Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 04, 1920, Image 1

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    I us wcutii&i
Ores"1'-' Tii:W ami Saturday fair;
1,m!(Triis portiou: nwrferale- westerly
10CAL: Mio. temperature 48, Max.
w imNi,i 6. Xo rainfall River, .8
int. suitiouary.
it wUiCiitWif
Aiwajf fop Sis Months ending
5San.ii 81, 1929
Member of Audit Bureau of Clrcn!f
Associated Ptcs Full Leased Wire
i 1 t
I i 1
"RTY-TIIIRD YEAR NO. 134. ' ' . 2 Hl
Polk Sends
to President
Washington. June 4. Frank L.
Poilt today resigned as under gecre-
L, of state and his resignation was
. i
.nted by President Wilson.
Mr Polk's resolution will take ef
fect June 15 when he will leave Wash'
" ...
ineton to take a rest Deipre returning'
"" i- . .
to the practice oi aw i m ivn
tity. His successor has not yet been
.iPcted -
nfunder secretary's letter of res-
Kmation was not made public, but
L nreslednt s reply was given out
,t the White House. It said:
"v De r Polk:
ic... .
""A - i
IVl'H. .
unnt AT Vl.lir IltfUllli III lIliiLlHT tir.n..... ...... .
your retirement is one which I am
estopped from answering or combat
ting. I tnat 1 nave conscious
and warm friendship no choice but
to accept your resignation, though I
do so with the utmost reluctance and
wish again to express the admiration
I have felt for the devoted and Intel
ligent way in which you have per
formed vour duties In the department.
We shall alt miss you very sadly and
the public service will be poorer on
amount of your loss. With the warm
est good wishes, '
"Cordially and faithfully yours,
5Ir. Polk is the third high official
of the state department to resigfn
this year.
Mr. Polk entered government ser
vice September 16, 1915, as counsel
lor for the state department. Later
he was made an assistant secretary
of state and last year was elevated
to the post of under-secretary whenl bus, O.; Neal J. Ferry of McAdoo, Pa.;
that office was created by special act: and William L. Connell of Scranton,
of congress. i Pa.
Wood's National Fund Is
Wakl4n' T.. a "it '
Washington, June 4. Horace
era treasurer for the Wood national campaign committee e-',be allowed to go unproseeuted, the!
plained to the senate campaign investigating committee today why. standard and union companies have
nfftWc f c,on Ur.A u li l: lfal,ed completely to relieve the short-
w.nvvio u. wic ociiukc iiau uccii uuauie w iuuatc iii.111 tu oci vc a.
subpoena for his appearance at the inquiry. " "
"Nothing could be more false than
the implication that 1 have been evad
ing an appearance here," he Baid. "I
have been on ft trip in the Canadian
. woods which was planned long ago and
which took me more than sixty miles
from a telephone or telegraph line. The
Idea that I have been trying to hide
is ridiculous."
Asked to explain the eastern financ
ing of the Wood campaign, Mr. Steb
bins said he had "received money
which was sent through William Loeb
and his associates. I paid It out by
authority of Colonel Proctor and Mr.
Loob Big Contributor. -i
"Mr. Loeb sent $225,000 from New
York to Chicago," Chairman Kenyon
interposed, "does that appear in your
accounts?" . , , .
"I don't want to get any duplica
tion" the witness replied. . "That $2,25
was included In both'my accounts
and those at Chicago."
"I received between February 20
ul May 17 $30,000 from Mr. Loeb."
n continued. "Then I received $77,
'90 from Chicago" he said, "and about
U00 from the wavg and means
ommittee in New York city."
There was a general discussion be
tween the committee and the witness
I" an effort to determine the total
flood national fund. Mr. Stebbins
saw that he could not absolutely set
tle the point until the books were su
ited. The total as given by Mr.
Prague was $1,180,000.
Publicity Cost Much.
He promised the committee a tran
"enpt of the full contributors list out
e of this fund. None of the gifts,
e said, were larger than $1000.
