lUi; CAi UAL Jv. l ioTal A Tip "f "A News Covering Central Willamette Uailey by Capital Journal Special Corrggpnj; Turner Resident Finds Ample Reward In Aiding Society's Unfortunates (By the country editor) r Turner, June 3. Cnselflsh public Hr. Thomason. "and I often find coys service is too often met with stingins ' who cannot be persuaded to do right, distrust from envious, Jealous nd but when I find instances like the dwarfish souls. It Is often engaged up-' one mentioned j f))el that 80me good -r and r-arrit-A fnm'inl tnrmiirh niffi-J cultles-it does not often receive pub-, bei"8 accomplished, and I have lie acknowledgement. But disinter-; taken up the work as a life vocation eated, unselfish public service always ( because I love it" Sa repaid. It secures the appreciation Mr Tnomason te deeply interested and approval of the noble spirits in I, , , every community. It is repaid with "1 the IlaJt industry, and in pursuing satisfaction of one's own conscience this he finds employment for all jf and the knowledge that humanity .s his boys. In speaking of the outlook benefitted. This fact has repeatedly Ior the pi.e8ent ,eason he said: "There been demonstrated in the little town' . , , ,, ... of Turner eight n.ile. east of Sai.m. I are ? prospects for flax this sea- I have watched with jealous eyes D Ju knw " w"hm a ra" ., , ,,, ,., K' , . dius of five miles from Turner we a, uc j DJiuaio a. tia mi era acts vii life's sea which threaten disaster to ML Angel Home i of the Salem Commercial club, and j Luther Jf. Chapin of Salem were r t r r present anil addressed tne mtei.nb- OCLVeCt rfOITl fife There were about fifty numbers pres Mt. Angel, Or., June 4. Fire was nt- The matter of providing cars for discovered in the roof of one of J. W. Ith Shriners was introduced and mem Ebner's houses here Wednesday night. ;Dtrs of the local club "jessed It is believed to have originated from sness to give assistance ui m a soarlc from a honfir In .h.!"'' -ter U meeting a luncheon serving on the jury.- Dr. Simmons of Siiverton wus in I i iiuruay iti u-tt wees ana me gradu vje'ation took place the following evening. es:?r-l baby boy arrived at the humj Jlr. and Mrs. H. E. Xibler Tuesday, June 1. Stayton produce more fiber flax than any v. , , . . state in the union, and more than men! fhav. aen thenTVo out I th9 ' f tate" .k -. ..,i , .combined?" lion and ruin; and now, with a source of magnificent gratitude, I am prlbi leged to meet one great life saver, P. K. Thomason of Turner, and hearti ly extend congratulations for bis ef forts and achievements. But, more, 1 congratulate Turner upon having such ' a citiien, and still more upon having the good sense to know and value I him. It his work but leads a few of the boys to a proper appreciation of Tirtuous manhood, and helps them to avoid the mistakes common to youth, he is duly repaid for the efforts he baa put forth during the past five or six years. Mr. Thomason la state contractor for the flax grown here and stated that the state haa over three hundred acres contracted at the present time, Man after man has been taken from the penitentiary or house of cor rection and put to, work on his flax farm, who after a few weeks found a home and employment and became honorable citizens. He has sent men to work in different places where their employes have never known of their previous position and regarded them as trusty and responsible work ing men. There Is a lot of good in so called convicts. Not half the men con fined In the state institutions are crlm- t ) n u nraHv firm anu rt Turno t ot isolated, but far away from temp- lllttl t heart, but made criminals by tations which confront many a young man In the cities, can be found from time to time boys and young men who have been paroled from the state In stitutions. This kind foster father 'with a love for humanity and its cause frives them encouragement and em ployment and a renewed start in life which many times has proven a great ' benefit, Mr. Thomason Is reluctant about telling of his experiences, and What he did say was far from tna aplrit of braggadocio. He Is In the work wholly because he loves to do frood for suffering humanity. He has fostered and encouraged men from the state Institutions who are today holding responsible positions as a re sult of the encouragement given by this generous and kindly "dad" to all creation. After the days work, which affords ultabln remuneration, of course, the boys and their foster father find en tertainment, wholesome and pleas ant One evening, not very long ago, Mr. Thomason arranged for a smoker at the farm home and there were sev eral young men ' present. Ice cream and cake wee served, two or three boxing matches were made a part of the program and a general good time was had. But there Was one man, whose name is not for publication, who Deemed to be quiet and