f-AGE SO THE CAPITAL JOURNAL The last day of the Seventh tty Adventi.it Campnieetins 1 tomorrow., Jt ha proved to be one of I he most successful nieetinns ever held in Western Oregon. T!ie camp is packed ! with an immense crowd of people who Imve cnmi in to tipend the weekj end wilh the campers. Evangelist A.' 11. Dell of thin city will tipeak tomor row at the 10:St hour on "The I'am-! Ing of Human Glory." At the 2:30; tiour I'rof. K. J. Hillard of 1'ortland; will addrew the campers, ins nuo Jeet will lie. What T'llnk Ye of Chrim? Whow Son is lit ?" Kvan geliHt U K. Dickson will preach at the 8 o'clock hour. His subject will he, "The Climax of Human Jlintory Is AnnaKeddon Past or Future? lius the 1-ist War been Foupht?" They are expecting to have a large baptixm in the Willamette sometime Sunday. S. JOHN'S KVANUKLICAL Ll'TH eran church, 16th and A street. En glewooil, H. W. Gross, pastor. Ser vices lioRln at 10:30 a. m. Sunday Hi-hool at 9:30, evening at 7:30. Hun day school and evening services are in English. GOOD SAMARITAN. MISSION Meeting at V. C. T. IT. hall corner South Commercial and Kerry street, Sunday 3 p. m. The "Lost and Sav ed Hunter will speak. Subject "Lost in the Forest of Sin and the Way Out." Come everybody. I'lllST PKF.SHVTKWAN Ucgulnr services Sunday. At the morning serv ice children's day will be observed by, a. program of music and recitations. A cordial welcome Is extended to all these services. Thomas S. Anderson, minister. SWEDISH TAHKKNACLH Fif teenth and Mill streets. This Is om Chlldrcn'a day. The Sunday school will render a program In the forenoon t 11 o'clock. The public is Invited. In the evening at eight o'clock Kev. Antony R. I-Ind will conduct a gospel meeting. p. ni. Concert by the choir at S p. El. 48th Reunion Of Pioneers Is Set For July 1 ! or sail and audience Benediction, Iiev. 1S4. chaplain. Landing. 1". H. Burnett,' I.l'Tll E RAN East State and Elqh-! rb ASlh r,uniun of ,ne 0B" r, teeuth Greets, t;,0,ge Koel.b r. paa. ; neer aviation, which would oid.nar- tor. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preach-i' hi,v held on J,,ne 17- ....... ... Untie nluco ill T.rtl:niri Jnlv 1. The niir st r ui ih'ih i m Mitrtbwt i ' "What Will Save Our opH: Uood ; national meeting of the Shrlnei ami , company bw or Faith In Christ?' Visitors ar welcome. Th4-n? will he no evening Trip To Mineral Springs One Of Beauty And Fun Oie of the best week-end trips that can le made from Salem by auto on good roads in the opinion uf E. V. Me- Mechan. of the O. it (iingrich Motor , h with his wife and Mr. other organizations requiring the use .anil Alra. Arthur Kahn formed a mo ot the municipal auditorium, made It tor party. Is the one to the government jnewwiry to postpone the date. , mineral springs in Washington. Mr. I co,ious banqueU wi be i V; VI.-UI1B wiiiiuk IU Ul DUin ill mr j anu .VI I .ic.tiviitrt anu .ir. IIU .iim. COt ItT STUKI'T CI I III ST I W risrin:-l territory of Oregon, up to 1 K5J ; Tttthn ftpr-ni several dnys ;m:um1 Mfm- inclusive, without regara to wnm ormr i;;y at lh- springs, wncre Charles Shrine Patrol To Literary Groups Escort Masons In At Willamette To Portland Saturday Hold Reunions f -ed i lh(, f. v each nli.. . ' fund. Invitation of the Al Kader temple' Pled?...! , "sters to ih :c "nn . Th. W.l..tr:.. llti..., .... . . K.l.l: " ehst.,l Willamette university will hold its new memh- . ' a. of Portland to act as escort for 506 annual reunion banquet Saturday eve will tret t..v ""a vm. ' .Masons who will take the Shrine de- ning at the First M K. church.. A ! ha iioos. h.a. Moose h; 11 folio. gree at Portland Saturday evening has large number of alumni of the society '' quMs been accented hv ihe uiam i...;., :i i . ... . i . . . . . . i , . ... nr - n ill tnr pi rwiii mi iiim iHllinuet, Wmca r trol, and 