- t i I i i I: ! I I I i 1 f I I I' .ur wrru '-- ''"!;:ee icswtioi.s i .'J. 01 !!! ; one muiuu w i 'month 12 emits; v.v.n- -. r. P-?r " ri ;s cents. t fcr- Insertion only in New Today, j ash in advance sua nui ists ";kJ nhone. unless advertiser lias ea V account. No allowance lor NEW TODAY, 26? 6. Church St. Phone 1 1 3 4 -rr5??TC-Sil loganberry tip 4 SO V ri w carriage for sale, J66 .S. Hl ,H Junk-Co. - e Liberty si. F5TRFNT Nicelv furnished room, dern. N. Liberty St. . 13? rrr5"c jle One sanitary couch and lm-egg. 570 Believue St. c!33 FOR SALT. jutivimb uir, my uuss.v nd harness Phone 41F3. rrp RENT Furnished rooms TTTvrRD A single horse for cash, must he perfectly gentle and true t vert. Phone 95K1S. its4 fjK SALE Late model Ford- tour - i just like new. new tires, $475. W7 S. LibertySt 132 y i.YTED -Any kind of work for pne or two weeks. Bos D Y Capital Journal. gl34 jlONEV to loan at lowest cost to bor rower. Phone 925, ask for Jones. mm lOtNti man seeking work of, any kind in or near Salem. Phone. 1741 W ' M83 FOR SALE Three speed bicycle in No. 1 condition. Call evenings 1785 Court St. c!33 (l'ANTEl Competent girl or woman for general housework." Apply 964 g. Liberty. g!34 FOR SALE Cash or part terms, Ford, 1914 model, 1250; Maxwell roadster $275. Cherry City Garage, 170 S. 12th St. q!34 FOR SALE-Six room cottage -on pav ed street, one half block from car line. $2750. Ivan G. Martin, Ma- . sonic Temple. al34 FOR KENT Seven room house and prage, Chemeketa and Fifteenth, " 32 per month, ivnn O. Martin, . Masonic Temple. jl34' wAaTEU To rent modern e room house, furnished or tinfurnished no children. Address V Z care Cap ital Journal. 132 FOR SALE '17 Ford, good condl " iron, good tires, shoek absorbers, re- ' mforced radius rod and other ex- tras. Phone 1F15 evenings. 132 fOR RENT 4 unfurnished .' 1570 Union street. 10DA1S. 1134 HOUSE for sale on corner of Cottage .'' and renter. Phone 1186. al34 V ANTED Will pay cash for a piano ; must be first class. 2390 N. Church Phone 1947W. 132 ItOl'SE for sale on Saginaw St., up to date In every way. Phone 1186. al34 hOl'SE for sale on corner Saginaw ... and Superior. Inquire 492 N. Cot ', tas al34 A GOOD investment for you on North Hish St. Splendid location, reason able price. Inquire of Gertrude J. M. Page. at34 rOR SALE Motorcycle and 5 pas i senger touring car or will trade for cattle. Box 50 care Journal. ql37 1101 ME for sale, 675 N. Cottage St. Inquire 492 N. Cottage. s.134 WOLSE for sale in 400. block on Win ter street. Inquire of Gertrude J. y M. Page. v V 'al34 VOR BALE 8x30 Indian singje Stave silo with top. Papec silage cutter. Both good as new, cheap. A. E. Cray. Rt. 1, tedephone 7F3. el37 uk salu one milk cowrS 1-year old ewes; 3 spring lamgs. Phone 3SK14. 13a I'lace your order at once for nice old and second fir wood;, 2 cars now emg unloaded. Phone 254 or 622 after office hours. eel34 ,UK ALE 5 room plastered bun galow at 1379 S. 13th St. Lot 50x150 ftet. Price $2100. W. H. Graben- norst Sr Co., 275 State SC- aiaa ""use tor sale, 300 block on Capitol , street; can give possession most any time. Inquire of Gertrude J. M. 'EiSL ai34 WANTED Clerical work by lady ' now employed. Held present posi tion three years. Will - change if ; satisfactory. Address 403 N. 80th St. or phone 1217 after six o'clock p. ! . 132 BARGAIN 8 room house with mod ern conveniences, corner lot, gar JSe, excellent location, three blocKs Jjom stata house. Price $5500. W. Crabenhorst & Cg., 2T6 '..State St, - " ' ' " a133 SNAP 20 acres close to car line. 6 acres of bearing prunes.' will have good crop on this year, some cher ries apples and pears, balance of land in crop. Price $11,609. Build- W- H- Grabenhorst & Co., 275 state street. .: H'PIST, experienced dictaphone op erator. Wishes nmllln. ..f-l.l., Wh law firm. Can take some short nana and willing to advance in tnat " required. Phone 1416 132 SALE A fllllonHi.1 Km, f.. ...... rt ' "?rry street. In good con niuon. with garage. Can give im- M,t Pssession; Inquire of Ger trude J. M, Page, 492 N. Cottage ' Ponfl nac ai34 Kattn. tarm wanted in the Salem vicimty. We have sold a number of s t0 satisfied buyers in Marioa. ana Polk counties this spring. We buver waiting for improved "na unimproved small farms. Price tn-m right and we will find you a ho- k . e have some 6od ones to but need some more. 2 cars at In? ,!rvlce- s- R- Pearson & Peed, -Lpregon bldg. Phone 43. n K SAI.RV modern .. - ""Vr "I" "' " . " room nouse in per n,m conditlon, good well and wind In "' ,water piped over placer six "J.W orchard, berries, barn inl, se chlen house. If you are .7-, f lur real hom see this at N. Front street. Inquire of ,, fier, Mrs. G." A,. Back," 1079 Che--JS-Jjeta St. or 540 State St. 132 SALE 210 Sal acres. 