Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 10, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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The CapitaUJournal
Henry P. Davison, chairman of the American Red Cross
"during1 the war. rerentlv returned from a studv of conditions in
6unday"by TheecapitalvjourLi "Hm-; central and eastern Europe, declares that unparalleled distress
fit "ho" iireuiaTion rnd "bu ! Prevaik n tnese stricken districts and that immediate and com
Bge'offieTiiEC"itotr'iti rooms, "si. prehensive action for relief must be forthcoming or these na
tions perish in the economic chaos engulfing them, a result that
will as surely involve the United States a3 the European war did.
Famine, disease and misery prevail in the broad belt between
the Baltic and Black seas. Factories and industries are idle I
O. Pl'TNAM. Kditur and Publisher.
Kntered an second class mail mat'
tr at KHlem, Oreeron.
Bv carrier 50 cents a month. By
mail 50c a month. 11.25 for three
months, 2.!5 for six months. (4 per
year in ilarlon and Polk counties.
Elsewhere $5 a year.
T 4 . TT C .AMramkHt oil
man subscriptions are payable in ad-(and absence of physicians.
Timirk.. n..i. Ml. u . haIu m ntA ttA.lnw thf-fr loudest:
either because machinery IS destroyed, Of because Of absence Of , that the Fro family had to Mod sine- Come let us sing a merry song.
raw materials, or lacK or transportation and market. Epidemics mg. i to you it may souna saa
"It's not fair!" he cried.
You're And if you think it loud and long
I We think that it's not bad.
of tvohus scouree the Deorjle. with shortasre of medical suDDlies
is on the increase, hunjrer drivine little bovs to ehastlv attemrjts retorted. . we ii sin about a grumpy one
wd fbuneT'NVw'YTrk'' w i at murder." Mr. Davison summarizes as follows : j "I only opened my eyes to make sure Who snaps and bites ail day.
H. ftoSJJSE JrWpW, Ga Bldg.:! In Vienna, death stalks the streets in broad mid-day and. take, un-i 0,111 ou I asked you And if you call that "having fun
i, hindered toll The death rate has risen 48 per cent. The mortality from ' lo' iurue repuea wun an mjurcu e ma rem, u".
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for publication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper
and alo local news vublished herein.
Picnic Fund Of
Still Has
las In Bank
tubrculosia has risen 25e ner cent. Mnnv rStMrvn nf nn. han nnt ,' air.
passed their weight at birth. "And we didn't shut ours, because He has a glittering, wicked eye
"Today the whole cf Budapest is one vast city of misery and suffer- we wanted to watch you." said Mr. And also cruel jaws.
ins. The number of deaths Is double "the number of births. Over 100,000 'frog. j And if you ask the reason why.
school children are dependent upon public charity, 150,000 workers are! "Can't you trust me?" Timothy Tur- We'll answer you, "because!"
Idle, there are 50,000 widows and war Invalids and 30,000 sick and disabled, j tie snapped.
"In Checho-Slovakia, typhus and small-pox are prevalent throughout! "Certainly!" Ferdinand Frog replied. He'll stattch his neck and grab you
the country. Drugs are exhausted. Tuberculosis is spreading in an alarm-! zr, - .- - -rrr:'. . quick
Silverton, June 10. There is a sur
plus of something over $25 In one of
, the local banks belonging to the Ma
rion County M. W. A. Picnic associa
tion, left over after the picnics were
abandoned several years ago. At a
meeting of the local camp last eve
ning the matter of reorganizizng the
association or making some disposi
tion of the funds was discussed and a
meeting of the different camps inter
ested will be called to settle the es
tate. There are six camps in the coun
ty interested In the matter. Hon (V.
Aly Jones was secretary of the associ-
atioji and there has been no meeting
filnce his death. The last annual pic
nic was held in Silverton.
E. J. Thurmun has purchased the
Hubbard farm near Marquam and
will move his family there this week.
Mr. Hubbard takes Mr. Thurnmii's
residence on Cuolidge street as part
of the consideration. The farm con
Dists of one hundred acres of land,
most of which is in a high stae of
The Royal Neighbors club and mem
bers of Fine Camp No. 1110, M. AV. A.
held a very interesting dancing par
ly In O. A. R, hall Tuesday evening.
Supper was served by the ladies.
Alex Merrlfield of Aumsville is vis
iting his sister, Mrs. Geo, Hurst.
