er Clrcu! 4j I t W tl t,pV(;o: T-'Jiilj-ht iiml Friday Aferae for Six Month! e&Iiajr March Si, lt.o 5259 Member of Aoilit Bureau of CtrfoltkH AialeU Proee Full Leawd Wire nMxIvrwte southerly winds. showers LOOM- Min- temperature 42, Max. .t .in 54. X rainfall. River S 3 tVl. -jatiouary. TfflRD YEAR. NO. 139. SALEM, OREGON1, THURSDAY. JUNE 10, 1920. PRICE TWO CENTS Tlis vvsatn i Mi)llllil ilM3il 7 I epuoucans Delegates Speculate as To Effect of New Treaty Planls Upon Candidates Chicago, June 10. News of the agreement of the resolutions committee of the convention on a League of Nations plank start ed lively speculation whether the chances of any presidential can didate would be aided or injured by the adjustment. The gener ally expressed first impression was that it would affcet none of them except perhaps Senator Johnson. He immediately hailed it as a victory for the principles he had advocated but it was point ed out that it probably would remove the opportunity which many delegates thought he wanted for impassioned debate on the sub ject on the convention tioor, Lowden, Wood, Butler and Harding headquarters refused to issue any sta tement at once on the plank. Senator Crane withheld comment, but Ogden Mills of New York who has forked with him, said Mr. Crane was "perfectly satisfied." Crane Planw Modified. Senator Borah, a leader of the Irre concilables, said his side had secured omission of many provisions in another text submitted yesterday by Mr. Mills the Crane plank. It Is understood there is io specific mention of the league of nations, but. there is Infrential reference to It in a denunciation of the course of fnt. preside! in the conduct of foreign at tains, in which he is blamed for failure to consult the senate. The senate was commended for its course with refer , ence to the general subject without differentiating in regard to the views o Mlferent groups of senators. Johnson Satisfied. The provision makes specific decla ration in favor of the support of all American obligations and announces the determination of the court which irould devote Itself to the promotion of justice among nations wtlhput commlt . ting the countryto entangling alliances. Senator Johnson talked with news papermen while waiting for details of the reported agreement on a treaty "plank. He repeated his statement that as already reported to him the settle ment was "a tremendous victory for Americanism, and an overwhelming defeat for Internationalism and inter national bankers." Hnnkdr Control Charged. "You realize that there are certain international bankers here determined not alone to write a platform for the republican party but also to nominate Its president," he continued. "They have been whipped on the first object; it Is to be hoped they will be defeated on the second. "I am told that the matter has been nettled; that no decision has been made faovrable to the league of na tions and that the platform will decare for American foreign policies In har mony with those of Washington and Monroe. I understand there is no men tion of the league In the plank." Change In County Officers' Terms Is Proposed In Bill Initiative petitions proposing a change in the term of county clerks, sheriffs, coroners and surveys from two to four years was filed with the secretary of state's office here this aft ernoon by Herbert R. Dewart of Port land and R. J. Greene of La Grande. The petitions contain more than ten thousand signatures or approximately a thousand more than is required to secure for the measure a place on the (allot next November. Salem High Graduates To Receive Diplomas At Exercises Tonight One hunflroH iilffhtiMii Dttirianta - of the .argest classes In the his- 1 1 irv nt . 1 . . ... . . - I i J "i me wnooi, win graaunre iroin local high school Thursday cve- g. Commencement exercises wilt held at 8 o'clock in ihy armory. J. Ackerman, president of the ure n normal school will deliver the sd . and W. C. Winslow, chairman the Salem school board, will l'o nt the diplomas. Students who will receive ihfir dl- mnmag this evenin ur- Wayne George Allen. Kenneth 7 Ai- yAaninwQii t..w n a t n ! f-mlly Elsabeth Auld, Reta Mae Auv I O'Brien. Gladys Evelyn Page Lela . Ambrle William Bagley, jmu. i tfarle Pettlt. Martha Elizabeth Pov JJ'lfy Bailey. Ruth Mabel, Barnes. ! ell. Guy Paul Prather. Mabel V, Inlfred "mie Elizabeth Beecroft! Lionel Rentfro, Zeda Azalea Rhoten. Phniv) Hhn P-ishop. Zola Mae Blrdwell, Reu- Hamilton RIngle, Eva Pearl Roberts. Breyman Boise. Beryl Elvirt Ruth Elizabeth Ross, Charles Albert Ja. Hazel eVra Bostrack. Gladys Sappingfield. Wallace Aubrey Schel. flre Brown. Opal Louiw Brown. Turfield Schlndler, Jacobina Amilld L.T Umont Bullock, Audrey Wll- nova Schmidt. William Earl Shafer. ha Bunch. Earl Towshey Busselle. ' Mamie Sims, Malcolm Cough Smith, "iliired Kh o- t. Ivi.ii FiHoh Starr. Louise Marie Pa V , V U M, III Of CI TV-, 1 . 