Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 15, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    -7f??SIFID RATES.
fur csaie nouses.
Olio "a1"'" '
noiuh 12 cents; mhx-
' Z.V ad 2 cents.
serua only in New Today.
i. rash in advance and not ta
ohon. unless advertiser has
"'i account No allowance for
f-rTat the Spa. g'
irrTVnUesow and 3 pigs for
C" Vhone 44F14. Ul
best. i:;:,
colonial bungalow in Salem at less
than cost. Just bein completed a:
640 Market street. Modern in every
detail and then aome. Must be seen
to be appreciated; also few good ar
ticles o furniture for sale. Phore
SS4W. hj
Wanted Helo.
-Vu:;:ail or f,r tt'ii,.,--
al house work, small famUv. good
waies. CaU Mrs. B. J. -Mites- phone
-srTfvT Furnished 2-rooiu apt
.a floor. 3tf5 K. High St. 143
-uTTTvU plants also Oregon seed
11 n Ward K. Richardson. 2393
SI"", "feet. Phone 494. dl4"
V 4th. 7 rooms, garage. Phone
Mr hite 494 or 80SJ. J148
SVTEU Loganberry picKers to
faster for 45 acres of berries at
Ze,n Heights. B. Cunningham.
Phone 2 IKS.
TThaLE Berkshire pigs b and 6
m-eeks old. Dr. O. B. Miles ranch.
lw . . . . , . , .... , 1 .JC
Phone eifo. m.
ment 1244 State, over Lebolds
" clnre. !!
Tok SALE 1919 Harley Davidson
motorcvele at a bargain if sold at
0tice. Win. Doughty. 170 Ferry.
0 q!44
WANTE1" Work of general repair
ing of houses. Phone 1969. 145
FOR KENT Large store room on
State street. Address J care Jour
nal. , y
Job. KENT Good seven room house
Inferences required. Addness L
care Journal. J
WAXTEli To buy fairly good top
bugiry and a single harness. A. E.
Lou'rks, corner Judson and South
Rich. ill
WANTED Loganberry pickers. L. L.
Vincent, Sunset Fruit farm. Call
41F24. e!43
WANTED First class mechanic at
American Automobile Co., 185-197
0. Com'l St. - 143
WANTED Woman to cook for 6. or
8 people. Phone 8F11. Address box
46. (iervais, Rt. 2. g
F0l'NI Pair of kid gloves on street
Friday. Call at Capital Journal,
prove property and pay for ad. 143
8UCOND growth fir wood for sale $9
cord. Address box Wood care Jour
nal. ' ee!48
FOR SALE Uy owner. 5 room house
z lots. Darn, chicken house, some !
irmt trees. On 23d and Turner
road. ai44
W ANTED Womau to care for chil
dren, $15 per month with room
and board. Call 1379 s. 13th and
Howard, evenings, for further in
formation. M44
FoK SALE By owner, seven room
house and sleeping porch, with all
strictly modern buUt in features;
furnace, fireplace, cement base
ment, walks, drive and garage.
Large grounds, garden, chicken
park, bearing fruit and nut trees.
All for less than house can be built
for today. At 533 N. 16th street.
ANTED By young woman, room,
with kind lady who will care for
small child. P. O. b-'X 244. 144
WANTED Woman cook, state school !
tor the deaf. Phone 646. g 145
WANTED Position by O. A. C. stu
dent, can do oftice work but will
consider something else. Phone
?"V. hl44
FOR SALE Or rent, modern home.
Inquire 530 N. 24th St. a!43
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR, SALE About 609 lbs. seed po
tatoes, can. at 481 union St after 6
o'clock. d!43
POWER prune dipper, we make the
best; order now. Salem Mfg. Co.,
N. Front and Hood. cl64
FOR SALE One-horse covered bug
gy, harness and Phoenix 200 lb.
fruit scales. S45 Division St. c!43
FOR SALE One good eight-foot
Peering binder. Call 47F11. e!4S
For Sale Nursery Stock.
POTATOES We are always in the
market for seed or table stock. Man
gis Bros., 542 State St Phone 717.
FOR SALE Tomato, pepper and egg
plants, Crego asters. Snapdragon
and Larkspur plants. W. H. H.
