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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1920)
PAGESU THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Scout Meeting Is Proof That Salem Units Are ' Thursday evening th entire mem bership of the Salem Scouts met at the iirinory for their regular quarterly meeting. The program consisted of Hunts exemplifying the summer camp along with the regular business usual ly coming before the quarterly meet ing. Scout Commissioner Denton pre sented a class of Scouts with the Sec ond Cl'uw investure, rewarding them for past attainments in scouting, and charging them "to stick to the trail. Scouts who have passed the Second I'lass requirements ad who were dec t.riited last night were Ira IHimus, Weldon Leisy, Theodore l.eonharoi, Itenoit .MeCrosl-.ey and Howard K. !aker. In a log chopping content, staged by Itiiinbuw Troon No. 1. hcout Luke Shields proved handiest with his and look first place. Citizens of Sa lem who failed to recognize proper tlag etlquetto on Memorial Day wer scored by the members of Cherry City Troop No. 2 who drew attention to the fact that the flag should not be allow ed fly at half-mast after noon on Me morial Day, and who also called at tention to the faet that only one fig in the city was flown properly. Troop No. 2 staged a camping scene and pro duced a flag pole and proceeded to show how the flag should be handled. Willamette Troop No. 4 staged two camping scenes, showing the differ rnce between an ordinary camp und a Scout camp. I'artH In this stunt were well played, and the "camps- 'wem thoroughly enjoyed. Other troops par ticipating in the program were Kenton Troop No. 5 and Grant School Troop No. 8. In discussing the summer ramp, Scout Commissioner Denton told the Scouts that the four weeks they were permitted to spend in the mountains in the Scout camp were the biggest Investment for jnioil that they coxiu make. I'rging every boy to attend Mr. Denton went on to say that the great est thing Sal"n had done for her citl-SK-miliiii was to provide and back the J toy Scout movement. erous articles will be sold at auction. if IICUI. lUIUIHH. JO j An ,.nj0vable time was had at a r 1 J J n C,, , gooseberry stemming party held at the inVOlVCU III OUlt.homeiif J. W. Fruit Monday evening. An answer was filed, Friday by Music was a feature of the function. Charles Scott, of Silvertom a defend- At a late hour ice cream and cake wei ant in the- recently filed case of! rvd by the hostess.. Klsher'a Flouring Mills against Char- Mnt Albert Ny has returned from les Scott. In His answer Mr. Scott Sil,,m whre she recently umlerwe... claims that the flouring concern has an .,,! at the Deaconess ho'pit refused to lay a balance of (SIS. 33 al- j leged due on a delivery of 1340 and! two-thirds bushels of wheat made to . the flour mill at Silverton. this spring.! UrUCf STtlUPPlCT ' Tka yiuhup i.,.munv hail nlrendv li.llit. O 00 I Pleads Innocence Donald, Or., June 4. Jim Sing, the the large sum of $2,459 on this de livery. in uitiililiit t ha pfimimnv had sued for about 5000 damages yo""g Chinese, who was arrested here because of t!ie alleged failure of, short in'e ago on a charge of hav Chailes Scott to deliver the balance ig WW quantity of morphii, in of a contract, which the company as-hi possesion, told at his hearing in serts. called for the delivery of-1 0,000 Portland Wednesday that another bushels of wheat before May 15, 1920, Chinese named Harry Wong left the 'suitcase at his place and he did not T) 1 ' know what it contained until it was DKOOKS (exposed by the federal officers who Glad Sister Escaped Operation Warning Against Fake Agents Here Issued By League Wai'n'lng against imauthoiizcit sulwHiiien and salesladies of aitlcleB, Prooks. or., June 4. Vho la lies tf the Drooks Improvement club Will give an entertainment and bazaar in the new school house on Saturday tvfii'ng, "Physicians had given my sister up June 5th. In the afternoon ice. cream 'to die; they wanted to operate for gatl nnd cake will be served and nand i.i ide stones, but she was too weak and articles will be on sale. Kiitertaia-'could only talk In whispers. I got her ment at 8 o'clock will be free after. a bottle of Mayr'u Wonderful Remc which good eats will be served, i't thejdy and In 3 weeks she was able to get basement and an auction .mIj will bo about and walked u mile to church." held of numerous articles ,!ni-.!d;ng it is a simple, harmless preparation hand-pieced quilts, etc. SvovyboJy in- that removes the ' catarrhal mucus vited. Ifroni the intestinal tract and allays Mr. and Mrs. Carl AM'itli, Mrs. M. 