Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 12, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Real Estate Is
Active In Dallas;
Houses Scarce,
(subscription and an appropriation by. Oregon.
tr.e council, me movement is one.
jthat is deserving of commendation, it'
lis felt, and other towns might do welll
to show the same kind of hospitality.
Pallas, Or., June 1!. Durinsr the
past year there has been more trans-!
fen of City property than any pre
l vious year and it is an assured fact
ifr. and Jlrs. Harr Humphreys are
the pleased parents of a son. which ar
rived at their hone Tuesday night.
The residence of D. M. Doll and the
store of W. F. Klecker have been
brightened by paint the past week.
Dr. Brewer on Wednesday removed
the tonsils and adenoids from Freddie,
son of H. & Heltzel.
E. Roy has had a new cement walk
laid II I A ,HX ttlA lrnn( f 1 1
liu iiui iur Hpru-i r . . r . . , a " .... . ui alA9 i rriucntr
total of thirtv-l ',.." " " cum,n, 01 property on Second street,
been forced iot " " '"i" W"1 "J J' BarnM .
In view of the fact that ten thous
and Shriners will pass through Auro-
Jra on the 83rd of this month the city
(Council, at a recent meeting too ac
tion in tha imaMa, t Dii.lm K ..t...
that places sold are now off the mar-L ,,h . V
i., ,h. w. mr,t nf ni.,1... thoroS" cleaning and renovating.
n.. , , iTfte work is now ' Progress.
illation. There was
five families who have
five children, Mrs. Jacob Amsler. Mrs. ) B T '-. J - m1 p CYrd
A. A. Englebart, Salem: Mrs. H. Xln-l'l U JUl UVUgUC JtAJI C
termantle. North Yakima; Henry
Wenger, Salem, and Robert Wenger,
Miss N'ullie,
jeav. DaUa. and go ewher, because! Hg recently driHed the well ZJJZ "XT nt ,h',r M
there were no places for them to
rent or purchase.
William C. Retzer has returned to
Dallas from Portland where he has
been attending the state Jewelers con
vention. Mr. Ritzer was formerly of
Salem. He recently purchased the C.
H. Morris jewelry store.
Miss Florence Miller of Salem was
the guest of her aunt Mrs. M. D. Ellis
this week.
Irving Ralderee has returned to his
home In this city for the summer afte
a year at the O. A. C. Mr. Balderee is
an overseas veteran.
Ross Jennings who has been a stud
ent at the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege this year visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Friar Friday.
' Miss Leonllla Smith and Miss Fern
Curry, who have been teaching In
Dallas grade schools have accepted
positions In the schools of Larch wood
Iowa, for next year. Many vacancies
occurred In Dallas schools this year
but most of the High School positions
have been filled by University of
Oregon graduates. There are yet sev
eral places to be filled In the grades
and the board are casting about for
dpBlrable teachers.
The Women's Auxiliary to tha
American Legion met at the armory
und decided to leave the charter open
to new members until Nov. 11th.
Homer 8. Wood of Independence
hits been re-appointed postmaster of
that place.
the city which proved to be an ar
tesian well of great value.
Several cases of measles are report
ed In this vicinity, and there are
some rather serious cases.
Plucky Haiel Anderson, eight
years old, arrived here a few davs
ago where she is visiting her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson.
She came all the way from Bakers
field, California, alone.
Children's Day exercises will be
held in the Presbyterian church next
State Treasurer Hoff has designat
ed the Aurora State Bank as one of
the depositories of the state funds.
ine banks at Donald, Can by and
Hubbard also received the same com
Capacity Crowd
Sees Silverton
Class Graduate
Silverton, Or., June 12. Sentlng ca
pacity of the Psluce theatre was Inade
quate to accommodate the crowd of
people .who attended the commence
ment exercises here last evening. Ev
ery seat was occupied and many stood
lip during the entire program. It Is
estimated that more than eight hun
dred people were In the audience.
Professor Frederick Berchtold, of O.
A. C, delivered the address to the
class. A program of exceptional Inter
est was rendered.
The Silverton HI alumni will give a
reception to the new members In
Woodmen hall this evening.
Cannery Opens
At Woodburn
For Season Run
Woodburn, June 12. The Graves
cannery is operating with a force of
18. Strawberries and gooseberries are
being received now, It will onlv ha u
short time before a larger crew is
needed to handle the Increased num
ber of berries. In the earlv nart -f
July loganberries will start to come
In and keep the cannery busy on
them until some time in August. 1200
cases of blackberries were shipped this
week and a carload of apple and
plum butter was sent out today. More
equipment has been added to this
plant and It will be operated on a
much larger scale this year than last.
east of town for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Myers of Linn
county entertained a number of their
friends at their home Sunday evening.
Miss Ethel Wirth of . Pendleton is
visiting friends in and about Stayton.
Mrs. Carrie Beauchamp of Albany
is visiting at the home of her son, C.
