Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 10, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    t Ai i i'AL j s
i i
Hal jVc ' wu v444uu i
qes; three Insertions 6 cents;
week 8 cents; one month 0 c
8 cents; one c.onta i cents;
r. Der month 12 cscts: min-i
cents. I
Urn New Today.
Jvanee and not tak- ;
aless advertiser has
First insertion on
itr ids cash In adv
over pxiono, aujrw
monthly account. No aiiowance for
phone errors.
W-OCTED Some seed potatoes. Tel
9F4. 13? J
-WEEKS old pigs for sale. Phone
. 44F14. e!40
FOK KENT 1 furnished downstairs
front room. Phone 14?6J. j!41
FORD car 'ur sa'e n Sood condi
tion. 365 N. High St. q
ROOM and board in private family
19 per week. S care Journal. 13
CHESTER White pigs for sale, pa
per? if aesireq. rnone ttgria, ei4l
jiEM stitching, chain stitch, quick
service. Mull and Henderson, over
Miller's store, phone 117. m!44
FOR SALE One mule, is used to or
chard work, cultivating and gar
den, true and gentle. Price 165.
Farmers feed barn, S, High St. 139
'OR SALE 5 room house, bath and
toilet, good garden, fruit and ber
ries. Call at 17S5 N. Front St. Pos
session atonce1 al40
FOR SALE 1917 model Ford tour
ing car, with demountable V-iraa,
shock absorbers and spot light,
f 350.' Phone 663 day time, 1707
evenings. qi40
POTATOES We are always in the
market for seed or table stock. Man
gis Bros., 542 State St. Phone 717.
FOR SALE Dodge touring car in
good condition, low price, must be
sold at once. Come and see it. Will
explain reason for selling. Farm
ers feed barn. S. High St. 139
HAN wanted to drive team and work
in yard, steady Job for a good man.
Address E care Journal. 139
HOUSE decorators, charges reason
able. Phone 2005R. cl44
FOR SALE Furniture, spray pump.
Mason jars 50c doz., other articles.
703 N. Hiph. cl40
FOR RENT Nice sleeping room for
gentleman, close in. 1'lione 1525.
! J141
HINT Brothers Packing company
would like to have all women who
have been with us paevious seasons
who wish work this year to regis
ter at once. 139
POTATOES wanted. Ward K. Rich
ardson, 2395 Front, phone 494. 1144
FL'RNiTURE for sale, good as new,
dining chairs, davenport, genuine
leather; library table, dining table,
rugs, stoves, kitchen cabinet, hall
tree. 1374 N. Capitol after 4.' 139
WANTED Good single man tor
ranch work. Walter L. Fuller,
Brooks, Or. Phone 35F32. 141
DODGE touring, new tires, this car is
in first class mechanical condition.
Phone 361, 156 S. Commercial St.
FOR SALE Upright piano, mahog
hogany case, exceptionally fine tone
best of condition. Call L. Zeiss,
phone 1627. 461 N. High St. cl4i
WANTED On or before July 20, 6
or 6 room modern house, near car
line: no children. Will lease 1 or 2
years. Phone 172, Miss Harper, be
tween 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. Remain
der day 1890 Ferry St. 139
MAXWELL touring, new tires a41
around, repainted and overhauled,
easy terms. Phone Adams, 361.
FOR SALE Chester White pigs 8
weeks old, price (6; also one 3 Vi
heavy wagon complete with box and
seat; one bay gelding, weight 1300
10 years old. H. J. Beardsley, Rt. 9,
phone 14F13. . el41
' WOOD for sale, Ko. fold fir, 2nd
growth and maple delivered. H. J.
Beardsley, Rt. 8, phone 14F13.
eel 41
FOR SALE A nice 4 room house on
paved street and street car line, for
$2250, easy terms.
Good six room house welt located,
including $50 worth of wood, fine
garden, range and other furniture,
for $2200, terms. See me today. H.
E. Bolinger, Oregon bldg. a!41
STENOGRAPHER wanted, position
open with state highway depart
ment. Must be able to take dicta
tion. Apply room 333 State House.
FOR SALE By owner, 5 room house
2 lots, barn, chicken house, some
fruit trees. On 83d and Turner
road. al44
SUMMER TERM At Capital Busi-
nesc College opens June 14th. Reg
ister for new class in shorthand,
or bookkeeping course. Make your
summer count. Capital Business
College, Salem. Or 139
BIG tvue Poland Chinas at auction
Lyons, "Or., Saturday June 12. sows
and gilts bred and open, younger
stock, both sexes, from the cham
pion herd of the northwest; sale
starts at 2:30 p. m. Stage -leaves
Salem at 10 o'clock. For informa
. tion or catalogue see or phone auc
tioneer or sale manager. Ray Fox
Lyons, Or., owner; Geo. Satterlee,
auctlorieer, phone 1177;' E. A. Rho
ten, sale manager, Salem, Or. 139
Baby Chicks-- ' .t
Leghorns. Reds, Bocks, Buttercups.