1 -r J - mrfiet Emily Coburn. Georgia M ' Stenstrom. Frieda Elizabeth ""Cook. Hcipn n,,'orni Frances Sutherland, J? Dorothy Crorer. Kenneth William ' Horace Thompson, Gordon Dexter Jlver, Wilbur Maxwell Darbv. FreThompson, Hilda Cecilia J"11"' "Dort, Harold Day. Lawrence ; El wood Alfred Towner Sara Rutn Peon. Elmer Earle Dierks, Wanda ' Hurley, Bertha Pearle Ick Ida Car '"B. Mabel Leora Dotson, Edward lyle Vogt. Phyllis Walker. Eva Suter ""old Edmundson. Harold EIN.. ! Wallick. Marguerite Lenora Wann. ""fan Margaret Emmons .Alma Ma-' Kenneth Horatio Waters, Crtrude Knglebart. MarvS-i Dee Fidler. C::rl May Waltzllng, Noma Caw Webb 'u?u.t Fiarh., i.-, tp, i.m-vll Welch. Alma Isabella r v umnifreJ Elizabeth r...: Kthryn Louise Gibbard: UberL Anmn- f : , s. j. , G 11 r ..... ne t"T! -Marl Griffith. Fl .rw 'Marie Woodworth. Kenneth Mertin Zell. Al fly. Mae Hall. Mirjotls Virginia fred Dalton Znller. -"" James uriEiim. sua Plan to Ballot Tonight Loses; Wood Opposed Coliseum, Chicago, June 10. When the republican convention resumed its session this afternoon, an agreement was pending said to have the approval of the various managers, to dispose of th9 platform report and then adjourn until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning with the understanding that all the nomi nating speeches and the balloting for president would be finished before the convention adjourned again. There had been a plan to run under forced draught tonight and besides disposing of the platform, finish all the nominating speeches and take one ballot for president before adjourning the evening session. Frank H. Hitch cock, field marshal of the Wood forces however, objected to that plan be cause, he snid, he expected General Wood to poll hla minimum of votes on the first balolt, and he did not want the voting stopped at that Juncture. Four o'clock ,the hour for reconven ing passed and the conventlpn was not in order and there was to attempt to call it to order because word had come that the resolutions committee was not ready to report on the platform. Youth Crushed to Death by Falling Beam at New Mill Frightfully crushed by a falllnf timber while working at the Oregon Pulp & Paper company's mill here at 4:30 p. m. Wednesday, William Henry Woodwortii, age 20, died while be.s taken to a hospital. The accident oc eured while Woodworth with othef workmen, were unloading machinery from a gondola freight car. The weight of the machinery caused a cable to break, releasing a huge beam. sweeping Wootfworth between it and the end of the car. Woodworth was employed as a rig ger at the mill. During the war h served with the United States marines in France. His mother, Mrs. Bertha Wood worth, and one brother, Edwin Wood worth, and seven sisters, Iva, Maud, Delia, Jane. Sarah. Vlda and Arvilla Woodworth, survive him. They reside on South Thirteenth street Members of the American Leglrni , will act as pall bearers In the funeral. Members of the Woodmen of the World, of which Woolworth was a member, may also participate. Harbert Helen eBatrlce Heidecke, mZ - - anna May James, Mattie Edith Jar- man. Thelma Jean Johnson, uiga Orwilda Kirkwood, Olive Kiser. Frederick Christian Klaus, Richard Meryl Kriesel, Genevieve Logan, Ha zel Dean Long. Nicol Mltchel JIcGil christ, Katherlne Marshall, Nina lier trude Marshall, Willard Charles Mar shall, Jennette Meredith, Dorothy Es tella Miller, Hester Ellzaphan More- land, Rose Antoinette Morgan, ii Ash-tHaNey Nelson. Leah Maude Nichols. ' . j- Vntann Rnw Clara I T?rr Parvpr Notson. Rose Clara Stolk. Elton w.ii. uhrt Evart W'endland, Ger- Marvltmde Frances "Vest, James Alden t-..i. U'nnilirnrth. Mda io! li.t-, la Bertha Woodwortn. epuaiate League of KANSAS GOVERNOR, WHO WILL PLACE NAME OF LEON ARD WOOD BEFORE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION FOR NOMINATION FOR PRESIDENT. - I ' f - I ; i I "''.'?;'..'.s,.,-.