PACE FOUX. SATURDAY, nx, ins lapnsi'jQurnai ? AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Published evey evening rxeujt Sunday by The Capital journal Print ing Co., 13( South Commercial street. Telephones Circulation and Busi ness office, SI: Editorial rooms. SJ. O. 1'1'TNAM. Editor and Publisher. Entered as second clans mail mat ter at Salem, Oreeon. SUBSCRIPTION KATES By carrier 59 cents a month. By mail 60c a month, $125 for three anonths. J2.J5 for aix months, 14 per year in Marion and Polk counties. Elsewhere $5 a year. By order of U. a government, all nail subscriptions are payable in advance. BLACK BECOMES WHITE. The Portland Oregonian, which repeatedly declared that re pudiation of the League of Nations by the republican party was "unthinkable," now rejoices over the repudiation. It declares, however: This is no victory for the no-leapuers. Nor is it a victory for those who would try to make the best of the Wilson league by means of reservations. It is a compromise, prompted on the one hand by determination to repudiate the whole course of .President Wilsor. in regard to the league, on the other hand to pursue the development of American foreign policy by making this nation a party to international co-operation in judicial settlement of disputes and formulation of a body of international law, and to frequent conference for prevention of war. , The Sacramento Bee, the personal organ of Hiram Johnson, TALS 1? Y ARTHUR SCOTT A Blow for the Bully. i cal had nothing better to do he flew Jaqnn. T .. v, ., .a .. . i .i . . t which has all along opposed the League of Nations declares that! his head, one of them ! wasThat a per-!,ver t0 he stone waU Just t0 ta,k t0 the republican platform is a "signal victory for Johnson" and couldn't be haPPy unless he was Mr- Chippy ftnd te" hlm what he thot what Johnson presents and that to nominate anv one who had makin a reat deal of noise. And if, f hlm- Adverusing . i. . , ,..,,. .;fh ......;... - rai!I,n.0tlnno M ""g mai rousea jaspers m mere, rea-neaa: jasper jay Ward. Tribune BKlg., New York; w.f .""" vu.....vuo, wrath, it was the sight of some quiet, ! shouted. "Come out here on the wall! It Stockwell, Peoples Gas. Bldg.. j "border On Stultification. Says the Bee: j modest little neighbor that minded his :I want to see you." Chicago. ' i Spnntnr Jrihnson won romnletelv him lnn floht nBatnca th tinmi. n. Own affairs and ImA liM tn anv i ATr Phinnu thruct h! VimnA tf,ni,h r:. ul 'neati MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper ajd also local news nuhlished herein. Lyons Section Headquarters For Pioneers (By the- Country Kdllor.) Lynns, Or., June 6. This section of Minion county seems to be headquar ters for plnneer settlers of the San Uma valley who, owing to favorable circumstances and a predilection for the pursuits of husbandly, turned their owoids Into the plow, after driving away the suvase natives, and improve the opportunity to do something In the way of developing a farming com munity that turned other veterans green with envy. While diligent In the pursuits of their favorite vocaton, they never failed to stop long enough to see the funny side of life, W. H. Swank, who has lived In this settlement for nearly a half century, takes delight In telling of the funny things that hap pened In his boyhood days. His father, David Swank, was one of the first settlers along tho Santlam river. In those days they had no roads and of course no automobiles or rapid means of transportation. In proving up on his homeutend, he says, his fa ther used to walk from the place to Salem and walk back. It was a tire come task and required several days. Upon one occasion he had not been foellng well, the result of a severe toothache. Tired from the long walk, he sat upon a stump for a minute, a few miles from home, to test, and nurse that painful member. While he Vim thus engaged Dr. Vm. W'elck of Silverton, a pioneer dentist, came up the trail on a horse and stop ped In front of the man "up a stump." Mr. 8wank supposed It was ftome cruiser wanting to be directed, for everyone went to the senior Swank when he wanted to know anything about land locations or direction "Say," said the veternn dentist, "aint you got the toothache?" "You're right, I have," was the rely. The tooth ex tractor laid his victim out across the klg stump and with the modern Im plement of the times a turn-key ex tracted the tooth. From that time on the dentist and the pioneer farmer were friends, Some funny things happened In those early days. I recall a story re lated some years ago by Rev. Bennett, a ploneor Baptist minister who