12 mile from 01, 75 arren In a,l.!.,o.in.. mnn eords oak wood on place, good k soil. ne stock ranch, well encert; all Implements. 3 horses, "earn separator, binder, wagon; t, are 8,1 new- room plas je,t house, hot and cold watei . wth. windmill; 1V4 miles to R. K. ation and school. Price $75 per n?'cfood terms. Enquire Sawyer " -mmett, room 3 Bayne bid,'. FOR RENT. IF "U Wish tnnm Vat, . ' -v. biiii vuoiu AH H 1- msa n,. k a .w - -- -"ri, r iiinip 1191. 1 1 a a t:'" Jamtor service. 206 Ure-E!ionel42T.- h'f '1 roora fr gentlemen, te.m J! n 7 the ""onth. Phone 1427. , Ul I1IHUVU UOWIllUWlt 'O 1 Mmn t.1,1- "AiJ.Plcrr If ..MA E" perfect for pipet "sing, no cooking. Mix O. Bur-- ' N. Com-L . toa sale. tvr !Sale Houses. A.M!,L.-iodl.n house, U-liuvu,.-.. bored, up to $ii)fl af fllat ,,,.", on t acre prune orchard wi'u Vn- -. S. R. P.-aron , p 'i Orpsrm hM ih,... ' 12. 46j Jiloo DoUN-six room house- now - f4"1: dose in. on paved street, new- ... ana planted. $165 1 stalments. Phone isaj ; m- a!33 toil SALE- 11 bai:; he nt. Address Box 227 care Journal". slii I FOR SALE I , vv oali, i rooa, house r?IS'rtll0t n. ?r ,ine- a kinds of ins TwUri""- & Muller. cjn mlk s mum , a bargain. Hart & Muller. 208 Ore gonbldg. "y apartment house at 446 Union St. between High and Liberty. -five , rparate apStmenU two three and four rooms each mostly furnished and ail occupy -"nil? If "ice incom n clea? of ZT k?"' Price 5. 00 nv AbU'anCe. ten 'ar- Inquire m Zv.fT, HiI1 69F4 Rt, 8, box 125, Salem. .n. t or saleFarms." WSALE 130- acres oa Newport tton, more easy to clear, some tim- everai springs, all kinds of fruit and berries, school adjoin place rrice ocre. F, E. Dodele. RloH. sett. Or. bl34 acIs- 20 acres prunes m- r tirarta Balance t .7n-T. .vr. ear ' I. ' oarn ana sito, all stock and machinery including trac ter, team-and two cows; has a good tL fprnw. and ,s cted nine miles from ancouver, Wash., on ' Ja, . ,r u you ar looking -'bwi niuuine proposition see Fred W. Durbin, 275 State street. bl35 GOOi FARM CHEAP 40 acres ail ... v.vp, yi Koe with sale. Good barn, fair house, all wire fenced, only 6 miles out on the highway near Pudding river. Must be sold at once. $7000. This is a- big snap. .uoi wiaos mna. jonn H. iscott Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg. n OK SALE 98 acre farm in-HotveU Prairie on Salem and Silverton road, good house and barn, family orchard, 1-3 crop with place; will consider city property in trade. EI vtn Herr, Rt. 2, Silverton. Silverton phone green 265. i,13' FOR SALE 41 acres 2 ft miles from Salem on paved road, good build ings, overlooking river and motor boat landing and railroad station; - excavated fish lake. This is an ex ceptionally beautiful farm. Price $12,500. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. . FOR SALE 11 1-$ acres adjoining fair grounds on Silverton paved road, ten minutes from street car; all. In crop; 5 room house, good barn; Immediate possession. Price $4760, terms. Hart & Muller, 30JS Oregon .bldg. FOR SALE 20 acres all in cultiva tion, good 8 room plastered house, barn and other outbuildings, rich soil; adjoins Chemawa electric sta-l e 1 it . . .wn, v 7j iimtrH iroiii oaiem. a Dar galn. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. - n FOR SALE 110 acres, 8 miles from saiem, 50 acres in crop, balance pasture with some good timber; family orchard, good buildings. Price with crop $11,000. