Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 14, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    "'. .-ill
.,-.. kid
ttree insertions S cents; one
reek' cents; ote month 24 cents;
a yjar. per month 12 cents; min
toicm per ad 25 cents.
Firs: insertion only in New Today.
-v"i cash In advance and not tak
en over phone, unless advertiser hasi
ionth-y account. No allowance fori
whan? errors. J
: . Jt
FOR SALr---jOoa wievroiet
Phore 373 evenings.
VUlUi Hke to rent a five or 6,XjFoK SALE By ow
I i mom bungalow or cottage, close In.
I t sir.'U family. Address X Y Z Journ-
I si. :.-. 11?
i,lsT Ribbon - watch chain with
5'oud agate attached. Phone 139.
WANTED Typewriting to do at home
by experienced stenographer. Ad
dress 235 N ; Liberty St. 244
FOR SALE 1 weeks o)d pigs. Phone
F5. ' 144
OFFICE rooms for rent; splendid
innitor service. 205 Oregon bldg. j
FOR SALft 19)7- JFord, good condi
tion. Call at noon, evenings or ear
ly niornics- Phone 6?Flt. ql4
WANTED At once, bright yaung-
nian uv jwa iu huik in oi
cycie and. motorcycle store, apply
jn person. 14?. S. Commercial St.
WANTED Saleslady in millinery department-
of Fullerton's, Call be
fore 12 m. Tuesday. 142
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooms at 698 N. Cottage; no chil
dren. Phone 1823. N 14;
LOST A 24-inch Btring of pearl
beids. Phone 465; reward k!44
WANTED Position by O, A. C. stu
dent, can do office work but will
consider something else. Phowe
2fliSV h!44
Jl'ST traded for a very fine piano
and can sell at a very low price.
The Wiley B. Allen C, 519 Court
' St. 1 142
FOUR good organs for sale, all clean
ed, tuned and in perfect shape. One
very fine for chapel or school. The
' Wiley B. Allen Co 519 Court St.
GIRL wanted to help with housework
easy work and nice home for g-ood
girl. 1277 S. Com'l. phone 869. 142
FOR SALE Dining chairs, genuine
leather, library table, good as new.
1374 N. Capitol. Call Mondayeva
nin?. 142
WANTED Woman to care for chil
dren. $15 per month with room
and board. Call 1379 S. 13th and
Howard, evenings, for further in
formntlon. h 1 4 4
Ml'ST sell driving or riding mare.
Sound and in good condition, J.
. W. Bellamy, Rt. 6, box 67, Salem.
Phone 32F21. el 47
FOR SALE Wood, 100 cords old and
second growth fir at Quinaby. H.
A. Penny. - ee144
FOR SALE Stock hogs. Inquiie W.
H. Egan, phone 3F11. Address Ger
vnis, Rt. 2. 0144
FOR SALE Stock hogs. Phone 3F11,
w. rt. Kgan, tlervnia. Or. el 44
WANTED Year around position on
farm, by reliable married man, ex
perienced. Box Position, care Jour-ml-
ELDERLY couple, congenial, would
care for home, 156 N. Front. Wer
den. " 1147
FOR SALE China closet, solid oak.
678 N. Cottage. Phone 1706. cl44
FOR SALE 2-wheel Ford tractor
built especially for berry crates.
Phone 8F11. q!44
IF in need of windows, 30 by-30,
apply E. J. Gruenfelder, Rt. 7, Sa
lem, Or. c!44
POWER prune dipper, we make the
best; order now, Salem Mfg. Co..
N. Front and Hood. 'cl6
FOR SALE Solid oak library table,
beautie. 650 S. 19th St. Better hur
ry. 142
ELEGANTLY finished large house and
lot on Marlon St., close in for sale
cheap. Call 1961. a!44
FOR SALE Good 5 room house
lisrhts and bath, on car line; also
Black Minorca eggs for hatching.
Call at once 454 Hood St. 142
WANTED By young woman, room,
with kind lady who will care for
Rmall child. P. O. box 244. 144
good positions are open to compe
tent stenographers and bookkeep
ers. Train for one of these places.
Enroll now for our summer term,
beginning June 14th. New class in
shorthand. Capital Business Col
lege. Salem, Or. 142
'OK SALE 10 acres on rock road,
14 acres 8-year old loganberries, 5
acres Italian prunes, family orch
ard; water piped to house and barn
2 horses, 1 -cow, gas engine, 2 doz
en chickens, all implements, hny
snd wood goes with Dlace. Price
$4000, $1500 cash, Room 8 Bayne
bldg., Sawyer and Eimnett. 142
GOOD store building, good lots, on
Commercial, clear title, $1400, not
old. -. .
