Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 10, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Of Oregon Laid
To Fiial Rest
"Wl tjf OC'ltiOl jleyk an elected secretary-treasurer; G.
. JleBee of J (alias, congressional
committeeman; Charles Brateher of
' Perrydale, state committeeman.
J The finance committee appointed hy
IVooillturn, Or., June 10. The fu-!tn' chairanin was E. K. rail.loek of
neral of James Henry Carrett, who lnlecnlenre, chairman; Krank i.
died in this city June 2, was held Sat-!-'ad of Itoila and Mrs. Stella J, llen
urday afternoon at the Methodist Kis- l-O" of Spring Valley,
copal church. Reverend C. L. Dark Charles r.ratcher made an enthus
officiatine. lliirial was in lielle 1'asse j ja.itie talk on the coming election, say
cemetery. tups' in part: "I eee Into the future.
James Henry Carrett. son of J. 1. land a storm is on the horizon and we
must strengthen our bulwarks to meet
it. The committeemens duty is to see
that the republicans set the votes due
them and strengthen the republicans'
interests wherever possible. We have
Just us (rood candidate as the demo
crats and, in fact, better, so we should
i;et all the party vote."
and Kunlce Garrett, a pioneer family
of Oregon, was born in Indiana, De
cember IS. 1S36. As a lad of ten he
crossed the plains by ox-team, settling
wtih his parents not far from the pres
ent site of .Mihvaukie. When 19 years
of atre he joined the I'nited tar?
troops and font lit In the Indian upris
ing of 1856. Soon after the Indian
war the family took up their residence
southeast of Hubbard on liutte creek
and In 186S he was married to Kachel
Klllin, who survives her husband. They
celebrated their golden anniversary on
the 29th of lust X)ecember.
llesideg his wife Mr. Garrett is sur
vived by two sisters, Mrs. Sarah I
Itrownell of Elgin. Oregon, and Mrs. j
Kmmn Hawkins of Santiago, Califor-
nla. Three nephews, Kugen and Her
bert Garrett, of Horseshoe lienrt, Ida-
1... .....I rtu-)r.a f!., tt V';iM:i Will.
. . i . !. i. .. .best known employes
la, and a cousin, Mr.. i ltnief of Den- .... ,
' , , States Indian service.
ver aiso survive.
home after a week s visit at the home Josephine county. An application f.lej , Application Tor the 'certification of
of Mr. and Mrs. II. Beckman. by A. S. Tildeii of Nehalem asks for jjuo.OUO in irrigation bonds was filed
I The Yearly Meeting of the Friends the right to appropriate water from wjtn he slilte irrigation securities
church will meet in Newberg this'an unnamed stream in Tillamook Tuesday bv the Summer
week and Ri-v. and Mm. lironner and county lor domestic use. ...
several of their congregation will be! I Luke irrigation district comprising
in attendance. ! Bids on the construction of a rein-! eight thousand acres in Lake county.
Sin Uriah Terhune preached last forced concrete overhead crossing on ! contemplated development work on
Sunday night In the Friends church the state highway over the Southei ij includes a diversion dam.
in a.v attentive audience. 'Pacific tracks at June Junction jum, .iiih,i
north of Tillamook will be receive'! , s
St avion Pioneer
Paralysis Victim
Claxtar, June 10. Walter Woold
ridge returned this week from Ios
Angeles, where he has been for some
Mr. and Mis. John Westley are
home from Long Beach and Klsinore,
Cat, after spending several months
in the south Mr. Westley was garden
er and horticulturist at Chenuiwa
school "for 17 years and Is one of the
in the United
I'nited States National bank pis
clubbers, here are planning n grand
'et together meeting for Wednesday
of this week.