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg. n 30 ACRES, small building, 2 acres in prunes, close to town with good high school, $2650. Box A B Capital Journal. . .. . n FOQ SALE 26 acres of best bottom land nine miles north of Salem, river road; this is In a fruit center surrounded by peaches, prunes, lo gans and strawberries; no better fruit section in the valley. I have a new five, room plastered house with fireplace, two barns, granary, sheds etc., four pumps, gas engine, water piped to house, barn, yard and garden. AH wovejt wire fences, and now seeded to clover, rye, grass and rape I am keeping 150 hogs, cow and chickens. This is on a good road , winter and summer; this property is all clear of Incumbrance. Price $7000, $2000 down, balance ten years. L. F. Hill, Rt. 8, box 125, Salem. Phone 59F4. 0133 For Sale Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Baled hay. Phone 106 Fll. C13B POWER prune dipper, "we make the best; order now. ssaiera vug. N. Front and Hood. c!59 POTATOES We are cleaning up our stock of table potatoes at eight cents; only a few left. Mangis Bros. Phone 717. office 643 State St. c FOR SALE One new Case thresh ing machine cheap. 320 N. uommer- ialM. auk for Mr. tienser, c For Sale Nursery & itock! FOR SALE Tomato, pepper and egg plants, Crego asters, snapdragon and Larkspur plants. W. H. H. Dodge, Rt. 7, box 38. Phone 1786 wi dl46 WHITE Star seed potatoes for sale. WANTED 600 loganberry tips. W. H. Egan, Gervais, Rt 2, phone jiii. KALE plants for sale. 154 Columbia a. uioo For Sale Wood. WOOD delivered from Sproed boys' farm, second growtn , oas. tu. Phntw 1678W. eel37 WOOD for sale. C. , V. Querry, .rnonj - r OLD FIR WOOD Can make deliv eries of 1 inch at reasonaoie nrlces. Nice straight wood for stove or large lurnace wow, !"" 16-in. fir limbs, call ana see im yourself. 305 South Church, phone) MUTT AND JEFF (TT.V. . ftoJKZwT frr .s Ay A - .Wpmr ( .'Tl . ... ' I suftci-Y r fs... pAijCFOi,: reec 'wiUUAM 1 .;LWH,R;l . ' 1 tHou&MT I , V W rj UtuMdm.WuoK' 1 J I Wv Iwk KisTfty THe 1 I diont You ' O THAr wA. r H A VUHtW&tB WUIAW 1 - fcOOKi .fcOUj, :oMQ) M RMMB( VfZJ f H( TELCPKON& j ' hKCX'J S I THE C0ajQU9t0t ...... vuHAT" toi ' I ' 0 I 1H6 DATC? TTl ' ! V kjOMfcCft. -t ' f ' A 1 wom W6LANt. lT.TOey - r-j' Kr ' U ; Vr- 1 v vVW For Sale livestock. .-Ai.i-.jr t,., stock htlss. id tra-ie for heifer carres-cr co-s Phone 93F23 eveninsrs. .t:! tUR SALE One team or horses and harness L. L. Vincent, Rt. 1, Sa lem. Phone 41F24. etJ4 . ioung Jersey cow, fresh, heavy milker. Call after 5 evenings Jefferson St. 13S9. eiij MISCELLANEOUS. iiOOl e tarred er , painted; roofs patched. Call 963. also tin 134 SEE J. W. Manlej-, heavy team work. barns. Phone 1ST: cellar digging, Cherry City ml49 PORTLAND Eugene Auto Express. Regular trips. Household goods; merchandise. Call Capital Garage, 173 S. Liberty. Phone 88; - 1148 TRANSFER L. A. Bamck Co. Country trip moving. Wood for sale, Good service. Stand m North Commercial. Phone T34. ' AUTOMOJBILES. FOR SALE Late 1918 Chevrolet ia first class condition. Call 77F13. 1 " - ol.1J WANTED To trade .new 2 ft -ton truck for light car or light truck. J. W. Jones, 162 N. Commercial street.' - . uSt TOR SALE One- Fordson tractor, plow and spring tooth, good as pew Pltone 107F32. C132 LATE model Ford delivery car, best of condition every way, $375 cash. 544 Ferry St. . 133 MILLER tires are good tires, Velie Co., 163 N. Cora'l. Salem Ql46 WANTED. Wanted jielp. WANTED Man, 85, with family wants position about June 6th, farm or what? Phone 65F11. hl3i BOY wanted at the Spa. Must be over 16 years. g WANTED Lady dishwasher and ex perienced lady cook. Home Rest., 223 N. Com. - K133 WANTED Live, wide awake, courts ous boy to carry route paying about $25 per month. Circulation i-'ept, i-apnat Journal. g Wanted Miscella: neous. SITUATION wanted driving truck or tractor. Box 27 care Journal; hl32 WANTED To hear from owner of a good fruit ranch for sale. Address -C. H. Brown, Salem, Rt. 4, bojc 47. ." " ; ii33 WANTED A cowboy from eastern Washington, a blond, 38, would like to exchange correspondence and photos with soma maids or widows. Address Bill Drowns, Albany Ore. P. O. box 322. ' - ji82 WANTED -To rent, would like to rent small tract with 6 room house for year or season, for . cash, with opportunity to buy later. State lo cation and rent. E J S care Journal 113 WANTED To rent well improved oairy. stock or mixed farm; might consider fruit; 80 to 150 acres, rent 00 shares or cash; will buy stock and equipment. Address Box 627 Journal 132 WANTED To rent 5 room furnish ed house with .prospects of buying if suitable. Address Rt 6, box 74 or call phone 90F13. 