unusual ly dissatisfied. He took no part In the entertainment and his sullen fit caus ed uneasiness on the part of his as noclates. As they were going out to milk the next morning the young man aid: "Dad, last nlht was the first time I ever awoke to my real situa tion. I start In as a wharf rat, my parents bavins died when I was an Infant. From that I went to a reform chnol, served nly time and was dis charged. Was sent up again and again. Finally I landed In the peniten tiary, and have served time In three different state Institutions, but I nev er realised my situation as I did last night. From this on, dad, I am going to be a man." Since he left the farm the young man has held responsible positions In Salem and other Oregon towns and Is now employed by a re sponsible firm in Seattle. A letter re ceived by Mr. Thomason a few days gt contained the announcement of his engagement to a Seattle young lady. This Is but one ot many In tpiipea of a similar nature. "It la discouraging at times," said name through error or evil associates. This is what Mr. Thomason hopes to avoid and he is making his vocation a grand success. It ought to find en couragement everywhere It will find encouragement NO NEED NOW TO BE GRAY And tell the world of your troubles and years for Co-Lo will restore the natural color, life and lus ter to your hair in a man ner nature approves. Co-Lo a scientific process perfected by I'rof. John H. Austin, over 40 years a bacter iologist hair and scalp specialist. 2V A. ) J L mm rfro-To&c- Halt; " ' r . l . P1 fi 4 Hazel Green Hazel Green, Or., June 4. Mrs. Jessie Mead, accompanied her brother, uienn Fox, to Portland Saturday. Miss Hilda Williamson and Louis Bartruff motored to Stayton, Sunday, and were accompanied back by Miss Mildred Williamson. Miss Virginia Zeilinski of Portland has been visiting for a weoic at May Woods. Mr. Driggs of the Garden Itoau is occupying August Zeillnskl's placQ. t'ev. F. Fisher held a baptismal serv Ice at the Salem First Christian ciiurrh Sunday afternoon for Violet Wilson, Kdtia Davis alid William Dunlgun. A full house greeted the Otitrbeln Guild girls Sunday evening and the program was interesting. Henry Dunlgun and family of Mill City spent Sunday with roifctivos heie. G. G. Looney and family attended Memorial services at the Jason Lee cemetery Monday and visited the one at Macleay. Misses Hilda and Mildred WiliMin- son are both working in Sulem ayi'ii Maurice Dunlgan Is Iip.vIiik the in terior of his house pauere.. Fire destroyed the residence of Al Isham on the old Peck plan.) ucrjrs the lake Wednesday evn;ii!j at (t o'clock. The origin Is uu'enowu. No'h lug was saved as the folks w.ira cut In the field at work. Mr. and Mrs. George Rhode and daughter, Alma, spent Smutty relatives In Polk county. Mr. and Mrs. Harris and 'Ittle Av. tor visited Professor and ilri. !', v; Jones, Tuesday and Weiluosday, en route to Portland. Word received from Mrs. F. Rape says that she arrived at Ruri Oak, Iowa, Just two hours after lier fother'B death. bor's yard. The fire dapartment was i was ervel- called out and made a quick run to Plans for extensive improvement the scene of the supposed conflagra-jon "the bank building have been made tion. but before a stream of water : and work will be commenced at could be started the blaze wa.s ex-1 once. tinguished by a stream of water thrown upon it with a garden hose. The damage was light, only a small hole having been burned. Charles Lais, who has been living in San Francisco for several years, has returned to MJ. Angel and is assisting his brother, Thomas, in the store. The Young "Ladies" club held a T.ry enjoyable party in the Rex theater building Tuesday evening. Dancing and luncheon were features of the program. Henry Gravenkemp, manager of the Rex theater, has made a special effort to put on an extra feature for Sunday and is billing "Blind Hus bands." ' 3. J. Keber goes to Salem today, where he will attend to business mat ters pertaining to the sale of road bonds. The thirty-third annual commence of the Mt. Angel college will be held on Tuesday, June 8, : city on professional business yst day. ! Stayton Light & Power com-, .. carryJug (he !p.iny has in contemplation pians forjon riHlte No 2 whilfj John Kleen. the improvements 8fcgreatmg an c.i-mii-, regu!ilr c;trrit.r, is taking his summer vacation. Mrs. H. O. Hickman returned ves- St Paul Schools Graduate Large Classes This Year St. Paul, Or., June 4. Commence ment exercises of the St. Paul school will be held Monday evening. Mem ben of the class are as follows: Rose Hughes, Ethel Kummer, Jennie Run kle, Norman Enst, Elmer Faber, Rob ert Blanchett, Everett Bosster, Mor ris Smith, Clyde Woodruf, Russell Gooding, Lawrence Bunnlng and John Punning. The graduating class at the acad emy consists of the following mem bers: Basel Pilett, Ursla McDonald, Ella