Asked if independent Wood funds'
re not raised for state use in New
Jersey, Mr. Stebbins said there were
small l0Cal expendUures but they were
The witness Eaid that In general "70
C?H of the money spent from my
went for publicity."
eommittee Is thoroughly satls-
, that you had no intention of avola
(Jj e!taniination," Chairman Kenyon
""J Mr. Stehhltw t,o
was completed.
hwm Jam,ary Ito May 21 the r
ll si fr motor vehicle license-! was
.n , 533' The registration at pres
,nt h 87.809 machines.
j, , Washington, June 4.Rear Admiral Joseph W. Oman
wilted States navy, was renominated today by President Wilson
10 be governor the Virgin Islands.
' Washington, June 4. Without amendment the senate ju
aiciary committee today reported out the house joint resolution
Providing for the repeal of all war1 legislation except the Lever
I0xl control and the trading with the enemy act.
, London, June'4.- The executive body of the National Railway
, ."n has decided to ask the calling of a special congress of the
(!"lsh ani British trades unions to try to bridge the gulf between
Irish people anrj tjie government, it was announced today by
- : H- Thomas, M. P., secretary of the National Railway Organiza-
I Maze for a time threatf ning mills
-riWsSngton' Juns 4-The conference report on the merchant, !
me bl" was adopted today by the senate 45 to 14 and sent to ,1(.k ( w,t.r hindered tve fire figm-
k' - v: and fire tugs were r-tlud to Msisu
! - mm .
$12JS00 Deficit
State Hospital
A 1 "Vf II s r
A deficit of approximately $12,500
for the biemiium is faced by the state1
hospital for the insane here under thej
present high price level, according to I
a statement made by Superintendent1
R. E. Lee Steiner before the state!
board of control Thursday. No de
mand for a deficiency appropriation'
will be made however, until th
-I-.: i
of the institution,, "7
to tide over the funi until tn Z
SimrnnrlaHnii kunm.. ..
.. . v iuto. ue-
Iiciencies aeareratln-.'
,,r . T " ,
r ,fcea b' various state
"ist'tiitions, it was stated.
f " " Is on meat for the various'
fta,e lnstitutins show any material
' 'ncrease when the bids are opened
June 16 over the bid of six months
iaSo tt is possible that the state board
I of control nmv .
T exnaustea. it was stated, ure cars is to be seriously restricted in
jJna It might be Possible tn mh m'iui t
- eat which ha; be;; off. u rssiof tu
aiaie ai a price mucn tower than cur-,
rent quotations, it was intimated at!
j eoieruay s session or tne board.
Wilson Appoints
Coal Wage Board
Washington, June 4 President Wtl
men . to settle the wage controversy ,Pleasure vehicle a reasonable mileage toniQ) Tejas
hetwppn th nnthrooita oi lout of his machine for recreational 1
and operators.
The commission's award is to be'
made within sixty days if possible and '
its award as to wages will be retro- I
active to April 1, the date when the
contracts between the miners and op
erators expired. i
The members of the ."commission
are William C. Thompson of Colum-
at $1,180,000
rioj.lL vr ir i i.
C. Stebbins of New York, east-
Treaty of Peace
With Hungary
Signed Today
Versailles, June 4. The treaty
peace with Hungary was signed In
the grand trianon palace here at 4:25
o'clock this afternoon. It was five
minutes before the hour appointed.
Premier Millerand . of France, one
of the earliest arrivals, was followed Ing only a' fifth of their normal oally
shortly by Hugh C. Wallace .the Am-!outPut n abnormal strain has been
put on the Associated and Shell com
erican ambassador. Mr. Wallace sat panieg and they are unable t0 fiU tne
at M. MUlerand's right, while the Earl gaPl despite the fact that the Associat
of Derby, British mbassador to France,
sat on his left. . King Alexander ot
Greece, one of tha most Interested
spectators, 'remained standing.
The Hungarian delegates arrived at
4:23 o'clock. As soon as they were
seated PPemier Millerand rose land i
said simply that the treaty presented
was a copy guaranteed to be the same
as the copy given the Hungarian del-
egation. He then invited the Hungar- j
lan delegates to step forward and sign. '
Obregon Quits
As Commander
Of ReVOlt ArmV
Mexico City. June 3. General Al
varo Obregon, commander of revolu
tionary forces during the revolt which
ousted Carranza from power, has re
tired from the army, according to the
Excelsio. Press dispatches say Gener
'al Manuel Dleguez. ' former governor
of Guadalajara, who was arrWed dur
ing the revolution, has been freed up
on orders from Provisional President
Adolfo De La Huerta. .General Ja
ointo Trevlno has been named secre
tary of Industry.
