THE CAPITAL JOURNAL SATURDAY, 61 Pupils Win Library Reading Class Honors Twenty-eight pupils of the Engle wood school, and 23 students of the highland school have completed the list of reading outlined by the school departmnet of the public library and have had their names inscribed upon the library's honor roll. Third grade pupils are entitled to a red star on their library card; fourth grade, a blue one; fifth grade, silver, and sixth grade, a gold star. Students who have completed their reading courses are: Highland School. Third grade Nettie Jones, Samuel Berger, Dorothy Dancer, Peter Spreed, Grace Day, Leonal Morehead. Fourth' grade Walter Stryker, Iva Stryker, Bessie Harvey, Francis Brown Delores Mills, Andrew Jairl, Hazel Pre, Alma Cooper, Kenneth Abbott. Fifth grade Donald Wilbur, Charles Howe, Robert Dawson, Walter Sample, Henry Jalrl, Nile Peonce. Sixth grade French Hageman, Walter Sample, Englewood School. Third grade Dale Homyer, John Lambert, Marshall Snvder, Vivian Fleener, Robert Randolph, Gertrude Hobbs, Lester Mills, Ruth Feefer, Au brey Paul. - Fourth grade Ada Sharp, Irene Haven, Myrtle Bailey, Blrdell Robin son, Carol Hobbs, Dunne Kirk, Glenn Wilbur, Alice Claxton. Fifth grade Ronald Ferrell, Jim Bush. Albert Barker, Viola Cuok, Ma rie Waldorf. Sixth grade Lawrence Fllsinger, Harold Taylor, John Evans, Weldon Kirk, Julius Wilson, Marcia Fuestman. popularity that won the clever player his enivable in the east. T of err.-: ilcr.c" v.ill ieti' at the theater in matinee and evening performances Saturday and Sunday, then will depart for Washing ton where he has several pressing en gagements. Credit is due to Salem and Manager T. G. Bligh, of the thea ter, for the success in winning the first appearance of the comedian In the west for several years. Young Wife Victim Of Tuberculosis Failing to regain her strength lost en the trip here from California where she had gone for her health, Mrs. pthel Monroe Henderson, age 23, wife of W.- I. Henderson of Estacada, Or., died at the homo , of her aunt, Mrs. Wary E. Schuntz on the Garden Road, Friday evening, Mrs. Henderson has been suffering from tuberculosis for more than a year, but the valiant bat tle she waged against It steadily lost. Besides her husband, Mrs. Hender son .leaves a daughter, 20 months old. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Mon roes, rt-side at Estacada; a sister, Mrs. F, C. Sampels, Estacada, and a bro ther, Herbert Monroe of White Hat Dion, Wash,, also survive. Planes Clash In Air; One Killed San Diego, Cal., Juue 12. Lieutoii ant Louis T. Darin, a navy aviator at tached to the Pnclflc fleet air detach ment on the U. S. S. Aroostook, was instantly killed this morning when the Davy airplane he wag piloting, and an army airplane were in collision over Rockwell field, the United Slates army air station here. j Machinists Mate George MoCunibs, who was in the navy plane with Lieu tenant Barln, was slightly Injured, while Cadet Joseph T. Walker, who was piloting the army plane, and Cor poral Roy Francis, who was In the army machine as a passenger, escaped uninjured. Carload Of Gas To Relieve Shortage Coming Next Week Salem's gasoline shortage is to be at least temporarily relieved In the near future. That was the statement m morning of John Harbison, of th Valley Motor company. . Arrival of 10,000 gallons, ordered for Salem through Portland dealers from an Independent oil company .is ex pected early next week and should take care of the local situation until the first of next month when It Is believ ed thee will be a general relief. Due to the fact that the gasoline to be re ceived next week must be handled more quickly than ordinarily the allot ments toiotorists will be considerably larger, Mr. Harbison explained. Costs of handling the carload will be higher than usual and, although it is possible that the fluid will be sold un der cost, It may be necessary to charge a trifle more than In the past, Mr. Harbison stated. j Unchanged conditions were reported by the offices of the Standard Oil, As sociated Oil and Shell Oil companies this morning, with no definite Informa tion as to the future. , j At a meeting of local dealers In gas oline, held with a view to determine the advisability of temporarily hand ling gasoline of Independent oil com panies It was decided that It could not be done, and no action was taken. The preeJin:- concerns ul!' brwich of contract. i.