Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 07, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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w fiiuviu"
s.24Bural pastors
erboo,, Kimball
18 July 7 Council meeting,
C"'o.-Ba"gaIn Day.
I July 18-24 -Salem chautau-
Tuly 22-23-24-Elks con-
teg?on convention, Astoria.
Court House News
Circuit Conrt.
jWik Kauch et al vs Charles C.
-hji et al. Summons.
Swh Brown vs J. H. Johnson et
wrer t defendant William
Garage MmPany; COrp
-ST Lot Tate. Complaint.
"Sto. Oarage company, a corpo-
p2ce Oarage company, a corpo
Jtoi vs Lot Tate. Affidavit. ..
""l l,,,.. vs. Mary Poujade et
Vjrwbson et a, vs, Milton L.
ttrnrs ta al. Order approving ijpun,
"EL IN. Heuge vs. H, O. Mam..
H" e. Affidavit for serving ox
NP' 'Se vs. H. G. Martin
HSr.nedHin vs. Edward I, ilill.
Kotlce of selection by minor child. -Probate
Court. te
" Lawrence B. Anderson estate. Pe-
"'Effie Mtehler, estate. Order over
ling motion to revoke order.
In the matter of the guardianship
el Christ Anderson. Nomination of
frdianshlp of Christ Anderson.
Order appointing guarmnn.
- Guardianship of Christ Anderson,
rndertaking and -oath.
Lawrence B. Anderson, estate. Or
der appointing administrator.
Nina Nichols estate, u. ur
lettlement. I
Nina Nichols estate, rr ui pub
lication of final settlement.
Marriage Licenses
Earl D. Fisher, 28, of Salem, a
plMterer, to MargViretta f'Feldtman,
28. of Salem. Frank Long, 21, of 701
Powell street, a Portland employe,
to Muriel Edmunson, 340 Division
street, Salem.
uauy siaiisiics
SHIELDS Mrs. Jane Shields, aged
69 years, at her home, 705 South
13th street, Saturday, July 3. ." She
' was the wife of J. H. Shields of this
city.' Funeral services were held
TiiMdav at 2?30 t. m. from the
.. chapel of, Webb & Ciaugh,, .Rever-
..J D M Ivlmn nf flf-lll t i YB. BuHal
was in the Oddfellows cemetery.
JORGENSEN Mrs. Minnie- Jorgen
sen, wife of M. C. Jorgensen, at a
local hospital, Monday, July 5. Her
home was near Chemawa. Funeral
services were held from the estab
lishment of Webb & Clough,
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
Reverend Thomas Anderson offici
ating. Burial was in the City View
' .Reverend Alfred Bates of this
eity was master of ceremonies at the
AVIlsonville celebration July 5. Tues
day evening Mr. and Mrs. Bates left
for Portland enroute to Warrenton
and Seaside. After a several days visit
they will go to Sea View and Long
Beach, Washington.
Love, Jeweler, matchmaker, Salem
The home of better service, mod
erate prices and largest stock. Webb
Clough, funeral directors. 161
Mrs. Henry Grimm of Los Ange
les, California, arrived in Salem Sun
day, and is the guest of Mr. and
Mre. August Grimm, of the Auburn
district. Mrs. Grimm plans to be here
about a month, after which she will
visit her niece, Mrs. Alfred Harnack
In Aurora. Before returning to her
home in the southern state, she will
spend a few days in Portland, as the
nest of friends.
Irrigators will please observe the
following rules: all houses having
evea numbers will be allowed to ir
rigate on Monday, Wednesday, Fri
J and 8unday. Odd numbers . on
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and
wniday. Hours for Irrigating, 6 to 8
m- 5 to 9 p. m. 166
Ewing of Aumsville, was ' a
"Btor in Salem Wednesday, attend
aK to business affairs.