-s;..: S::,i;i:s-t?:..i:-s: "..' I f - y Css s . I h y fs fev Investigators Exonerate Todd of Blame for Frauds Perpetrated by Byron Notwithstanding the fact that the timber location v contracts made by various Salenl people with Carlos L. Byron expired May 27, the timber land has not been delivered, nor has the money been refunded and there Is lit tle prospect of the 138 Salem victims receiving the J60.000 or $70,000 ad vanced or realizing their dreams of be coming timber barons. Byron, the "party of the first part" is serving two sentences at McNeil's island federal penitentiary for using the malls to de fraud and sentence is yet to be im posed upon a third conviction, while numerous Indictments are pending on various counts. Inasmuch as the Sa lem operations were not negotiated through the malls, Byron may escape federal prosecution, though it is re ported an attorney has been retained to bring suit to recover the money ad vanced by certain victims. There Is Just one chance of thi Sa lem victims receiving baok something of their Investment regarded by many as a hundred to one shot. Byron has deeded to the committee on re covery, headed by John W. Todo, copper mining claim in the Okanogan country Thlg prospect has been par- tlally deevloped and there Is a chance to bond the same. It adjoins a prom ising mine, and If the latter proves a profitable property; there will be a market for the Byron claim. If the claim Is bonded and theensulng devel opment proves It a real mine, there If un excellent chance of recovering the money advanced Byron. - At a meeting of the Rotary club yes terday,. a report was made by a com mittee which Investigated the transac tion. The commute was headed by T. E. McCroskey, who examined the mine and secured Rn abstract of the proper ty. Tho report exonerated Mr. Todd, who proved to have been victimized along with other investors, but who has exerted every energy to recover the money Invested with Byron, whom he had introduced to Salem, ignorant of his record, and acting in good faith. Th oiglnal contracts given by Byron stipulated definite location of timber claims, which he represented were open to entry, the original entries hav ing been cancelled for fraud. He rep resented that he had sub-rosa connec tions with the general land office, whereby the locations he placed would be rushed to paent. His location fee f n)ne c,alml, wa, ,600 a ... claim, half down. For the suhwuuent locations he charged 11000 half being paid in advance, the balance when patent was Isnued. At a meeting of Investors held Jan uary 2" then contracts which ran a year, were surrendered to Byron, in exchange for a four months' contract expiring May 27. HpMily action was the bait offered to secure exchange, though no definite land was stipu lated, as in the original agreement, merely a promise to fumUh Informa tion, under which Itjs hard to se how recovery of money could be secured or damages recovered. These contracts read as follows: "For and In contidera'.ion of the turn of tlOOO the receipt of $500 of declaring specifically for enforcement which l hereby acknowledged, pirtyiof the eighteenth amendment and all of th first part agrees to furnish ln-jlaws thereunder. It was said that the 'ormation 'hat will enable party of the -committee Inserted a general decla iweond part to secure from the United j ration fciEuXorcement of all laws. States government under the public land laws ISO acres of government timber land In the state of Washington filngto be secured 4 months from Continued on pag eight) - - f Root Plank Summarized The Root plank was summar ized by a member of the sub committee as follows: "The plank is a condemna tion of the action of the presi dent, both in his negotiation of the treaty of peace and the league and in his insistence up on Its acceptance without change by the senate. "It Is a complete ratification of the action of the republican senators, without distinguish ing between either group. It pledges the country to a con tinuation of the policies of Washington, Madison and Mon roe, and also to a fulfillment of all its International obligations by the establishment of Interna tional courts for the promulga tion of rules of lnternatiopal law and conduct, and suggests that future wars be made im possible by the establishment of laws and agreements whereby all International controversies may be settled by International