Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 03, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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--rrr-Tirwora each insertion 2
three Insertion t cents; one
Wnk;8 cents one month 20 cents;
Wfle year per month 12 cents; mln-
.hioly'in New Today.
City ads "sh in advahoe and not tak
S over Phone, unices advertiser has
uv . v . M. a nvanflA for
monthly ttouuw 77 ... ,
phono en-vig;
' u 1 1.
JTnIO miming onurnes u.i. u j. ....
SruTjies wanted. Apply glJ
voTTsAW-Bicycle. -"ieh famo.
' M HVnnt. 0161
J?rnrHALI3 Two good houses close
'V t tt. Lnuterman. 59
vrTsALK Cherriun suit. 660 N.
L?Zi nr call 392J. U80
in. --
-r-.,,, ........ .mu nltipu from DeihnU
.in.".'- .-
9011 Maple ave.
crrwv i.m Good secondhand gas or
BJr:'., mnw X-43 Journal. U01
wnoc ' -
.Vc. . i l.VTv Hi.tiuoItV'pninir rooms.
Fy-. J16d
768 N. Com'l,
uwu wanted to utake loganberr
, i rp t. Tliivl.lson. ,
vines, x ub8uj
WANTED Cherry and loganberry
Ackers. J. B. Crothers, Tel. F4.-
li'Olt SAL 'i & pure Boooc,
rabbit with young. 700 N. High St
KOU SALIC Ford touring car in good
1 condition. Call Tuesday. 1906 Cen-
i'flR 8ALi'J 'JVV ience pitivci.a-w.iii
3 cates. 1552 Market St. Phone
Ti'or RENT FurnlHhed Jhousekeep
lns rooms; no children. 480 North
WANTED Cherry pickers, will pay
3c per pound. F. I'. Byers, box
179 Rt. 2. Salem. ... 161
WANTED The address of person
weaving rag rugs. Call 1252M. Ad
imv 403. Salem. Or. 1.59
1. 1 . ..... . -,
WANTED Secondhand binder, must
be in good condition. Address Box
Tti...iu.. nfirp Journal. ' 11.61
WANTED 10 or 12 cherry pickers
Monday: wood and straw furnish
ed. L. Townsend, phone 6F3. 159
J?7Jr SALE Secondhand . screen
doors and doors complete; also see
ond hand bath tub. Phone 03R.
i'OR RENT Two 7 room houses new
ly decorated, modern except furn
ace close in. J. H. Lautermah, Ar
go 'hotel, phono I'OO or 678. 159
WANTED 4 or 5 loganberry pick
ers family preferred; tent water
1 fiivnihAil. An excellent
place. E. Libby, phone 96F3. g!61
FOR SALE 5 passenger Maxwell,
fine running order, good tires,
' cheap for quick sale. 1083 Oak at-
tcr 7:30 p. ni. V g!61
PICKERS wanted for loganberries
at Indian Hill farm. 3 blocks from
end of 12th street car line. Phone
Blfi. T. L. Davidson.- g!61
FOR SALE Good 6 room cottage
all modern except heat, several
fine fruit iflreef, garage, woodBhed.
119H NT. Cottage. alCl
UNJOV vour vacation with ths knowl
edge that your property is pro
tected bv fire and Burglary Insur
ance with the W. A. Liston agen-
trade two lots in North Vancouv
er B. C, Canada, price $1200, for
land in Oregon, west of the Cas
hoU Pm B24. Salem. Or. 159
IF Solomon had owned an automo
Kiin ua wnniri have carried fire.
thsf't and personal liability insur
ance with a reliable company,
you wise See the W. A. Llstpn agen
' cy. 159
FOUND A good .pair jit- eye ..glasses
. in a case bearing name 01 itenry
- E. Morris & Co. Owner may have
by calling at stamp window in post
office, identifying article and pay
ing for this ad. 159
FOR SALE 8 room house on Court
street, has furnace, fireplace, dutch
kitchen. Finished in white enamel.
Price $4200. Mrs. Winnie Petty
John, 275 State St. Tel. 515. a!60
FOR SALE 6 room bungalow in S.
Salem, new and modern and es
peciallv good construction. Price
$5500." Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, 275
State St. Tel. 515. alBU-
FOR SALE 5 troom bungalow on
North Commercial street, attract
ive built in features, and newly
painted Inside and out. Price $3150
Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn, 275 State
St. phone 615. 160
FOR SALE Heavy team, weight
about 3400, well matched, 9 years
old; true and sound. See them at
Farmers stable, High street. Joe
Peckwell, owner. 159
FOR SALE 1920 Ford truck, run
about 2500 miles, especially adapt
ed for hauling berries. A bargain.
Call at room 2 Steusloff bldg, cor.
Court and Liberty. Phone 664. q
MARRY FOR wealth, happiness.
