Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 14, 1920, Image 1

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    tIJb Vf VUMIWI
OIlMiOX: T ki;ii!ht nd Tuesday
tasHnia! f"1 iHk'Tw hTty
I OCA I.: Min. tf-mperature 52. mas.
S3, mean Kalnflia -87 ln.'Ik River
j J feet, falling-
"V o A . ,- - : .1 C
If j'!!i'i!lf
kl VUiuMvil
Average for Sit Months etita$
Miuxb 31, l'iO
V tfftfl W.S 'I'TKti n tOf II '
w--r-- Ui L4X0Jii, Asoetotl Press Full Leaaod Wire
"""" O 4T Pf AnrtAT srsvvn """ m- .:..., i -in , - m
Pinchot Says
Third Party
m 1 f
Chicago, ' Jan 14. Declaration by
Amos Pinchot, member of th co-n-siittee
of forty eight, that there pos
itively would be a new party presi
dential candidate in the field, rumors
-that Senator LaFollette -would bead
ticket as presidential candidate, and
announcement that the campaign In
behalf of Senator Warren G. Harding,
-Tpuuui"" " 1 -
would be started promptly were tha
outstanding developments following
the republican national convention.
-The statement by Pinchot declar
ed thai "the republican, party has
driven out of representation In Its
councils the millions of voters who
followed Roosevelt. Johnson and La
Follette" and that the new party will
represent these voters and "present a
definite and constructive program."
Reports concerning Senator LaFol-
lette'g possible candidacy were les3
clearly defined and In some instances
were linked with declarations made
In behalf of the committee of forty
eight. -
Harry M. Daugherty, pre-conven-tion
campaign manager for Senator
Harding began preparations for the
presidential nominee's campaign by
requesting the national committee to
take "prompt, snappy and energetic
action" in placing the merits of the
republican issues before the voters of
the country. Party managers, it wa3
will, would start the campaign soon
after the democratic convention is
held and would not wait until Sena-!
tor Harding and Governor Coolidge
are officially notified of their nomi
nation. LnFollette Silent.
Rochester, Minn., June 14. Physi
cians today refused to allow Senator
Robert LaFollette to make a state
ment regarding rumors that he will
head the ticket as presidential candi
date of a new party, announced by at t p, m. tomorrow and is expected
Amos pinchot. member of the commit- to be concluded tomorrow evening
tee of forty-eight Senator LaFollette ! Delegates and alternates to the ean
was operated-on a week ago for the Francisco convention are to be nam
removal of the gall sac and will remain ed and a natlonaI committeeman elect
in a hospital here until he completely ed by the convention or endorsed for
recovers. Hospital authorities said to- . iv, ..!.'. in
day he is improving rapidly.
- i
Salem Ma.n Killed
Auto When His
Motorcycle Skids
Crashed to the pavement from his
motorcycle when he attempted to paa
a truck on Stats stret near Twenty
fourth Sunday evening at 6:45, August
Saucier, 27, a Salem resident for 18
years, was run over and almost In
stantly killed by an automobile travel
ing in the opposite direction driven by
R. J. Davis, 238 W. Terry, Portland.
Dors'ey Dent, who was riding on the
tandem of Saucier's machine, escaped
with a slightly brutsed leg and a cut
wrist when he leaped from the rear
Saucier, who has been employed on
the Russell Catlin farm east of Salem
for more than a year and a half, was
returning home after having sung In
the choir of the First Christian church.
He met Dent several blocks from the
scene of the accident and had volun
teered to take him home.
Head Cftnzht Under Wheels.
Traveling east on State street Sau
cier essayed to pass a truck, also tco
lug east, when his machine skidded on
the streetcar track. Thrown in front
of the Davis car, escape was impossi
ble and one of the rear wheels of the
automobile passed over Saudier
Rushed to the Willamette Sanitar
ium in an automobile driven by C. B.
Armpriest, 332 North Twenty-fourth
reet, Saucier was found to have died
, on the way. '
Saucier is survived by his father, A.