1132 WANTED . To rent furnished house, close In. Phone 278 evenings 135 WANTED Daily delivery of straw berries for the entire season. Peo ples Cash store. i WANTED To borrow $2600 on good farm security. H. E. Bolinger, $2$ Oregon bldg. WANTED To rent by June 15th 5 or1 ( room house, must be close In, J. E. Ringrose, phone 1260. 1133 WANTED To rent piano, dren. 1168 Leslie. No ehil 116$ WANTED Board and room In vate family. P. O. box 231. . prl 21 REAL ESTATE. 2850, a 6 year old bungalow, east front, basement, some young fruit trees, near car line and paved street. This is a, good comfortable home for some one. Some terms. . $4000, a strictly modern bungalow on paved street block from carline. This is good property; located in S. Salem. Terms. $5000, $2500 down takes a fine 7 room bungalow on paved street near carline, all modern except furnace and the pipes tre in for furnace. We have many other buys to offer. We have a 55 acre farm at $100 per acre we can take a residence on if the price is right. Also a 6 acre tract near the city for a house In the city. A. L. SEAMSTER REALTY CO. 416 Masonic Temple, phone $53. n LOOKING FOR A HOME? See us, we can Bhow you some real homes at reasonable prices. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 228 Oregon bldg. n IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Bungalow on State street. Two liv ing rooms; dining room, kitchen, pan try with built in features; three bed rooms, bath room, full basement; gas in house. $450.0. Six room burwrafow close to High land school. A dandy buy for $1500. $750 cash will buy It, , ,,r. Five room bungalow on S. 14th street, two bed rooms," living ".room with fireplace; all modern plumbing throughout. $2000. $500 cash,.sves you possession. , Rtrictlv modern. 6 room bungalow at Chemeketa and 13th streets; $4500. To see this Is to take it I HAVE LOTS MORE Including several small homes on installments. CHAS. W. NIEMEYER "Just Real Estate" 'I ,.,.,. Mlimnic tide. Phone IfiOO - .. --- ---- - Salem,. Ore. Jeff is dishing out kno FOR iSALE 7 room house at 444 N. 14th, lot 19i foot front, fine shrubbery and bearing fruit and berries. Has excel lent basement, furnace and fireplace, rooms-ail. on one floor. Needs tint ing, painting and porch repaired. Priced for a quick sale at $5000. 5 room bungalow at 1149 N. Coml just painted, tinted, varnished and built in features added. A coxy home for $3000.- ' 9 racwn house at SS3 6. 12th. Large corner lot ande garage, fireplace, gas heating system. Kooma large and airy. Price $4500. T room house at 37$ N, Church. House old style architecture with modern conveniences and in good con ditlon. Would be . good home ia a else in location. Price $4750. 8 room house in best residence section with .large lot, has hardwood floors, sleeping porch, furnaee, fire place, all built in features, In white enamel finish, garage; a-first ctass home In every respect. Price $9509. i I room house near post office. Has hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, finished in white enamel, expensive electrio fixtures, electric dishwasher, Ruud water heating system, gas stove, all-lineoleum, shower bath; all goes at $7S0. 5 room bungalow on paved street, fireplace aad garage. Cash price $4, 000. 7 room strictly modern house ba paved street. Price $4500. " 6 attractive bungalow. Price $3500 ' S room bungalow. Price $2009. ' S room house. Priee $1050. MRS WIKFNIE PETTYJOHN 275 State St. Tel 615. alSS Good Buys. 19 acres, i acres of three year old prunes, 5 acres pasture and some tine timber, 4 room house, barn, well, family orchard, 5 miles south of Sa lem. Price $3250. 1 acre close to carline, good house, barn, fruit. Price $3000. t acres located elose to carline, all cultivated. Price $2509. Well improved 5 acres close to car-line.