r PAGE SIJ THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WEDNESDAY Tennis Tourney Game Schedule Is Announced "The Jt-awing and time schedule (or the men' singles in the AM City Ten nis tournament was completed lust ev ening. Tomorrow the opening day of the tournament will be devoted entire ly to the first round of the men's sing les. I The sixteen matches to be played off In this event tomorrow will fur nish lots of thrills for the spectators, for with the exception of one or fwo matches .it happens that every one is very evenly matched. Tomorrow will mark the unveiling of the "dark hor ses,' 'of which there are a consider able number, and will also be the first opportunity to see players with a "rep" such as Milton Stelner, Dr. Bates, Btsley, Knickerbocker, Hugh Doney and McDougal in tournament action. The courts will be constantly busy from 1:S0 p. m .on and a few matches have been scheduled in the morning to suit the convenience of the players. Players ars warned that they must be;iiine games played during the season, and Blue double gave Poi'Iatnl two runs lu the first. Ross was invincible until the eighth, when i p-i-i a'lJ tvo hits grve Salt Lake its only tun. At Portland ii, H. F. Salt Lake X Portland . ... 3 Leverenx. Reiger and 3ici' and Koehler. At Seattle R. K. Sacramento i H ! Seattle i 11 3 Prough. Kunts and Cady, Fchorr, Reinhart and Adams. At Los Angeles R. It. K. San Francisco 4 li 1 Los Angeles SIS i Scott and Agnew; Pertic.i, U,;ghcs, Brown, Keating and Basaler. . At San Francisco H. 11. E. Vernon J 7 J Oakland t. 1J S Smallwood and Devormr Alcock: Wins and Mitte. starters .including Alienby- and Tetra tema which were hot favorites. Lord Derby's Archaic captured sec ond place but the third position was , j i liffe-Owen's Orpheus. In the betting. It to 1 was laid against the winner. Ross, Archaic was quoted fct 10 to 1, while I 50 to I was freely offered againsj Or j pheus. Bearcats Show Up Well Despite Loss of Games Although they lost seven out of the on time for all matches or suffer i default Fifteen minutes grace will be allowed, but all are urged to be on time, thus showing consideration for the matches which follow. The drawliiRs.and schedule for the men's doubles, ladles singles, and mix ed doubles will be announced tomor row. Home great fun Is promised In the events, us a number of evenly matched teams and single entries are pitted ,-itcainst one another The tournament committee has been very fortunate in securing .us tournn- ment manager, K. B. Palmer, advcrtiF- ing manager for Hauser Eros. Mr. Palmer had chnrge of the tennis ath letics and tournamenj for the Seattle Athletic club for three years, and is a played of ability himself. Below is the time schedule of play for tomorrow, Players must be on time or lose by default. Balls will be furnlNhed .also umpires where neces wiry. 7:30 a. m. Burdette vs Stelner. 10:30 a. m. Houston vs. Thlelsen. ' 1:30 p. m. Warren vs. Bowen. 1:30 p. m. Foster vs. Curtis. 2:30 Needtmm vs. Bates. 2:30 p. m. Pulmer vs. Harbison. ;i:30 p. m. Alden vs. Flegel. . 1:00 p. m. McDougal vs. ClnbrlelHon. 4:00 p. m., Boyee vs. Young:. 5:00 Staley vs. Knickerbocker, 5:00 Thompson vs. Davis. 11:00 p, m. Jacobs vs. Hurt. H:00 p. m. Collins vs. Qulsenberry. 7:00 p. m. Lnntls vs. Burnett. 7:00 p, m. Poney vs. Cox. Major League Scores ntlom1, Hroowlyu, June 1. Score: " R. II. K. w-JW York , 9 Mi 4 Brooklyn io n 3 Benton, Nehf, oDuglas and Snyder, K. Hmllh; Murquurd, Mohurt, 8. Smith and Krueger. Philadelphia, June I. Score: R. It. V. Boston g ia Philadelphia ) n I'liituKim and noway; Rlxev nnd Witheiow, Wheat. , . I'ltlHluirgh, June 1.. Soore: R. If. V I't. I .mils 5 IS i'HlHbiirKh 4 j j Goodwin, Jacobs, Haines and lillhoe i"ti Hamilton, Meador, Ponder und Schmidt. ' Chicago, June 1. Si!ore: k , n. n. k. Cincinnati , 6 fl Chicago 0 Kuotner mill YVlngo; Hendryx and Klllefer, O'Farrell. American. Now York, June 1. Score: R. H J Washington ; 7 Jo 1 . New York ;. 