Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 02, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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n 1-1-
ivic Pride Should Promni Car Owners
To Volunteer Services In Seeing That
ShrinersAre Brought Here Says Clancey
"The bringing of SO00 Shrlners'and
Qtir wives to Salem Wednesday June
."23 is the most stupendous affair Salem
d Jiarion county has ever undertak
es, declared C. B. Clancey, King Bing
t the Cherrians, Wednesday. "And
Marion county will overlook one of the
.greatest advertising possibiltiiea ever
. presented, should owner of car not
wiling to not only go to Portland
,nd get these visitors, but to do their
utmost to make it pleasant for visitors
-while in the city that day.
Mr. Clancey also wishes it clearly
widerstood that while the Then-inn
re the prime mover in securing the
" automobile necessajsy for that
y, that this is a community proposi
tion. That it is not a Salem affair
alone, but one n which every car own
er in this part of the valley should be
more than willing to do his share In
ringing these most desirable citizens
t look over this section of the county.
As a matter of civic pride, it is urged
,ttat all should volunteer their cars
tor that day. It is also pointed out by
air. Clancey that it is absolutely neces
wry for everybody to Join in if the
thousands who will be in Portland be
given an opportunity, to visit here. The
official Shriner program has been Just
taued for June 2J and an all day trip
from Portland to Salem by auto 1 on
the program.
As car owner will be elven the nn.
-portunlty to show their pride in the
falley and this part of the county, ef
"forts will be made to secure volun
teer from all sections. A) Kader tem
We of Portland will announce the tx
awf route that will be traveled. For
the benefit of those who may have
"troubes, there will be service cars in
very two or three miles nf the
Mr. Clancey also point out that this
w' evem is not mat car owners may
'give their time to Oregon people, oi
a time when people from distant parts
all be Bhown the country. After the
nrs, which will leave Portland about
t o'clock on the morning of June 23,
av reached Balem, a luncheon will
U served on the state house grounds.
After thnt, It will depend on the Inter
t and enthusiasm of the car owners
M to how much of the country Is
own the visitor.
: The Shriner committee In Portland
a arranged for parking facilities for
those who go to Portland for the Tue-
y evening electrical parade. As to
that the visitors may be properly cared
Deranged Woman Is
round Near Uervais
Sheriff Needham received vnni tn.
day that Nettie Undiey, the Insane wo
man who disappeared Friday from tier
nome near Lebanon, was discovered
Tuesday night in a deserted house near
uervaia. neiauves naa been Inlormed
of her presence in this vicinity and at
a late hour discovered the woman In
her lonely shelter.
The woman had wandered ihnm
this section for several days, attract
ing the atention of many residents but
not arousing much curiositv as to her
identity. She had subsisted on food
foraged from nearby farmhouses.
She was returned to her hnm at
Lebanon, Wednesday.
Auto Overturns;
Occupants Unhurt
independence, or., June 2. A Fori
car owned by the Baun car barn and
driven by a young man of Independ
ence named Bullock, turned over near
Buena Vista late Monday nisht Ee-
sldes Bullock there were two young
ladies and another young man. The
machine was considerably danuw.l
but the occupants escaped uninjured.
No one seems to be able to tell Just
how the accident occurred TtnllnrV
says the machine started up suddenly
and simply Jumped out of the road.
Seventh Game Of
Twilight Series
'At 6:15 This Eve
The Stiauldina Loa-eer and tha "V"
Tiger clash at Willamette Field this
evening. The Spaulding nine has been
right up in the first class since the
sUirt of the twilight series, but they
may encounter their . Waterloo in the
T team. Osborne will nitch fnr the
Tigers and a a-ood match In Aram-Art
The games are of the five inning
variety and have aroused much inter
est locally. Should the Y win the came
tonight there will be three two-game
leaders In the series. Pet erann will
twirl for the Logger and .is reported
to be in good trim.
The Spaulding line-up follows: Dur
ban, 2b; Roger, ss: Hllborn. cf: Bo-
sell, c; Garvls, lb; Birtchett, 3b;
roung, rt; Folbrlck, ir; Peterson, p;
Albee and O'Brien, utility. Young is
a new man at the mill but has been
showing good in practice work.
