Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 14, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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French and Canadian Papers Comment
On Republecan Nomination of Harding
Tads, June 14. Few newspapers
here comment on the action ot the re
publican national convention at Chi
cspi, although they all devote consid
erable epace to the nominations.
"It is a triumph of the machine of
the party organization, or Its bosses
over personalities sufficiently power
ful or well supplied with funds to be
in a position to appeal directly to the
nations," declares Pertinax, political
, editor of the Echo De Paris.
faint Brice, in the Journal, thinks
the nomination was a triumph of par
ty discipline, remarking:
"The organizers had to steer be
tween two rocks a battle between
persons and a clash of principles ana
thev maneuvered with remarkable
"Mr. Harding Is a champion of the
international political point of view
which raised the American senate
against the Versailles treaty," says the
Journal. "But ' all Frenchmen are
greatly satisfied with the elimination
of Hiram Johnson, whose heart and
spirit have never been greatly in favor
In France. Mr. Harding Is of a typ.
made up of uprightness and kindness
and work. He deserves our respect
and our generous sympathy."
The newspaper comments on the
fact that Mr. Harding Is an- Intimate
friends of Myron T. Herrlck, former
Vnited States ambassador to France
and a real friend of this country.
' Montreal, June 14. Candadian pa
pers today devoted considerable space
to comment on the nomination of Serf
ator 'NVaren G. Harding for president
of the United States and In general
this comment favored his candidacy.
"Mr. Harding has a good reputation,
Js not an extremist has shown bufl
Tiega enterprise and is thought to have
qualities that will commend him to the
Voters," said the oMntreal Gazette.
The Toronto Mail and Empire (con
servative) said: .
"Senator Harding has been chosen
for no other reason that that those re
sponsible for his choice believe he will
win. because the party will unite be
hind him. Under Harding, the people
of the United States may expect tni
sort of government they received un
der McKinley, and which thoy have
not receive since," f
The Toronto Globe liberal) recog
nizes Harding as ft "second choice"
and says:
"Public sentlfnent was echoed In the
cheers for Hoover from the gallery but
the 'old guard" la always proo against
popular Impulses. Hoover Is not of the
professional type of politicians and wie
'old guard' refers a man who Is 'safe'
from Its own point of view. Harding
has no black marks on his public rec
ord and he illustrates in his own ca
rer as a self-made man the qualtlcs
which appeal to the bulk of his coun
The Toronto Star comments on the
forgo "urns of money spent on behalf
o men defeated and say "yt, Harding
is, perhaps, as sound a candidate a
could have been chosen."
The Yosemite was on her way trom
Puget Sound to this port while the
Meyer cleared from here this morn
ing for Portland.
Chemawa Gets
Equipment of
Tacoma School
So great has been the growth of
the Chemawa Indian School at Che
mawa that congress, recognizing; this
fact, has abolished the Cushman
school at Tacoma, dismantled iU and
is now arranging to transfer all of'
the fixtures from that school to Che
mawa: This became known Monday
noon when Harwood Hall, superin
tendent ot the Chemawa Indian
School, gave a brief statement of
facts concerning the institution at
the business men's luncheon 1 1 the
Commercial Club.
Four years ago when Mr. Hall be
came in charge of the school at Che
mawa, he said, congress seriously
considered the abolishment of that
school. Attendance had so fallen off.
and the Cushman school was so su
perior in conduct and growth that
the Indian department of the De part
ment of the Interior took steps to ab
olish Chemawa. Under careful guid
ance of Mr. Hall and his 61 a-ulstants
the Chemawa school gained by such
strides that greater recognition was
given, and the Cushman school suf
fered the abolishment instead.
Although the Chemawa Indian
school's capacity Is 650 students, dur
ing the past term 672 were crowded
in, Mr. Hall said. The institution
40 years old and many of the hulid-l
ings are falling in decay and ruin.