Blanchett and Agnes Van de Wide. As tt closing rogram a musi cal recital will be held on Friday evening. St. Paul is becoming famous as a baseball center. The local team won from Mt. Angel college In a game Sun day, the score being 6 to 8. Monday the home boys played the famous Iron Workers of' Portland and up to the last Inning the score was 3 to J. By a slight error on the part of the St. Paul team they let the visitors slip In two runs and were defeated by two scores. The Portland boys ad mit that they met a hard bunch. Next Sunday they play the Waconda team and today meet the Newberg team. The team was organized this spring and has played seven games up to the present time. The St. Paul ;Communlty club met Wednesday evening to discus matters pertaining to the good of the com munity. T. E. McCroskey, manager Stayton, Or, June 3. When Alvia Smith's Ford failed to consume K&s yesterday forenoon he fastened it at the rear of his truck and with iwo young ladies in the lead machine start ed for the hospital in Stayton. They had traveled only a short distance from the farm when the rope broke and the Ford stopped. Smit.i ye!ied. and tooted, and possibly said things that he would not have laid if the ladies were within hearing. B-it they went on and on without missing their burden. Another Ford happened -ilong and assisted the crippled miohlne far enough to overtake the truck. It hap pened, however, that the Ford was not crippled, but Smith's memory v. as poor and he forgot to turn the switch, hen this was accomplished the Ford needed no assistance or repaint. Miss Sella Fluey of Seattle Is visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith, north of town. She is a frieni of Wallace Smith and they became more than friendly while he was in the service at Camp Lewis, before going overseas. His critical illness it the present time Is what occasioned her visit. Wallace has been ill most ol the time since tie was discharged iast December, and at present is vory weak, the result of fever contracted while he was overseas. The funeral of Mrs. Jacob Sigmund was held at the farm home oast '.f here yesterday and intermen; was made, in the Stayton cemetery In the afternoon. Many sorrowing friends followed her remains to the last rest ing place. Mrs. Seigmund was held In high esteem by the people of this vi cinity. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Brown n--ceived a wireless telegram from their son, Giles ,a few days ago statlni? that he had safely arrived in Alaska. He will spend the summer there fbhlng and is expected to reach home in No vember. He left the first of April. George Keech is in Salem this week lure of S0u0 to MO.OvO. The.; pre pose to increase the power capacity which is made necessary for Mo rea sons that the Stayton Woolen Mills have decided to buy power from the Light & Power companv, having abandoned their own generator. Four Graduated From Elementary School At Gervais Gervais, Ore., June 4. Following are the names of eighth grade pupils of the Gervais school who successfully passed the examination and were awarded diplomas: Arthur Bauer, Glenn Lefingwall Ewalt, Ross B. Mc Doughall and Alta D. Winn. The school entertainment was given on terday from Salem where she has been visiting for several days. - - - . It is announced that special reser vations are made for Gervais baseball fans to see their old friends, Petw Smith, Ward Manning and Henry Staf ford hit the pill at Waconda Sunday afternoon, and they are going to see them. The following report on the exami nation held in school district No. IS is given by Miss Sylvia Jones, teacher: Minnie Benson and Russlee Jones pased the .eighth grade. Their aver age was 91.2 and 90.8 per cent respec tively. The one year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Mayfield of North How ell died Sunday and burial was made Ill the V.,.i - - Vcrtun MulHi.ty ' S ' .v. made arraBS,mtB1 day exerc ntxt Abatdi,t,irlfv Mn, Ora Co, elected secretary of th. ' ! assembly for th .. . ' secutive vear "'V-roimi By'Jir. iSTEAMSS'PASTE b,t for w. wt .nd iT In frw momotiu. Two wS"..t!? liiould be uougii in kill hZ51'!? fl-JDtCR (Weill LJ 5 1 OfTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN STATE 1 STATE gSlREEl LaddDush FreckIeFace Sun and Wind Bring out Vgly Spots How to Remove Easily Here's a chance. Miss Freckle-faco, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable concern that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles; while If it does give you a clear complexion the ex pense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of Othlne double strength from any druggist and a few applications should show you how easy It is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and get a beauti ful complexion. RaVely Is more than one ounce needed for the worst case. Be sure to ask the druggist' for