- good bungalow, electric lights; bearing , fruity strawberries, logans. Price $61)00. ' , . . .Well improved 16 acres located close in on paved highway, good house and ham, 8 Vi acres'of bearing p onus 4 Va acres of bearing logans, soma ap ples aad pears. Price $21,000. 40 acre tract,. 25 acres cultivated, balance timber and pasture; 8 acres Italian prunes just coming into bear ing, spring water -to house and barn, 7 acres .oats and, vetch; 8 horse and Implements, some apples and cher ries. Price $9000. 160 acre ranch located close to Sa lem, nearly all cultivated, house, fine new barn, silo. This would make a fine dairy farm. Price $25,999. IIS acre farm, 86 acres cultivated, 6 acres set to logaas,. 7 room bunga low and barn, outbuildings, farm equipment, 7 hogs. Price $20,000, 'i cash. - - " ; 40 acres of bearing prunes and lo ganberries, buildings, good location. Price $23,909. v Well improved I acre tract located- close to carline. Fine modern house, barn,' bearing English walnuts and cherries. Price $13,000. 4 acre tract, good buildings, all cultivated. Price $3600. 20 acre tract, 12 acres of walnuts' and pears, 6 acres of prunes. Good new house, good crop set. Price $a, 000. 105 acre farm located on the Gar den road, house, two barns, crop goes. Price $309 per acre. , HOUSE BUYS 7 roora modern house, paved street, east front. Price $4609. Fine block located on Fairmouut hill, 150 by 160 feet, beautiful view. Price $3900. ! 9 room house . located on H. Com mercial street. Trice $2890. 6 room modern v cottage " located south Salem, 2 , lots, bearing fruit. Price $2550, 9 room house located at 1010 Oak street. Price $2760. . -? W. H.-Grabenhorat & Co. 27S State street. j Best Buys. , 80 acre 4 mile from Independ ence on a good rock road, about 60 in crop, balance in pasture with scatter ing oak trees; 12 acre of beaverdam fine for potatoes, balance good valley loam; new 6 r9dm bungalow, with new barn, machine shed, hog house and poultry house; all fenced . with woven wire, fine well and spring;. For quick sal $13609, term. 220 acres, 100 cleared. 129 timber; 8 room house, J barns, 1 new and 1 old; spring water piped to buildings; 4 J-4 miles to town. A fine stock and dairy farm. Only $60 per acre. 40 acre all ia cultivation; family orchard all bearing; 1 room house, good barn and other buildings; 6 miles from Salem on good road; one of the best locations around Salem. $18,000. ,'. 14 acre all in fruit and berrlea, 4 miles from Salem; 2 houses, one 9 room and one 3 room, good barn; 12 acres In prunes, acre logans bear ing; best valley soil. $13,000, terms. Want to secure Joan- of $1809 on good city property. Ford fo rsale. Socolofsky. 341 State street. n LOGANS, CHERRIES, PRUNES We have for sale a very choice 55 acre farm all in bearing, fruit and berries, with farm buildings and prune dryer for $360 per acre. This Is without doubt the best buy ever of fered In Marion county. There are 11 acres of logans, t acres of large cher ry trees with heavy crop, also a good crop of prunes. If you want an orch ard and berry farm, see the John II. Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg, at once nd let us show this one. bl34 - FOR SALE 50 acres of good" land near Raleni, 15 acres In crop, 2000 cord nice ec ohfl fir timber-, for $159. per , acre. Small cash payment, balance irt wood delivered hi BaJnv John H. ' Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg. bW wledge these evenings.-By Bad Fisher. WALTER JiLARKN Ki-.ti estate "loans, investment Botm Sl 1S9 N. tVinl !t Phone 4. BLi'o WORTH SEEING Choice 10 acres 3 miles from St- lem, nice 5 moio bungalow, barn, hen house, garage, orchard. berries, stock, machinery, crop. $7000. 6 room bungalow, large lot, barn, hen house, fruit, berries, grapes, gar den, paved street.. $1900. Nice 10 acres, -good house, outbuild ings, prunes, apples, berries. Snap, $4000; will take residence for $i000. balance percent. room house, paved street, good lot. Price $80. 