Three Hurt In Smash.
Vancouver. Wash., June 4. Three
men were hurt, one seriously
men were nun, one ewnuuoij, u...,
morning when a street car bound i for,
the G. M.
Standifer shipyards here
collided with a switch engine on the
railroad crossing. i ,
Owners Can
Prevent Gas
Famine Here
Whether or. not gasoline for pleas-!
I - :
wn ana the territory tributary to ttl
re car ownefs
This, l . ... -v.,, , ... .. .
- -i is me result or .
tinAi i .
.....So i.. an invesiigauon of tne situ-
ation made here today.
' ' ' . SW If.
Salem 8 gasoline supply today is
ab' 50 per cent of ths normal con-1
sumption and will remain cose around !
th's figure until the latter part of Jut, i
or.rfi .
... ' -
trucks, tractors, spraying machines,
other motor driven farm and orchard
implements and passenger cars used
tn, I s
served f it Th7, ,7 .1 Pnoenlx. Ariz., June 4. Graver
pleasure care. 8Urplus WiU t0 Cleevland Bergdo.l, weai.hy draft eva-
While it is impossible to state ex-'f ntnVoTmTsi ned XlToV the
actly what portion of the 6500 or 6eB9'armv ai nls nnm IT ?,! .
u lu " i
it.ffinu,,t n
Economy I9 Necessary,
Ehteen hundred gallons of g,.
Ilne is suicient to propel the pleasure
P"? ot Salem antJ vicinity In the neigh
oorliood ot JT.000 miles. But'thnt
daily mileage does not allow for sense
less Joyrides and unthinking waste ot
motor fuel. If all of the pelasure cat
owners In the district are to be pro
vided with gasoline in reason amounts.
"Think of the other felow" has got
to be the solgan of motorists here It
esentlal industries are to be protected
and pleasure cars kept in operation.
Blame for the present shortage is
placed squarely on he shoulders ;
the Standard and Union oil compan-'
ies. Despite the nleas of the comnan-1
lies that thev would he ahi tr f.iiiv
supply the Oregon market If the 66
gravity test law was withdrawn, and
the subsequent action of Governor
iOlcott in announcing that violation
of the bo irravitv tt m '
age in sny manner.
For the present month the gasoline
allowance of the Salem agency of the
Union oil company Is but one fifth o
its normal supply, according to the
local manager, and this condition is
expected to last throughout the
summer. '
The local manager of the Standard
ptatlon also reports that their sup
ply for the month of June Is but one
,fifth of normal. He is unable to give
'any assurance of when an Improve
ment in the situation may be expect-
Both the Union and Standard com
panies are giving first preference to
trucks, tractors ana commercial ve
hicles and will continue to do so they
With these two companies supply-
ed is receiving its normal supply and
the Shell people are distributing SO
percent more gasoline today than they
did a year ago, according to Chas. R.
Archerd, local manager for the Shell
Both of the latter companies are
caring for commercial vehicles direct,
the Associated filling the orders of
trucks at their supply yards, while
the Shell company is handling this
class of trade from Us retail station
on state street.
The needs of the farmers, both as
to fuel to run their necessary machin
ery and for the cars they use in go
ing to and from town on necessary
business, are being given first consid-
eratlon. Other commercial
'next to be cared for and the
cars are
supply is to go to pleasure cars. ,
Portlnitd Rations Fuel.
Portland, Or., June 4. Use of gas
oline in Portland is being restricted
by all oil companies today, with pleas
ure vehicles limited to a daily ration
of not more than 20 per cent of tank
capacity after filling and commercial
vehicles to 75 per cent of tank capac
ity after filling.
Rationing of gasoline, agreed fo by
the oil companies, following a long
conference yesterday by a committee
of representative business men of
Portland is said to be necessary to,P us dividends on the common stock,
. .... .. .. Financial mn point to this as an un-
., , t. tar a. nosible the state-1"
wide shortage which is seriously crip
jpling lndustrll and agricultural pur
suits In virtually al parts of Oregon.
An appeal to auto owners of Port
land to refrain from any unnecessary
use of autos during the next two weeks
will be made through a publicity cam
paign planned by the ganoline con
servation committee organized yester
day. Road Work Delayed.