A. Beauchamp.
Henry Miller who has been on the
sick list for several weeks, was taken
to a hospital in Salem Tuesday.
Miss Ruth Roy who has Just finish
ed school at McMinnville college, has
returned home. She expects to atteno
summer school there.
Mrs. Joe Susbauer of Bremerton,
Wash., is visiting at the Nick Zim
mercan home northeast of town.
Joseph Fisher and George Keech,
who were In Salem doing Jury duty
have arrived home.
Miss Mllca Roy Watson and little
daughter are here from Vancouver,
B. C, for a visit with relatives and
Mrs. Kate McKlnney sister of Mrs.
Henry Smith, is here for a visit. Her
home is at College Place, Wash.
Mrs. Peter Kirsch and Miss Frances
Klrsch are here from Criterion, Ore
gon, visiting at the A. P. Kirsch home
east of town.
is open
on the
The Seaside Logging Co,
ing a piling and tie camp
' (Sens Flynn farm west of Donald, th
employes are making their headquar
ters at the liungulow hotel; they ex
pect to Bend their plUnj via the riv
er and their ties by rail.
A bouncing baby boy arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Mclllvulne last
Friday June 4th.
! Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Bteen antl Mr.
und Mis. Qulnn all uf Portland were
quests at the home of 10. II. Dunbur
lust Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emit Aufrano of Sa
lem motored down lust Saturday to
upend the week end with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Aufranc.
Paul Schaubel, accompanied by his
nister, Miss Schaubel of Canby, urtlss
Teage of Seattle, Mr. Qlbbs and Mrs.
F. A. Mercer, motored to Pacific
City last Saturday returning home
Sunday evening. They report the
roads In good condition and the
Weather warmer than here
Mr. and Mrs. Foley of the Seaside
JjORKlng Co. are occupying the Swan
cottage on Puge avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Feller motored
to Silverton Wednesday, to be presen
at the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Mosler, Mrs. Mosler is Mrs. Fellers
The farmers In this vicinity have
been vory busy hauling their grain to
the cars, Mr. Schurer of Buttcvllle
bought most of It, the wheat at $2.60
per bushel,
The road between Donald and Au
rora is supposed to be graded ready
for the gravel, but -a good
complaint Is being made on this work
as this road was supposed to have
been pt on a grade ready for pav
Ing, and a such has not been done,
when the taxpayers voted sufficient
funds for that purpose, It seems there
is good reason for complaints.
Mr. Hotwori, national club (lend
er; Mr. Seymour, state leader, and
wife; Mrs. Fulkerson, our supervisor,
ana Mr. Caluvln, Clackamas county
superintendent, visited Donald Wed
nesday, In ths Interest of our home
making and cooking club. The cook'
Ing club gave a demonstration of their
work, and reported that their work
finished 100 percent, as well as the
homsmaklng club. Mrs. Fulkcrsnn re
ported mat wnne Donald still wan
first In the V. 8. to finish their pro
jects, there are two more homemnk
ing clubs In Marlon county that will
e next In line to finish, so we may
nil be proud of Marlon county for
that Is a wonderful record In club-
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Sexsmllh and
daughter June, depnrted for Winni
peg, Can., Wednesday evening, being
called there by the serious Illness of
Mr. Sexsmlth'i father.
Mrs. C. J. Espy and children who
liave spent the past two months vis
iting In California, returned home
Tuesday; they found the weather
very warm and ar glad to be home
Students Record Good.
Silverton, Or., June 12. Elam
Amstutz, a Waldo Hills boy who Is a
member of the graduating class of
the Silverton high school has mani
fested a spirit of diligence during the
rour year course which Is deserving
of more than passing comment. Living
six ana one-iinlf miles from the
school, ho has not missed a day in
in mo tonus ot tne tour years, nor
nns ne oesn tardy once. He is among
the first in the class. After school he
will devote his time upon his moth
er s rarm and will probably attend the
University of Oregon next year.
Stayton, Or., June 12. The body of
Mrs. Ruth Sumner, who died here
Monday, was taken Wednesday to
IllUslinro for burial.
Gale Mlssler left Tuesday for Port
land, where he will remain a few days
visiting relatives. If he finds suitable
employment he may remain in the
city, but if not he will go to eastern
Salem Heights
Miss Olga Wikberg is home for the
summer from Bandon, where she has
been teaching.
Miss Oral McClaln came down from
Albany to spend Sunday with her par
ents. She was accompanied by her
cousin, Raymond McClean of Albany
and Miss Amanda Reeves of McMinn
ville. Carl Johnson and Robert Hoofer,
who have been visiting af the home of
J. Wikberg for three weeks left for
their home In Penn Tuesday eve. Mr.
Johnson is a nephew of Mrs. Wikberg.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McClaln attend
ed commencement exercises in Corval
Us Tuesday. They were visiting at the
home of their son, A. E. McClain and
family. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goble and baby
are visiting at the G. A. Wilson home.