C. N. Needham, 558 State St. 139'
For : Sale Houses.
FOR. SALE r-By owner, 5 room mod
ern cottage, large corner lot on
paved street, In. one of the best res
idence sections I offer it at a price
for less than the house could be
built for. Good terms if desired.
Look it over. Furniture for sale.
1605 Chemeketa Ct. cor. 17th. a 140
HAVE a purchaser for S or 7 room
bungalow in north Salem. Bring in
your listings. Hayfork & Hayford,
805 Btnte St. "
HAVE a buyer for a 5 room cottage
with about an acre of ground near
car line. What have you? Hayford
& Hayford, 805 State St.
FOR SALE Good residence proper
ty on paved street $4700. Ivan G.
Martin, Masonic Temple. al39
SNAP 8 room house with modern
conveniences, garage, corner lot 66
X108 feet, apples, cherries and Eng
lish walnuts all bearing, paved
street and cement walks. " located
three blocks from state house. Price
15500, $3500 cash will handle, bal
ance 7 percent Interest. W. H
Grabenhorst & Co., 75 State street
FOR SALE 6 room house, basement,
electric lights, bath, toilet, paved
street, concrete walk and lot 50x190
feet, located on the car line. Price
$1700, $i00 cash, balance $20 per
month. W. H. Grabenhorst ft Co..
275 State street. al39
FOR SALE Good S room bungalow
two large lota, paved street east
front. Price 13158. WV H." Grahen-
horin ft Co.. 276 Slate street. al39'
'1 A VE you a bungalow to sell? We
have casti customer who will buy
modern five or six room bungalow.
Phone 161, Becke Hendricks. 3M
!' S. Bank bldg. nl40'
modern plumbing, electric lights, on
Pavement and street car' line. Imme
diate possession. Price $1600, $500 1
cash, balance 8 per cent. Phone 11 it
Becke 4b Hendricks, 11$ V. 8. ban1
bldg. nl40
-a ratlin i.' i i
luw. east front, haste lot .'..
from naveri e.,-. ... ,
p i ,.., ... i .."u car ".
one halt cash will han
,He - u , , nan
hi g "
, V i T. roum "em bunga-
low located in south Salem. Pr'ie, j.jmu cash. W. H. Graben
horst & Co , 275 State s, a?,
For Sale Farms.
FOR SALE sot, ,,r. ,,,
I Jit a D.erne3 or walnuts; 1
mi n ', Potatoes; 10 acres
,tZi. c ,r -'eara: balance fir
timber.-SOO to 1000 cords. Small
house, running water, a spring and
' " Place. 7 miles from Salem
near Portland road. Address owner
. Harvey Crawford. Salem, Rt 1
SPKC I At. nicciivj TT r
ranw remainder in splen
P?fr6 and easi'y beared, $1,
000, $100 cash, remainder in 10
equal annual payments. Get busy
this is very cheap. John H. Scott
Realty Co. K
run. r.A han lili Have 160 acres
fine land, about 40 acres beaver
dam, covered with fir, cedar tim
ber. Price $5000, clear. Will take
bunch of well located lots or im
proved property. H. E. Bolinger.
Oregon bldg. nl39
TO TRADE 7 acres joining city lim
u crop, ior nause and lot. will
pay cash difference. Rt , box 99,
Salem, Or. riiq
FOR SALE Bargain. 60 acres, su
. miles west of Marion, 55 acres bear
lug Italian prunes; water piped to
house and barn. Price low, terms
liberal. C. M. Smith, Marlon, Or.
FOR SALE 11 1-3 acres adjoining
fair grounds on Silverton paved
road, ten minutes from street car;
alt in croD: & room hmiRA t,i.m
barn; immediate possession. Price
4Y&u, terms. Hart & Muller. 20S
Oregon bldg. n
FOR SALE 41 acres 2H miles from
Salem on paved road, good build
ings, overlooking river and motor
boat landing and railroad station;
' excavated fish lake. This Is an ex-
ceptionly beautiful farm. Price
$12,500. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon
FOR SALE 20, acres all in cultiva
tion, good 8 room plastered houss.
barn and other outbuildings, rich
soil; adjoins Chemawa electric sta
tion, B 4 miles from Salem. A bar
gain. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon
bldg. n
BIG BARGAIN About 60 acres
rich Santiam river bottom land
ideal for berries, potatoes, dairy;
crops never dry up on this land; 4
mile or Kingston station; 6 acres
under plow, balance brush; running
' creek. I am here to sell and price
for few days is $2000, $500 down.
