Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 15, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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The CaPitaisJoum3l f
Every Oregon republican ought to be up in arms at the
shabby treatment accorded Colonel Piper, editor of Portland's
i... ..i.i i... .1 ..;.- Tipwsnmr and imnffirifll lpjidpr nf the rpnnhlir-an nartv
PVHU'LJ My i ur v- n i' i i ii i xvui iiai a . . i . ; - - 0 - x i - - r x i
iug Co, lag south commercial street. , jn Oregon, at the Chicago convention,
Telephones Circulation ana isus.-1 . , , . , - , ,
new, office, 8i: Editorial rooma, 82. 1 since, wrote the platform for the party and went to Chicago to
o. pits am. suitor and publisher. name the ticket yet apparently his counsel was unheeded and
Entered as second class mail mat-1 his commands ignored. Not a single sentence in the Piper plat
tor at Salem, Oregon. r ... f;i;j j r, ;jt. A A-
By carrier 60 cents a month. By
mall 50c a month, 11.25 tor three
months. $2.25 for six months, 14 per
rear In Marion and Polk counties.
Elsewhere $5 a year.
By ordsr of U. S. government, all
nail subscriptions are payable in ad-Tance.
Not only does the platform repudiate the Piper peace pro
posals, but it endorses the treaty-be-damned stand of Piper's pet
aversion, Hell-roarin' Hiram, and forces the Oregonian to stultify
itself throughout the campaign
1 JRnei .lav wiaA -...A nn.hln n
However, the platform Contains , anyone concerning the horrid call.
as much nartisan Dersiflaee. as many dreary platitudes and an!which had sounded twice each time
almost eaual amount of old-time hunkerism as Piner's own rom-at midday- B" now that he felt sure much more concerning his troubles.
AdvertlsiiiK representatives W. 1. 1 v. j . iU . I the strange bird whose cry he had Jasper really did not care to hear
Wari Tribune Bldg, New York: W. , position which IS going Some, and at the Same time, BOme COm-heard nrust have eome to live in about them.
H. Stockwell. Peoples Gas. Bldg..!fort. I JTrr.' ..---.TtTT: H "Yes! yes!"'
that ,he complained, was the reason
why his knee troubled him.
Jasper Jay figeted about while Mr.
Crow was telUng him aU that and
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to the use fur publication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
oot otherwise credited In this paper
nd also local news uubllslied herein.
To add insult to injury, it is apparent from the yaracious,
somewhat prosaic and altogether guileless reports of proceedings'
the editor wired his paper, that Oregon's peerless leader was not;
even taken into the confidence of the party bosses he couldn't j
find them and hence reported that they didn't exist. Though a
.ak. i i .. : 1 1 : i A4-MAxAM:ni. x.:M if i. . i . . : r 11.
OYPfJCiTi uiiiiitiui Buaiegini luniseii, ne vtaa eiuuey umuiisciuus vi uic
J o t the strategy of the Old Guard, and they pulled it off under his.
hftP.Ttlntmna nose without his findinz it out and he thought he was IT.
Another correspondent, Mark Sullivan, who was not a party
leader, platform builder and great editor, merely a newspaper re
porter, in the same issues of the Oregonian, first forecasted the
result and then tells how it happened so that Mr. Piper, when
he returns home, by consulting the back files of his paper, can
learn what really happened at Chicago. Better late than neter
yet when ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
. Portland An outdoor boxing met
planned for the afternoon of June 22
as a feature of the Shrine week enter
tainment here, was abandoned today
ky the boxing commission, following
cancellation by Benny Leonard of his
contract to appear in the main event
against Johnny Sheppard. Sheppard
hi now on his way here, and efforts
are being made to stage a match be
rween hiin and Joe Benjamin oi
Heinle Schumann, boxing commission
Officials said.
Portland Charles White, said to be
a parole violator from the Oregon
penitentiary, was arrested Monday
charged with passing u forged check
for $200 on the Brownsville Woolen
Mills company at Its home office In
Brownsville. Detectives declared White
was about to put under way a well
organized plan for a big cleanup dur
ing the Shrine convention. His equip
ment, they said, Included a buncn of
blank checks bearing the Shrine Im
print and a lot of cards represent
ing that the bearer was a member of
Wa-Wa temple, Reglna, Canada, in
good standing.
