-iMV,Jl.N'E3.19M. J 'ti2 a. Si Si kia, s fej i w ;: , M U i' , 1 1(1 ; iii m . i i" Iv . Fleeted Head State i Grange Again er whklPis supplied from the res chutes river and from Cresent lake. Pioneer 'Aids Garden Of Deserving Needy a bank, and -C. K. "There may be no poor in town " States N'ii-hnlua .... i.,. . 1,1 .North nl'" Dut 1 " like to lu ,)nle nee(K- lu.ra J.WV , . .,..,.- - i.,., Persons who are j 0a iWw-" -" "r :" ". " they will call at them some caulifkiw- r jfHit"- - jwut-ns. it iney wi Oregon state pfange. de-(rnyome, I will gladly give th r,v Starkweather of Chick-jof, my cabbage," tomato or c , ' The canvassing or tAe-erhinta. v j.jUie , arwy i convention Br.ltho8h nearly 80 years f"' , ," , .:. .;, l M hearty ad. raises '"' - vexetaD en mid i.,, .i. - - , ...... iic laxea a keen interest in present day affairs and believes in genuine helpfulness. "During the rirst slacking up of work Or in DOOr MAWino tin, w . on . mucn ..... - vi.nif rning tne poor of Salem reported In jaft-man of La (irande was thexi fndid:ite fur the position L etate organisation. fuiMl, E. Fond of Euge 'Ion county that affords hahilan J J aDO,U 15 - habtunce can support such an institu u :e8inthefactthatitissurroun P " 38,1 Pus country. t hsu-deeviowd a remarkable busi ness during th iu, . "le alfo has a naner ,h- i t.,., 3 ..... Ts the north ni . , . . -- w uwu is a vast heat ami berry country and to ,he ... me .vt.ll Creek bottom, is grown flax In great abundance. Aoms ville is exclusively a farming common uy and it is rapidly developing in all "s of commercial industry. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. utes and IS seconds with a head scis-15 PAGE FIVE. jsors and aouble wrist lock and the second fall coming in 31 minutes with Thye's famous falling double wrist lock. i. uinme fed IV IWO-f roi C,m Mt. Staik eather anW. T f Douses county:?, M. j 8f Borine had no opposition they-were a c Lri T. R. A. Sellwood of MiMoverflowing the fm.unanimouslv chosen chap- spending monei IjC. & !' of Astoria whs the thought for the future. ..:.... f.r iratekeeDer. . j w svstem uf state-wide M, I indieating first, second am other clUes." observes the old gentle man. "Tet to sro ont on th. night or n hoHda.v one wouht think iney jrere a crowd of mllllsnnir.. amusement LaA spending money without ht for the future." air. Beers has been a resident of this city since 187, tZTZrlShaw Celebrates ' L the aiiunuiient of- the ooiv-i . CI. 1 S1 ' I a, FriJav action will be asked p . - - .dCUOOl tOSMP A,i Japanese colonisation in ehn. . S HL..eflnitelv Jo red today. L' . r-f June Following the t, totetl that the sentiment f Z tV held hero to celebrate on the third. CU ? or of K Tl?Jle?lml canons turned the key. 7 ; i ci.iiupi a nau ana a StoB introduced, if passed. "T W" Mi Ifth comenUon on record fZTJu J t0 in .he prohibition dg iiiaii for tne next convention! ,nv, -. . , , ' , , I " an order of business today clo""n ,ho1 ' re L.,Lrnn.mtheeralmers will ' C08e 1 ru,ay with l'Pfopriate exer- t -. - . . ; uises. 