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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1920)
Tns weainer 0RF(;O": Ti;b.t and Sunday fair, k-rau- westerly winds. rOCUi: Mia. temperature 48, max. 0, mean 59. No rnlufulL River 1.0 f(C, stationary. Average for Sn M.mrlis en Mana. SI, . 1 Kr 5 259 ? - Member of Audit Burma of Ctrpn5ao Associated Pre Full Lesed Wir FORTY -THXS.D YEAR. NO. 141. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1920. PRICE TWO CENT! ! t"T ti FT 1 Ill ill! si? EM Opponents Seek to Stem Tide by Adjournment to Monday; Johnson Is Out Chicago, June 12. No agreement aa to adjournment over Sunday could ce reacnea at a conterence m which Governor Low Hati. Will Hay3, chairman of the National committee. Harrv Daugherty, Senator Harding's manager, a ndCharles B. Warren of Michigan, formerly national committeeman, participated while the convention wa3 reassembling. Chicago, June 12. Senator Warren G. Harding of Ohio, was riding the top wave toward the presidential nomination when the republican convention late today took a two-hour recess. During that time the Wood and other forces were woroking frantically to check the iiaraing compromise movement. iwuuu IlIiI i i!iy)!ii i n f M n b3 Ls Im OHIO SENATOR WHO APPEARS AS LIKELY CANDIDATE TO BREAK DEADLOCK AND, CAPTURE REPUBLICAN NOMINATION Wood and Lowden managers con ferred on the question of pooling their forces to check the drift 'to Harding and force a recess in the balloting un til Monday. At the moment of recessing the Harding tide was rising fast and run ning from all directions. It had climbed up to a hundred and thirty three and a half votes, and what ap peared to be a stampede to Harding from various state delegations was be ing held in check by the leaders. who wanted a recess for conference Stork Rises Early. . Beginning with last night's confer ences of convention leaders who felt that some man must be found to break the deadlock in which the votes for Wood, Lowden and Johnson wcr. holding the convention, the drift to ward Hardi.ig began running strong Mid when the convention assembieo, loday it was forecast that a break to the Ohioan would come soon after the (party harmony. conclusion of which both men declar ed they had agreed to the recess and Mr. Willis on leaving declared: "Its all settled; it will be Harding' wnen we come back. All the leaders hurried down town for conferences. Evidently the dev elopment threw a bombshell into the Wood camp for the general's manager declared it wouid not be "all over" when the convention reconvened and that Senator Harding would not be nominated. Some of Senator Harding's man agers declared they had perfect con fidence in the result and that Mr. Harding would be named on the tenth ballot the second after con Representatives of Senator Harding vemng. were in conference with Senator Johnson and it was acknowledged their effort was to Induce the Califor nia senator to accept a place on the ticket with-Senator Harding to help opening of the balloting. Beginning with 78 votes on the first ballot the fifth of the convention the Harding accessions came along in small gains from the field until Wy oming was reached and cast all her six votes for him. That seemed to be the key log holding the Jam for Imme diately there were signs of a break to the Ohio senator -from many d;r, -lions. ; The results of the all night confer- i ences were plainly reflected in the ao-j llons of the floor leaders and the party chieftains on the platform. Joimson Vot Breaks. ' i . There had ben a large break In the Johnson vote, led by Michigan, and a new hight water mark in the Harding movement came at the end of the eighth ballot when Missouri after hav ing cast her ovte asked permission to change it. The state chairman wanted' to cast the state's vote as a block for the Ohio senator. ' Immediately there was a call for a after the recess, the three leaders When the balloting was resumed stood: Wood, 299; Lowdn 307; Hard ng 133 V4 ; Johnson at that time had dropped to 87. - The Harding forces returned to the hall confident and full of fight and equipped with a fresh supply of ban ners, streamers, portraits of the sen ator and noise making devices. The atmosphere of the convention was surcharged with