" Eugene Frank It. Houghton was
Arrested here Monday on the charge
of grand larceny preferred at Walla
Walla, Wash., by a piano firm. It Is
Alleged that Houghton was eneufid
to work by this firm and he was sent
$200 while at Oaklnnd, Cul., as ad
vance wages. After reaching WaUa
Walla he worked three days and quit
his Job, and It is charged that he kept
the remainder of the money advanc
ed after he had paid his railroad fare
from Oakland to Walla Walla. An of
ficer will be sent to Eugene at once
to take Houghton there for trial, ac
cording to word received by Sheriff
' Portland Full naval honors will
be paid today to Lieutenant Louis T.
Ilarln, Portland aviator who wag kill
ed Saturday near Ban Diego, at serv
ices to be held at the North Island
naval air station, San Diego, Cal., ac
cording to word received here today.
Following the services at the air tu
tlon, where Lieutenant Barln lost his
life, the body will be taken to Oregon
City near here, where final services
will be held probably Friday after-
noon. '
Baker Infection following the bile
' of a sage tick caused the death ut
Long Creek, Or., of Emmett Burr
last Saturday, according to word
brought here today. The sago tick had
burled ItHelf In Barr's body and Its
extraction by a surgeon failed to save
the victim,
'There it is!" Jasper cried.
Herbert Hoover ran third in the Literary Digest's national
poll of a million and a half votes for the presidency. His support Lpon
came from both parties and indicated his strength. Yet Hoover i chancing to meet his cousin, Mr.
was not seriously considered by the republican convention, and!Crow- the next morning, jasper stop-
I-IIU.'V. ' 1 i W ui.villVU ....11 "1.1 1, U 'J I1.11VU L J UIOVUUl bCCIC. IllO
mentioning the matter.
Portland Anna fuibrlel, Creole wo
man, aged 80, wub arrested by De
tectives Swennea and McCulloch as
Che alighted from a train In compli
ance with a telegraphic request by
the authorities of Hlllnboro.
Census Of Bend
Shows Record
Increase Rate
Washington, June 15. The census
bureau has announced the 1920 popu
lation ot Bend, Or., ns 6415.
The Increase In the last 10 years was
487 or 810.3 per cent.
This Is one of the greatest Increases
thus far reported.
popularity among the people wa8 attested by the prolonged dem
onstration in his favor by the galleries, which contrasted sharply
with the artificial demonstrations for the leading candidates, yet
it found no echo among the delegates.
Hoover was rejected by the convention despite the fact that
his nomination spelled election, because the politicians in control
of the party feared him. They knew that he would be a real
president, and they feared that the organization would be ignored,
and the administration be conducted along lines of business ef
ficiency instead of political expediency. Hoover had classified
himself as an independent progressive with republican leanings
and a reactionary party hack was wanted.
Hoover was the only candidate presented the convention who
had the economic experience and world statesmanship, the know
ledge of nations and of peoples, the demonstrated ability as or
ganizer and administrator, to solve the problems presented by the
international crisis confronting the nation when industry and
Icommerce are demoralized, taxation unexampled, credits exhaust
ed and nations facing famine and bankruptcy. He was the only
candidate who offered something besides platitudes and dema
gogy and old-fashioned bunk, and these were most unacceptable to
the politicians. . .
Rippling Rhymes
When I was sick, with chilTs and fever, Jones did my chores,
day after day ; he whacked up kindling with a cleaver, and fed the
cow and hens their hay. I told him he was sure a treasure, a model
neighbor, nothing less; he said it always gave him pleasure to
help a comrade in distress. Recovered from my ills and sorrows,
I changed my mind concerning Jones; for every day he comes
and borrows, a gun, an egg, or seven bones. He borrows till he
makes me dizzy, and I am drooping o'er my lyre ; he borrows gas
for his tin Lizzie, and wood to feed his kitchen fire. He borrows
rugs, he borrows bedding, and my bazoo, on which to toot, and if
he would attend a wedding, he asks me for my Sunday suit.
