y School ! Graduates Six ) Thursday Night ! lhe prevalence of the ' is the institution, the com-, " t ex,rci.es at the Oregon OZi tor the blind which wi" CTrhursuay evening. June 10. fL open to the public The rt ,h0 wi" their dip" f Buell r'i1'1' lrar' and lnnings Latimer, literary and ttieda Maurer, literary and I Walter Norhy. tuning; Edward literarv; Walter Thrasher. '" purple and gold are the class iad the motto is ' Energy W.ne fU . S(roSram: 4i Song V f Senior Chorus. L Sons" Mendelsohn s Buell Field. Marie Burns. i on Hoss Shay" Malcolm Meddler. Jacob Weinstein. inhere the West Begins" J " Chapman t Anna Duedall. 'lM OP- No. 2 Godard , Jlelcolm .Meddler. I Valm of Home Economics in lool" T"V j Frieda Maurer. Jmu A. Edison".. . Edward Robbing. ' Le With the Lake" I Mixed1 Quartet. L of Music in Our Schools" i " Jennings Latimer.. ! Three Lovers. I Tjll Field l,w from "Jocelyn f . , ... i Frieoa .iauiM. I j for the Wind". t it. i t .it ThiMKher. L Tuning as a Profession for I Blind" Walter Norby Impromptu, Op, 2S, No. 2 Jennings Latimer. "We Meet Again Tonight" Male Quartet, THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. PAGE FIVE. Kimball Senior Awarded Prize Robert M. Gatke, a senior in Kim ball school of theology and assistant in the history department of Willam ette university, won the Fisher prize competition in hymn and scripture reading held at Kimball college Tues day afternoon. Hassel was seeonu. Mo.Viess third, Cooper fourth, and Goodson fifth. The competition in church records will be held Wednes day afternoon and the formal recep tion of President and Mrs. Talbott to the faculty, students and friends of Kimball college will come at I p. m. this evening in the assembly hall. The annual communion service will be held at 4 p. m. Thursday, and the graduating exercises proper will be Friday afternoon at 2:30 in the assem bly hall, with an address by Rev. J, M. Waiters of Spokane and the conferring of diplomas by President Talbott. Boys InAuio Here Tuesday Arouse Police Suspicions Police here Tuesday were making an effort to learn whether a large automobile,- bearing Washington license No. 01828, that passed through Salem early Tuesday morning under odd cir cumstances had been stolen. The ma chine was driven by two small boys, who claimed that they were from npu. kane, Wash., and were bound for Cali fornia. First report of the machine being near Salem came from Cal Patton, 1865 State street, to police. He said that while driving north on Wallia road he say the machine, with a man learning over it in attitude of repairing the engine. Returning at 11:45 p. m. he saw the machine still there, the form of the man also still leaning ovei the side of the car. Thinking that the man was dead or in distress, he called police. Deputy Sheriff James Imlah of Wtst Salem, investigated and found that two boys occupiedthe machine and had been asleep. At 1:45 a. m. the boys drove the ear tO the Marion Clnmeta nn Qi.ith r. mercia.1 street, bought three gallons of ' gasoline, enquired where they mights find the sheriff, and h.tnr rri ! town south of Salem was, and quietly orove away, going south on Commer-; cial street. . Liberty Bonds Are Stolen From Liberty Farmer Report was made to Sheriff Need-1 ham Tuesday, by Mrs. F. D. Robins.! that while the family was absent, from their home, a farm near Liberty i the house was entered and a numberj of valuable articles taken. A trunk j was opened and two Liberty bonds, of the first and second loan were stol-j en, together with a locked deed box containing deeds, personal notes to taling several hundreds of dollars In value, insurance papers and (35.00 in cash. Silverware that was in the trunk was untouched. Diligent search is being instituted by county officers in an effort to ap prehend the thieves. Mr?" and Mrs. Hobins are especially eager to recov er the personal notes and papers. years ago in Silverton, nQfnrv Uin Pmm where the anniversary wasis?lM' " lUTTl ried fifty far from celebrated. With the exception of a few years when they Uved on a farm near Iallas they hav- resided in this vicinity and bath of the subjects of this anniversary occasion have spent most of their lives in this part of Mar ion county. Mr. Moser is a son of the late John Moser, one of the very first settlers of Silverton. He had hoped to live to help celebrate the fiftieth wed ding anniversary of his son, and lacked only a little more than a year of meet ing his expectation. Four