PAGE F013L FRIDAY, The Capital Journal AN' INDEPENDENT Published evey evening except Sunduy by The Capital Journal Print ing Co., 13$ South Commercial street. Telephones Circulation and Busi ness office, 81: Editorial noun, 82. G. Pl'TNAM. Editor and Publisher. Entered as second cVash mull mat ter at Salem, Orepon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier 60 cents a month. By tnatl 50c a month. 11.25 for three months. $2.25 for six month. $4 per year in Marion and Polk counties. Klsewhere ti a year. By order of V. S. government, all mail subscriptions are payable in advance. NOMINATING BY NOISE. I The Dlan of the Johnson camDaien is to force the Californian's NEWSPAPER ,.;,. , J .v,1. 14- Kotvor. V nonliaa'e arrival in Chicago yesterday, when he was met by 6000 wildly enthusiastic supporters and cheered to the echo along the line of parade. There will be no let-up, but one continuous celebration. Chicago, the sixth German city and a Sinn Fein metropolis, is naturally a Johnson stronghold. Over 50,000 persons wrote his name on the ballot in the primaries. The Hearst huUabalooers have systematically organized their hoodlum support, the foreign G. 0. P. Convention Snap-Shots THE STORY OF 16 NOMINATIONS By A. H. VANDENBERG Advertising representatives W. 1. Ward. Tribune Bldg., New York; IV. Sixteenth Convention. The sixteenth and last republic an national convention again went to Chicago on June 7. 1916. Although it element has rallied shrieking to his standard, the old Roosevelt; ZTt,ZZ Z ionowing is irenzieuiy acclaiming ine nuu iuoose cnieiuan. u&uy equally unique. parades will shake the city with their tumult and drown with the Roosevelt was. stm the paramount roar of an ocean of noise, the meager showing of rivals. General i j88"?- The Psf ve party "- n . a , mm ... ,, ' ,, ,.,.. . ,,,,. . . led in convention at the same time and Rough Stuff will elbow old Militarism and Millions out of the in tne ctty- The primary puno way, side track the Pullman car, ditch the Ohio darling of the of the Moosers was to nominate the Colonel on the republican ticket; II that failed, to renominate him on a Progressive ticket. For weeks, however, the dominant it. stockweii. Peoples Gas. Bid., 'Old Guard and slap- the silencer on the silent support of the ex- Chlporn. Ut I 1 Chleisro. , UfnnA hnsn 'TheAsrociatedPrsxciuSvelyj The psychological effect of incessant pounding and the dead entitiiMi to the use for publication ofjy rythm of thousands of ' voices yelling, "We want Hiram" hour nil news aiuaiiiirB viTuuru i n u t, not otherwise credited in this paper stnd also local news published herein. Senator Burton of Ohio, Senator Weeks of Massachusetts, Dupont Oi Delaware, Senator Sherman of Illinois Fairbanks of Indiana, Cummins, Roose velt, LnKollette, McCall of Massachu setts. Henry Ford of Michigan, Gov ernor Brumbaugh of Pennsylvania, Senators Knox and Borah, John Wu namaker of Philadelphia, Governor Willis of Ohio, ex-President Taft, Sen. ator Harding and General Wood. Hughes led on the first ballot .withr 25? H votes ( 494 necessary to nomin ate). His nearest competitor was Sena tor Weeks, with 105 votes. Roosevelt had 65 votes. On the second roll call, 0 regon bservations Portland. A link saw that wr-jhs Just 84 pounds, yet can cut 4050 feet of timber per minute and saws through a 28-inch bone dry log In CO seconds Is to be turned out by the Peninsula Iron Works. The company has Just contracted to handbi f'.he out put of Wolf saws for falling and buck ing timber. Ellverton. Loganberries for jam nnd pies and other culinary d:i!ni Hre to be run through the new factoty of the Silverton Canning company, which will toon bo ready fo:- opera tion. It will handle other ae.iKoiinbie fruits. Roscburg. Down In the Rogue Riv er valley people don't have to buy brooms any more. They can slip over into a handy corn patch and J-elp themselves to at least the "mak!r.i;s." Corn raised In that section yields 1000 pounds of broom material of the fin est quality. The Rogue River Broom ' company, which has been in operation one year, is probably the of a whole chahn of such fucloii.'S. Illllsboio. Ripe, luscious eherrlas will be the first fruits to go through the new plant of the Hlllsboro Can ning company, which is being placeu in running condition at a cost of $100, 000. The factory covers 368 by hO feet of groud and will probably pro duce 30,000 cases of'frults this year. Portland. Architects may well groan when they look upon the plant of the