Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 16, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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First Class Play
Holds Fans Thru
Star-Hauser Came
ir doxg everything po&aible to stamp'
this out."
Independence Is
Represented At
Legion Session
Independence, June Is. As a rep-
Tuesday evening at Swetland Field, resentative of the Independence post.
the Statehouse Stars were transcended American Lesion, P. W. Johns, loco
bv the Hauser Invincible, score 4-0. i motive engineer on the Valley & Sl-
The small sprinkling of fans did not! let road, attended the convention In
Dempsey Ready
For Carpentier .
States Kearns
San Francisco. Jure 14. Jack
Kearns, manager for Jack Dempsey,
heavyweight champion of the world,
announced today that Dempsey would
siie couid be well held is Labor day.
We will be ready to fight then. We
will be ready to fight before that if
the public demands it. Carpentier
comes first with us but if he is un
willing to talk first at once, we will
fight anyone else in the world."
if-JDr.CR O'Neill
give full credit to the quality and in- Portland Saturday. The purpose of, be ready within two weeks to meet
terest of the play. With resumption of Ine meeting was to bring before the
fair weather, James Elvtn, president ot different camps of the state an expla
the Cherry Ctiy Twilight league hopes nation of the vocational training atid
to present each of the remaining uwaomty s. tvery camp was pre
games of the series to a crowded field.
Both teams put up a game free of
"small town" bickering and were chew
ed impartially by the fans. Webb, the
Statehouse pitcher worked well against
a stubborn aggregation of sluggers,
. holding the Invincibles down to six
swats at the pellet.
Petterbeck twirled for the Invinci
bles and his surprising swings are
credited as Items to the Hausers cred
it. Hauser of Chemawa, who received
for the Invincibles, proved to be a val
uable addition to the sporting good
crew. ',
The Stars went out in the lot during
the first half of the first and the In
vincibles preceded to give a demon
stration of evil Intent by Shaffer
score on Mauser's clout to right field.
In the second Inning the Hausers again
became rampant when Shaffer
brought In Petterbeck and Hulsey. In
the third canto Petterbeck secured his
necond hit of the game, scoring Proc
tor. In the first Innln;, the Statehouse
nine made a strong effort to start the
tally on their side of the sheet when
Small secured a nice single to left, but
succumbed nt third after witnessing
two Btrlkeouts and a- fly ball.
The game was of more than umial
Interest In that the Hauser team
wrested front rank from the Stars.
The Statehouse team has recruited
many followers from the ranks of the
funs and Is expected to put up a first
oIiims fight for the ribbon before the
wrles terminates.
Game summary:
R. H
Invincibles 4 6
Stars , 0 2
Tuesday night's game places three
teams in the scramble for second
place. The serious injury of Bob
Brown, the Stars' third baseman was
an Item In the' weakening of the ersv
while league leaders. Brown was in
Jured while working on a truck at the
highway garage.
The Valley Motor "moguls" and the
"T" Tigers will meet tonight at Swet
land Field at 8:15. The public Is cor
dially invited to attend these games
which are free.
IIow They Stand.
W. L. P.C.
Hauser Bros 3
Y. M. C. A 2
Btate House
Hpaulding 2
Valley Motor 1
Kay Woolen Mill 0
Georges Carpentier, the French heavy
weight or "he will fight any one elsa
in the world if Carpentier is unwill
ing to talk tight. Labor day was
suggested as the date for the prvpos
ed contest.
sumed to be represented and ample
entertainment was provided for the
delegates. Mr. Jones remained n Kearns Issued a statement asserting
Portland for a few days to look after, that Dempsey's acquittal yesterday of
n report to ine(a draft evasion charge in the United
States district court here left his war
record clear and that "there could be
no more whispered campaign carried
private interests.
post will be submitted at some future
Wm. Campbell, who has been em-
piuyea in ornes -asn store at Salem ; about him." He said he and the
iur some ,uroe, nas returned to Inde-; champion needed a two weeks rest af-
pendence and will be engaged on his
farm near here during the summer.
Mr. Dee Taylor, a former resident
of Independence, now om Klamath j statement In part said
rans, nas oeen visiting in the City fer
ter the strain of the trial and then
they would be ready to arrange for a
pout with the Frenchman. Kearns'
a few days.
Mrs. J. O. Mcintosh will present
her class of thirty pupils in a musical
recital at the Methodist church Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. Clyde Ecker has Just returned
from eastern Oregon, where she was
a delegate to the state federation of
women's clubs.