4 room house, 2 lots, barn, garden. J1400. . Farms, acreage, orchards, homes. Perrine & Marsters. , 211-12 Gray bldg. . ' IF TOTJ WANT TO SELL YOUR HOUSE LIST WITH US. WS ARB-MAKING A SPECIALTY OF SELLING CITY PROPERTY AND CAN GUARANTEE QUICK RE SULTS." BRING OR MAIL YOUB . LISTING. " , " - HOUSES WANTED R. B. DORNEY $29 Oregon bldg. Phone 981. n THE BEST FRUIT FARM at the price left near Salem 44 acre 19 acres prunes from 10 to 2$ year old; 19 acres loganberries; 19 acres walnuts, not frozen. Two acre mixed family orchard, two acre timber; balance cultivated pasture. Splendid 10 room house, new fruit dryer, cost $500; barn, warehouse, tank, wind mill, etc., and only 2 miles from Lib erty and State streets; ta on paved road. If this place Is sold within 80 days the price is $26,000; Vi uswn, balance 3 to 6 years at 9 per cent. The place will pay for itself in that time. A chance 'for poor man 66.91 acres, 9 miles east of Lebanon; 45 acres In cultivation, 8 acres beaver dam, balanoe finest of soil; woven wire fencing, for $4000. Now here is your chance, you can take possession of this place on the following terms: Pay the interest at 7 per cent on $4000 plus the taxes, $30, with $200 cash, $510 in all; the second year pay the Interest and taxes. In the two years you -will be required to put $1000 in buildings on place; small payments every year after that; ad joining this place is 32.5- acres au In cultivation with house, barn, out buildings that can be bought for $4099 on easy terms. Lebanon has creamery; cannery, paper mill, etc. Rocked roads clear to Lebanon. Farm 8 mile east of Salem on 1 rocked road to be paved soon, 140 acres; 70 acres under cultivation; bal ance timber and good pasture, lays fine; 7 room plastered house, fine I new barn, one 010. oarn, cmcKen nouses; one tniru 01 crop goes muu an the clover; running water, two drill ed' wells; can be easily divided. Price $18,000. terms. Will take a good oun- galow in Salem as part payment. Clir BiVAra Five room cottage, modern in ev ery respect, paved street, desirable location, elose in. $295.9. Another on off Highland avenue, two lots,' house; $1800, term. Still another In same neighborhood, $1400, terms. BUSINESS CHANCES One of the best bargain in city, in the most select neighborhood, lx rooms, garage, paved street; $5000, terms. A list of twenty other house to select from. A restaurant, doing fine business, one of the best stores on Commercial street. A hotel and rooming house in the center of town. FARMS In every part of the country. 1 have a customer waiting for the right kind of a 40 acre tract and another one for a 20 acre tract. It might be yours is the one. Come In and seo me 1 M. W. ROWLEY 402 Oregon bldg. Phone 708. n ; OWN YOUR OWN HOME WB WILL ?UILD YOU A HOMB YOU PAY A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN '-.: BALANCE LIKE RENT COMB IN AND TALK WITH US OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS R. B. DORNEY ' PWONTJ 991. 92 ORtOTON bldg. WANTED. Lost and Found "WALLBOARD" can be used over lath and papered or tinted. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Cnm'l. c Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'!. m WALL paper 25c double roll and up. Stove Repairing. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 69 years experience; Depot National '" and American fence, sle 26 to 98 inches high. Paints, oil and varn ishes, etc, loganberry - and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Work. 250 Court streeet. Phone 124 Why Sell for Leas. WB will pay you mor cash for your household good. Get our bid b fors you sell. Peoples Furniture and Hardware Btors. 271 N. Com mercial street Phone 784. Scavenger. SALEM BCAVA::3ER Garbage m9 refuse of all kind removed ea monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Ces pool cleaned. Dead nl mal removed. Office phon Mala 197. Water Company. SALEM WATER COMPANY Offlo . corner Commercial and Trad BU ' Bill payabl. monthly in advanca Phon 97- . . Optician. DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician, eye thoroughly x amlned, glasse mad and fltUd 919-11 V. B. bank. Phon 941. A...' i .4 V, .... . Money to ijom. On good re! est; security THOa K. FORD Over Lad ! & Bush Bank. Salem. Or Money to Lo&a, Federal Farm Loan Any amount Long