'ft in an auto tour tnrougn tns surorundin,s Bend, and will be j through the local pine mills Rainfall Shy 8.94 Inches of Annual Mean The present season i one f the est on record. The total seasonal rain fall to June l, since September 1, Is as against an average seasonal precipitation of 35.8 ninth,,. , O -Tl " t-i 0, . i "nonage of .4 inehes. But lit- ror oiavton hvent ram 18 bkely J" unt" h ?b.vtn r t 1 sason -fe fer j'une.beingl.ti for SUvton. Or June S.The commit- July .ii aW lor August ,S. tee in charge' of the Fourth of Jirtv xr ' . , - celebration. is looking forward te tte v,n y 7 nd 'our event with much ant Son ' frOSU ani but ,m,hes P rangements were made ye',erdav f1"''"0"- 'The ""fi"' M, whereby the Che7rian band o7& lem'S 2 ", '"chs hly defic will furnish the music ad King Bingl ? tach The fol Clancey has stated that his bunch ot ' B ".i" mmh,y re,,0rt of ,h' booster, wn. be on hand in fu". uni!! lT? " """ by form. TherewUlU. twd..i,l0"0,8e . Lewis- co-operative. 1- Cherrian Band To ' Furnish Music n 18 is i ti it 23 !4 S5 36 27 28 2 S 81 .. 72 43 41 08 i 73 37 " 4S .00) 83 to 44 .01 ' id 5 trace! 72 ii 58 ,001 57 ,3S .80 ! - 3 4 1 .ot i 33 4i .00 i 41 iJ .0,7! 3 S 44 .00 ! 2 SI 42 .00; 7 " 37 5 J .00 1 47 34 68 - 44 4 .02 1 40 48 trace, 63 31 SI .oil .....5 34' S3 .00 ...21.13 11.77" 43 .ti Monthly Summary. rature: Mean maximum. ;reatest daily range, 45. Precipitation: total. number of days with .01 inch of more precipitation, ; clear, 16; partly Dates of killing frost: u, 32, 25, 6 JOI RKAL VANT ADS PAY j Total price increase in living ueccs inches: ' 'cs averascd less in Portland during ure pmou oeiween IXcembcr, 19H. .ind IK-cember 1919. than they did iu Seattle. Lw Angeles or San Kraiiesico, acconliiig to the Culled States depart, incut of labor.' Jol liNAi. v,NT AIS PAY Sum ..... 68.16; mean minimum. 37.96; mean 53.06; maximum, 85; minimum, 31; iiibers 01 tne ienu commercial f.'-afltol memorial services will d Friday afternoon -for 13 lat Irs of the state organization. r t ion Hi Boys ; V Ud Aumsville TeamS To 6 High School At Turner Graduates fAumsville Keens ( l Hiraiiic tana, louay posieu avuu si PT Uiih Tim olbet or a return watch with Thye. I M-CP f lilt, A UIICZ Thye defeated Eklund before 12 Aumsville, Or., June 3. Aumsville is .probably the smallest town in Mar- Turner, Or.,' June 3. Commence ment exercises of the Turner high school will ibe held next .Wednesday evening, and the elotir.g day of school will be June 11. Th graduating class consists of the following members: Evelys ilartin, Sebyl Peeta and Karl Bear. The Instructors are Prof. John niltllvW 111..'- T, . L , 5. - T . r i, . .Fu itiixs xviun waay. very on, June 3. Last Friday the, Sllprs,. ,, . . . ...' ille. school team played the' rt , ,h. . ,.. .. . " """';..: toy, .t baseball, pn our locali lnMMli, ltr'T a"u " id. It was a well-played game ' close game, resulting in - a If 6 to 8 in favor of Marion th first time the Aumsville T . lai been beaten this year. The sam will be played at A urns rit Friday, the last day of tool. ;. - ... ... , and Mrs. G. V,'. Needham and Churlie and Harley 6f Salem, (nests of Mr. and Mrs. -I, AJ t,,st Sunday. land Mrs. J. V. Dencer, have lo their home near, Salem tiff will remain until they ared for their strawberries and crop. 1 Bouck has been ill for some ind ir tior much improved at itlng. eighth .grade In our school the stale examinations with failufe in any subject, all (ret rod . averages. FollowUis are. embers of the class: George Sam Palmerton. Lionel Col- pillie