. M- Gladys Gamble accompanied
oyher two small children, Lertoy
M Lucille, went to Hopewell Tues-
DtV tftrnn I - . ..... . . .
iTh mu lor iortnignv visit
o her brother and sister-in-law,!
jand Mrs. John Ross, of that dis-j
tAin-5ara wm P'ease observe the
Zjowtag rules: all houses having
" numbers will he allowed to ir
" on Monday, Wednesday, Fri
J nd Sunday. Odd numbers on
Thursday, Saturday and
"May. Hours for irrigating, 6 to 8
B- to 9 p. m. 166.
toonald W- Miles, lawyer, moved
room 16, Bush bank bldg. Phone
v : - , 1
ft. rr"vu OI tne Public is called to
' TB Y 0t pIacing sufficient post-
ana parcels sent to
Mftromd Town I
Mw" rr
- . . . t
foreign countries. ' The department
of state Is receiving notices from
numerous ' American ' consuls, that
articles of mail posted In the United
States reaches foreign countries cor
respondents insufficiently prepaid. In
accordance with the requirements of
the regulations of the Universal pos
tal convention, double the deficiency
In postage is collected from the ad
dresses in cases of this kind. This
causes unfavorable comment prejud
icial to American business Interests,
and the public is asked to exercise
more care In the matter.
Irrigators will please observe the
following rules: all houses having
even numbers will be allowed to ir
rigate on Monday, Wednesday, Fri
day and Sunday. Odd numbers on
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday , and
Sunday. Hours for Irrigating, 6 to 8
a. m., 5 to 9 p. m, a6
Wanted at once women and girls.
to stem cherries. Apply Oregon
Packing Co. Phone 226. 161
" Roads to Cascadia are in good
condition, according to U. S. Page cf
this city, who motored to the resort
last Monday.
. "Present day needs of agriculture"
will .be the subject on which the Hon
orable E. T, Meredith, secretary of
agriculture, Washington, D. C, will
speak In Portland at noon July 10,
according to '"word received today
from the state chamber of commerce
by the local Commercial club. Salem
people interested are Invited to bo
present. -
Among , Salem people who spent
Monday nt Cascadia were County
Clerk and Mra. Eugene Boyer, Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. Vandevort, O. E.
Price And family, Dr. Floyd Utter
and family, Dr. F. H. Thompson and
family U. . D. Huckestein and Dr.
Dale Beechler.'
"In . -j
Mrs. Rose Gamble was pleasantly
surprised last Sunday by the arrival
of Mr. and Mrs.- Harry Chadwlck
from Spokane, Wash. Mrs. Chadwick
is an- old school mate of Mrs. Gam
ble. They are touring south, with the
expectation of locating a, home, and
both say that the-Willamette valley,
with its beauty, looks good to them
and they may locate here. . .
Mrs Edna Nelson tit Chico, Calif,
is visiting at the. home of Mrs. John
Minger, 1096 Chemeketa street. Mrs.
Nelson plans to remain in the Capi
tal" city about a month, .
The past three months have been
the busiest in the history of the lo
cal post office, and the postage sales
have been larger than any hereto
fore, in spite of the return to the
two cent postage" rates, according to
Postmaster Huckestein. Receipts for
the past quarter totalled $35,5(1.72.
Mr. and Mrs. C..W. Niemeyer and
small son, Stewart, returned; Wednes
day from a motor trip to various
nrnn heach resorts, having spent
a week at Seaside, and several days
at Gearhart and Cannon Ueacn. i ney
were accompanied by Mr. and Mra.
Ralph Harris and son Claude, of
Portland. Mrs. Niemeyer and Mrs.
Harris are sisters.
Miss Jean McGregor, who filled the
office of probate deputy in the of
fice of the Marlon county clerk two
years ago, was In Salem Tuesday and
Wednesday enjoying a - brief - visit
nritv, nld friends. Miss McGregor Is
taking a vacation during the summer
months, and will have cnarge oi me
commercial department' In a high
school next school term.
Shut down since Friday,, the
Spaulding sawmill again resumed
operations Wednesday morning.
Salem merchants who plan to their shons during the third
annual state convention of Elks to be
held here July 22-23-24 are urgea to
get in touch with R. A. Fisk, official
decorator for the Elks. Other men,
it. is said, have sought to take charge
of decorations, and merchants are
asked to cooperate with Mr. Flsk
who has had considerable experience
In the work.
Of interest to numerous residents
of this vicinity is the ruling received
at the postof flee Wednesday, whereby
postmasters have been authorized to
num a'tnraee charge on packages,
ordinary or registered, from the Phil
ippines, the United States postal
agency at Shanghai, and from for-
eign countries including uuoa,
ada and Mexico, when such pack-
ihs nffirrn uncalled
ages are -
for after notice has been mailed, to
the addresses that me paw"
. . i . - nh, nhar0A i IT1 -
ready ror aeuver.v.
posed is five cents a day on each
. .. nav Rfter the ex-
. .lava exclusive or
piraiiun ui
Sundays and holidays from the date
that the notice is maueu.
ii rAolved notification
Wednesday morning that five 'bicy
cles had been stolen aunng m 'b-.m
and officers are hunting the thieves.