Fenner' Manufacturing com pany, now receiving extensive addi tions. The compuny, which Is the oili est making ready-built In the west nnd has the most complete equipment on the coast, turns out six complete houses weekly. Portland. With the installation of new equipment in the 8t. John I 'on Works, Portland now has one of the most complete foundries and muchlne unops in tne northwest, Three now transformers, a two ton eleotrlo fur mice and two Jarring machines to have Jiundwork In making moulds make up the addtllonal machinery. The plant occupies an entire block and employes ns high as 100 men. ' Portland. A one-man mechnnlccl davit for handling lifeboat is to be the product of the United States Ma rine Equipment corporation, Just or ganised here. The device, which is ald to be the only one of Its kind, wus invented by Frank J. Super of Port land and is to be patented in six for clgn countries. The new concuf.t li. a capilalltntlon of $1300,000. Portland.-Plans are now under con fddcrntlon whereby the Columbia Dig kit company will acquire possession of properly on the east side of the river for the erection of a new warehouse to hamlle building material. The cone puny has an invested capital of J250, 000. Pendleton Wheat as It comes from the fields and us It finally emerges from the fjotir mills was shown the people who attended the formal open ing the Collins flour mills lust week This new plant has an output of 1000 barrels daily. Portland. So enormous has th? ifo niuml fur cans used In fruit preserv ing become that the American CV.i company Is preparing to erect In ihls City a $1,500,00 factory. It is to bo i f reinforced concrete three 'stories, high ftnrt will cover practically a city b'ock. Portland. Fire, which swept part ' the North Portland Industrial area last week, has checked for only a short time the activities of the North Port land Pox company, which Is to bo im mediately rebuilt. The closj of $303, 000 was entirely covered by Insurant--. Portland. Architects are working on plans for the new power plant to be erected by the Bnmes-Ltmlsley Manufaeturlng company on the O.-Vl". It. & N. tracks. This portion of the factory Is to cost $35,000. presidential probability on the republi-1 Hughes polled 328 votes ,with Sen ''after hour is likelv to shatter the nprves of the Wrlero hardened' can me was. Charles E. Hughes, thenjator Root his nearest competitor witn aner nour, is iiKeiy jo snatter tne nerves oi tne leaaers, naraenea, asoseiatR of the SUDremel98u votes, and Roosevelt up to o thOUgh they be. lhen Will Come Hiram himself With tllS rOOf, court Nobodv hart been able to find votes. After two ballots the convention splitting Speech, Shaking the Convention. Bedlam Will break loose; out from Hughes whether he would ' adjourned until the following mornS. 'and the wild frenzy .of his supporters is calculated to stampede l""1 a nomination, but the conven the convention off its feet, smash to smithereens the control of the invisible wire-pullers and make Johnson the nominee, At least this is the Johnson program and as Penrose, chief executioner of candidates for the Old Guard, is ill and cannot be on hand to boss the job, Hiram may get away with it. Noise may nominate, TAXING THE SINGLE. Amid scenes of tempestuous uproar, marked by frenzied ora torical outbursts, the French senate recently voted a tax on batch elors, spinsters and divorced persons. The impost increases by 25 per cent the tax on the income of any person a resident of France who is over 3Q years of age, single or divorced, and has nobody Uependent upon him or her, and by 10 per cent that of anyone who is over 30, who has been married two years from January 1, 1920, and has neither children nor other dependents. Persons receiving war pensions or who have lost all their children in war are exempt. . The measure is designed not only to raise additional revenue for the government by obliging those whose family expenses are less than married persons to contribute in larger proportion to the state but to encourage matrimony and children and check the French tendency toward race suicide. Owing to the decadent moral conditions in ancient Rome, at ;the time of Augustus, a similar tax was imposed to favor mar riage. Other countries, including our own, favor the married or those with dependents by tax exemptions and the general ten dency is toward encouragement of the family. The French tax works a hardship upon single women, who under prevailing social conditions, are not to