PAGE EIGHT. THF CAPITAL JOURNAL Y.M. Takes Game. From Spdulding In Tivilight Play How They Siand V. L. Pot. Ha user Bros 2 1900 State house 1 0 1000 Spaulding t 1 6S Y .M. C. A. 1 1 500 Valley Motor 0 Z 000 Kay Woolen Mill 0 2 000 The core stood i-1 In favor of the Spaulding loggers until the last Inn ing of the twilight game at Willam ette field, Wednesday night Then Robison of the T. M. C. A. Tigers. otepped up to the pan and sloughed n hot one for a homer. Peterson had previously passed two men to the acka and ao the play ended. 4-S, giv ing the Y their first clean win of the Cherry City aeries. The Y, M. C. A. had previously tied with the atatehouae Stars In another fast game: the tie to be played off later. Wednesday night' game was a very good type of ptay and proves that the evening series is developing the boys. Thursday 'night, June S. the state house and woolen mill nines play th" game that was postponed from Mon day. Friday is the date of the sched uled clash between the Valley Motor j and Hauser Brothers teams. fire gon Power To !388B8B3BgBSB Be Developed Is Expectation Noiv THURSDAY, Major League Scores The enactment of the federal water power bill which was aonroved hi- congress last week. Is expected to re sult in a pronounced activity in power development in Oregon whose stream are aoie to provide approximately one tenth of the entire available hydro electric power In the United States, ac cording to State Engineer Percy A. Cupper. Development of the water power of the country has been practically at a standstill for many years past becaim. of the uncertainty as to what federal restrictions would surround the devel opment of this resources. Cupper de clares. - According to figures prepared by the director of the United States geo logical survey there are a minimum of 50,000.000 hydro-electric horsepower in the United States, less than one third of which Is now being utilized. Of the available power 70 per cent is west of the Mississippi river although of the developed power 70 per cent is east of the Mississippi. It is estimated that between S.uvv,- 000 and 4,000,000 horsepower can be developed In Oregon alone, with a to tal of approximately 16S.000 horse power actually utilized at the present time. E. American First game R. H. Washington 1 . 3 3 New York , 8 1! 1 Zuchary, drlson and Oharrity Quinn and Hannah. Second game Washington 7 1J New York 13 Shaw, Snyder and Plclnlch; Mays, Collins and Ruel. Detroit .'. 6 11 Cleveland 8 12 r.oland and Alnsmlth: Caldwell an O'Neill. Chicago 1 13 St. Louis 3 6 Clcotte and Schnlk; Wellman, Va Gilder and fievereid. National New York : 1 5 KoHton t U Toneyr Hubhell, Winters an Smith; Scott and O'Neill. Brooklyn 4 9 Philadelphia 6 11 Cadors, Miljus, S. Smith and Kmc gr; Causey, Welnert, Oallln, O. Smith and Witherow. Cincinnati 6 13 Chicago 3 8 tuque, Sullee.aml Rarlden; Wlngo Tyler, Bailey, Onw and Kllllfer. St. Louis 8 11 Pittsburg 2 6 Schupp and demons; Carlson and Schmidt, Coast League Scores R. H. K Sacramento 1 10 Swittle 12 15 Malls, Kuntx and Cady; Beibold an Adams. Vernon 6 13, Oakland 4 8 W. Mitchell and De Vormer; Kraiise and Bpallninn. Sun Francisco 8 15 oh Angeles 11 13 Lewis, Couch, Devltnles and Ag new, Yelle; 01 Crandnll, Thomas anil Bassler. Salt Luke 7 .. 12 Portland 8 8 Bromley, Stroud and Jenkins; Jones and Koehler. Water Permits Application for permission lo rn Htruot a reservoir for the storage of 300 acre feet of water and for permls slon to appropriate the stored wntur for the Irrigation of 160 acres of land in Malheur county, h(H been filed with he state engineer's office here by Clarence S. Miller of Cntlow, Or. Other application for water rights have been filed as follows; By A. E. Routh of Enterprise, cov. erlng the appropriation of wnter from Hurricane creek for the Irrigation of .12 acre In Wallowa county. . By A. E. Hull of Feewatercoverlng the appropriation