eons, two daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren were present at the function and it was greatly enjoyed. Weavers In Fast Evening Contest How Ttiey Stand. W. L. "A. 0 1.000 1 .S8 1 .68$ 1 9 2 .333 3 .000 Scouts To Hear Final Camp Plans Final instructions regarding their proposed camp in the Cascade moun tains will be given to all Boy Scouts of the city Thursday evening, at a meeting to be held in the library, by Scout Executive Harold Cook. Details ! of arrangements for shipping the lm-1 mense amount of baggage to be taken' and all plans for the summer encamp-1 ment will be discussed. The Scouts leave Salem for their I camp aboard a special train that had j been provided by the Southern Pacific company Monday morning, June 14, at I 8 o'clock. That there may be no tie-1 up in plans or confusion of the boys! State House . 0 Hauser Bros. s t Spaulding t Y. M. C. A 1 Valley Motor Co. 1 Kay Woolen Mills With the score of 1 to 0 the State House Stars defeated the Kay weavers at Willamette Field, Tuesday evening, in one of the best games of the series. Bettles and Webb presented a pitch ers' contest end reeeived faultless sup port from tmth contingents. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY rOR LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WillametteV alley Transfer Co. PHONB 14t Wl ALSO DO LOCAL HAULING Golden Wedding Anniversary , Is Reunion Cause Silverton, Or., June 10. A funnq reunion, with nearly all of the large family of children present, was he out standing feature of a golden wedding anniversary held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Moser on Third stret. They were mar- when the time comes to depart, the scout executive in an announcement made Thursday, asked that every Scout -in the city he present at the meeting In the evening. An appeal was made in behalf of i the Scouts Thursday for tents to take j I with them on their trip. Some of the j ' Scouts have been able to produce tents; j of their own, but the majority of them are' wtihout shelter. Tents owned by' 2,.-,, nnnttnO fa i ,1 1 . , a . n.,u i due to the growth of the troops in the the city. And person willing to loan j'thelr tents are asked to telephone 772. , f JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY DREAMLAND RINK Tl'KSllAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. SUNDAY NIGHTS SUNDAY AFTERNOON Lndlcg Skates Free Friday ; Night. Ladles Skates 10c Tuesday and Saturday Nights. At a special election at Dallas June 9 It will be voted whether moving pic ture shc on Sunday shall be prohibited. TrunkSy Bags, Suit Cases Music Rolls and Brief Cases, at Hamilton's 340 Court Street HOME OWNERS AND BUILDERS Now is the Time to Install the HOMER HPEESS HOT AIR FURNACE WM. OHLSDORF The Store of Housewares 135 N. Liberty St Phone 7 uWalfelt" lUCTIOMR Sales conducted everywhere. Farm sales I percent; city sales I percent. We save you money on advertising CcL W. F. Wright Auctioneer Phone 734 HIDES and SACKS WANTED Also Junk of Ail Kinds Best Prices Guaranteed CALL III Capital Junk Co. , The Dauare Deal Roues 171 Chsmeketa Et Phons III I Takes ths plac of souse 1 lining (or less. Max 0. Buren 1TI North Commsrulsl L. M. HUM Cars of YickSoTong. Chinese Medicine sad Tea Co. Has medicine which will curs any known disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. m. until I p. m. 1SI South High Street Salem, Oregon. Phone III WOODRY BUYS and SELLS EVERYTHING Phone 510-M1 170 N. Commercial St MAGNETOS W. II. Hildebrandt & Co. Official Eisemann Magneto Service Station 171 North Commercial street SALEM EXTEI A ' S sliitil asttSBEsssisB A f si, f .JBBm! W3 Tyo V FOR 71 1 MJ1W(Q We want to finish up the'weekwith a big rush and are going to make special prices for these two days. Be in early and avoid the afternoon rush, Ztdmost mpo!sible for us to handle the afternoon crowds, although we have extra salesmen for this sale. We have new shoes arriving each himfhrmgihto this sale at heavy reductions. We have put on an extra shoe-maker to take care of our growing repair shop and can get out your worn more prompuy. ( ' "'t t The Season's Latest I Ladies' black or brown' Oxfords, All this season's styles, high or military heels. Long pointed toes. All widths. Bought to sell at $11.00, now $7.95 t T tTk Of AVm.ntnimlRuv I Children's bhoes t Laaies' tsrown znoes . , i M.ii ,ia a nntpnt ' ' Children's ' brown calf shoes, New brown calf vamp, cloth top shoes, Cuban or Louis Choose from