S. E. Colef Stayton hotel, Stayton,
Or., to get me by phone call Stay
ton hotel. bl43
FOR SALE 21 acre fruit farm 4
miles north in Kelzer bottom, 4
acres In full bearing loganberries,
3H acres prunes, some strawber
rles, balance of land suitable for
berries, potatoes or garden truck;
new 4 room bungalow, new barn
and outbuildings, living water on
place. Price Including crop and im
plements. $12,000, Vt cash, balance
5 years at 8 percent. Hart & Mul
ler, 208 Oregon bldg. b
FOR SALE Highly improved 300
acre farm, 150 seeded to wheat and
clover, 100 acres good pasture, bal
ance second growth fir; new nine
room bungalow, full cement base
ment, furnace, bath, hot and cold
water, fine large barn and garage,
lots of fruit, hard surface road In
front of farm. Price with crop $80
, per acre, terms. Hart & Muller,' 208
Oregon bldg. . n
10 ACRE tract 1 mile from Salem on
good road, 5 room house, good
barn; 1 acre loganberries, 3-4 acre
strawberries, 1A acres potatoes.
Best land around Salem. Price $5,
250, part cash. Phone 161 Becke &
Hendricks, 816 U. 8. Bank Diag.
FOR SALE 73 acres all in crop, good
buildings, near Oregon Electric sta
tion, 12 miles north of Salem near
Paoifio highway; 8 good horses, 4
cows, hogs, chickens, full Bet farm
implements. Price $12,500, terms.
Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE 14 acres good soil near
city limits; will take good auto as
part or first payment. 337 Court
St. Phone 488. M40
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE Folding go-cart. Phone
SINGER birds for sale, St. Andres
burg rollers. 796 Market; Phone
2081W. "40
FOR SALE One good eight-foot
lieprlnc hinder. Call 47F11. cl43
FOR SALE Heavy black walnut bed
room suite. 45 years old, nicely re
finished. 461 N. High, phone 1627.
FOR SALE By private party, dining
. room set Waxed oak, nnrary tauie,
t Phnna 1627. 461 N, High.
v.unuv HAI.LOCKS $3.50 per M.
Shallow pint size, uooq qumiuy.
Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front
t-t Phniw 494. B141
GAS range for sale. Inquire at 1185
nhomolretn ST.
FOR SALE. Hay. Phone 105F11.
DMa-yo nnmA dinner, we make tne
kt rvi-,n- and Hood. C159
For Sal Nursery Stock.
.-. . . . rr n r.tier h rul eeK
. . .n,n.. Hnnndrairon
Diants, v-rtsu --
and LaTkspur plants. W.
Dodee. Rt. 7, box 38. Phone 1786
r, . OHO
WALLPASTE" perfect lor pi e.
hanging, no cooking. Max O. Bur-
en. 179 N. com i
mjitt AND JEFF
in is a '
t-vl RANK W'TH
sad ewe.
M;- If fl" m W
I """" ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' -: " ' ' ' '
b or Sale V ood.
WOOD for sale, 16-in. and 4 ft miU
wood. 16-in old fir. Prompt de
livery Fred P 1V.lfJ a.i; i.
Church, phone 1542. ee
WOOD for sale. C. D. Querry. Phonn
FOR best and cheapest fir and oak
wood, call 167SW eels'
For Sale Livestock.
;;-iFiR silk v -,; u -S
those fine 2-months old pigs left
at per Bead. Phone 93F23. el41
FOR SALE Extra good milk cow.
1298 S. 13th sctreet and Wilbur.
FOR SJtLE 14-nionths old heifer.
sired by the famous Doerfler held
bull that sold for $10,500. . Price
$359. Phone '906J. el40
tun SALE Fine well matched
team of mares, weight 1500 lbs, 5
and T years old, are, true and used
to all kinds of farm work, wagon
and harness; 1 sorrel horse, weight
1400, age 6, gentle to ride or drive.
Come and -see them, priced very
low. Trial given. Farmers ' Fed
barn, 8. High St. 1J9
FOR SALE Real good team of mules
at a very low price. Farmers Feed
barn, S. High St 139
FOR SALE One young Chester
White boar. Address box 19 care
Journal. gl41
FOR SALE High, grade Jersey cows.
Phone 17S8W4. el40
FOR SALE 2 2-yar old heifers, 2
cows all giving milk at present, all
Jersey stock, bred to freshen this
fall; one sorrel horse 1200 lbs. Jas.