Thomas, Cilenna Russell tucille Kenhart. pe mghest average, but . was r followed by others. " . - Patton of Crabtree is spend lw days looking after her home following were recent guests at A- Colgan home: Mr. and Mrs. Colgan and daughter, Helen; a Endrezzl all from Portland; ' Mrs. Milton Brown, Mr. and Iinson and Afi-s m.i.. ....; be hos a num leap year eevning and a bie hasohnii mm (.. afternoon as a part of the urogram Another feature of the occasion will be a bucking contest. As lh v,,,,,th comes on Sunday It has been decided to celebrate on the third th. owrtn t.hn committee and plans are developing tor a Dig time. Old Rock Crusher . Will Be Rebuilt Sublimity, Or., June 3 The old reck crusher erected several ve.irs i Judge Scott Instilled a spirit of road DUimmg into the people of this Vicln lty, is being rebuilt at the old place and a program of extensive road Inv provement between here and Silvertoo will be formulated ,and probably con summated during the summer, Thye Wrestles " Championship From Eklund Sheridan, Wye, June 3. Clarence Kklund of Peckvllle, Wyo.. who last night lost the world's light heavy weight wrestling championship to iTed Thvo of Portland. Or., in two straight falls, today posted 35000 side 00 w r ant lins f n n Vi r Inistt nitrht. r Vi a first fall coining in one hour,, 17 min- Safe WUC forlHFfiNTS & h'iVALIDS ' ASK FOR THorlick's ine urigmai Dally Teniperntiires. Maxi- Mini-, Set ; rate. mum. mam. ' Max. Amt. 1 62 35 41 .00 2t 61 35 . .43 .00 J .,.61 34 . . 41 00 4 66 33 41 .00 B 61 3-5 ' 40 .00 6 v -:.T1 37 .. '63 .00 ' ..83 1 41' 58 .00 8 - 84 48 64 trace 9 , -. 70 43 . 60 ,00 1 ...........61. 44 4S ; ,00 11 ...... 65 ' 36 42 ' .00 12 66 37 42 .00 13 ...... " 70 - 32" 1 47 .00 14 70 31 45 ' .00 "MAN'S BEST AGE , A msa is aa old as bi&orgaas ; h can b as vigorous and healthy at 70. asat 35 if he aids hia organs in nerfarminar their frnvtinns. tfnon '.your vital organs healthy with SOLD MEDAL Tht world':' uundard remedy for kidney, livar. ' blftrLIf . und iyiHi- ',if tfniihlM I line 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates i vital organs. All druggists, three sizes. Uk foe the Gold MJal m iiur bu sa Be Millions of Tiny Germs r Cause Your Catarrh Real Relief Comes Only by Cleansing the Blood of the Germs. You must realize that your blood is loaded down with catarrh . germ?, and the? germs must bo removed from your blood before you can expect real, rational relief r , . .1 A.J .4 AAHM. you fcno-w that you cannot reach thesr -serins in your blood with sprays r,nrt. douches. S. S. S. will cicansc your blood of the eauso of Catarrh, and give real relief. It hits been in con stant use for more than fifty years, and is sold by all druggists. Bnv a hot.lln of S. S. S. tmlav and lose no further time in gelling oi tno rignt treatment. Valuable advice reirnrdtnip vour case will he furnished free. Ad dress Medical Adviser, 103 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. ' MMIMIIMMMtMMIIItlMlttltlMIH) i e uif ii.ii.T-jr j uxaz.v rr7 tw AtoU Imitations . ui Subarirutss. For Infanta, tool Id nndOrawbirOhlldlM I RlekM11!i,Mlteda!n i BxtnetlnPAwSer The Original Food-Drink For All Ages tio Cootinr-Wourinhmg Digotiblo Shipley's Where it pays you to "Pay as you Go" , U, G. Shipley Co. Outer and