Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 03, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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atesf wews Lovenna yenirai vymameue ve.isy "jy gjiAigLr---"-
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Normal school
Result of Marion
By Official Count
eefved 47, Elwood Washington 1445,
and W. a. Webster JJ42. The demo
cratic aspirant for nominee, W. T.
Vaughan received 24 votes.
For elector of president and vice
president, the republican ballot was
a follows:
M. C. George 3580, Harriet C. Hen
dea 2844, Clarence R. Hotchklss 3937,
, Joseph Hume 4622, F. 8. Ivanhoe 3738,
Charles E. Lockwood, 3637, John Y.
Richardson 4062, Walter L. Robb 3592.
Democratic electors received this vote
on the final check-over:
Celia L. Gavin 913, Oscar Hayter
JOZS. E. T. Hedlund 968, Robert A.
Miller 1071, A. E. Reames 1002, Elton
Walking 1007.
Republicans Results.
For commission of the public service
commission of Oregon, district com
posed of the counties lying weet of the
Cascade mountains: Kred G. Buchtel
. 4475, Edward 11. Cousin 1895.
Fo representative, first representa
tive district, Marlon county: B. T. Bus
Belle 1858, Frank Davey 2837, T. L.
Davidson 1663, a A. Hughes 2277, T.
B. Kay 4731, Jos. J. Keber 1846, David
li. Looney 3260, Ivan G. Jlartin 2597.
J. C. Perry 3811, Zadoo J. Rlggs 2408,
J. M. Watson Sr. 1438, Geo. W. Weeks
JJ1I, A. E. Wrightman 1949, Henry
. Zorn 1849.
For United States senator In con
tfress: Albert Abraham 2424, R. N.
Btanfleld 4550.
For secretary of state: E. L. Coburn
877, B. V. Jones 836, Sam A. Koaer
B768, Fred Lockley 905, M. Vernon
Tarsons 584, Henry J. 8chulderman
tit.W. D. Wood 632,
Htates Measures Given.
The vote on the state measure is
hereby given:
Constitutional amendment extend
ing eminent domain over roads and
way: yes 6545, no 3237.
limitation of four per cent state In
debtedness for permanent roads: yes
6004, no 4163.
Crook and Curry counties bonding
amendment: yes 3787, no 8281.
Successor to governor: yes 4242, no
Higher educational tax act: yes 4370
no 6019.
Soldiers', sailors' and marines' edu
cational aid revenue bill r ye 4215, no
Mate elementary school fund tax:
yes 5576, no 3833.
Blind school tax measure: yes 5100,
no 3944.
DeiiMMratitlo Returns.
For delegates to the democratic na
tional convention for the nomination
of candidates for president and vice
president of the United States state
at largo: Geo. T. Baldwin 144. T. H.
Crawford 816, Otto D. Drain 430, Bert
Jt. Haney 123, G. T. Harry 242, Mr.
Maria L. T. Hidden 665, Frederick V.
Holman 434, Richard W. Montague
199, "Will E. Purdy 892, 1. F. Reddy
223, John L. Schuyleman 627, C. J.
Smith 381. .
For delegate to the democratic na
tional oonventlon for the nomination
of candidates for president and vice
president of the United Mates first
oongresstonal district: W. H. Downing
22, P. L. Frasler 647, Lee M. Travis
832, Al Waugh 171, Thos. Whltehorn
SI3. Frank Wort man 280.
For United States senator In con
rreas: Go. E. Chamberlain 991, Har
vey G. Starkweather 684.
Car Crashes Into
Telephone Pole
At Silverton
Silverton, June 8. MoClalne street
1 not wide enough for a speed track
and its a big car driven by a young
man from the country went around
the eorm-r, it struck a telephone pole
last night and caused considerable
damage. A front wheel was broken
, and the car was abused In various
' other ways. When the car hit the polo
It la said, the rranh was heard two
blocks away.
Miss Speer, a teacher In the second
grade room of the Silverton public
si hool, has been obliged to give up
her work on apcotint of her physical
. condition and Mrs. lie. Davis, who
' was here on a visit to her parents.
' h kindly consented to fill out the re-
malmler of the term. Miss Speer leaves
today for Portland where she will un-
liiTKO an operation.
The local camp of Oregon national
r guards will go to Camp twt jiuly
, , lit it to remain for fifteen days.
rJ J. L, Robinson, manager of the H.
I Btiff Furniture Co,, was taken to
the (Hlvertnn hospital this morning
and will undergo an operation.
Polk Farmers To
Learn To Grade
, ilr. and Jlrs. John Underwood were -at 1:30 by
'AlU-ny visitors Saturday. - I welcome.
! Clurenoe Dibhy made a trip to i
Stayton last Friday.
E. E. Aupperle came over from
Newport last week for a short visit
with his father, J. A. Aupperle.