Dodge, Rt 7. box ti. Phone 1786
W3. d!46
IF in need of windows, 30?4 by 304.
apply E. J. Gsuenfelder, Rt 7, "Sa
lem, Or. el44
FOR SALE 2-wtoeel Ford tractor
built especially for berry crates.
Phone 8FU. q!44
FOR SALE China closet, solid oak.
678 N, Cottage. Phone 1706. c!44
For Sale Livestock.
SCHOOL girl will care for children
by the hour. Phone 1224. h!45
HAN'S suit, size 88, new. for sale,
reasonable. Washington hotel, 558
State. 144
WANTED To buy team, 1300 lbs.
each, not over seven years old. Mc
(lilihrist Bros., Rt. 4. Phone 13F
15. 1146
FOR .SALE Extra good high grade
Holstein bull caft, 6 months old.
Geo. Ramsden, Macleay, Or. el 4 5
Fl'RNISHED room for rent, suitable
for two. Also house for sale, close
In, with garage, water, electricity,
garden, etc. Inquire at 143 S. 13th
street. 143
FOR SALE Stock hogs. Phone 3F11.
W. H. Egan, Gervais, Or. e!44
FARMERS Let us print your berry
tickets, prompt service and the
right price. Bertelson Printing Co.,
SOI N. Com. St. Phone 779. ml44
CALVES Young calves, mora calves
C. C. Russe . nhone 3F3. f
HUNTING that commands attention
that's the kind done by the Ber
telson Prtg. Co. Give us a trial. Y.
M. C. A. bldg. Phone 779. ml48
WANTED To rent aniall house close
in, or near ear line. Permanent rent
er, without children. Phone 1091.
CHERRY pickers wanted. Call or
write E. W. Matthews, Amity, Or.,
for particulars. Prevailing prices
paid for picking. Excellent camping
grounds. Free wood, water and
air aw. Applications must be In by
June 25th. g!48
FOR SALE Late model Ford, de
mountable rims, new wheels; ln
model Ford, overhauled and re
painted, new top. Open Sunday.
Cherry City Garage, 170 S. 12 th St.
LOST June 14, on highway from Sa
lem to Gervais, blue serge Dolman
cloak; will finder please report to
2340 State St Salem, or to the own
er, Mrs, Mary A. Robertson, 770
Tibbets St. Portland, and receive
reward, together with expenses.
M.uv A. Robertson. kl45
For Sale Farms.
FOR SALE 14 acres good soil near
city limits; will take good auto as
part or first payment. 337 court
St. Phone 488. m!43
FOR SALE By owner, six acres
prunes four miles south of Salem
good five room house, chicken
house, barn and shed, good well;
half mile from paved road and ex
cellent school. Call phone 37S or
address 304 U. S. Bank bldg., Sa
lem. bl40
DO you know you can buy 10 acres.
harvest the present crop of logan
berries, another In less than 15
months, the two croRS should leave
you interest on the investment ar
ter paying for the place at the
price asked. Phone 21F11 and get
the Information or address Box
Acres care Journal. n
MUST sell driving or riding mare
Sound and in good condition, J,
W. Bellamy, Rt. S, box S7, Salem.
Phone 32F21. el47
-6 weeks old pigs. Phone
FOR SALE Registered
buck. 776 S. 12th.
FOR SALE Stock hogs. Inquire W.
H. Egan, phone 3F11. Address Ger
vais. Rt. 2. ol44
For Sale Automobiles
FOR SALE Good Chevrolet
Phone 873 evenings.
FOR SALE 1917 Ford, good condi.
tion. Call at noon, evenings or ear.
ly mornine. Phone B9F11. ql43
WANTED Year arettnd position on
iarm, Dy reliable married man, ex
perienced. Box Position, care Jour
nal ' hl43
W anted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Typewriting to do at home
by experienced stenographer. Ad
dress S305 X. Liberty St. 844
Larpe ai! modern S room bunpalow.
basement and furnace, garage, close
in, iJCiOO, eay terms.
Nice modern 6 room bungalow,
basement, nic lot on carline. iiiDH,
easy terms.
7 room modern cottage, 2 large lots,
woodshed, hen house. $1950, terms.
Several small tracts to exchange for
citv property.
Several houses and lots to exchange
for acreage.