E. Foster. Rt. 4, box 119A. elS9
CALVES Young calves, more calves
C. C. Russell, phone 3F3. t
For Sale Poultry
FOR SALE 80 White Leghorn 1-
year old laying hens. Address Rt. 8.
box 100, Salem.. Phone 71F12 eve
nings; f!39
FOR SALE 100 White Leghorn, 1
year old laying hens, O. A. C. strain
Phone 906 or 57F13 evenings. f!41
FOR SALE 125 chicks one month old
30c each. Phone 44F14. fl39
Baby Chicks
Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Buttercups.
C. N, Needham, 658 State St. 139
For Sale Automobiles
FOR SALE Ford touring car, 1915
model, just been overhauled. G
W. Ricketts, Rt. 8, Salem, Or.
FOR SALE 1918 Dodge, panasote
top, new tires, a bargain. Phone
863, 1364 Court St. q!43
FOR SALE Trailers, all sizes. Stein
bock Junk Co. q
1918 FORD chassis for sale. Phone
1091. ql39
FORD repairing, get it done now. The
Auto Shop. 187 S. Liberty St. q!39
WANTED 2 or 3 furnished house
keeping rooms close in. Phone 1425
R, or see Warren Hunt. 1139
GOOD 5 room house for rent close in.
Inquire 606 N. Com. St. j!39
FOR RENT 7 room house with gar
age, 15th and Chemeketa Sts. $32.50
per month. Ivan G. Martin, Mason
ic Temple. jl89
OFFICE rooms for rent, steam heat,
splendid janitor service. 205 Ore
gon bldg. Phone 1427.
TWO room apt. and sleeping room for
rent, close in. 257 N. Liberty St.
FOR RENT Furnished downtown
sleeping room for gentlemen, steam
heat, by the month. Phone 1427,
205 Oregon bldg.
Lost and Found.
LOST Black suit caBe Just east
Turner Sunday 12:15 a. m. Finder
return to Hazel Bear, Turner, or
leave at Baker hotel, Turner. Re
' ward offered. ' kl39
FOUND By well a pair of glasses
Saturday. Owner identify same ana
pay for ad. Salem Heights, Kt s,
box 95. k!39
LOST String of red and gold beads,
return to this office and get rewara
ROOFS tarred or painted; and also
tin roofs patched. CaU 963, ml4
SEE J. W. Mauley, cellar- digging,
heavy team work, Cherry city
barns. Phone 199. ml4'J
PORTLAND Eugene Auto Express.
Regular trips. Household goods;
merchandise. Call Capital Garago,
173 S. Liberty. Phone 88. 1140
TRANSFER L. A. Barrlck Co.
Country trips, moving. Wood for
sale. Good service. Stand 271 North
Commercial. Phone 784.
WE are now ready for bids on a tile
garago 60x100, at Hubbard, Oregon.
Specifications and plans may be
had by calling on Hodge & Russell
at Hubbard. . m!41
MILLER tires are geod tires.
Velie Co., 162 N. Com'l.
. Salem
Wanted Help.
WANTED Lady cook, .223 N. Com.
St.. good wages. . gin
WANTED Position by young man,
driving truck, tractor or taxi, ex-
perienced. 1190 N. 16th, phone 521
yt nidlf
WANTED Loganberry
Phone 96F2!
A YOUNG woman with a baby nine
months old wishes house work,
good cook, low wages Phone 333 or
call at Red Cross in post office.
' h!39
WANTED Middle aged lady to do
light house work. Address box 88
Capital Journal. . gl9
WANTED Girl or woman to wash
dishes and sweep. Apply Willamette
sanatorium, cor. Winter and Ferry
Bin. . .
WANTED Girl- wanted for. general
housework. PhoneT.BS9, 1277 BQUtn
Commercial St .
. ,. . guv
Speaking abotit - 'Sob
A f
, 4 . (WHAT1, Trte ataTTJcTj- -
1 - . ' ".Q V BAD mcujJ rKoMtpoeriy r ;
I I 1 I . . I - I C CAM i I -f 1
- r uM, fi . . 1 swx .. 1 4 j rjt 1 . : i : v i
WA.Nl'Kli A gentieman for farm
work, must be a good milker: good
.wages tor right party. Phone 93F-3.
WAN TKD Man and wife; mail to uo
general farm work, woman to board
farm help, year round Job. good
house, growing garden, good pay;
none but experienced farmer need
apply. Address box 19 care Jour
nal. - gl41
WANTED Woman cook, slate school
for the deaf. Phone 646. x g 14S
W anted Miscellaneous.
WAXTED--2&00 pound team and
harness: can also use good wagon.
Phone 78K12. U40
WANTED To buy rabbita. Phone
2F22. " ,139
MONEY WANTED $600 for 2 or i
years at percent and $500 for the
same period. Security good. Phone
470. 1143
BOARD and room with private fami
ly, close in. 495 N. Commercial St.