'the inflammation which causes prac K. Kartell. Mrs. Stella Karien and Mit'tically all stomach, liver and Intestln liuth Walker of Portia. ,d were iliejnl ailments, including appendicitis, week-end guests of Mr. 'ii'd 'lis. John! One dose will convince or money re Dunlavy and family. funded, J. C. Perry, D. J. Fry and Mr. and Mrs. Jackso'i Wen-.r-jth l i druggists everywhere. (adv) Portland were the week end ,'iicsls of .Mi', and Mrs. F. It. Moisaii. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens of I'li'i'm 1 were guests of their son, 11. C. C. Stev ens on Monday, Mrs. I. Corcas of Portland was a visitor at the home of Mrs. John Dun lav y on Monday. A gooseberry stemming ni l verj. enjoyable tim was had at th home of J. W. Fruit on Monday evening. Al a late hour ice cream and ca'o were served by the hostess. .Mr. l.oralne and son of Ca'.ifoivili are guesls of his daughter, Mrs. S. A. Harris. Mrs. ona Dorcas and dui-ihler, Frances, and Kuth Manning of '"'irt land were week-end g'ltv-ts of Vrs. Sylvester Manning and fuml'y Brooks Women To Hold Bazaar lliooks, Ore., June 4. The ladles of tile lliooks Improvement club will give an entertainment and baziar in lee creani will be served and many hand-made articles will be offered for sale. Ail entertainment will lie held In the evening, after which lunch will be served, l-'oliowlng the repast mini um! particularly Shrine convention the school house tomorrow afternoon. and Klk convention emblems, In tll" city was Issued Friday at the offices: ot the Salem liuslness Men's League. The league advises that no purchasei be made of anyone who does not ear- ry n card from the secretary of tile' , that i-.trd l.eli'.g a teh mi of confidence in the article being sold. This warning was prompted with the appearance in the city of persons attempting to sell Shriiui emblems f ! i "e dining t ie Shrine visitation heie June 23. The Salem Slnioe f.'lnh leitrol has nlreadv adonted Its offi cial Insignia for us- on Hie occasion, "I had taken but a few doses of 1 nsks that no olher be used in ihe. Tiuiluc when 1 realized 1 had found. city so that confusion of emblems ,lle medicine I needed," said O. K might 'be avoided. I Martin, 5015 Fast Ninth street, :Can- It is renorted that numerous for- City. Mo tin actor with "Anne eigiifis, who have been selling Shrine FOR TWENTY YFARS fez and other Insignia In Portland and had been banned bv flat city, plan to conic to Salem nnd other val ley towns to peddle their wares. The league asks that no intention be Paid to them unless they carry the author ization card of Isat organization. Burglars Operate Here Last NivM Tlii. establishment of J. A. llowlnnd, 411 North Commercial street, second hand dealer, was entered by thieves rone time dining Ihp night and four ValrH of shoes were found missing this morning. ( if f'eer Moreloek. who ia estigiited Fiiilav morning, found that thi' burglars had entered Ihe place by "moving the easing from the side door DREAMLAND RINK TUESDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY NIGHTS SUNDAY AFTERNOON Ladies Skates Free Friday Night. Ladles Skates 10c Tuesday and 4 Saturday Nights. arrested him. The authorities, how ever, put no confidence in his state ment. He is held under JiOOO bonds, j It is claimed thai Sing has been sought for vear bv the officers and it is be- lleved that he is the cleverest drug smuggler in the northwest. Troon Ordered To Strike. -Austin. Texas. June 4. State troui mill take charge of the long shoremen strike situation at Galves ton Saturday at nine o'clock. In a communication to Adjutant General . .. v W. D. Cope ot lexas, ouvrn ... P. Hobby today ordered 2S troops of dismounted cavalry, and three ma chine gun companies, Texas National Guard, to. proceed immediately to Galveston. Auction SALE ; Saturday, June 5th at 404 Ferry Street 15 head of good pigs; Horses, Wagon, Harness, Furniture, Fruit Jars. Bargains for everyone, come and Bee us. Let me sell your sale. GEO. SATTERLEE, AUCTIONEER. Phones 11T7 and 1211. Salem, Ore. Dancing Efery Sat In Woodburn