1 1-3 acres, lty limits, house, good
wen, outbuildings, good soil, no
rock. $1000.
6 room house, good condition $1
Good lot, paved street, sidewalk,
neat It, $260.
Good lots, $150, terms. -7
room house, fireplace, good lum
ber to be moved, $100, close In lot,
paved street. $1200.
Fine 6 room bungalow $3000. Brown
room 8, 341 State St. r.143
you know you can buy 10 acres,
harvest the present crop of logan
berries, another in less than 15
. months, the two crops should leave
you 'interest on the investment af
ter paying for the place at the
,- price asked. Phone 21F11 and get
the information or address Box
. Acres care Journal. n-
For Sale Houses.
FOR SA&E jEJy; owner, 5 room house
2 lots, barn, chicken house, eome
fruit trees. On 23d and Turner
roid. al44
OR SALFj By owner, seven room
house and sleeping porch, with all
'rictly modern built In features;
furnace, fireplace, cement base
ment, walks, drive and garage.
Large grounds, garden, chicken
Park, bearing fruit and nut trees.
All for less than house can be built
for today. At f 33 N. 16th street.
r SALE Or rent modern home.
.Inquire 630 N. 24th St." a!43
FOR BALE t room bungalow lo
cated in good residence section.
Has fireplace, dutch kitchen, full
dement basentent and garage. Good
jot and east front Price $4200.
room bungalow .near Highland
Jhool Electric lights, built in
kitchen,, bath, plenty of fruit and
barn Price $2000 - .
$ room bungalow located in best
residence section Has furnace, fire
Placet hardwood floors, all built in
features, sleeping porch and gar
ge Price tor short time only $6.
509 room bungalow located near state
house, has furnace, fireplace, fruit
Br"l garage. An excellent buy at
5650. Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn. 275
3tate St. Tel. SIS. - 142
t,AI IT 7 room plastered house.
modem conveniences, close to car,
f'ne location, good condition, $2, -
09. Brown, room 8, 341 State St.
a 142
---4-. r rr.TiXlT: . t.i.i I'sTurn
l ULti Chan. t ..... ... .
...i,.,, v : r 6 u". u:
. 5aow ln Sillem at ,
4 mT?-. Ust bfin? wmpJea at'OR SALB-About 5
IV ""'" 're-u sioaern in eve--detail
anil the . "r,r-
. . - Aiusi De seen
ucie. or lurniture foTh.rYnF;?
For Sale Farms.
for oALfcu ,crM guud soa ; ;
city Unuts; will tifc
- . l',nr Buoa auto as'
pan .or first n.nm,,t t-i? 1
St T1 -un
filer. s;v a..,
prunes four miles south of Saiem
good five room house, chicken
house, barn and shed, good well;
half mile from paved road and ex
cellent school. Call phone S7S or
address 304 U. a Bank bids.. Ra.
ron ale Bargain. 60 acres, 2.
miles west of Marion. 25 acres bear
Ing Italian prunes; water piped to
house and barn. Price low, terms
liberal. C. M. Smith, Marion. Or
FOR SALE 11 1-3 acres adjoining
fair grounds on Silverton paved
road, ten minutes from street car;
all In crop; S room house, good
barn; Immediate possession. Price
$4750, terms. Hart & Muller, 208
Oregon bldg. n
FOR SALE 41 acres 2 miles front
Salem on paved road, good build
ings, overlooking river and motor
boat landing and railroad station;
excavated fish lake. This is an ex
- ceptionly beautiful farm. Price
$12,500. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon
bldg. n
FOR SALE 20 acres all in cultiva-
tion, good 8 room plastered house,
barn and other outbuildings, rich
soil; adjoins Chemawa electric sta
tion, 64 miles from Salem. A. bar
gain. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon
bldg. . n
mo BAKUAiw About 60 ' acres
rich Santiam river, bottom land.
Ideal for berries, potatoes, dairy;
crops never dry up on this land; H
mile of Kingston station; 6 acres
under plow, balance brush; running
creek. I am here to seH and price
for few days is $2000, $500 down.