Thirteen naturalization cases were
,...-. . i o,i in Judee Bing-
ham's court Wednesday. The men who
desire to foreswear aug"ui
eign rulers and become citizens of tne
United States are: Frank Calaba of
Salem. John Fllosi of Turner, Herman
H. Kuenzi of Silverton, Louis P. La ir-
don of Salem, Frank Ecchout of Wood
burn. Bernard! P. Johnson of ;-
ton, Edward J. Ward of
rand Iversen of Silverton, John Zanier
of Silverton. William Lenta of Salern,
Anders P. Peterson of
Clark of Salem and Leo G. Sieber of
' ' . ,r tit -a Minler have re-
Mr. ana mra. " . - - ..,
home after a brief visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stevenson ol tu
gene. The trip was made by motor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClain of this
city are the guests of Jr. arm
H. C. Reeves of Albany.
Miss Ruth Lawrence and Miss Laura
Lawrence of Salem were the week-end
guests of their brother, Frank Law
rence, in ttoseuui
Declaring she feared for her Uf e be
cause, sbe said, her husband had
Myrtle avenue, put In a call for pollo
Tuesday night. :
When Olfflcer W. J. White, investi
gating, offered to arrest Jalrl, his wife
is said to have demurred, explaining
that all she wished was to have her
husband relieved of the firearms. No
arrest was made. ..-,'
Winning Guess
Comes Within
6 of Population
The winner of the $25 offered by
Charles W. Niemeyer,' Salem real es
tate broker, to the person Who esti
mated nearest to the population of Sa
lem in the latest census is Miss Mary
Lebold, 1544 Chemeketa street, Sa
lem. Her guess was 17,685. The affl
clal total being 17,679, Miss Lebold es
timating within only six.
The next nearest estimate was that
of H. H. Jewett, 1206 N. 16th street,
with 17,689 or ten -too many. Miss
Leoni Delaplain, 969 S. 13th street,
guessed 17,694 or 15 too many. Other
near estimates were those of Mrs. H.
E. Armstrong, 2446 Hazel avenue, with
17538; Chas. A. Kibbe, 695 S. Commer
cial street, with 17360; Mrs. T. G. Cap
linger, R. F. D. 3, Salem, with 17,345;
Mrs. J. A. Rise, 960 Center street, and
Mrs. Clara Minard, R. F. D. 3, each
guessed 17,777, and Miss Lillie Feller,
434 S. Cottage street, estimated 17791.
But the hardest luck was In the
guess of Miss A. M. Luthy, 149T b. S3th
street. She had the correct figures,
only they were not in the right order.
Miss Luthy estimated 17,976, it was
17,679, actually.
A striking feature of the estimates
were the optimistic figures given. Out
of more than 3000 guests submitted,
fully 90 per cent were over 18,000.
One real optimist, Mrs. E. J. Marshall,
1600 Wilbur street, believed Salem to
be a city of 37,467. On the other
, ,i rinrmv old man could do
JlttllU, UI'O 1 AAA
no better than make a bid at
No less than 22 persons eem. in
figures 19,999. ",', xti.
t nKnl toIU rail at Mr. Nie-
II iviioa ijcuu.v, .....
meyer's office in the Masonic Temple,
she will receive a check for the fib.
Housewives, Bill
On Profiteering
- Filed Too Late
tt.i- Vh Imnression that filing
time for initiative petitions for meas-
i v.. chmitteri to the voters at
the November election did not close
until August , a copy oi v
measure aimed at profiteers was re
ceived by the secretary of state s or
flce, Tuesday, from the Housewives
Council of Portland. The mw"
rlpflne. Dronimt
and declare illegal, profiteering and
creating or attempting io
"such trust or monoply and to provide
tor the suppression or tne sumo
-. nmnAtitirjn in tne
to in u ui w i'- .
state of Oregon." Drastic penalties for
profiteering are mciuaea in
.-x-j measure including a
fine of from J250 to $5000 or a sen
tence to the,, county. Jail for jiot less
than 90 days nor more than one year,
or both, for the first offense. For the
second offenee the penalty would be
i j . trnrr, nn to five years in the
penitentiary with a fine of not to ex-
ceea i,wuo. m i """" . .
tions the penalty for violations is fixed
at a fine of from $5000 to $15,000.
