f ACE ST TIIE CAPITAL JOURNAL WEDNESDAY G. 0. P. POLITICAL POT BOILS Someone Likely t' Git Scalded, Says Abe Martin "I'm not fer doin' anything fer th' protection o' . th' American business man, with collars sellin' fer seventy- (SiKH-lnl to Tlie Cupltal Jiiumul) i nominate a candidate till th' conven-inve cents: Ninth District. Pennsylva- Chlcago, June &. Mornin' broke; tion hag acted.' Th" convention has nia, cigars at fifteen cents, an' batter HKutn here t'day. With th' possible reached th' point where we've got t'cakes fifty cents th' quarter dozen," namln' of a standard bearer fer th'iput up or shut up. We're waitin' ferjsaid a little town delegate wearin' sus- great Republican party only a lew tn unexpected, in matter is out o t penders with a belt, at th great hours away, rvUable political at 'our hands, an' th' future o' th' great; Northern t'day. thorities are agreed that th' Congress Republican party now rests with th Hotel is overcrowded. "I hain't had convention. We've shown it all t h' 1rtAorinriAonn L7 my shoes off fer three days 'cause It's pitfalls an' pointed out th' safe wayj I TlQCpCTlQC'TlCfs Ml CL S so- hard t' find 'em again," com- around. If all th' many fractions o'j Df J Ti' plained a delegate t'day, who looked th' party are satisfied with th' action:.. tSlltlCL llf' as though he might have come In t'jo' the' convention t'day, or t'niorrowj ... . , 1? prominence thro' war worn, but rer er th' next day, or th' day after, ta'; y (ZlVflS OU 1 OUR US November. On th i independence, or., June J. Just made by a tent an' awnin' company. , porting the case until yesterday. Mr.; feel that after the completion of thejnature of his future activities. Kurre stated that he intends to call ; work contemplated by the army re-j Sheriff John Orrs attention to the ! orinjzation act, I could relinquish matter at the first convenient oppor. mjiitarv dutr without detriment to tunity. The pig is rather small, weigh- jthe service an(i thus be free to engage! g, conducted everywhere. Farm ing not more than sixty pounds, and ls;in somethmg more active." !gales 2 percent; city sales S percent, as blind as a bat. The general did not Indicate the w MV vou mnn on Avn.iJl th' no other reason. No inklin o what party may win In November. On th i . . nnm. jliirin' f h ' Aav marred nthpr i-)nH If thift nvt.nl In n nnui!a ""S"' - " ' - ; i-i c,. . . turmoil durin' th' early hours be- on th' theory that any one kin win in ' u coun sDlte 0' ever'thin. Tom Marshall ori "U"'S an opinion at Wash Rill McAdnn n-lMV smlla from it low- igton, D. C, declaring the prohibition slung, flag-bedecked auto at th' sur- amendment and enft rcement act to be zln' crowds that '11 throng Pennsvl- constitutional, it developed that a vania Avenue on th' fourth o" next' bind P' ls be'" fostered in the livery March. Political conventions are fun-i""1 tw,i 08111 owned and operated by ny things. I've been in Chicago a Jonn Dickinson, one of the most radl whole week an' I've talked f hun-!cal prohibition advocates in Polk dreds o' big political leaders an' I've' county. Peter Kurre, who has also hobnobbed with th' keenest kind of been one of the active workers for the close observers, an' I hain't been able dry cause for many years and has es- t' find out anything. I hain't met no- tablished a county-wide reputation as buddy that knowed any more than I. a sleuth, has known of these conditions fxre th' convention opened. If any thing wui put over doors durln' th' wee small hours o' th' mornin' close political observers have had no inklin' of it at least ther not sayin' anything about It. Tills is th' first day since I arrived here that close political observers have not talked freely, On th' surface ever' thlng seems lovely. Optimism con tinues camps t.eneriu wood. washln ton corre nuvwi-u, wiiti-u hi as iuiiuws; inai a great Republican National Convention wui f be held, that Lowden, Hardin", Wood, Johnson, Coolidge, Hoover, et al. an' Poindexter, wui candidates fer th' presidential nomination; that Mur ray Crane an' Boise Penrose wuz workin' t gether; that national Issues wus not botherin' anybuddy; an' that in some way somebuddy wuz goln' t' git anominated. Ther's been lots o' enthusiasm, conjecture, speculation, music, drlnkin' In widely scattered behind closed spots, optimism, an' ever'thing but advance dope. As I pen these lines who's f be anominated fer pesident on tli' Republican ticket Is as deeply shrouded In mystery as who's goln' t' git th' vice presidential nomination. O' course what Hiram Johnson '11 do if he's not anominated is worryln', party leaders almost as much as what f reign supreme in all th' would happen if he did srtt th' num.1 o' th' favorite sons an' Major inatlon. Those who nr. clnaelv linUoi-' t' Johnson, an' know him well, savl Hpondents, in preparln' ther copy fer that In th' event th' convention makes th' wires, are sayin' that some one th' mistake o' not nomlnatln' him, he menu unmeiuioneu may get in , will go before th' people an' have th' jjiwuuaiiuut nuimiuuiuii, or mat u deliberations o' th' convention set may go i any one canuuiate in tn, aside, an' nominate himself. Hon Victor Trout, a delegate from th' Pa cific Coast, released an Interview this mornin' in which he said, "I hope th' convention makes no mistake. We must have a president with a fair knowledge