S. E. Oole, Stayton hotel, Stayton,
Or., to get me by phone call Stay
ton hotel. b!43
FOR SALE 21 acre fruit farm 4
miles north In Keizer bottom, 4
acres In full bearing loganberries.
acres prunes, some strawber
ries, balance of land .suitable for
berries, potatoes or garden truck;
new 4 reom bungalow, new barn
and "outbuildings, living water on
place. Priee Including crop and Im
plements, $12,000, Vt cash, balance
6 years at 6 percent. Hart & Mul
ler. 208 Oregon bldg. b
FOR SALE Highly improved 30!)
acre farm. 150 seeded to wheat and
clover, 100 acres good pasture, bal
ance second growth fir; new nine
room bungalow, full cement base
ment, furnace, bath, hot and cold
water, fine large barn and garage,
lots of fruit, hard surface road In
front of farm. Price with crop $30
per acre, terms. Hart & Muller, 208
Oregon bldg. n
FOR SALE Fruit farm In prosper
ous Catholic vicinity; 76 acres. 65
In cultivation, balance good pas
ture and small timber, 3 miles to
railroad, good 10 room house and
large barn; chicken houses for 500
hens; garage, machine shops and
other buildings; woven wire fenc
es; good water, house plumbed; 30
acres bearing prunes; 7 acres pears,
3 acres. walnuts; $20,000, cash,
balance terms at 6 percent. CTet. t
Smith, Stayton, Or.- . bT42
FOR SALE 73 acres all In crop, good
buildings, near Oregon Electric sta
tion, 12 miles north' of Salem near
.Pacific highway; . 3 good horses. 4
cows, hogs, chickens, full set farm
implements. Price $12,500, terms.
Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg.
For Sale Livestock.
FOR SALE Registered
buck. 776 S. 12th.
FOR SALE Three head good work
horses. Capital City Transfer Co..
nhone 933. el42
FOR SALE Extra good high grade
Holsteln bull caft, months old.
Geo. Ramsden, Macleay, Or, el 4 5
CALVES Young calves, more calves
C. C. Russell, phone 3f3.
For Sale Poultry
FOR SALE 2 R. I. Red cocks, ex
ception breeding ana quality, a
each: also pair beautiful White
Swiss rabbits with 7 young, $5. 1402
N. 16th St.
For Sale Automobiles
FOR SALE Late model Ford, de
mountable rims, new wneeis; inn
model Ford, overhauled and re
painted, new top. .Open - Sunday.
Cherry City Garage, 170 S. 12th St.
5 PASSENGER Ford body with hood,
top and windshield for sale, $30.
-Phone 339. 5143
FOR SALE One good secondhand
Maxwell truck. r j. -oose,
State St. Phone 933
FOR SALE Five passenger 1920
mortal Overland touring car, run
less than 1000 miles; tires like new.
Box 2.X a journal.
EXCHANGE Chevrolet touring car
1918 model and cash, for 4 or 5
room cottage or bungalow; also naif
acre good land already to plant for
rent. Phone 134-1M evenings, a 142
FOR SALE Ford touring car. 19i3
model, just been overhauled. U.
W. Ricketts, Rt 8, Salem. Or.
FOR SALE 1918 Dodge, panasote
. iim hKrcrain. Phone
1364 Court St.
FOR SALE Trailers, all sizes. Btein-
bock junk uo.
. vu-L-i i. taurine, new tires
around, repamtea na '';-
easy terms. Phone Adams, 'j.
I nitxL. thc Vitrvr wwTtha j "m" ww-V to cap.taT rtM potiTtwe W) ( v roc fc
Txfr.'i'xrtJ. T V -. I V tReiieT HA Tt t 1 AlJ0 ttWMWv vTH. .ABa.J , ,.0.-. covtt. ou -,WHTJ . THe votcb in,
I StWtCCHANtC oTO tANBl ... 1 tvMU80f IN, CUtfoR. ,H mCAN YWJ TrUNH' : IF tT tWASN T ARe WTtU$.lotTtj
. 1 JM W J$e;t.CWT I Afc " I y fCWT ' ' m AWYWlHft THAT L ltU, fO JUSr OMfi f ,,v' r- -y
lcnA$t j " 1 " " ' pur e ABe MNCouWei V cyjl p$tewewT mc - yimTEU rH&fy ' ' ;
"T"" fuii-a THAT) 'rW tteCORO ABSOtUTCtyy -U r rom bccom.aA TH i ; Y -m. ' -' ,pJ'
V. IWJU. 1 ik. ilJ iilJ A A i .
Far feaie iiiseelianeoua.
00 lbs. St-P,l N.l-
tatoes. Call at 4S1 Union St. after 5
fori. t-ALh, One-horse covered bun-
f?, harness and Phoenix 209 lb.
fruit scales. 345 Division St. cHJ
in. GANG orchard walking ulo-.v !
. ,........ iivu
for sale, in mod Khan ias :
,, --
Cottage St.
FOR SALE One good eight-foot
Jeeriiig Mnrter. Call 47F11. e!43
For Sale Nursery Stock.