electricity. Ev erybody knew there was either going to be a nomination or a fight to pre vent one. Streets leading to the coli seum were choked with people, wh) were prepared to be satisfied with hearing the news outside. Pour o'clock, the hour of reconven ing, passed by and the convention was not In order. Conferences down town apparently were delayig arrival of leaders. Frank Knox, floor leader for Wood said on entering the hall: "They are trying to run a bluff on recess and former Governor Willis of "s and they haven't the votes. Ohio objected vigorously. . While the convention waited h He was Informed from the' platform, shower of Harding pictures, printed that the Ohio delegation had agreed i on .postal cards fluttered down from to the ecess but declared . he knw-the skylights and girders in the build nothing of it and went back to confer. Ing- They fell everywhere among the Recess Taken at End of Eight Ballots With Ohio Senator Gaining Rapidly Coliseum, Chicago, June 12. At the end of the eighth ballot at the republican national convention today just as a tide faf Harding was rising throughout the hall, a recess was taken until 4 o'clock. " At first the Harding managers, former Governor Wil lis of Ohio and Myron T. Herrick, protested against the recess but after a platform conference agreed to it, and on leaving th conference Mr. Willis said : "It will be Harding as soon as we come back." Just before the recess Missouri at- . tempted to change her vote to throw all 26 to Harding but delayed and af the same time It became known that accessions to the Harding column were about to come In from Kansas It was also reported that Massachu setts would go to Harding on the open ing ballot after the recess. ' Hurtling Gains Steadily. Tiie Harding tide which began last night when after a day of unsuccess ful balloting the leaders went Into con terence to find a compromise candi date began rising this morning when the convention assembled and contln- Republican Party Turns Labor Down Montreal, June 18. The republican convention has "turned its back upuw uea lo rise sieacmy mrougnoui ine;,abor" anA hag AapM a platform, balloting until It ran over the hundred ..detlant ln lta defense of the enemies mark. Wen it passed the 108 mark ; et labor anii calculated to secure foe there were signs of breaking from them fresh advantages and greater many sides. Word came to the hall privileges," Samuel Compere an from Senator Tenrose of Pennsylvania Matthew Woll, president and vice) that the nomination of Mr. Harding-1 president Of the, American Federation would not be displeasing to him and of Labor declared here today In the word generally spread throughout statement presented at the- federa- the convention that many delegates were prepnrlngt o "get on the band wagon" with the coming ballots, 1 During the noon recess, It was un tlon's annual convention. The labor declaration of the plat form as adopted, they asserted, pro poses an industrial enslavement nn-t HOW THE VOTE STOOD ON EACH OF BALLOTS Candidate with his colleagues. Olitonns Protest The Ohloans came before the plat- delegates and visitors. I More than a half hour after the time fnr maoHno. alula. I. . v. IV 1 O T1CIC l,l I. form ln a body and raising their (ed with delegates constantly confer voices above the pandemonium which ring and the effort was being made was sweeping the hall, . Informed by those opposed to Harding to get Lodge they did not want an adjourn- an adjournment until Monday. It was fllent- understood the Wood managers were Finally Mr. Willis and Myron TVjoIning in the adjournment. The gal Herrlck another Harding delegate leriea were loudly voicig their impi were lifted to, the platform where Uience with the delays. Cries of "lets ther was a hurried conference, at the go," and "start up" were frequent Michigan Delegates Are First to Break; Wood Gains, Johnson Loses Coliseum, Chicago, June 12. Illchl-1 tan's solid 30 which had been stand 'ig solid for Johnson broke on the 8Ih ballot today. Eleven of the thirty broke to Wouv ""d one to Lowden. The remaining e'shteen stood pat for Johnson. It wa the first break In the solidly Instructed legations. - ' The calling of the roll Jogged along 0I the sixth ballot uneventfully until yeorgla was reached and a