agreements. "The plank makes no men tion of disarmament. The lea gue of nations Is not specifical ly mentioned." Plank Leaves United States Free Says Borah Chicago, June fO. The compro mise plank was described by Senator nnrnh as establishing these three prht ciples for which the irreooncilables had contended: Omission of any pledge for ratlfl - cation. Commendation of the senate for re- fusing to ratify. A statement that any future league must be in. accord with American Ideals and with the principle of Washington. Chairman Watson said in his opin ion the treaty plank would not aid nor Injure any of the candidates. -The final problem of the sub-committee was that regarding prohibition the question being revived. The Mexican plank, It was stated, was agreed upon with little difficul ty. Members of the sub-commlttee said It was a strong declaration for protection of American life and prop erty In Mexico, but more moderate than the plank proposed by Senator Fall of New Mexico. The sub-ocmmittee's action today regarding prohibition, members said, was refusal to Incorporate the plank proposed by William Allen 'White, Jasper M. Gulliford. a pioneer o Lane county, ta dead at the age of 7S years. He settled In the Mohawk val ley In 152. Settlement Acceptable to Everybody Removes Threat of Split; Senate Is Supported In Anti-Treaty Positio: Chicago, June 10. A League of Nations plank declared by leaders to be "acceptable to everybody" was unanimously adopted today by the republican resolutions sub-committee apparently ending all threat of a party spli$ over the league issue. The plank upholds the senate in re fusing to ratify the treaty of Versailles, declares that any future International Plank Adopted. ' Chicago, June 10 The trea ty plank was adopted by the resolutions committe with only one vote against it peace understanding must square with American traditions and omits the af firmation declaration for a league which had been urged by the mild res ervatlonlsts. Root Drafted Plunk. Originally drafted weks ago by Ell hu Root, the plank was revised at an all-night series of conferences and was adopted by the sub-committee after Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, re publican senate leader, had appeared In the 'committee room and declared if the mild reservation proposal were accepted he would go on the conven tion floor and fight It. The plank was said by the sub-committee members to be wholly accept able tp former Senator Crane of Mas sachuetts, loader for the mild reserva tion group, and Its acceptance remov ed the only obstacle to speeding to a conclusion the work of the national convention. The completed platform was to be taken to the convention floor late In the afternoon and It was said a night session n.tght be called to begin the hearing of nominating speeches. Johnson Rr juices. Shortly before noon the work of the sub-committee was completed and members said they thought there would be no barrier to a prompt ao ceptance of tls platform draft by the full resolutions committee. . Senator Johnson declared today thnt in the contest over the plntform section on the lengue of nations the "first assault of Internationism and In ternational bankers on the republcan party had been met ftM defeated." It been charged by the. Johnson Borah group that the Crane, plnnk "had Its birth In Wall street." Nlirlit Scwdon Llkifly. There would be a "seoond assault" by the same forces. Senator Johnson asserted with the object of nominating a candidate, which he "hoped would be met and defeated" but he addeu ! that If the reports on the platform de cision reaching him were correct It would not be necessary to take his league fight to the convention floor. Although the sub-committee also ap proved today the Mexican and Armen ian planks, they decided to spend the day in putting the platform Into final shape and to submit it to the full com mittee at 4 p. m. It also was suggest ed that the convention might hold night session to approve the platform and poslbly begin work on nomina tions. Agreement Sudden The agreement came as sudder'y today as .ltd yesterday's crlsU, when the irreconcilable made an open threat to leave the party if the plank offered by Senator Crane indorsing the league with rjtjrv.itlons were adopted. Mr. 