Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 12, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    SATURDAY. JUNE 12, 1920.
fill Around
ZZ ; the father of a brand new buxom
;lie. Both Rowena Mary, the baby.
11. Base Dan Bams,
June "
abators vs Woodburn Tiger.
t pjford park. 2:3 p' , K
Juu! 14- Salesmen 8 clu',
J Uns, Commercial duo,
June 16 Willamette Vnl
rsity alumni banquet, Hotel
and her mother ar dnino r."
and Mrs. Upjohn reside at 964 South
Liberty street.
A J T. num. o t,' " ' - .
J ast of Salem, all day; open to
P7une 15-21-North Pacific
.i.t-tn nsftembly Of th
I of the Nazarene.
T Tn. 23. Shrine day In Sa
June 16-17 Two piano re
dtals by Miss Weller". pupils,
is the evenings.
June 19- -Pioneer picnic,
un. John A. Hunt s grore.
t. 19. Waldo HUH FiO-
IS mile
3iurcu tfi .-
June 23. Shrine day
On and after June 14th, train No.
!23 arriving Salem 3:05 p, m. and No.
1 24 leaving 3:30 p. m. running between
i Salem and Woodburn will h
,tinucd; also train No. 18 leavin s.
Trusses fitted by an expert in the
business, at Tyler's Drug store. 141
' See the crowd t tha a
Turner Saturday night, June l'th. 141
Bed room and dining room furniture
in all finishes at verv in. ,,,,.,..
Hamilton's. ;
Get your Elks ami shri..... -..
radiator emblems at the Marion gar-
. 143
. That wonderfully good "Rml-i
Uion" harmony six at lloose hall to-
tnight, dancing. Harley C. Pugh. 141
lem at 4:00 p. m. will not stop at Don-
am wier June 14th. X43
A w&man wanted to do ladies
pressing. Steady work and good
wages. City Cleaning Works, 1281
State street.
:' Linoleum at special prices at Ham
ilton's. i42
Dance at Dreamland Sat May 12.
' " HI
. .... ..
m and WUiameua nw
tourt House News
Circuit Court
j F Mnutice vs Jeff Pooler. Order.
y H. Brow n vs Comstock-Brown-lm
company. Answer,
feorge Kinnear vs George Krauss
el al. Reply.
Burt F. Davis vs
Eletha Prtictt.
Rilla Josephine Brown vs O. W.
Bnwit. Affidavit
Probate Court '
0. G. Evans, estate. Proof of publi
co,, of notice on final account.
William S. Mott, estate. Supple
mental order appointing appraisers
U Harney.
Jerry Graham, estate. Reply to ans
vtr of Lucy Graham.
William A. Reynolds, estate. Final
Marriage Licenses
Minor Morris Lewis, 19, of 707
Strath 13th street, a lumberman, to
Pauline Crist, 18, of 448 South lfith
Ireet Royal Fox, 21. of Mills city,
aw mill employe, to Velma Bailey.
H, of Stay ton.
" Daily Statistics
' Bora
UPJOHN To Mr. and Mrs. Don H.
Upjohn, 964 South Liberty street,
Jane 12, a daughter. The little lady
has been named Rowena Mary.
Joy reigns supreme In the govern
'tft office Saturday for Don H. Up
'joha, private secretary to Mr. Olcott,
Mr. and Mrs. Delia ven
Mrs? A. Carlson of Snrincfioii n.
is in the citv as tha fnoot r t e..
san Burkholder" of the Cottage apart
ments. Mrs. Carlson will be joined the
first of the week by her son, and they
will leave for eastern Oregon, where
they own a ranch.
Modern Woodmen attention. All
that have flowers to spare, please
bring to band stand in Willson park
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock sharp,
in order committee may decorate
graves of our neighbors. Fiv nia.
camp committee. 14 1
Girl wanted at Greybelle. 142
I. C Gregory of this citv will m tn
The Dalles the first of the week for
a few days business visit
The home of better service, mnrtar-
ate prices and largest stock. Webb 4b
Plough, funeral directors 138
Attention Yeomen short business
session, then ODen meetine nrnirrnm
and lunch, 229 N. Com'l, Foresters
hall tonight 8 o'clock. 141
Glass lamns at before war nrlresi
at Hamilton's. 142
Love, Jeweler, watchmaker, Salem.
There will be a Johnnv Jones chick
en dinner at the Illihee country club
The next dance at Auburn will h
June 19th for the national gypsy tour
for motorcycle riders. An entire new
'f iv piece orchestra. No dance Sat
urday night. -. 141
Be Good to Your Ford
Put on Goodyear 'All Weather Treads
They are the best for service and for looks. They have won
the preference of automobile manufacturers, racers and the
public, because of the mileage they give. We have a'good
stock of GOODYEAR tires and tubes in Ford sizes.
We carry regular and
heavy Tourist Tubes, and
Tire accessories. We Spec
ialize on tires for Ford cars.