Honolulu Uses
'Australian Spuds
Honolulu. T. H. Tha" repent Imnnr
tatlon of 4,000 baas of Australian nn.
tatoe by a Honolulu firm and their
sale at a figure considerably below the
the gas shortage arrangements w, u,F,rlce Pf Callfornl potatoes, furnished
wade by which car owners will b able ,awa" wlth a 8nort. respite from the
jvvU..T ui uigu uuni ui, ii villi;, rur
tfl purchase gufficlent
There is a general feeling that with
in a few year the Willamette valley
will be the greatest summer touring
ectlon in America and that one of the
wreutest crop of the valley will be the
tourists. It l pointed out that even
should not a single Shriner become in
terested in Oregon or should not pur-
nuiw iunn, yet the showing of this
eautirul county will bring great re
lume in the wnv of nririltlnmii
Attention also has been culled to the
fact that many cltlxons of Salem were
Kiruciea to Oregon when they attend
te .iks' national convention In
im. And It Is fnr thl. renunn that
very cltiaen with car who hn any
riae in tne community will be asked
o volunteer a car.
' Through the Cherrians, the supreme
wiion oi securing 1000 cars for the day
are being made. In a number of In
efnnces those approached have not
mown any disposition to aid In secur
tag or In volunteering cars. However,
is estimated that about 300 have of-
lered their cars. It I three week
wrom today that the Shriner will oom
to Salem and It t feared that unless
tieie is a more liberal response, this
jmri or the valley will fall down on
tie best advertising opportunity ever
Each Cherrlan has been assigned
the duty ofi securing 10 ear for i
day and it ha been suggested that
those who are willing to help should
otlfy a Cherrlan- or phond the Com
mercial club, where record are kept of
volunteer; . .
As fully 5000 Shriner and their
wives will be brought to Snlem, pro
viding of course car are available, the
Business Men' league has coted that
ell stores shall close that day, in ordet
ther shipments are expected.
Breiid Tickets Too Many.
Vienna. While the recently com
pleted city census showed Vienna to
nave a population of approximately
1,800,000, it has been discovered that
over 2,000,000 bread tickets are In cir
culation. The loss on this excess ration
1 estimated at 1.000 carloads nf ftnnr
a year. The explanation is that famili
es full to report death 6r departures
of members to obtain the additional
ration for themselves or sell the tick
ets to the left-hand trade. The matter
has been placed In the hands of the
police for Investigation and remedy.
Soldiers Now Jokesmlths.
London, -To the long list of . odd
means of earn In or a livelihood t n which
out-of-work former service men have
turned After vain search fo employ
ment has been added that or the pro-
reaisonal Jukesmlth. "A new. smart
dinner story sent nine nntiHpfiitlvA
week for one chilling sixpence," reads
me advertisement of one enterprising
tale-teller which Is appearing? In Lon.
don newspapers.! Critic of the enter
prise acres that the Hdvprtl.tino- Inlrar
cannot be accused of profiteering.
Foreign Legion Forms .
Vienna. Recruiting for the French
Foreign Legion has been In progress
In Vienna tor some month and, ac
cording to the newspapers, about 1500
men have Jeen enlisted In the past 10
days. A clause In the treaty of St. Oer
main permits this recruiting in ih.
states of the, former empire. The Vien
na press has kept un a nvatemntic t.
tack on this recruitment urging Aus
trian not to enlist.
Gasoline Still
Short; Relief
Means Economy
The gasoline shortage situation In
Salem, as in all other point along the
Pacific coast, remain unchanged to.
day, with oil company managers un
able to offer any official explanation
of the famine, or to make any predic
tion as to when the supply -will return
to normal.
In Salem pleasure cars are th hard
est hit by the shortage a the propell
ing tiuld for their "buggies" is being
rationed out at the rate of two c-allnns
per vehicle. Truck and commercial
vehicle generally are being allowed 50
per cent of their nosmal requirements.
Without explaining th
shortage definitely, the State Automo
bile association of California. In a hnl.l
letln Just Issued, points out the
ness of the situation and recommend
mat pleasure car driver refrain from
using their machines as much as pos
sible until the 'shortage is
It is estimated that it will be ten weeks
even with the strictest pmnomv nh.
served, before t,he supply on the Pa-
uuic coast will again reach normal.
The report of the rnllfnrnin
elation reads:
'We are assured bv renresentatlvAa
oi tne on companies that such curtail
ment will eliminate the present tempo
rary shortage and bring about normal
conaiuong at the end of that period.
We learned, as a result of this confer
ence, that there is less than two days'
supply of gasoline In tanks on the Pa
cific coast.
"Summing up the situation n now
existing 70 per cent of tire availahln
supply is required for industrial and
agricultural purposes. 'The present1
temporary shortuce of easollne. is eH.
mated at 15 per cent of the available
supply leaving only 15 percent for
pleasure ridine. Thta nlal nlv moana
that all motorists throughout the state
must immediately reduce, their de
mands 50 per cent during ths period.
supply to Come Soon.