blame because they remain spinsters, because they are denied the privilege of pro posal a condition of social sex inequality of far greater moment than political sex equality. No effort, however, is made to estab lish such sex equality. The tax may increase state resources, but with landlords forbidding children in their apartments and dwell ings, and with the growing tendency among wealthy women to shirk motherhood, it will not make children fashionable. HIGH WHEAT PROBE. Termination of government control of wheat, with the pass ing of the federal guarantee of $2.20 a bushel, throws the wheat market open to speculation and in all probabilities an era of high priced breadstuffs confronts the consumer. What has happened in 'sugar, may happen in wheat. " Whenever government control of any staple ends, with a lessened production in sight and an increased consumption pro mised, we can expect speculators and profiteers to seek and reap a harvest. Yet government control must end sometime, unless we adopt the socialistic form of government. Until normal conditions are reestablished and the law of supply and demand restored, as it will be with the resumption of industry and restoration of com merce, we must struggle through the period of readjustment as best we can. Had the government bought the Cuban sugar crop last sum mer, we would have had cheap sugar but it was naturally sup posed that peace would be ratified shortly and with peace declar ed, the Lever act would expire. When later, the president saw the senate would hold up peace., he asked congress to extend the life of the sugar board, with sugar purchases in view, but action was deferred until late in December and it was then too late. Lack of team work between the executive and legislative branches of the government is the cause of high sugar prices together with the doubled consumption of sugar. Before a third ballot could be taken, tion Droceeded on the theory that he an official message from Colonel would, and ultimately found its pre- Roosevelt indicated that the nomina- mise justified. - j tion of Senator Henry Cabot Lodje Senator Warren G. Harding of Ohio , would be satisfactory to him. But the was both temporary and permanent proposal came too late; the stage was chairman of the convention. Prosed-' already set for the final scene and im ing the actual task of selecting noini- mediately a third ballot nominated nees, "truce committees," representing Hughes with 94914 votes out of a to both the republican and the progress-j tal of 987. Fairbanks of Indiana was ive conventions .were in almost cen- nominated on a single ballot for vice stant session seeking to agree upon a president, his only appreciable comne platform and a ticket. These efforts ' titor being ex-Senator Burkett of Neb. came to naught. The republican convention proceed ed to its first roll call on Friday .June raska. A few hours later the progressive convention renominated Mr. Roosevait 9 with the largest list of candidates but received a telegram of declination, ever scored up with actual roll call The breach of 1912 thus closed, votes. These included Hughes, Root,) (Concluded tomorrow.) "Undoubtedly the presidential primary is expensive if it is used expensively," says the New York World. "It takes an enor mous campaign fund to advertise a candidate as if he were a new brand of soap or a new breakfast food. It costs money to hire press agents. It costs money to employ orators whose eloquence can be set free only by a certified check for so much a night and expenses. It costs money to rent extensive campaign quarters and conduct a presidential campaign after the method of exploit ing get-nck-quick oil stocks." Congressional probers have now found. Attorney General Palmer to blame for the high price of sugar. A short time ago, President Wilson was to blame. Everybody is to blame but con gress, which fails to function. III '1V All th' other candidates fer th' prjs- Rippling Rhymes COMFORTING THOUGHTS The wind is tempered to the sheen whose coat of wool is shorn; and there s a balm for those who weep, for those who sigh and morn. I've never seen so dark a day, so full of grief and care, I couldn't find a little ray of comfort anywhere. Thus, when my aunt came here to spend six months or more with us, I thought my joy must nave an end; like Job, l stooped to cuss. Then I recalled the solemn fact that seven aunts are mine ; if they all to my wigwam tracked, I well might shed the brine. But onlv one of tnem nan