Dr. and Mis. John Evans, w!tli
their daughters .Margaret and Barbara,
h.avion, June iu.. n ........... u.coln U,(1 Mr Mrf,
an old resilient of Stayton and vicinity, WeMtlev homp, Silturday.
died at the home of his sister, Mrs. M. Mn) j,.U(J ,,wpn 1!aker llni1
J. l ollis In Stayton, Sunday, roiiuwing
a stroke of paralysis. He came with
his parents to Oregon in 1 8 Ti 2. and was
lit the time of his death 84 years ot
age. lie leaves several children, Mrs.
by the state highway commission at
to aiv attentive .audience.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Osborne of Jef-
lerson were gues.s ui ..... ...... ...... ..., . i.r.l,.rt J..)v
Hoag last Saturday. Mrs. Osborn was ' " ""rr" ,,-,, w
their pupil during the six years tney.The "re will be Ho feet long.
taught in Sodaville E. J. Claussen of Tillamook w.-s
The Marlon school closes next Frl- 7 . " , , , .
day. June 11th. The primary teacher. b I;,ml 'J" !
Mrs. Petersen, Will give her pupils a """V hw?' Tuesday, as attorney 1 1.
picnic the las day for which they "e Tillamook county. Claus-
have been planning for a couple of sen succee.ts i. . nam. e,
weeks, on account of the sixth and to b'e s corporation commis
seventh grade state examinations Bloner'
coming the lust day of school, the, .
intermediate and advanced grades si: $ Jjs
had their "Closing" picnic last Friday, g
By truck and autos they went to ALKALI IX SOAP
Aumsville where they had a picnic BAD FOR THF. HAIR
dinner in a beautifuT grove on a $
stream that flows through that place,
After dinner our baseball nine play-, soap snould be used very carefully,
ed the Aumsville team a hard and if you want , kpe) your hair looking
interesting game of ball resulting in a its b-st Mos, so.ll)8 aml prepared
score of 5 to J In favor of Marion. All shan)poos contuin too much alkali.
arrived nome aooui nve o ciock tie- This dl.le8 the st.111)- makes the hair
daring they had enjoyedi the day br(ttl am, ,...ins .,
hug'ly- , , , The best tbing for steady use
Miss uiara uoerner who woiks in uiKjfj0(j
tne state unrary is tne guest oi ner.Which
sister, .Mrs. nai iiussen, nir a, lew
Mr. and Mrs. T'resnell of Seattle
Permission to construct a logging
road at grade from its mill at Shan
non station to its timber holding in
(Lane county is granted to the Stev
ens-Farris Lumber company of Wal
ton, in an order issued by the public
service commission, Wednesday. The
permit Includes the construction if
grade crossings over certain public
highways at which regulation warn
ing signs are to be erected and i...iin
tained by the lumber company.
t wo
sons. Merle and Floyd, also Neal :vov
ton left Saturday morning for Hood
River for a fortnight.
William Westley has Installed a
water system at his place here, by
have moved on the Kephart place re
Bronner. They have purchased this
farm, also the place where Rev. Og
den lives. Mr. l'resnell is a brother
of Knos l'resnell, and expects to spend
the summer here, returning to Seat
tie In the fall.
coeoanut oil
is pure and greaseless), and
is better than anything else you can
One or two teuspoonfuls will cleans'
Red Cross Aid
Reaches To 321
Families In May
Three hundred and twenty-one fam
ilies were assisted in various ways
during the month of May, according
4 to the monthly report made by Carrie
M. S. Titus being the only one near wnl(.h nilt w,, k(,,,t premises may be
at me lime ot oeain. i ne iu..eiii se.v
iee was held Tuesday afternoon at the
Baptist church, and interment was n
the Wlsner cemetery near Kingston.
Mrs. John Kndicott of Pendleton Is imP umj iphur while in bloom 'o
visiting at the home of her brother,
lames Ashe.
furnished with water thruout the
Suggestions sent out by O. A. C.
that gooseberries be sprayed with
prevent mold, have borne good fruit.
Clean, unmoldy gooseberries are
Lesley Dunagan of Willows, Cal., is wort 10 cents per pound. Sugar short
visiting at the home of his sister,
C. C. Stayton.
age has also tended to deal a solar
plexus blow to the gooseberry and
pieplant industries here.
