No. 2 cans Brown Beans .... $1.00 3 lbs. best Dried Peaches $1.00 4 lbs Sugar $1.00 3 lbs. Kippered Salmon $1.00 5V4 lbs. Peanut Butter $1.00 8 cans Milk $1.00 12 bars Creme Oil soap $1.00 15 bars Crystal White soap .... fl.fO 17 bars Swifts -White Laundry soap $1.00 23 bars Laundry coap $1.00 Hard Wheat Flour, per sack $3.25 746 Highland Avenue Phone 496 Velch's Grape : Juice, pt. ....50c 1 Ihurche's Grape Juice, pt. 50ci rick Ice Cream, lb. ,... 65c ce Cream in Cartons 60cj I Fresh Milk, qt. . J0c Marion Butter, lb 63c New Potatoes, 3 lbs 25c Bread Loaf, 12c and 17c No. 5 Karo, light 65c' No. 5 Karo, dark .......... 57c Coal Oil, gallon 18c' Salmon, red and pink, 1 lb cans, 20c, 25c, 35c and 40c Grocery store open from 7 a. m, to 10 p. m. except Sundays. Economy Grocery AND CONFECTIONARY 1492 Center Street Quality and Service Quality and Service Cantaloupe flints from Mothers Kitchen Pea Soup Roslna Wash one pint of split peas In cold water, drain, and then place them Into a saucepan with one pine of water, a little salt and six ounces of raw ham. Set to boll, skim, and add one small onion, a stalk of cel ery, one bay leaf, salt, pepper, and one half teaspoonfui or granulated sugar. Set to. cook for about two hours and a half. After it is cooked rub tt through a very course i strainer and bring the puree to the proper coa' sistency by means of bouillon and add two ounces of sweet butter, a "Julienne" of celery, carrots and poached rice. Quince Jelly Select only very ripe fruit. Cut it into slices, peel and pit these, and throw them into a basin of fresh wa ter. Now put them into a preserving pan with three and a half pints of water to every pound of quinces and cook them without stirring. This done, transfer to a sieve, and let them drain. Return the jujee to the pan, together with twelve ounces of sugar to the pound and set the whole to cook on a hot fire, meanwhile skimming with care. As Boon as the jelly is cooked, strain it through a piece of cheese cloth stretched over a basin and by this means a perfect clear jelly will be obtained. Braised Beef NcnpoUtaln Take one pound of rump beef, se lect a saucepan rather larger than the piece of beef; cover Its bottom with fat fork and sliced onions hav ing sufficient to conceal the bottom. Lay in the meat, salt and pepper and when the meat is browned have two ounces of extract of tomatoes dissolved In a quart of water (or one quarter can of preserved tomatoes.) Cook the whole slowly ror about three and one half hours. Prepare as follows:" Cook in boil ing and salted water eight ounces to boil for twenty minutes. Drain and dress it in layers in a large dish beginning with a layer of the beof sauce and of Parmesan cheese and continue till finished. Slice the beef and lay on the side of the macaroni. Baste over with beef gravy and serve very hot. Chicken, Shepard SlJ'Io Fry in butter two ounces of bacon cut into small dices; a half pound of fresh f mushrooms cut - in slices; one two-pound chicken stuffed with half a chopped onion, mushrooms and chopped parsley. Set the chick en to brown in the same butter used for frying the bacon. When the chick en is well gilded add one half pound of meat gravy. Thicken the sauce with four ounces of cream cheese mixed with three egg yolks and fines herbes. Put the bacon round the chicken and cover with the sauce. Serve with fried potatoes. Boiled Salmon, Sauce Hollandaisc Put into a saucepan three quarts of water, salt, a cupful of vinegar and four slices of salmon. Boil for about ten minutes, remove the sauce pan to a corner of the fire and keep warm. (Quantities required for one pint) Twelve ounces of sweet butter, th? yolks of four eggs, one pinch of whit-a pepper, a half teaspoonfui of salt, and two tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Put the salt, pepper and vinegar and as much water in a small sauce pan, and reduce by three quarters o'l he fire. Move the saucepan to -a corner of the fire and add a spoon ful of cold water and the yolks of eggs. Work the whole with a whisk .until the yolks thicken and have the consistency of cream. Then remove the saucepan to a warm place ana gradually pour the butter on the yolks while briskly stirring the sauce When