18 of the 24 members of the is an important occasion for the so-1 Acconiiu- " i patrol will attend, it was announced eiety. particularly this year, as war i Lan,. county tl Wednesday. The Salem Shi ine j atro., contlitioiia have prevented many of 1 1SS j ar? " 5Ml flr , 1 after the ceremonies, will tscoifhalf the former members from coming to'tal farm ' 1 ",t,iua w nwin Jiniieruii, ana uie last two reunmns. nans ror re- ! y3 acres. ;the other hajf to Hotel Portland whi le' Ciimei Niirth Keventeenth anil fnnrt ; streets. The whole morning worship ! '" no 1,ve- a,e -8'e memoer will be iriven over to the Childr. n I hlp. Pioneer head.tuartera, during thi dav nrniritim. . A verw IntttreKtlnir nr.. ' reunion, will be in gram of song, recitation and dialogue is being prepared. Our aim Is from 225 to 250 In attendance. Remember to be there and bring someone with you. . We begin promptly at 10 a. m. Come early if you want a seat. Don't for room C, Auditor ium. At 2 o'clock literarv exercises sons and daughters of pioneers , be held. At 4:30, the "Kloshe Mucn-t.-Muck," by the organized woman's auxiliary of the Oregon Pioneer aseo- forget to bring that envelope with your elation will take place. All mrmbtra offering. Junior and Intermediate En deavor, 5:30 p. m. Young People's En deavor, 7 p. m., K. B. Flake, leader, topic, "Mistakes." A real live pro gram prepared. Come and enjoy it. Song service and sermon, 8 p. m., sub ject "When the Devil Does to Church." Worth hearing. Don't miss it. You are invited to worship. It. I Putnam, pastor. of the association wearing the proper 1920 badge, "Will be admitted, and the husbands or wives of pioneers, not pio neers themselves, will be supplied with speciul badges. A social hour will fol low. The annual business meeting," nt which officers for the ensuing year will be elected and other necessary busi ness transacted, will be held at 7:30 p. m. The annual camp fire will be gin at 8 o'clock, with Past President 1SCO PAL Colonel Robert A. Miler presiding. It will consist of five minute talks by pio ners and old time melodies by the G A. R. veteran quartet. Ex-Governo: T. T. Oeer will be the time keepei. A special feature will be the exhibition of a number of lantern slideB to illus- , farewell meeting of trate pioneer days, with a few words association. Professor ;0f explanation by (ieorge H. Himes, FIRST METHODIST E Coiner Church and State streets, Rev. Richard N. Avison, minister 9:15 a. m., Sunday wchool, Alpbeus fllllette, superintendent, Robbin Fish er, assisting. 11 a. m. baccaleau rente sermon, President Carl Gregg Doney, D. D. 3 p. I the Chrltsian James T. .Mathews, leader. S p. m., us- secretary. Miller, former manager of Hotel Mar ion here is now in charge of the hotel there. The party made the trip in seven hours, taking this course: Salem to Portland. Columbia highway to Cas cade Locks, f rry across the Columbia river to Stevi nson. thence to Carson and from Cirsjii into the mountains, a, distance of 15 miles over good roads to the mineral springs. One of the most scenic spots in the country may be found around the springs, Mr. McMeehan said Thursday. The streams In that vicinity are a mec ca for sportsmen who come from all parts of Oregon, Washington and Cali fornia to angle there. The mineral springs hotel, managed by Mr. Miller, is of 50 rooms, rustic style and a veritable hunting lodge of comfort ami beauty hidden away in the innermost part of tile mountains. Although the gasoline shortage wan In effect the Salem trip In u Hupmobile the t'tnlt i :i the c:ir capital city. The Shrine patrol of this ;- will wear Cherrian uniforms with Shrine insignia instead of the booster insignia because of the Inability to get Shrine uniforms In time to jiarticipate in the festivities. The patrol Is under the leadership of Captain Joe McAllister and has been religiously drilling in preparation of the festival at Portland. i Dal services at the Old Peoples Home, Twelfth and Ferry streets. 