WANTED At once, 2 housekeeping
rooms, unfurnished, on the grouad
floor, by an elderly lady, alone. Ad
dress P O box 218. Salem. Or. 1140
WANTED Acclimated seed corn.
Phone 41F1S. 1119
WANTED To borrow $2600 on good
farm security. H. E. Bolinger, 828
Oregon bldg.
WANTED To rent piano. No chil
dren. 1168 Leslie. 1169
WANTED Board and room In pri
vate family. P. O. box 231. $13
160 acres fine land in cultivation,
balance is pasture with some oak
timber. Good big house with hot and
cold water. Spring water piped into
house. Good big barn, machine shed,
silo, 3 good chicken houses. Well and
gas engine. Close to school and R. R.
shipping station. Fine dairy and grain
farm. A real snap at $16,350. Half
This is an excellent farm with 130
acres cultivated and about 30 acres
more easily cleared. All finest kind
of land. 105 acres in crops. 60 acres
oak and iir timber, 55 acres fine pas
ture with good spring. Mostly wov
en wire fencing, good 9 room house
with hot and cold water, bath, toilet
eta, spring water piped into house,
good big dairy barn. . big ma
chine shed, chicken house, brood
er house, etc. This is a really fine
farm. Price $66 per acre. 1-3 crops
go to purchaser if taken soon. You
can t beat it.
Farm land dealers
469 State St. Ground floor.
6 room modern house, large corner
lot, .improved street fruit, garden and
rose hedge- A dandy place. $4200,
80 acres of valuable timber 11H
miles south near new Pacific high
way. $6000." It's a snap.
40 acres of first class prune and
loganberry land, all in cultivation ex
cent 1 Vi acres of oak timber, only
6ft miles out. $100 per acre. U get
1-3 or. the crop.
We have one of the best dairy
farms in Tillamook county for sale.
40 head of Rtock, 20 registered; good
buildings with running water to them
good pasture ana nay lana, every
thing goes for $21,000, $8000 cash
will handle. It's a money maker.
228 Oregon bldg. n
Phone 951, 829 Oregon bldg. a
2850, a 5 year old bungalow, east
front, basement, some young fruit
trees: near ear line and paved street.
This is a good comfortable home for
some one. Some terms.
. $4000, a etrietly modern bungalow
on paved street block from carllne.
This Is good property; located in S.
Salem, Term.
$5000, $2640 down takes a fine 7
room bungalow on paved street near
carllne, all modern except furnace
and the pipeg are In for furnace.
We have many other buys to offer,
We have a 55 acre farm at $100 per
acre we can take a residence on If
the price is right. Also a 6 acre tract
near the city for a house In the city,
416 Masonic Temple, phone 353. n'
10 acre tract, 5 acrea in three year
old Italian prunes, 6 acres timber and
pasture; house and barn, family or
chard; located f miles south. Price
Improved 4 acre tract located east
of Balem,-house and barn Price $3600
. 200 acre farm locatea o miles irora
Salem, 100 acres cultivated, balance
gOOQ limDer anu pasture; uuuuuig,,
gooa roaa rra vw vn
I 40 acres of bearing prunes and lo-
rganberries, good road Price $22,000
17 acres located on main nignway.
10 acres bearing orchard, mostly
prunes, 2 acrea set to logans. 2 acres
net to vounar prunes, buildings; im
plements, small tools, some chicken
. 17 gooa lots locatea on gravei sireei
buildings good location. Price $3600.
15 acre tract. 14 acres cultivated,
lft acres strawberries, family orch
ard; 5 room house, barn, well, good
noil. Price $5500.
,10 acres located on main Pacific
highway, 6 acres of Italian prunes.
Price $5000. :
275-State slrett. -. . " n
- Stuff" here's a chunk of it. By Bud Fisher. ,
i t i;i'ys
5 rooms on North 23d street; cfty j
waier. l'.phts, bath, sewer, plastered
garage. Only $1275, easy terms.
7 rooms and bath, modern except
furnace and fireplace; well furnished:
S acre of ground, garden planted;
paved street and car line. Price $4250
7 room bungalow on Mill street,
modern, basement and furnace, paved
street $4500.
a rooms, modern, on Liberty street,
lot 55x100. $3500.
7 rooms on State street, not far out;
basement, city water, lights and bath,
plastered, good condition. $4500.
t rooms on Center, ntceiy finished
and nearly modern. $4.50, terms.
7 rooms on car line and paved
street; water, lights and bath, plas
tered; garage. $3200, terms.
$ rooms on Court street, nearly mod
era. $1000 cash, balance terms.
7 rooms on Chemeketa, modern ex
cept furnace, elose in. $4o0.