Roseburg , Or., June 4. Highway
construction work In this county has
been hard hit by the gasoline short
age and last night practically 100 mo
tor trucks were compelled to cease
'operations. These machines are used
by contractors engaged in paving and
grading, doing a great deal of the
heavy hauling connected with con
struction work at P.lce Hill, Dillard
and other lints.
Oak' Cliutew Burm.
Portland, Or., June 4. The shoot
t he-chutes concession at The Oaks
an amusement park nar here, was!
ll-urned to the ground early toiay, the
Wages Of Women
Fruit Pickers In
no uren ramDusnea Tor all women
employed in agricultural occupation,
including the picking of fruit, vege
tables and berries, the state Industrial!
welfare commission n n 1
EmnUv.iM .,.. ... .
'ivgiicu liriV
"r.":.." woraen 10
. .. " r n ana ;
vegetables are required to pay not less
i ...... .... r "
t,u one-quarter or the
minimum during the first eight hours
and not less than double the rate there
after. A woraen are .K
day a week rest
, "
l-t Orrrl 1 1 I tnn
5V" w
To Reach Mexico
Mexican border, motoring with a com-
--ding to
i message received by local department
uivoooStj ictcncu vy iutrn.1 ufpitiimen
Break In Ranks
Denied by Wood
Chicago, June 4. Major
General 1
Leonard Wood issued the following
statement today about the rumors of
a break among his managers:
"The rumor; that there has been trie
tion.ind that Colonel Procter Is to
cease to manage my campaign is false
and I can only attribute it to enemy
"Tn'B rePort has been circulated for
seevral months and it has been offi-
clally denied for a like length of time.
... T. ...... .in.
"ociermi campaign manager
and win remain so, while Frank Hitch-
cock is working hard, loyaly and har-
moniously for me.
Grange Selects
Eugene For Next
Annual Session
Bend, Or., June 4. Despite, a spirit
ed attempt to lnd the state grange
convention for Portland In 1621, the
Eugene delegates won for the irniver
sity city by a vote of 141 out of the 199
votes cast. McMlnnvllle was also a
contender for the 1921 stata conven
tion. S. J. Lowell of Fredonia. N. Y.. nas-
ter of the national grange, stated that
favorable lrrigtion legislation, but not
legislation as proposed durin,j the re
cent session ot congress, .which pro
posed to approve the $500,000,000 re
clamation appropriation bill.
"We fought the bill," stated Loivell,
"because we believe It to be political
plunder. We are ready to back all
worthy projects."
Portland. Handy things around the
kitchen are to be turned out by a new
company, the Sanitary Strainer &
Novelty company, which has just been
incorporated. It has a capitalization j
of $10,000.
Commercial Club Voices Approval
Of Reorganization Plan Proposed
By King's Food Prodncts Company
P.esolvcd to enter the world trade
with their plants at Salem and The!
Dalles, The King's ' Food Products
company, fruit dehydraters, have be
run complete reorganization of the
firm, and has instituted an extensive,
financial campaign in Salem. In re- our large ana sustaining lnsuiuuun
organizing the company set its capital, and whose success and continued op
stock at $1,000,000. Seven hundred eratlon mean much to the prosperity
thousand dollars of this has been sub- of this part of Oregon, and,,
scribed by Portland capitalists and ( Whereas, due consideration and In
others; $150,000 has been sold at The ve'stlgatlon has been given to the
Dalles and the company offers the soundness and advisability of said re-
AiennAA m . .. i .t.1. nriranlvatlnn rf Inn ni.tnir .Jind
remains .. t(j
The company offers seven per cent' Salem has been asked to give Its en- representatives tar. to present or
The company offers seven per dorsement and support to this under- ganlzea lapors views.
cent preferred participating stock-taking and to recommend to our peo- F
that draws seven per cent annually,
"i"""" - w un a. ..".-.
-.ulU ".e"'.-Bd .
sale of the $150,000 worth of stock tn
Firm's Prospms Bright.
The King's Food Products company its unqualified endorsement to this, fuJ candidate In the primary election,
has already contracted its output for proposition and recomme.nd to the ony 50 cent to acquire. Mr. Halvor
tiie coming season with eastern mar- people of Salem and vicinity that they; ,,. expense account, showing that
ket. This sale, Indicative of the de- give this Industry and the Portland he ,K.nt only 50 cents during his cam
mand for the firm's product gave interest who are Investing so much pttgn, was filed with City Recorder
base some months ago to plan for money in a Salem Industry their fin-( j, ymay.