Secretary of State K-Ozer
a - -1 TLX a H T Kane, secretary oi
the council, that the petition is too
late for a place on xne
forthcoming election.
Next Band Concert
To Be Held Friday
At Autoists' Camp
With an ' exceptionally attractive
nroeram. the Salem band under the
direction of Oscar Steelhammer will
stage its next concert In the city auto
camp grounds on South Winter street,
it was announced this morning.
"We are hoping that there will be
thousands present at the grounds. We
are anxious that Salem people see
what a wonderful park-they have," T.
E. McCroskey, manager oi tne com
mercial club said.
instructed to turn south
on Winter street, at the city library,
in proceeding to the grounds.
Muriel Grant and
Jack Pousler Are
Married Sunday
Dallas, Or., July 7. One of the sur
prises in the matrimonial field of Dal
las came to night Monday when Dal
las people learned of the marriage of
Muriel Olevia Grant to Jack C. Pous
ler. ... . : '
Miss Grant Is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Glen O. Grant of this city.
She received her early education in
the Dallas public school and graduated
from the Dallas high in 1916 after
which she entered the newspapei
work. " . ,
, t. ..u(rai vears of successful
work on the Polk County Observer
she accepted the position as soc.eiy
editor on the Statesman at Salem, but
returned to Dallas a year ago and took
up her work on the Observer.
Mr. Poulser fas formerly of Long
, v,,t tnnlr nr, the WOT i
ueat.ii, n,., l.11 i . - -
field salesman for the Shattuck Motor
company here about eigm mo
c . l left Dallas July
3rd.ndy7olned"M;:and Mrs. Victor
Page of Portland wim wum i
tended celebrating.
The party visited Forest Grove and
many beach towns but late Sunday p.
many unrtlanrt and slip-
m-.tney. nartv of friends
pea- "w-y ' where
and proceeu- rriae "at 6:40
ihn were umieu .
V m. by Rev. C. C. Curtis, ormer.x
nrnitor of Dallas unni
pastor oi v romantic tenni
nation of "tta o-Un U1 the coupt.
disclosed the tacts r - -
"stVday S3
hSrt. Po' will conUnue her work
on the Observer.
Steps Taken to Stop
Return o Epidemic
Shanghai. The Chinese Young
Men's Christian association of Shang
hai has begun a campaign to pnJrent
a recurrence this year of tho cholera
epidemic which gripped the whole
district last summer. Lec
tures, demonstrations and parsdu.
i . .1 tn nrt- 1 niMl" '
Million Dollars
Pledged to Back
Wood Says Loeb
Chicago, July; 7. One million dol
lars with which to further the cam
paign of Major General Leonard
Wood for the republican nomination
for president Was underwritten by a
group of New York men a yea tgo,
William Loeb, eastern treasurer for
Wood, told the senate investigating
; Mr. Loeb, formerly private secr
tery to Theodore Roosevelt, said he
was called into conference with Geo.
A. Whalen, Rufus Patterson, Colonel
Ambrose Monell, Zoth Freeman and
others to give his opinion as ta what
Wood's campaign would cost,
"I estimated the expense at $1,
000,000," he told the committee.
"Colonel Monefl underwrote $250 -
000;Mr. Whalen $250,000; William
Cooper Proctor $250,000 and I agreed
to get the rest." -
Loeb presented checkbooks show
ing the amounts he received. Senator
Reed questioned him concerning ' an
Item of "five cashiers checks, $250,
000." Loeb said he mailed such checks
under orders from former Postmaster
General Hitchcock. One check went
to Florida, one to Georgia, one to a
Colonel Smith, one to a national com
mitteeman in thei 'District of Colum
bia and one to Maryland. They were
for $5000 each, he said.
These checks were put in envel
opes without letters and mailed, the
witness said.
When Senator Reed asked if this
was not an unusual way to send mon
ey, Loeb replied: "Not in politics."
St. Paul Man Leaps
In Front of Auto;
Dies Week Later
Jumping in front of a car driven
by John Managa, of St. Paul, on
June 26, for no reason that can be
learned by officers August Raymond,
also of St. Paul, sustained a lrac-
tured skull and a badly broken right
leg. On Sunday, July 4, he died from
the injuries. No inquest was held
necessary by. Coroner A. M. Clough.
