tows Covering Centra! Willamette Ualley by CapiMJ5MCilM were stolen from them during the pnst year, but this has been the sum total of their losses, ordinary thicken dis eases and aliments having been met and treated with skill and success. Sur plus chickens have been canned and helped with the hot lunches wnscn the domestic science branch of this one room country school serves to Its mi nils at the noon hour, and the sale Jefferson, Or., June 12. Saturday or effss has helped to buy other requl was a red letter day In the history of 1 sites for this luncheon. The pupils this community, following an all day J are planning to erect a new and larger picnic given under the auspices of the chicken house and increase the num- Jefferson Host To Community Clubs of County Withtsanding the accident Use local team won from Xewtwrg, the score be ing nine to four. The boys will pl.ty ; HcMinnville next Sunday, and an ef fort is being made to get a game with Salem. St. Paul is small but not afraid of the big fellows. ber of chickens handled next year. Another activitiy of the children is a garden on which last year they grew potatoes and sweet corn successfully for their luncheons and for sale. Sur rounded by woods the greydiggers called for a vote of the audience i have bothered them a great deal tats regarding the matter of celebrating the year but with the rain of the past Fourth of July under the auspices of, week they nope wsir xrouDies are school a rousing meeting of the coun ty federation of community clubs was held in Masonic hall. Mr. Griffith, president of the local club, called the meeting to order and before proced- lng with the regular routine of busl the Jefferson band. The vote was unanimously in the affirmative, and it was definitely decided to celebrate. The real important, feature of the meeting was not taken up as expected, but at some near future date the bank ers ot the county will hold a meeting and probably make arrangements to take care of the road bonds. . Jefferson gave th federation a hearty recelptlon. The band furnished music in the street before the meet ing was called and a large number rt men and women greeted the county body wtlh a welcome. Mr. McCroskey. manager of the Salem Commercial club, made a short talk on "Commun ity Building," and Luther J. Chapln also gave a short address. A musical program was rendered by members of Mrs. Van Winkle's class, and this woe met with hearty applause. Btayton extended an Invitation to the club to hold the next session at that city and it was decided to accept the Invitation. The meeting will be called during the month of July. It was also decided to hold a county picnic during the month of July. A committe was appointed by the chairman to make plans for the occasion. The club at Donald was represented at Jefferson by Messrs. Espy, Feller j and Oroff, Salem by McCroskey, Wil son, Chapln and Franklin, Mt. Angel by Kebber, Rice and Appleby, Stayton by Bell, Thomas and Mayo. over. There are now three rural schools handled as training centers from the normal school and it is expected that several more will be added within the next year or two. Miss Ethelva Elklns of Eugene Is here to take In the commencement week program of the high school. The Misses Florence and Wlletta, Lever of McMinnville were recent ntr itors with Mrs. Erickson. William McCaleb with his wife and child are here from eastern Oregon and are visiting friends and relatives. The last two will stay for the summer, the guests of Mrs. W. H. Mack. Mr. McCaleb is a road superintendent In Moro county but was born and brought up in this vicinity. A recent issue of the Corvallls Ga-lette-Tmes was got out by students of industrial Journalism at the O. A. C. and among 'the active workers who helped to get out the edition was Miss Haiel Bursell ot this vicinity. J. L. Murdock was here from Yam hill this week looking after business matters. Polk County Court Probate Court. In Re: estate of Leona R. Lady, de ceased. Letters Testlmentary issued to Paul Mundman. Executors Bond filed and approved. Executors oath of office. Order appointing F. E. Sherwta, R. H. Tates and John Shetterly apprais ers. In Re: estate and guardianship of Calvin M. Barnhart, a minor Petition for Guardianship. Oak Point School Has Novel Record Of 'Accomplishment Monmouth, Ore., June 11. Mrs. Collins and the pupils of the Oak Point Training school have not only put in a profitable year in an educational aense but they have made the year financially profitable as well. Not only are the pupils ot this school able to pass satisfactory examinations in the aciences d fractions, penmanship and F.ngltah as it should bo but Isn't, but they are wrestling a few of nature's ecrets from her as well. One hundred percent profit Is the record of the school In maintaining a chicken yard. They deal In fowls which have 300- ogg ancestors and have sold a numser St. Paul Public School Closed St. Paul, Or., June 12. The public school closed with a fairy play and a pleasant program rendered by the pupils Monday evening. The attend ance was unusually large and the pro gram of exceptional Interest. The pu pils manifested great skill in the work put on and a great deal of credit is due the instructors. . Mr. and Mrs. Steve Merton Jr., mo rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy at their home Wednesday evening. S. J. McLean, blacksmith, athlete, artist and general good fellow, moved his family yesterday into the house adjacent to his blacksmith shop. There were several land buyers In the city this week with a view to pur chasing farm lands In this vicinity and making small berry ranches. MIks Swinderman of Bolso, Idahot visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, S. J. Smith Wednesday. The local baseball team will give a hard times ball this evening. A big time Is anticipated. Choster Davidson, who was seriously Bible Institute Proposal Still Being Discussed Woodburn, June. 12.! After holding an all day and all night session in this city the board of control for the proposed Pacific Bible institute -adjourned without reaching a decision as to whether the school would be located here or not. The subscription list, on which $6000 had been pledged toward this