"When you were sick," he keeps reminding, "how cheerfully I did
your chores 1 Your eight-day clock you saw me winding, you saw
me chase the cat outdoors. And so I feel quite free to borrow
your aunt, your bucksaw and your cow; I'll bring the blamed
things back tomorrow, together with your sulky plow." It's doubt
less due to moral blindness, but I detest the pilgrim bland who
is resolved to do me kindness, who's bound to lend a helping hand.
he exclaimed impati
ently, for it seemed to him that old
Mr. Crow never would stop talking
about himself. "Jfow that we're hav
ing a good spell of weather you ought
to begin to feel better. And what's
the news, Mr. Crow? Have you heard
of anything happening around here
The old gentleman shook his head.
"Things are quiet," he said.
"Nobody left Pleasant Valley re
cently?" Jasper inquired.
"Not that I've heard of," replied
Mr. Crow.
No strangers come here to live?"
Jasper asked him.
"No one at all I" said Mr. Crow.
"That's queer!" Jasper exclaimed.
'I was sure I heard a new voice yes
terday. And I heard it again to-day,
too at exactly the same time.
What did it sound- like," Mr.
Crow wanted to know.
So Jasper gave an imitation of the
odd cry that had swept the valley.
'It was Jjuite . loud and very un
pleasant to hear," he remarked. "And
whoever the stranger may be, If he's
going to disturb me every noon like
that when I'm having my midday rest
You see, Mr. Crow was widely known
nn a. irnKHin. TTa nsnnllv knew what
was going on in the neighborhood.11 na" nave to anv him out of the
So Jasper thought It likely that Mr.
Crow could tell Him all about the
unwelcome stranger. "Perhaps," he
thought, "the old scamp has already
seen him."
Of course, Jasper never termed his
cousin scamp to his face. He al
ways spoke to him very politely,
greeting him as "Mr. Crow," in spite
of their close relationship. And there
was a reason why Jasper did that.
Mr. Crow . had once given him a
severe beating because Jasper had
called him something else. And Jas
per Jay never forgot It.
Now Jasper first Inquired after his
cousin's health. He did that to put
old Mr. Crow in a good humor. But
Jasper was sorry at once that he had
started Mr. Crow to' talking about his
ills. It happened .that the old gen
tleman was then suffering from, gout,
hay-fever and housmaid's knee. And
he liked to talk about his ailments.
Living all alone as he did, he had
nobody to do his housework. And
"It's almost noon now," said old
Mr. Crow, cocking his eye at the sun.
"Perhaps we'll hear the cry soon."
The words were scarcely out of his
Dill when a far-reaching call caught
the attention of the two cousins. It
brought Jasper Jay to his tiptoes at
once. And he craned his neck in an
etiort to catch a gUmpse of the
stranger who possessed such a power
ful voice.
'There it Is!" Jasper cried. "There's
the call again! Do you know what
kind of bird makes that cry?
Something seemed to have stuck in
Mr. Crow's throat. At least, he splut
terea and choked and coughed. And
ne was quite unable to answer Just
then. But after the mountains had
quit tossing the sound back and forth
and all was quiet again he said
"No small bird could make a sound
like that. And if you can drive him
out of Pleasant Valley you're a better
fighter than I ever supposed.
Mr. Crow might have known that
By the Noted Author
mediately for some of these struc
tures. The college will particularly
have In mind the housing situation In
order to care for the increase in en
rollment expected in the fall term.
The home economics building has
been inadequate to' meet growing
needs of this division for a long time
and effort will be made to give re
lief as soon as possible.
The board authorized the purchase
of small plats of ground on college
hill on which options have -been taken.
OA. C. Honored In
Federal Report
Washington, June 14. Annual In
spection of , leading colleges and
fchools of the country which conduct
reserve officer, training units, show
that the grade of military Instruction
is "decidedly more thorough and of
higher quality than ever before in the
history of our country." said an an
nouncement today by the wv depart
ment. The twenty colleges luted In e
"distinguished'; class for general ex
cellence of military Instruction includ
ed Oregon Agricultural colluge.