Armory Birasalow Orchestra OF Portland jy,;1 f Mr MAGNETOS W. H. Hildebrandt & Co. Official Eisemann Magneto Service Station .279 North Commercial street SALEM Draperies MADE TO ORDER TO IH YOUR WINDOWS CS. Hamilton 140 Court Street WOODRY BUYS and SELLS EVERYTHING Phone 510-511 270 N. Commercial St. Wanted 100 Cars for Storage j AUCTIONZER . . Sales conducted nM. FOR LONG DISTANCB AUTO TRUCKING WillametteV alley Transfer Co. FHONB 1400 WI ALSO DO LOCAL HAULING inr , , V "Walfelt" Takes the place of houtf lining for lees. Max 0. Buren 170 North Commercial KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES LIQUID AND CAKE Alio Pastes nd Liquids for, Tan, Ox-tlood Brown Shoes "nfc THE P. F. DALtEY CORPORATIOKS LTD. SLTfAln . IJ 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 I I II x 1 1 1 v u x 1 Tracy's Garage, 544 FerrySt. General repairing. Special rates for storage ana washing or oiling Phone 199 aico a percent: city tau t XoLW.F.Wriglity I Phons 714 L. M. HUM Car of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine nnd Tea Co. fclai medicine which will cur any known disease. Open Sunday! from 10 a. m. until 8 p. m. 15J South High Street Salem, Oregon.- Phone 18 1 HIDES and SACK! WANTED Also Junk of All B,& ' Best Prices Qmtvm CALL III Capital JuM The Square Dsal Bom 171 Chemeketa Bt Phm, THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL "WANr ADS C i I Ml ir llutb'r Revue." "llcfore 1 atarted taking Tunlac 1 hud suffered from stomach trouble and nervous Indigestion for the nasi twenty years, which gradually grew worse until for the last four or five years I hud been In a terribly bit.l condition. I had no appetite, and when I did miiniige to eat a little something It begun to sour almost at once and gns would form on my stomach until 1 was In perfect misery. My head ached Just about all the time and I often had such bad dlray spelts 1 could hardly keep from falling. My nerves became so badly upset It w ii impossible for me to get a good nishtsi sleep and 1 always got up In the j mornings ecllng wretched. I. lost so much weight and finally became 'si weak nnd run down I had to lay oft j from work a great deal of the time. "fv hrotber In luw bio-A in V'tiK-u " """" ,ml ,"','M ,":';1,' " City had taken 1'anlac with such good ' I'll' II VHH.WH. '.'tlOllltH Yltl ...ltluAil rt t..1r It ...V. 1. I illri and I lu'un to improve alnio; 3 years in Business in Salem and I must say from a successful standpoint that Mr. Thompson, propr'u tor of the Remnant Store is more than pleased, to such an extent that Mr. Thompson has decided' i give to the Public of Salem a General Sale, and that means every article in the store will be cut lb chqndise will be thrown on the covnter plainly marizea at a aiscount or trom w per cent iom perce; less. Sale will open 9 o'clock sharp , Friday, June 4, and closes Saturday, June 121' ' JLJL Wmtl 1 1 II TTTTt T 1 mmHTTTTMII . ' TTTTT Opening fh jjrv Rapid, Rushing, Crushing, t: -a Dato O JJMs Me Greatest Sale of Modern Friday, 9 a.m. uJJ ihJJ Km l tP) v - j u June 4 w Times. Come and Hurry. Closing dale Saturday Night June 12th NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! I wish to state that I am in the Greatest Position to give you a Real Sale, as I have just returned from San Francisco Are nttPiulprl TCnvprs Week and I have nicked ud nearly $5000.00 worth of bample Lines and Bargains of Different kinds, as low as b7 cents on tne aw also purchased from the Barnes Cash Store of this city around $1500.00 worth of merchandise at from 40 per cent to 50 per values. Kead below ana i win quote a iew oi tne many Bargains cent less than today NOTICE All goods not advertised will be sold at Less 10 Per Cent. 20c Brass Curtain Rods, sale price, each 10c John Ma rr, of Ihe summoned I , O. F. Vie At 12:r5 a. ill "" ""'""" ". """' ,,t once. I now have a splendid nppe iMmit OMi.i is ,i. ... mine. ir. r. n,,, lllul , llst Hyii,K i wnllt wlth tor and . .1. w line arter tie sain tnat ml, 1)(,i11K troubled with cas or in , he had heard some one Inside f the ,ltm.r Wllv miprwai'd. 1 have not hu.l Place. MMicn in tne store ami near,., headache or dl.r.v suell since Vlcliillv diseloseil no truce of the'Ml.u.t,,,, taklnir Tanlae and mv nervei thieves, who had apparently been llre h, 8urh Klnl ,.