Hundreds rich, attractive, congen
ial, willing to wed. Photos free.
Mrs. Warn, 2216 ft Temple St., Los
Angeles, Cal. v
HARLTY DAVIDSON side car, 1920
model, for sale. Has extra tire,
chain and cover. Hurry if you
want this. Phone Adams, 361. 156
B. Commercial St. ql60
FIRE Insurance that insures. Ask
Frank Richter, D. " Wagner ,ind
Karl Lachele how they liked the
adjustments settle .1 through the
V. A. Listen agency then see us
for your fire, bui-glaiy and auromo
; i!e insurance. 159
MARRY if lonely; for results, try
me; best and most successful
'Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish
marriage soon; strictly confiden
tlal; most reliable; years experi
ence: descriptions free. "The Suc
cessful Club," Mrs. Ball, box 656,
Oakland, Calif.
FOR SALE At a bargain, a modern
ven room house, close in.. Ad
dress TT rnr. Tnrn.l -IRQ
FOR SALE 160 acres,' 15 in cultl-
.u.un. balance timber and pasture,
t.ood 10 room house, large barn.
J4 miles southeast of Salem. Price
35 per acre. Sam Arnold, Sublim--fty-
Or. 159
10 INVESTED in oil . leases may
make $10,000; $2 acre. Oil leases
'n Texas- Rainbow's End. Opening
new field may make your lease
worth $l,ooo acre. This has hap
pened in Texas. Many drilling
we is near my holdings. Buy low;
high. That way makes for
iuaes for lease owners. Remit $10
wr 5 acres. Write free informa
11.!?" maps- pcos Valley Co. .
rV. x- Robinson St., Oklahoma
For Sale Farms.
R SALE Bargain 2 1
hs't81 of Mario"v 24' acres bear
house . .P""168: ter Piped to
.d barn- Prioe ,0. terms
ueraL C. M. Smith. Marion. Or.
40 ipppa
Will S. sooa nd for sale or trade
Prr . any Property as
anelf" and ' on bal
UrL"" hav you Write O. O.
S22SSilverton. Or. 163
Fo oTtt: -
tt whiTT rwo fine lot 60x125.
win h room house, cheap- 20 i
handle. Inquire m5 S,,,
aiSS 1
For Sale Houses.
FOR SALE 5 room plasteied houae
furnished or unfurnished, 1 acres
of. ground planted with lurge gar
j don, good well, large barn, chick
en house and yard, i blocks from
car Una. Call 1501W. al59
WANTED To trade a one acre tract
of highly Improved land, A acre In
loganberries, small family orch
ard,, good well "and. (cheap farm
buildings, for a good residence,
well located, or a late model auto
mobile. Will pay or accept differ
ence. W. A. Listen, a gent, 48-1
Court street. - bl59
BUNGALOW, 6 rooms and bath on
one floor with muslo room, full ce
ment basement, dutch kitchen,
built In features, fireplace, furnace,
electricity, . garage, 2 lots. This
must be seen to be appreciated.
$3800, terms. 280 Richmond ave.
Phone 1696R. a
For Sale Miscellaneous.
CURRANTS delivered to any part
or me cuy. rnone 1736JZ. ml68
CLOVER hay for sale ill the shock.
jrnune m. , oox IDA. 169
FOR SALE New 1920 Harley David
son motorcycle, run only 1000
miles, $390 cash. J, L. Sande care
O- cl59
FOR SALE Clover hay in the shock,
$16 per ton. 3F3. C. C. Rus
sell. - , q
FOR SALE 600 lb. platform Bcales,
.all metal, good- condition $22. Io
wa Machine -Shop, Cheineketa St.
FOR SALE Cherries Bo per lb. if
you pick them. F. G. Smith, itt. 2,
box ' 11 A, Salem.- - -cl61
FOR: SALK Mower, rake, wagon,
buggy. 1339 B. High. cl59
HOUSEHOLD goods and linoleum
for sale. Call forenoons 844 Mill
street or phone 1620W. - 159
FOR SALK A igood light 2-norse4
a wagon, team and harness. Call 6
p. m. 1155 Hood St. el59
LOOSE clover hay for sale at ranch 4
miles east of Salem. Phone 100F5.
POWER prune dipper, we make the
. best; order now. Salem Mfg. Co..
N. Front and Hood. cl84
LEATHER hand bags $6.75 and up.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial.
For Sale Wood.
WOOD for sale, 16 -in. and 4- ft mill
wood. 16-ln old fir. Prompt de
livery. Fred B, Wells, 305 South
Church, phone 1542
WOOD for sale. 16-inch oak grub
wood $12 a tiord delivered; 16-inch
fir pole wood $9 a cord delivered.