POTATOES We are always in the
market for seed or table stock. Mnn
gis Bros., 642 State St. 717.
- a
FOR SALE Tomato, pepper and egg
piants, urego asters, Snapdragon
and Larkspur plants. W. 1L H.
Dodge, Rt. 7, box 33. Phone 1786
- d14
'WALLPASTE" perfect for paper
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur
en, 179 N. Com'l. a
For Sale Wood.
IF you want your wood put in, phone
ir or 631. hl4S
PHONE your order for oak wood le
1752. eet
WOOD for sale; 16-in. and 4 ft mill
wood. 16-in old fir. Prompt de
livery. Fred E. Wells, 395 South
Church, phone 1542.
WOOD for sale. C. D. Querry. Phoua
77'a. e
FOR best and cheapest fir and .oak
wood, call 1678W e162
TO RENT 2 office rooms.
147 N.
FOR RENT $3500 Waldo farm, 940
acres 8 miles east of Salem. Address
Mrs. Clara H. Waldo, Macleay, Or.
FOR RENT Furnished downtewn
sleeping room for gentlemen, s ten in
heat, by the month. . Phone 1427,
205 Oregon bldg. '
Lost and Found.
LOST Thursday a pair of brown
Oxfords somewhere between South
Salem and Market street. Phone
1365W. kl42
FARMERS Let us print your berry
tickets, prompt service and the
right price. Bertelson Printing Co.,
801 N, Com. St. Phone 779. m!42
HEM stitching, chain stitch, quick
service. Mull and Henderson, over
Miller's store, phone 117. m!44
ROOFS tarred or painted; and also
tin roofs patched. Call 963. m!42
SEE J. W. Manley, cellar digging,
heavy team work. Cherry City
barns. Phone 199 ml4t)
TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co.
Country trips, moving. Wood for
ale. Good service. Stand 271 North
Commercial. Phone 734.
MILLER tires are good tires.
Velie Co., 162 N. Com'l.
Wanted Help.
WANTED Woman- or girl for gener
al house work, small family, good
wages. Call Mrs. B. J. Miles phone
65F13. gl46
WANTED Motherly lady to keep
small boy for company and some
pay. Inquire Mrs. Martindale, White
House restaurant. 1142
WANTED Woman cook, state school
for the deaf: Phone 646. g 148
Wanted Miscellaneous.
WANTED Furnished cdttage, or
- furnished - housekeeping rooms,
! would like to oocupy by July 15th.
Address Box F- P C care JournaL
WANTED Used rural telephone at
once, cheap for cash. Rt, 3, box 90,
Salem. Phone 341. 1143
WANTED Typewriting to do At
home. Box A B care Journal. 1141'
WANTED To buy about 2600 lb.
team of horses, mares preferred;
not over 8 years; also wagon and
harness. 420 Bush street, Robert
Sppeer. 1
POTATOES wanted. Ward K. Rich
ardson, 2395 Front, phone 494, 1144
HOUSE decorators, charges reasnn-
nhle. Phone 2005R. cin
mimev wiSTUD 1600 for 2 or 3
vain ot x nercent ana jjuu ior me
same period. Security good. Phone
47n ij.
WANTED To borrow $2600 on good
farm security. H. E. Bolinger, 828
Oregon bldg.
WANTED To rent piano,
dren. 1168 Leslie.
No chil
- tlfl
WANTED Board and room In prl
t fnmllv. P. O. box 231. 213
OAf Meal Paper, 20-lnch tan. extra
special, 34d double "roll. Max O.
Buren. 179 N. t'om i.
305 State street
5 room plastered house, toilet and
bath, and 7 lots, within 1 block of
street car. Price $3200.
8 room house with 2 lots 1 block
tn treet car. has some fruit. Pries
$2700, terms.
6 room house, paved street, cement
sidewalk, lot 42x160, H block to
street cat. Price &uo; tou casu.
6 room plastered house, 2 lots, t
blocks to street car. Price $1500; $500
8 room modern house with all the
built in features, large garage, lot
5xi0fl feet, on paved street. . Price
305 State street. Salem. . .' c 0
PhOBe-737 -
- It doesn't take much iojnake-some guys
ViAUEil 11 LAREN iUjJ es.t;e
loans, investments. Room 21 ISO
N. Con1.'! St. Phone 410.
Choice 200 acre farm 10 miles from
Salem. all in cultivation, fine soil,
good" buildings, orchard. Snap; $100
per acre, terms. ,
Fine 190 acre farm few miles north
of S.-ilt-m. ISO in l!lltivttrTi
40 acre Tanch 11 miles from Sa-
lem - fine level soil, good improve-
"'ems. ivi prr acre.
m acres level lana an in cultiva
tion, fine road, near town buildings,
wate; bargain, $125 per acre easy
terms. ,
Choice 5 acre tract close in. $3500.