. Siucier, and by three brothers and two
sisters, Richard of Salem, Theophille
.And A Ihprt ars.t fH A I -
- . i -1. mi o, AicAauuiw I . (ii
"ier of Canada, and Mrs. Eugenia Neil
of Salem.
Funeral to Be Held Tuesday.
"he remains are- at parlors of Rig
' & Son, morticians. The funeral
wi'l be held Tuesday at 11 o'clock
from the Rigdon chapel. Interment
1H be made la the City View ceme
tery. The cherrv I
1 rapidly ripening. A heavy yield
- promised. '
Poles Retreat Before
Ever Increasing Horde
War shaw. June 13. The bolthev:!:;
M h int3 the Kiev relon' back'
th p neatest number of divisions
e Poles have ever faced, accorcuns
reports reecived tonight. The Poles
withdrawing their main forces.
Heavy fighting ig reported at vari
Points in the region.
'he bolshevik concentration for the
Pture of Kiev has been in progress
Ir,r a month
id. c mvisions nave reen
'""itlfled thrn,,,h ,,.a .
are also other divisions not yet
In .February there
even Aiviii... - .
Won. . . , " ul ovieiy iruot
uivislons of
" the entire front.
qrln.,. - . .
-.m oi tn rront recent-; sneviKj reaciicu " -
Y German hand grenade throwers Dnieper, but were cut off and annihi
ftf raptured and also a number iated. Two hundred were captured
ar written in German. Some of and many were drowned.
J r- wWCl if,
Room Needed To
House Elks Here
The Elks committee in charge ot
the housing problem relative to the
state convention B. P. o. E. to be held
here in July, reports favorably con
cerning the prices asked by persons
listing rooms with them. .
The number of rooms listed so far,
however. Is not nearly adequate for the
occasion, and citizens are asked to co
operate as far as they are able In se
curing accommodations for the visitors
auring their stay In the city.
Idaho Democrats
In Wrangle Over
Lewiston, Idaho, June 14. The ex
pected contest over the election of a
democratic national committeeman in
the Idaho democratic state convention
here tomorrow claimed the center of
discussion among delegates here to
day with the arrival this morning of
National Committeeman Robert H.
Mr. Elder came from San Francis
co where he has been assisting in pre
liminary arrangements for the aem
ocratlc national convention. He ex
pects to return there after the state
convention. He expressed confidence
today that he will be reelected as com
Fred T. Dubois of Blackfoot, form
er United States senator who is ex
pected to be nominated in the con
vention tomorrow to oppose Mr. El
der arrived heft yesterday afternoon.
He is declared to have the support of
several southeastern Idaho counties
for the place.
Northern Idaho delegates were ar
riving today for the convention, among
them Jerome J. Day of Moscow, state
chairman. A special train bringing
southern Idaho democrats Was due to
arrive at 1:30 p. m. and conferences
and caucuses were being held up pend
ing its arrival.
The convention is scheduled to meet
vivvivii u wixj omiD a ucigativn w
the national convention,
A plan for the election of sixteen
delegates, each with half a vote, and
no alternates is expected to be advanc
ed. A set of resolutions is expected
to be presented to the convention and
discussion among delegates today in
dicated the likelihood of Former Gov
ernor James H. Hawley of Bolsu fte
Ing endorsed as a candidate for the
vice presidential nomination at
Francisco. - ' ,
108 Salem Scouts
Leave For Month! s
Camp At Oakridge
Expectlngto make camp by 5 o'clock
Monday evening, 108 Salem Boy
Scouts left here at 8:30 Monday morn
lng for Oakridge, where they will
spend one month in the mountains.
Twelve miles will be hiked by the
boys before they reach their deslna
tion, a secluded spot in the wonderful
fishing country above Eugene.
Ararngements were made for the
transportation of all baggage and
equipment and only light packs were
carried by the Scouts. '
Scout Executive Harold L. Cook M
'in charge of the party and his staff
consists of Scoutmasters Howard Zln
zer, W. W. Craig, Bernard Morris and
Hubert Wilkin.
