f AGE S3 Party Leaders Preparing For 'Frisco Session San Francisco. June 15. h. u. Moore, democratic national committee man from Ohio, and Wilbur W. Marsh, treasurer of the national committee, are expected to arrive here tonight. Moore has charge of the campaign for the nomination of Covernor James M. Cox of Ohio for the presidency at the national convention whlih open? in San Francisco June 28. With his ar rival there aspirants for the nomina tion wil be represented here. Major Oliver P. Newman of Washington, D C, director of publicity for Attorney tjeneral A. Mitchell Palmer, and Uni ted States Senator Robert L. Otfen ol Oklahoma, handling his own cam paign, are already on the ground. Bainbririge Colby, secretary of state, who has Just been chosen a delegate from the District of Columbia, Is be ing mentioned prominently by leaders here for the office of permanent chair man of the convention and the name of United States Senator Glass of Vlr . Ktnia is beng discussed n connection with the chairmanship of the commit tee on resolutions which will frame ?.e party platform. Tentative plans call for the opening of the convention by J. Bruce Kremer, vice-chairman of the national commit tee, who will introduce Homer S. Cum mings, chairman of the committee, aa temporary chairman of the conven tion. Cummingg will make the "key note" speech. Suits Over West Side Highway Are Filed Here Two suits one to enjoin the state highway commission from proceeilirg with, the improvement of the West Side Pacific highway through Polk county as designated by tho commis sion and the other a mandamus pro ceeding to compel compliance with tho act of 1917 locating Dallas, Independ ence and Monmouth on this highway were flld with the supreme court here Monday by J. W, Knste, Port land attorney representing Dallas and Monmouth Interests, according to information reaching Salem Monday. The suits are the result of the In ability of residents, of Dallas and In dependence to convince the commls Hlon of their right to a place on the highway as provided fur In the -load act of 1917 and will put to a tent the authority of the commission to Ig nore the legislative uct In the desig nation of state highways. In the net of IH17. creating Ore gon's stitte h'ghway program and pro viding for a Jfl.000,000 bond Issue Monmouth, Dallas and Imlejipmletice ore Included on the West Side Pa uifio highway. Support of tho two Polk county legislators was nece Hary to put over tho road program at thnt time, It Is contended by J'nllt oounty citizens Interested In the buIU filed, and this support was not forth coming until the Polk county towns had been Included In the state high ways. Ignoring the. designations of the legislature, it Is contended t ho slate highway commission has so mnppet out the hlghwiiy through Polk cuua ty as to pass tip tho towns of Dallas and Independence altogether except for the extension of spur highways from the main route. This, It Is contended, Is tho only instance on record, In which the com mission has Ignored the 1917 road map wherein certain cities have been npeclflcally designated as located on the official stats highway system. Tennis Club to Reorganize at Meeting Tonight The Snlem Tennis club will hold Hx first meeting for the year 1920 at tne commercial club Wednesday evening June 16th at I a. m. nffi.-um u.ui be elected and plans for increasing interest in Salem of this lender of strenuous sports will be suggested. ' It will also be the first nnnnrtunltv this year for the members, especially me new members, to . get together personally. During the past two years the Snlem Tennis club has been out of existence, but with the advent of a number of new players located here, and the Veturn of those who previous ly played tennis, here, the club has again taken conarete form. The city tournament, recently com pleted, showed the old timers that there -are more good tennis players in Salem now than Ur ever were before. This fact has so encourael local enthusiasts, that they feel with little work tennis will go forward with big strides, making Salem a ceu tor for ood players and tourneys. result which will benefit all. Cripple t'mlcitnkin Hike. Oakland. Cal. William Stone, a tailor, although a cripple, recently started to walk 3000 miles from here to Buffalo, N. Y to see his mother. Mrs. Mary Stone. Stone said lie