the butter is absorbed, the sauce should be thick and firm. Com plete the sauce by a few drops of lemon Juice and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Strain through a piece of cheese cloth. Drain he salmon and dish immediately upon a napkin with curled leaves of aprsley all around. Serve the hollandaise in a sauseboat. A huge supply of this luscious fruit for Saturday's trade. Priced according to size, 3 for 25c; 10c, 12'c and 15c each. Loganberries, Red Raspberries, Black Caps, Bing Cherries, Oranges, a special on small sizes, 30c per dozen. Bananas, ripened just right. Watermelons, California Grape Fruit. VEGETABLES Local Vegetables are now at their best and there will be a tremendous supply to select from Saturday. Bunch carrots, beets, turnips, green onions, celery, string beans, peas, new potatoes, cabbage, big heads of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers. Dry Onions, 7 pounds for 25c. DELICA TTESSEN Ready-to-serve meats in our delicatessen department are appreciated in the hot weather and are especially adaptable in supplying your picnicing wants and for quick cold lunches Veal loaf, corned beef loaf, minced ham, boiled ham, . head cheese, lunch tongue, summer sausage. Tillamook cheese, New York cheddar, Limberger, brick. Edam, Neuchatel, Breakfast, Roquefort, Bluhill, Pie mento, Chili and Creanu". -, Potato Salad, Cottage Cheese, Mayonaise Dresssing. CAKES 200 Fresh Cakes for Saturday Angel, Sunshine, Prune, Cocoanut, Nut, Chocolate and Jelly Roll. Cup Cakes, Doughnuts and Parkerhouse Rolls. Oatmeal, Raisin and Sugar Cookies. , FLOUR Fisher Flouring Mills products need no "introduction to the Salem public. They have proven to be the best goods we have ever handled. Fisher's Blend Flour, per sack $3.90; per barrel $15.20 Fisher's Art Flour, per sack $3.60 ; per barrel $14.00 This Flour is sold on an absolutely satisfaction or money back guarantee. , Roth Grocery Co. Phone your orders early. Quality and Service Phones 1885-6-7 Quality and Service . - In Mothers Kitchen Will be found the best of Cooking and Canning Utensils ,That's why she is able to make such good things to eat. M J? drier's Fir You can get $1.50 Granite Kettles - -- 69c $1.25 Granite Kettles ........... .... - 59c $2.25 Tubs .....L. $1.49 $1.00 Jelly Glasses (large size), doz 53 C $1.25 Mason 1-2 gal. Jars, doz. . 95 C $1.25 Dish Pan .................. 83 C $6-00 Savory White Enamel Roasters S2.97 $1.00 Butcher Knives i ...... - - 43 C 25c Kitchen Knives or Forks 'each) ... ... 9c ( 373 Court Street SALEM BUSnCKS ALBANY State Street at Commercial. Commercial Street at Chemeketa 2 Cans Fancy Tomatoes 33 C 2 Cans Corn . 35 C 2 Cans Peas . . . . ... 33 C Alaska Pink Salmon, lb. can . Qc 2 can Clams .. .... ... ........ 37c Monopole Syrup, gallon $2.98 Fresh Peanut Butter .. . Y7c Folger's Shasta Tea, 1-2 lb 26 C Folger's Shasta Tea, 1 lb 49 C Tree Tea, pkg . ......... 35 c Fresh Crisp Soda Crackers 18t "The Quality Coffee of America!" There is no better coffee than M.J.B. Coffee regard less of priceWHY? 5-lb. tin per lb.52c 3 -lb. tin per lb.53c RomtmUt W Stand Bthindlt. Single Pound Tin We Recommend That You Buy tlie 5-lb. Size Yn Save More Money" Ih, Crisco .... : ................. $1 m tresn LrisP anams .. .. ......... ZZC ? lbs Crisco . Qfir 100 lbs' Siock Sali " 95c 3 lbs. Lrisco ............ ................ yoC w N y taU . No. Spare Lard -r $1.202 Q NJ No. 10 pure Lard ........ . $2.35 2 Pn!ti Toasi 97n 2 Cans Libby Milk ... ............... 25ci2 Shredded Wheat .. .. Q1 n 12 Libby Milk . .. .................... $lA5Large pkg. Armour's Oats ...... ....... 35f Pint Wessons Oil ........ . 42c Lanr pkg. Alberts Oats . 25r w m w Quart Wessons Oil 82 C 1-2 gallon Wessons Oil $1.60 Pint Mozola Oil .: 40 C Quart Mozola Oil -78c 1-2 Gallon Mozola Oil $1.53 Pint Douglas Oil ........... -.: 36 C Fancy Bulk Coffee, lb. .... ....... 33 C Large pkg. Mother's Oats . 35 C Large pkg. Quaker Oats 35 C 10 lbs. Bulk Oats ....... 7Qc 50c'Postum 42 c 30c Postum . 26c 25c Postum ............... 22c 5 lbs. Baking Powder ... .... 90 C Fancy Bulk Coffee, 3 lbs 93(2 lbs. White Navy Beans ....... ... S1.00" 2 Cans Standard Tomatoes 25c' These Beans are fancy recleaned Navy.