For a square deal in buying or sell
ing see us,
111-12 Commercial club bids. n
WALTER M i.Alv ;-.. Keai estate
loans, investments. Room Sl Hi
N. Com'l St. phone 4,10.
ELDERLY couple, congenial, would
care for home, 156 N. Front. Wer
den. U47
WANTED Furnished coAtage. or
furnished housekeeping rooms,
would like to occupy by July 15th.
Address Box F P C care Journal.
" , 1144
Phone 951, S2 Oregon bldg. a1
WANTED Used rural telephone at
once, cheap for cash. Rt. S, box 0.
Salem. Phone 341. 1143
POTATOES wanted. Ward K. Rich
ardson, 2395 Front, phone 494, 1144
HOUSE decorators, charges reason
able. Fhone 2005R. C144
MONEY IVAVTEI1 tiinft tnr 9 r 3
years at 8 percent ana oiii ror tne
same period, security good, i none
470. 114S
WANTED To borrow $2600 on good
farm security. H. E. Bolingex, 328
Oregon bldg.
WANTED To rent piano. No chil
dren. 1168 Leslie. ilS9
WANTED Board and room In pri'
vate family. P. O. box 231. 113
OAT Meal Paper, 20-inch tan, extra
special, 34c double roll. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l.
5 acres, 4 benrinsr losrans in dandy
shape, 1 acre strawberries, will hava
not less than J2OU0 worth of logany;
fine investment only $4250. $iii0
ill handle. This place is rented, own
er to receive 1 of gross receipts, ten
ia pays all expenses.
1 i acre, fair house, barn, well fenc
ed, all the best of soil, all in cultiva
tor., close to school, church; in Fruit-
land district only $500.
13 acres, 10 planted to prunes with
logans between, some walnuts and
herries, in Liberty district, only $5.-
000, U cash, balance 6 percent
SO acres, 52 cleared, 28 timber pas
ture, spring water, guod new modern
improvements, best of soil, IS acres
beaverdam, 4Vs miles from good town:
crop goes, only $12,500. Will ell
equipment cheap. Terms 11 desired.
The best buys in houses are on our
list. If you don't get one of them it
is your fault. We have houses at the
owners price. Buying from ua Is like
buying from the owner.
S41 State St n
We sell you tract on easy terms, and
plant and care for h for term of years
We also have tracts of planted ber
rie and grafted walnuts.
Fruit properties of all kinds..
Oregon bldg. b!44
Lost and Found.
LOST Ribbon watch chain with
cloud agate attached. Phone 139.
LOST A 24-inch string of
beads. Phone 465; reward.
GOOD store building, good lots, on
-Commercial, clear title, $1400, not
1 1-J acres, city limits, house,' good
well, outbuildings, good soil, no
rock. $1000.
6 room house, good condition $1,
200. Good lot. paved street, sidewalk,
beat It, $250. .
Good lots, $150, terms.
1 room house, fireplace, good lum
ber to be moved, $100, close In lot,
paved street, $1200.
Fine 6 room bungalow $3000. Brown
room 8, 341 State St.. n!43
6 room cottage, modern, corner lot
near car line oa N. 4th St This is
dandy home and will appeal to you
in appearance, location and Interior,
Lots of fruit ready to pick. Price is
very reasonable. $1900.
5 room modern house, exceptional
buy, on Bellevue street, corner lot,
good streets, nicely arranged. Price
$1500, terms,
8 room house modern except hot
water on Bellevue street. Houso is in
first class condition and very well
built corner lot. You can't beat this
for the price. $1850, $500 down, bat
anoe like rent
We advertise only houses that are
well worth the money, let us show
them to you. We also want more me
dium priced houses as we can sell
them. Price them right
405 Oregon bldg. Phone 43.
6 PASSENGER Ford body with hood,
top and windshield for sale, $30.
Phone 839. g!43
FOR SALE. One good secondhand
Maxwell truck. F. E. Loose, Size
State St. Phone 933. ql43
FOR SALE Five passenger ls'J
model Overland touring car, run
less than 1000 miles; tires like new.
Box 2X2 Journal. qH
FOR SALE 1918 Dodge, panasote
top, new tires, a bargain, pnone jbuoo.
863, 1364 Court St qi"
$05 State. street
1! room plastered house, toilet and
bath, and 7 lots, within 1 block of
street car. Price $8200.