Geo. W. Davis of Eugene will ar
rive here this evening to spend a few
flays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
IT. G. Davis. Mrs Davis has been vis
iting in the city for a couple of weeks
R, G, Allen was a Sutem visitor yes
terday afternoon.
The Wisconsin association annual
ilcnlo will be held in this city during
the latter part of this month and the
Itadger state residents of this city are
looking forward to the event with
great anticipations.
Walter Johnson, formerly proprie
tor of the Tulace theater, now" field
representative of the National Life In
mirance Co., is moving his family to
Cnscadla for the summer.
Fruit Inspector 8. H. Van Trump
of Hulem was in the city yesterday
ud spent some time Inspecting the
berries and fruit. Mr. Van Trump
flays he Is surprised to find Bllver
ton growers selling berries as low tin
3 per crate. In Portland, he says,
they are selling for Ifl per crnte;
Woodburn growers, said Mr. Van
Trump, nro getting $6 a crate for their
herrles and they are taken away by
eople in Portland and Oregon City
as fast as they ripen.
ing and unprecedented manner through Rumania. Typhus is devastating!
Serbia, with only 200 doctors for the entire nation. Typhus and famine!
overwhelm Montenegro, while conditions in Albania are deplorable. Over
15,000 cases of typhus have been reported in Esthonia, with shortage of
food and clothing.
' "In the Ukraine, conditions are as bad as can be imagined, and the
situation growing worse daily. Pauperism becomes more intense. The
typhus victims number Into the hundreds of thousands. In Poland, there
are 250,000 cases of typhus and the greatest need is for food. In Galicia
whole districts are depopulated. In Armenia the distress and destitution
are beyond description."
Depreciated currency effectually blocks attempts to renew
commerce. These lands must pay 40 to 50 times the normal
cost for everything they buy, and they have little or nothing to
sell. They can have no hope unless they have the things from
without, which they need if they are going to produce. Neither
have they hope unless they have the means of transporting those
goods should they be received.
Mr. Davison suggests a plan to meet Europe's need
which consists of an appropriation, by congress of sum not to
exceed $500,000,000 for use in central and eastern Europe, to be
administered by a non-political commission of three Americans,
of the type of General Pershing, Herbert Hoover and ex-Secretary
Lane. This commission to make survey of conditions and
then act for the restoration of those countries under such con
ditions and upon such terms as the commission may itself de
cide, the money to be loaned on liberal terms, and the co-operation
of other countries be requested in the work.
America, which advanced ten billion dollars to her allies to
attain victory and peace, certainly ought to be able to make the
additional advance in order to realize the peace for which we
imve struggiea, conciuaes Mr. uavison "ior nothing is more
certain that until normal conditions are restored in Europe, there
can oe no peace.
Despite the fact that whatever action is taken should be
taken immediately, and that the "crisis is so acute that the sit
uation does not admit of delay," Mr. -Davison's appeal fell on
deaf ears in congress, mainly because President Wilson had made
a similar appeal. Congress, under the leadership of Lodee. re
fuses to recognize the nation's duty to humanity. It would spend
Diiuons to grab Mexico tor oil and mine interests but nothing to
preserve civilization.
A work of this immensity is beyond individual effort, it. ran
only be undertaken by governments. With America to lead.
other governments would cooperate and new life and hope ani
mate tne stricken peoples.
It would seem that the work of arousing American public
opinion to force action by congress is peculiarly the province of
tne cnurcn yet we imd no organized effort by the church to
make its influence felt. If the churches of America united for
the cause, and every pulpit echoed the demand, not even a
visionless congress would have adjourned to rjlav nolitics while
Christian civilization perished. Yet the church remains strange
ly silent and inactive in the midst of plenty as lethartric in its
'duty to humanity as congress itself.
Picnic To Close
Jefferson - School
Activity For Year
Jofierson, Or., June 10. The an
nual commencement of the Jefferson
high school will be hold In the Masonic
hal Hhls evening ,ind the school will
close with a picnic in the grove near
here. The baccalaureate sermon was
delivered In the M. E. church .Sunday
evening, Rev. Albyn Eson officiating.