This fact, coupled with the steadily
growing attendance makes greater
annual appropriations from congress
imperative, Mr. Hall declared, and ex
pressed the wish that Salem citizens
bring pressure to bear In Wur.hinijtn
that will spell for greater financial
Sums aggregating (200,000 a year
are spent in the conduct of the Che
mawa Indian school. Value of the
the buildings on the site reaches in
exoess of a half million dollars, Mr.
Hall asserted.
There are 442 acres of land sur
rounds the school and under the care
of students there. Dairying, farming
any many mechanical pursuits are
followed by students that come from
85 tribes in all parts of the north
west and Alaska. Of this number 250
students are from Alaska. 'Many of
them return to their native land each
summer to engage in fishing, from
which many of them emerge consider
ably enriched.
Courses are taught to the Indians
Second Payments
On Income Taxes
Payable Tuesday
Washington, June 14. Second in
stallments of income and oxcess profit
taxes for 1919, due tomorrow will
yield the government J750, 000,000 it
was estimated today by the bureau
of Internal revenue.
Collections of income and excess
profit taxes during March aggregate:
near 1919,000,000.
Strike Lasting
Over 8 Months
Is Ended Today
San Francisco, June, 14. Virtually
ending the strike of shipyard workers
which was started October 1 the four
boilermakers unions in the San Fran
cisco bay district returned to work to
day in the seven yards in the district,
according to union officials. The vote
to return was taken at a Joint meetmg
of the unions yesterday and followed a
vote of the San Francisco machinists
to return to work.
The shipyard carpenters and joiners
voted to return three weeks ago. '
The shipyards announced they
would maintain the "American plan'
under which they reopened in Novem
ber. The boilermakers and machinists
organizations announced, however,
that they would abide by their union
organization, holding the shipyards
plan to be an "open shop."
it ui
Not Relinquish
Governor's Job
and does a general office practice
Office Tyler's Drug Store "
157 South Commercial Street
Blancett To Hang
For Crime July 9
Albuquerque, N. M., June 14.- New
Mexico supreme court today fixed July
9 as the dte for the execution of El
bert W. Blanchett for the murder of
is Clyde D. Armour of Sioux City, Iowa.
Governor Larrazolo later announced
he would hear pleas for clemency for
Blanchett next week. Blanchett's
mother Is coming here from Friday
Harbor, Wash., to see the governor.
Armour was traveling overland in
an automobile from Iowa to California
In the fall of 1916 when he picked up
with Blanchett, Armour later disap
peared and his body was found in an
aroyo near Las Vegas. Blanchett wa
arrested in Washington.
Intimate Friend Of
Mark Twain Dead
Berkeley, Cal., -June- 14. Evan
John Foulds, a close,friend of Mark
Twain, died today aged 73. ouia
came to California ' from ' England
when he was 20. He was a participant
In the gold rush to California and
Nevada. While studying law, he read
Mark Twain. They became close
friends and wefe associated in many
adventures in the mining districts of
California and Nevada. Foulds fur-
at Chemawa that are equal to the! nlshed Twain with many of his story
studies in public grammar school.' plots and was the dominating char-
Berry Industry
Future Assured
Marion County
Hubbard, June 14. In the estima
tion of Win, Bentley,' one of the best
Informed' horticulturists in pregon,
the future of the berry Industry In
the Willamette valley is as well as
sued as the future of the state itself.
That it Is to become even a more Im
portant factor In the economic He
of the valley than In the past, is thej
simplest and safest of propositions.
That It will, at no distant day, ad
vance to first place among the lead
ing Industries ot the country, Is as
clearly foreshadowed as any other
possible or probable achievement In
our future industrial development.
That this Is destined to become the
greatest berry growing section of the
west Is as safe a prediction as that
we are rapidly and surely becoming
the richest nd most powerful state
In the union. And why not? We have
territory enough to produce more
than half the fruits consumed In the
world without seriously unbalancing
tii system of mixed husbandry. With
in this territory are all the conditions
of climate and soil for the perfect de
velopment of many kinds of fruit.