Police Find Early
To Be Scoutmaster
Scout Executive Harold Cook Is not
a burglar. He is not even a near'
burglar. He admits it. But early this
morning he was mistaken for one.
"There'se a man going through an
exnress and baggage car on South Cot
Ltage and Trade streets, i saw u
flashllKht playing about," somepoay
phoned the police shortly before
o'clock Monday morning.
Rushing to the scene Officer W. J.
White and Verden M. Moffitt investi
gated and found nobody. Ths car doors
were locked and there were no signs
of tampering.
Later it was learned that the ear
'contained the effects of the 108 Salem
iw smits who departed Monday
morning for a month's outing at Oak-
yeds Around Kiev
these Germans were brought up
aeainst the Poles after the defeat of
fiMieral Denlkine.
The last word from the American
Red Cross workers was that they
would evacuate Kiev with the Poles.
. Warsaw, June 14. General Smig
ley's retreat before the Russian bol
shevik! in Ukraine has been executed
In perfect order, according to army
headquarters here. The advance ot
the bolshevik! upon Chernobyk forced
the retreat.
In Poleela the enemy has iost se--mio
trvinir to break the Polish
front near GiiboW. One thousand bol-
1 . .. . uj ua riirht hank of the
. oauiji, vrvt,uUii, hj.lay, JUNE 14, 1920. PRICE TWO CENTS
Harding In
Washington. June 14. Senator
Warren G. Harding, the republican,
presidential nominee who arrived here!
last night from Chicago, put in a ros) !
day today receiving the congratula
tions of friends and clearing up pend
ing matters in connection with this
senatorial duties. He found time, how play a round of golf at a neigh
boring country club.
The republican nominee announced
that for the present he would have no
statement to make. He reached his
office shortly before noon and was
given an informal reception by senate
employes. While posing for moving
picture men he kept up a running fire
of humorous comment.
Father Sends Congratulations. :
Among several hundred telegrams ot
congratulation found at his office were
messages from his father. Dr. George
Harding, and sister, Abigail, sending
"congratulations and love" and from
former President Taft. Charles E.
Hughes, Senator Hiram W. Jor.nson,
Governor Coolidge,. the senator run
ning mate,. Senator Knox and a num
ber of others. These messages were
identical with those previously made
public. .
Senator Harding was especially
pleased with a telegram '. from John
Philip Sousa, which said:
"Bless your musical soul. May God's
harmonies be with you forever."
Other messages received were from
Senator Pomerene, democrat, Ohio,
and Representatives and Mrs. Nicholas
Longworth of Ohio.
Is Resting Today.
No engagements were made toSay
for Senator Harding, who desired to
rest as much as possible. The senator
said he probably would leave Wash
ington the last part of the week. He
plans to confer before Monday with
Chairman Will Hays, of the republican
national committee and other republi
can leaders and then will take, a rest
before going to his home at Marlon,
Ohio, about July 1,
When Senator Harding reached his
office today he found there a large
American flag and vases ot flowers,
gifts from Miss Cora Nelle Mattern
and Mrs. Bruce Lamond, members of
his office force, and George Clirlstiau
his secretary.
On arriving at the capltol, the sena
tor visited the senate barber shop to
see Elder Slbs, one. of the negro bar
He's the, barber who prays for me,"
Senator Harding said. "It did me
good to see hint."
Senator Harding declared that being
presidential candidate was "more
strenuous than anything I have ever
Congrntulntes Coolidge.
Senator Harding sent rpelies today
to a number of the telegrams of con
gratulation. This message went to
Governor Coolidge:
Thank you for your message. Tour
selection for the vice-presideney has
strengthened our ticket by adding a
truly great and trusted Amerloan. I
am honored by the association."
Another telegram congratulating
Senator Harding upon his success
was signed Warren O. Harding, 1990
Arthur Avenue. New York. It was
said that the signer was not related
to the nominee.