The Class of 1020 is as follows; Misses
ltlanche Hill, Elsie Powell, Jennie
fripruRg, Leona Johnson, Gladys Thurs
ton, Winnlfred Wills and MurJIe Uiui
man, and Messrs. Kenneth Wall, Theo
dore Ulassey, Cecil 1pI,iux and
Wayne Hhumukor.
The eighth grade of the public
school school has established a banner
record. Five members of the cla
passed wtlh an average of over 0 per
cent. .
Rippling Rhymes
This world's so fine and dandy that life should be a grin ;
there's always sunshine handy for those who'd wade therein. As
cheerful as a colt is, I do my daily toil, there always is a poultice
for every human boil. I brood not lest disaster of life should ruin
make ; there is a mustard plaster for every "human ache. If life,
at any juncture, seems desolate and grim, and hope receives a
puncture, then run her on the rim; and laugh at Old Man Sorrow,
Don't let him come too near!
And if you poke him with a stick
He'll seize that too oh, dear!
Now, we'll admit'he swims quite well
And that he's slow ashore.
Don't ask us if he wears a shell
Until we tell you more.
Don't ask us if he's fond of fish
Nor seek to learn his age.
And kindly don't express a wish
To see him in a rage!
Don't ask us If his claws are strong
And if he has a tail.
' It might be short and blunt, or long
j And pointed like a nail.
We do not want to cause you pain. ,
I We would not give offense
j But, sir, you'll not come herj again
- i it you nave any sense.
"Oh, yes," we can trust you!" And '
he winked at his friends. After the last echo of the song had
"You don't want to hurt my feelings, lost Itself in the depths of Cedar
do you?" Timothy Turtle went on. Swamp, the singers all turned .smiling,
"No, indeed!!" everybody exclaimed, to their listener.
And then Ferdinand Frn? told Tim.' But his face wore no smile. On the
othy that they would sing a special contrary, Timothy Turtle frowned
song in his honor. .darkly. . "
"Fire away!" Timothy ordered them' "Yo" t0 'l "J"'
and the whole company knew, when he You don ' llke me! Tou dont Want me
said that, thta if he really cared any, he!f !" . . ... ,
thing at all for singing he never would .. Ferdinand Frog swallowed a few
have spoken Of it in that fashion. , tlme8, v
They were Just about to begin the "Well," said he, "of course my man
song when Timothy Turtle stopped ners are 80 elesan' hat I simply could
them., not dispute one of ,my elders. And,
"What's this thing called?" he de- anyhow, Mr. "Turtle,- you'd find that
manded. our singing sounded twice as well if
"It's known," Ferdinand Frog ex- vo" w6re naIf a miIe away."
piained yas "A Merry Song.' ." "It certainly couldn't sound any
And then the whole Frog family be- worse than It does here," Timothy re
"J.ou can't fool uie!"
made the - Creek.
marked a remark which
Frog family grin broadly.
m : ' tt:-
He said no more but slipped Into the ' then 8 ctln &, I 1
wter and struck out towards home. And tvT.."46' t
'There was a lively scattering of ' He th J5? TW
..... ---" h not i J
those who found themselves In Tim
othy Turtle's path. And for a time it
looked as If the singing party had bro
ken up in disorder.
But after a while everybody came
back again that is, everybody but
Timothy Turtle. He hurried away and
spent most of the whole
in the mud at the botto
For RiL
Ford car
night buried :tires, new top Jf
m of Black shape, would imu 1
Safe TJUllc feriNForsai
sirr rtf
r i.r.ln J a. .
Tht Onginal Food-Dnn Foe All Ages No CwLu
very lire
Is Signed
were looking better. In fact, I was a
little ashamed that I had gone to meet
John without paying more attention to
my appearance.
"My, but're good to look at!" ex
claimed John as I opened the door. . ,
"I can return the compliment," I
answered with perfect truth, for John
was almost ideal as far as physique
and face were concerned. He came to
ward me and for the first time since 1
had seen him he took me in his arms
and kissed me,. And then I realized
how much he was influenced by phy
sical attraction. I was very glad that I
had decided to stay away from him
down here in the country until after
the baby was born. He seemed to be
thinking about' the same thing, for he
said, "Well, are you going with me?"
"Bettor to Stay Here."
"No," I answered, "I think it is bet
ter to stay do'wne here."
"Well, I am sorry for I will have to
eo back tonicrht. eirl."
The name "girl" made me very hap-'
py, for It was the first time John had
used It to me Th many months.