Extra nice 10 acre tract near Sa
lem, buildings, orchard, berries. $4.
000, easy terms.
-15 acee near ' Salem, fine modern
bungalow, nice barn, fine heme, easy
terjna.' . . . .
17 acres t miles from Salem, good
house, large barn, water piped to
buildings; all kinds of fruit. $5000,
Houses, acreage, orchards, . farm
211-18 Commercial elub bldg.'
-Vi , . ' BOTTOM
169- acres fine land la cultivation.
balance -Is pasture with some oak
timber. Good big house with hot and
cold water. Spring water piped into
house. Good big barn, machine shed,
silo, 3 good chicken houses. Well and
gas engirie. Close te school and R. R.
shipping station. Fine dairy and grain
farm.-A real snap, at $16,350. Half
cash, . -
This is an excellent farm with 130
acres cultivated and about SO acres
more easily cleared. All finest kind
of land. 105 acres in crops. 60 acres
oak and fir timber, 55 acres fine pas
ture with good spring. Mostly wov
en wire fencing, good 9 room house
with hot and cold water, bath, toilet
etc., spring water piped Into house,
good big dairy . barn, big ma
chine shed, chicken house, brood
er house, etc. This Is a really fine
farm. Price $66 per acre. .1-3. crops
go to purchaser if taken soon. You
can t beat It, -
Nearlv new bungalow with fire
place, full basement and without fur
naee. Garage being built On good
graveled street. A dandy home and a
fine buy at $3000. $500 down, balance
like rent. ,
Farm land dealers.
469 State St. Ground flor.
. . R. B. DORNEY .
329 Oregon bldg. Phone 951, n
6 room modern house, large corner
lot, Improved street fruit, garden and
rose hedge, , A dandy place. $4aou
"80 acres of valuable timber lltt
miles south near new Pacific high
way. $6000. It's a snap.
40 acres ot first class prune and
loganberry land, all In cultivation ex
cept 1 acres of oak timber, only
64 miles, out. $100 per acre. U got
1-3 of the crop. . ,
We have one of .the beat dairy
farms In Tillamook county or sale.
40 head of ekr 20 registered; good
buildings with running water to them
good pasture and hay land, every
thing goes for $21,000. $8000 cash
will handle. It's a money maker.
228 Oregon bldg. n
Phone 951, 329 Oregon bldg. a
We sell you tract on easy terms, and
plant and care for it for term of years
We also have tracts oi jnaiueu uei
ries and grafted walnuts.
Fruit properties of all kinds.
210 Oregon hlrtg. M44
6 room cottage, modern, corner lot
near car line on N. 4th St. This is a
dandy home And will appeal to you
In annearanee; location and Interior.
Lots of fruit ready to pick. Price tx
vnrv reasonable. $1900.
5 room modern house, exceptional
buv. on Bellevue street corner lot
good streets, nicely arranged. Price
$1500, terms.
8 rom house modern except hot
water on Bellevue street. Hous-j Is In
first class condition and Very well
built, corner lot. You can't beat this
for the price, '-$1850, $500 down, Dal
ance like rent.
We advertise only houses that are
well worth the money; let us show
them to you, We also want more me
dium priced houses as we can sell
them. Price them ngnt.
405 Oregon' hlflg.' Phone' 43. y , n
10 acres highly improved, all in cul
tivation except 2 acres of timber, a
fiaa family orchard and 1 acre of
strawberries; modern house, good
barn and chicken house. $3300.
60 acres of river bottom land, 35 in
cultivation, good family orchard. - 4
acres strawberries, 4 of iogans, 25 of
potatoes; 4 horses, 2 cows and all im
plements. 2 houses, good barn, 2 wells
and running water. $13,500.
40 acres good land in cultivation
close in, no improvements, $100 per
acre. .; . - . -n
6 acres joining the city limits, no
improvements, some good fruit, $1,
600. ,.
22? Oregon bid?. ' n
I rooms on North 234 street; crty
water, lights, bath, sewer, plastered
garage. Only $1275, easy terms.
7 rooms and bath, modern except
furnace and fireplace; well furnished;
hi . acre of ground, garuen planted;
paved street and car line. Price $4250
T room bungalow on Mill street.
modern, basement and furnace, paved
street $4500,
S rooms, modern, on Liberty street.
lot 65x109. $3509.