Cards have been received here an
nouncing the arrival of a 9 pound
(laughter to Mr. and Mrs. Flank
Matthes of Wacundu, on Saturday
May -2. The buby has been christen
ed Mae Irene Matthes. Mrs. Mau'.es
spent her girlhood hero and is . re
ceiving ninny congratulations.
Mr. and Mrs. Caii Radke of Clax
taf lire the inu-ents of daughter
lini'i. Sitin-il-iv l:iv '"Q !it 1 le:i ei i n P w!
in rutin V.ll.V WflS eieeoM. vi... u iini ii, , , j. i
Republicans Of
Polk County Are
Organized Again
Dallas, dr., June 10. A meeting of
the 1'epul.llca.p committeemen of Polk
eminly was held at the court house nt
1 o'clock Tuesday. Frank K. llul.banl
tnrt, In making his remarks of nppre
clitlon for the position,' he said, "The
ooly objection I have to make to serv
ing Is the fact that there is but little
tip.htlng necessary In Polk county to
Ice) the republican!! In the lead but
evee-eonfidenee may ruin the party, fo
ve must till work." ' ,
Salem. ;
Struwln.rry picking will begin here
whin the weather becomes R'ttlnl.
the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simp
ly moisten the hair with water and
rub it In. It makes an abundance of
rich, creamy lather, which rinses out
easily, removing every particle of dust
i dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The
i.-i..e i.n.hv h,.,i th n,uf.-.,.. " ' quickly and evenly, and it
to run a nail in her foot which cuus-: ,Paves e scalp soft, and the hair,
ed her to miss several days of school. ! fln !lnd silk-v- hr"tht' ''" "a- ,
J. 1). Smith has put in an lee-cream,1""1. eas lo '"u,"', . , . .. i four years I have doctored off and on
1 ou cun gei .YiuiNiiieu cucui.i.ui mi i - , : a u - .. a ... r
I Nothing Helped Me Until I
Took Lydia E. Pinkham s
Vegetable Compound.
Wyandotte, Mich. "for the
M. CtlalMl. rocoriiilljl Keel-el:..-.- .u
local home sen-ice section of the .v.. . .
.....v. , ... of
Iran liod eilur i... ....
- " ""iiuueu tne s;
ters written. 3i0; cash expended.'
in the rtuort are: Interviews, 74S; let
ters wr
Aid in obtaining compensation n.i ;
injured soldiers has been . iriven l.. ;
. ueies of I.,
many cases ana any person Knowing of with the atai urpwJUo,
noiLicoTT !
I vivin
' 1 "corpora
an ex-service man who was injure here Tuesday h "
during the iriod of his service, and . bureau. lnc , " e cl
who ha not made application for at W1IUH,
conniensiition. will confer a favor upon .it Kllis.,,,, c Ttar, '
tne Ked cross as well as the soldier, by .Young '""aojf
reportinqr the name and address. so; Other ;
that appMcntionjiiay be made. ' Tuesday triora!ion Oi f
Secord and ...
Australia Has House Sh.muge. :,m). Wa, 1. v
Sydney. The scarcity of houses wjand Julius Cohe 4
HOW About YourCafafk?
--'"iiii; t
Llo You Want Real Pai'
U movd.p"l!tll i
thorough course of ffi.
wiu ciean ind mm.
which cauu Ctrrli. p
Laboratory, AUuti, t a ;
Then Throw Awy Yom Sprays
and Other Makeshift Treat
meat. Y(hy? Simply because you have
overlooked the cause of catarrh,
and all of your treatment has been
misdirected. Bemore the cause of
the clogged-up accumulations that
choke up your air passages, and
they will naturally disappear for
ood. But no matter how mini
focf ' applications you uh to tern-
Mtf.nd nnjie his residence hi. l.ennle tf i 1 OU Cull g
Marion and vicinity will have a shampoo at
chance to cool their throats when cheap, and
warm weather conies. His sign will evel-y memo
also be a welcome sight to travelers
along the dusty road.
Mrs. J. L. Smith, and children, Dor
ris and Harold, and Mrs. S. C. Webb
went to Butteville last Saturday. The
former returned Sunday, but Mrs.