His next question .however, dispelled
my happiness and I was sure I was go
ing to have a disagreeable quarter of
an hour.
Tomororw Where Friendship Cea
per cent of normal.
Plans for the second unit of the
home economics building at Oregon
Agricultural college have been pre
Stop Tobacco
Stop tobacco for a month and see
how much better you feel. You can
stop without suffering any inconven
ience or feeling the usual craving.
Simply get a box of Nlcotol from any
druggist, use as directed and the hab
it quits you. Your health will be bet
ter, your resistance to disease will in
crease and you will cease to be a slave
to nicotine. Read what Dr. Conner
formerly of the Johns Hopkins hos
pital, says about the evil effects of
tobacco in an article soon to appear
in this paper. Nlcotol Is dispensed by
ll good druggists in this city, especial
ly by D. J. Fry. (adv)
mi ui-i, yvur oumiuy jiu mat tnings win run tomorrow well as they
ever did. I have the giddy habit of giving grief a slap; if there's
a smile I nab it, and paste it on mv man. Th litflo ir,Wr,
Appealed Case Of
Manslaughter Is
Heard By Court
The appeal In the case of the state
vs. Hubert Zulllg involving manslaugh
ter, was argued before the supreme
court Tuesday, Attorney Oeneral
Hi-own appearing for the state and
tins Mosier of Portland for Zulllg,
2ullg was convicted in the Lake coun
ty circuit court on a charge of killing
his wife and sentenced to a term of
from 7 to 1 years In the state pris
on.' Th alleged crime ws committed
in October, 191 S.
troubles that drive some men insane, to me are vagrant bubbles,
they're empty things and vain. And when full crown nffiiVti'nno
come down in cataracts, I look on them as fictions that masque
rade as facts. I fire them in a hurry, I bid them loop the loops;
I say to them, "For worry I do not care three whoops." For joy's
the line I trade in, the goods in which I deal; it is the stuff I
wade in, to back my daily spiel.
' By the Noted Author
In the opinion of County Agricultur
al Agent Smith of Linn county a 50 per
cent shortage in crop acreage was cav
ed this season by the uso of tractors.
There are 250 tractors In the county
The wheat and oat acreage Is about ltl
For Rent
Nice bungalow close in. $30. a
month. Phone 743.
Arc Men Gulllnble?
For a long while I sat there envelop
ed In .unhappy thoughts. Suddenly, I
became consctous that the whistnyg
had stopped in the bathroom and I
you?" he called,
"I'm my dressing room for a mom-
ent, I answered.
John came rushing to the doo.
knew that John was shaving. her , 1 ha locked it because
came a voice In happier tones than . " u,r " ?" ul ure88'n&
j something which John can never un-
my grip and bring me a silk shirt, col
lar and my brown tie?"
I hastened to do this and thrust it in
the door. As I did so I caught a gllmp
so of myself in the long mirror at the
other end of the room, t did look for
lorn. I decided I would try to make
myself a little more presentable. In ny
wardrobe 'was a new and very good
looking black and white maternity
gown which I never had worn. I went
In to my dressing room and closed the
door lust ns I heard John commence
to whistle again,
Bnfore I had finished he came out
into th other room and called me. 1
knew by his voice that he was perfectly
happy ond at peace with all the world.
Comfortable in Mlml.
I wonder if other married women
have found that husbands have a way
of making themselves perfectly com
fortable In their minds when they have
made their bodies comfortable. John
can go to his bath in a very nasty
frame of mind and come out a perfect
angel. That i. If he doesn't drop hKx
collar- button tinder the chiffonier and
Is able Immediately to find the te it
Hluce I have been married I have
been very careful to see that John's
clothes are laid away In perfect order
In hla bureau drawers, and yet when
he is where I am he never falls to say
to me: "Kathertne. where did you put
my shirts?" or whatever else he may
be wanting to wear. It seems to be eas-
H like a muslc.-il low "most-; I.-r for bun to ask me that question
" !!; .M'M'Ps Ins Fold h's homehhitn t uso hi brain a Utile and t-
o-h nn' 'il tucm'wr v :i they always are.
he used before going In to his' T " I . , v ..
"Katherlnc, will you please open' te 1 hve always believed that
Th' Imllnnny De'rfcrit'r state tick
M f-JU
woman never should disclose all her
toilet secrets to any one, least of all
her husband.