of water from the east branch of Little Walla Walla riv or for the Irrigation of a small tract in Umatilla county. By L. C. Marsters of Fangnllnno. Or., covering the appropriation of wat er from Willow Springs In Mnlheut countv for domestic purposes. . By RufuK M. Dlmlck of Jordan val ley, covering the construction or a small reservoir and the appropriation of stored water for stock purposes. Candidates Who 'Are Defeated In Primary Are Out A defeated candidate for nomination for political ' office In Oregon can neither accept the nomination of an other party nor run as an Independent candidate, according to an opinion , prepared by Attorney Otnirnl Brown. This Interpretation of the law by th attorney general Is based upon the turn amendment to a prevloua law. Prior to this time it has tmen possible for defeated candidate to become in dependent candidates. It Is explained but this l prohibited under the new law,. Several Inquiries as to the status of candidates who hav been defeated for nomination have been received by the secretary of state's office since the primary result became known. The state highway commission has decided to build a new bridge across the Willamette at Harrisburg. The cost will be borne by Lane and Linn counties. Wanted 100 Cars for Storage Tracy's Garage, 544 Ferry St. General repairing. Special rates for storage and washing or oiling Phone 199 AUCTIONEER Sales conducted everywhere. Farm sale 2 percent; city tales 5 percent. We save you money on advertising Col W. F; Wright Auctioneer Phone 734 HIDES and SACKS WANTED Also Junk Of All Kind ' , Beit Prices Guaranteed CALL 11 Capital Junk Co. Tat Square Deal Houm 171 Chemeketa St Ptaont tit L. M. HUM - ' Car of ' YickSoTong Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. Has medicine which will cure, any known 4lsea. Open Sunday from 10 a. m. until I p. m. 153 South High Street laletn, Oregon. Phon 281 WOODRY BUYS and SELLS EVERYTHING Phone 510-511 S70 N. Commercial St. TOR LONO DMTANCa ' 7, . AtJTO TRUCKING WiUametteV alley Transfer Co. ' PHONB 1400 Wl ALSO DO LOCAL HATJUNQ n Walfeli" Take th placa of bona lining (or leas. rX-Jtf Mar f) R vs au.f Cf 179 North Commercial ... Gnga 3 years in Business in Salem and I must say from a successful standpoint that Mr. Thompson propp tor of the Remnant Store is more than pleased, to such an extent that Mr. Thompson has decided fa give to the Public of Salem a General Sale, and that means every article in the store will be cut Me chandise will be thrown on the counter plainly marked at a discount of from 10 per Cenl h '33 ver less, bale will open 9 o'clock sharp , Friday, June 4 and closes Saturday, June 1 2. Delaware Solons 'Adjourn Without Passing Suffrage lover. Del., June 2. The Delaware'! ificiwature adjourned sine die at 3:30 p. m. today without ratifying the Su Anthony federal suffrage amendment. Ther waa a test vote shortly before adjournment when Rep reKentaiive l.v.mi majority floor lead er, attempted to force the noun into committee, of th whole to consider the urrrng ratification resolution. Mr. Lyon motion was lost by 24 votes to IS. Oovernor OlroJt has siune.l requisi tion papers for th return to Oregon ft K. J. Clark, under ret (,t t.t? Agel on th hit of forgery c.wn uil-I at P,rtiin i. MAGNETOS If 11. iiuuvki ayul & Co. Official Esemasa Mapeto , Service, station ' 179 Narth Commercial street RALEM Draperies UDa TO ORDER TO tTI TOUR WINDOWS CS. Hamilton 140 Court Stroat DREAMLAND RINK TUESDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY NIGHTS SUNDAY AFTERNOON " ta.lle Skatea Free Friday Night. Lm Skatea lot- Tuesday and S:i:urd.iy Nights. Closing Date Saturday Night June 12th in the Greatest Position to give you a Real Sale, as I have iust rptiimoH fv, c .. attended Buyers Week and I have picked up nearly $5000.00 worth of Sample Lines and Bargains of Different kinds, as low as 67 cents' on the d U also purchased fro.m the Barnes Cash Store of this city around $1500.00 worth of merchandise at from 40 per cent to 50 per cent less tha values. Read below and I will quote a few of the many Bargains: ' - a M Opening Date Friday, 9 a. m. June 4 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! I wish to state that I am : Rapid, Rushing, Crushing, the Greatest Sale of Modern Times. Come and Hurry. 