an assorted lot of black kid ana ; ; yucherlace, sizes 8 1-2 to 12 1-2 I heels, lace, pointed toes, late lasts. Our regular ?10 sellers leather Shoes, button. All sizes in the i lot. Cuban land MU-. . flnd J8 tQ 2 0ur regukr $5 ghoe J Thoao wprp retruiar $d.uu ana onuca. i , tiK UK learner oiioes, uuiwu, ... ... -- cv,nPq itary heels. These were regular $5.00 and ?b.00 bnoes $2.95 t ..... e ' One Lot Ladies' Black Kid Shoes ' , j , . . . . ... , t- j fit A N Black Dress Shoes Children's Elk Shoes t , 1 Ladies' all kid black lace Shoes, Cuban or Louis heels. Men's Oxfords T . .. . . ... i 1 11 ...1 1 A I -a v ... . Hna T ni J adiPV HLaCK Aid dUOeS t , , , I Ladies' all kid black lace Shoes, uuban or Louis neeis. ; """o vaivvw Une Juulco uw Children's elk blucher lace shoes, , An 8izes and widths. A dressy Bheo selling regularly at ; Men's Florsheim's 0 x f o r d's OnP lot Ladies' black kid Shoes, lace or button, Cuban sizes 8 1-2 to 12 1-2, and 13 to 2.;; $11.00, are now brown calf, Bnirlish last. Reg- Military or Louis heels. All sizes in lot. Our regular t You have always paid $5.00 MAP ; ular $15.00 I lTie n Uf n MC f iciu..,. 0fc W 1 U1 " ism l and $7.00 values Jlftftf. anA ttO (f WonV IrM . , Pump8. Some with $3.50 buckles, Sdm)t) omers piam high or military T ... . ..,., heels, are priced I m .. Hanan Shoes $4.95 $6.95 tianannoeso as,.- " shoes, & or Tow , , M amll fPPt. Hanan black I Fme so.ft m?&F, caLf X Louis heels. Come in all sizes. Priced Special at t t A rare Dargam luivvuu. ----- . i snoeB( 8izes n i-a w aoiu . a ti ..j oi,npa. lore or button, sman sizes oiuy . " i $vf)0. are now T Urr7 WV. T V . ' Al 1AAn nn J IClFftllll npriHi ' T -n M .1.1 V s s w White Canvas Oxfords for them $2.95 v4-T-f4v4v-t t $11.00. $12.00 and $13.00 Shoes Misses DreSS Shoes I $11.00 gun metal lace shoes, low heels, $12.00 brown calf Men's Brown Brogues . English laHt, Bal lace, latest novelty. Regular $18.00, will goat $14.95 $13.95 heXh regular at $6.00, are now $3.95 ?m Fieldmouse toe' Louis t U kVp, lines. Men's black and brown calf Shoes. I sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1-2, regular $5.00 this season's latest dress J wuu All sizes in the lot. $10.00 and $12.00 values I (JQ QP shoe. Regular value $16.00 X " $0VO $10.95 WKEPRICE v EetAutBooli T IbolAfflsaM I 6 Statea-rfeafxlsjtiectSaaa S55.95 i I mHWHmHHwo. : : B0yS Calf Skin Shoes Mn Mack Calf Blucher Lace Shoes, -.Bunt ior service, black 'caif .. mens aiacv. vu AU 2 12 to 6 w;Ho tap All sizes. Our regular $10.00 Shoes in stock , . 0ur reguiar $6.00 value $6.95 $3.95 I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I " 1 1 1 M.MMfl i $4.95 4f Udieslwhite canvas. Oxfords, 1 Mn'c Pfc Bah mgn or ow hPP s. covered hee S. t - , - , . sb . , V " . our regular $6.00 values 4 . ,r. pik Vials. The most comfortable i shoes for school or areas wear. A rIMI TIUirN 11 FT 1 1 B VJL J T w-- x A - 1 at A t J i . v r. . j. rv 4- fiio fnetnrv at nreseni. i sizes ii to z. neeuiar t.ov Cl rvtr i dry weatner snoe maue. " r - V-C Iu y Will or. Hnr nir this sale at t fl0 l?C VtfetF I I .-s-Ilil rAsk For These Shoes X Ynnfh's Dress Shoes,. : ,. ut. jvien a uiacn or uruwii uiucncx ui oivo I Youth's black calf blucher lace? lasts. Our regular $11.00 and $12.00 Shoes. Not shown I eisewiicic iui row. Dayton Loggers Twentv-five nairs Mpn'a T)nv. ton Loggers. Regular $10.00 and ipiz.uu $7.95 $7.95 i Dairy Shoes .t t iwenty pairs Wooden Sole Regular $5.00 f T """ t)D d ,n . I Men's Dress Shoes Twn-Tnnp. Rhnpn ' t 4itmt I uu i mv anA Krnwn flresn shoes. Blucher or bal lace. T Ml 4 1 Tl:y. I Mo.tr .olf Vinr-hpr hf( 1 " . . 7,; : 'i a... mon in,.. I rh.nes il 1-6 rllLC t 1 En ish or rouna toe. ai sizes ana wiuum. uui ivx kid, high ton ahoes. brown X Ort0tJi n . . I shoes, for school or dress wear, t Smn 0 t . ftd ,d at $13i00 1 Men's Pilgrims lilack Kid and Calf, plain toe, Bal and Blucher lace, regular $10 $7.95 $3.95 styles and sold at $13.00 $8.95 : $14.00 and $15.00 Shoes for $9.95 : Strictly high grade dress shoes In black or brown, bluch ' er or bal lace, English or staple last. All sizes and widths. I A classy dress shoe for Spring and Summer I $9.95 t HliHttttll MMXMM X Rubber Heel Davs ' X Wednesdays Rubber Heels at WEDNESDAY 25c 25c nru hit? Jill fSfSssstssC WJJ IT WJWlX Id WKEPRICE W v J Hniit tuts 326 8!ale;NatioUm e m f.nn wr v t t nrrriT f i r. i .-. i . 1 r '. r i s - - r-r r-r-viT- ' i . i xijli ai i. a. . a w jjw VArvT vswww w w w -vr w - - .gggg,