Pi tr
w.Yff fr
vi 1 1 : o
- ...
It ku )! iim tl.wt Uim'h trn nsai
Charles and I Diue
I do not know Just when my illus
ions changed Into dreams. In fact, I
do not think I did dream after I
went to sleep. I only know that when
Hannah called me saying that Charles
had come to supper I was surprised,
for I seemed to have Just stepped out
Hannah brought In the strawberry
short cake and I am ashamed to say
we gobbled it up like two children
with "oil's" and "ah's."
I wonder why it is that our creat
ure comforts mean so much to us. I
have never been able to be very un
happy when I was physically perfect-
of dreamland, and the vision ot Karl ly comfortable. For this raaaon I do
writing was still very vivid. not take much stock in the old theory
When I looked in the mirror I ,hat tne rlcn can b as unhappy as
found the traces of tears had :,U gone tl,e l?oor- 1 kl,w t""1 as I ate that
from mv face. With a few little u sirawoerry enon caKe X
touches i knew I was looking as well 1U" forgot all about the unhappy
as possible under the circumstances,
Portland Police
Search For Man
Believed Slain
Portland, Or., June 14. Police here
today were searching for Harry Dubln
sky, owner of a for-hlre auto, who has
been missing since Saturday night.
Dublnsky's auto was found late las.
night, thet onneau stained with blood
ana tne license tags missing. A bro
ther had reported to the police earlier
In the day that Dublnsky was missing.
The police are of the opinion that
some one who hired the car may have
killed him and hidden the body. Indi
cations of a Btruggle were evident
when the car was found, it was said.
Liberty Bonds.
New York, June 14. Final prices
of liberty bonds: 991.90; first 4's
86; second 4's, 84.80; first 4', 85.70
second 4 V4's, 85.02; third 4V4's, 88.74:
lounn !4 s, S5.44; victory
95.96; victory 4 3-4's, 96.
S 3-4 8.
under an "open shop" arrangement,
ucviaiuu i0 return was reached, at a
meeting of the tailors' union last Fri
day, it was said. i ff-ffti'(g,","3
State House Notes.
Twenty five candidates for dental
certificates are in Salem this week
taking the examinations conducted by
tne state board of dental examiners.
Monday and Tuesday have been de
voted to written examinations and the
remainder of the week will be devot
ed to practical demonstrations of den
tal work on convicts at the state pris
on here.
Word was received by State For
ester F, A. Elliott Monday td the ef
fect that his brother, Howard J. El
liott, had died at his home in Dan
ville .111. This is the first death In a
family of nine children. A sister of
the deceased, Mrs. W. S. Parker, re
sides at La Grande and a brother,
Orange Elliott, at Newberg.
Most of the strawberry pickers have
arrived at Hood River by automobile
and have brought their camp equip
ment with them.
The Original
Malted ftlilk
tor Infants and Invalids
Avoid Imitations and Substitutes
and I went down to meet Charles.
"My, but you are looking well," he
said when I entered the room, And
then I knew that he had been think
ing that I had not been looking well
for some time past. But lie had not
mentioned it to me as John had.
Strange, isn't it, that those who love
us most are the ones who feci at per
feet liberty to tell us unpleasant
truths, while those who know us luast
are always polite In keeping the un
flattering things from in and In tell
ing us only the nice tUUigs. If we
were half as polite to those we lovj as
we are to our acquaintances what a
delightful world this would be!
Never Mentioned John
Chnrlea never mentioned John dur
ng the entire evening. When I went
downstairs Hannah told me that sup
per was on the table. She not only
had strawberry shortcake, but delic
ious asparagus cooked In Just the way
that mother used to cook It.
And over the supper table we hold
a "reminiscence party" and talked of
all the Joyous times that he and I
had had together a children, and
what foolish childish things he had
done and laughed at.
"lo you remember," he said, "the
time when as a very young girl you
Insisted upon Fred Morton always
bringing you home from our little
dances, and how angry it made nie?