-d night, near 14ih and Ferry streets. H. L. Eogness, representative . of the Fuller Brush company, returned Saturday to his headquarters at the Bligh hotel after a two days sojourn in Portland. ; Atiss Louise Davis, a member of this year's graduating class of the University of Oregon, is spending the i week end in Salem. While returning from Halls Ferry Thursday night. Deputy Sheriff Be-t Smith and an officer of the state school for feeble minded were attract ed by the suspicious actions of thre? young men who had halted their ma chine near the garage on the Walter Pemberton place. The men gave their names as Charles Waters and Fred Shoemaker, Springfield and Harold Webb of Eugene. The young men run their car from Portland with two flat front tires. The party was inter viewed later by Sheriff Needham who pemitted them to proceed south -iu view of the absence of any specific charge against them. I W. J. Gurbarg, representing the , Weyman-Bruton Co Xew York, will 'make Salem his headquarters while ' representing the above firm in the i state of Oregon. This firm is the man ufacturer of Copenhagen Snuff and Real Tobacco chew. The question of the validity of the Medford irrigation bond issue was presented in supreme court chambers Saturday by Rawes Moore, Poter .1. Neff and Lincoln McCormack of Med ford. . Sheriff W. I. Needham as reetlver for the Gates Lumber company and J. F. Moores has instituted suit against Walker D. HInes, as director of the Southern Pacific railroad company. According to the complaint, the lum ber concern had delivered quantities of ties and material valued at $1178.03 to the Southern Pacific company, the defendant failing to make subsequent payment for the material received, the complaint cites. Judgment for the amount and litigation costs are asked. On his way home to "try his hand at farming for a few days" Consress man C. N. McArthur stopped in Sa- lem over Friday night. McArthur ar- ! rived from the east early in tne ween, I coming direct from Washington fol loWine the adiournment of congress! He says that he is tired and was in no mood to stop off at Chicago for the republican convention, with its swel tering hot weather and restless wrang ling. Claude Stanton, who has been em ployed by the government at Wash ington, D. C, as mechanical engineer since his discharge from the service, writes to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stanton, of this city, telling of his marriage to a Massachusetts lady. After a short visit with her parents they ' will Journey to the coast and spend a few weeks in Salem. Claude Stanton Is a native son of Salem and well known In this vicinity. He has been in the service four years, dis charged a couple, of months ago. ' Local Briefs The funeral for Mrs. Ethel Hen derson, wife of W. I. Henderson of Estacada, Or., will be held at the chapel of Rigdon & Son at 10 a. m. Monday. Burial will be in City View cemetery. f Loss of a mare, age nine years, weighing about 1050 pounds, and Is believed to have been stolen by three boys, was reported to police Saturday by J. F. Dancer, 1740 Hickory street. Mr. Dancer said that the boys, earlier In the day, had come to his place, asked the price of the horse and how long It would take them to ride 1o Oregon City, then departed. He be lieves that they returned later and stole the mare. His entire herd of registered Jer sey cows and heifers, consisting oi 20 head in all,, brought J7300 Friday when H. WV Hand of Orlando, Cal., held a sale at the state fair grounds. The success of this sale,' which at tracted breeders from all parts of the state, is believed to be the means of After spending a short time In Sa lem on business at the state highway department, T. O. Kussel, chief en gineer of the Willamlna and. Grand Run Railway company, returned to his home In Eugene this afternoon. Theft of his bicycle from In front of the Yi M. C. A. building Friday evening was reported to police by Sherman Plimpton, 254 North Church street. Harry Philips, a freshman at the university, returned to Eugene Fri day morning after upending a short time In Salem following a visit with relatives at McMinnville, I. The body of Harriet Weir, age 53, who died at a hospital here Thursday night, was forwarded Saturday by Rigdon & Son to her old home r.t Portland, where funeral and burial will be held. i H. W. Conger, of the Rigdon & Soil undertaking firm, Is in Ashland trans acting business for several days. , Mrs. Albert Tlllsnt, a resident of Portland, is In Salem 'visiting her mother, Mrs. J. F. Watson, 666 South Summer street, who has been ill. 