4tMM,lttHtmitHttt)MttMIMtm4 Al Hosiery Sale Silk Gloves X NOTICE All goods noti advertised will be sold at ' Less 10 Per Cent. 20c Brass Curtain Rods, sale price, each 10c 500 Men's Wonder Hose, sale price, pair 39c In black, white, tan and rey. , 250 Yards Mill End Cur tain Goods. Real values from 25c to 75c,' marked from 42c to 49c a yard; and during this sale additional 10 le,ss. From 1 yard to 11 yard ends. $2.95 values of Crepe de Chine and Georgette Silk, r 40 inches wide. Sale price, f . per yard $1.98 $2.75 Black Messalirie Silk, ' sb-mches wide. Sale price This lot of Hosiery was bought from E. 1 Barnes at 60c on the dollar. Lot 1, values to 45c, sale price, pair 29c f j?'8?8! Made Qualitv' formerly of the Barnes Lot z, values, 50c to 65c, sale price, pair 39c Lot 3, values 65 to 75c, sale price, pair ,.48c Lot 4, values $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Ladies' Silk Hose, all shades, sale price, pair 98c too ii Buy Coveralls Now Ladies1 Coveralls ; Value $2.00, sale price, each $1.19 1 ; $3.50 Coveralls, sale price $2.48 ; $3.98 Coveralls, sale price $3,19 Sample Line of Muslin Underwear ' Cash Store, black and white onlv 75c quality, sale price, pair 49c 85c quality, sale price 69c $1.25 quality, sale price, nail qs t $1.50 quality, sale price, pair .. $1.19 ,mi M Sample Lot of Children's Dresses and Rompers HMHIMIIIHlimw NOTICE All goods not advertised will be sold at Less 10 Less tHIIIMHHIIIIIIMM : , Ladies' Smocks during this sale 20 Less $2.29 Silk and Wool ' Children's Sale price . $1.98 This was bought from the Barnes Cash Store. 26 and 28 size only. of ,75c, 85c and 98c Turkish Towels, sale price, each 49c $3.25 Bed Spreads, size 70 1 ' by 80, sale price $2.69 Cheaper than sheets. Bought while I was in San Francisco at 33 1-3 X Jhese Dresses are the finest quality, val- i $.4o, S.98 and S3.98. and fhirinof thia cola will get additional discount of 20; Size 6 yrs. I M MMM t Bought from the Wallace N. Moore dry good's t vuimwiujr 01 aan rancisco. during hnvr t T ...nnl. . 11 . . . . . " t wa,..uiese gooos were Dought at a discount uunng mis saie at 30 per cent less I cuuaia WnK 01 Laaies-. liowns, . Corset Coyers, Drawers, Envelopes and Chemise. A Reai Bargain. I The Greatest Buy of Jhe : Season 12.50 to 15.00 Ladies' Voile Dresses, size : 4, -36 and 38 onlv. in ' en-ov m'nir ir ! iive is cneaper man today wholesale cost. X V ', 0 mm m m t : Remnants of Woolen Goods, Remnants of Table Cloths, Reirtnants of white goods, Remnants of Silks, Remnants of Ginghams, All at 10 to 20 Less ! $300. Black Silk Taffeta, !. Sale price, yard ., 1 yard wide. 82.29 MM MMH Millinery Entire Stock of Ladies And I Children's Aprons r'fciy;.9 Or,t Cs.Hats,- Dresses, for this sale, ' 4'"' '"IIIIMI MMMlV.7; Coating-Finest . Silk Pon gee, a $2.25 value, sale - " . price, yard 81.69 - 36-inches wide. Blankets and Comtora values $3.48 to $10.00, dur:. ing the sale -20 Less X 75c Turkish ToweUng ir- ing this sale, yard 7 55c X I Colored Crepe, pink,! tand white, a 65c value, dar ing this sale, y& " urganaies, I mostlv all Rnr, 7 , a V.nuaren 8 mt8 I yours at ; 20 Less. ; 30 PE CENT LESS"2 thi3 "f 49C Don't forget Opening Date, 9 a. m. sharp, Friday, , June 4th. " Keep your eye on Thomson and watch 'the Remnant Store grow. i i :i Hie R Extra Help Wanted MI.VnMMillttHH Closing date Saturday Night, June 12th. MtIMM Keep your eye on Thorn and watch the Rani31 Store Grow emnant Store 254 N. Commercial. RUm firol 1 he btore With a Real Bargain