poll was demanded. Indiana Rank Break, wood lost one ln Georgia by an ab sent delegate and alternate. It stood 'or Lowden afld 7 for Wood with "e absent. I" Indiana Lowden gained 4; Wood ' two and Harding gained one. Miohigun called for a poll and there rumors of a breakaway from the "1 Johnson 30. Harding got a gain from Missouri 'lng his gain on the sixth ballot to nine. Wood Gains In Ohio. Wood had gained 12 and a half by he time Kebraka was reached. In York Wood lost one and Lowden wd. 2 making him 44 from the ia;e. ... ... Gains for the Wood forces in Ohio f)'iU3ed another demonstration on the oor. Th word came up from the , ous managers that they Intended , 'tana Pat and fight it out a little l0iger. the return of the absent delegate in'?1 Wood got back the one h lost Georgia. That restored the Georgia - m lowden . Wood 8 Mullinix Given Seven Years Term In Steiger Case, i 287i2 2111a 1331a 6512 34 69l3 5i2 19 84 21 24 17 7 . 2 1 WOOD LOWDEN . JOHNSON HARDING COOLIDGE BUTLER HOOVER POINDEXTER SPROUL PRITCHARD .... LaFOLLETTE SUTHERLAND DuPONT BORAH WATSON KNOX WARREN KELLOGG (Minn.) .. WARD (New York) LENROOT I I I I Votes in Convention, 984 ; Necessary to Choice, 493, 2 28912 25912 146 59 32 41 512 15 7812 10 24 15 7 ; 1 Ballots. 3 303 28212 148 581a 27 25 5'2 15 79 Vi 24 9 2 1 2 2 4 3141a 289 14012 61 25 20 5 15 79'2 22 3 2 1 4 2 5 299 303 13312' 78 29 4 6 15 . 8212 24 1 6 JOHNSON WOOD ........ LOWDEN .. HOOVER .. HARDING 12 3 4 9 4 9 8 5 1 1 2 5 - : - 5 5 4 1 6 I 7 I 8 I 31112 I 312 I 299 " I 31112 31112 307 110 9912 87 89 105 13312 28 28 30 4 2 2 5 4 5 15 15 15' 77 76 75$ ' 24 24 24."" !""'"4 3 3 i Z1ZZ 1 1 1 T"' 1 F" 2 1 : 1 I 1.1 6 7 8 5 5 5 6 7 8 - 4 4,4 1 1 1 derstood, vioe-presldentlal candidates , an abrogation of rights auiireclous as were to be discussed. In that con- life lUelf. , (f nectlon Senator Harding's conference 1 Camouflage F.vlot rit late last night and early this morning "While there Is in the platform a with Senator Johnson was recalled, as : certain shrewdness ln selection .it was Senator Johnson's repeated dec- language there Is never any oppor laratlon that he would accept no sec- jtunlty tor doubt as to th true mean end place on any ticket. ! ing of their provisions relutlng to la- v Johnson May Draw Second. 'bor," they added, It was reported ln the convention I The statement vigorously assails th hall that Senator Johnson threatened republicans for neglecting antl-proflt-to throw his votes to General Wood eerlng legislation recommendations, unless & recess was taken. His man- j "Th republican platform practie I agnrs challenged the statement, declar- ally Ignores the profiteer," the state- lug that Johnson did not control the ment added, "and while recognbdnit delegatos. The Harding managers the evils or currwy inflation, offers went down town to again confer with no remedy for that condition. Bpeclfla the Johnson forces and try to bring in- proposals submitted by labor for w to a program suggested last night by Hef from the high pout of living ami which Johnson would bo glvert second 'profiteering are given nd place In th place If he would take It, and If not a platform." "say" in the decision. ' , Mexican Plank Hcorcd A largo group ox leaacrs on me piui- im un-Aiuau imuha ui uim iiuuurni, form said It was Important that they tho labor leaders charged "clesrly have time to talk over the situation aims to undermine the sovereignty of before entering upon another ballot, jtho Mexican government and to mIt - Selection Scorns Certain. the maintenance of order in Mexico They assumed there was no longer the business of the government of tha anv nuestlon but that Harding would lumusu. oiaies. Attempt To Kill Egyptian Premier With Bomb Fails Cairo, Jurie 12. An unsuccessful at tempt was made today to assassinate the Egyptian premier by a bomb. Today's attempt to assassinate -the Egyptian premier Yusuf Wahba Pasha the second within six months, on Je3se Mullinix, who pleaded guilty! December 15, 1H, an attack Monday to indictments charging him 'made upon the premier by a student, wtth asau!t with intent to kill, was, The asasllant was tried and sentenced sentenced to seven years (indetermi-'to ten years Imprisonment, nate) In the state penitentiary, this morning. In pronouncing