lived at Mehania. lie went In company with another man one Sunday In the winter time to hold a meeting, the town and place he did not name, as he states they do things better there now. lie went to the hall at the appointed Hut and there was snow covering he plat form In front of the building tit a depth of two inches, and the only tinck on it was that of a dog and he was goln In the opposite direction. They went Into the room and after staying there for it half hour one man came. "We preached to him and If you ever saw a tired mortal in your Ufo H was that man, In about a hnlf hour. I did most of the talking," said tho min ister. "Hut the congregation grew from that time on and I presume they are having good meetings there now." The schools In Lyons will close next Friday with the usual annual com mencement exercises In the evening. Mrs. Kora Davis ,n former teachev In the LynnR school, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Able yesterday. Percy Hlatt motored to Albany a few days ago to get gasoline, hut his efforts were of no avail. Announcement of the Intended mar rlage of Miss Alia Ulatt to Alexander llodacker was made a few days ago and a shower was given the intended bride last evening at the home of her parents In Lyons. Nations. The result is the culmination of his long, hard and Dracticallv sin-! There was one such chap who made i the leaves of the wild eranevine. And ele-hnnded flsrht acninst the league ff.-ir when th Kenntni atnrtd rw.nlHtirf ! fl home in the wild ffraDevine that one could hardlv sav that he looked against It, the country was overwhelmingly in favor of the league. I grew upon the stone wall in front off pleased. Like most people, he was not I QriPffnl P pA 01Tll 'a visits. Buti r t T1 . ed back upon the wall. But Mr. Chip- nalReveluT -C' py had vanished. He had dived und,U.i .... . 100 A. Jr:: ... " .J - . " Ul" 'o an special . the cover of the srranevinpa nnA fci Kal Ums,- " ' "Pon which return. , . lax mn k . "."a Talma- .n,iM nnt tnA Kin. "WO. ..... ... . - - ..,ut ....... "I declare " said Jasper at last "I declare, he"s got away from me!" And so Jasper went off, shaking his head. He had never supposed that mild Mr. Chippy would dare do anything so bold as to knock anybody off stone wall. it is plain tnat Jasper had never learned that one can be brave without boasting. And as he flew off across the road toward the river, Jasper thought he heard a peculiar noise from the depths of the wild prapevlne. It was only Mr. Chippy, chuckling to himself. For Jaser had made him quite happy .after all though not ex actly in the way that the blue-coated bully had intended. There ia no compromise about the plank. It simply makes the Republican issue the rejection of the Treaty of Versailles, with or without reservations, and those partisan organs like the Oregonian, that favored the peace treaty, will eat crow and say 'they like it. They can call it a compromise, but the compromise consisted in bartering a principle for party harmony. - It doesn't make any difference to the dyed-in-the-shoddy partisans what the platform says or who the nominees are. They will support and praise both, regardless, for to them the voice of the party is the voice of God. MORALITY OF THE PARTISAN. Oregon's delegation to the republican national convention was instructed at the primary election to vote for Hiram Johnson. Im mediately after election, Wallace McCamant, one of the delegates, announced that he repudiated the peoples' instructions and would vote for General Wood, despite the fact that in his statement in the official pamphlet he had declared that he refused to commit himself to any candidacy so as to be free to abide by the popular choice. Other Oregon delegates, despite personal inclinations, an nounced that they would abide by popular instructions and vote for Johnson. How long the delegation must remain instructed is not stated in the statutes, but the reasonable supposition is until the candidate's cause became hopeless, or until he released them, On the first ballot, the Oregon delegation voted 9 Johnson, 1 iWood, the one being McCamant. On the fourth ballot, however, the vote stood 5 Johnson, 5 Wood, four additional delegates hav ing repudiated their instructions. Johnson had steadily gained on every ballot, and his cause was by no means hopeless, when the desertion occurred. He had not released the instructed dele' gates from his support. In explanation of his vote, Mr. McCamant said at the con vention: ' . , "I am more confirmed than ever since coming here that Johnson is s dangerous man. Under no circumstances will I ever vote