come to linger in my lair, and it were folly to be glum and say that life's a snare. Whatever evil comes along, your passisng Jays to curse, whatever ill, whatever wrong, be sure it might be worse. And if you bear that truth in mind, and paste it in your tile, 'twill ease the sad and painful grind, and help you sing and smile. LOVE and MARRIED LIFE By the Noted Author r ID AH McGLONE GIBSON wonderful thing about shall I say friendship? and that is that there is really much more happiness in giving love than there is in receiving It. Much as I would like to know that you are well, that you are happy, and that you are thinking a little tiny bit of me occasionally, I would rather that I would give up the sound of your voice of your nearness than the wonderful joy of my dreams about you. "I am out here tonight in Lotus land, my dear Katherine, all the way down the Nile. Lotus are in bloom The whole river is creamy white with the blossoms, and the moon turns them at times to silver and then to opal as it flirts with them caressingly from behind the clouds. No one sees an Egyptian moon anywhere else on earth except right here and I am not alone, because you are with me. More with me than you ever were, when X was close beside you in that occidental land of youth and energy. Thank tho Fates. "I thank the fates every day that I had spent the, earlier part of my life in making money lots of money because I am afraid, if I were not able to Indulge in my dreams now, that my business would suffer greatly. I am smiling at myself, dear, when I think what my friends would say if they could look down in my heart and find the trend of my mind these days. Every one of them would think I had gone mad. . "You see I have gone thousands of miles away from you Just to find you; and X am enjoying every minute of it out hene alone with you tonight 'You know I can't picture you back there in the little country club wheore I first met you, or even walking the sleepy street which you have so often described to me as dividing the town where. you were born. Instead I i you here, sitting beside me, in one of these queer rattan chairs, with your exquisite profile outlined against the moon-lighted sky. I am a foolish sort of creature, am I not? But, hon estly, Katherine, I believe other mem are just as romantic, Just as ideal istic as I am when they find the one woman and yet come way they aje ashamed to tell it .1 don't think I could tell all this to anyone but you Indeed, I do not; think that I could even tell it to you, I can only write my dreams, not knowing whether you will ever read them, and so I am going to say 'good night' and Just sit here in the moonlight with you beside me," Football of Fate. I wonder If fate Is- always tangling up tho threads of other people's lives as she does mine? It is my destiny, it seems, never to get a letter from Karl Shepard, breathing the most poetic devotion, that I do not receive one exactly opposite from John. Is fate joking or does she want us fully to understand the difference between a husband and a lover. While I had ten away a special delivery letter from John the letter I had gone to meet had passed me by and Hannah had .received it and placed it in my room. I did not notice it when I first came in, my thoughts were so taken up with the envelope in my pocket, but now as I went to place Karl Shepard's letter in a drawer I saw John's on the top of the. dresser. It was in a business envelope and it evidently had been written from an office in the oil fields for it reeked with the odor of crude oil, from greasy smudges upon it. As I tore it open I had a feeling of being a spec tator at a play, so coincidently had letters from these two men been com ing to me lately. (Tomorrow Band News.) Falling Waters Truax Helen Peterson Jubelfier-Polonaise (Six Hands).... Kramer The Mocking Bidr and Auld Lang Syne Hawthorne (Six Hands) Mrs. Carrie Ross, Mrs. Lillie Watkins, Mrs. Hendry Shower of Stars Wachs Woodland Echoes WTyman Clarice Ritchie The Swam Saint Saens Piano Gennle Thompson Organ Miss Lucile Ross Grand March de Concert, Wallenhaupt Valse Styrienne Wallenhaupt Thusnelda Koehler Hu)ngnrian Concert Polka Alfoldy On to Plattsburg Lowe Alene Ritchie Ballet Music Helumd Moonlit AVaves Williams Alice Johnson Salut A Pesh (Four Hands) Kowalskl Thusnelda Koehler Alene Ritchie Salem Position In Parade Honorary oaiem unemans and the Salem Shrine club Patrol who participate in the Shrine parade In Portland will be given places of