14 1 , ; Uiickaon, Courtney and Oharrliy Ruth, Thormnhlen and Hannah, Holt liiiin. Boston, June 1. Score: Philadelphia 11 I Boston (44 Hasty, Rommel, Keefe and Perkins: Harper,Tonee and Sehang, R. H. K j'liuaueipnin 7 19 , J Boston t f t Harris and Myntts Bush, Fortune an waiters. Cleevland, June 1. Si-om R. H. E. '.Detroit .,, ;( jj j i;ievmnn .q j j g umnam, F.hmke , and Altismlth; t'hle, Morton, Fneth, Myers, Tioohllng and O'Neill, Thomas, Nunamakt r. Note. Chicago -St. Louis Amerionn postponed. i... , Coast League Scores Portland..Or. June LP'j-Man.l won tl.e opening game of the series fn.1.1 fcalt Lake Tuesday, S to 1. Wlslersll i single, friers by Johnso'i a 'id - ily'.r the Willamette Bearcats have passed through what may be considered a very successful season.' Considering the class of teams played, the local college team put up an excellent brand of ball. O. A. C. Stanford and Mult nomah club support three of the be.st amateur teams on the coast, and It is a credit to Coach Mathews' team to have given them such close battles as were staged here this spring. The victories from Pacific were decisive, and showed how far above the class of small college teams the Methodists were. The Bearcats fielded .thruout the season as well as any team they faced They were handicapped at first by lack of an experienced pitcher, but Irvine and Dlmlck got in shape and filled the gap satisfactorily. The team batted well on the average, better than Willamette teams have In years past, but there was a need felt for a few more sluggers. Barney Page and "Squint" Dlmlck were the best hit ters. The averages' were: AB H. Cuton 1 1 R. Dlmlck 11 4 Puge , 29 Radsplnner 7 2 II. Dlmlck ; .'. 26 6 Irvine 29 6 Power 15 Davles .. 32 Jackson Brown 27 MoKlttrick ..; 26 Pet. 1.000 .361 .313 2S7 .231 .206 .200 .150 .166 .106 .144 .03S Team average 186 43 .230 Favorites Nosed Out In English Derby By Spion Kop London, June 2. England's greatest racing event, the Derby, was won to day at Epsom Downs by Major O. Leder Spion Kop from a field of 19 Wagoner Spent Nearly $1,500 for Schulderman L. G. Wagoner, treasurer of the Schulderman campaign committee, spent a total of ll.4gg.23 in behalf of Henry J. Schulderman' candidacy for the republican nomination as s-cre. tarv of state .according to his expense statement filed with the secretary o state's office here Tuesday. This is in addition to $370 spent by Schulder man. himself, in the campaign. Other candidates filing expense ac counts, Tuesday, were: George J. Cameron, Portland, candi date for delegate to the republican na tional convention, state at 'vce, J15. Frank Worttnan, Phoenix, candidate for delegate to the democratic national convention, first district, $8. J. W. Knowles. La Grande, candi date for the republican nomination for circuit Judge, 10th judicial district, $7.34. H. H. Rosenbure, expenditure In be- helf of C. J. Edwards, candidi.te for the republican nomination for state senator, 24th district, $161.23. Charles W. Ellis, Burns, candidate for the republican nomination for state senator ,22nd district, $99.91. Franklin S. Bramwell, Grants Piisra, candidate for the republican nomina tion for state senator, 7th district, $44.80. Ralph P. Cowglll, Medford, candi date for the republican nomination for state representative, e&hth dUirlct, $32.40. George V. Weeks, Salem, c uulldrte for the republican nomination for' state representative, first district, $i5. J. C. Perry, Salem, candidate for th? republican nomination for state repre sentative, first district, $48.34. Frank Kraxberger, Aurora, candi date for the republication nomination for state representative, sixtenth dis trict $90. A. B. Flint. Scholls, candidate for the republican nomination for statt. representative, 15th district, $38. 