Phone 23F15. eel68
WOOJJ for sale. C. D. Querry. Phone
77F2.- ee
WOOD for sale, good and dry old fir
and . second growth oak. Fisher
"boys-. Phone -1004.- eelSO
FOR best and cheapest fir and oak
wood, call 1678W eel62
For Sale Automobiles
FORDSON tractor for sale, good as
new. Call 107F3Z, q!59
ONE TON TRUCK A. new one and
a good one. You can get the deal
ers discount. The B. & C. Motor
Co., 178 S. Commercial." ql59
$300 CASH and monthly Installments
buys a Haynes auto in perfect me
chanical condition. The B. & C.
'Motor Co., 178 South' Commercial.
1918 DODGE Completely overhaul
- ed and repainted;" 1920 license.
You get it for $850, terms. The B.
& C. Motor Co., -178 South Com
merclal. q!59
LIGHT. TRUCK Maxwell 1 ton;
just the thing for berry hauling.
' In prime shape, $875 terms. The
B. & C. Motor Co., 178 South Com
mercial. ql59
FOR SALE 1-ton Maxwell truck in
good shape. Call at 406 Hoyt St.
WE have a cheap car for you. Come
in and see them." " '
Overland.......... .;1 $250
Cadillac j.......
Chevrolet truck, nearly new.-$1200
Phone 362. . 159
1919 Elgin 6 repainted.
1917 Dodge touring, tires all good
1918 Chevrolet touring, $275 down
Will handle.
1919 Harley Davidson and side car
$190 Will handle. . :
These cars are all guaranteed to be
in 1st class condition.
Phone 361, ask for Adams.
156 S. Commercial St. ' , 158
FOR SALE 1920 4-passenger Tem
. plar car; run 4500 miles; will let
" go cheap for quick sale. Bargain.
Woodrose Motor Co., 246 State St.
Salem. ' . " Q165
FOR SALE Trailers, all sizes, Stein
. bock. Junk Co. .. , q
For Sale Livestock.
FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, Just
fresh. A. E. Cray, telephone 7F3.
Rt. 1. - 11
FOR SALE Jersey cow, 5 gallons
milk a day, 5 years old. Phone
B0F14. el63
FOR SALE 3 Duroc sows, 1 Chester
White boar (young;, id smau pbs.
Address saynne urcnarua. iy
FOR SALE A real farm team six
and seven years old, weight 2550
lbs., both blacks, well broke single
and double and ride; ' trial given,
had better not overlook this for I
must sell them at once; also wa
gon and -harness. See owner, Farm
foort horn. S. High St. cl5
Lost and Found.
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra
special, 34o doume rou. mai v.
nrsn 17 N. Com'l. a
'WALLPASTE" perfect for papei
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en, 179 N- Com'l.
brTx- w Pr:r,- -ife - ' life-
tT f ' PAY?.wsweR ;( 1 i." T f ' t I t fu worh XA''I
' j
J7t w ' ' . ; i i ' ' " I ii i Twsg3sjBse
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
ing apartment. Phone i960, jibu
FOR RENT Two room furnished
apartment? 1040 Leslie St. J161
FOR RENT 2 furnisiKft. roams for
light house keeping; one furnished
downstairs front room. Phone. 1136
J. Jlo-1
FOR RENT Furnished Bleeping
room, close in, .'.262 Church.
-Phone 1616. . J153
FOR RENT 8 room house, 263 S.
High street, $35 por month. Inquire
The Phea Co., room 408 U. S. Natl
bank. Jl59
FOR RENT Or sale, business dis
trict buildings, appropriate for fac
tory purposes. 803 N. Liberty. W.
Fj. ' Fenhal. J162
A LARGE furniHhed room for rent
at 326 N. Liberty. Phone .' 417R.
Room can bt seen at 7 p. m. J
OFFICE rooms for rent; splendid
Janitor service. 205 Oregon bldg. J"
FOR RENT One unfurnished apart
mcnt of two rooms, phone, lights
and water, $8;. close In. Phone
. 1363M. J159
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen, steam
heat, by the month. Phone 1427,
- 205 -Oregon bldg; -
Wanted Help.
CHERRY picking will begin, picking
, July 7th.. Truck will- take pickers
to and from orchard.' Phone 69F12
' ' , - g!59
TO. -TRADE High grade., auto . for
city property or close in acreage.
The B..& C. Motor Co., 178 South
Commercial. ni69
WANT work, gerlpral . repairing,
carpenter work and painting. Phone
1959. 59
WANTED Woman to do laundry
for two. Address X Y Z Journal.
WANTED Hay Jhands at Albany.