honor in the line, ac cording to information of the line of march received in this city Friday, by the Commercial club. The Cherrlans will precede Los An- geies ana Pasadena in the line, and will occupy the place of honor amnnu visaing lodges. The Salem Shrine natrol with it- 24 members are to be tho nniM guests of the Portland Shrine patrol, and for that reason will be permit ted to march ahead of that organiza tion, closely following the officers nf the day at the head of the mammoth paraae. - N km ft r-; KARIS I,ETTF.U. i excuses to myself I took out the letter Afler I reached home I made ex- and read: "If you only knew, my dear cusps te myself for not reading Karl i Katherine, how much pleasure I get' Shepard's ieuer. In fact. I hung up; In sending my thoughts to you, you my coat without taking It out of the! would not allow any Puritanical pre- Former Service Man Bound Dea$ Seattle, June 4. The body of Steve Harko, a young oBhemian and former service man, was found on a trail near the offices of the Far West Clay com pany at Clay City, three miles from Kapowsln, late last evening with two bullet wounds in the back. Seattle police have been asked by the Pierce county sheritrs office to assist in a search for Bert Mance, 25, who is re ported missing, county peace officers reported. pocket, and yet I was consumed with curiosity to know what was In it. It's very human to turn an envelop over and over in yous- hand and won der what the letter contains when It would be the easiest matter in the world to just open it and read the missive. Hut with me there was some- Mency may be pusKv-footir.',ht re! thing over and above mere curiosity know h-ro t'.flnd IMis. Th' feller I really wanted to know what Karl that mcd t' .ay, "Tiler's a little muro 1 ilnv. n seventy miles without layin' th' whip e-A. her." now "i've got a liti's i ir :'.int's Rime eighteen thfuis.i'u' mil- t ' :r I n- never lixd a wteoeh Judlces t stand in the way of read nig them. Kcn.wn for II Ih Joy. "How do I know that you have prejudices against reading them? Why. my dear, I know you. I know you perhaps better than you know yourself. I know your loyalty and steadfastness to John and because of it 1 am not quite sure that you will Sltepard had written, and lit I did ever read this letter; and sometimes not think It wan qulto riht for me to! I dn not care if you never do. The read nmth.r poem such as he had, joy I am getting out of it Is the joy written mc the last time. It was too cf tending my unexpurgated thoughts lrronal. ; to you. j iv.nvv w-t'n T! . .--'.-? p. t t.-f.r.-. ! ),.,v, !,,-,,.!,!, Katherine. on Cora Hendry To Present Pupils Friday Evening Friday epening at the Presbyterian church, the advanced piano pupils of Mrs. Cora Hendry will be presented in recital. The program will begin at 8 p. ta. and th pubtus is extended an Invitation to attend. Miss Lucille floss will assist at the pipe organ. The program: II Trovatou .....I. O. Verdi Piano Thusnelda Koehler Organ Miss Lucile Ross (a) Two Lark Leschetisky (bl The Mountain Stream Smith 1 r- unne Th-5on Chimirs P.e'ls .... Many secrets you will find revealed in the green box of Nadine Face Powder They are secrets which evsry woman would solve secrets of parsons! charm. The secret of a ross-pautl com plexion N AD IN E'S gift to womanhood. The secret of lasting charm charm which endures through out the day. Th secret of skin-comfort with navex a hint of harm. To you, as to a million others, NADINE will reveal these Intimate secrets. it U To you, as to a million others, 9 B NADINE will reveal these fl t Intimate secrets. S m You can procure MADINR from a your favorita toilat countar 3 VI vl mail 60c ft lv& NATIONAL TOILET CO., 3 Vl Paris, Teas., V. S. A. a VS Z'tvr-r,- t' ' J f INK IINKTTK Sold Mc& If TIMOTHY NEEDS HELP. Everybody who lived near Black Creek noticed Timothy Turtle's new collar. And almost every one, being curious, asked Mr. Turtle where be got it, and why he was wearing it' Now, Timothy Turtle - would give such folk no answer at all. Bat old Mr. Crow knew what had happened of course. And he took pains to tell -t r" -TTTar, r - aw .m,V 4, U'r "V ''M.M "My shell is on my back!" all his friends how Johnnie Green had caught Timothy and tied a rope around his neck, and cut something on Timothy's back, besides. . So it was not long before Timothy Turtle's neighbors began to ask him what was on his back. "My shell'i on mv back!" he unntv. ped, when any one put that question 10 mm. "Yes but what's on -nni- ahull"" everybody was sure to answer Jack. iimo.ny Turtle couldn't rave re plied to that question, even i.f he had wanted to. And though he always sneered when hearing it and turned his head away, as fit the ma:'e was something he didn't care to . talk about, tht re was nobody who as any more eaer to know the answer than he. To be sure, by raising his head he could get a slanting view of the top of his shell. But such a glimpse was not enough to tell him anything. Under the constant inquiries of his neighbors Timothy's curiostly grew every day. Soon he took to atnrimr it his reflection in the surface of the water, with the hope that he might be able to see his back in that way. But it was all in vain. Though Tim othy twisted and turned and stretch ed his long neck, he couldn't see his own back, no matter how much he tried. Now, there was an ill-mainnered scamp named Peter Mink who hn. pened to go prowling up the creek one aay. And as he quietly rounded a bend he came upon, an odd sight. In front of him, and perched on a rock in the midst of the water, Tim othy Turtle was going through the queerest motions. He seemed to be peering Into the water at something, while wriggling about in a most pe culiar fashion. " He did not notice Peter Mink, who stood stock still and watched him for At la Tt... better of him. He iZi v W something. 01"' ,. "What on earth an . cad to Timothy. Ioa !, Mr. Talrtla . he-aid. HeTasVC His reply amused Pete, u; w that ill-bred rascal 22 Timothy Turtle's ttZ r "Time must hant b,, hands, if you can r H ' Pleasanter to do that, marked-for Peter Mia, JL how rude h. was. i, fact CI1 make unkind - ,. ..""tals afraid." he added, "tu out the surface of the trS J 5 into It? I shouldn't Uto Z wen," Said Peter Mink Xl it COUldnt free,. . know It's great .port rats under the ice." Bt s Well. Peter's speech alarllW t othy Turtle. And yet he feftf 1 could not rest until h, kn J! was on his haoV e v. . . "r Mink to meet him on the baak i ,uU to neip me," ;, I have rensnn a vh . . . us.reve mat Uki. something written on mr back, w i you must tell me what It Is," According to Pres. fci ? Swiss bank In Geneva, Switarlanj ! "c'"s uunea in a goitten avalad ' Gold stored in banks h. i Europe, he said ,and many industrltt 1 are ai a sianctstul and the situates becoming worse. DH S. C. STONE ID. CURES CANCERS and. does a general office prattim Office Tyler's Drug Store 157 South Commercial Street Ship Us Your Wool We do cleaning and carding for comforters and mattresses, Mam . facturers of pure wool tab CRYSTAL SPRINGS WOOLEX MILLS Portland, Oregon Mills, 760 Umatilla Avenue Office 802 Spalding Sldg. OVER-ACIDITY ol th stomach hat opaet met I nighf treat IlyouratotaaciUidi disturbed, dissolve tw Of three HM2QIB5 oo the tongue before retlrin and at oy refreshing sleep. The purity ana goodness of JKotoifcgutinllJ SCOTT BOWNI MAKERS OF SCOTTJ WUUK Duroc Jersey Hogs for Safe BRED S0W3 SOWS WITH LITTERS BOARS AND GILTS - DIABLO STOCK FARM, B. F. Petersen, Danville, Cal Superintendent G. W, Emmons, Oakland, Owner. They are the largest type and the best blood strains to te had anywhere. Herd Boars and some of the Sows- Lucy Orlons Model California's Defender Diablo Orion Model Defender Colonel, 70th. Lucy Orions Mayflower Great Wonder I am Gano Pathfinders Queen Prize of Tulare Belle Twin. Oaks Attraction Lady Defendress 70th And 60 others. Weanlings, ?1500 each at ranch. A. large number always on hand to choose from. Crates $2.50 each, refunded when returned prepaid in good condition. Mail orders solicited. SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK. . -ttttnmi m ttgy t Where the Pay as You Co plan "was originated for your j benefit i U. G. Shipley Co. Quality Merchandise PPular by Daniel j . -ft nWiO nd retail; Nelmcyer Drug Co., and other toilet counters. There's one lunch ithatllikebetter than any oiher PosTr Tq&sties are dbod anytime i fyS I ! Overmire Sfeel Construction Company We bare In dock for Immediate Shlpo" I.RFJlim m m A an hint teiurtbi. CHAN5ELS, from t to 15 fetches, up to toot ' ANGLES, Xil Inches to 88 Inches, np to 80 foot IcwB AXGIJES, 1x2 Hi Indies to H tnche. P "fjrii V. M. PLATES, to 24 inches! wide, K to 5-8 Inches M TANK, FLANGE STEEL and MAKLTE STEEL VIA Manufacturers of Tanks, BoOen, Blacks-, Ptpe. FsbHcat4 tal for JBulldlnga nd Bridges Et Water Street and Hawthorn Atpiiwn PORLTAXP . Phone EkSt 8721 LADD & BUSH BANKERS EitaWished 1SG3 General Banking Busines Offiea Hoars frca ID a. el to S t