Poor Fred used to get more beatings
at my hands than any other boy
knew. I used to lay In wait for him
when he was coming back from tak
ing you home, and when I would beat
him up."
Did you do that, Charles? I have
often wondered why It was that Fred
did not seem over-anxious to be nice
afternoqn with John,
One would think I am a very ma
terial woman, but I am not more so
than other women. I am particular
ly honest, that Is all. I know that be
in physically comfortable only ca.n
not make you perfectly happy, yet
you can not be perfectly happy with
out being physically comfortable.
How Much Is rose?
Bubonic Plague
Sprea'dSy Report
Washington, June 14 Spread of
the bubonic plague to.Tampico, Mex
ico, was reported to the state de
partment today by the American con
sul at that port. The first case proved
xatai and the consul has been asked
to obtain aid,
Arrival of merlcal supplies at Vera
I would like to ask some of those Cru from the United States was re-
women who are always telling about
their souls happiness when their
bodies are particularly well cared for,;
Just how much of their grievance is
pose and Just how much is really1
heart hurt.
It is very easy to demonstrate this
by Just thinking that a person could
follow to the grave his nearest and
dearest and if in getting out ot the
motor, he crushed his hand in
ported by the American consul there,
who stated that out of 24 cases of bu
bonic plague, 23 had proved fatal.
Mexican federal authorities have de
Bfroyed railway tracks for five mites
on all tines leading out of the city.
Striking Tailors Return.
San Francisco, June 14. Union tall
v.lorB reported by certain shop ex-
door all thought of soul sorrow, alii cutlvM nave returned to work to
thought of the sad act he had come to! d'T after mninl"B out on strike since
oepiemuer x. Tne men are returning
perforin would b obliterated from
his mind.
Tomorrow Katherlne
O.A.C. Plans To
Rush Work Upon
New Buildings
urtgon Agricultural I'ouege
. ' '
If you want to keep your hair in
gooa condition, be careful what you
wash It with.
Most soap and prepared sham
poos contain too much alkali. This
dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle,
and Is very harmful. Mulslfied cocoa
nut oil shampoo (which is pure and
entirety greaseless), is much better
than anything else you can use for
vallis. June 15. Work will be rush
ed on new buildings at the college to
I, provide adequate accommodations for
studeuts next school year.
The board of regents of the college
has authorised the early completion ; shampooing, as this can't possibly in
jure the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with wa
ter and rub It in. One or two teaspoon
fuls will make an abundance of rich,
creamy lather, and cleansr the hair
and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinn-
another unit with pool to the men's ea out easily, and removes even- car-
gymnasium. $61,000: completion of tide of dust, dirt, dhndruff and ex
library, including Installation ot steel cessive oil. The hair dries quickly end
and; evenly, and It leaves tt fin? nnd nlVy.
of a new unit to the home economics
building at an estimate of J135.000;
a women's dormitory to cost 1100,
000; completion of the engineering
to me when I cared for him so much, laboratory, $38,000; addition of a
l felt very much Hurt when he stop-fstoty to the mechanical hall. $30,000
peu asking to taKe me home. 1 never
knew the reason until now."
Tlmt Was (lie Hrason '
stacks, $35,000, and extension
"That was the reason, all right,
said Charles. "You see, Katherlne, at: completion of the healing plant HO. ! briirht. fluffv an.l ivnv ta mur..e
ih t time I thought that you really; . Plans wew authorized for a rec- j Vou can get mulsified ocanut oil
Iwh.ngfd to me and that some time; itiithm building Intended 'to relieve shampoo at most anv dru :r. it in I
1 mp " , . .' ! pressure in ui the present i rr .-fcom a r.-f u- t
,'Tis unfortunate but don't
worry a day! Co-Lo will re
store the natural color, life
and luster to your hair in a
manner nature approves.
Co-Lo a scientrfic process per
fected by Prof. John H. Austin,
ever 40 years a bacteriologist, halt
and scalp specialist.