Mrs. Roy Knighton and small daugh
ter visited relatives in Salem the la;
ter part of last week.
I Miss Martha Tandy, who has a posi
xne ouciai count oi me repuoucan. tion with the standard oil Co. at M.
democratic and state measure ballots 5pent Sunday ,.lth her parents.
uwu evmpieieu oy me specuu Mr an(i MnL a R. Tandy,
force at work In the offices of County I hign defeated Jefferson high
Oerk U. G. Bover. The largest ve.. m the ba game Frl(Jay. The gcor,
on any single ballot item was cast on beln(f g to 6 '
the capital punishment measure, 92891 Mr9. FIora' George and her daugh
ter marking this Item, there be-!ter, Miss Grace from Salem, spent
Ing 118 votes in favor of the restore- !Sundav with Mrs. George's parents,
tion of the death penalty, as compared Mr. ana- Mrs. A. H. Cornelius,
to 413 who voted "no." ' Misg Eva Pea88 down trom
The vote for president on the re- Eugene and spent the week end with
publican nominating ballot was: :her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Peas 5.
Hoover, 40; Johnson, 3114; Lowden, x. F. Shulti from Portland came
I8J: Wood, 3134. .William McAdoo 1 Saturday for a short visit with nis
M the only democratic entrant, re-'daughter, Mrs. R. W. Curl. .
elved 1146 vote on the democratic Milton Mason came over from Cor
ballot jvallis and spent the week end with
On the nomination for office of hi parents, Mr. and Mr. G. C. Ma-vice-president
Henry Cabot Lodge re- !on
' Mrs. Frank Looney and daughter.
Mis Lyle, from Salem were visiting
relative in. town Saturday.
J. T. Cooper, Geo. Van Koten, Cec'.l
and Melvin Doty left Sunday eve
ning for Alaea where -they intend, to
spend a few day fishing.
111 T V BmJ mm r T 1
visited her parents, Mr. and llri r.lJ f ickreall
M. Reed, Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Jonea from Sa
lem spent Sunday and Monday visit
ing with Mr. Jonea' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Sherman.
Mr. L. A. Case returned to her
home at Wells Wednesday morning
after a visit of several days with rela
tive in Jefferson.-
Mr. Archor.
Everybody ichurch In this place, r.u
; I-iinrk united in marriage Miss
I la Wagner of Stayton and Frank
Rooser, of Gervais. The bride was at-
tended by Miss Tecla Kooser, sister of I
the groom, and the oest man
George Prang. oN Portland. After
,ka Mwaxnnn-v a --K,mAHn Wedding
V Mai Jit OClOOSbreakfast was ertnrtl at ,Qe n.m , in honorJof the G.,A.
Honors Nation's
Heroes 'Monday
till; uallv .1.-...
on rural education at the chapel hour
on ta rtaa uwrmu8. , to be Uvld at i',
'Presitlent 4ckerma.t has authorized recently been an,'"U'!1 '
the tilting up oi a tennis court on the i will be
play ground of the training school.
Monmouth, June 3. The program! Miss fcchuette announces that the
given in the chapel on Memorial day '.combined children's orchestra of ln-
K. was an en
dependence, and .Monmouth will play
Dallas, June 3. The Polk county I H r.i, k.i--; ,i. .The bride JP5aD'f,u ' ' . f,,i.,n f th eie-hth. m-
farm bureau has arranged for a two 7.. -"".V; "7" m,nlishel vounSne auare?f ,
day grain grading school to be held
in Dallas June 11th and 12th. This
is being done with the hope that 'a
better understanding of the grades
of wheat so the producer" will make
a better profit. Professor G. R. Hy
lop of O. A. C. and a. number of as
sistants including a, representative ef
the state grain inspection department
will instruct in, dockage, determina
tion and limits permissible under the
What constitute damaged grain
and ; how It la determined. .
The identification and grad Im
portance of mixed grain.
The production of wheat In ordar
to meet the grade as they are. at
present.. ' . " . '
is a popular and fcccotu plished young program He thoughtfully summarized mencement.
iaay. a niece oi Jir. anu -"- ""''i,he meaning and history of Memor-1 Commencement
Wagner, with whom she has made her
home sine early childhood. The
groom Us an enterprising young far
mer and the happy couple will at once
take up -their residence, on a farm
near Gervais. Their many friends
wish them all kinds of good luck.
Mias Ann Neibert, daughter of the
late George NeiberL died at a Salem
hospital Monday aged about 60(
year. She was a sister of J. J. and
C. P. Neibert and Mrs .E. T. Mat-j
thleu, of this place. The funeral will
be held today with burial in the Stay
ton cemetery. . .