the double strength Othlne as this strength is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. (adv) Portland. Even St. Peter's bualnoss has some good points and haH bean re sponsible for H. J. Bluesiiih'g an nouncement that he will double the capacity of the Blaeslng Granite oom- pany. The tombstone firm Is celebrat ing Its 2Gth birthday. TilK TEN CO-LO SECRETS Co-Lo Is a wonderful lliiuid. Clear, odorless, greaseles. Without leud or sulphur. Hasn't a particle of sediment Will not wash or rub off. Will not Injure hair or scalp. Pleasing and simple to ap ply. Cannot be detected like the ordinary hair tints and dyes. Will not cause the hair to split or break off. Co-Lo can be had for every natural shade of hair. At for llliMk end Dark Mutdes of Brawn. A7 Ultra Struug, fur Jot Mark Hair only. AS fur all Medium Brown Ftuufcw, A for all Very Light Frown, Drab and A a burn stuttk-a, . Co-Lo Hair Restorer at Per ry's drug store. (adv) Dep endable! Since Calumet came wW UU I SWItcnini! hranrle nf hV. I inn powder stopped looking ( ur anytmng oetter. They I aon t make it It has come to sta' because It hn ,ii ! the same and the "same I with CALUMETi CAKING POWDER! mean. he btst. lis uniform-1 ui imlity-powerful and unfading strength insure! greatest baking success I tender, tempting, fully raised bakings aWyj and rral baking economy. Moderate! in cost, One can will convince j you. Order now. Cilumet contain only such j ingredients as nave been an- j proved officially by the U. & rood Authorities, - (MMMaiauNMt f Blouses Of Unusual Quality OF GEORGETTE and CREEPE de CHINE Three Big Groups $5.95 S6.95 .$7.50 V 1 These are prices that are about half the price usually asked for blouses of this quality. No, they are not old stock, they have just been received but they are another of the lucky buys that Shipley's finds for its patrons. Blouses with eith er long or short sleeves are in the lot; also blouses showing the new round neck. Shop early for these. Where the "Pay as You Go" plan was originated for your benefit $L75 and $2.00 Black and Colored Sateen Petticoats now of. iered at $1.23 Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store Well Known Old White Corner Unparalleled Skirt Sale ' ' Distinctive Models in Dress Skirts Away Below Present Market Prices Many Bmart models for general wear, variously belted and button trimmed Skirts, street and sport styles, including all wool plaids checked and striped designs, plain tailored and plaited moleds in abundance. IVJh i h " Wif Vim Frfl !3M m If You Need a Skirt Buy It Now OUR MAGNIFICENT LINE INCLUDES Tailored Skirls . Dress Skirts Sport Skirts Skirts Out-Size Skirts Belted Skirts Messaline Skirts Novelty Plaid i an eta ziuc Skirts Skirts Covert Cloth Skirts Novelty Striped wavy ana mack serge Skirts Poplin Skirts Novelty Checked Tricotine Skirts Accordian Plaited Satin Skirts Skirts Point Twill Skirts, m!!neyany therS' in f3Ct 8 new and comPlete ock now offered at prices that will save you $5.75 to $7.00 Skirts $3.95 Good quality mer cerized Poplin Skirts trimmed with buttons, colors grap, taupe, navy, black and browns, values to $7.00, of fered at S3.95 Wash Skirts $4.75 Great variety v of White Poplin Serge and G a b a r d i ne Skirts, in 1 a t e st models neatly trim med with buttons"; values up to $7.50. Sale price $4.75 Wool Skirts $7.50 Novelty plaid and striped Wool Skirts, for s t r eet wear, made w i th fancy pockets and trimr med with pearl but tons, very attrac tive in a good range of colors and sizes, $10.00 and $10.50 values now offered at S7.50 Satin Skirts $11.75 Beautiful new Skirts," of Point Twill Satin, some in blocked designs, fuD gathered waist, gir dle and fancy pock ets, trimmed with large pearl buttons, specially priced $11.75 The E conamic Store Bargains PRICES PREVAIL WHERE LOWEST Waists Almost Given Away $1.50, $1.75 Good quality Voile Waists I . 4.x j ' , . , " ' ' moia new auuicuy aesigns, wnne they last, gg Broken lines and ntiMrf'iumbers in Georgette Waists, values up to tfpr qi $8.50, sale price 2)0.0 Unloading Trimmed Hats $5.00 and $6.00 Hats, principally Q sailor style, sale price .. . ' 3O.ZD And another lot of Misse3r"'and"'Women's Hats, worth up to $7.50, e sale price OO. I D Women's Suits $15.75 wfl rUKP f Women's Gabardine and Serge Suits broken lines, various styles and colors, regular values to $35.00, 1 C now ; dlO.D Petticoats Big lot of Sateen Petticoats, various gjjy colors, values to $2.50, sale price .... Porch and House Dresses Great variety of Porch and House DrewJ including Scotch Gingham, Chambrays Percales, Plaids, checks and plain IJ0 colors, $2.50 to $3.50 Dresses - Poplin Skirts $3.98 tZxA twi; Qi-irta nlam colors. brown ud blues, values to , sale price .,- - " . Sweaters $5.95 . . n...Rnflfa Big lot of Shetland Wool b""-". new and rrettv styles and colors, M.i vanou sale price