Two tons of blasting powder was
shipped to the logging camps in the
Silets basin yesterday. It is not known
what use It will be put to, but it is i
supposed that the
to build more railroad Into
ber belt of that district.
wow ueorges Carpentier. we re
ready. If you have come to America
to fight, here's your chance. . Jack
Dempsey is free and ready to meet
you anywhere in the world. The
chance you" have been asking for a
crack at the title Is yours. The next
move is also yours.
"I haven't at this time tlje slightest
idea where p. ( IJempasy-Carpentier
match will take place, if indeed, Car
pentier is as anxious now as before
to meet the champion. The site for
company intends OI tuursB' 18 "P " " P-
iimnwiis tuo ursi yiLer. i lie
. '" next big date on which a fight of this
American Firms
In Shanghai In
British Control
Shanghai. A large number of bli
Miness concerns which have been op
mating In this city under American
control have been compelled to place
themselves under the management of
Urltlsh merchants in order to conform
to a British Order in Council. Under
this rule which was promulgated early
In the year business houses In China
already under British register must be
managed and controlled by British
This has affected a vast sum of In
vested American capital and a consld
arable sum of Japanese and other
foreign Investments, as the majority
ot business houses conducted by Am
erlcan and Japanese In China were
registered under the Honkong, or
British, ordinances.
In order to comply with the new re
qulrements It has been necessary for
these American institutions to dispMae
a number of Americans from execu
tive positions and to replace them with
subjects of Ureal Britain.
Miss Vale Hilterbrandt of this city
will be married this afternoon to a 1
Mr. Taylor of Alrlie. The ceremony
will be performed at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Hilterbrandt, and Dr. Dunsmore, pas
tor of the Presbyterian church,s will
Owing to the shortage of crude oil
the Valley & Sileti Railroad Co. will
abandon the oil burners soon and use
wood for fuel. They have been scat
tering slab wood along the road from
the mill, and will have no more to
sell, It is said, to consumers of this
city. ,
'Japan Commercial
Firms Seek New
Trade With Huns
' Berlin. Japanese commercial firms
are making great efforts to resume bu
siness with Germany. One Japanese
shipping, company has opened Its of
fices In Hamburg and a regular steam
ship service is running to Japanese
porta. Copper ana silk are the main
exports from Japan to Germany whle
potash Is tha chief article demanded
from Germany by Japan.
According to the Tageblatt, the Jap
anese government la considering a
claim submitted by Germany that the
Shantung (Tsingtnu- Tslnonfu) rail
way Is private and not state property.
In the latter case, the railway would
. become forfeited to Japan, In aceord-
a nee with the same terms of .the peace
treaty, .
Japan proposes to release all Ger
man property under her control up to
the value of 10,090 yen. Proper
worth more will be subject to a de
duction of a certain percentatge to in
clemnlfy Japanese who have claims
against Germany for war damages.
- An Inquiry Into emigration possiblll
ties from Cermany to Japan shows, the
Tageblatt sayi, that although public
feeling In Japan has become generally
favorble toward Germany again, the
prospects are not favorable, except for
engineers and practical scientists. For
eign manual laborer especially are
not wanted In Japan.
Canadian Dry Law
And Higher Booze
Cost, Correlated
Victoria, B. C "Patients" In the
habit of securing "sufficient" quan
tities of liquor under the British Col
umbia "prescription" system, will find
their source of supply largely curtail
ed under the amended prohibition
act, passed by the legislature in March,
and to which royal assent, making It
effective was given In the Assembly
few days ago.
Under the amended act, physicians
may only prescribe eight ounces of
government, dispensed liquor Instead
of two quarts as heretofore. If more
Is deemed necessary, the physician
must execute an affidavit that the liq
uor is for medicinal purposes only and
that a thorough examination of the
patient has been made. Liquor may be
imported from without the province In
accordance with federal statutes, but
must bo delivered to the home of the
purchaser and may not be removed
therefrom .unless the owner Is making
a bona fide change of residence. Pri
ces of government liquor have lncreas
ed about 20 per cent since the first of
the year.
The "man in the woods" has an ad
vantage over his city brlther. Being
far removed from the source of sup
ply, he may secure through the pre
scription rote as much a two quart
Anyone living more than five miles
from a government dispensary er
drug store may secure up to sixteen
Extracts may In the future be secur
ed in four ounce quantities only, ana
one must be a householder to secure
essences, extracts or similar "kick"
Bolshevism Is Not
, Understood In U.S.