institution, had a heading in which were several stipulations which did not suit the board. It was stated therein that a $50,000 unit should be built every year for three years and it was also called a univer sity. Now the board wants to call it a bible institute and take its own time about putting up the units. Each sub scriber will have to be consulted as to these changes and should there be no objections the board will make its decision later. As it now stands, Wood burn still has the inside track ac cording to their statements. Star Pitcher For Woodburn May Play Bench Woodburn, June 12. "Snowball" Lane, Woodburn's pitcher, has been confined to the house most of the week with tonsilitls and it Is doubt ful whether he will be able to pitch tomorrow's game tit Salem. Harold Olson returned Wednesday from O. A. C, where he has finished his freshman year. ' "Grandma" Whitehead, while pull- S. P. agent P. G. Vickers visited his parents at Cornelius Wednesday night. Amos Beach and Mr. Lyons attend ed the G. A. R. convention at Astoria this week. J. E. Emmons of San Francisco is visiting at the homes of his sisters, Mrs. Laura Pittenger and Mrs. Vir ginia Walker. He will attend the Shrine convention in Portland. In the divorce case of Chas. L. Ogle vs Nellie J. Ogle, held in Ore gon City Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Ogle was given the decree by Judge Campbell and also a third interest In Mr. Ogle's property in Woodburn. amounting to about $750 in all. Miss Louisa Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, Sr., has re turned from India where she was sent as a missionary in IS 13 by the Ameri can Lutheran mission board. Miss Miller, who is home on a furlough of 18 months, has many interesting ex periences to relate and is kept busy telling them and showing and ex plaining the numerous curios which she brought from India, China and Japan, ing some weeds in her garden re- f roosters in the Oak Point commun Ity, helping to Improve the grade of Injured In a baseball game with New poultry there. Three or four ohickens berg a week ago, is recovering. Not centJT. unearthed a bumble bee's nest She beat it with them after her. She states that they were as large as small birds and after chasing her a ways let her go without stinging her, in re spect for her age. O. F. Haskell has returned to his home from southern Oregon to recov er fro man attack ot sickness. Mrs. Geo. Bonney represented Wood burn at the state encampment of the Woman's Relief Corps, which was held at Astoria part of this week. She is visiting at Seaside a few days be fore returning home. New Monmouth Water System Proves Success Monmouth, Or., June 10. The com pletion of Monmouth's mountain wa ter system marks the culmination of a year of effort October 21, 1919, a special election was held and $60,000 in bonds were voted to put in the sys tem. People said it could not be done for twice that sum as the line was long, 12 miles ,as the Luckiamute vm ley had to be crossed with a range of hills just west ot the city, all inter posing obstacles. Six-inch wood pipe is used and it is supplying an amount of water sev eral times greater than the city pres ent needs.. The system has a head of four hundred feet which increases the capacity of the pipe. The intake is on Teal creek about two and a half miles southwest of Falls City, and is 6880 feet above sea level. The line is longi tudinally In the shape of a drawn out letter "S". After crossing the Luckia mute valley an elevation is reached of 480 feet from which the line slopes downward to the city reservoir, 320 feet above sea level or 100 feet above the level of the city. The reservoir has a capacity of 200,000 gallons. Heretofore Monmouth has relied on a pumping station, but the wells the first and largest of which was put In In 1911, have each year yielded less water until a change of systems was made Imperative. Sixth Son Born. St. Paul, Or., June 12. If Theodore Roosevelt were on earth he would doubtless send congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Smith upon the advent of their sixth son, Robert R. Smith, born in this city Monday, June 7, 1920. Besides the six healthy boys there are two pretty girls in the family, and the happy parents have Just reason to be proud of their descendants. STOP LOOK READ iFI'sScnAit.-- ; trf "ft - Hi "The Biggest Spectacle BUT , f "If sSl in Years THING , -X"" ..... I JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT i ...,,... "" '1 J " V X ' ' THE BOTTOM OF THE WORLD A pictorial journey through the perilous seas of the Antartic facing death real death, not make believe in a drama of Human endurance staged by the greatest of all dramatists FATE. " The great emotional document that proves truth is stronger than fiction. Pathe News Rolin Comedy Sunday Monday Tuesday Review 1 River's End Comes Wed ?ive Reasons Why you should have Plates made here THEY COST YOU LESS THEY'LL FIT JOU PERFECTLY THEY'LL FEEL COMFORTABLE THEY'LLLOOK LIKE NATURAL TEETH THEY'LL LAST There are many more reasons why people who need plates should have them made at this time in my office, ! If you have Pyorrhea which has advanced beyond possibility of being successfully treated, or your teeth are too badly broken down to be restor ed, your relief lies in having the teeth extracted and plates made.Of course you want the best plates and you want to pay the lowest price, and you want a pleasing, natural appearance. Here you will find the perfect combination of these features. ' V Irnr-iiiianr inr " 'nnn' Tn 1 V, ,1 If your mouth is difficult to fit, and you have had no satisfaction from plates, let me make you a set. I positively guarantee my work, and will make your plates at each . .... .... 12.50 I use only the Best of Material, and employ the most scientii ic Examination free. Methods Dentistry at Pre-War Prices $12.5 Plates . Crowns (Anterior) Gold or PorcelaJn ' W gs Crowns (Posterior) Bridge work, Gold or Porcelain tM 12.00 "P Gold Fillings - 12.00 P Poreelain Fillings il.W sP Silver Fillings $1 Cement FilHings $1.0 Cleaning Teeth $2.W Removing Nerve . ' Extractions 204-5 GRAY RLDQ. CORNER STATE AND LIBERTY ST. . SALEM ORB. .Dr. C A. EWriedge OVER HARTMAN EROS. JEWELRY STOKE . ' SALEM, Ore.