7 rooms en State street not far out;
basement city water, lights and bath,
plastered, good condition. $4500.
rooms on Center, nicely nnlshea
and nearly modern. 1 42 50, terms.
T rooms on car line and paved
street; water, lights and bath, plas
tered; garage. $3200, terms.
8 rooms on Court street nearly mod
ern. $1009 cash, balance terms.
T rooms on Chemeketa, modern ex
cept furnace, close to. $4590.
5 rooms and bath, bungalow, fire
place, built in conveniences; Imme
diate possession. $2000, U cash.
We also have a good list of farms,
both large and small, for sals.
$41 State street. " '- - 11 n
$3 acre farm. 63 acres cultivated
and in crop, best of prairie soil, good
buildings, good road; possession at
once and all crops go. Price $14,000.
58 acre farm E miles northeast H
cultivated but a few acres, buildings.
Price $175 per acre.
28 acres all cultivated and close in
on main road, fine prairie soil. Price
$250 per acre.
80 acre farm, SO acre cultivated,
balance timber and pasture, first class
prune, berry or grain land. Price $.-
24 acre tract, 16 acres of bearing
prunes, cherries and walnuts, balance
pasture; house and barn, 4 miles out.
Price $8500.
10 acres on main Pacific highway,
5 acres Italian prunes, 1 3-4 miles
from street car line. Price $5008.
Improved 10 acres, good bungalow,
barn, well, 1 acre logans, some prunes
apples, 3 V4 miles out.: Price $7500. i
1111 lllllll, nil 11 WU,( IIUUOE
and barn, crops go. Price $125 per
acre, v
320 acre ranch, 80 acres fitrm land,
balance good timber, some pasture,
buildings. Price $60 per acre,
10 acres, 8 acres cultivated, oal
ance pasture and some timber, 2 acres
fine logans, family orchard; house and
barn, stock and implements go; pos
session at once. Price $6825.
20 acre tract, 5 acres bearing log
ans, 5 acres prunes, several acres tint
timber, small house1, good road, H of
crop follows sale. Price $7600.
175 Stnte street.
Best small grocery. In city. Fine
cash and thirty day trade, $6000
stock, rent $27i50 per month for
store and two warehouses. Man and
wife can run It Price juBt the Invoice
Property suitable for garage or
warehouse, good building on property
now, thivty- i -rooms suitable lor
hotel very close to the new paper
mill north, 86 ft feet by 166 feet, iB,-
000: terms.
- Brick block on State. Best business
section of the city. $32,000.
A fine home Just put on the market
In the shadow of the state capital.
surrounded by the best houses, bean
tiful lot and grounds, large plnte
glass Windows and built In comforts,
can be bought or a few days only at
6 rooms modern, garnge, In Nob
hill section of Salem, $5000. .
$1800. two large lots, good house,
all kinds of fruit, chicken house; snap
$2100, on 24th street, paveu,
rooms, modern, $f00 down.
$1900, 9 rooms, two lots, uu
down, . ' ' ' ' ' '
$3200. good housA, barn, chicken
house, four acres of land, lots . of
fruit, practically In the heart of the
city. 5 minutes from Laaa tsusn
6 acres 1 miles out, , Improved,
5 acres 214 miles out, house, earn,
2 acres 8-year old prunes, a re
logans. all kinds of other fruit, hi
mile from pavement, $3200.
140 acres 8 miles east, tine nouse.
barn. 75 in cultivation, richest or
land; .will take a modern bungalow
nn to 15000. Price llii.ouu. uinu
m-m is aelllne- for $250 per acre.
167 acres near- Sublimity, irooa
house, barn, all kinds of outbuildings
about 100 in cultivation. loo per
acre. ' ;
too acres more or less, running wa
ter, wire fencing, large house, bam
80 by 80, store rooms, machine sheds
etc. 65 acres In crop which goes with
the place if sold In 30 duys. Macad
am road, telephone. A bargain at $12,
500; $5000 will handle.
25 acres, 12 in cultivation, bal
ance stump pasture' seeded. Good six
room house, barn and outbuildings,
all kinds of fruit, best of river bot
tom soil, one mile from Bluyton.
Priced at $4500; $2000 down.
Improved farms in the Lebanon
district for $40 per acre up.
See me if you want to buy and for
heavens sake see me if you want to
sell, especially city property.; ,-',-
Phone 708, 4Q2 Oregon bldg. n
happy. By Bud Fisher,
S rooms with modern conveniences.
best location In town. S blocks from
state house, garage, fruit trees and
corner lot. Pace $5500, $3500 cash
will handle.