'Mills and Senato HmoJt tmifht Senator Bonn 1ut us hi was i'.i:r ing the sub-committee room, ana the throe mat down on a couch outside and put their heads together over the Root proposition. Mr. Mills took the lead In urging the Idaho senator to accept. ' At first Senator Borah was obdur ate, though he said the principle was acceptable. Pressed for an accept ance, he protested that none was more anxious than he for harmony, reminding his conferees that an agree ment would mean as much to him personally as to any man in the con vention. Conference Sliort Encouraged, Senator Bmoot and Mr. Mills took Senator Borah to a nearby room where they were Joined bv Senator Lodge and Senator Mc- Cormlck of Illinois, another irrecon- cllable mernber of the suo-commiuee. In fifteen minutes the agreement had ; been reached within the half hour the Root plank had been given unan- ; imous approval by the sub-commtttee It Is understood that in touching Up the literary polish of the plank, Col onel Oearge Harvey helped the sub committee members. Senator Lodge !alto helped. Mcxkan Plnnk Proposed. -( Chicago. June 10. When the reso lutions sub-commlltee went into- ses sion thl morning with tho league of tlons plank still threatening a party split, a tentative foreign relations plank was under consideration declar ing opposition to the treaty without reservations but favoring ratification with American rights safeguarded. The tentative draft also condemned Prenident Wilson's Mexican policy, declared no Mexican regime should be recognized until willing and able to give adequate guarantees for protec tion of American right and pledged the renuhllcan party to "a contdstent firm nnd effective policy towards Mexico that shall enforce respect for the American flag" and protect American citizens and property. Acceptance Expcrted. It was Indicated that although ref erences to the league of nations still were in a formative stage the sub committee probably would accept the (Continued on Page E'ght) ivauons Requested Probe Ends In Loss Of Evidence Chicago, June 10. An elder ly delegate from Pennsylva nia laid before the resolutions committee of the republican national convention yesterday a large package which he said contained matter he desired "looked Into." When Chairman Watson opened the bundle, he found a bottle of whiskey real whiskey. Senator Smoot of Utah, a tee totaler, was designated a com mittee of one to consider the subject, but returned U imme diately without recommenda tions. Action by the full com mittee was prevented by dis appearance of the contents of the bottle before it could reach that stage. llawky on Way Home. Washington, June 10.- Representa live Hawley left Washington Wednes day for Oregon. He will stop on the way to attend a meeting in the Yosem ite National park. Mrs. Ilawluy and Miss Iras A. Hawley will leave the end of the week going directly to Oregon. Mr. Hawley has appointed R. C. Glov. er of Salem his assistant secretary and will have offices during tho recess of congress in the Hubbard building at Salem, Propaganda Bureau Proposal Killed By Federation of Labor Local Boy Is Best Livestock Judge In O.A .C. Frosh Class Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallls, Or., June 10. Roland Hogg of Salem is the champion rook stock Judge of the college, as a result of the livestock judging contest last week, Roland Is an ex-plg club member, club work giving him at least part of his training In the Judging of stock. He did not cbmpete in the county and state club contests because, as his fa ther Is one of the big livestock breed ers of the state. Roland and his father are In part nership In the raisins; of pure bred Poland Chinas. He Is a member of the Four II club an organization of the ox-club members who are now at tending O. A. C. Salem Schools To Close Doors At Noon Friday Only one more day! Thirty-five hundred and sixty-seven children who, for the past nine months have arduously labored thru their studies In city schools In Salem, echoed this Thursday with a Joy un bounded. For all city schools In Salem will close their doors on Friday noon for the summer vacation. In the morning the children will return to the schools for their cards and certificates of promotion and this will end the "golden (7) school days" once more until October 4. when the knell of (he bells from the towers shall again beckon them from their play and homes to pursue the gospel of education. The staff of teachers. 