time. $4 and 9 percent Interest. City building loans. A. C. BohrnstedL 401 Masonic Temple, Salem. Oreo FARM LOANS Any amount. rates. Full repayment privileges Very prompt service. Ask about ear 29-year loan at t per cent. Haw kins Sc. Roberta, 205 Oregon bid Salem. Or. . - 1 Osteopathy DR3. WHITE aod Marshall, re, phone 834. . Lodge Directory. JQt. CHEMEKETA 1. dg No. 1 meet every Wednesday evening at 8:00 at I. O. O. F. hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS meet at M Cornack hall on every Tuesday 8. J. L. Tucker, C. C; P. J. Kusta K. R. A 8. LN1TKD ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meats vry Thursday ai t p. m. to I. O. r. ball. P. Aa dresen, M. A,; A. A. Gueffroy, se retary, Salem, Or. TEAM, Auto Truck, and Deliver Drivers Union No. 119 meet vrj Wednesday evening a.t th Label Temple. o'clock. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Oregon Grage camp N. 1364 meat every Thursday vning in MoCor naek hall. Elevator service. OracU ' Mr. Carrie E. Bubo, (48, Union St recorder. Melissa Persona, 141S N. 4th street, phone 14S6M W. O. W. SALEM CAMP ill Meets e"ry Frtday night at I o'clock k MoCornack hall, cor. Court and Lit erty St Visiting Woodmen wlcom C. D. Ron, C. C: L. a Geer, olerl MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. S149 meet every Thursday evening at o'clock in McCornack building Court and Liberty streets. H. U, Coursey, V. C; Frank A. Turner, clerk. Market Reports Grain: ; Wheat No. I $3.30; teed oat 95c; cheat hay $23t4; oat hay $34025; clover bay $25f 26; mill run $55. Butterfat: Butterfat 64c; creamery butter t6$s7e. . , Pork, veal and mutton: Fork on foot 14l4l4c; veal fancy 1619io; steers 9 10c; paring lamb 10c; oew 7 9c; ewe S6c;' sheep, tearlliif, 8s. ,, , Eggs and poultry: Egg oash 33o; light hen 28c; heavy hen 30a; old rooster 1516o; broiler JO 3 2a. Vegetable: Onion per pound 4o; celery do. $1.76; potatoes. Yakima 60. Oregon $KO$c; beet per aack $2; turnips per aaclc 14.69; carrot per sack $2.50; parsnip per sack $3.50; spinach lOo lb; radlshe 76c do; asparagu 15c; new potatoes 11c; bunch beet 45c; cabbage 4c; head lettuce 90o do; red pepper 25c; rhubarb 4c; pea 10c; tomatoea 16a Fruit: Strawberrie $4.50; orange $6.50Q)7.OO; lemon $5.60; bananas llttc; honey extract 20o. Retail prices; Egg dosen 40o; creamery butter (062c; country, butter 65c; flour hard wheat $3.60 3.75; oft wheat $3. - LIVESTOCK Portland, June 3. Cattle weaker; receipts 149; grain and pulp - fed steer $11.7i12.25; choice. $11. 00 11.50; good to choice $10.5911.00; medium to good $9.6010.60; fair to good $8.609.60; common to fair $7.75 8. 60; choice cow and heifers 9.75; medium to good " 17.75 9? 8.75; fair to medium $6.757.75; canners 5,00f 6,00; bull $6.008,60; prime $811. . . ... . , , Hogs steady; receipt 723; prime mixed $14.75 15.00; medium $14.25 14.7H ; smooth heavy $11.0013,00: rough heavy $10.00011.00; pig $11 Sheep weaker; receipt 287; prime lamb $13.00013.60; cull $9,900 11.00; yearling $7.09B9.90; weth er $68; ewes $3 7. 60. Butter , Portland, Or. June 2, Cubes ex tra 49c; parchment wrapped box lot 64c; carton 66c; half boxe He mors, lea than ft boxe lo mor butterfat 8152s f. o. b. station; 63c Portland. Poultry and Egg. Portland, Or. June 2. Egg sell ing price case count 89c; buying price case count 87c; selling price candled 41c; selected candled In car ton 43c. Poultry: Hen Jl32s; broiler 33 38c; rooster 16o; turkey dressed 62965c; goose 22025c; ducks nomi nal. Wheat: Club $2.85; blucstem and Turkey Red $3; barley feed $66.60 buying; oats feed I69ffl71; corn No. 3 yellow $73 milling price. Mnistuff: Mill run $54 55 ton. Hay: buying price, timothy $35 36 f. 0. b, Portland; alfalfa $35; grain $25; clover $30. LAWN mowers, safety razors, cutlery, sharpened, locksmithlng, saw fil ing, umbrella, repairing all kind Stewart' Repair Shop, 847 Court St. OAT Meal Paper, 29-inch tan, xtr ipeclal, 84s double roll. Mas O. Buren, 179 N. Com'L n' ' The largest parade hold in years at Baker was that pf the grand encamp ment st Odd i'ellpwg. 