8 rooms with two large lots, locat
ed near Y"w Park school. Price $3,-
5 room modern bungalow on Nerto
20th. street Price $4000.
5 room bung-alow with two large
lots located on D street. Price $3150.
"6 room house at 249 N. lath street
Price $3200.
5 room modern bungalow at 119
Myers street. Price $2900, cash.
5 room bungalow at 13 9 o. 13tn
street. Price $2100, H cash.
6 room located on paved street and
car line with modern conveniences.
Price $1790, $809 cash, balance $20
per month.
5 room, two large lots, plenty ot
fruit,, located on S. Commercial an
Hoyt streets. Price $2550.
S room located in ion nut section
Price $S90.
275 State St. Phone 615.
A comfortable 5 room collage, east
front Karaite, bath, toilet, electric
lights, several fruit trees$l$00, $509
down, balance like rent
Another 5 room cottage oa car line.
good lot and a good buy for some
one who floes not care to put more
into a home. Price $1500. terms.
We have 8U acres just Outside the
city in south Sahsm. fine view, lots
ot fruit -of all kinds, good house,
barn, etc. $8500.
IT acres 4 miles out on main road
which ts being paved, 12 acres of
bearing prunes, W acre apples, some
cherries and walnuts, two acres
set to logans this year, ios
prunes set this year. $10,099, $6000
dewa, terms oa balance at t percent
416 Masonic Temple. n
DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
510-13 II. S. bank. Phone 341.
teopathic physicians and surgeons.
506 U. S. bank bldg. rnone soa.
Dr. White, res. phone 469; Dr
Marshall res. phone 894,
DR. JOHN L, LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 40S-4 Ore-
K1 .! pu ntiniwi RftFK
LAWN mowers, safety razors, cutlery,
ahamened. locksmlthlng, MW ru
ing, umbrellas, repairing all kinds
Stewart's Repair Bhop, 4I Court
Money to Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem. Q
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loans
Any amount Long time.
1Mb and 6 percent Interest
City building loans.
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Masonle Temple, flalem. Oreeot
' Why Sell For Less.
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our Dia Be
fore you sell. People Furniture
and Hardware store, 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734,
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges
Very prompt service. Ask about oui
10-year loans at 8 per cent Haw
kins Robert. 105. Oregon bldg
Salem, Or
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired, to
years "experience; Dopot National
and American fence, slises 26 to (8
Inches high. Paints, oil and Tarn
ishes, etc., loganberry and hop
hboks. Salem Fence and Stove
Works. 269 Court streeet. Phone 124
refuse ot all kinds removed on
monthly eontraots at reasonable
rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead ani
mal removed. Otflo phons Main
Lodge Directory.
meet every Wednesday
evening at 8:00 at I. O. O. F. hall.
Cornack hall on every Tueny
8. J. L. Tucker, C. Cl P. J. KunU
K. R. 8-
tNITED' ARTISANS- Capital Asaem
bly NO. 84 meet erery Thursday
, I p, m, In I. O. O. F. hall. P. An
dresea, M. A.; A. A. Guerfroy, ee-
retary, Salem, or,
TEAM, Auto Truck and Delivery
Drivers Union No. 110 meet everj
Wednesday evonlng at the Laboi
Temp le, 8 o clock
Oregon Grage oamp No. 1380 meeU
every Thursday evening In McCor
pack hall. Elevator service. Oraole
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn, 648 Union Ht
recorder. Melissa Persons, 1418 N
4th street, phone 1436M.
W. O. W. BALEM CAMP 118 Msstl
every Friday night at 8 o'clock In
McCornack hall, cor. Court and LH
at vi 11 n woodmen weiooms
C. D. Rons, C. C. ! L. fl. Oeer, elerl
Oregon cedar camp no.
meet every Thursday evening at $
o'clock In McCornack building
Court and Liberty street. H. O
Coureey, V. C.J Frank A. Turaet
CHURUY CITY local No. 1197 . of
Auto Mechanics, meets every 2nd
and 4th Wednesday night at 8 p.
m. at Labor temple. All members
be present on June 23d. Important
Financial Secretary 164
Max O. Buren, 178 N. Com'l. m
WALL paper 25$ double roll and up.
Market Reports
Grain: Wheit No. 1 ! ." . i '
oa:s $1; cheat hay $22 n ot lw?
$24 8 25; clever hay i:n-s; :-
un $3S.50.
Butterfat: Butterfat 64c; creamery
butter 56 57c.
Pork, veal and mutton: ForK on
foot 1414ve; . veal fancy l.c;
steers 910c; spring lambs 10c; et?