John Wilkinson, Albany. 607R5
Bell Phone. g!59
WANTED 15 loganberry pickers,
good berries and good camp ground
Phone 37F3. - g!63
LESS HELP NEEDED if you have a
Perfection oil cook stove. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. g
LOOKERS who need suit cases. Max
O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. ' g
STEAM engineer desires position, ex-
perienced in all lines of steam
work, will go any where. Box po
sition, Capital Journal. hl61
BOY WANTED To learn pressman's
trade. Must be over 17 years of
age. Apply State Printing depart
ment, supreme court bldg. ' g'
WANTED Pickers for loganberry
evergreen berries and filberts. Ap
, ply 1210 N. 18th street mornings
and evenings. Phone- 1988. - k161
WANTED A family of 4 to 6 logan
berry pickers, fine picking. . Mrs.
K. Schmidt, Rt. 3, box 116. gl61
WANTED Woman to cook for 6 or
8 people. Phone 3F11. Address box
45, Gervals, Rt. 2. g1
LOGANBERRY pickers wanted, tood
camping ground, free water, wood
for fuel and straw. Transportation
from Salem. Phone 97F12. g!69
WANTED 4 or 5 loganberry piekers
. family preferred, tent, stove and
wood furnished, good picking guar
anteed. Address G. A; Walling, Rt
8. g!59
LOGAN and cherry pickers at Salem
- Heights. Phone 103F24, Mrs Gor
don. glB8
WANTED Young man looking for
steady employment, M. L. Gillett,
1395 N. Liberty St. hl61
WANTED Steady employment by
. young man. M. L. Gillett, 1395 N.
- Liberty St. hl62
WANTED Girl for general house
work at 640 N. Winter. g!59
4 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted.
Phone 108F3. .- ; - gI5.
WANTED Cherry pickers. Phone
58F24 Eugene T. Preacott. gl60
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Plowing to do. 462 Hoyt
St. n
WANTED Improved acreagp with
in five moles Salem. J21 Capital
Journal. ' "; H62
WANTED-Six or seven room house
in good condition, close In; not
over $4500. Mrs. Moss, care Jour
nal, i'
SMALL farm wanted, 40 to 80 acres;
need not be very close to Salem;
$2000 first payment; with crop pre
ferred. Write Canadian hox C Jour
nal office. l
WANTED Typewriting to do at home
by" experienced stenographer. Ad
dress 2305 N. Liberty St. 244
WANTED To rent piano. No chil-
dren. 1168 Leslie. 1189
WANTED Board and room In pri
vate family, P. O. box 231. 213
C. W. NIST, carpenter and builder,
new or repair work. 1432 N. 16th
St. Phone 1942R. . ml59
TRUNKS Stylish and low priced.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. c
TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co.
Country trips, moving. Wood for
ale. Good service. Stand 271 North
Commercial. Phone 734.
341 State St.
Doing a general real estate business
in Salem for the 10 years past, invite
you to call on the assurance of being
fairly dealt with in all business. In
the absence of Mr. Fleming, lor a
few days, Mr. W. H. Steveley will at
tend to the business, particularly on
farm property and fruit tracts.
A few good buys also in residences,
some at old time prices yet. n
I have become associated with-L.
A. Hayford and have moved from
402 Oregon building to 305 State
street, where I will be pleased to see
anyone in regard to realty matters. ,
305 State St. n
Speaking of insects,
You're next, we have sold 4 this
week; we have mado a specialty of
listing the ' pnBt' week and have the
following to, offer: ,
A fine modern home of 9 rooms
and 3 lots, all oh paved street, full of
good fruit. $4000.
Modern 1 room home, 4 ' blocks
from P. O. on car line, east front;
$1200 cash will handle. Price $3600.
5 room, house close in, choice lo
cation, on. paved street,, car . line;
house empty. $2250.
6 room modern bungalow, ' steam
heat, all built in features; $1000 cash
Price $3200.
Elegant 6 room modern bungalow,
south Salem,;, for -a short time $5500
, Fine big bungalow, 8 rooms, mod
ern In West Salem, ready to oocu
py. $3500, $1000 , will handle this,
balance like rent.
6 room modern cottage, except
basement. In good shape, good pir
age and garden, paved street. $2250.
5 room modern house and 2 lots
with good garage on-car line. $1900.
Strictly modern 7 room bungalow
on paved street; a fine home for any
one, east front $4250. ;
108 acres, 100 acres cultivated, 8
acres timber; good 7 room house, big
new barn, good garage and outbuild
ings; land lays fine and only 7 miles
from Salem. $150 per acre.
24 acres miles out on hard sur
face road, close- to good school; ex
tra good farm buildings. If sold by
July 10th. $7600i
176 acres close to Oi E. station-,
150 in cultivation, fair buildings 3
miles-from good town and other rail
road; land lays fine and the cheapest
farm in this locality; $100 per acre.
,190 acres close to small town, only
35 minutes ride from Salem; one of
the best stock farms in the Valley;
builidngs worth $8000 alone. All goes
for short time $19,000..