Mr. Managa states that he had Just
driven over the brow of a hill wften
he first saw Raymond. He was just
passing him in his car when Raymond
is said to have turned and tnrown
himself in front of the machine. Rel
atives cannot account for the action
of Raymond., .
Cox Unable To
Accept Request
To Attend Meet
St. Louis. Mo.. Julv 7. Governor
James M. Cox has been invited to
speak from the same platform with
Senator Warren G. Harding here
July 25 at the dedicatory ceremonies
of a war heroes memorial cemetery.
The invitation was ' telegrapnea to
Governor Cox today by ' the local
hrnnt-h of the American Legion, and
emphasized the affair would be non-
Dayton. Ohio, July 7. Governor
Cox today wired the St. Louis branch
American Legion, that it would be
Impossible, because of pressing bus
iness at home, for him to accept the
invitation to speak with Senator Hard
ing, his republican opponent at their
dedicatory ceremonies July 25. Me
expressed keen regret at not being
able to.
The governor said he would make
no speaking engagements before con
ferring with national campaign man
agers. . . -
Oregon School
System Praised
The Oretron state department of ed-
nratinn is hishlv Draised by the New
York department in a letter received
v .1 A. Churchill, state superintend
ent of public instruction, Saturday,
from William McAndrew, assistant su
perintendent of the New York depart
ment, commenting on copies of the
fimmii course of study in moral In
struction recently loaned to that state
by Oregon. "You people certainly do
manage to keep ahead of the times in
things educational," MCAnarews de
7 Legioners From
- Salem Chosen To
Go To Convention
Seven Salem men. were Tuesday
night chosen to attend the second de
partment convention Of the American
Legion to be held at Astoria July 38
August 1, under the auspices of Clat
sop post. Tinkham Gilbert, Millar Mc
Gilchrist, Max Page, Leland Brown,
Miller Hayden, W. C. Smith and Rob
ert McMurray will represent the local
A sham battle is to be featured at
the convention, it is said, and mut...
important business is to come up.
At Tuesday night's meeting it was
pointed out that many ex-service men
are missing many advantages through
their failure to attend meetings of the
Plans relative to the construction of
a soldier's memorial were discussed
and it is hoped that Something mater
ial in the campaign for funds can be
done in the near future. . ,
Pole's Clothes
Serve Him As Bank
London. A Pole named Pictr Talla
traveling from America to Dantzig
was taken ill recently in the Young
Men's Christian association hut, Wat
erloo Road, and removed to an infirm
ary. He had only two shillings and
threepence in English money but hid
den in his clothing he had 22 ten dol
lar gold pieces and paper money to
the value of $990. His shoes were
found to be very heavy and they were
photographed by the X-ray, twelve
iarge coins presumably $19 gold pieces
were found hidden between the leath
er and the soles of each boot.
Rancher States
Elk Eat Crops;
' Asks Protection
vides n penalty of five years In the.
state prison for their slaughter, a herd
of elk are eating A. Y. Myers, a
rancher on the Little North Fork of
the Santiam, 1 2 miles east of Mehama
"out of a house and home," according
to a complaint filed with Governor Ol
cott, Tuesday, by Myers' sons, A. B.
and S. G. Myers.
The marauding herd which includes
six cows, three bulls and some calves,
are part of the herd of 17 released by
the state game commission in the Abi
qu basin about a year ago. Snows in
the basin, it is said, have driven the
elk over the mountain in search of
food where they are now preying up
on the defenseless settlers who have
no recourse under the law and must
sit Idly by while the ravenous animals
devour their crops.
Seven acres of rye have already
been cleaned up by the elk on the
Myers' ranch, according' to the coro-I
plaint filed with the governor, and .
the herd has now moved into a smnu I
patch of .wheat. The animals are said
to be very tame, having been brought
to Oregon from a zoo at Walla Walla,
and can not be frightened away.
Governor Olcott, wio lacks author
ity to extend relief in the situation, re
ferred the complainants to A, E.