7 p. m., Senior Epworth League, Sheldon Sack ett, leader, topic, "Accepting Our Re sponsibilities"; Intermediate League, Douglas Wilkinson, leader1, in Epworth hall; Junior League upstairs in Ep wort hall. 8 p. m., anniversary service of the Chrltsian asosclation, sermon by Rev. A. H. Thompson. Thursday, 8 p m The Indian wur veterans will hold their annual convention In Portland on June 80, and there will be special rail road rates for the pioneers and vet erans attending. For any additional information members should write to Cloorge H. Himes, secretary, Auditor ium, Portland. The program at 2 o'clock will be William. Coles of Haines has pur chased the llolstein dairv herd of En- 1 nest Leonnitf. Five Accidents In Week Fatal Four men and onc woman lost their lives In accident in Oregon industries during the week' ending June 10, ac cording to reports reaching the state industrial atjeident commission here. There Martin Kreigg, Portland, black smith; Lulu Ingle, Hoskins, cook Floyd Mitehelr, Prescott. edgerm.m; Ray Bilderback. Kerry, logger; W. II. Woodworth, Salem, riggerman.' Of the -)89 accident reported during the week -Nil were snbler-t tr. ib.. ... people made the , visions of the workmen's compensation an, to were from firms and corpora tions that have rejected the provisions of the net and 12 were from -public utility corporations not subject to the provisions of the act. Do INot uet careless With Your Blood SuPPl, Impurities Invite Disease. You chould par particular heed to any indication that your blood supply is becoming sluggish, or that there is a lejstning in its strong and vital force. By kecDinr your blood purified. your system more easily 'wards off disease that is ever present, wait ing to attack wherever there is an opening. A lew oouies ci a. a, without refilling .fter Paving th n 4-z in IO the great vtgttablt jvj , cine, willmitsliwM! give you nnr atrenrA Tl . healthy, tieoroni tiUiity. kL'i one BMdt ft just bow tiCi vatatn in irfu j I o-tW and if ical advice, you wn obttii i rl out eost by writing to Mtdwiffi! rector, Swift Snecifle Co, Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. , J ST TAI L'S Chenii keta and Church Ktrets, the I lev. Chus. H. Powell, 11. D.. rector. Services for the second Sunday after 'Trinity: 7:30 a. ni., holy com- liiiinloii; : 4 ;"i u. m., church school; 11 n. in., moining prayer and sermon; 8 p. in., evening prayer unci address. EviiNliod welcome. midweek prayer and praise service, j composed of the following ""mra: MUSICI an into.;, ni' ". ...u....,-... Mrs. Gladys .Morgan Farmer CATHOLIC Communion mass at 7 Mil a. in., high mass and biirniileuur (H'e MTiiiciu for Sacred Heart academy by the pastor at 10:30' a. m. At the high mass tlie ncnileiny will sing a mass especially prepared for the occa sion. Hem --diction will follow lust mans. I :v a; ui welcome. IHu'n;. tl:a sur.t i ier tnontlis there will be no high mass sung, but. two low masses. One at 7:30 n. in. and the other ut 10.30 a. m. IW'iicilU'Uon will follow the early mass. Dr. Avison will he with us again. Comei ninl tret the messaire he will hrinff. 1 organ, Ther, should be a large attendance, j and audience. Call to order, Rev. Andrew .1. Htin ,.,,, T,r.ir ,m.. ,.oiiijjn vnr ' saker, 1S47, p-esldeut, lIcMinnvllle. Church street, J. .1. (Illesple, istor. Surdity school, 11) a. m Jackson, superintendent, Invocation by the chaplain, Rev, Mm Viol1 11. irarneu. into, nuie-iiv-. ' i., rrl Song, "Star Spangled Preaching services! veteran quartet and organ. Banner, audience I OlIllilM of nit nuc.s, 11 a ni., subject, "The Two Witnesses!"1-'"""'- ,, IVophe.