Inner, .Gamrents tot Women, Misses , :( una cniraren Harriett Col irnn will 4- uuuy evening to Ji Hfir fr enrla u n i. - a. tira ij jem lw given at the home of her l, Br and Mrs. Harry Colgan. f ' A. Barker and daughters, ..nd Mary, ot Salero, spent r end at the home of Mr. and A. Barber. . ""Mrs. R. W6rthing and and Mrs, Gl.iff,t!1 of Brooka i f visitors here. Wren's Day program at the I .n church has heen r,st- Trntn .T ' ,; . me u to the 20th the congregation here hh. m mi-uay service Pleasant (iruve rhk Mr,. ,.. 0 SmaU. of ' To, , a'ew days visiting friends i 1 ' ""lUHOi DermuT WednesoR j .irhe M"n'omery, ward ' W ni l mv uunu Iiu.. -"""-"'S in the' rlenart- S J sit' Si"C th Msmfsl IvT week- ' K,al ' Lmber Company T.a5a,h Klls: Oeor . -....rn and w. C. Van "Md n' 11 . Oron"rt. W. D. r SJ.T x," comPan The 5Hi. ...8u,p A8ncy, port- :', 7 Iartin. Charlea R. toek f an hic-aw rt nlrA Creamer, "ufi,i or ta, . "WlCatl(,n a rat. , r an '"crease i M!rrieaii me Walk- l C?k" Carey act ;' I' M- r Ur" boar'l. Wed- ;"4AIer; .f the .. . I:.'........ ' ': 4i I , TOMORROW Eteiiali sZlVS IIa ' " ' 1 lilt I lint- '. . ? - X -.-- - II - mi , ' 4 ' i nn u i t NEVER fl - . S ' Hri 1 rv ,5EEiv " ; C C0NCEDED I in'l j-. . f - nr I i Hi I GOOD' S ;. ; f vf. O 1 BOOK i ' -- PICTURE j have - u A 70 NEVER , V'yr J r. :i : - r: : A i DATE : - ; . a V " : ! ' ' y : , V: Pihnni; Lj I I- ' - Party For The ' t;V:V'"s y 'Children Mr. ' ' ' Pr il . - ' ' II v. I.. - . ' ' . I I C s 1 RY FIGKFOED - b t nr I Profits Helped 'Build Our Business s Do you think it's right to save ;- money? ' - 1 1 1 ' Swift & Company's business has been built up partiy by selling capital stock for cash and partly 'by thrifty savins,, putting some of our earnings each year back info the business to increase facilities for productioa ' - - ' That is what most all of us seek to dosave part of our earnings for future usefulness. , ; It is '.the way American indus tries have been built up. It means the least, drain on the financial resources of the country. For the past twenty-iour years Swift & Company has made an average profit from all sources of ,11,3 per cent on investment (capi-. ' tal and surplus), and 2.3 cents on each dollar of sales a fraction of - a cent per pound. Out of this we have paid dividends and saved something to help us keep pace with a growing country." Swift Company, U. STAT "!!!!t!i!r,t!'!!!!I,"!'!lt!f,!"!!'!!'"""!1 illilllilillllllillilllllllllllllllllillllllil H!fmiMm?nmiiiiiinttMtnM!HMmmt iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiisuii Nearly everybody knonis the Quality . of good Fresh Hoi sum Bread Specially 'Ar ranged Music Score by Hawley "Jif f npuM . . , Phzvr -and H. A. M-feared bf.fore the MA "REBECCA OF SUfyBRQOK FfiRM : N - " . 1 b'v ft "fe jV;. 1 w J 4 4 . Baf there are some who 'do not and it is hard to tell them. Every good strong word we know has been used and mis used on ordinary bread, and there seems to be nothing left to describe ex traordinary quality If any housewife wants to know how iiuru 11 is w aescrwe HOLSUM Let her use it on the tablef then try to find words to 'describe the quality. Only the BRE'AD itself can tell the story Clearly . Order "A LARGE LOAF of HOLSUM" From Your Grocer Today. CHERRY CITY BARING CO. -de, already tm,r wat-