for him except this, that under my conception of my obligation as a delegate,, if Johnson were nominated I would vote for him and contribute to the campaign fund." Here we have an example of the curious moral twist of the partisan mind, and the sacredness of the convention over the peo pie. The people of Oregon instructed for Johnson, but Mr. Mc Camant had no scruples about repudiating the popular dictum, He regards Johnson as too dangerous to vote for, even though the people of Oregon favor him, but if the convention favors John son, he regards it as his duty to vote for him and contribute to the campaign fund. Mr. McCamant regards it as no part of his obligation as a delegate to abide by the wishes of his constituency, but declares that his obligations as a delegate bind him to support the choice of the convention, even though convinced that the choice is "a too dangerous man" and menaces the welfare of the nation. The action of the people could not bind him, but the action of the pol iticians controlling the convention is sacred and stills his con science. Can you beat it ? ' "You don't, look Juippy!" he scoffed, Rippling Rhymes PLACING THE BLAME. , Of all wild times these are the worst : our divers coata we lose; and sages with an aching thirst blame things to lack of nooze. i ne Honest toiler can t get stewed when his day s work is o'er, and so he strikes, in bitter mood, and jumps the useful chore. If he continues at his task, though angry, sad and dry, oh, what, the thirsty sages ask, will that man's wages buy? He cannot buv a crate of gin nor purchase beer or ale; then why toil on for use less tin? And what's the use of kale? He cannot seek the Gilded Hole where large glass schooners clank; he simply has to take his roll, and put it in the bank. He has to buy a house and lot, or get his children duds; for in the village there's no spot where he can purchase suds. He has to spend for useful things the toil-1 stained, hard-earned sum that he would gladly see take wings where reigned the Demon Rum. Then who can wonder that he spurns the job with wages fine, when he can't bur, wtih all he earns, a flagon or a stein ? the farmhouse. His name was Mr. Chippy; and he was never known to do anybody the least bit of harm. On the contrary, he was auite heloful to Farmer Green's wife, for he went to the farmhouse almost every day and. ciearea me crumbs ort the kitchen doorstep. But Jasper Jay complained that Mr. Chippy was altogether too humble. "He never says anything .except 'Chip, chip, chip, chip,' " Jasper of ten remarked. "And his voice Is so high and thin that anybody would think he was a little old lady, to hear him. He's too quiet to get on in the world. And as for a good time, I don't believe he ever had one in all his life." Jasper said a good many other un pleasant things about mild Mr. Chip py. And one day when the saucy ras- overjoyed by Jasper Jay' he crept on top of the stone wall and chipped a howdy-do to his caller. "That's no way to greet anybody!" cried Jasper Jay, rudely. "If you want to make a person feel that he Is wel come you ought to speak up good and loud and slap him on the back. And you must look happy, too." Little Chippy smiled faintly. But Jasper Jay was not satisfied. "You don't look happy!" he scoffed. "You appear as if you had a pain somewhere . . . Come, now, let me hear you give a hearty laugh!" If Mr. Chippy had known that his caller was going to be so rude he would have stayed hidden in the wljd grapevine. And now he wished that Jasper would go away and leave him In peace. As for laughing, he saw nothing at all to laugh at. "You'd better do as I tell you!" Jas per Jay warned him. And he raised his crest and stamped angrily upon the stone wall. "You're all together too quiet. I want you to laugh loud." "You going to be happy If I have to break every bone In your body, Jasper added. Naturally, that threat did not help little Mr. Chippy to laugh. Instead, he looked quite worried. He knew that Jasper was a bully. And there was no telling what he might do to anyone so small as Mr. Chippy was. So he tried his best to please Jasper. But he was so upset that he could manage only a feeble "Chip.chip, chip, chip! "That'll never do," Jasper told him. "Maybe this will, then," said Mr. Chippy, quietly. And darting at Jasper Jay, he knocked him off the stone wall before Jasper knew what was happening. Jasper Jay was furious. He scrambl- Taxes For Year Due This Month Owing to the fact that the special taxes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, are due and payable during Collector Miller w0U14 Fm(1t preciate co-operation