5 acres just off paved road, all in
fruit and garden; good 6 room house
and barn. $3700. . . ; ...
22 acres, good buildings; all In
crop, close to O. E. station. $7000.
100 acres, close to Livesley station,
all in crop,' good buildings. $22,000.
26 acres on paved road, nearly
new house, good barn and outbuild
ings; land all in crop; nice family
orchard of 50 trees; possession at
once. $8000; ; ,,
Insurance, loans, bonds.
406-7 Oregon bldg. n!59
FOR SALE Hotel lease and com
, plete furniture for 33 rooms, do
ing a big business, with small pay
ment down and terms on balance.
In a live city close to Salem,
- Also 60 acre place close to Salem,
part cultivated and buildings, some
thing priced right. $6000 terms.
Brown, room 8, 341 State. nl59
2 acres on paved road across, from
Salem Heights store, some cherry
trees. Price $1600.
7 room house with bath, toilet
electric lights, large lot, located near
Richmond school. Price $1000.
7 room house at 1745 North Com
mercial St. large lot, plenty of fruit,
east front, paved street. Price $4009
with furniture, $3200 without; terms
8 room house with modern con
veniences, corner lot, paved street,
good garage, plenty of fruit, located
two blocks east of state house.! Price
$5500, terms. -
275 State St. phone 515. nlfil
' 806 State St.
. 7 room plastered house, full base
ment, toilet, bath, lights, gas, water,
close to center of city. Price $3500.
5 room bungalow, plastered base
ment toilet, bath, lights, water. Lot
100x130. Fruit and shade. Near oar.
Price $3000. Terms.
5 room house and $ lots, 3 blocks
"" from - -carr- - Price- $1500. Easy
terms. . '
5 room modern1 bungalow, large
lot all in fruit and garden, 1 block
from car line. Price $4650. Some
terms. -
10 room plastered house, close to
the center of the city, has large lot,
garage, etc. Price $6300. Terms. '
6 room modern bungalow. Lot 100
xll6. Good garage. This place is
cheap., at $6500. '
FARMS - . -
40 acres 2 miles from Salem, 35
acres in cultivation, family orchard.
Good 10 room house and barn, silo,
granary, etc. Cattle and Implements
go with farm. Price $20,000. Terms.
40 acres, in cultivation. 3 room
house, barn, etc. part of crop goes
with place. Price $8400. Terms. -
10 acres all in loganberries, near
the city. Price $8400. Terms. ;
27 acres, some in cultivation, all
good soil, near station, 5 room house.
Price $250 per acre.
10 acres, 4 miles from the center
of the city, 8 acres in cultivation.
Family orchard. 4 room bungalow,
crop, stock and tools go with place.
Price $7,000. Terms. '
805 State St. - n
I House and several lots, $1250.
II 7 room Jiousb, 31 lots, $1200;
1800 down.
Ill 5 room cottage, ear line, north
east. $1600, $500, balance like rent.
IV B room piasterea nouse, elec
tric lights, east front, fruit, garage.
$1800. Terms. .
v 4 room modern bungalow, pav
ed etrteet, basement $2100, $600
down, balance $20 per month.
VI Four real bungalows In south
Salem. $3600, $4000, $5200 and $5500,
All on paved street near car line.
It won't cost you any money to list
your property with us, unless we sell
It then just a smau commission.
416 Masonic Temple.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; . Depot national
and American fence, sizes 26 to 68
inches high. Paints, oil and varn
..ishes, etc., . loganberry and - hop
" liooks. Salem Fence - and Stove
Works, 250 Court streeet. Phone 124'
how about this poor,
A well established restaurant bus
iness, having a large trade and pay
ing big dividends dully. Owner wish
es to sell on account of health. For
particulars inquire of Barber & Pear
son, 200 Gray building. Phone 790;
evenings 43." n
FOR SALE 160 acres with first
class farm1 buildings, on Pacific
highway, in high state of cultiva
tion. .-
. Five room house and 4 lots ono
: block from, car,-$2100, 1
Five room house and 4 lots, .one
block from car, $1600.
Six room house, corner lot, garage
' and - fruit, $1700.' V
Five room cottage, ' lights, water,
bath, wood house- and garage, 3
blocks from car, priced at $2000,
$700 will handle.
Six room,, strictly modern, home
well located, $6000, for this week.
16 acre prune orchard, without
buildings,' $400 per acre.
W. A. LISTON, agent,
484 Court street. 159
IF you are looking for a close In im
proved 10 acre- fruit tract we can
show a beautiful one at the price
you can afford to investigate.
We have an urgent call for a 40 or
60 acre farm reasonably close to
Salem Also one 8 to 10 acre, south
ot Salem, In the fruit belt.
Have you a house to list See us.