Burghduff of Portland, state game
Miners Going to
Work Fired On
Williamson, W. Va., July 7. Thm
ployes at the mine of the Borderland
Coal company, at Borderland, W. Va.,
were fired upon this morning as they
were entering the mine, according to
reports reaching here. Those firing at
the miners are said to have been on a
mountain side on the opposite bank ui
the Tug river. None of the shots was
effective.1 ,''
73 Gets Jobs At
City Hall; Flax
Pullers Needed
With 73 men placed in positions,
last "week was the biggest in the his.
tory of the employment bureau con.
ducted free by Police Judge Earl Race
in the city hall.
Forty-six cherry pickers, 24 farm
workers, one dairyman, one painter
and one man-of-all-work secured
jobs through the bureau.
Ten flax pullers are needed Mon
day, Judge Race said, and it is .very
necessary that the work be done.
"If I can't find anybody else to eo
the work, I'm going to make a call for
business men," Judge Race declared.
German Rural Folk
Reductant to Give
Up Their Firearms
Berlin.. There is a reluctance on
the part of some German farmers to
... . tViniw flraopma ,1 11 a tn -"the
legitimate desire to protect their
homes against marauders, - Minister oi
Agriculture Braun said to a Tageblatt
representative. He added, however,
a number of farmers ... have been
"storing Arms ..deliberately for sub
versive purposes," but he said these
were not as numerous as generally be
lieved. "If the people will only keep their
heads," Herr Braun said, "I do not be
lieve there will be any organized out
break on the near future. The rural
situation as this time inspires confi
dence." Capitol Briefs
Application for authority to con-1
struct its tracks across several publlo j
highways was filed with the public
A,lr.a nnmmliuinn TtlPHtlflV. bV the
Willamlna and Grande Ronde Railway
company, a new corporation, wmun i
constructing a line from Willamina,
Yamhill county, along the Yamhill riv
er west to Bentley, Polk county.
The appeal in the case of S. H.
Rockhill against the state highway
commission over the location of the
stateh ighway through Douglas county
was argued before the supreme court
Tuesday morning. Rockhill won his
fight for an injunction against the,otinn nf the Canvonville cut
off in the Douglas county circuit court
and the state appenled. J. M. Devers
and Jay Bowerman representee, tne
tnto with Orcot and Rice of Rose-
burg appearing for Rockhill.
Harding Gives
Entire Time To
Official Speech
Mrion, Ohio, July 7. Senator Hard
ing, republican choice for the presi
dency, planned to spend another quiet
day today on his correspondence and
his speech of acceptance. Since hi
arrival here, the senator received prin
cipally old friends who called to con
gratulate him on his nomination, and
it is his plan to spend mm time urn
3 3-8x5 Motor '
3 bearing balance crank shaft
Hotchkiss drive
Tranmission unit with motor
Fabric disk, universal joints
Frame, 7-inch deep braced with 4 cross
members. -
Sprngs, Semi-elliptic -Tires
31x4 Nonskid all-around ,
" Wheel base 109-inchs
Color-true blue
" Price, $1,465, Salem . ' " '
North Commercial
quietly as possible for the next week
or ten days in order to prepare for his
notification, ,
Amos Pinchot
Well Pleased
With Results
Chicago, July 7. Amos -Pichot of
New York, a member of committee of
48 which meets here Saturday In a na
tional convention. Issued the
statement today:
"The democratic convention like the
republican convention- was highly sat-lafnntm-v
trt thft men anrt women of
America who want a new party. We
could have hoped for nothing more
ooaalvA ft. lAna oAlnnln.tAd ta meet the
needs of the publlo either In the nutt
ier ot me piauorm or the candidate.
' "The democratic platform is a de
cidedly eloquent document that is full
of sound and means nothing at all. So
Is the republican platform. It has no
eonstructive policy or program. It Is
the expression of a few politicians who
if they had ideas, dared not oncnu
Wall Street by expressing -them. It
goes on the theory that the public's
appetite for buneomb was not fully
satisfied by the republican perform
ance and so it offers another full
"As to Mr. Cox, like Mr. Harding,
he was chosen because he is a medi
ocre man whom the financial world
can trust, because he has a record of
political conformity and friendly rela.
tions with the same gentleman, who,
at the Blackstone hotel in Chicago se
eleeted Mr. Harding to neaa tne, re
publican forces."
Bend Has $50,000 Fire.
p.end. Or., July 7, Fire which
broke out "at 1 o'clock this morning on
Bond stret destroyed two garages, two
cafes, a pool hall and a second hand
store, one log cabin is the only build
ing left on the entire block. The loss,
estimated at $50,000, is covered par
tially by Insurance. .