of taxM 1 making their returns o, the present month. Collector of Inter-'early in June as possible. rM hi!. i lor hi . . F'vasure boa,. SJtk tables. bowlisXVni: brokers, pawn bro'e classes of taxpav-. o, pracmionerS,whomu re-registration under aVS? not later than Julv i ir? they will be deiiBqtt;BL"w On or before June .. installment of the Income due and payable and tax were sent out some sons who fail to pay bailment due on 'Jun. quired within 10 davsaftwT' demand, to pay the entirTo balance on their Income taTS to pay one Installment hT makes due and payable all ELS Installment, which would ST' berdueonSeptemberl5 We are selling out our line of Automobile Trailers At prices that every farmer and fruit grow er cannot afford to overlook. LOVE and MARRIED LIFE By the Noted Author ID AH McGLONE GIBSON "Why, I'm sure, honey. Why do you ask me that? The only people I've ever seen at close range that were married were your own dear father and mother and they were very happy, but you know your father was such an Invalid and he was so dependant on your mo ther that the affection between them was more that of mother and child than husband and wife. But certainly, either you are In an unfortunate circle of friends, my dear Katherine, or the modern marriage leaves much to be desired in the way of happiness." "Well, you see, Hannah, Its because women are In a state of transition. We are trying to emerge from that conm Hon of 'belonging' that was the condi tion of the wife of other days, and men have not quite realized that we want to be considered something more than than a possession. I think that makes all the trouble. The reason fa ther and mother were so happy was be cause he never did consider mother a possession." "Don't Cry, Honey." "Well, don't cry, honey. I believe if I were married to a man" I looked at Hannah's gaunt fonn and wrinkled face and smiled to myself, for you see that I, too, had the Idea that a woman must be prepossessing tp hold her hus band's love "what would you do if you were married to a man who thot you must be 'dolled' up all the time?" I interrupted. ' Tomorrow Hannah's Ideas on marriage. San Francisco 4 10 2 Salt Lake 8 14 2 Gordon, McQualde and Telle; Lev erenz and Byler. Portland - 2 7. 1 Oakland 0 7 2 Ross and Koehler; R. Arlett and Spellman. Coast League Scores R. H. K. Seattle 8 9 3 Vernon 11 12 2 Geary, Brenton, Zamlock and Bald win; Schellenback and Devormer. Los Angeles 0 4 2 Sacramento 4 11 2 i O. Crandall and Lapan; Mails ana Cady. Branch Library To Open At Highland . School Wednesday A branch of the city library will be open at the Highland school from t p. m. to 9 p. m. Wednesday night begin ning next Wednesday as a result of action taken by a committee of the Highland Parent-Teacher association, the Salem school board and the city library board. The branch will be un der the supervision of Mrs. George Thompson. Some ceremony, likely in the form of a band concert, will be held at the opening, next week. The soup serving plan which was tried out at the school Is now beyond the experimental stage, It is said, and is to be put on a permanent basis. More than -1500 bowls of soup have been served since March. Silverton Guard Company Honored In strength, point of attendance and for ex-service men in the ranks com pany L, of Silverton, is the banner guard company in the state, Adjutant General George A. White, who visited the company Incognito several nights ago, said Thursday. The company at Silverton is handi capped by several disconcerting fe tures, chief among which is the wt that the armory is in poor condition and an unfit place in which to drill, the colonel said. l Ill II II IIIHilliflliiMI ... 2 Wheel Solid Tire Trailer, 1 1-4 tires, capacity 750 lbs... $60.04 2 Wheel Solid Tire Trailer, 1 3-4 tires, capacity 1250 lbs .$S0.M 2 Whee Solid Tire Trailer, 2 tires, capacity 2000 lbs . $105.M 4 Wheen pnumatic tire trailer, 30x3 tires, capacity 1500 .