8 room house with 2 lots 1 block
to street car, has some fruit Price
$2700, terms.
. 6 room house, paved street, cement
sidewalk, lot 42x160, V, block to
street car. Price $4500; $1500 cash.
A room nlastered house; 9 lots,
blocks to street ear. Price $1500;. $500
cash. . :
g room modern house with all the
built in features, large garage, lot
50x100 feet, on paved street. Price
FOR SALE Trailers, all sizes. Stein-
bock Junk CO; q
For Sale Wood.
PHONE your order for oak wood to
WOOD for sale, 16-in. and 4 ft mill
wood. 16-in old fir. Prompt de
livery. Fred E. Wells, 805 South
rhurrh. nhone 1542. ee
FOR SALE Wood, 100 cords old ana
second growth fir at Quinaby, H.
A. Penny. el4t
WOOD for sale. C. D. Querry. Phone
FOR best and cheapest fir and oak
wood, call 1678VV eeip
FOR SALE Bargain, 60 acres. 2 Vs
miles west of Marion, 25 acres heal
ing Italian prunes; water piped to
house and barn. Price low, terms
liberal. C. M. Smith, Marion, Or.
FOR SALE 11 1-3 acres adjoining
fair grounds on Bilverton paved
road, ten minutes from street car;
all in crop; 5 room house, good
barn; ' Immediate possession. Price
14750, terms. Hart & Muller, 208
Oregon bide. n
FOR SALE 41 acres 2tt miles from
Salem on paved road, good build
ings, overlooking river and motor
boat lnnrllnc nni4 railroad Station;
excavated fish lake. This is an ex
cept Innly beautiful farm, rrice
12.500. Hart & Muller, 20$ Oregon
blrt n
TO RENT 2 office rooms.
147 N,
OFFICE rooms for rent; splendid
janitor service. 2& uregon mm. i
ELEGANTLY finished large house and
lot on Marion St., close in lor saie
cheap. Call 1961
fnn t? v'T 13500 Waldo farm, 940
acres 8 miles east of Salem. Address
Mrs. Clara H. Waldo, oiacieay, y
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
Bleeping room lor gem.emw., .
heat, by the monui. ru ,
205 Oregon bldg.
305' State street' Salem.
Phone 737
ffl acres fine land In cultivation
ha In nee is Dasture with some oak
timber. Good big house with hot and
cold water. Spring water piped into
house. Good big barn, machine snea,
silo, 3 good chicken houses, wen ana
gas engine. Close to school ana n. n.
v,ii,iin!? .iiition. Fine dairy and grain
hrm. A real srfafi at $16,350. Half
HEM stitching, chain stitch, quick
service. Mull and Henderson, oyer
Minor's store, phone 117. ml44
Manley, cellar digging,
Cherry wiu
heavy team work,
barns. Phone 199.
This is an excellent farm with 130
(tores cultivated and about 30 acres
more easily cleared. All finest kind
of land. 105 acres In crops. 60 acres
oak and fir timber, 55 Acres fine pas
r with uood snring. Mostly wov
en wire fencing, good 9 room house
with hot and cold water, bath, toilet
etc., spring water piped into house,
good big dairy barn. Dig ma
chine .hed. chicken house, brood
r house, etc. This Is a really fine
farm. Price $66 per acre. 1-3 crops
go to purchaser if taken soon. You
can t beat it
-N.-oni.iir new bungalow with fire
place, full basement and without fur
nace. Garage being built. On good
graveled street. A dandy home and a
fine buy at $3000. $500 down, balance
like rent.
Farm land dealers
469 State St Ground floor n
Lodge Directory.
at 8:)'i at 1. O. O. F. hint.
OF PYTHIAS meet at jic-
CornacK hail on every Tuesday at
S. J. U Tucker, C. C; F. J, Kunts,
K. R. S. -
bly No. S4 meets everv Thursday at
? :. Bi. in I. O. O. F. hail. P. An
dresen. M. A; A. A. Gueffroy, eec
' retary, Salem, Or.
TEAM, Auio Truck and Delivery
Drivers Union No 110 meet every
Wednesday evening at the Labor
Temple. 8 o'clock.