sentence, Circuit Judge Percy R. Kelly remarked that ' pronouncement had been lightened by the prisoner's early confession and ef forts in clearing up the shooting of T. W. Steiger. an aged farmer living south of Salem. ' The shooting occurred on the night of March 25, Mr. Steiger being fired up on by Mullinix Just as the farmer en tered his barn. Although seriously wounded, Mr. Steiger grappled with his assailant in the darkness and made partial identity of Mullinix, who had been a former employe. . ... ii.!... ...,1., .mi tho at- said they were tempted murder remained a mystery Senator jonn,-. .... - until the prisoner unfolded a story of Harding's running mate in the interest a cland-stlne acquaintance with Mrs. of party harmony, a.. . . fInlT It was stated at Harding headquar- suger, agea . ..u.B . - nomins- n ot to muraer kh m' Johnson Sought As Running Mate For Ohio Senator Wood and Lowden Forces May Combine, Is Report Chicago, June 12. Colonel William C. Proctor, one of General Wood's managers, held a protracted conference during the con vention recess with Governor Lowden, It was reported that the Wood and Lowden adherents were planning to pool their strength temporarily for the purpose of "back firing the drift to Senator Harding. "When he came from his confer- ence with Governor Louden, Colonel j 11 n d H 1 fifimt ' J V9IHS Senators Vs. Tigers Best Of 1920 Proctor said he could not discuss what had been said. National Commit teeman A. T. Hert of Kentucky whs at the conference. Senators Smoot sivd iiC.nrmir went into Orivernor I.ow- den's room after Mr. Proctor cam! oaie msnoo ana nis crew ara con tout. i fident that Salem followers of the na- Ch'caeo July 12 Friends of Sena- There were reports on presidential tlonal game will wtlness ens of the w,H(nr conferred with Senator1 row that all forces oppjwed to Sen-1 best seml-pro contests of 120 when Johnson during the recess with a view I ator Harding would do their utmost) the Benfturs : afld to inducing Johnson to accept the rice .:J(al nnmlnntiml. Senator Harding's representatives! lots to seek to fore, sdjournmert un hopeful of inducing between them, Mullinix ao stated ; not PP oe- w oi; Viai trtvpn n m i v. . ill l 9. o -- ..n.T monev" in th plot. County first gain on the seventh ballot officers assert that the gun used by n to Harding. He got two from The Pavement on the Pacific hlsrh- . ' 'ween Eugen and Junction is ffacticall, completed. MuHniK was one formerly owned by Mrs. Steiger. Woodburn Tigers to hold down the Harding vote ui h?,claxh at Oxford Park, Sunday after- afternoon session and after two l.-tl-' noon. Despite many denials from the til Monday. . ' Woodburn delegation, local wiseacres Later Senator Smott participated in, have a hunch that the Woodburn dele another conference with Senator New.gatlon will Introduce some imported of Indiana, National Commltteman , talent for the benefit of the local boys Estabrook of New Hampshire, and , News of the mounUng batting average William Barnes Jr., of New Tork, who I attained by the locals has had its prop snare in me, namu.g con.- f efft(.t tne Woodburnit(,s, who ence last night. Th. r,r. nt the second rnnf,.n " expected to present a twirler cap- ence was said to be to consider ways able of holding the Balem lads hitless. and means of launching a drive for a The exhibition given by the Senators win and they wanted to consider thor oughly who was the best qualified and available man for the vice-presidency. The mora conservative leaden were opposed to Senator Johnson although some of them thought It would make for party harmony If a plac on tha ticket were offered to him. 1 It has been generally known that Senator Johnson was very much op posed to Senator Harding's nomina tion. As soon as it became known that the convention gave evidence of being about to take Harding for Its nominee, Senator Johnson went to Senator Harding for a conference to go over the whole subject, The colse of the eighth ballot show ed: Wood 199; Lowden 107; Haromg 13314. Penrose Satisfied. Mlsosurl had -ben clamoring -for an opportunity to change the vote of the delegation so as to cast all 88 for Harding. The motion was withdrawn during the confusion. Word came to the convention floor from Senator Penrose that the nomi