11 T In all who taught during the term Just closing, will remain about Intcat next term, City Superintendent John W. Todd said Thursday. Actual studies In city schools ceas ed with the end of classes Wednes day, Thursday was being devoted to compiling reports preparatory to as signing children when they return Friday morning for their cards. Lane Road Bond Campaign Cost Backers $2,000 It cost the I-ane county good roads aiclation 12758.21 to put over the 12,000.000 road bond issue In Lane county at the special election May 21. according to the financial statement filed with the secretary of state's of-fi- ere Wednesday by Fred F:l, president of the association. Little Done At Morninir Gatheri Coliseum, Chicago, June 10. Wblla awaiting the repoil of the platform committee the republican national con vention held a brief session this morn ing and much to the disappointment of the galleries took a recess until 4 o'clock this afternoon. When the con vention assembled the platform com mute was engaged-In the struggle over the plank on the peace treaty and it looked as If much time might be lost. There was a consideration of plana to go ahead wtlh nominating speeches while awaiting the platform report but there was objection to that and it waa abandoned. While the convention managers were debating what to do the wortl came from downtown that the plat form sub-committee had agreed on report and a few minutes later Senav tor McCormlck-of lllliiott, one of th sub-committee members appeared on ihe speaker's platform and announced that an unanimous agreement had been reachod by the sub-committee which promised union of the party and victory In November. Mr. McCnrmlck presented a motion for ft recess until 4 o'olnok but thr was a roar of ayes and noes from tho delegates and galleries and Chairman Lodge was compelled to call for a standing vote on which he decided that the majority wanted the recess. Montreal, June 10. The American Federation of Labor In annual con vention here today rejected a propo sal to croate a permanent educational department to distribute propaganda urging support of the federation's pol icy of non-partteanshlp In politics. The delegates unanimously adopted! a report of the committee on organisa tion which recommended that this step not be taken, at this time because It was unnecessary and would entail un justified expense. The proposal In cluded provision for a large campaign fund. The organization committee refunedl to concur on a resolution presented by the Chicago Federation of Labor whU:h urged the executive council to appoint a special committee to Investigate th feasibility of combining all workers In the food and catering industry of America into a food producing and distributing department. The convention authorized the ex ecutive council of the federation to charter an International policemen' union as soon as the membership of local policemen's unions totals s000. Government ownership of railroads Is urged in a Joint resolution present ed by seven International unions to tho convention today. The resolution de clares government ownership Is neces sary to provide more adequate nI cheaper transportation and to elimi nate the "sinister Influence of rallrosui corporations from our national life." Military training la the schools and the establishment of compulsory mil itary service or training are condemn ed In a resolution proposed by the American Federation of Teachers. Seven International unions demand ed repeal of the espionage act. Palmer Rules Bills Must Be Signed at Once Washington, Juns 10. Attorney General Palmer has made an Informal ruling, which has been communicate to President Wilson that the" ohlef ex ecutive has ten days after the adjourn ment of congress in which to sign bills and resolutions. This rule nay change the status of number of bills which the president killed by a "pocket to" explaining; that he had not had sufficient time In which to consider them. These meas ures include the water power bill and the resolution repealing most of the spevial war time legislation. Under the attorney gHneral's.rulinjc the president would have until mid night tomorrow to sign the w.f power bill and until midnight June 17 to sign the other measures It was said, at the Whit House. The owners of land In the Umatilla, drainage district have elected three su pervisors, in order to get a centralist body that can perfect the Ira'iuge ys- item. .... t