4. U
n, I!
ilmi'-'h t,i I t
The Ten Co-Lo Secrets
Co-Lo is a wonderful liquid
Clear, odorless., greaseless.
'Without lead or sulphur
Hasn't a particle of sediment.
v ill not wash or rub off.
Will not injure hair or scalp
Pleasing and simple to apply
Cannot be detected like the or
dinary hair tints and dyes.
Will not cause the hair to split
or break off. v
Co-Lo can be had for every
natural shade of hair
A for Black ami Dark Sliadcs ot
A7,Tri,ra S(ron8. tor Jet Black
Half onfy.
A-.f..r al Very I.iKt Browl,
irah and Auburn Shades.
Perry's drug st.ire.
his remark would not please Jasper
Jay. Jasper gave his cousin an angry
glance; and he looked as if he would
have liked to fight him. But he had
suffered one beating by his elderly
cousin. And he didn't car for an
other. So he only sneered openly.
And then he screamed in a loud voice:
"I'll find that noisy fellow and
drive him out of Pleasant Valley, if it
takes me ail summer to do it!" And
he raised his crest, and snapped his
beak together adA stamped his feet,
so that he looked very fierce indeed.
But old Mr. Crow was not fright
ened in the least H only smiled.
"Let me know when you've driven
the stranger away." he said.
"Oh! you'll hear about it' Jasper
Jay assured him. "It will be the
most famous fight that will ever take
place in this valley," he boasted. And
then the two cousins parted. It did
not put Jasper Jay in any better
humor to hear Mr. Crow's hoarse
haw-haw echoing across the valley.
Of course, Jasper did not know what
he was laughing at. But that only
served to make the blue-coated scamp
811 th PeevST
Achea, pinna, nervousr,, , .
cult in urinating. C
erioBs disorders. TheWS
etandard remedy for k '
bladder and uric tridiou'
T2! F5
bring quick relief nd often
m-iy o Holland fa,
Required for Jiffy-Jell Desserts
They come ready-sweetened.
They come acidulated with pure fruit acid, made
from lemon3 or from grapes.
A bottle of liquid fruit flavor comes m each package.
We crush the fruit, condense the juke and sell it in i
bottle. So Jiffy-Jell is a real-fruit dainty, rich in fruit
Simply add boiling water as directed on package,
then the fruit essence from the bottle, and let cool.
If you used fresh fruit, plus a lot of sugar, you could
make nothing more delicious.
. Serves six at trilling cost
One package of Jiffy-Jell serves six in mold form, or twelve ff
you whip the jell. And the fruit alone which we use in it would
cost you more than the whole dessert
Real-Fruit Desserts
Ten Flavors
in Glass Vials
A bottla Uke this in each
. package
Mint Lima Cherry
Raspberry Loganberry
Strawberry Pineapple
Orange Lemon Coffee
Be sure to get this package from your grocer, for Jiffy-Jell
i3 the only dessert with these liquid fruit flavors in rials.
g Klil
Auction Sale
June 16, 1:30 p. m.
530 North 24th Street
1 oak dining table; 6 oak leather seat dining chairs; 1 oak
Library table; 2 oak rockers.; 1 oak china closet; 1 couch;
1 high chair; 1 fire screen and ad-irons; 1 83x106 Axmhv
ster rug; 2 sewing rockers; 3 burner oil stove; 2 stands; 2
tabeerett stands; 2 iron beds; 1 oak bed; 3 Yum Yum
springs; 2 cotton felt mattresses; 1 silk floss mattress; 1
oak Princess dresser, large plate mirror; 1 oak comodej 1
cot; 1 fir dresser; 3 bed room rugs; set irons; Glass doors;
lawn mower; wringer; washing" machine; fruit jars; pic
tures; cooking utensils and other articles to numerous to
mention. .
Col W, F.Wright,:
To eat, with or without &
a Blice of our light, whiter
BAKE-RITE bread. C3af "
and grown-ups both are ftJ
our bread; it's so soft mJ
flavored, like rich cake, w
loaf and judge yourself.
Bake-Rite Bakery
457 State St Fbfl2
Established 1868
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a.m.io3p