416 Masonic Temple. Phone 353. n
4 room bungalow with acre
ground in fruit and garden, good soil,
on car line; immediate possession;
look at this today. Bargain price $1,
400 -$1000 cash, balance terms.
We can give you a good home for
$500 easy terms; one block from
car line in Salem.
7 room house,' 3 blocks from State
street, good location with all modern
conveniences except basement, on
paved street. Priced very reasonable
at $2250 M cash, balance like rent.
6 room house, modern conven
iences, 2 large lots, fruit ana garden,
well located, close to car and school,
for a short time only sK $2300; easy
terms. ' . v
6 room modern plastered bunga
low close to school and car; you want
to se ethis at once it you want it, for
few days-only at $3500; easy terms.
6 room house, ceiled and papered,
with about an acre of good garden
land and plenty of buildines for poul
try ;this for $1700, good terms..
7 room house, quarter block, lots
of fruit paved street, close to ear
line. Price $2650.
Have some bargains in city prop
erty, fruit and dairy ranches. ;.
Room 200 Gray bldg. near Commer
cial club. Phone 790; phone evenings
Nice level 10 acres quarter mile
from town, all good soil, good 5
room house, barn, well, family orh
ard. Snop. $2650, $500 will handle.
Cozy 5 room bungalow; nice loca
tion near school. $2000.
Good 5 room cottage on car line, 2
fine large lots, fruit -trees and berries
near school. $2300; terms.y
24 acre tract, 20 acres Tjearing
prunes .1 bearing loganberries,
family orchard, good S room house,
barn, well, near Salem.- Crop with
place. $14,000, half cash.
Choice 160 acre river bottom farm
7 miles from Salem, 100 in cultiva
tion, some fine timber; ; price for
quick sale $135 per acre, easy terms.
Houses, tracts, farms, investments.
211-12 Com.. Club bldg. n
40 acres M mile from Independ
ence, best valley soil well drained;
family orchard, new 7 room modern
bungalow, large modern dairy barn,
well equipt, electric lights and water
system. One of the best buys in' the
valley. $14,500, terms.
20 acres all in prunes, fine condi
tion and good crop on the trees. This
is a chance to make some quick
money. $10,500 with the crop. .
102 acres, 75 in cultivation and In
crop good family orchard and ber
ries; 7 room house, good barn and
other outbuildings; crop, stock -and
machinery goes with the farm. Price
$15,000, terms,
24 acres on paved road 6 miles
from Salem; 15 acres in orchard 6
years old; only $6000. easy terms.
- 5 acres in the Liberty district all
in pruned with a heavy crop on the
trees, good dryer on the place, fine
location. $6000. cash.
47 acres close in. all In cultivation
and fenced, $300 per acre, very easy
terms, fine, subdivision tract.
24 acres' all In -i fruit, mostly
prunes, good crop, 5 room plastered
house, good barn. This is located In
the Rosedale district ' and is a good
buy at $14,200. Will sell 10 acres off
of this tract without buildings at $5,
341 State St. ' n
1 7 room plastered house, 4 fine
lots fruit, in good district. $1800.
17 room plastered house, - 1 fine
lot, fruit, south, $3200.
14 room-ceiled house, 1 fine lot
fruit, north $850. ..
1 6 room plastered house, 1 fine
lot, west, $1700.
614 acres, 5 acres In 7-year old
primes, 1 acre strawberries Just set
out this spring, shack 14x16, $3650.
6 2-3 acres all in bearing fruit
mostly prunes and cherries; good
comfortable house. $3500.
8 acres, 8 acres 7-year old prunes,
new building. $5000.
1 10 acnes, 4 acres in cultivation,
balance brush and pasture, some
fruit, comfortable buildings. $4500.
60 acres, 20 acres in cultivation,
balance good timber and good pas
ture, fair 5 room house; wood worth
$6 per cord on the place. Equity $3,
600. Will trade for small farm. ,
Many other profitable buys in
both hcnises and farms.
Phone 430, room 21, 180" N. ; Com'l
St. '- ' ' . '163"
fish? By Bud Fisher.
5 acres bearing cherry orchard,
mostly Royal Annes, crop goes. Price
$4200. . - . ' ..
Well Improved 6 acre tract, good
house, barn, logans, clOHe to, car line.
Price $10,000. , , -
Improved acre tract, all lrt hearing
fruit, large house, electric lights,
close to carllne. Price $3000, "
Improved f acres, good plastered
bungalow, electric lights close to car
line, cherries, apples, prunes, straw
berries, blackberries, and some logans
set out, gravel, street, ciose to carllne.
Price $6000. - .. -x
80 acre tract, 30 acres cultivated,
balance timber and pasture, good soil
fine spring, 6 , miles from- Salem.