Best small grocery In city. Fine
cash and thirty day trade, $6000
stock, rent $27.50 per month for
store and two warehouses. Man an
wife can run it Price just the invoice
Property suitable for garage
warehouse, good building on property
now, thirty sir rooms suitable for
hotel very close to the new paper
mill north, 86 Vi feet by 165 feet, 15,
00): terms.
Brick block on State. Best business
section of the city. $32,000.
A fine home just put on the market
In the Bhadow of the state capital
surrounded by the best houses, beau
tiful lot and grounds, large plate
glass windows and built in comforts,
can be bought or a few days only at
6 rooms modern, garage, in inod
hill section of Salem, $5000.
$1800, two large lots, good house.
all kinds of fruit, chicken house; snap
$2100, on 24th street, paved, 4
rooms, modern, xuuo aown.
$1900, 9 rooms, two lots, $250
13200. srood house, barn, chicken
house, four acres of land, lots of
fruit, practically In the heart of the
city, 5 minutes from Ladd & Bush
bank. . I
5 acres 2H miles out, Improved,
5 acres 2 miles out, nouse, nam,
2 acres 8-year old prunes, acre
logans, all kinds of other fruit,
mile from pavement, $3200.
140 acres 8 miles east, fine nouse,
barn, 75 In cultivation, richesi ot
land; will take a modern bungalow
ud to $5000. Price $l5,uuu. .tana
near is selling for $250 per acre.
167 acres near Sublimity, gooa
house, barn, all kinds of outbuildings
about 100 in cultivation. $100 per
100 acres more or less, running wa
ter, wire fencing, large house, barn
80 hv 80. store rooms, machine sheds
etc. 65 acres in crop which goes with
the place If sold in 80 days. Macad
am road, telephone. A bargain at m,
500; $5000 will handle.
ss acres. 12 in cultivation, bal
ance stump pasture seeded. Good six
room house, barn and outbuildings,
all kinds of fruit, best of river bot
tom soil, one mile from Stuyton.
Priced at $4500; $2000 down.
Improved farms In the- Lebanon
iiutrict for 140 ner acre up.
See me If you want to buy and for
heavens sake see me If you want to
sell, especially city property,
Phone 708. 402 Oregon bldg. n
(S acre farm, (3 acres cultivated
and in crop, best of prairie soil, good
buildings, good road; possession at
once and all crops go. Price $14,000.
58 acre farm t miles northeast, all
cultivated but a few acres, buildings.
Price $175 per acre.
28 acres au cultivated and close In
on main road, fins prairie soil. Prios
$250 per acre.
80 acre farm, 30 acres cultivated.
balance timber and pasture, first class
prune, berry or grain land. Price $9,-
$4 acre tract, 16 acres of bearing
prunes, cherries and walnuts, balance
pasture; house and barn, 4 miles out
Price $8500.
10 acres on main Pacific highway,
5 acres Italian prunes, 1 3-4 miles
from street car line. Price $5000.
Improved 10 acres, good bungalow.
barn, well, 1 acre logans, some prunes
apples, 3 to miles out. Pries $7500.
240 acre farm, all in crop, house
and barn, crops go. Price $125 per
320 acre ranch, 80 acres farm land,
balance good timber, some pasture,
buildings. Price $69 per acre.
19 acres, 8 acres cultivated, italt
ance pasture and some timber, 1 acres
fine logans, family orchard; house and
barn, stock and Implements go; pss
session at once. Price $6825.
20 acre tract I acres bearing log
ans, 6 acres prunes, several acres fine
timber, small house. Rood road, of
crop follows sale. Price $7500.
278 State street. ' n
Oregun Grape camp No, 1369 meets
every Thursday evening in Slecor
nack hall. Elevator service. Oracle
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn. 48 Union St.,
recorder. Melius Persons, 1415 N.
4th street, phone 1436M.
W. O. W. SALEM CAMP 118 Meets
every Friday night at 8 o clock in
McCornack hall. cor. Court and Lib
erty St. Visiting Woodmen welcome
C. D. Rosa, C. C; L. S. Peer, clerk.
-Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in McCornack . building,
Court and Liberty streets. H. G.