5 rooms and bath, bungalow, fire
place, built in .conveniences; imme
diate possession. $3009. H cash.
We also have a good list of farm,
both large and small, for sale.
$41 State street. n
S2 Oregon bldg. Phone 951. n
Phono 708, 402 Oregon bldg.
$3500, 7 rooms, modern, garage, fine
lawn, garden, corner, streets paved on
both sides.
$5000, ( rooms, modern, garage. In
the Nob hill section of south Salem.
$1800, Center street near 12th.
$1800, two large lots, good nouse,
barn, fruit, near Highland ave.
$1400, near Highland ave.
$800, near Highland ave.
$2960, Chemeketa St., modern.
Others too numerous to mention.
5 acre tract 8 ft miles from city,
house, barn, in splendid shape, ft
mile from paved road, $2650.
Several other small tracts.
50 acres joining the city limits of
Independence, $6000, $2000 down, 20
yeara time for the balance.
140 acres 8 miles east, fine bouse,
barn, etc., $15,000, terms.
167 acres near Sublimity, fine house
barn, etc., on road being paved right
now, $100 per acre
66 2-3 acres near Lebanon, $090
only $500 down; all In cultivation.
82ft acres near Lebanon, all stock,
horses, tools, crop, etc., goes; good
house and barn, $4000, terms; all in
Farms in every part of the county:
, - t
I know this county like a book and'ew; "'' tes- and.a" fe wlth
v,. k .. ,. Dossesslon at once, at $7500.
UEtW UCOII UU TOlJ 1 CT VI J Id 1 lilt
e ,. k
Phone 708, 402 Oregon bldg.
228 acres excellent farm land, 92
acres in crop, 60 acres wheat, 42
acrea oats sown last fall, 113 sores
pasture which has been farmed and
cropped with clover,' 18 acres fine oak
Umber, 12 acres, family orchard, all
kinds of fruit and berries, 1 acre bear
ing raspberries; every part of this
farm Is producing and in high state
of cultivation, having been cropped
to clover for several years. The 18
acres oak timber Is of the best; place
fenced and cross fenced, on good all
year road, near church, schools and
railway station, about 8 miles from
Corvallis, Has 9 room house, water
piped In, and to lawns and chicken
yards and other buildings, with near
ly all furniture, stoves, rugs, etc. All
farm machinery, which is in good
condition, automobile Included. 4
horses, average weight 1500 lbs.: one
horse 1200 lbs., all first class; 3 cows,
7 hogs, 175 ewes and lambs, ewes will
clip about 10 lbs. each, 100 chickens,
cement block cream house wit hnew
DeLaval 600-lb. separator, large
dairy barn, 80-ton silo, sheep sheds,
horse barn, pumping plant, also wind
mill and tower tank. This Is a fully
equipped stock, dairy or grain farm.
The wheat on the place Is nearly
foot high now. Owner retiring ao-
count can't do the work. This farm
has more than paid for itself and
equipment during past fow years;
price $35,000, part cash, easy terms
on balance at 6 percent. 1
680 acres, Willamette river bottom,
60 acres cleared, balance excellent
pasture, with fir, ash and maple good
saw timber 7 miles from Corvallis, 1
mile from paved road, now under con
struction; price $29,000, half ' cash,
terms 6 percent.
600 acres tillable, 800 In crop, most
ly wheat; 200 pasture, good native
grass, running water all year; fenced
and cross fenced buildings poor; 1
mile from station, ft P; 7 miles to
Corvallis 8-4 mile to paved road un
der construction; $35000 part cash.
226 acre 135 tillable 40 In crop,
balance A-l pasture with ash, oak
and some fir, all lightly timbered;
some stock and machinery Included;
on good road, 2ft miles from station,
9 miles from Corvallis; price $60 per
acre, $6000 cash, terms. j
200 acres good fruit wheat or ber
ry land, about 160 acres in crop 40
acre pasture containing 2 springs;
about 8 acres oak and fir timber suf
ficient for posts and wood for farm
use many year; fair buildings; 2 acre
orchard; on good road, 5 mile from
Albany; one third of crop; price $100
per acre, term.
134 acre tillable, 100 cultivated,
84 acre pasture; fair Improvements
on good road; t miles from Albany.
Price $75 per acre, part cash, '
25 acre, fifteen under cultivation,
balance pasture; far house and burn;
2 cow. 1 horse, machinery and all
equipment, 80 chicken, 7 miles from
Corvallis; $4000, $2500 cash; terms.
132 Second St, Corcallis, Or.
... .-.., 1 1
TU K.iOi'. liAKe.