'The transportation m-oblem nn
longer exists and within twn week
sections now without easollne win
have have been Bundled. Kmnrti rnr
tne lust rive months, according to sta
tistics obtained from 'the government,
have averuae but 2 Der cent nf the
available supply. This exportation was
In conformity with existing contracts.
Effective June 1, exports, we are as
sured by the officials of the oil com
panies, will be less than' 1 npr PAn nnA
no new export contracts have been ac
cepted for seevral months, and will not
be accepted. For each eullon nf taan-
llne exported from this coast, four gal
lons of fuel has been brought In from
the east. At the present time the ahln-
ments from the east averaged six gal
lons for each gallon being exported."
.in Oregon Brings
Much Money Here
Vouchers for 114 Attn has heen re
ceived by the adjutant general's office
here from the western division of the
war department, and Wednesday was
beins- distributed tn the various nffi.
cers and enlisted men in the Oregon
National Guard. Distribution of the
vouchers were made bv the adjutant
general' office to officer of com
panies at Portland, Salem, SUverwit,
Marshfield, Medford, Ashland, Eugene
and McMlnnville, where the money
will be placed in circulation.
Another sum, expected to range Be
tween $14,000 and $20,000 is due to
reach th adjutant O't.nornl'a ritflf
here July 1, and .distribution of this
win be made in similar channels, it
Pavments in nffWna and men will
b made in sums ranging as high as
3 lor officers and 1 to enlisted
ipen for each night of armory drill.
By the end of the rear it is esti
mated by attaches of the adjutant
general office that $25,000 will nuv
been received fop. flietrihiitlnn amnne
officers and enlisted men of the Ore
gon National Guard.
When the Oreeon National Guard
ha reached its authorized enlistee,
strength, it being now only 4H ei
cent of Its authorized strenirth. anms
approximateing 3100,000 will be re
ceived for the payment of officers and
enlisted men! and fund allntmenln fnr
camps, armorv unkepn and nthe In
cidentals, inclusive of this other, will
aggregate $150,000 annually, placing
the national guard of the state in' the
ranks with the captains of industry
when' consideration is Eiven to the ex
tent of the payroll ,
Addlehart Home
Robbed In Night
Entering !whi!e the occupants of
the house slept, thieves burglarized
the home of A. Addlehart, 555 South
19th street, early Wednesday morn
ing, stealing $10 in cash.
Mr. Addlehart called police head
quarters at 3:20 a. m. but before
Night Sergeant E. G. White and Pa
trolman J. F. Wright could arrive the
burglars had fled. Not long after two
men. susDected of the bursrlarv. were
seen In the Southern Pacific railroad
yards. The officers scoured the neigh
borhood, but no further trace of them
could be found.
Sergeant White accosted three ne
groes at 14th and Mission streets, but
a.fter careful investigation determin
ed that they had not participated in
the burglary.
German Paper Is
Un Increase Tho
Mark Is' Very Low
now in circulation amounts to 60,000,
000,000 mark and Is increasing by
1,000,000,000 marks a week, declares
August Mueller, fnrmei. miniato- i
The printing of bank notes la th
only flourishing
indtlStrv In Harnia n,
today he writes in ;an article in the
Abendhlatt. tt ntt,iK,,a. 4t.t r...
-v.ouum i ma activity- - ' -J --"
i" priminjr or monev tn mvmmi,.t '"f way py turning out enouen nance
Senators Try First
Aid For Treasury
at Armory Tonight
Wednesday nisht. June 2. is tha tlmo
of ihe big doin's. Manager Bishop and
tne rirteen men who are making oasc
ball history for Salem, will he hnat. tn
the armory during the benefit d:mc
held there tonight
And "benefit" is the word. For if
the Senators are to make progress dur
ing the year and play the standard cf
game demanded bv the fans: th;.
be freed of the financial incumbrances
hanging over them through the crea
tion of the new park at 12th and 6.
ford streets.
Aid Falls Short.
Biddle Bishop has done everything
that a live wire manager can do. He
has worked day and nieht for sub
scriptions; canvassed the town fnr
signs to adorn the outfield fence; su
perintended dances and made every ef
fort to give Sulerri a genuine club and
park. Ho has made good in capital
letters, the grounds and the club are
here; and they can plav real ball at
Monday's game proved.
But the subscriptions, oricinnllv
pledged for nearly $3000 have dwin
died to a bit over $20io, due to the
fact that a number of the pledgers did
not materialize. Despite this .liscimr
aging feature, the boys are trying to
put tne balance of park costs out of
largest Flying Fish.