Senator Harding today received the
following telegram from Colonel Wil
liam Cooper Proctor, of Cincinnati,
one of the managers ot tne wooa
"Sorry I missed seeing you .here
that I might congratulate you in per
son on victory that crowned your
plucky fight."
A correspondent of a French news
paper sougnt to present to senator
Harding a series of question!!, but the
senator declined to consider them
However, h did say to the corres
If I become the chief executive or
this nation I can assure you that I
will foster the spirit of friendship
with France." .
Washington, June 14 Senator War
ren G. Harding of Ohio, republican
presidential nominee, was back m his
office here today. Accompanied by
Mrs. Harding, his secretary, George1
Chuetian, and a. small group of sena
tors, he arlrved here a few minutes
afte midnight and went directly to hie
home on Wyoming avenue. While to
Boy Scout hand of Oil City, Pa., sound
ed a noisy welcome the senator and hts
party made their way through the
cheering crowd at the station, paus
ing Just long enough for two flashliaht
photographs to be taken, an incident
that was repeated upon his arrival at
his home.
To Confer With Hays.
Senator Harding told the Associated
Press he would remain in Washington
about a week. He expected to be busy
for a day or two cleaning up senatorial
business, but the coming of Will H.
Hays, chairman of the republican na
tional committee will force him Imme
diately into the part assigned to him
bv the convention. He will confer with
Mr. Hays and his political managers
with the idea of getting his campaign
nnitT wav at once although formal
notification of his nomination will not
be received by him until he returns to I
his home at Marion, Ohio. !
Congratulations upon hlsnomlna-j
tion continued to reach Senator Hard
ing at his office, while at his home
Mrs. Harding was the recipient of nu
merous enthusiastic messages from
their personal friends. Pictures tak
en when the nominee reached his
home include Mrs. Hard:r.g. Many of
the neighbors had remained up to wit
ness the home coming. Inez McWhor
ter, the Harding negro cook, was in
the van of those who rushed forward
to welcome them. Her hand was
grasped by both Senator and Mrs.
Harding while an open smU itiumined
her face.
1 ?' . ..;
I i ' i " 8 :
'e Starts Career
In Politics As Council
Member; Rise Rapid
Chicago, July 14. Named by the re
publican national convention as the
party's candidate for vice-president in
the fall elections during the closing
hours of Saturday's session, Governor
Calvin Coolidge, of Massachusetts, to
day shares the limelight of political
activity with . Senator , Harding, the
presidential nomineer-
Governor Coolidge was placed in
nomination by Wallace McCamant,
delegate from Oregon who was to have
nominated Senator Lodge had not the
senate leader declined the honor, and
was selected as the choice of the con
vention by a wide majority,
Born In Vermont.
Of Calvin Coolidge it is generally re
marked throughout Massachusetts
that he talks little and says much and
that every word he says or writes is
understood by everyone. His style is
clear, simple and oonvlncing.
Governor Coolidge was born in n
typical American town Plymouth,
Vermont twelve, miles from a rail
road, on July 4, 1878. He was not
brought up In poverty but enjoyed the
comforts of a- farm home, free from
luxuries. . - ,
He was educated at Amherst college.
He was an able and industrious stu
dent. It was during hi college course
that he began the study of American
Won College Prize.
At Amherst in his senior year he
won the first prize, a gold medal, for
the best essay on the principles of the
war for American Independence. This
competition was open to the under
graduates of all American colleges.
After only twenty months study of
law in the office of Hamnrond & Field
in Northampton he was admitted to
the bar. He thereupon opened an of
fice In Northampton and at once gain
ed a rating as a zealous, btoadminded
nrnmnter at the community's welfare. '
As a boy he had worked hard on the
farm. This capacity never waned. His
wlllingnessto work hard, his actual de-1
votion to his duties as a lawyer m cing aevotion to- puouc enas, me wen
small city where reputation with one's fices of patriotism In war will have
follow citizens is based ton achieve. ' been in vain. Our national Ideals are
ments, rather than adjectives, fixed his not bound up tu anything short of e
status as a member of the bar In whom i tablishlng and maintaining constitu
were combined ability .Integrity, ener
gy and purpose. v
Appointed by the supreme court to
fill a vacancy caused by death, he-de
clined to accetp hla party's nomination
for election to succeed himself and re
turned to the practice of law.