-vlng in Sackcloth One Thou- Addrea, of welcome, Hon. C.eorge L. ,,! t'- it.m.lred ..ml Threo Score ;Jiker, mayor of Portland, Sons of Days," Kev. 11. Young People's meet ing 7 p. m., Miss Augusta Hnhn, lead tr. Preaching services, 7:45 p. meeting Wednesday Pioneers, Response, by Hev. A. J. Hunnaker, m-1 or his representative i..iiiiiui i.iui.u' iiw i.'."1" nBior mM A Web x wi-mx i JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Dl.CB.0M - OPTOIIETRIST-OPTICIi STATE r STREET , ... e ollfi . Ri-., ! yfCor. 6tale art to TOMORROW TWO DAYS ONLY MONDAY "EASY TO GET" FEATURING I FO UL L Prayer 7:15 o'clock, givento all to evening, A cordial Invitation is attend the services. veteran 11! tor. I'MRSF CHRISTIAN Cento.- n"V ii t recta, Lelaml W. I'utniim, pas- lltble school session at 11:45 a. m. Iuiinlng worship at 11 o'clock ad drcHses by Missionaries David Ilyerlee 11111I Mrs. Ilyerlee. nee Vic Cave. These .MH'.ng penplu ate on their way to Ho ieige, Congo, Africa, and are here vis iting with the Cave family at 1100 Hinid Htreet. Chrlstiun Mndeavor will meet, at 7 p. 111. At S p. ni., Chief Red i'ox KIlulHlui-hal, a HlackCoot chief from Toppeniidi, Wauhlugton, will bo in the pulpit fur the evening services, uiuler charge "f the Brotherhood. He and bin usdntant, Black Hawk, will ap pear in full tribal costume, and Mrs. Oscar Gingrich will sing during the evening In Indian dress. No charges will bo made but the chief will develop iv"Uimcnt and support for the Christ ian mlMsion at Toppenlsh. I N IT K II liltKrilltKN -- Corner Seventeenth and Nebraska streets. The Children's day pi-ogium will be given nt 10 o'clock Sunday morning. Rev. o.-orne Chtipman will I'.lve a sermon e,;e on "The Lite of David" especially Hie children. Hverybody Is coi- nv!te'il to come and enjoy the There will be preaching lln- eM'iiing at -K o'clock. Prayer tneet- I illally KlllSr IIAPTIST Marlon and Lib erty streets. Services at 11 a. ill. mid 8 p. in. The morning hour will be a special Children's day service. The Sunday School will have a prominent part with sermon for the occasion. Professor G. R. Sciilaueh of Mc.Mliin vlll will speak at both services. Sun day school at 9:45 a. m.. Prof. II. T). Hewitt, superintendent, classes for all. 1). y. P. I', at 7 o'clock. Strangers and those not worshipping elsewhere cor dially invited. LKKL.'K MKTlKlDIST EPISCOPAL Corner South Commercial and Mey ers streets, Horace N.- Aldrlch, pastor. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school, with classes for all ages, 10. A. Rhoten, sviperln lendenl; 11 n. 111., public worship with sermon by the pastor, theme, "The Child In the Church"; Infant baptism will be administered and all babies on the Cradle Roll are invited to come with their mothers; 7 p. m., devotional meeting of the Kpworth Leiigue; S p. ni., evening services. - Iusic, patriotic selection. quartet, organ and audience. Annual nddresn, Iljn. R. A. liooth, I!5'i7, 'Sugeme. Appointment of committee on reso lutions, by President Hunsaker. Special service, memorial and reso lutions in honor of Mrs. Rebecc-. Burger, 1847, "Mother Queen of Ore gun," who departed this life'S'liti'm ber 22, 1919, aged 91 ears, S months and 22 days, ,1. I). Lee. Solo, Mis. Virginia Silencer Hutchin son, daughter of W. V. Rpcnce, n plo ner of IS 52. IIijIj, ". A. Montgomery. Music. "America." veteran ipiarler. CorvalMs school children are belnji ejinniined In the therapeutic clinic at the agricultural college for abnormalities. The Beauty vf The Lily can be yours. Its wonderfully pure, soft, pearly white ap pearance, free from all . blemishes, will be com- i parable to the perfect beauty of your skin and complexion If vouwlll utv H " 1 THE "SUNNIEST GIRL in PICTURES" in A TALE of A HUNDRED LAUGHS efr. , , ' y ( U I .ig -! i . COMEDY ROMANCE . of n CONSTANT LAUGHTER with