T - V-,. , . .
imw iinu mm remarK to me on
the glorious color which their wives'
complexions always displayed. Know
ing that the color was rouge I under
stood Immediately that that man's wife
was clever enough to ueo rouge an the
time and use it secretly. I have had
otHer men call attention to the glori
ous tints In their wives' hair, when a
woman woh knew the fine points of
beautifying it was henna instead of
nature's bronze. To myself I said "a
smart woman" instead of "beautiful
Men Gulllahle rrcntnrr.
, Men are the most gulllable of crea
tures when it comes to beauty. They
think they admire beauty in a woman,
but what they really admire Is charm.
They never up lo think that if a wo
man has a beautiful complexion that
It might be more or less doctored pro
vided her smile seems sincere and flat
tering. They will write connets to their
sweetheart's eyebrows that have cost
'sweetheart' almost as much pain as a
surgtcnl operation in shaptng them.
They will sneak of crimson Hps and
beg for a kiss while the woman fears j
to grant the request lest she leave thei
shape of those Hps upon the face of her j
I expect all these thoughts are what
a man calls "catty" and I presume they
really are so. I know it was only when;
! hesfsn to look ualv my4?if that I be-'
i gan to have tnem. However, tirw-r te-!
j nlng ny t.lsek and whtte neitUsrep and;
tyin ! bread r recti ribbon about mv
" ' '
Appear At Your
Best Instantly
If yon recelv a sudden
caller or an unexpected in.
vita Hon you can feel con
fident of always appearing
it your beat In but a few
moments It renders to your
Kin a wonderfully pure,
soft complexion that It
beyond comparison. .
-'-. - - 4
r 2
i .-A
lYKOIttold In orlftlnal paek
0a only, Ilk plotur above,
uaa all autaatitlrttt.
Sultry Nights
rob Nature of the chance
to rebuild, by refreshing
and restful sleep, the
wasted tissues of the
body. That limp and pros
trated feeling caused by .
wakeful, restless nights is
quickly relieved by
The Great General Tonic
Sold By All RilimU OrwliMl
Sole Manufacturers:
Mm York Kansas City, Mo.
Two men sign every Miller Tire the maker
and the inspector. Both are penalized if a tire
comes back.
Under' this mefliod, defects have become ex
tremely rare. Not a tire came back for adjust
ment to many Miller dealers last year.
Over 1,000 tires yearly are worn out in Miller
factory tests.
All the best rival tires are constantly compared
;with the Miller, with these results:
Millers now excel all rivals, both in avenge
and in uniform mileage.
Miller treads outwear rival treads by 23 per
cent on the average.
Miller Cords average 15,000 miles Miller
Fabrics from 8,000 to 9,000 miles rrr in rear-whed
tests under extreme conditions. ,
You will gain a new idea of mod
ern tires when you test a new-type
Miller. Get one now and watch it
The super-service of the Miller Tire
is now everywhere discussed.
Tread Patented
Canter tread smooth, with suction cup, for
firm hold on wet asphalt. Gcorvij-fo-ti.
Road aide treads, mesh like cop in dirt
IB imer Tires
Now the Record Makers
Cord or Fabrics Geared-to-the-Road
162 North Commercial St.
or sale Dy all Drureists. AMnn
"i iock ar ferry's Drug Store.
! iiMiiiii ;
Uied Truck Bargains j
. $700
1 ton Maxwell with good stake body and brand
new tires, repainted and overhauled......
1 ton Republic with new tires and body, over
hauled and guaranteed ...
1919 Maxwell panel delivery like new electric
lights and starter
2 1-2 Republic truck with new tires, overhaul
ed and guaranteed - .,
All of These Trucks Equipped W ith 1920 Licenses Free.
Call at the Yellow Front Truck Store for Inspection
Republic Distributors '
Marion County Polk County
l iiu.Mi bi a
Save Your Slips
To the one making the largest amount
of purchases f torn June 4 to 'June 30lk
will receive absolutely free one sack of
n 1
Msssst sea t s mi . i a nu . i I i ZZZ '
,8lice of our light,
BAKE-RITE bread. JJ,
and grown-ups both
our bread; it's so soft
flavored, like rich
loaf and judge yoursex
Established 1SG3
General Banking Businesi
Office Honrs fren 13 a. m. r" .
. i - i a x .