'Clever Prince Of Comedians Winner Loud acclaim compelling his return four times even In the matinee at the Ellgh theater Friday afternoon W, P. Murphy, the "prince of comedians," made a most successful debute In Sa lem. Appreciation of the blacktnec Jokester was even greater during the evening performance. Indicating, the A large group of Miss Elizabeth Levy's violin students gave her ' a most delightful farewell surprise par ty when they gathered together In Wlllson park and came In a body to her home Sunday afternoon. As a to ken of their appreciation of her un tiring efforts as their violin Instructor they presented her with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a leather bag and traveling case. The afternoon was spent In music and short speeches by the students, after which delicious re freshments were served. j Slight damage was sustained by a residence at 354 North 12th street Friday afternoon when sparks from the chimney Ignited shingles on the roof. The immediate arrival of city firemen prevented the spread of the fire, and probably saved the residence from destruction. I - , An auto owned by R. A. Blevins sustained a bent front axle Friday evening when, as he was parking on Capitol street, an auto driven by George Ramp of Brooks, collided with it. Report of the accident was made to police. The official representative of the Al Kader temple at Portland, author ized to sell Shrine emblems, flags, posters and banners will be in Salem Monday, according to an announce ment made today by Dr. O. A. Olson of the 8alem Shrine patrol. The rep resentative Is endorsed by tle Salem Shrine club. The representative Will call on business men of the city and provide them with all insignia for tho grand show. Renewed search was made by police here Saturday for an unknown man, age about 40, who several nights ago accosted several ladles on State street, frightening them and forcing them to seek refuge In a nearby garage. A telephone operator, reading of . the man's operations, called police Sat urday morning and" declared that shf had also been stopped by a man whose description is similar, as she was on her way to work late Friday The suit of the Elerath Steel and Iron company ngnlnst Max Solof was viewed Friday and Saturday In Judge Kelly's court, department No. S. C. STONE, M. D. CURES CANCERS , and does a general office practice Office Tyler's Drug Store 157 South Commercial Street $200,000 reierrei Paper M ill Stocli We offer the unsold portion of the $600,000 issue cumulative 8 per cent Preferred Stock of the Oregon Pulp & Paper Com pany, Salem, Oregon. .- . This mill Is one of the most modern paper mills In the country, Is equipped wlht high grade sulphite specialties, such as glnssine and greaseproof papers at present not manufactured on the Taciflo Coast as well ns wrapping, tissue and waxing papers. The mill buildings are about completed, the machinery being erected, and the plant will he In operation very shortly. m ... g This preferred stock Is cumulative from July 1, 1920, pays 8 per cent per annum, .dividends payable monthly; none of the stock of this company either preferred or common has been sold for less than par, 1100 per share. The ownership of the $600,000 common stock rests largely with F. W. Leadbetter, the president, also president of the California-Oregon Paper Mills with mill In Los Angeles, and for 25 years a large stockholder and director of the Camas, now the Crown-Willamette Paper company. And the C. K. Spauldiug Logging company, which owns a saw mill adjoining the paper mill at Salem, and furnishes the new mill with sawdust for fuel and the necessary wood for the 50 tons of sulphite daily made In the sulphite mill. Mr. C. K. Spauld Ing, the president of the logging company, being vice-president of the paper mill, and the fact that Mr, Spauld iug and Mr. Leadbetter each own one-half of the Svaulding Logging company, which in turn owns nearly one billion feet of timber with Its own logging roads, assures the new paper mill of Its raw materials without the great expenditure for limber usually necessary to supply a great paper mill enterprise. These two interests combined with the heavy holdings of the local Salem stockholders, and Mr. E. 8. Collins and the Ladd estate of Portland, comprise the ownership of these mills and makes of this plant a distinctive Oregon corporation, designed, owned and operated by Oregonlans. For Detailed Information Apply to Oregon Pulp & Paper Co., Salem, Oregon. . causing other sales to be held in this city. In Salem -visiting for a short time la Dr. John Straub, dean of men at the University of Oregon. He arrived Friday afternoon. "Hank" Foster, well known