Webb will be gone about two months
visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs E. K. Dengs spent
last Sunday in Portland.
Marion, June 10.
Scott's Mills left
Mrs. Joe I lale of
Monday for her
State House Notes.
Thirty six fires in Oregon outside
of Portland during the month of May
resulted In losses aggregating $210.
000 according to a summary compil
ed by A. C. riarber. state fire mar
shal, Sixteen of the lUi fires were in
dwellings, five In mercantile estab
lishments and three in lumber mills.
Oregon City with a total fire loss of
7r,000 for the month heads the list.
Walter Neuinayer of Grants Pass
has filed with the state engineer's of
fice an application for permission to
appropriate water from Vancy creek
for the irrigation of a small tract in
any pharmacy, it's very
a few ounces will sup;i!y, P... TjJ
r of the family for f JT :, Will
(adv) t " i
When the body begins. to stiffen'
and movement becomes painful it
is usually an indication that the
kidneys' are cut cf order. Keer
these organs healthy by takiru
The world's standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Famous since 1696. Take regularly and
keep in good health. In three sizes, all
druggists. Guaranteed S3 ropreaented.
Lode for the nam Gold Modal on vry bul
tan sef)t BO imiUtioa
without help. I
nave had pains;
every month so bad j
that I would nearly ,
double , up. Some
times I could not
sweep a room with-,
out stopping to rest,'
and everything I ate '
upset my stomach.)
Three years ago'
I lost a child!
and suffered so
badly that I was out
of try head at times. My bowels did i
not move for days and I could not eat I
without sit tiering. The doctor coul.l not
help mo and one day I told my husband
that I rov.M' not stand the "pain any
longer-and sent Mm to tlie drugstore
to pet me a bottle of I.ydia V. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound anil threw
the doctor's medicine awav. After
taking throe bottles of Vegetable Com
pound and using two bottles of Lydia E.
T'inkliam's Sanstivo Wash I could do
my own housework. If it had not been
for your medicine I don't know where 1
would be today and I am never without
a bottle of it ir t lie house. You may
publish this if you like that it may help
some other woman." Mrs. M a b y
Stendeb, 120 Orange St., Wyandotte,
United States Cream Separate
"Lets your wife enjoy life."
Tel mmAmAM nnnrilminlmn J 1 . . 1
a aujiiini luiiouuviiuii anil IMS Ulbor-Savilw cp?
. l . i. r ....... 1 ? .. 1 1 , 8 "'-
vtiiicuuis not luuuu in ututT separators.
The craiik will go on either side permitting separator toknJ
wherever most convenient. A speed indicator bell assists iXj
ing separator at proper speed
Slow crank speed of 42 turns pet J
ute means less power required. j
The perfected bowl, self-adjuitir
with interchangeable and fa
cisc8, is easier to clean and it
record skimmer.
The one-piece frame with sanitary tut
enclosed ppnr. nntnTunlDlItr A;..J
strong and durable, yet easy runninj J
tor. n
TIi0J. nnfl ftfltA. (bdIum. ..L. iL . v !
United States Disc Separator sfavuitecik
the farmer's wife.
Come and sea
Fj W. l.
L.. ,, ,. w,.-..-,
Does not need a BAIT or PREMIUM to tempt the
purchaser. It is made honest. Has an honest value.
Gives honest satisfaction. It deals honestly to the
manufacturer, seller and user alike.
The following lines need no baits to tempt the buyer. They are marked so as to give a square deal to everyone: Bridge & Beach Super j
Ranges, Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges fiarland Electric Ranges, Homer Pipeless Furnaces, One-Minute, Blue Bird, Go in-a-Day, Daylight EiedV I
Washers, Hoover Electric Sweepers, Heisey Glassware, Universal, and American Beauty Electric Appliances, Aladdin Aluminum and Enl
ware, Holmes & Edwards and Community Silverware, Johnson Bros. English and Homer Laughlin Dinnenvare. Everything in Kitchen1
to help prepare your meals. ,
fir."-3, ffiv ff v'fr!h ti' 'II
'n shout my