Price $9000. "' " :
- 3 acre "tract located ori paved
road -2 acres river, bottom land,
bearing fruit, 4 room... house, Bmall
barn,' some timber. Price; $2950
,4.81 acre tract of fine fruit; soil,
rock road. Price $1350. . ..
27 acrea o fine land located close
to Salem on main road, fine prairie
soil. Price $250 per acre.
200 acre farm located 8 miles from
Salem, 100 acres cultivated,, baianoe
timber and pasture; running water.
good road. Price $125 per acre.,
i 81: j aero tract 6 miles from
Salem, 25 acres cultivated, balance
nasture and timber, house' and barn,
well, rock road. Price $8000
10' acre tract; - 5- aeres of bearing
prunes... some apples pears;- cherries,
6 r room, house, barn; twell .. gravel
roadr-. 1 mile, to carllne,. Price $8000.
275 State street. ' ' n
86 acre farm with 80 in cultivation
and in crops. Good big house with
hot and cold water; good big barn, 2
good silos, all kinds of sheds. Steam
bottle washing plant, 16 fine Jersey
Cows, horses, hogs, wagons, and com
plete outfit of implements and equip
ment including hay baler and gas en
gine, are included with the farm; al
so all crops. Price $17,600; terms.
You raise nearly all your feed and
cows return more than; $520 ; per
month. Ask his banker about this.
.... 238 acres with 130 acrea of excel
lent soil under cultivation and 105
acre, in good crops. Third of crops
go to purchaser. Good big house with
hot and cold water, bath, toilet, eto.
Barns sheds, chicken house, brood
er house, etc, Located on fine main
road close to school. Buyer's third
of crops will be about $1200. This is
a real bargain at $66 per acre, very
best of terms. Drop In j and ask us
for particulars.
We have many other desirable
oim ( vool vnliiA! mm a. in and
la. vj . v-w- - "
tell us what kind of a farm you want
Alan hrlne in your listings of farm
lands or city property. ,
469 State St. Ground floor. n
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes, thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
510-12 XJ. S. bank. Phone 341.
teopathic physicians and surgeons,
606 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 869.
Dr. White, res. phone 489; Dr.
Marshall res, phone 834.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Res, phone 58F5.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount. Long time. .
6ft and 6 percent Interest
City buildings loans.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
, rates. Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask about our
20-year loans at 6 per cent. Haw-
- kins & Roberts,' 206 Oregon bldg.
Salem, Or.
refuse of all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Office phone Main
Lodge Directory.
Cornack hall on every Tuesday at
8. J. L. Tucker, C. C;-P. J.' Kuntz,
K. R. & S. .
CHERRY CITY local No. 1197 of
Auto Mechanics, meets every-2nd
and 4th Wednesday night at 8 p.
m. at Labor temple. All members
be present on June 23d. Important.
Financial Secretary. , 164
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. P. An
dresen, M. A; A. A. Gueffroy, sec
retary, Salem, Or. -
. Oregon Grape camp No. 1360 meets
every Thursday evening in McCor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.,
recorder, Melissa Persons, 1415 N.
4th street, phone 1436M.
W, O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meets
every Friday night at 8 o'clock in
McCornack hall, cor. Court and Lib
- erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome
C. D. Ross. C. C; L. S. Geer, clerk.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. H. G.
Coursey, V. G; Frank A. Turner,
TEAM, Auto Truck and Delivery
Drivers Union No, 110 meet every
Wednesday evening at the Labor
Temple.' 8 o'clock.
PROTECTION lodge No. 2 A. O. U.
' W. meets every Monday evening
at I p. m. in McCornack hall, cor.
Court and Liberty streets. John H.
-- Carson,-M. W; A. L, Brown, flnan
' cler,' A- Eugene Aufranc, recorder.
'. Max O. "Buren, 179 N. Com'l. ' m
V - - . ' -
Market Reports
. Grain; Wheat No 1 $2.402.S0; feed
oats $1; cheat hay $2324; oat hay
$2425; clover hay $20 22; mill
run $58.50, ." r
Buttorfat: ' Butterfat' 67c creamery
butter 59 60o. " ' ' '. '" ,
. Pork. Veal and muttons Pork oa
foot I4ai4lic:. veal fancy 1517o:
steers 910c; spring Iambs 10c; cowa
7 9c; . ewes 6auc; Bneep,. yearung,
8o. '
Eggs and poultry: ' Eggs cash 34c:
light hens 20c; heavy, hens 24c; old
roosters 12c; broilers 24o over two
ibs. ..... ': ..
Vegetables: . California onions per
sack , $2.00; , beets per sack $2.00;.
turnips per sack $3.25; , carrots per
sack . $3.50; parsnips per sack
$3.50; spinach 10O lb; radishes ISO
doz; asparagus 16c; new potatoe
'9c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 3c';'
head lettuce 90c doz; rhubarb 4o;
peas 8c; tomatoes 12c;c.ucumbers ti
pantnlminnfl nnnev 4.00. stand1
ard' $4. B0. Honey dew $2 crate, flat
crate $1.75; watermelons 4c.