would reach Buffalo in six weeks. first Taste' Mates You Want More -says T". mj TOASTIES SvpcrbrCamfJaies Orchardist Outlines Data In Caring for Damaged Nut Trees (By S. H. Van Trump ) "I One may notice along the streets of ' Salem as well as at many places in the , country numerous walnut trees which! were severely injured by the freeze of last December that are now sending out countless suckers or water sprouts. These suckers are found growing from 'the main branches and often even.bali winters, Douglas and Snyder. irom me trunks oi tne trees ana are Chicago ; 7 IS 8 due to the development of adventitious; Boston 1 4 3 buds that have become active owing to I carter and O'Farrell; Scott, Eayrs the death of most of the buds of last 1 and O'Neill. season's formation. Pittsburg I 10 0 Whatever the degree of injury the ' Philadelphia 18 2 tree has sustained most of these suck-) Cooper and Schmidt: Gallia, Betts era should be removed at this time, and Tragresser. f most of the one and two year old; American wood is alive and sending out new; New York 1 S 2 growth, then all of the suckers should Cleveland 7 15 2 be removed from main branches and i Thormahlen, Shore and Hannah; trunk at once. Icoveieskie and N'unamaker. In cases of severe injury where most of the one and two year old wood is dead, then enough suckers should be selected to build a new top. Select only the moat promising suck- era which are favorably located and properly distributed along the main branches, then remove all the rest. This work is very important and should be done at this time, otherwise these trees will asume the appearance of cabbage heads very soon and wIll'Lera, whose appointment as Mexican be in no condition to form fruit buds for future crops of nuts. The suckers which have been select ed from which to build the new top should be headed back when they have made a growth of four to four and one-half feet. 'All dead wood should be removed from the trees this month, beinar particular to cut back to a point where the wood is healthy and full of sai. These wounds should be painted over with Bordeau paste or - grafting wax. Twilight League Game Postponed Owing to Flag day ceremonies last evening, the baseball game between the Statehouse and Hauser Bros, was postponed until Uils evening. Play will commence at 6:15 p. m. and the public is cordially Invited by Presl dent James Elvln to attend. The Statehouse team is so far the CAMi VOH BAIiKM, ORlXiON IMritOVEMlONT BONDS Notice is hereby given that on July 1, 1920, there will be funds available for the retirement of city of Salem, Oregon, improvement bonds, Nos. 73 to 129, both inclusive, of Issue "J." Holders of these bonds will present them for payment nt the office of the olty treasurer on July 1, 1920, as in terest ceases on , the above named d:ltes. C. O. RICE, City Treasurer. His' little Boy 4 H7ass of Sores So wrl tea W. C Warns of If illboro, Virginia, uul he udiii: "We tried twa coed doctors, one a fpo eialitt on ikin diMRH and they did hiia no fond. We uied 1 bottlei of D. D. Ii. and hie face, whuh wni simply a mass of tores, Is now unoolb aa paper." Thounandi of rrateful men of O. D. D. ha written to tell ot the wonderful relief it cae them een ona application completely top. . ping all iU liinsand hurnint. Why not try D.D.D, at onco and be couvincedP Your money back . ir the nt bottle doei not brlna relief, tic, CM and ll.oo. 'fry I). 1). P. Soap, too. imiQ).M. m lotion for SWn Disease J. C. Perry, druggist. AUTO TOPS AND REPAIRING Also upholstering it : 7 or an Kinds, seat covers, sservice. u, . Hull T. M. C. A. Building, Salem, Oregon. Special Sale 11 As 300 Leghorns 11 days old Few Reds and Buttercups. Season closes this week. C.N.Needham 558 State Street ITS THE FOR Our bread i3 : the food with which to feed the multitude that , is clamor ing for honest, nutritious food values. If you order our bread by name you will receive a loaf of nut browned richness that con tains just the proper pro teids. You'll find plenty of pleasure in our pastry. mms& THIUP WINTTKS, Prop. ' J )1 i league leader, with two victories to thejr credit and no defeats. The Hauserros. team is looked upon as : one of their strongest competitors, :and tension is very high in Ijcal ath letic circles concerning the result of I the game tonight. Maor League Scores1 National R H E. Cincinnati . T 14 1 Brooklyn " S 10 3 Fisher. tUe"and "wingo; Cadore, Grimes and Kfueger. 