Buy Remnants
Remnant Store
nitvLhilltT Clause" has been
added to all Life Policies by The
Mutual Life Insurance uo. oi j.
It you have a policy v-Jth the above
company, please bring y.-ur poUsy
to the local office and endorsement
of the new policy will fe made. ThU
Is very Important ani may mean
much money to you -if", you are a
policy holder and took your policy
during the last two years.
J. F. Hutchason
District Manager
871 State' St.. Salem. Phone99
We pride ourselves on our stock of
Through arrangements with the
leading manufacturers of this staple
fabric we keep our stock replenished
With the newest in design, and during
these conditions of change and unrest
We Keep Up the Quality
And at prices that
zharged for inferior
1920 MODEL '
11 II Good Goods. QLv
of the State of Oregon for Marion
County. Department No. $
J. W. Grassman, plaintiff, vs Mary
Poujade, Mrs. Mary Hill, Henry Pou
Jade and Lennio Poujade, his wife,
Annie Goulet and Frederick Goulet,
her husband, Louisa Wedthoff and
Kmil Wedthoff her husband, Ted
Poujade and Ruby Poujade his wife,
Agnes Nys and Bernard Nys her hus
band, Mrs. C. A. Phillips and C. A.
Phillips her husband, Mrs. H. Mlk
kleson and H. M.kkleson her husband, :
defendants, Summons.
To Mrs. Mary Hill, Louisa Wedthoff
and Kmil Wedthoff, defendants;
In the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint file
against you In the ' above entitled
cause within six weeks from the uate
of the first publication of this sum
mons, towit, June 9th, 1920, and if
you fail to so appear or answer said
complaint, plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in his
complaint filed here towit: A decree
of this court that said defendants or
either of them, have no interest or
estate in or lien upon or claim to the
following described premises:
Beginning at a point in the south
line of the D. L. C. of Louts Poujade,
No. 46, T. 6 8., R., 2 West of the W.
M. in Marion county, Oregon, which
is S. 83 degrees 80 minutes east 5.62
chains and east 20.16 chains from tho
S. W. corner of said claim being also
the southeast corner of a tract of
land deeded by John Barnes anil
Floie M. Barnes his wife to John
Mills, on March 2, 1901, which deed
is recorded in vol. 7 7at page 88, Ma
rion county records of deeds, refer
ence to which is hereby made, thence
north 13 degrees 15 minutes west
21.76 chains to a stake in a ditch;
thence north 6 degrees east 8.DU ...
chains following said ditch; thence
east 12.44 chains; thence south 29.85
chains; thence west 8.33- chains to the
place of ' beginning and containing
34.37 acres, more or less; also a cer
tain tract in Marion county, Oregon,
beginning at a point 10.27 chains
west of the most easterly southeast
corner of the D. L. C. "of Theodore
Poujade In T. 6 S. S. 2 west of the W.
M., Marion county, Ore., thence west
26.60 chains to the northwest cor
ner of the Louis Poujade D. L. C;
thence north 57 degrees 15 minutes
west 1L44 chains to the center of the
county road leading from Salem to
Oregon City; thence south 45 degreet.
30 minutes west 24.80 chains along
said road; thence south 71 degrees
30 minutes east 28.62 chains to the
west line of the Louis Poujade D. L.
C; thence north 0 degrees 30 minutes
east 2,80 chains along the- west line
of said claim; thence east 26.44 -chains;
thence north 17.24 chains to
the place of beginning and containing
87.50 acres of land.
And that plaintiff be decreed to be
the owner in fee simple and entitled
to the exclusive possession of said
.remises and for such other and fur
ther relief as to ihe court shall seem
You are further notified that this
summons is served upon you by publi
cation in the Capital Journal, a news
paper of general circulation, publish
ed dally in the city of Salem, Marion
county. Ore., pursuant to' an order
made on the 8th day of June, 1920, by
the Hon. Percy Kelly, judge of the
circuit court for Marion county, Ore
gon. Lastly you are notified that the date
bf the first publication of this- bum
mons is June 9UV1920, and the last
publication thereof will be on the
21st day of July, 1920.
Attorney for plaintiff.'
rif "
are no higher than
Thone 1260
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Wf'rt arr;..iifu''i - - . ..