3S. AY. P. Lafertfy, Corvnllls, candidate for the republican nomination for state representative, tenth district, $17.50. Clauds Husburg, expenditure In be half of Ben S. Fisher, candidate for the republican nomination for district attorney for Coos county, $113.65, T. S. McKinneyLakeview, candi date for the republican nomination for district attorney for Lake couh.j, $35.12. Thos. M. Dill, Enterprise, candidate for the republican nomination for dis trict attorney for AVallo county $13.60. AV .M. Duncan, Klamath Falls, can didate for the democratic nomination ror district attorney for Klamath ouiin ty. $42.60. Grange Opens State Meet In Bend, Tuesday Amendment of the state rural j Joe Har ' " law to permit financing witailS4 each iCT nds, upward revision of the au- brok i . & J! ucation. i nation. Amendment of the state rural State Master Optimistic. v.i ,,tM oiaie luuua. uuwara revision nf iha i . o. state master, when In his report cov- excessive holdings, a state income tax, enng me i.-i.i:a ui tc pa ji, organiration of wter power district' declared that the grange is stronger and amendment of the land reirist than vr hPfnrf 111 StliriL. IT BOt in t ..n... I - r - uuu iaw iu iiioui a eiiecuve operation nnmhorfi anrl that its financial eondi- ' n .1 " 1 ncie (jiiitri 2LII1UHK in t- a inn mmniifirn. Ha forecast a ran id 20 delegates from Pomona and subor- tor the 8tate grange co-opera-. dinate granges from all over the state tive exchange. Bend. Or.. June 2.-With more than Uon wl" p , t? "fK881 e"?' against any changes In the land bank law. jura. Bona, state lecturer, reported th nrflronlcfitinn n ai w bmmo a in attendance and other members not I Mr. S pence spoke vigorously against the past 12 month, an(j urged that the accredited swelUng the number to ful- an enPi w reguiaie o,g Business , policies of the order be made such as ly 300. the 47th annual convention "Tv' . .... "T" .L. to. '"""nate -the poaslbUlty of public 1 itaviury nieiiiw ui AMiitiiis hm crltiCiSnii me uregun siaie grange openea nensiig through co-operation between pro- Tuesday. Hotels were crowded to the limit last night, and today It was founs necessary to find rooms in many pri vate homes to accommodate tho visi tors. The convention will last through Friday. Examination of credentials took up ducer and consumer. It is hoped that through an exchange between "farm and labor co-operative associations much of the present cost of distribu tion can be eliminated.", he said. Touching the present condition of unrest, he urged the removal of the the entire morning session. The an-jca"se- rather than the treatment of nuai reports of C. K. spence, eie master, and Mrs. Minnie E. Bond, state lecturer, featured the afternoon ses sion. No less than 22 resolutions, vary ing In their aims from prohibition iu dancing In grange halls to regulation of. the affairs of the national govern ment, were introduced and referred without debate to committees having jurisdiction. One resolution which is likely. to te- ceive considerable attention from the convention asks for standardisation of the schools of the different states on symptomatic conditions. Grievances Held Real. "The only way to keep men froM agitating against grievances is to rw move the grievances," 'he said. VTho seed of revolution is repression. The real antidote for the unrest which manifests