He wttere He a
uccTMfc eMTHt
loans, investments. Room 21.. 1
N. Com'l St. Phone 430
5 room modern house, nicely ar
ranged, corner lot, good streets, four
blocks from State street; garage,
chicken run, good garden. Price $1,
5t0, terms H cash.
5 room cotiaee. modern, fine -corner
lot with plenty of fruit, cherries
ami strawberries about ready to pick,
garaee. located on 4th street near
car line. Price $1900.
6 room house, modern and In ex
cellent condition, extra large lot with
shade trees, garden, barn and garage,
corner lot one block from Commer
cial street. Price $2300, for $20 cash
you can call this, your own.
10 room house on Bellevue street,
good condition, corner lot; good
streets, garage. Price $1800, $500
4 room bungalow almost new, mod
ern, dandy home for small family,
$1800, ft cash.
These are all bargains don't over
look them.
52 acres t miles from Salem, 40
In crop, balance in pasture; buildings;
immediate possession with crop. Price
$8500, terms. Would consider some
city property unincumbered.
5 V. acres near Salem, level land,
4ft acres loganberries, small house
and garage, family orchard. This
place may pay for Itself this year.
Price $3500 with ft of crop fleiiverea
to town. $ cash will handle.
5 acres joining the above logan
berry patch, all level and in grain.
20 acre bearing orchard near Sa
lem, mostly prunes and lots of them.
can be contracted now. A good crop
of berries will soon be ready to pick
on this: buildings. Price with crop
now $11, tOO, $4000 caih will handle.
We have some large farms near Sa
lem which can be bought at bargains
405 Oreiton bldg. Phone 43.
858 acres 2 miles from town and
R. R. Fine buildings, water piped,
liEht system, good road from Salem
only 35 minutes by auto. A regular
bargain. $95 per acre.
147 acres 1ft miles rrom town; z
seta buildings, water piped to house;
Dearly all In crop, rich black soil:
nice spring. This month $180 per acre
610 acre dairy or stock ranch close
to Eugene, 2 sets of buildings, lots of
A-l Umber; 225 acres In cultivation;
crop goes if sold now. AH can be cul
tivated when cleared. $10,000 will
handle, good terms. Price $35,000.
108 acres 7 miles from Salem; 100
acres In cultivation, good buildings.
good family orchard. A fine buy at
$160 ner acre.
28 acres on paved road close to Sa-
!", all In crop; good buildings, house
I Maw A felilf ftpAPJL And ftll Bfoes With
" , , .
5 acres close to paved road close
lO Ottiem, BWTa iurkiw, w,ctw ...
In fruit and garden: fair 6 room house
and outbuildings: crop goes. $3250.
4 acres all In fruit and garden $-4
mile from car lino; room nouse,
good barn. $2600.
82 acre nearly all In cultivation
and crop, nice bungalow and good
outbuildings, on jfaved road; posses
sion Oct 1st, $12,800.
209 acres, good building, about 150
In cultivation and crop; 1 mile from
small town, close to Salem; some tim
ber, real land and a real buy. $21,000
190 acre with very good buildings,
close to small town; 80 acre In crop
balance pasture, some timber; house
strictly modern with water system
etc. If sold soon it can be had for $104
ner acre.
100 acres nearly all In crop, good
buildings, only 4ft miles from Salem
on good road and close to store and
depot. A good buy. $22,000
Modern 7 room bungalow, good lo
oatlon, possession at once, $600 down
$25 a month. Price $3000,
A fine big home In good condition
with beautiful lawn, garden and
tree: house alone would cost $7000
to build now, Can be bought this
month for $4000
6 room modern house close In on
Commercial street, for short time $2,
Two house for price of one, close In
on Liberty street, 1 7 room and 1 9
room. Both well rented, both go at
S room house close In on Commer
clal street, vacant Friday big lot with
Plenty of fruit. Price with term $2
Modern 8 room cottage' bungalow
on paved street, empty soon, good
terms. $3000.
5 room house and 3 lot close to
good store, on car line, house vacant,
Good home In close In district In
Portland close to high school, lot 60
xlOO. with cement garage; house rent
irnr for $50 a month. Equity $6200
J will take home in Sulem up to $3000
What nave you,
List your property with us for re
Laflar & Laflar
inn. 7 Oregon bldg. n!3
Phone 708, 402 Oregon bldg.
Why Sell For Less.
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get our bid be
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware store, 271 N. Com-
. nuiclal slroit. Phone 734.
1 1 -T
Nstt;THt w what m
- - f
I ' 1
1 V
Cho. v 1 i ' i i - I
lem. nice 5 room 1.l.m. - .. ,
hen h ii- gri-e or
stock, machinery, crop. S.f a.
6 room burvaiow. luie lut, ku..
hen house, fruit berries, grapes, pr
den, paved street $1900.