Was EfcJrted Councilman.
Calvin Coolidge entered politics ao
tlvelv In his home town, Northampton
In 1899 when he was elected to the
city council. The next year he was
made ctiv solicitor and held that offlea
for two year. He went to the Massa-
chusetts sttae legislature in 1907 and
1908. He left tne legislature 10 w
come mayor of Northampton, holding
hat office two years. He was then
elected a state senitor where he served
four vears, during the last two years
of which he was president of that
Ai mavor of Northampton he dls-
ulayed a natural grasp of nnance ana
hi. record shows that during a period
of high state taxes he reduced the clty
tax over 90.000 and at the same time
irad the size and efficiency of the
Dollce and fire departments, rald the
iiar!M of school teachers and for two
rears ran the city without iwiing a
tingle bond for bororwed money.
Prominent hi LetrMature.
nnr'.nz Coolldites first term In the
.....I...... k. ai ncnmlioii u cata -
Me of wielding much greater influ-
ence than the average first year men.
u. mrtntrated his ability as a bill
..a ..j into oromlnne
throueh his fight against the so-called
New York theatrical trust.
(Continued on Page F"ijr.)
Census Figures
' Washington, June 14. -Sandusky,
Ohio, 22,8897, Increase
2908 or 14.5 per cent.
Fort Soott, Kan.,-10,9J,. in
crease 230 or 2 per cent.
Cumberland, Mr., 19,837, in
crease 7998 or 36.S per cent.
Hoboken, N. J., 88,166, do
crease 2158 or S.i per cent.
Revere, Mass., 28,822, in
crease 10,(40 or 68.2 per cent.
Granite, 111., 14.757, increase
4854 or 49 per cent.
Moundsvllle, W. Va 10,869,
Increase 1751 or 19.1 per cent.
Patriotism In
Peace Is Needed
Hughes Declares
Weliesley, Mass., June 14. Charles
E. Hughes, In an address at the Wei
lesley college commencement exercises
today, cautioned his hearers that in an
appreciation of the difficulties whim
have accompanied the period after the
war "we must avoid a distorted view
and we must not fall to realize that
the great heart of the nation has not
changed in a few months." His sub
ject was "The Patriotism of Peace."
He contrasted the unified efforts of
watrime with t'he absence of a com
pelling motive," and"thi rush of com-
petlng Interests" that have failed.
"Unless weh ave In peace time," he
said, "that do.nlnant sentiment which
prompts a continuous and self-sacrlfl-
tional government as me sure cue m
"It la a spurious patriotism that is
linked to the triumph of any creed or
class or becomes the vehicle of bigotry.
! Th rnmmon arood rooted In the essen
tial Institutions of Justice and liberty
that is the national ideal.
"W have talked so much of free
Institutions that wa ara apt to think
that they will take car of themselves.
Our recent and current experiences
! should disabuse us of this notion. We
nave too many evidences of a readiness
to take advantage of opportunity to
establish autocratic admlnistraton
The tendency to crava and assert art.
trary power, to use power ruthlessly,
is more apparent with us than devo-
tiilfi to the cause of liberty.
The practice of putting large dls.
cretlonary .powers at the disposal of
officers needs a curb. The patriot In
peace demands government upon es.
tablished principles, and he should al
ays be ready to contest officialism
j tn(j bureaucracy with Its readiness to
i suppress individual freedom by ca-
j priclous administrative action and lo
install In departments of a suppocca
j free govfTnmsnt what Is nothing short
0f a reign of terror.
Wreck Kills One
r nhlcaio. June 14. One man was
killed and a score or more injured t
day when the Pere Marquette "r;
sort special" bringing week end par
! ties from Michigan summer resorti.