Coursey, V. G; Frank A. Turner,
CHERRY CITY tooal No. 1197 of
Auto Mechanics, meets every 2nd
and 4th Wednesday night at ( p.
m. at Labor temple. All members
be present on June 23d. Important
Financial Secretary 164
Plenty Of Gas For
Shrinerys Trip To
Salem On June 23
There will be plenty of gasoline fof
all motorists wishing to make t
Portland-Sam excursion of th
Shrine club n June 23, it. was stated,
this morning bp Hal D, Patton, who
returned to Salem Sunday from Saa
Francisco. In Stockton, Mr. Pattou
attended the Ad club convention.
The announcement concerning gaso
line was made by Mr. Patton follow
ing a conference with districts heads
of the different oil eompahes who as
sured him that the necessary fluid will
be available.
Mr. Patton's machine in whica M
started out for California was shipped
back to Salem, the gas shortage being
very acute in nonnern vam
Portland and Astoria, he says, at pres
ent havs but very Utile gas available.
Work that civic committees ars os
ing in the south will form the subject
for a talk which Mr. Patton will glva
at the Commercial club. In ths near
I rooms with modern conveniences,
Market Reports
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2.35!.40. feed
oats $1; cheat hay $23624; oat hay
$24 25; clover hay $25 02$; mill
run $58.59.
Butterfat: Butterfat 54c; creamery
butter 660570.
Pork, veal and mutton: Fork on
foot 14144c; veal fancy 17c
steers 910c; spring lambs 10c; cow
7 9c; ewes 6 6c; sheep, yearling,
Eggs and poultry; Eggs cash 33c;
light hens 16c; heavy hens 20c; old
roosters 12c; broilers 20s over two
Vegetables: California onions per
pound 3c;, beets per sack $2.00;
turnips per sack $3.00; carrots per
sack $3.50; , parsnips per sack
$3.50; spinach 10o lb; radishes 75c
dos; asparagus 15c; new potatoes
12 H"! bunch beets 45c;cabbage tc
head lettuce 90c doz; rhubarb 4o;
peas 8c; tomatoes 15c; cucumbers $2
dos; cantaloupes, poney $4.50, stand
ard $5.
Fruit: Strawberries $3.00; oranges
7U"' T: l9-l: lemons $5.50; bananas
OCOt 1UCBL1UU 1U Willi, 4.iu,u, , , , , --
...... v.,.. ..-. f, ii ' 12c honey extract 20O.
Retail prices: Eggs doten 40e
state house, garage, fruit trees and
corner lot Price $5500, $3500 cash
will handle,
8 rooms with two large lots, locat
ed near Yew Park school. Price $!,
800. 6 room modern bungalow on North
20th street. Price $4000.
t room bungalow with two large
lots located on D street. Price $3150.
'8, room house at 249 N. 15th street
Price $3200.
6 room modern bungalow at 110
Myers street. Price $2900, cash.
S room bungalow at 1979 B. ism
street. Price $2100, ft caBh.
1 room located on paved street ano
car line -with modern conveniences.
Price $1700, $800 cash, balance 120
per month.
8 room, two large lots, plenty oi
fruit, located on 8. Commercial an4
Hoyt streets. Price $2550.
i room located In Nob hill secUon
Price $800.
275 State St. Phone BIB, a
OE SALE 20 acres all in cultiva
tion, good 8 room plastered hous?.
barn and other outbuildings, rich
soil; adjoins Chemawa electric sta
tion, 514, miles from Salem. A bar
gain. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon
bldg. n
BIG BARGAIN About 60 acres
rich Santiam river bottom land.
Weal for berries, potatoes, dairy;
crops never dry up on this land; M
mile of Kingston station; acres
under plow, balance brush; running
creek. I am here to sell and price
for few days is $2000, $500 down.
8- E. Cole, Stavton hotel, Btnyton,
Or., to get me by phone call Stay
ton hotel. 1143
ale. Good service. Stand 271 North
rnmmernlal. rnone la.