To substantiate this statement Mr.
Bentley exhibited .a ten acre berry
farm purchased last fall by his son,
Frank, who Is pursuing the vocation
with the same aptness as his father,
and which promises to yield great re
turns. The tract la located a short
distance from Woodburn and Is In
a high state of cultivation. It Is plant
ed to strawberries, loganberries and
rrrrr rrrrr rr cmfwyp cmfwyp pjpn
cherries; the latter are all young
trees planted this season. The two
acres of strawberries alone will net
him a good income. From a one acre
strawberry bed Mr, Bentley, Jr., has
already sold (700 worth ot plafts.
From the remaining vines he will
gather approximately four tons of ber
ries, which, at the present market
price will sell for (320 per ton. This
he referred to as an Illustration of
what a boy can da on a small lunch
in Oregon if he will,
Mr. Bentley says the Ellenberg
strawberry Is the coming berry for
this valley and the berry which Is go
lif to make the Willamette valley
famous. '
The rain, said Mr! Bentley, Is go
, ing to be a great help to the berry
crop as well as other branches of tho
farm. It is Just what this country
A loganberry pest, which Is damag
ing to the vines this season, Is a lit
tle green worm, and In the Bentley
yard It is operating with serious re
sults, The insect appeared first In the
valley two years ago, developing with
remarkable rapidity. Mr. Bentley has
sprayed the vines this year and the
effect has been satisfactory thus far.
He claims that growers will all have
to spray or the insect will destroy
the whole Industry.
Mr. Hall told the business men.
Grades as high as the second grade
of the city high school are conduct
ed, following which many of the sutd
ents attend higher domestic institu
tions. Last term 15 students from
Chemawa attended the high school
In Salem, two of them graduating last
acter In most of Twain's mining plots.
Foulds was. the lawyer who in
"Roughing It" became the principal
character of every mining town In
Liquor Confiscated.
Ladncr, B. C, . June 14. More
week, Students are kept at the Che- than 40 cases of Louisiana liquor and
mawa Indian school until they are an automobile' valued at (7,000 have
21 years old when they are then free been confiscated by the police, it be
to engage In any private pursuit that' came known today, but the men who
they wish, Mr. Hall said. I piloted the car escaped. The police
Evidencing the need of financial believe the liquor was 'Intended to
aid from congress, Mr. Hall said that have been smuggled across the bov&d
the boys' building, where about 25o'ary line. The car was abandoned
Indian lads make their home, Is fjist
deteriorating, and that the building
should be weed and another structure
that would cost approximately (70,-
000, should be erected in Its place.
Many other big
needed, he said.
when a tire blew up.
Girls attending . Chemawa are
taught, in addition to the ramilnr
studies, home economics and nursing,
eminently lining tnenv as caretakers
of homes. Boys are taught tailoring.
blacksmlthing, carpentering, and
many other occupations. !
Indicating the productivity of the
school, Mr. Hall said that last year
he sold 240 tons of hay that had been,
raised by the Indian boys on a 60-,
acre tract of land.
Bids for supplies for the various
state institutions will be opened June
15 by the board of control. H In ox
improvements are pected that prices will show an In
crease of 10 per cent.
Boston, Mass., June 14. Governor
Coolidge returned to his desk at the
state house today to "finish his Job."
This was the word which came in re
ply to the question whether he would j .
resign in ordert o devote himself en-,
tirely to the republican national cam
paign in the interests ot Senator Hard
ing and himself.
The governor will offer to assist in
the campaign but according to his sec
retary, Henry F. Long, lis activity will
be conditional on his ability to do full
Justice to the demands of his present
office. He has finished every Job he
has undertaken and intends to com
plete his record as governor without
slighting the Job in hand in order to
try for another, the secretary said.
Governor Coolidge has before him
seevral Important state matters includ
ing a special session of the legislature
next fall to recodify the statutes.