Mr. Goble is a nephew of Mrs. Wilson
Mrs. Jacob Wenger
Is Called By Death
Mrs. Jacob Wenger, aged 79, and for
31 years a resident of Salem, passed
away at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon at
the family residence at 1695 South
High street.
The funeral services will be held at
2 p. m. Monday at the Rlgdon under
taking parlors, interment being In the
Jason Lee cemetery.
She Is survived by her husband and
Aurora Provides
Camping Ground
For Tourist Guests
Aurora, Ort, June 12. The city
council and citizens of the city have
provided a public camping ground at
l-ourth and Main streets, and a com
mittee of men have been busv for
several days making the necessary
improvements. A part of Fourth street
mid a portion of the Kraus lots have
heon convert?! Into a convenient and
comfortable j)!ace for tourists and a
wvlcome will be extended to all trav
leis who care tn stop over at Auruta i
H U a beautif il CH.'r-fMnlff ,i:nci tniif
ail! tloi;b:lifs b one of th.'J
''!! fNq'ii-!! ij.i,. in flirt HTI'ii). i
Possesses the Qualities Best Adapted
to the needs of the
Ferry at High St. Salem, Oregon.
Yoar Eyes Are the Most
Delicate Organisms of
tie Body
And as such, they must be
Klven more careful and ..on.
siderate attention than any
other part of the human or
ganism. Accuracy In the examination
or the eyes and in the fitting
of the eyes with glasses, is abr
solutely essential.
It is not only necessary to
have the most scientific equip
ment for measuring the eyes'
defects, but it is also Impera
tive that the man who meas
ures the eyes shall have the
technical knowledge and ex
perience. You are sure of both the
equipment and the ability and
experience to render you the
highest quality and mlnuately
accurate service,
If the best is none too good
for you, bring your eye and eye
glass troubles to us.
- We have In connection a
complete lens grinding plant.
Henry E. Morris Co.
Eye Sight Specialists
202 to 211 Bank of Com. bldg
Salem, Oregon
The players in the Salem
Tennis Tournament used
Wilson Rackets
Their shape is perfect!
Their balance is right!
Ask to see them. Over 20
models, priced from $1.50
to $15.00.
R. H. E.
Boston . 4 10 1
Chicago 5 T 1
Pennock and Schang; Faber and
: Washington 7 IS 4
'St Louis 8 7 1
Erickson. Courtney and Gharrity;
Weilman. Shocker and Williams.
New Tork 6 S 6
Detroit 0 5 J
Collins and Hannah; Leonard, Ay
ers and Woodall.
Philadelphia 14 1
Cleveland 5 0
Moore and Perkins; Bagby and
i O'Neill.
Cincinnati 17 1
jNew York . 10 3
j Sallee. Fisher and Wingo; Toney
and Snyder.
' St. Louis 10 la 1
Brooklyn .-. i 11 1
Goodwin and demons, S. Smith,
Mitchell. Hiljus and Miller.
Chicago J i i
Philadelphia 8 7 1
Martin, Gaw and O'Farrell; Mead
ows and Tragresser.
Hamilton a"nd
and O'Nwa.
The dePirtmeat
mver.Uy of Oregon
Held camn in th.
about June !o. :"y Cwxl'
We carry a f uU line of
With Parts and Service
W. H. Hildebrandt & Co.
Marion County Polk County
279 JT. Commercial St, Salem
Phone 875
Can furnish either
The lowest prices in Salem, call and see.
349 South Twelfth Street.
Pliant 81J
Are you think
ing of getting
married ?
Are You
tlf 41 "
Of course you would have a nice home but if you are just starting out in
life you probably are not aware of the Merchandise that is sometimes offered
at some stores. ,
We do not shout a great deal but what we say you can rely. on as being
absolutely truthful and right to the point.
You can have a nice home if you select your Furniture at MOORE'S, this
" means that you get Merchandise that you can rely on, that you will be glad to
have your friends see when they call, that will "stand up" and hold its
original appearance year, in and year out, and best of all you know that you
are dealing with a firm who stands back of its word. These items are worth
your deep consideration. Think it over. We can furnish your house from base
ment to attic and do it right.
You Get More for Your Money at Moores
this! bsShJxirX
Service that is all that the owner desires in promptness .
dependable workmanship, parts supply and charges.
Your starting, lighting, ignition system will give you
the minimum trouble (if any) : if Its vagaries and trouble
developments are corrected by us. '
No experimenting, no guesswork.
D. Barton
171 S. Comrr.?rc!.-,l St.
William IDiiiirlcaini
Bessie Love in Pegeen
moon Inn"
15 Rosebud Chorus from a Broadway
Spectacular and Unique Feats of Equilibrism
ililliiiiilllllliliv'. - ; :
III I' 17" i I
K 1 1