$175.00 Get busy at once while our stock is complete 77l Sliippailarm SALEM. OREGON La Grande Shotvs Big Census Gain Washington, June IS. I.a Oranrte, Or., 88 IS, Increaso 2070 or 42,7 per cent. North Braildock, Va., 1 4.028, in crease 3104 Or 20. S per cent. ' Now Kensington, Pu 11.9S7, In crease 4280 or 65.5 per cent. BT CIRCUS JfA It "Ther's vnmeihln' I'm crary nbout ' I'm gotn' r git a dish vthtm tlineo f.'t n-'rnml," s;i!il l.dtc P.::d tVHy, n, ll ti.'t"! !fc,Tlt t'di'l !;iW ill ii t"''; M lint. VVti.i? a lH'-tlnc o' h' tiU- tin ,;ivtficd Some Modern Ideas. "What's the matter, Miss Katherln darling?" said Hannah, as she opened my door and came In and took me up In her arms just as she used to do when I was a little girl. "You haven't quarreled with the handsome husband of yours, have you?" "I don't know whether I have or not," I answered somewhat incoher rently. "Well, I Just saw him going out of the gate stamping down the walk with a grip In each hand and I come up here and find you sobbing your heart out. It looks ns if something were the matter." "There Is something the matter, Hannah, but I don't know just what It la When John Is away from me I sit down and think about him he seems to 1 everything in the world that I could possibly wish for and I believe that's Just the way he thinks of mi when he thinks of me (it all. But the moment we come together we seem mutually disappointed with each other, Kor. instance, when John eame in on the train you know I went to meet him in mv blue skirt and shirt wnist and the long blue silk maternity coat I expect I Mas a little dragged out. , Not a Bit of Rogue. "I hndn't put a bit of rouge on for weeks and John was so disappointed with my looks that he didn't even of- fer to kiss me. I came home, got Into this neallgee, dressed up and he seem ed to like nie again, but as usual we began to talk about money. Why, do you know, Hannah, the only subjects John ami I can talk on are my ap pearance and money, and we nevet agree on either. John seems to. think I should be beautiful and bright and guy and happy under any circumstan ces. Ho can never conceive if a con-, ditUm that should ruffle me physically: or menti'lly. Ami Just at present. H.m-i nnh. I am really very human. I want to b petted a Utile, even if I am not lonfctaft my best." ' Wi! 1 you dlsipnoin'el in Mr.. ft. 'in i-1 . ; i . !!.., V. ? -'-.1 he .:'!'!'-l "Well, I've seen him when he looked better. He waa unshaven and his linen was soiled, but of course, Hannah, you know he had been traveling for u couple of nights." ' "Yes, my dear, I know that, but you have some excuse, too, for not looking your best. I may be an old maid, Miss Katherino, but it's from choice, and one of the reasons I have never mar ried Is because of all this silly talk among men, and even among women, that if a woman wants to keep a mans love she must always be on dress pa rade. How many times have you seen In the newspapers that a woman should not wear curl papers at the breakfast table, and yet did you ever see it written that a man should not come in his shirt sleeves, unshaven and without a collar to his own table? I never did. Some time ago the newspa pers carried a report of a prominent woman writer, who. though married, lived In a separate home from her hus band to keep their love free from the common places that mar many marri ages. I think her idea was good." Trim and Puritanical. I looked at Hannah in surprise. naun t areamea tnat sne held tmm ideas on the marriage question, She was o trim and puritanical, and I knew she had been my mother's friend as well as servant for at least forty years. I expected to hear from her the most mld-Victorlan Ideas and here she was giving me a taste of the radical Ism of the most modern feminist. "Do you really think, Hannah." I said, "that this woman has solved the problem tf how to be happy though married?" Dancing Ever Sat. E?e Woodkrn Armory iii OP Perl!- tt-ss Urcfccstra BATTERY solution and passage cf 'current always succeed in Wearing out ordinary insulation long before the plates reach the end of their usefulness, but it is different with Threaded Rubber. Thaf s the insulation which frees the car owner from reinsulation ; worriesduringthelifeofthebattery. DEGGE & BURRELL Auto Electricians 233 North High Street "Through Service we Groiv" I Used Truck Bargains 1 ton Maxwell with good stake body and brand AAA new tires, repainted and overhauled tJJlvVV $1350 .$709 1 ton Republic with hew tires and body, over hauled and guaranteed. 1919 Maxwell panel delivery like new electric lights and starter .... 2 1-2 Republic truck with new tirea, overhaul- (29950 ed and guaranteed .". Uuif All of These Trucks Equipped With 1920 Licenses Free Call at the Yellow Front Truck Store for Inspection W. H. HILDEBRANDT & CO. Republic Distributors 279 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET I Marion County romw-"" PHDNK 675 ' PHONE 675 I f ; i 1 1 'i1 'Zi f j H f-j i u xvi $ rr t i i -jii V 3 ITS A TREAT To eat, with or without a slice of our BAKE-RITE bread, and grown-ups both m , our bread; it's so soft flavored, like rich cake, w loaf and judge yourself. Bake-Rite Bakery 4t :. ?f Phont3 LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1SC3 General Basking BusiseH Office ITours frcn 10 i. ra. to I F t