To one of the friends who congratu
lated him en his nomination for he
vice-presidency, the governor remark
ed: "I don't know about that; the gov
ernorship of Massachusets has always
been considered the second most im
portant office in the United States." .
To the many telegrams of congratu
lations received yesterday, scores were
added today. They included meBge
from Harry Daugherty, manager of
Senator Harding's campaign, and
Charles E. Hughes.
Four Planes for
. Patrol Assured
"Salem must come through with
cars and come through Immediately
if she does not wish to be put in the
background and disgraced by nelgh
boriing towns in the matter of volun
teering automobiles for the Portland
Salem excursion June 23." C. B.
Clancy, "King Bing," of the Cherrlans
told a Capital Journal reporter Mon
day morning.
"While other towns Aurora, Mt.
Angel, Aumsville, Staten, Woodburn,
Hubbard and others are coming
through 100 per cent, Salem car own
ers are obviously waiting for the other
fellow to do it."
It was pointed out that many local
car owners have merely delayed, but
each Js urged to register his machine
at the Chamber of Commerce at the
earliest possible time.
At least 1,000 cars will be needed
for the excursion, it Is said, and it is
thought to be doubtful whether these
will be adequate to cope with the
large crowds of lodgemen who will
visit the city.
Buy Remnants
"at thh
Remnant Store
Ten girls for tables at the
Grand Opening of the New Can
ton Cafe at 162 1-2 North Com
mercial. See Dr. Li Yick, 153
South High street.
The Medford chamber of commerce
has received 266 inquiries from out
side the state the past twi months
from persons contemplating settling In j
the Rogue River valley. I
1 Wednesday-
In this first production from
Marshall Neilan's own studios
we guarantee our patrons one of
the finest and most thrilling pic
tures they have ever seen.
Expect Much It's
Damaged Ships I
Safe In Harbor
San Francisco, June 14. The steam
lumber schooners Yosemite and Krn-
est H. Meyer, which collided in a i
heavy fog off Point Reyes late yester- I
day, reached port early today. Nelth- j
er steamer was damaged greatly and
a' one was injured.
We carry the best
rAnd sell it for less
Than most of them
Say it has cost them.
Why not come in
Nowadays 'dollars are thin
Unless you speed up
You have lost them.
i --V 1 't
U: y? rJ X
r ) .
Farmer's Cash Store
247 North Commercial Street, Salem,
"Jacques. of the
Silver North" ,
A thrilling story of
great outdoors
Bligh Theatre
4 r
Hawkins & Roberts
Our Service, for - the Investor
Briefly described, our service take
care of every detail connected with the
management of a mortgage investment "
from the time the investor places h i
money in it tc. the day it is paid of The
principle details to which we attend are '
as follows:
. Collection and remittance of prin
cipal and interest.
Supervision of payment of Taxes i
and Fire Insurance Premiums.
Periodical Visits to the mortgaged farm.
Our service is designed to grant the
investor complete relief from details
The methods by which we negotiate
mortgages affords the investor complete r'
freedom from concern over the safety
of his funds. .
Hawkins & Roberts
205 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Ore.
New Summer Voiles
And Dress Goods
Now being shown in navy and dark colored grounds, very
'desirable for street wear. TA splendid assortment for
your choosing just received
75C a ,$100 Per
J. C. Penney Co.
A Nation-Wide Institution
' Crash
23c 25c
You will find us prepared to supply your needs in all
lines of
Dry Goods, ReadytoWear, or Shoes
For Menf Women, or Children. You will always find our
prices lowest for the seme grade of merchandise .... J-
Georgettes and Crepe de Chines in anice
assortment of colors at yard
, colors and 36 inches wide
$1.98 10 $14.75
In splendid assortment of colors and sizes
of serpentine crepe
$2.98 t0 $4!98
Equally good buys that will appeal to you in all 'departments
1! PfftsWfilf (fSr