Nice 10 acres, good house, outbunu-.
ings, prunes, apples, berries. Snap,
$4000; will take residence for $:oot).
balance 6 percent
4 room house, paved street, gooa
lot Price $800.
4 room house, 2 lots, barn, garden.
Farms, acreage, orchards, homes.
Perrine & Marsters.
J11-1S Gray bldg.
Good Buys.
63 acre farm. 62 acres cultivate!
and in crop, best of prairie soil, good
buildings, good road; possession at
once and all crops go. Price $14,000.
68 acre farm 5 miles northeast all
cultivated but a few acres, buildings.
Price $175 per acre.
SS acres all cultivated and close In
on main road, fine prairie soil. Price
$350 per acre.
10 aero orchard, mostly prunes,
some cherries, apples, pears; big crop
of fruit and located on main highway
4 miles out Price $6590.
80 acre farm, 39 acres cultivated,
balance Umber and pasture, first claw
prune, berry or tfrain land. Price $,
24 acre tract, 18 acres of bearing
prune, cherries and walnuts, balance,
pasture; house and barn, 4 miles out
Price $8508.
10 acres on main Pacific highway,
5 acres Italian prunes, 1 8-4 miles
from street car line. Price $5000.
Improved 10 acres, good bungalow,
barn, well, 1 acre logans, some prunes
apples, IS nines out. rnw iuv.
249 acre farm, all in crop, nouse
and barn, crops go. Price $125 per
acre. ...
320 acre ranch. 80 acres farm lana,
balance good timber, some pasture,
buildings. Price $69 per acre.
10 acres, 8 acres cultivated, uai
ne nun! ore and some timber, acres
fine logans, family orchard: house and
barn, stock and implements go; pos
session at onoe. Price $6825.
20 acre tract, 5 acres bearing log
ans, 5 acres prunes, Beveral acres fina
timber, small house, good roaa, ft oi
crop follows sale. Price $7500.
VV. U. uraDennorsx w.
27$ State street
SOS Stat street
T room house on paved street plas
tered, basement, toilet, bath, eleetrlo
light, go, fireplace, oming room
finished in oak. Large lot, garage ana
some fruit. Price $5000.
8 room bungalow on State street.
beamed ceilings in living room and
dining room, toilet, bath, iectria
lights, gas and many built in features.
Price only $8700, good term.
room strlotly modern house, oak.
floors, art glass windows, large fire
place, beamed celling, wood hoist,
dumb waiter, dutch kitchen, cooling
closets, laundry and fruit room in
basement and many other built la.
feature. Price $ltl,o; verms.
mom house, toilet, bath, garage,
etc., large tract of ground, on street
car line. Price $3850. ...
$ room house near state capital oa
paved street, good lot. Price only $2.
860. Part cash.
8 room house, toilet, bath, eleetrlo
lights; lot 63x188 feet, on pavea
street; ha cherry, prune, pear, apple
and shade trees. Price $4&uo, anu on
ly $2000 cash take it.
so acraa In one year old prune
tree, ome apple and cherries. Price
Kit ocrea. 4 acre In T-year old
nrunea. 000 1-year old prune tree. 700
two year old prune tree. Frlce $7500.
17 acre prune 5ft mile of Ba
lem. Price $10,200: ana crop goe.
with place If taken at once.
ia ohnnt acre In prune.
2 acre in timber. Price $6000 with
crop If taken at once.
Wnr la another 10 acre traat with
a variety of apple, peaches, pears.
prunes, cherries ana ioi
fruit; house, barn, etc. Possession at
10 acre close to 8nlt.m, fruit,
house, burn, etc. Price $1800.
305 State street, Salem.
Phone 737
DRrALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician,
eyes thoroughly ex
amined, glasses made and fitted.
610-12 ir. S. hank. Phone 841.
teopathic physicians and surgeon.
506 U. 8. bank bldg. Phone 859.
Dr. White, res. phone 469; Vr.
Marshall res, phone 8 34.
DRrjOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4 Ore-
gon mng. jew. rn.,,iy
LAWN mower, safety razor, cutlery,
sharpened, lockwrilthlng, aw fU
ing, umbrella, repairing all kind.
Stewart' Repair Shop, 847 Court
Money to Loan.
On food real state security ,
Owr Tafld Btnh Bank, Balem. Or.
Money to Loan.
Federal Farm Loan
Any amount Long time.
6 ft and $ percent Interest "
City building loan ,
A. C. Bohrnstedt.
401 Maaonlo Temple, EaJera, Onsr,
(Copyright. 1130, by H. C. Jflrter.
Trad Mark Reg. U. B. Fat. OtflM.
0O . IN TH U.A.T
HAvB The Bftrj&