Itself is not suppression, but L" a deep consideration of the wrongs which beset our national life and tli-5 application of a remedy." The speaker emphatically assertel that the grange is Is no sense a politi cal or party organization', but ho cited a national basis and the appointment ; legislative measures wnicn ne aeciarvu of a United States commissioner of cd-' should have the support of the organ- Troeh Ties With -Two Others In 200-Target Event Des Moines, Iowa, June 2. Frank Troeh of Vancouver, Wash.. AV S Hoon of Jewell and Frank Hughes of South Dakota each turned in scores of 195 out of possible 200 when yester day's events of tho Iowa state trap shooting tournament were completed. "Pete" O'Brien of Butte, Mont., and AUCTIONEER Sales conducted everywhere. Farm sales I percent; city sales S percent. We save you money on advertising CoL W. F; Wright Auctioneer Phone 714 Dass oi ""t i events ' U.; uuea toda, fcv HIDES and SACKS 1 WANTED I n Chsmsketa 8t j L. M. HU!.l Car, M Weft So Ton ihLn" Medici,,, t A Hm medicine which my known aj Open Sundays from , 161 8out High ft, Salsm, Oregon. , -mm AY I " i I m l m t June 4th Will be the day for all of Marion and Polk Counties' Residents to Gather at this National Price-Cutting Sale See Tomorrow's Journal Cash Store TODAY TOMORROW ? XtSHt 5 yrant Washburn AND Wandallawley 'Mrs. Temple's Telegram' All about a love hexagon! Something far worse than a triangle' Exposed in a scandalous message of jealous wives and alibi hubbies. Dispatched in the code of Laughter. Every tick a tickle!. ' Chas. W, Hawleyy Jr. j in , Concert March "Stars And Stripes Forever" By Request Romance Rubenstein Sonas. "Oriental Symphony" "Louisiana" "Indian Moon" "Hindustan"........01iver Wallace ' "The Last Rose of Summer" By Request "Somewhat Spanish" ............Arr. by Mr. Hawley Btr- innd mm iSSt FRIDAY SATURDAY MARY PICKFORD in "REBECCA OF SUNNY S BROOK FARM" X 1 Vs IV iv v A WOODRY BUYS and SELLS EVERYTHING Phone 510-511 S70 N. Commercial St. Peoples f 4 ZOOM, LOOP, SPIN, JUTtl?. Flying To Ye Libert. For -Tfcarsdajr Friday Saturday The Sky's The Limit L0CEEAR Tlw larHlt vil "THE GREAT AIR ROBBERY" FOR LONO DISTANCB AUTO TRUCKINO WillameiteV alley Transfer Co. PHONH 140 WI ALSO DO LOCAL HACLZKQ "WatfeW Takes ths pises of hoost linlnf for Ism 1 !LJ Mdx O. Buren lit North Cotnmsrutal 1 THERE ARE ONLY 150 Of These " SILK SPORT SKIRTS ''' of (lie SKtis In ?r'- S ' ' ' ' I MAGNETOS . , If AJU IiuMwirsva Mm & Co. v. Offlolal Eisemana Mapeto Ssnrlcs Station T -North Commercial street SALBst Draperies JtlDH TO ORDKR TO FIT TOUR WINDOWS C. Hamilton x ! Coart Strsst DREAMLAND RINK Tl'ESDAT, FROAT, . . SA1TRDAT, SCXDAI NIGHTS . SCXDAT AFTFJCfOOX Ladles Skates Free Friday Nljt. Skates iOc Tuestlajr and , Salnrd.ijr NU;lits. Of Silks, Satins and Crepe de Chine Fashion has decreed the sports skirt a necessity of the summer wardrobe. And surely it is a delgihtful necessity when one finds such lovely models' as we are now shown? Your skirt may be a gleamy white or a pastel shade of delicate tint- When Vworn with the sheer blouses of the present mode,, a silk sports skirt becomes a thing of beauty. . . We regret that we were able to secure only a hundred and fifty of these skirts, for they were such a fortunate buy thate are able to price "them ' most attractively. .We wifl.. d0U?leslha7e many more caIla these skirts than we can accommodate, but, of course, it is the early shopper that will reap the 'advantage of this sale. ' IMAGINE THEM II And Priced At Only AND $19 The workmanship, quality and styles of these skirts e - ; , : . guarantee to be of the best (fo rt W'here the Pay-As-You-Go Plan was Originated for ' your benefit.