. , , v, a k,,BinMa -' nnnlat and moral sunoort to their Ut-, . - .... . . 4. t 1
Improvements, the extent of which
was not made known Friday, are
nlannon" fnr the local nlant. I
The board of directors of the 8a-!
lem Commercial Club, at their meet-
lng Thursday night, gave hearty en-
dorsement to the company's plans In- financing plan and to Impress upon
sofar as they effect Salem, in the our people the Important and nece
followlng resolution, a copy of which sity of the same to our commumly,
was sent to the company: and
Iti-solution Passed. Ti;at a copy of this resolution be
"Whereas, the Kins' s Food Pro-
duct company of Oregon owns and
... rf,.iit,iru,;., ..1.,,, n
oaiem, yiesj, i,u, . .......... , . - -. . . . , , .
Whereas, said Klnfs company is ed to the press for publication." yesterday. The men were buried un
being reorganized and refinanced at, j der ton of earth and the foreman
this time on
a large and substantial!
Uanu, RllU i
n'v. Dnxi.nj r.f.
fcring to provide 79 per cent of the
funds needed for said reorganization
and refinancing, and,
Whereas, this communit
Is beingure.
uucago Assumes Convention Aspect
83 S3 m m m m m m m
Lowden Delegates Win
Platform Is
Next Issue
At Chicago
Chicago. June 4. With the arrival
today of Ogden L. Mills, chairman of
the republican executive committee,
on policies and platform, final confer
ences on the articles of the republican
platform to be submitted to the con
vention are expected to begin. The
results of the work of Mr. Mills com
mittee are to be turned over to the res
olutions committee chosen at the con
vention, Will H. Hays, chairman of the
national committee, said as the funo
tlon of the Mills committee Is purely
"The nineteen sub-committees have
been at work for six months and
'through the returns of more than 100,-
000 questionnaires and by dther means
has obtained the views of more thai.
million republicans in every field of
public activity and interest," Mr. Hays
said. i
Public Hearings Promised.
"Full public hearings before the res
olutions committee will, however, be
held on all pertinent questions ana in
terested parties will be given an op-
portunlty to present their views.
"C. S. Barrett, president, and other
representatives of the Farmers ra
tional Union, representatives of the
American Federation of Labor and
Harriet Taylor Upton of the League of
Women Voters, will be given adequate
In the contests coming from the
eight districts of Mississippi, a sub
committee reported the proceedings of
the Mulvihlll faction to be regular and
thnt it.nm)l.n ...
"" o.cB..
It Is un-
Instructed, but Is counted among the
Lowden forces.
Lowden Delogates Scaled.
In the South Carolina contests,
where the faction led by National
Committeeman Tolbert ot Greenwood
was opposed by a delegation led by J.
Duncan .Adams of Spartanburg, Me
committee voted to seat the delegates
at large ot the Tolbert delegation,
which Is counted In the Lqwdpn 'Col
umn. - ''' , l.
In the contest from the first South
Carolina district the national commit
tee voted to seat the Tolbert delegates
also. .
Similar action In regard to the other
districts vere indicated.
The Tolbert-Adamg contest furnish
ea tlie committee meeting with a half
hour of vaudeville In which Tolbert
drew cheers and applause. Former
Governor Hooper of Tennessee, pre
senting the case for the Adams fac
tion, counted for Wood, denounced the
Tolbert organization as an "oligarchy"
of long standing, so repudiated by the
republican voters of South Carolina
that only 1500 ballots were cast for
Hughes In the entire state In presi
dential election of 191.
The commltte wound up the Bouth
Carolina contest by voting to seat all
the delegates of the . Tolbert faction,
counted for Lowden, but at large and
In all seven districts.
asked to participate In this reorgan
ization and refinancing to the extent
of 15 per cent of the total, and,
Whereas, the value and Importance
of this Industry to Salem and corn-
munlty Is well recognized as one of
pie tnat mey give ineir unquamieu-
fmancUl and moral
support to this
"?L t'i
the bonrd of director In regular.
meeting assembled do hereby, afterthat of mayorcost George B. Hal
due and seriou consideration, give (
mat ny purcnasing me secunue- 01
tne Kings roou rrouucw cuuipanjr w
the limit atiked, and.