o' swltchln,' a Btudent o' governmental problems, an' one wro understands German. Then, again, our president should know something o' finance. Ther's something gone wrong with our currency when you can't buy a croquet set without th' neighbors sayin', "That feller'll come to want ylf." Mr. Trout may visit Nlagary Falls now that he's this fer east. ARE MARTIN. Convent Ion XoU-s "A heap o' th' hysteria so noticeable among certain wings o' th' party has been engendered by th' style o' tactics! adopted by th' leaders o' th' opposi tion. It has produced a pop'lar ex citement that inhibited th' attention due these conservative statesmen's candidates. Tell 'em that," Bald a fiery wasterner, wearin' a wing shot's hut. to me, as he bought a couple o' newspapers one fer each pocket. for a number of weeks without re- Sure Relief MP iNDIttSTlMJ if" -'"' 1 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ,E LL-A5XSS FOR INDIGESTION j.J. VJ H 1 1 G 1 0 E3 rrtrT" ,v big field of avowed aspirants. But In o fer as regmds that's concerned in candidate may have been named at 2 0 clock this mornin' "Ther mny be no yesterday's in th' Republican party, but ther's several as fer as they, other years," said a fat. ruddv. lllsrlit Know, ur oourse, us political writers, wlno an' beer advocate, wearin' a are handicapped an' powerless f' Palm Beach suit that must have been HOME OWNERS AND BUILDERS Now is the Time to install the HOMER PIPEESS HOT AIR FURNACE WM. GAESDORF The Store of Housewares 135 N. Liberty St. Phone 67' "Walfelt" ToboB tlx nlaia a Vn..u ilJf'lli llnln 'Of Max 0. Buren 171 North Commercial L. M. HUM Care of YickSoTong Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. Has medicine which will our any known disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. m, until 8 p. m. 161 South High Btreet Salem, Oregon. - Phone ttt Pershing Asks To Be Retired Washington, June 9. Unless a sit uation arises that justifies him in re maining in the army. General Per shing will retire from active service within a few months. In a letter to Secretary Baker he expressed the de sire to return to civil life, adding "I m oil (KEROSENE) MAKES SUMMER COOKING COMFORTABLE fUlDrCR O'Neill U L OPTOnETRlST-OPTIGAfl tIAMUMU) OiL COURrVNY OAtiroMtAI HIDES and SACKS WANTED Also Junk of All Kinds Beit Prices Guaranteed CALL m Capital Junk Co. The Square Deal House 171 Chemeketa St Phone III WOOpRY BUYS and SELLS EVERYTHING Phone 510-511 870 N. Commercial St. I i Ruin Rank Rui.-finrf roR LONG DISTANCI AtTTO TRUCKING WillametUV alley Transfer Co, PHONH 140 WI ALSO DO LOCAL HAULING) AUCTIONEER inducted everywh) ircent; city sales I you money on a CoL W. F. Wright Auctioneer m Music RoHs an(j Br. DREAMLAND RINK TUESDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY NIGHTS SUNDAY AFTERNOON Ladiea Skates Free Friday Night. Ladida Skates lOo Tuesday and 4 Saturday Nights. Bathin glJays o mmmer Are Nearly ere Are You Ready? We are preparing for the calls for bathing suits that we know will begin coming in very soon. Why not get your' bathing suit now while the stock is fresh and new and the choice the most extensive. You do not want to take just any colored bathing suit that you happen to pick up you will want to decide upon some special color scheme ' and carry it out. We carry a complete line of JANTZEN Knit bathing suits in plain and combination colors. These suits are the best made bathing suits on the market and we off er them at most reasonable prices. MAGNETOS W. H. Hildebrandt Official Eisemann Magneto Service Station 279 North Commercial street SALEM on Good Year Tires And Tire Accessories" Will be found at Lloyd E. Ramsden , 387 Court St. ,Ph0nem ' JlTi Save -Your Slips To 'the one making the largest amount of purchases from June 4 to" June 30 will receive absolutely free onesackol SUGAR Peoples Cash Store I I I i inn , MM M tHWHwti ' t. WE SELL GOODjYEAR AKRON TIRES TUBES AND ACCESSORIES Valley Motor Co. The World's Largest Tire Factory Building 30x3, 30x31 and 3 lx4mchTires .J si Owners of the smaller cars can, enjoy the same high relative value in Goodyear Tires that gives utmost satisfaction to owners of big, costly motor carriages. They can take advantage of that tremendous amount of equipment, skill andcare employed by Goodyear to build tires of extraordinary worth in the 30 x 3-, 30 x 3'2-, and 31 x 4- mcn sizes. They can secure these tires without waiting, despite the enormous demand, because, in addition to its larger sizes, Goodyear builds an average of 20,000 a day in the world's largest tire factory devoted to the three sizes mentioned. . If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, or any other car using one of these sizes, go to the nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer for Goodyear Tires and Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes. F.brk, AU-Westher Tnl '23 30 m Goodrear Slngleure 1 , F.brtc AnrUSkid TreiZ . $2 112 Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tube ara tlikk, strong tubes that reinforce i eatings properly. Why risk a good casing with cheap tube: Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tube cost little mote than tubes of Im mnb m-nz. -J i iM rfV Jl 1UC n W . . - jm -jm. proof 6nj 1 Quality Merchandise 113 Liberty Street Popular Prices Where it pays you to "Pay as You Go!y 1 1 a I i " C'