(in,ittion 1 can sleep ti-lghlencd away wltli tne arrival or all night long without ever waklnp up, 1 have gained seyernl pounds In officers. I tne MirinnncK soconci-nanii siorc, weight, have regained my streuglii three doors smith of Mr. Rowland's nnd, In fact, feel better in every way store, was also entered but nothing than 1 have in years. I am still taking was found missing when Investigation Tanlac, for I want to make sure thai was made by police Friday. 'my troubles will not return, and as I Chief of Police W elsh Friday' moi n- spent hundreds of dollars for oth.'i lug Investigated what is thought to medicines without gelling any bene have been an attempt In rob the home fit from them and never had any of IV. II. liamv at !iii(i North Liberty thing do me any good until I started street. Nothing was found missing In taking Tanlac. I enn't say too much the home, and little Indication that for it. 1 am glad of the opportunity tiny one had been In the place could to tell others about what It has done l9 found, for me so they may profit by my ex- pi'i'lcnce." One-third of nil the undcw'.vd Tanlac Is sold in Salem by Tyler's tvatcrpowcr In the ruilcd Siau-s is in drug store and leading druggists in all the Columbia river basin. towns. (adv) Tea and Coffee Hurt Many People If tea or coffee disaees withyoii.make a ten aays trial of OSTUM More healthful than tea or coffee. Costs less, and) Its flavor pleases. Sold by Grocers Everywhere! Hosiery Sale 500 Men's Wonder Hose, sale price, pair 39c In black, white, tan and grey. 950 Yards Mill End Cur- . tain Goods. W .ww, . from 42c to 49c a yard ; and i during this sale additional 10 less. From l yara to 11 yard ends. $2.93 values of Crepe de Chine and Georgette Silk, 40 inches wide. Sale price, per yard $1.98 $2.75 Black Messaline Silk, . i56-incnes wiae. Sale price This lot of Hosiery was bought from E. T. Barnes at 60c on the dollar. Lot 1, values to 45c, sale price, pair 29c Lot 2, values, 50c to 65c, sale price, pair 39c Lot 3, values 65 to 75c, salejirice, pair' 48c Lot 4, values $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Ladies' Silk Hose, all shades, sale price, pair 98c X Silk Gloves 75c quality, sale price, pair 49c 5c quality, sale price . 69c 1 $1.25 quality, sale price, pair 98c $1.50 quality, sale price, pair $1.19 - Buy Coveralls Now Ladies Coveralls Value $2.00, sale price, each $1.19 $3.50 Coveralls, sale price $2.48 Real values ! $3.93 Coveralls, sale price $3.19 75c, marked $2.29 Silk and Wool Children's Union Suits, a $3.00 value, Sale price $1.98 This was bought from the Barnes Cash Store. 26 and 28 size only. Sample Line of Muslin Underwear Dought from the Wallace N. Jloore dry goods company of San Francisco, during buyers week; these goods were bought at a discount of 25' t during this sale at 30 per cent less, consisting of Ladies' Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Envelopes and Chemise. A Real Bargain. - . Entire Stock of Ladies And Children's A prons Consisting of Voiles, Lawns and Organdies, Dresses. For this sale, yours at 20 Less. Sample Lot of Children's Dresses and Rompers 1(1 NOTICE All 'J advertised will be Less 10 Less ;j .1 Ladies' Smocks during p. sale 20 Less i Remnants of Woolen Cog Remnants oi lauie Remnants of wnite Remnants of Silks, Remnants of Ginghams, All at in in Less i $3.00 Black w Sale price, j 1 yard wide. Bought while I was in San Francisco at 33 1-3 Less. These Dresses are the finest quality, val ue $2.50 to $G.00, they are marked from $1.98, $2.48, $2.98 and $3.98, and during this sale you will get additional discount of 20. Size 6 yrs. The Greatest Buy' of the Season $12.50 to $15.00 Ladies Voile Dresses, size 34, 36 and 38 only, in grey, pink and dark . I colors. While they last, each $7.9 t The price is cheaper than today wholesale cost. Millinery 30 PER CENT LESS frHftfrl . i etlV Hi Coating Finest craa a S2.25 V price, yard $1.69 Blankets and . Cjg values $3.48 to $100, . ing the sale 20 L4 75c Turkish Towel ing this sale, Colored Crepft PjJt and white, a 6oe jng this sale, 7 49C 4 Keep, your eye on Thomson and watch the Remnant Store grow. Don't forget Opening Date, 9 a. m. sharp, Friday, June 4th. The R emnant Store Closing date SaturW ! 12 ' Night, June Extra Help Wanted 254 N. Commercial, Salem, Ore. The Store With a Real Bargain Keep your eye on the and watch Store Gro s i i i BSBSB938