That a committee be appointed for
th purpose of carrying to financial,
conclusion the part asked In the re-.
spi'ti on the minutes ot tne tm-
me-cial Club of Balem and a copy be
dxllvomd tn the Kin its r OOO I'ro-i
a,,. ,,.,,,. nit rnnv , hand-
Washington, June 4. xne mer-,aiu
rhant maHne bill was sent bacK to
- ...... (
rinfiwa tndav hv the houiie. Sneak-
tt Gillett ruling that the senate con-
frs hid eeded their authority In
tain chnngf in the mea -
Nine-Year Old
Boy Will , Direct' j
Convention Band
Chicago, June 4. John Band III,
aged 9, grandson of the noted Chi
cago band director, will direct the
band of nearly 1000 musicians t the
Opening of the Republicn convention,
when a march, "The Republican,"
composed by his father and dedicated
to the conventlen will be played. He
will use a baton presented to his fa
ther by the late President Theodore
Roosevelt, made ot wood brought back
from the expedition into Braxil along
the "river of doubt."
Delegates Ffom
New Mexico To
Go Uninstructed
Roswell, N. M., June 4.' The demo
cratic state convention in session from
yesterday until early today, named six
uninxtructed delegates to the demo
cratic national convention.
Resolutions were adopted Indorsing
President Wilson and opposing any at
tempt to Insert a wet plank in the par
ty platform.
Johnson and
Allen Offer
Two Planks
, Chicago, June 4. Outlining his
campaign plans, Senator Johnson Of
California today declared the John-
son forces would present League
Nations plank denouncing the present;
covenant and urge a plank ' on the
high cost of living and another on!
labor against "de-humahiiing" the-
republican party. Prohibition, he pre
dicted, would not be mentioned.
Personally, Senator Johnson an
nounced, In his dally talk with news
paper representatives, hje
make "a straight out fight in the
open, with no trades, no deals, no
compromises." ,
"I'm tickled to deatli With the sit
uation," said Senator Johnson. ,'I
have a feeling of confidence that Is
delightful to me."
' The League of Nations, Senator, """ , .' ...
Johnson stated, is in other hands but J 'J beg'miing to dr 11 the chorusea
will be presented to , the convention ' Will ng Workers that always gather
resolutions committee. He said It " Participate In the noisy demons ra
would declare absolutely against the"n which accompany a convention,
present league covenant. The present Candldittee Mw Talk,
covenant, he stated, would have to bel Publicity plans have had an Ira-
redrafted entirely," to meet his ac -
"I expect instructed delegates," he
said, "to remain with me until be
yond peradventure of a doubt I'm
out of the fight and that would mean
substantially until I should
Chicago, June 4. Governor Allen
of Kansas, who Is to nominate Gener
al Wood,' arrived today and announc
ed he would offer a platform plank
declaring for Judicial settlement of
industrlal disputes as tne paramount
Issue before the nation.
'We had thought that international
Questions would be the chief Issue,
said Governor Allen, "but now Indus
trial problems are our principal con
cern, I will appear berore tne resolu
tions committee to ask a plank es
tablishing a federal tribunal to decide
Industrial controversies, after concil
iations and all otlter efforts have
failed. I have great hopes that such
a plank will be adopted a olear dec-
1 ,.. ...,,l tha nnl.ll.
laration for protection of the public
against economlo pressure of Indus
trial strife. I believe economic pres
sure is the term but it mean taking
the public by the throat and shaking
it down by a strike."
Governor Allen's determination pre
sages a flenate oerore tne resolutions
committee, the American Federation
iy. Vf)r S lOu IOvt
Halvorsen Only 50c
The highest city office In Halem
Vorsen of tho Marion Oarage, success-
era gr 4 76; nil H. H, Vandervort
I for
t& cents, were also filed. Both
I Mr.
Slmeral and Mr. Vandervort were
candldate)I tor clty council from Ward
' .
Six Men Killed
In Explosion
Pittsburg, Pa. June 4, At least
six men were killed by an explosion
In the coal shaft of the Ontario Gas
Coal company, near Cokesburg, 'a
ne wuuiu ni u iu -
exaci numoer ui aeau unui me uuu-
Ies had been recovered.