Fruit: Strawberries $3.00; oransea
9Krffl7f"ft. lamnnn 1R 2 bananaa
-12o; pineapple $3 doz; honey extract
20c; apricots $3 crate; peacnes eany
triumph $1.75.
Retail Drlces: Eggs dozen - 4$ ,
creamery butter 6265c; country
butter 65c; flour hard wheat js.ow
3.90; soft wheat I3.00O3.25.
Portland,, July 2. Cattle weaker;
receipts none; grain- and pulp- fed.
steers $11.0011.50; choice $10.60
11 (in. DnnI tn rhnlc.e 11 0.00 3 10. SO:
medium to good $9.0e10-.O0; fair to ,
good $8.00 9. 00) common to- lair.
$7.00 8.00;. choice 'cows and' heifew
$8.50 9.00; good to choice $7.0o
8.50; medium to good $.00T.OOS
ners $3.504: bulls $67.00; prime
ltirht calves $13.00 14.00: 1 medium
light $9.50 12; heavy $7S.6o.
Hogs' steady; receipts ZU4; prima
mixed $15. 5016.00; medium $14.78
15.50; smooth heavy $11.50 13.75;
rough heavy $10 11.25; pigs $11.75
13,75; "
Sheep steady; receipts 847; prfmo
lambs $10.50 11.00; culls $8,000
9.00; (yearlings $7.008.00; weth
ers $8T.60; ewes $2.S06.50. ..
. Bntter
Portland, Or., Julye 2. Cubes ex
tra 52 54c; parchment wrapped box
lots 67c;. cartons 68c; half boxes Ho
more, less than H. boxes lo moral
butterfat 5455o f. o. b. station; 68o
Portland. .' ......
Poultry and Cggs.
Portland, Or., July 2. Eggs anil
ine Drice case, count 40c; buying
(price case count 37c; selling price
candled 42c; selected candled in car-
tons 44c. ":-
Poultry: Hens 18 25c; broilers St
27o; roosters 8o; turkeys dressed
nominal; geese nominal; ducks 26a,
wheat. Pinh 12.80: , bluestem ' and
Turkey Red $3j , barley feed $66.10
buying; oats feed $6S7i; corn o.
3 yellow $74.50; milling price. '-'-'
Legal Notices.
of Maple Street from Highland
Avenue to Locust Street
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council deems it: expedient
so to do, and hereby declares its pnr
pose and intention to improve Mapla
Street from the north line of High
land Avenue to the south line og Lo
cust Street at the expense of the
abutting and adjacent properties ex
cept the street intersections which
will be paid by the city of Salem, by
bringing said portion of Maple Street
to the established grade, constructing
cement concrete curbs and paving the
same with a 6-inch Portland cement
gravel concrete pavement in accord
ance with the plans and specification
for the improvement of said portion
of Maple Street, adopted by the Com
mon Council on the 7th day of June,
1920, which are now on file in the
office of the City Recorder and
which for greater certainty and con
venience and a more detailed descrip
tion thereof are hereby referred to
and made a part hereof. Said Im
provement shall Include all necessary
inlets, drains, catch basins, excava
tions, and fills.
The Common Council hereby de
clares its purpose and Intention to
make the above described improve
ment by and through the 8treet Im
provement Department of the city eC
Salem. v. ,
By order of the Common Council.
EARL RACE, City Recorder.
Date of the first publication of this
notice Is June 23d, 1920 10
of the Alley in Block No. S of Rob
ert's Addition to the city of Salem
Notice is hereby given that the
Common Council deems it expedient
so to do, and hereby declares its pur
pose and intention to Improve the al
ley in block No. 3 of Robert's addi
tion from the east line of Twelfth
Street to the west line of Thirteenth
Street at the expense of the abutting
and adjacent property, by bringing;
said alley to the established grade
and paving the same with a 6 Inoh
Portland cement gravel concrete pave
ment in accordance with the plana
and specifications for the improve
ment of said alley which were adopt
ed by the Common Council on the 7th
day of June, 1920, -which are now on
file in the office of the City Record
er and which for greater certainty
and convenience and a more detailed
discription thereof are hereby refer
red to and made a part hereof. Said
improvement shall include all nec
essary inlets, drains, catch basins.
fills, and excavations.
The Common Council hereby de
clares its purpose and Intention to
make the above described Improve
ment by and through the Street Im
provement Department of the City
of Salem.
By order of the Common Council.
EARL RACE, City- Recorder
Date of first publication of this no
tice is June 21. 1920. ISO
(Copyright, 1920, , ' H. C. Fisher,
Trade Mark Reg. V. Pat. Oftta