For sale by
dlley MotorCo.
No matter what anyone claims for a car an own
er's judgment must be based on experience from
actual use of the car and contact with the dealer.
So we invite you to talk to our customers, to learn
their experiences. This organization is proud of
the fact that we make friends of our customers.
Come In next time you come this way.
Safemfi Automobile
151 North High Street
Glass tumblers and lamp chimneys
at greatly reduced prices. Hamilton's,
Refrigerators, ' only a few left at
the old price. Hamilton's. 149
Dance at Dreamland Sat May 12.
Toe home of better service, moder
ate prices and largest stock. Webb A
Clough, funeral directors,
Mrs. E. C. Gamble and children.
Francis and Wlnntfred. have return
ed from Merced. Cal., where they
spent the winter. Mrs. Gamble reports
a pleasant time in the southern state.
nut expresses ner pleasure at being
homA aenin In the Cnnitnl itv Ur
Gamble is still la California, but ex
pects to leave for home In August
Baggage for your vacation trip st
Hamilton's. . 142
No dance Auburn hall tonight. 141
Tonight, Moose hall, dancing, "Rev
elation" artists in novelty music. 141
The Intermediate pupils of Mtss
Margaret Fisher, assisted by Miss
Mary Notson and Miss Marguerite
Cook, will be presented in recital it
the First Christian church Monday
eve, June 14th 8:li o'clock. Public
cordially invited. 142
Johnny Jones chicken dinner. Coun
try club Sunday. $1. - 141
Close out sale of odd patterns of
dishes at Hamilton's. , 142
j Depredations in her cherry oroh
ards was asked stopped by police Sat
urday when Mrs. Elizabeth Watt. 146S
Chemeketa street, telephoned head
quarters and declared that children
residing in the neighborhood had been
making large Inroads In the luscious
Frank Powell, driver for the Foster
& Baker company, paid a fine of So
to Police Judge Race Saturday when
he pleaded guilty to a charge of driv
ing an auto past a standing street car
at the corner of State and Commer
cial streets. Powell was arrested Sat
tsrday morning after a report of the
offense, committed Friday evening,
had been made. '
Mra Samuel Armstrong and family
wish to thank their neighbors and
friends for their kindness, sympathy
and flowers extended them during the
brief illness .'nd death of their hus
band and father. 141
fBSeeSSSSSSSSSSS Meet Me 2t Miner's dB3SB33ffi&::::
We are showing a most beautiful and
wonderful line of
Wash Dress
Included in this showing are the fam
ous "NEVER SHRINK" line, which are
conceded to be in a class by themselves
for Style, Quality of Material and Fit
5 ' Sizes are complete from the small Miss
to the stout matron. Prices range from
S3.95 to S13.50
Special Showing New Pleated Skirts
Big Selling Event
In Waists, Crepe de Chine
Georgette and Lingerie Blouses. 4 lots
specially priced
$2.75 $7.95 $9.85 $11.65
Extra Special Delineator Offer
For a few days only, Miss Washburn of New York, special
representative of the Butterick Publishing Co., has a most
interesting proposition. It is a big money saver. Take advantage.
,f V
uisn'S jo Sunaeui rapsdg
'W 'V 'i'Y 'N 8SPl
X Bwnap 7f a.
I II Good Goods. (CJ
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j.Tij i..uiwiii "" 1 1
' ' -J: (. - r'
tftfc-'-.. - ''
Heavy Pratt H
The Final Achievement in a Heavy-Duty
Tractor at a Remarkable Prke$t005
When the engineers and designers developed the
SAMSON Model "M" Tractor, two things were up
permost in their minds: First, plenty of horse power
at the draw bar for the lowest possible first cost and
upkeep; second, an abundance of reliable, steady belt
power that will do every heavy-duty belt power job
on the farm or ranch. . '
They have accomplished both these things to per
fection in the SAMSON Model "M." Here is a tractor
that will take the place and perform the duty of a bam
full of horses, without costing you a fortune or a big
part of your crop to buy or maintain.
The even distribution of weight, compact unit de
sign, and low center of gravity, give to the SAMSON
great stability, making it hug the ground and prevent
ing all danger of rearing up or tipping over.
The SAMSON Model "M" is the last word in
modern, down-to-the-minute tractor construction. It
is not like the average I-beam and channel steel frame
tractor that weighs o much that it takes large per
centage of its own power for self-propulsion.
It is a close-coupled power unit all by itself, from
radiator to rear wheels. Every part is enclosed and
protected against dust, mud or rain.
For further details about the wonderful SAMSON
Model 'M," see or write us for FREE booklet which
contains valuable and surprining information about
maintenance cost of the SAMSON compared with horse
upkeep. , le;1I;2FS2T?2.
Albany - Eugene - Dallas - McMinnville - Woodburn
ft v v At AyyyyvmAv,w'fl'
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