Iff 9c; ewes 6 6c; sheep, yearling.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 5-
light hens 21c; heanvy hens 2c; oll
roosters 12c; broilers 20 $ tic over t
lbs. "
Vegetables: California, onions per
pound 3c; beets per sac ..vv.
urnips per sack $J.0; cxrruu jw
sack $3.59; parsnips per
$$.50; spinach 10c lb; raamnes io
dos; asparagus 16c; new potatoee
12 He; bunch beets 45c;cabbage So
head lettuce 9c dos: rhubarb 4c;
peas 8c: tomatoes 15c; cucumber $1
dos; cantaloupes, poney
ard $5.
Fruit: Strawberries $3.oo; orange.
(.00(,50; lemons $a.50; Danna
12c; honey extract 20a.
Rt II -rices: Eggs ooien
creamery butter uwsc;
hotter 5e; flour hard wheat H
1.75 soft wheat $3.
Portland. June 14. Cattle lower;
receipts 1846; grain and pulp fed
steers $11.09 11.50; choice $19.09.
1100; good to choice
medium to good $.69 8.50; fair w
good $7.69 8.90; common to fair
i nasi HO: choice cows ana m-nrn
$9.5010.25; Btedium to good $7,699
8.59; fair f.o medium i
ners $4 5.60; bulla $6T8.50; prime
$4.00f $.60; bulls $8.06 8.50; prime
light calves $13.0013.50; mediu:
light $8 11; heavy iw.o.
Hogs higher; receipts
mixed $15.0015.50; medium n.
mixed $15-50 16.00; medium !'
aisKn- .month heavy J 1 1.00 13.50;
rough heavy $10.60 U. 60; pigs $11
Sheep steady; receipts nisi; prim-
lambs $11.50 12.00; culls $8.00 w.
10.00: yearlings $7.00 8.00; weth
ers $68.75; ewes $S7.
rwlnnrt. Or. June 14. Cubes ex
tra 49c; parchment wrapped box
lots t4c; cartons 65c; halt boxes H
more, lees than tt boxes 10
butterfat 8162o f. o. b. station; 53
Portland. - (
Poultry ana WP.
Portland, Or. June 14. Eggs aetl
Ing price case oount ! buying
price case count S7c; selling price
candled 42c; selected candled in oar
tons 42e.
Poultry; Hens 18 24c; broilers xl
826a! roosters 80; turkeys dressed
nominal: peese 12c; ducks 25c
Wheat: Club $2.80; bluestem and
Turkey Red $3; barley feed $e$
buying; oats feed $69 71; corn No.
8 yollow 75i milling price.
Mlllstutf: Mill run $5455 toa.
Hay: buying price, timothy $35$
f. 0, b. Portland; alfalfa $35; chcit
$25; eloer $30.
New Books rAt
Public Library
The library has Just received the
following new books of lntorest to
teachers. They are books listed for
the teaohers' reading circle list and for
state teachers' examinations: ,
Andreas Health, education In rural
school. 1
Brlggs Reading In public schools.
Cleveland Democracy In recon
struction. Freeland Moder elementary
school practice. , .
Oalpln Rural life,
Hart Democracy In tducatlwn.
Kahn Principles and methods of
commercial education.
Lelper Language work In ulement-
ury schools, ;.' t
McCollum Newer knowledge, of nu
trition. .. . . 1 V: ' '
Parker General methods o -teach
ing In elementary schools. '
IMeard Rural education. : -
Smith Introduction to educational
Stlmson Vocational agrlcultirRl ed
ucation. -; : '
Tradi foundations based on produc
ing Industries; a pre-vocatlonal text
hook. '
Others of the rending circle list are
In the library ,and a few out of stork:
with the book dealers are yet
received. Only onn of these books wilt
be loaned to ft teacher at one ttnie and.
that on two-week privilege In order
that the many teachers of Salem may
be accommodated. '
Cocoanui Trees'Are
Civic Fight Cause
Honolulu, :T. H. The eocoanut tree,
described by,' Mark Twain during hi
visit to the Hawaiian Islamis t a "a
feather duster .struck by lightrtieg," I
the center of a heated argnnwnt In
tTnnnllllll. '. '
Recently the Outdoor Circle, a) wom
en's organlatlon whoe main aim I
beautifying the city, asked permlesioB
to plant 600 more eocoanut trtie In
Kaplolanl Park. Supervisor Ebeji Loir
refused the request with the comment
that "a coconuut Is a blight lippn the
Copyright, 1820. by H. C. Ftohe.
Trad Mark Kef. U. B. Pat Oftto