; crashed head on Into an east bound
j freight train In the South Chicago
Gompers Decries Defeat
of League and Calls On
Labor to Support Stan
Montreal, June 14. It is "pitiable" that the United States
has not ratified the league of nations, Samuel Gompers, president
of the American Federation of Labor, declared here today in an
address before the federation's convention. If the league cove
nant were submitted to the American people ""without any other
entangling questions, it would be overwhelmingly accepted," he
said. ,
The labor draft of the league cove
nant, he added, "would help in the
reunion of the working people of the
world and would help workers in the
most backward -countries."
Mr. Gompers made a strong appeal
to the convention to support the lea
gue and "lend a helping hand to the
tollers of the smaller countries, and
aid them (o take their places among
the civilized nations ot the world." -
Montreal, iJune 14. International
organisation of the world's union
workers to further their aims and
Remain Non-ParUsan.
Montreal, June 14. Despite
rejection of organised labor's
mands by the republican party,
the American Federation of La
bor will not abandon its non
partisan political program,
Samuel Gompers declared here
today at the federation's an
nual convention.
prevent another world war, was ad
vocated by J. W. Ogden, fraternal del
egate ot the British Trade Union con
gress today, in addressing the Ameri
can Federation ot Labor,
Mr, Ogden, however, warned the
federation that It must ignore any
"International" similar to that form
ed in Russia or other countries.
"The only international we can
recognize la the one that Is formed
on the right, proper and legal basis,"
he added. "The only way we will be
able to prevent useless contliot is by
linking the workers of tha world Intit
greater International organization."
Spirit Spreading ttat
The spirit of organization la spread
ing In F.ngland and tha "non-unionist
is almost extinct In that coun
try," Mr. Ogden asserted, Ha predict
ed -that the British congress would
have a membership of six million by
next August
British workers, Mr. Ogden fatd.
have assured the government It it
would "smash" prices and profiteer
ing, the workers would ask no fur
ther wage advances and "wages will
attain their proper stability."
Mr. Ogden asserted that the labor
party In England was the second !:i
power, only being outstripped by the
coalition party, which la "now threat
ened by the great labor party.
T. C. Cashem ot Cleveland, was giv
en unanimous consent to introduce
resolution on behalf ot tha Interna
tional Switchmen's union condemn
ing central labor bodies which re
cently aided the "unauthorised" rail
road strike In the United States, Tho
resolution was referred to committee.
Catholic Union AlMcked
J, A. McCleland, a fraternal dero
gate from the trades and labor con
gress ot Canada, urged tha federation
to appoint a committee to Investigate
tha Catholic Labor union movement
and take steps to end lta activities n
The Catholic u,nlon, which has been
in existence about ten years, he as
serted, Is opposed to any International
labor organization and has been or
ganized labor's "greatest enemy In
Mr. McCleland declared that or
ganized labor was slowiy "conquering
the One Big Union movement." He
pointed out that there ara now 230H
local unions in Canada with a mem
bership of 280.247.
In outlining the growth of the la-
bor party In Canada, Mr. McCleland
said, "we are growing slowly but ara
assured success."
British Veiw
With Suspicion; Urge
Hoover for Democrats
London, June 14. Warren O,
Harding's personality and record be
ing virtually unknown here, oewspi
per comment this morning expresses
neither satisfaction nor disappoint
ment with the republican choice of a
republican candidate. Several newspa
pers refer to him aa a "dark horse"
and Infer that ha represents a com
promise. Two or three Journals as
sume the result of tha Chicago con
vention has opened tha possibility ot
the election of a democrat to the
Among those taking this view are
the London Times and tha Dally
News, tha latter telling the demo
crats "the best card they can play Is
to persuade Herbert Hoover to ac
cept their nomination In spite of ev
erything." The fu'ure of the league ot nations
and British-American relations are
points much discussed. The Morning
Post, which is a stern opponent of
the leagua says:
"Mr. Harding Is a politician, not an
idealist, and may commend himself
to the American people, who nho-v
no marked liking for being governed
by edict from Mount Blnal," and pre
dicts that if the republicans win, 'the
league will fall to tha dusty stage of
pious revolution."