6ver 5000 mem bers of the Odd Fellow and Renekah lodges marched, through the city. OaiCi of Encampments Known HereTci Definite orders from the adjuuiut general's office here regarding th 1 encampment this month of oiurrri and enlisted men, establishing tirt dates from June 14 to 17, at Vancouv er barracks, and the encampment also in June from the 14 to 17, t Camp Lewis, were issued to all com pany commanders in the state Wd nesday. The encampment at Vancouver bar racks. Wash., June 14-17 Is for staff corps and departments of Fifih infan try and company A, engineers, ac cording to-the general orders. The encampment June 14 to 17 at Camp Lewis is for coast artillery compan ies. '.- Units and individual officers not extended federal recognition ore not authorised by the federal governmeut to participate iu the encampment"!, according to the order issued Wed nesday. ...'..... Company commander of coast ar tillery companies, the orders read, will designate from their respective companies nine specially selected en listed men who will attend the en campment at Camp Lewis July 6-29. This is the general national guard encampment for the state. Millers' To Have Opening Monday Providing musical program, the "at home" opening of Miller store. Court and Liberty streets, former Meyers store, will be held Monday evening .it wa announced Wednesday at the store. Musical number will bo rendered between 8 and 10 e'cloew that evening. . For several week work remodeling the store ha progressed, until now the interior of the store vie in conven ience and grace with larger diart ment istore of Portland. Elevator ac commodation are ' planned for later when an additional floor will be uti lised upstairs. Salem Man Recalls Eccentricities Of Noted Indigo King . A new Item In Tuesday' Capital Journal concerning the death of James Surxet of Natches, Mississippi, Is ampli tied by It. T. picket, a Salem resident, who was born in Nuthes and lived there until four year ago. Mr. Picket knew the deceased "In digo King" as "Uncle Jimmy" a nam that was used by every resident In that ssution. Uncle Jimmy' place at Cher ry Grove is described by Mr. Ticket as being an Ideal southern home of th older vintage. The mansion had th classic front column and contained 84 rooms. Surrounding th large wooden structure wa a lawn of about fifty acres. Mr. Picket verifies the new state ment that Unci Jimmy had never taken a ride in an automobile or used a telephone. H w well satisfied with the little community In which he was born and despite his fortune of twelve million dollars, had never top ped on a train or a streetcar. Unci Jimmy, state Mr. picket, "had an aversion to the modern bathtub and winter or summer, enjoyed his bath In th river or park lake on his es tate. -, i. A portion of the Sturset fortuw, founded many year ago by indigo planting on th Mississippi plantation, was devoted te gift of park and li braries to th city of Natohes. Tw large schools, on for colored children and one for white children wer built by Mr. Sturt. ,. Unci Jimmy never would bet moil ed 4n Anything, although he esrtainly raised pendld race horses and main tained a private track of his own. HI horses nexer left hi estate, state Mr. picket. - . - Flight Field In Salem Is Best In 'All Of The State With the completion of discing and harrowing, just finished, the Webfoot aviation field, at the northeastern out skirt of Halem, Is the be flight flold In the stute. Fields at Portland, while base preparation are good, do not con tain the territory of the Sulem field; and the Eugone field has been ac knowledge Inferior. The field here, leased by the Web foot Aircraft company, contain mor than 60 acres and is capable of accom modating several planes at a time. Plans are being arranged to erect hangar for the Webfoot Aircraft com pany's plane, and others thut may b purchased soon, in one corner of th field. The field here ia designated from the sky by a larg white cross, the avl 11ti1.11 aiirnal for field landing. Clear entry to th field may be had from all angles, so that the pilot, nuireiea ox winds ,may land at any angle without rnluhap, . JOURNAL WANT ADO PAY. (Copyright, 1920, by H. C. Fisher. Trad Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Olflos,