Manila. Bolshevism Is a word that
Is aadly misconstrued In the United
States ,says Major-General William 8.
Graves, commander-in-chief of the
American expeditionary force which
recently evacuated Siberia.
"At Ahe menton ot a Bolshevik the
people Instantly conjure a mental pic
ture of a frowzy anarchist with a bomb
in one hand and a torch In the other,"
he said. "But the bolshevik! in Rus
hi are working for peace and the good
of the country. In my belief they are
trying to be eminently fair arid Just to
the people. They have deplored the
murder atid b!oat!ih1 which
jilio bfcyv ':." .: ti.
Alaskan Flight Is
Planned For July
Junean, Alaska. United States ar
my signal corps officers are locating
landing sites for an army airplane
flight across Alaska planned for July.
Lt. Colonel B. O. Lenoir, who has
charge of the signal oorps Alaska cab
le and wireless system, has written
several points in the territory asking
dnta regarding tanning fields and sup
ply bases.
The route to be taken is not known
here. Several months ago it was to
ported an army flight was planned
from New York, across British Colum
bia and down the Yukon valley In Al
aska to Nome. Later it was said the
machines might start from Seattle,
proceed up the ' southeastern coast,
croM the Alaskan mountains and pro
ceed down the Interior valley to Nome.
Many points In Alaska have not
been visited by airplanes and conster
nation will probably be caused In the
Indian ramp along the Yukon when
the machines sail by.
"What Tanlac has done for me is
worth more than a fortune." said)
ueorge Power, of 2014 Rottenberg
St., a life long resident of Halifax,
Nova Scotia, and well known em
ploye of the Nova Scotia Tram and
Power Co. "I have gained eighteen
pounds and feel better than for twen
ty eight long years," he continued.
"I don't believe anybody in the
world suffered from rheumatism as
bad as I did. It was a sharp, shooting
pain that would , go through my
knees, down my legs and into .my an
kles Just like somebody was sticking
a knife through me. 'i couldn't work
at all In damp weather and suffered
so intensely I would turn white as a
sheet. When the attacks came on I
wouldn't be able to sleep a wink, my
joints would swell and my knees
would get stiff as boards and I
wouldn't be able to walk for two
three days at a time just lay up
bed flat of my back.
"Tanlac was so highly recommend
ed by people right here In ' Halifax
that I tried it and now I wouldn
take- anything in the world for the
good lt has done me. My rheumatis:
is entirely gone, my appetite has pick
ed up, too, and I sleep fine every
night and feel like a different man al
together. Tanlao is the greatest thing
I have ever seen and I want to let
everybody know what this wonder
ful medicine will do."
Tanlao is sold in Salem by Tyler'
drug store and leading druggists In all
towns. ' (adv)
TO Keep your face nowder nn nae
DerwiUo. No touching up all the time
to prevent your nose ana face from
shining. A dip in the ocean, perspira
tion, hot sun and wind have no ef
feet on It. Instantly beautifies the
complexion. A single application
proves lt. All druggists refund the
money If it fails. )adv.l
Boston Initiates
New Fire System
Boston. The fire engine is to disap
pear from the streets of down-town
Boston. The lively spectacle of gallop
ing horses with an engine In tow went
out with the advent of the motor
drawn engine, and now motor and
steRtn engines are to be forced from
the city proper entirely, A hlgh-pres
sure water system, In which only
hose trucks will be used Is assured ot
early operation by the signing of con
tracts for three pumping stationa
A s rid Iron of pipe-lines ' has been
constructed under the streets, the high
pressure pipage now laid aggregating
9. mil's, with 265 hydrants Eventual
ly, under present plans, the system will
be extended to include more than 1
miles of pipe. -
Through this pine 12,000 gallons of
water a minute will be forced at 300
pounds pressure, or approximately
S,000 gallons at the more practical
pressure of 200 pounds, from four
pumping stations which will be op
erated this year. Three addltotnal
pumping units are planned, which will
Increase th, volume of water te 56,
000 gitlons at 200 pounds pressure.