Labor Warned
Against Aiding, .
Illegal Strikes
Montreal, June 14. Central labor
bodies which aided the unauthorized
strike of unions during the recent
railroad walkout in the United EUt-i
were condemned In a resolution pre
sented at the annual convention of
the American Federation of Labor
her today. The resolution waa pro
posed by R. C, Cashem of Cleveland
in behalf of the International Switch
men's union.
Mr. Casham referred especially to
the San Francisco central labor, whlrh
he understood had raised a bis; atrika
fund for the strikers. ,
The striking railroad men, ha point
ed out, were members of yardmen's
associations which were not affiliat
ed with the federation and were mem
bers of a rival organization. Thef
should not have received labor's sup
port, the resolution said. As tha con
stitution of the federation does not
provide for any punishment for such
actions, Mr. Casham urged that tha
labor bodies In question be condemn
ed and warned not to aid any simi
lar strike In the future.
' To Enlist Says
Naval Officer
Ban Francisco, June 14. "Jack"
Dempsey, world's champion heavy
weight 'champion "did not feet right"
whun boxing as a civilian at the Great
Lakes navnl training station and made
strenuous effortst o enlist In the sea,
force, according to testimony offered
by Lieutenant John Ft, Kennedy, U. B;
N., In Iwmpspy's triiil iife today on s
draft evasion charge. Lieutenant Ken
edjf la on the battlexhip Mississippi.
In September, 1918, t)empsey askeit
him to use every effort to secure a,
release from his exemption in order
that he might enlist, Lieutenant Ken
nedy testified. Later Iiempaey tele-t
phoned from Long Eranch, N. J., to
the Great Lakes station on two occa
sions to se If the relense had been ob
tained, Lieutenant Kennedy said. It
finally "came through" and pempsey
started from Philadelphia to enlist but
enlistment was stopped by order of tha
navy and before h could take further
action the armistice cume. '
"Tommy" . Fitzgerald, i pugilist,
called Ixmpaey up at a Bun Dlugo ho
tel from San Franolsco and said that
Mrs. Dempsey wanted 140,000 for tha
suppression of the draft evasion evi
dence against the champion, Fran O.
Menke, a press asoclatlun aporting
writer testified.
Masons Gather
For Convocation
Portland, Or., Juris 14. Tha six
teenth annual convention of Royal
Arch Masons of Oregon began her
today, affiliated with tha convocation
being the seventieth annual conven
tion of the Ancient Fro and Accept
ed Masons ot Oregon, which begins
Wednesday and ends Friday. Laying
of the cornerstone of the" new Mason
ic horn at Forest Orov will be ona
of the features of the program, tha
Eastern Star presiding at this cere
mony, ' -
Curiosity as to how Mr. Harding
interprets Kllhu Root's amWgously
worded plank Is aitpremed by tha
Telegraph, which thinks it will not
be surprising "If this ambiguity waa
deliberately cultivated on tha prin
ciple that tha least said tha aooneal
mended, as it will be much easier !
abuse Mr. Wilson's failure than tw
suggest a satisfactory alternative."
The Times, referring to a statement
by Its Chicago correspondent that tha
British must be preparsd for a thor
ough readjustment of their relation
with the United Statea, and his pre
diction that the process will not urn
easy, says:
"That depends, In a great measure,
upon ourflves. If we have a straight
clear and honest policy in world af
fairs affirmatively baited upon thnna
principles which are common to u
and Americans, wa may have tireaoma
dlaputes to reach an agreement, but
there can be no doubt as to the re
sults." "The vagueness of the republican
platform," the newspaper continues,
"leaves plenty of scope for Its favor
able Interpretation In strong and hon
est hands. We have much faith in tha
American conscience, and if wa ap
peal to it we mu come Into cou't
i with clean hands."