HARRISON FORD "CHICKEN A LA C AB ARET" JUST FOR FUN Coming Tuesday-3 Days CECIL B. DeMILLE'S "WHY CHANGE YOUR WIFE" in gellstie vlll Thurs.lav evening. He sun- your part is taken III these rervlces. NZ KKNK -Nineteenth and Mar lon streets. Regular services Sunday. Sunday school nl 9:45 . W". H. Hardy, supcrinlciHleiit. l'renchtng at 11 by the pastor, subject, "Have You the Vision?'' Young People's Hlble mudv led by l'lorenco Wells at 7 o'clock and preaching in the evening at' o'clock. There will bs special singing tvt these services by Hie Smith famllv from California. lVaiiinlnsr on Tucs.iiiy evening with a great cvan- serviee the district assenioi.v cotnlnue over Sunday. Lvange- llsllc services every evening, me mu gospel will b" preached. These will be times of salvation and you are Invited to be present. CI rent preaching and good singing. lr. .1. W. Goodwin, gen eral superintendent of Pasadena, Cali fornia, will preside. A. Wells, pastor: Florence Wells deaconess. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Lib erty and Center streets W. C. Kanlner, minister -10 a. ni., Sunday school wm classes for all, W. I. Staley superin tendent: 11 a. n , "Om' Own River and the River or Life"; 7 p. . Chi-ls. I inn Kndcuvor, Miss Theresa I'owle. lender; 8 p. musical program by the chinch choir, address by Rev. .las F.lvln. FIRST C1I1RCU OF cill'ii" SCIENTIST Sunday services In Id a. 4 40 Chemekctn street nt 11 u. m.. sub ject of.Jlible lesson 'Ancient and Man em Necromoncy, Clod the Preserver o' Man." Sunday fchool at 9:45 a. m Wednesday evenins testimonial nieet Ing at 8 o'clock. Reading room, 209 Masonic temple, open everv day except Sunday and holidays, from 11:4S a. nt. to 6 p. m. All are Invited. CKNTR.VL CONOR KG ATIONAL Corner South Nineteenth and Ferry streets, 11. C. Slover, minister. Chil dren's day will bo observed Sunday with a program by the primary de. partment nt 1 1 n. m. Sunday school ftt 10 a. m. Christian Kndeavor at 7:15 Sv-u. - .r ii riiiiiiiiitifnoifiiii VaflHBB ji!i.uiii,Mi,.i)fyj:w' m.)fmiM 'LiULza CONTINUOUS SHOW TOMORROW 2:13, 4:00, 5:45, 7:30 AND 9:15 P. M. gpgsaw.'Agw The Newest Harley-Davidson , A new enAi ned Harley-Davidson ! Fully one huirdred pounds lighter! Quieter, snappier than any solo mount you have ever seen before. Powered with a bal anced, horizontal-twin engine almost vibrationless and wonderfully "peppy." All the speed you want and it hu&s the road. Here are a few of its exclusive advantages: Unit Power plant, single drive chain, fully en closed and automatically lubricated; low center of gravity and low saddle position; &reat ran&a of power, amazing pick-up and low-speed per formance, due to perfect balance and the super heated intake manifold. You cannot appreciate this Harley-Davidson Sport Model or realize its fereat superiority without Mfflinfc it is m. HARRY W. SCOTT , 147 South Commercial Street V Sales conducted everywhere. Farm sales 2 percent; city sales 5 percent. We Bsve you money on advertising CoL W. F. Wright Auctioneer Phone 734 L. M. HUM . Car ot ; Yick So Tong j -bines Medicine and Tea Co. ; Han medicine which will cur ny known dlaeue. . I oiwa Sunday from It a. m. until p. m. ; its flout b Hlgb Street teiem. Orefoo. Phone tit Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases Music Rolls and Brief Cases, at . Hamiltonys 340 Court Street "WaUelF Take the place ot Soue lining for leea, 1 Max 0, Buren 1 le .Norlfi Coui.eri. and Player Pianos Best and Cheaper Makes at GEO. C. WILL Salem, Oregon honographs and Records EDISON'S : VICTORS " COLUMBIA AND STARR GEO. C. WILL Sewine Machine) All Makes Genuine Needles nnrf Oil Sewing' Machines Repaired and M GEO.C.WIl Sheet Music ' And Music Studies . McKinley and Century 10c Editions at -Music Store GEO.C.W5 I'a jJohtVM Brw-'SraSe- -wTiW He ssepneo;j