Water will ba drawn from three sowi-1
took Ices H wter from th harbor, t
. ' !! prwsmre svstem. And
mere is one sure way that never
fails to remove dandruff completely
and that Is to dissolve it. This de
stroys It entirely. To do this, Just get
about four ounces of plain, ordinary
liquid arvon; apply It at night when
retiring; use enough to moisten the
scalp and tub it in gently with the
finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and three
or four more applications will com
pletely dissolve and entirely destroy
every single sign and trace of It, no
matter how much dandruff you may
You will find, too, that all itching
ana digging of the scalp will stop in
tantly, and your hair will be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft. ,md
look and feel a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It Is inexpensive, and four
ounces is all you will need. This sim
ple remedy has never been known to
fall.. (adv)
Good Year
I ires
Tire Accessories
Will he found at
Lloyd E, Ramsden
3S7 Court St.
Water Permits
Application for permission to appro
priate water from Salmon creek for
the Irrigation of 65 acres in Baker
county, has been filed with State Engi
ner Cupper by A. N. Toung of Baker.
Other applications for water rightsj
nave oeen niea as lollows:
By J. F. McKee of Creswell. Or.,
covering the appropriation of water
from Camas Swale creek for the irri
gation of a small tract in Lane county.
By Arlie Acton of Drewsey, Or., cov
ering the appropriation of water from
the middle fork of Malheur river for
the irrigation of 25 acres in Harney
lMrh RankRilW
I5! faS
and does a general office practice
Office Tyler's Drug Store
15? South Commercial Street
Pensacols, Fla., June 16. Pensa
cola started a rat killing drive today
with a view to stopping the spread of
what local physicians have pronounc
ed bubonic plague. Two deaths have
occurred from the disease since last
Takes the place ot souse
lining lor leas.
fc-Jr? Max 0. Rnren
11 North Commercial
Fifty gallons of gasoline was stolen
from the tractor of G. W. Morrison at
Pendleton. A siphon was used.
.yiW indigIstkwJ
Sales conducted everywhere. Farm
sales t percent; city sales S percent
TTT n n A .ml mrtTlAV Alt admrtlAinff
(HW J. Wright Auctioneer
Phone 754
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
With Parts and Service
W. H. Hildehrandt & Co. I
Marion County Polk County
27 N. Commercial St., Salem t
Phone 67S
r mm . trra
iMi yver u own
Everybody wants It because
It makes most palatable and
sweetest of foods.
You save when you buy It.' You
save when you use it.
Calumet Baking Powder is so
perfectly made so perfect In
keeping qualities that bake-day
failures are absolutely impos
sible. Best by test.
Call for Calumet Baking Powder.
Trunks, Bagsy Suit
Music Rolls and Brief Cases, at
340 Court Street
Car of '
Chinese Medicine and Tea Co,
Has medicine which wOl cure
any known disease.
Open Sundays from lt a. m.
until I p. a.
lit South High Street '
alem, Oregon. - Phone III
Now is the Time to Install the
The Store of Housewares
135 N. Liberty St Phone 67
Ladies Skates Free Friday
Night ,
Ladles Skates 10c Tuesday and
Saturday Nights.
House Fur-i.
MfirtoTr ... i.
Also Junk ot All Cj.
call ih
Capital Junk
roa LONO DBTasci
Transfer Co.
W. H. Ufa
Eisemana Magneto
179 North Commercial ttr
ttteeetteete tMe-t MMMMeeei
Valley Motor Go.
Get Goodyear Tire Economy for
That Smaller Car
Just as owners of the highest-priced auto
mobiles get greater mileage and economy
out of Goodyear Tires, so can the owners
of smaller cars similarly enjoy Goodyear
advantages. . ....;.,.. .'
The 30x3-, 30x3V2-, and 31x4-inch sixes of
Goodyear Tires are built to afford a money's
worth in performance and satisfaction which
only the utmost in experience, resources
and care can produce. ; ; ; i -
This extraordinary money's Worth begins
not only with the merit "of these tires, but
also with the first cost; which In most; cases
is no greater, and sometimes actually is less,
than that of other makes of the same types
V: of tires.;'" ':-"..:::iV':'::
Go to the nearest Goodyear Service Station
Dealer for Goodyear Tires for your Ford,
Chevrolet,Dort, Maxwell, or other cairs taking
these sizes. He is ready to supply you Good
year Heavy Tourist Tubes at the same time.
30 3V4 Goodyear Double-Cure ' 1 en
Fabric, Alt Weather Tread .
30 x 3',i Goodyear Single-Cure'
rsftrtc, Anti-Skid Tread
Goedyer Heavy Tourist Tubes are thick, strong tube
reinforce casings properly.. Why risk a good casing with
cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tube cost tttti