'g LOUjS 7 IS 2 York" 4 10 2 gchuDD and Dilhoefer: Nehf. Hub- Philadelphia Detroit .080 . S 1 Ayers and Harris and Perkins; Ainsmith. Boston 5 10 4 St. Louis' 10 12 1 Russell and'Schang; Davis and BiHings. Mexico Names Envoy Mexico City, June 14. Fernando diplomatic representative in Christl- ana was announced June 12, will be named envoy to Sweden and Den mark in addition to his duties in Nor way, according to El Universal. No machine can do what this new receipt-printing cash register does is It It (D It It It It also V 1XXI fT TTT7I Tn 4 T T Incorporations, Articles of association filed by Ad vance Lodge No. 105. Knights of Py thias of Vale, Or., with the state cor poration department here. Monday, permit the sale by the trustees of bonds -not to exceed the sura of ,- Rejoices Daughter Can Resume Studies "Everything my little 12 year old girl ate distressed her: even a glass of water would cause her to belch gas and she was unable to go to school for nearly a year. I bought her a bot tle of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy, and since taking it she is eating us out of house and home and is attending school again. It is a simple, harm less preparation that removes the ca tarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach liver and intestinal ailments, includ ing appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. J. C. Perry, D. J. Fry. (aiv) Help Your Digestion When acid-distressed, relieve the indigestion with KRIQIDi Dissolve easily on tongue at pleasant to taVe ss candy. Keep your stomach sweet, try Kl-molds MADE BY SCOTT ft BOWNE MAKERS Of SCOTTS EMULSION prints the merchant's name. - prints the price of each article. adds the items. prints the total of all items. retains an added and printed record. does other important things for merchants, clerks, and customers. Write J. R. Mumma, Branch Manager, 390 Stark Street, Portland We make cash registers for every line of business 000. The trustees of the lodge are Juli ir. Hurley, J- Miller and Leon ard Cole. Articles of incorporation were filed Monday by the following corporatons: Kauti Manufacturing company, Portland. JiOOO; A. C, Eugene D., Anthony, Walter and Franklin Kauts. Western Lumber Agency, Portland, K5.000; V. J. Phillips, W. W. Dean and Blanche Dean. Permission to operate in Oregon was granted Monday to the Independent NotABIemSl mars the perfect appearance of her com plexion. Permanent and temporary skin troubles are effectively concealed. Reduces un natural color and corrects greasy skins. Highly antiseptic, used with beneficial results as a curative agent for 70 years. n t STATE STREET 2 21 zr " Old registers bought; sold, repaired, and exchanged. Easy payments. Liberal allowance for old registers. or telephone to our t-!er ock company of California. C, Bell of Portland is attorney in fact for the company in Oregon. Certification showing increases In captialization were filed by the Kla math Oil company, Klamath Falls $25,000 to J10.000, and the Strand Theater company. Portland, $50,000 to $100,0(10. Beanfily tK Complexion IN TEN DATS Nadlnola CREAM Toe Usefsalei BaatoXw By tkmmmdm Guaranteed to remove) tan, freckles, pimples, liver-spots, etc. Ex treme cases 29 days. Rids pores tai tissues of impurities. Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy. At leading toilet counter. If they haven't it, by mail, two sites, 60c. and $1.29. NATIONAL TOILET CO., twit. Tata. Sold by Daniel J. Fry, wholesale and retail; Nelmeyer Drug Co., and other toilet counters. MB. O'Neill OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN ladcUDush Dank Building office. TUESDAY, Jtv? HD0 Tiir.u,, WORD TO TeUsoftheGreatGood, Compound Did For H, i Morriee, Mich.-Mw . mr baby ' j JfotttilkX ''" hrzf Jul sot 'Wife entirely relieved. I alLt1' table Compound W JV came and am th.ni-(,,i ' W lieved my nBiB& shall never I have told others of t " anil h.1l . . Ft Stria Thomas, Box 184, Morji6- .. omen snouia not timim fe rf half-hearted existence, buZ,'' . ""; Ju. l "Vine k- u can find health in Lydi. jgS egeUbIe Comnnnnrf .If you would like freeeontdniMi vice address Lydia E. tm )C Co, Lynn, Mass. JOURNAL WANT ADS Ply J. SMITH COMPANY 10 MAIN ST. 0.17 0.32 0.48 0.09 TOTAL $01.06 Copy of receipt printed for each customer. 1