;,Tt t n o" t i fab nr rood tires. Salem
Velle Co.. 162 N. Com'l. q"
0R SALE 21 acre fruit farm 4
miles north in Kelzer bottom, 4
cres In full bearing loganberries.
fc acres prunes, some strawber
ries, balance of land suitable for
berries, potatoes or garden truck;
new 4 room bungalow, new ban
and outbuildings, living water on
Place. Price Including crop and im
plements, $12000. H cash, balance
J years at 6 percent. Hart & Mul-
.Jer, 208 Oregon bldg. " h
FOR SALE Highly improved 303
acre farm. 150 seeded $9 wheat and
c'over. 100 acres good pasture, bal
ance second growth fir; new nine
room bungalow, full cement base
ment, furnace, bath, hot and cold
ater. fine large barn and garage,
lots of fruit hard surface roal in
front of farm. Price with crop $0
?r acre, terms. Hart sV Muller, 208
.Jgegon Mdg. n
k ALE 3 acre" all in crop, good
OUtldlneH DD,. n,nnn 17ot,-- tsl-
. tn. 12 miles north of Salem er
raeiric highway; S good horses. 4
f. hogs, chicken, full set farm!
Implement. Price $12,500. 4rms.I
Hart ft Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. 1
WALLPASTE" perfect for paper
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur-
en, 179 N. uom 1.
329 Oregon bldg. Phone 951. n
A comfortable B room cottage, east
front, rarage. bath, toilet, electrio
lights, several fruit trees. $1800, $500
down, balance like rent
Another 5 room cottage on car line,
good lot and a good buy for some
one who does not care to pui 111011
. hoti Pries $1500. terms.
We have 8 acres Just outside the
city In south Salem, fine view, lots
of fruit of all kinds, good house.
1,0 rn etc 18500.
11 1 miles out on main road
which is being paved, 12 acres of
hearing prunes, acre apples, some
.hAirl and walnuts, two acres
set to logans this year, 200
prunes set this year. $10,000, $6000
down, terms on balance at 6 percent
41C Masonic Temple. n
trist-optician, eyes thoroughly ex
amined. 1 lasses made and fitted.
K1A.1S TT H hunk Phonn 841.
tenpathlc physicians and surgeons,
606 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 859.
Dr. White, res. phone 469; Dr.
Marshall res. phone 834.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore
gon bldg. Kes. pnone par n.
LAWN mowers, safety razors, cutlery
sharpened, locksmithlng, saw ru
ing, umbrellas, repairing all kinds
Stewart's Repair Shop, 847 Court
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & BUHh bank, Salem, Or;
Federal Farm Loans
Any amountr Long time.
m and 6 percent Interest.
City buildings loans.
401 Masonic Temple. Sulem. Oregon
Why Sell For Less.
WH will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware store, 27 1 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734.
creamery butter 60 62c; country
butter 66c; flour hard wheat $8.(90
$.75;-soft wheat $8.
Portland, June 16. Cattle steady
receluts 86: grain and pulp fed
steers $11.00 11.60; choice $10,000
11.00; good to choice $9,60010.00
medium to good $8.6009.50; fair to
good $7.508.00; common to fair
$7.00 07.50; choice cows and heifers
$9.50010.25; medium to good $7,600
8.50; fair to medium $6.507.B0; can
ners $4 05.50: bulls $8 08. 60; prim
light calves $12.00018.60; medium
light $8011: heavy $6 8.60.
Hogs steady; receipts 596; prime
mixed $15.00 16.60; medium $14. B3
mixed $15.50 16 00; medium $11.00
015.50; smooth heavy $11.00018.60;
rough heavy $10.6001150; pigs $11
Btveep steady; receipts none; prime
lambs $11,6012.00; culls $8.00
JO.OOr yearling's $7.0008.00; weth
ers $606.75; ewes $307.
Portland, Or. June IS. Cubes x-
tra 49c; parchment wrapped boi
lots 64o; cartons 65c; halt boxes t
more, less than ft boxes Is mors;
butterfat 6162o f. o. b. station; Bit
Poultry 9w4 Eggs.
Portland, Or. June 15. Es sell
ing price case count 89a; buying
price case count 87c; selling price
candled 42c; selected candled In car
ton 42c.
Poultry: Hons 18 24cj. broiler 21
025c; roosters 8c; turkeys dressed
nominal; geese 12c; duck 25c.
Wheat: Club $2.80; bluestom and
Turkey Red $3; barley feed $66.60
buying; oats feed $69 71; corn No
3 yellow $75; milling price, ' ,
Mlllstutt: Mill run $545B toa.
Hay: buying price, timothy $3586
t. o, b. Portland; alfalfa $35; cheat
$25; clo 'er $30.