Galveston, Texas. What is said to
be one of the largest flying fish ever
captured in tropical Atlantic waters,
measuring 28 inches between the wing
tip, has been presented to H. H. Mor
ris of thl city by Captain S. H. Mc
Donald of a fishing smack. The fish,
which ha not been classified vet w
captured In the vicinity of the Cam
peche Banks, off the coast of Mexico.
Snake Commits Suicide.
Eugene, Or. A large rattlesnake re
cently captured near Cobura. a amall
town near this city, committed ni,.Mu
nfter five day of captivity. The reptile'
was aept in a store window on exhibi
tion and persons unssina- tho win,iw
declare the snake colled, and plunged
Its fangs Into its own body.
subsidies undertaken In a vain. effort
io reauce the price of food and also
to the continual Increasing of salaries
"to an absurdly growing officialdom
who find next day they are no befter
off, owing to the overnicht rle,-lin,.',f
the buying power of the paper mark."
Germany's indebtedness, says Herr
Mueller, is now about 230. Ann nan nnn
marks. This, he adds, is perhaps, re
deemable at the present low value m
the mark but never if it recover even
half Its former value.
Vienna Scene of
Famine In Coin
Vienna. There la hardly a ,iiver or
0lrt coin to be hadjn Vienna, owing
w nouiuing. in an errort to bring them
back into circulation, the PAtn.riiitiAnt
is pnymg 2j paper crowns for o:i. h sil
ver crown ai.d 25 -riant...
eacn one of gold.
rt illustration or haf.i
on which Austria now finds hewc.f as
far as internal trade Is concerned, was
Siven at a meeting this wok of the
rejireseniat.ves of th. Pnauar.t'a
ciation together with imh ..
burs of the assembly. When reproach
od for not ullowinc fnnd tn
vienna they offered t,o coileot the ur
rlus food supplies in the hadds of tlie
Central government in . exoh:n,?c . for
agricultural implement an.l mioh ar
ticles as they stand in ned of They
i-eiuMiil to consider Daymen : In Aus
trian money.
-. Buy a Voucher.
Biddie asks every eood snort, esiie.
dally those who did not have a chimco
to chip in during the 'spring
for funds to Invest In one of the little
pasteboards. "Whether or not you
dance, invest with us and come in an l
get a bit ot the fun, tonight." invites
the hustling manager.
The Salem players are keeping in
trim for next Sunday's came with
Woodburn. A battle royal is expect
ed, as the Woodburn boys have entered
taking everything they have entered
and are bringing down some foreign
talent in an effort to have the lautch on
Texas DcmocrntH FJeetl
Dallas, Texas, May 25. The Texas
democratic state convention met here
today to elect delrirn
Woo d ry's Stock
of Furniture, Ranges, Heaters,
Rugs, Tool, etc., before you
970 TX, Coral ..St. Phone 510
or 511
.House Furnisher
You get more for your
Money at Moore'a.
The Pioneers nf f.nno Amtntv
hold a reunion in the shape of an all
duy picnic at Hendrlnka mirk
on June 12,
Buy Remnants
Remnant Store
1 1 - -
Jltiiiv pi(l Xot wanted.
i.f Jon. Dr. Stahmer. tw-- fv
Charge in Lc.idon, is having great Oil
fkuify in establishing the Cermat cii
bsssy here fecause London tradesmen
refuse to b:.l for the work of outfit-ti-.'.i
the emcassy. This is attributed t..
, ,;u. -- .. V""" An
.aiJimu violin? .w viciiii;irjs resiiii- sn. t, - '"-iii .....
;.. e. am ..-, .... w .k " "" Upton'. w
"'-- w - "lc wip- tne series cf """fod n-
1 imats profess to be unablj to under-1 July, left he-?T oft &My
-s-.urd this feeling against taun. (tor StwLrt lvhis rnl u"1
A mcrim
Defender LiM
,, !...
Grenrort, L. r .
defer,,i; ... ' candiat. f. .t
'"""6 me . " uk,.
o n o
. . t Pi -
i i 1! ;
The Capital National Bank
Is authorized to act as: Executor, admin
istrator, trustee, guardian, receiver, reg.
istrar. ... .v.."$Mii5iS;f
All fiduciary business entrusted to
us is given the personal attention of the
officers of the bank.
We shall be glad to consult with all
who may be in need 6f any kind of Trust
Service. . - - II'ISTrCia
. . Organized 1885.
The Designer
and v
The Woman's Magazine
Is Now Here
Subscribers may call at their
convenience I; ;
Commercial and Court Streets
You are responsible for the Condition of Your Town to the Extent that you Either Help Build or Retard t
its Growth.
t The Grand Opera House
Jl himrsday N5glht S o'clock p0 mnio
ed in building YOUR town! - , ' 8