M. A. Mack, of Amity, is visiting his
father, A. L. Mack, in this place. Mr.
preparations are
ial day. Musical selections by the nor- j absorbing the attention of most of the
mal school glee club and by a mixed j seniors and of some Juniors nowaday?,
quartet were given. . . j Announcement of the interclass ten-
Superintendent-elect Howard ofnis tournament to be held on the af
Marshfield visited at the normal Mon- i ternoon of alumni day, June 15, has
day looking for teachers for-his school greatly stimulated the Interest in ten
next year. i nis. The-lower courts have been put
in at n, '--5 -i.
will continue for .
mouth summer s' M
ened from a -
will hd u. t , '-.nftrfr
vi naming , orrt(;r .
tificate by exammatj "
Narcotic clinics. 0perau i '
ciUes under J11:1".
federal government, ?
yesterday, with the ii,,.
v 4S
dor, closing the
Mrs, Collins, critic t the Oak Point' into shape, and all are almost contia-', Memphis. Tenn.
"e'Pl c&a j
TttLtr 10 ,he ..TghrotTne of "his" eyea de-
strayed by a nail he was driving fly-
and their administration.
The use of the state grain Inspec
tion department In the markets of
grain. ' ' "
Full -testing of equipment as used
by the mills I to be used in the test
ing of sample submitted. C. I. Bal
ls responsible for
the school and feels it will be Wert at
tended by the Polk farmers.
: Jefferson Meat
f; Market Robbed
' Saturday Night
Jefferson, June 3. The Jefferson
' meat market was entered by burglars
; . Saturday night. They made their en
; trance by prying open a back window
and a thorough search for money was
mad. Nothing was found excepting ,
Jot of pennies which they took It is
thought possibly to be the work of
, . boys.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Van Buren mo
tored Im Albany last Friday.
Mm A. J. Shumaki-r was a Salem
victor last Thursday.
O. W. Humphrey returned Saturday
from Baker where he ha been attend
U the I, O. O. F. grand lodge.
The Odd Fellow memorial services
Jld at the Methodic church Sunday
aborning wert well attended.
Polk County Court
' Pmbate Court.
In r estate of William Hartless, de
ceased. Inventory and' appraisement
filed. Oscar Hayter of Dallas attorney
for petitioner.
In re estate of Francis E. Keyt, de
ceased. Final account filed; order set
ting time for hearing of final account
for July S at 10 a. m, Oscar Hayter,
Dallas, attorney.
In re estate of Barney Phillips, de
ceased. Order authorising administra
trix to pay widow $50 per month dur
ing administration.
In re estate of Amanda Isabel Boyd
ston, deceased. Pettllon for order to
set apart property exempt from execu
tion and closing estate; order setting
apart property exempt from execution
and closing estate. Fletcher and Bar
rlck," Independence, attorney.
County Court.
Petition and application of W. M.
Elliott et al to lay pipe line on side
of highway from Dallas to Cooper
Hollow;, order granting permission to
lay pipe Jine.
Petition signed by 28 residents t
road district No. 19 to change county
Remonstrance signed by 37 free
holders of road district No. 19 opposed
to change of road.
Order terminating proceedings and
denying petition.
Circuit Court. ,
I, H. Labltt vs. L. A. Tripp. Anvr
filed; 8221.44 tendered as security un
til decision on case given.
Fairfield, Or., June 8. Mr; and Mr.
Charles Moore and family made a
pleasant trip to Mill City Sunday or
the day.
The pupils who took examinations
in physology and geography passed
Miss Agnes DuRette, of O. A. C,
spent memorial vacation with home
Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Parker vilsted at
George Farrel'a at Brooks Sunday.
Those who auent memorial vacation
at John Imlah's were Mr. and Mrs. H.
E. Wrightman and son, Herman
Wrightman, Miss Fay Barns, all of
Portland, and Mr., and Mrs. James
Hugill of Woodburn. .,
Antono Bean left Saturday to spend
the summer with Mr. Uphoff of Mt.
Fairfield Sunday school will have
children's day exercises Sunday, June
6, at 11:0. A basket dinner, service
Pioneers Of Waldo
Hills To Picnic
The Waldo Hill Pioneer associa
tion, composed of old time residents
and families residing in that vicinity,
will hold Its 14th annual picnic and
reunion In Mrs. John A. Hunts' grove
12 mile east of Salem on June 19,
according to an announcement made
Thursday by W. H. Downing, presi
dent, and J, T. Hunt, secretary of the
The picnic la for any one wishing to
attend, according to the announcement
Musical program and speaker have
been arranged for the occasion. Per
sons attending are asked to bring
their lunches.
Woman Popular In
Stayton Passes
Away Suddenly
Stayton, June 3. This community
was shocked Monday by the an
nouncement of the sudden passing of
Mrs. Jacob Siegmund, at her home
on Fern Ridge Sunday night. Though
about 84 years of age, she was in fair
ly good health, and Sunday attended
the memorial exercises in Stayton.