nation of Senator Harding would not be displeasing to him. This word was circulated throughout the convention hall; It was reported that in addition to Mlsourl there would be a defection In Kansas on the next ballot wltij a large Increase for Harding. Kectw Is Fouglit, A nledee had been made to some of the delegates to recess after the eighth ballot and there wss great contusion through the convention while confer ences on the subject went on. When order was restored Mr. Hort of Ken tucky, the Lowden manager, moved a recess until 4 p. m. There were loud cries of "no, no." It was seconded from Pennsylvania and California. Frank B. Willis of Ohio, who nom inated Harding demanded a roll call unwilling to have a recess in the midst of an apparently rising tide for hi candidate. The Ohio delegation refused to agree to the recess and former Gov ernor Wlllla and Myron T. Herrick. denying that they wanted a recess went up to the platform fo a confer Whll the conference was go ing on the convention was standing in the greatest coniusion. It proposes the" fulfillment of what long havs been the hopes and alma of those whose sole object la th ex ploitation of the people and bound less resources of Mexico," according ' to the labor chiefs. ,- The republican Indorsement of tha transportation act of 1929 was de clared to be a complete denial n repudiation of the demand submitted by labor and is sn emphatic indorse ment of the labor provisions of tho-Cummlns-Esch railroad act Strike night ix-niid The stctlon of this plank referring to "peaceful arbitration on the wage disputes," was said to be a "denial ot the lawful right of the workers ta cease working." "This denial of the right to strike, the labor chiefs asserted, "the party proclaims as one of Its greatest achievements." ... r.i.n,,iik iWt is beinir furnish ed to growers'at cost by the A. Huperti n"'ou. ""' !"!ln th. Albany and Kirkpatrlck game, j Iowden both made " company, Inc.. which is building a new j Harding during the afternoon seselon.;. fanl frem brZ'? cherri" " oro otherj while lethargy and a good M'lHimx win MP"""-" i. completed and the plant will I Monday. The Oregon atute. ta complet of lM 3 maximum penally 01 w provides years fo a maximum penonj this offense. nlng season. can- souvenir win e given an I passing through The Dalles. their erst- turnout Is Shriners expected to vi. with the attendance promised by Albany. Harding Looms As Favorite of Party Leaders Chicago, June 12. Harding of Ohio emerged today from all night confer ences ot republican chieftain, a. th man with whom they hops to break the imminent deadlock on lh prealt dentlal nomination, , ' On him they plan to concentrate their strength should the convention fail to break through the blockade tabllnhed yesterday by four ballots, 8enator Harding participated In th conferences. H. also saw Senator Johnson In the hitter's private apart- I menta It gained significance because backers of the Harding movenwnl ar. looking to Johnson supporters for aid If their plan materialize, Johnn Support Sought. Originators of the Harding compiv misn plun were known to be seeking support of the California senators ad herents If It became clear that John- Chalrman son could not b nominated. To Insur Lodge finally Induced the delegates toj.trong reinforcements from that diree take their seats. The conferenn. onitlon some leaders urged during th th. platform evidently resulted In night conferences that a ticket of Hard something to th satisfaction ot Mr j Ing for president and Johnson for vice Willis snd Mr. Herrick for they agreed j president be put forward. Ther. was 0 the recess. I nothln to indicate that Senator John- Ixmden Gains Iad. . son would consent. Collceurn, Chicago, June 12. There Covernor Coolldge of Massachusetts was no nomination on the fifth ballot j waJ mentioned as a possible run of the republican convention. Wood ! nng mate for Harding should Senator lost 15 and a half votes; Harding ana Johnson elect to give nis support ous. fnot his name to the ticket. Fifth unofficial; . General Wood was Informed or mm Wood 299: Lowden 0J; Johnson new move. He brought his manager 133H: Harding 7; Sproul 24; Cool-, together during the night and they de (Continued on Page Three.) termUed to stick hf their gun