Have 'Auto Owners
Accommodations In
Portland Is Query
Have those persons who will furnish
cars for the Portland-Salem excursion
of Shrlners. June 23, made arrange
ments for ' accommodations white in
That Is what the auto committee ef
the Salem Shrine club wishes to know,
Car owners are urgedto communicate
with the committee at the Commercial
club immediately.
Those who have friends in portiana
with whom they mght spend the night
are urged to avail themselves of the
opoprtunity, but the Shrine club wUl
make arrangements for all car owners
who make the trip.
Rinehart 'Also To
Be On Ballot For
Board Membership
Another man. E. T. Rinehart. will
bea candidate for membership on the
Salem school board ft became know
Tuesday morning when a petltlow
have his name placed on the ballot
was filed with those of Paul Wallace
and Walter c; Wlnelow at the olfios er
the school board clerk, W. H. Burg
hardt Jr.
The election will be held on Mon
day, June 21. Scores of names wsre
on ths different petitions.
Where They Play
San Francisco, June IB. Paclfla
Coast league schedule for June 16-29:
Oakland and Seattle at Ban rran-
San Francisco at Sacramento,
Los Angeles at Salt Lke.
Portland and Vernon at Los Ang
Hoover Is Honored.
New Brunswick, N. J.. June IB.
Herbert Hoover and Dr. Jacob Gould
Bchurman, retiring president of Cor
nell university, received honorary de
gress of doctor of laws at ths 174ih,
annual commencement at Rutgers eol-
lege here today.
Scaled bids will be received by the
county court of Marion county, Ore
gon, up to 1 o'clock p. m, on Satur
day, June 28, 1920, for operating the
crushing plunt at Mt. Angel, Ore, and
getting out 20U0 cuoio yurua oi roi-jt.
Specifications can be seen at the
county clerk's office.
The right to accept or reject aiyr
bid is reserved,
, , U. G. BOYER,
County Clerk.
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask about our
20-year loans at 8 per cent. 41aw
kins & Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg.
Pale, Or.
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 68
Inches high. Paints, oil and varn
lshes, etc., loganberry and hop
. hooks, fialem Fence ' and Stove
Works. 250 Court streeet. Phone 124
SALEM Ki'AVANGEH Garbage and
refuse of all kinds removed on
monthly contracts at reasonable,
rates, Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mals removed. Office phone Main
167. '
British Object
To Provisions
Of Shipping'Act
Washington, June 15. British ob
jection to the enforcement of the new
American merchant marine bill which
Premier Lloyd-George Indicated yes
terday as likely to be the subject of
formal representations to the sr.vte de
partment re understood ter tie based
principally upon two sections of the
The first prohibit the carrying of
merchandise In other than American
ships between American ports, via a
foreign port. This would stop freight
carriage between thys United States
and Alurka ovor Canadian railroad
lines or In Canadian ships, which has
grown Into a business of magnitude.
The other section, directs the presi
dent to terminate, all treaties which
restrict the-rlght of the United Mates
of Trade Street from Churcb Street
to High Buret.
Notice Is hereby given that Com
mon Council deem It expedient so
to do. and hereby declare its purpose
and Intention to Improve Trade Wreet
from the west line of Church Street
to the east line of High Stroet at the
expense ef the abutting and adjacent
property, except the alley Intersec
tion which will be paid by the City
of Salem, by bringing said portion of
Trade Street to the established grade,
constructing -cement concrete curbs
and paving said portion of Trads
Street with a six Inch Portland cement
gravel concrete pavement, In accord
ance with the plans and specification
for the Improvement of said portion
of said street which were adopted by
the Common Council on the 17th day
of May, 1920, which are now on file
In ths office of the City Recorder, and
which for greater certainty and con
venience and a more detailed denota
tion thereof, are hereby referred to
and made a part hereof.
The Common Council hereby de
clares its purpose and Intention to
make the above described improve
ment by and through the Street Im
provement Department of the City of
By order of the Common CounciL
EARL RACE, City Recorder.
Date of first publication of thi
notice, June 11, 1920. Adopted by t
Common Council this 7th day of June
Attest: EARL RACB,
150 , City Recorder.
MUTT AND JEFF-Just then Babe Smacked one Over the Grandstand.-By Fisher.
C m ee r
1 MM i
(Copyright, 1920, by H. C. Fisher.
Trade Mark Beg. U. 8. Pat. Otfles,
. 1 "