The funeral will be held today at the
home, and Interment will be In Lone
Oak cemetery, Stayton. ,
Several Stayton young men left this
morning for Alaska, to try their for
tunes in the salmon canneries. They
were Leo Willing, Ralph Tate, Geo.
Mlelke, and Albert Aogerter. They will
be accompanied by a former Stayton
boy who now: live at Mtlwaukle,
Henry Geymer.
Prof. Burgess Ford and family have
moved to Lebanon, where he will be
principal of the schools next year.
Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Korlnek and
Miss Maryan Alexander came up from
Portland Saturday and spent Sunday
and Monday at the Alexander home.
Frank Lesley made a trip by auto
to Lebanon Monday. '
Mrs. Halley Bradshaw, who has
been .visiting her father A. V. Shell.
Icy, has returned to her home In Port
land. Tuesday morning. In the Cathollo
ing an,d striking him in the eye. He
is improving" aomewhatt, and) it is
hoped that, the loss of the sight may I
not be complete. . )
The gasoline shortage has been ef-1
fecting Stayton people quite severely j
the past few day. Several content-1
plated trips have been postponed..
Peter Deidrich, who intended to leave j
this week for the middle west, has de
cided to wait until the prospects of
securing plenty of gas en route are
more favorable.
The annual banquet of the Stayton
High school alumni was held Satur
day evening and it was a very enjoys
able affair. Old students from differ
ent parts of trie state were present,
and an excellent program was given,
A Word of Help to Women
of Middle Age From .
Mr. Ranej.
Morse, Okla. "When I was 45 year
old Lydia IS. Pinkham v egetable con
pound carried m e
through, th criti.
period of the Change
of Life in safety. 1
am over 60 and nave
raised a family of
eight children and
am in fine health.
M y daughter and
recommend your
Vegetable Com
pound and I still take
it occasionally my
self, lou are at liberty to use my
name if you wish." Mrs. Auci Kaney,
Morse, UKianoma. .
Change of Life is one of the most
critical periods of if 'woman's existenne
T!ii good old-fashioned root and herb
remedy may be relied upon to overcome
the distressing symptoms which accom
pany it and women everywhere should
remember that there i no ether remedy
Known to carry women to successfully
through this trying period as Lydia E.
Pmkham's Vegetable Compound.
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pmkham Medicine Co. (eon
ndential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter
will be opened, read .snd answered by a
woman ana neia in strict confluence.
Where the Pay as You Go plan was originated for your
' benefit . : " .
U, G. Shipley Co. I
Quality Merchandise ' Popular Prices
ff fH
Puts an one! to fho hard dack-
breahino-raorli "-off cleaning and
l dealing and poliobinn floors.
w? ix i mm
II I 1 I t I
t0 ana poiioiiing
all ai ono (ihpsamo) time and
0-Oodsr PcHsh Peps opo ocSd '
by all dcalcra with a post .Ci
comoSeto satisfaction r? S'
op your. Kiosiey po A
it Cleans.
$1.25,11.50, $1.7S tkea.
"Clean A -
Of These
Of Silks, Satins and
Crepe de Chine
Fashion has decreed the sports skirt a necessity of the summer wardrobe. And surely it
is a delgihtf ul necessity when one finds such lovely models as we are now showine.
Your skirt may be a gleamy white or a pastel shade of delicate tint. When worn with
the sheer blouses of the present mode,, a silk sports skirt becomes a thing of beauty.
jVye regret that we were able to secure only a hundred and fifty of these skirts, for they
were such a fortunate buy that we are able to price them' most attractively. We will
tfoubtless have many more calls for these skirts than we can accommodate, but, of course,
.it is the early shopper that will reap the advantage of this sale.
TAnd Priced At Only )
$14-7U M9J5
The workmanship, quality and styles of these skirts we
guarantee to be of the best
1, &V
Where the Pay-As-You-Go Plan was Originated for
your benefit. ? ,
Tbo easy, quick, safe and economical
way to transform faded or coSorlew
things to oew color beautiex. .
15 Colors. 10c
How Can I Save Money!
Wise buying means economy.
The way to buy wisely is to read the advertise- '
ments '
BECAUSE advertised products are good products.
BECAUSE berchants tell you , of their bargains thru adver-
..j j tisements. - . ! ' "
; '. BECAUSE almost every new' opportunity is offered through ,
s ; .an advertisement. ' ' , ' " : -
BECAUSE practically every unusual buy is advertised.
- r-BECAUSE you save time and trouble by choosing what j'ou
want and where to get it from the advertisementst instead - ;
cf hunting all over town. - ; .
How Can I save money? By reading the adver
tisements, rr '
Not today only. '
But every day!
You'll save money by keeping up with every op-
portunityto get full value inbuyingBY READ