Uni versity of Oregon track man who fea tures in the sprints and hurdles, spent Friday in Salem visiting. Foster is one of five university athletes who will soon compete in the preliminary try outs for the Olympic games. His home is at John Day, Ore, Buy Remnants AT THE Remnant Store . Jci. Hawkins & Roberts SEE Woodry's Stock of Furniture, Ranges, Heaters, Rugs, Tools, etc., before - you buy 170 N. Com! -St. Phones 510 or fill ' W.W.HOORE House Furnisher HOME OF THE TICTROXA You get more for your Money at Moore's, Just What 1 Need Says Mr. R. Sturdivant, 490 Clay Street, Portland, Oregon. Who writes: : - "I am now getting close to forty years of age, and up to my thijty-fifth year, I had never known a sick day. Just about this time I began to be troubled with constipation and viliousness, and it was not long before the trouble became so aggravated that I felt al most unable to stand up under the heavy work that I was compelled to do in one of our local steel plants. I hardly knew what a full pay check looked like. I tried every ching that was recommended to me, and none of them afford ed me any more than temporary relief, and , they always lefj me worse off than I was be fore. "Several months' ago, a friend of mine told me to get a bottle of Bark Root Tonic and give it a trial, I did so, and I will never again be without it. It is Just what I needed, and I believe tBat it has permanently cured me. "I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone who is suffering (is I was, and if you desire to publish this letter you have my per mission to do o, as I feel that I owe a debt of gratitude to your wonderful tonic.'" Bark Root Tonic fff A Mild Laxative and Appetizer. Why suffer with stomach troubles, indigestion, etc., which result in nervousness and sleepless nights? No griping or purging. What it has done for others, it will also do for you. Be convinced and give it a trial. Sold at all drug gists, or write, t . r (Si C TW,J f : i " ".() M.iO LWflVt U i , Avriin( 2 i of Alcohol it ;i A ApftUMr. & uw. fto-siuvsstMkui ; 'fri tttswfcal I' 'J WUrrrMbtswup ' ; ! l Asfwtor. Clavfes, ( : ;.. 1 OnsuinaCMUt r i ' -ifctt- , f. t . I CLoj I p!-l 6 fi,it duLMt 3.1; ttaafMlw4il)rr ' f'j & ' cruto-KOLA ca r; IVilsMOfa, I wiwiiiijiu; jirnwiiiWiTnfr' The Farm Mortgage Is about the only security on the market which presents to the In vestor a concrete and definite picture of what is behind it. The average investor who is not dealing in a large way with securities likes to visualize his security. With the modern ap plication for a loan before him, tell- " ing as it does the story of the ap . plicant and a full description of the land, he can form a mental repre sentation of just what it is that stands behind the note. This is the strongest appeal of the farm mort gage, and out of it grows a confid ence that begets sound sleep. - Hawkins & Roberts 205 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Ore. 1 1 Remember the label See that It bears the Young Squaw. CELRO KOLA COMPANY PORTLAND, OREGON. ' J ' IN YOUR DAY : ' YOU HAVE FACED PROBLEMS Were any more serious than those your family would face next week if you should die meanwhile? Have you done all a man can to throw your knowledge and experience into the problems toward which your heirs are headed Whether you have a keen realization of the consequences of inaction on your part, r,r lnrV it. come m and have a talk witn our Trust Officer. That 'does not mean you must do business with him. It is sim ply an invitation, without strings, to learn something about the descent ot your .. property. - Capital National Bank i Trust Department SALEM :i . k :: OREUOH CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Summer Fancies in Daytime Frocks of Voile June days demand just such dainty dresses as these in light and dark patterns and shades of an extra fine quality of voile. Each frock has an individual charm of its own. Dain ty lace yokes, the new, quaintly rounded yokes, short sleeves that are cool and comfortable ; these and many other features are to be found in these frocks. Priced from $9.75 t0 $24.75 Dimities And Lawns These are truly "warm weather dresses" and . they are doubly charming in the range of light brilliant shades in which they come. They are universally becom ing and modish. What more could one ask, especially when they are priced at only v $6.95 t0 $14.75 Our "Pay As You Go" is a true community institution; the benefits derived from it are all yours. It was conceived fr yu uo uiiuauui eutiwa 10 uuc iu uur appreciative patrOllS. ' "