Soon after the miner went down
the shaft there was an explosion
(which dislodged great mesne of earth
(and buried every man In the shaft.
m m m
In Contest
Arrival of
Adds Flavor
Chicago, June 4. Lines of action
among the republican presidential can
didates are beginning to com out et
the nebulous atmosphere ot the pre
liminary period and move toward def
inite form.
The arrival of Senator Johnson to
take charge of his candidacy, and tha
agreement among Wood leaders to
have Frank H. Hitchcock act as their
field marshal are the outstanding de
velopments which Indicate that within
48 hours the situation among the re
publicans will move into the staga
where the loaders will begin to do
Tilings Ready to Move,
Up until today none of the conven
tion forces had reached the stage
where one manager was prepared to
determine upon a line of action with
any degree of certainty of what might
be expected from his opponents. But
the soundings which have been taken
during the last day or two, coupled
with the approach of the convention
itself have advanced to tho point
whfcre, as the politicians say, things
are ahout ready to move.
The Wood forces profess to be well
satisfied with the arrangements wltti
lti their own ranks and lay emphasin
on tho statement that the hopes. ot(
their opponents for a contest of lead
ership between William Cooper Proc
tor and Mr. Hitchcock have gone
agllmmering. Mr. Prootor, they say,
will contmue in his present capacity
I with the Wood forces and the present
arec,ment t0 hti,.B Mr. Hitchcock t
ofjas generalissimo of the forces on th
convention floor was unanimous ana
agreeable all around.
Atmosphere "Arrive,"
kftar. i..B rtavs of snoradla activity
and Jockeying, things ore beginning to
take on a real convention atmosphere.
Hy the time the crowds of delegates
hcirin nnurimr In and with the com-
I lng ot political leaders from Washing
ton, things are expected to be gotnij
full blast. ?: ' -"
The first cheers and the first songs
of the boosters are beginning to be
heard tn the hotel lobbies and on th
street. Pianos are tinkling in many
of the campaign headquarters and the
,Pei. " oegiiinmif ioojr. v.m
ijowaen ana jonnran win give iww
daily interviews to newspaper man.
Other candidates will Jdln the plan as
they arrive. Senator ' Potndextor at
Washington arrives today from Wash-
ington andSaturday his special train
of boosters and delegates are due tn
from the west. From today on ca,r
, loads of delegates will be arriving?
from all parts of the country to g
through the rtuadrennlnl preHmlnarte
of caucusing, electing" their delegation
officers, members of the various con
vention committees and choosing thn
state representatives on the republi-
can national committee.
There are also many tittle booms M
, candidate for president and vlce-pre
'ident who have arrived with nominal
lng speeches already prepared. Tht
are canvassing the various delegation
trying to Induce some one to deliver
Vice-President Marshall 1 going to
have a look ot the republican contest
and possibly some of the convention
.m 1.1a uioaf Ud It, iia tn arHva
' lOUay,
Formal Protest
By Polk County
On Road Route
Formal protest against the action
of the state highway commission in
changing the routing of the Westsirt
Pacific highway a originally routed,
by tiie act of the 1917 legislature, wa
laid before Governor Olcott Thurs
day afternoon by a delegation of Dal
las and Independence citisens head- '
ed by Oscar Hayter, Dallas attorney.
Objection to the change In the or
iginal road program Is based on th
fact that the new route ellmlnut
both Dallas and Independence from
the main trunk highway. This, It W
contended, Is contrary to the Intent
v" "v ' " 'l,, ,h i ,
highway map which was only adopt
ed by the aid of the Polk county rep
resentatives after these two Poilt
county towns had been included on
the road map.
Governor Olcott accepted the pe
titions signed by some 3000 Polls
county clltjwms and agreed to call it
td the attention of the highway com
mission but declined to interfere with
the plans of the eommUsinn, which,
he declared, was created to shouMi-r
this responsibility.
It was Intimated that an action In
mandamus would be started against
the highway commission to compid
tho observance of the 1917 act unlet-
recognition of the claim of the Polk
county town was obtained otherwise.
Two million dollar annuilly is rr.-
I In Or
from 100 mines in St di..tnr,s