Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 02, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    lSDAY, JUNE 2, 1920.
$1 Around
a owr
R. Darby, contractor. The
ZrZ LZ hZ! -n jiColwrf..rfl'n Mrs- Nancy Stewart
tor Willamette
Dr. Mary
I .Final concerts ot WU
" Jett Khool for vale. First
t E. church.
I j. Regular open
according to information received by
prison officials. A guard from the
C Rowland. 407 rv,..- Pn Jftl niht and : will return
I street, will leave thi. wLT": w,m urr odS'- "en-
hen and -,.n aiEht for j . . tenced to serve a term of not to ex-
chicks were stolen some tlm. .1,, attend th ten year on a charge of assault
D,ght tTvm the hen-house a: thej " Friday, of the- Oreeon s,uW,h mtent b 1 Multnomah coun-
" a. xuKna ihk i Eruii ji i n nan , : - -n ............ ...... rvuiuxrv 13.
jlast. He mad his escape from, the
A Bantam
I TTXua house 8 IS u
I 'T J Baseball, Oxford
f PA Senators vs. Woodburn.
M. E. KiK'khu 15a u Medical Am.;,n..
Front street. Officer Morelock ''
tiated and learned that a bo, about emit! to certain number of them Pri30n 8turdas' br riiin ut ol
years old., had visited there the lor ,ocal distribution and ,fc. Prison yard underneath a motor tr
" t Business
Hf .... , . . "", .uu u ineir
.. xm to nuy the hen mraaj Bodies deem fit.
and chicks. , j , ...
I "Cne 3 -At armory, 'e0t
i.m for Stnators.
Ce 7-Cy councU meet-
. I . hall. 7:30 p. m. N
I i .
On- f i , C . C!ancy. King Bing of the Sa-
One of the main attractions at the lem Cherrians, made a business trip
eeiet) ration at ruIUIU eon8lay.
SUjton, July S. will be tho !
Cherrian band. Manager John Graberiw .
; announced Wednesday that the band ' P 1.-, D 1
j which i, rated as one of the best musuT 3111 KCDIieS
organisations produced hv fh!
Capital City, will have charge of the!
musical program for the
event .
"i Court House News
The grand jury reconvenes Satur
day, after a recess of fifwn ,i,.
Only a few criminal docket entries
To Accusation
of Bonniwell
Wall Street Pays
Big Internal Tax
New York, The government ar
rives more than T50.000.000 annually
in revenue from brokers' licenses and
stock transactions In New York, gays
William H. Edwards, collector of in
ternal revenue for this district. Six
thousand stock brokers, he said, pay
a license tax of J50 and in addition a
Called By Death Wr
tin CC Ann nun Naner Jane Stewart, age 88. wife of
"WUVVM. ,,. ,.,.,., j,.,,.
-. ......... uicu x uviuuiy evening
at the family residence, 540 North J
l"h strct. The funeral win be held j
ui uie cr.apel of the Rigdon & Son
company, tii North High street, at i
o'clock Friday afternoon. The body
will be held at the parlors of the firm
in a vault pending- arrangements ta
be held. Rev. T. & Anderson will con
duct the services.
Stewart was born January i.
heeling, West Virginia.
1 - ..1.1 I .AA . - . .. .
- " iv astuiiiHiiin. .inn. ' r i auroai ui u iiuu ur iiai xnvtriimir i
"P r.Cnslderati0n It is ex-'eral- Palmer taTw' i..." 1 to the salable value of their nn. Gi8. Bruce Putnam,
... i i FlullA UmIiia I T ., - i uv
commission brokers, , Gi??y Brodi-
w uiw. i uie iNut ires (Schu
mann.) (b) Ecstasy (RummeL) Mar
guerite Cook.
pected that the Jury will h d J h Palmer PPered in the senate to the o1 va
by Ju KX ml etT CamP&len "W committee,10 "changes.
1 a- room t01tiy just before the afternoon! of th '
Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
children of Portland,
j Cirruit Court
1 Rflls Josephine Brown vb O. W.
La. Motion for suit money,
fuke Lemery vs J. H. Johnson et al
pitfction to place on motion docket,
j Wilso" T. Hume, trustee In bank
otcy va Edgar Dodge et al. Motion,
j A. B. Wiesner et al vs M. D. May
t .j oi Stioulation.
f Pr.du.le Court An
1 " . 1 -
? .. w.uhior Ptate. Petition forl.ay that tiie annual tatA mnvo,..
& KTT1B mw"-- -vw.vuuvu ia w, x. . ....
J " . . f o.iminlstffttrlx. uie i-adiea of tha a x ..m ,Q iu me man any omce on
Sipeininir j. held in iatnrio t . earth. Had the statement hn share on all stocks valued at 1100 or
esmir;. vi uci on- " uuiib o -1 n-1 ! a' - i
Wednesday June j. a concert Mill
be given by students of the music
department of Willamette university.
The event will take place at :15
o'clock "in the First Methodist church
The program: .
Organ. March and Chorus from
Tannhauser" tWagner), Dorothy
Stafford. ' j
Voice. Slave Song (Del Riego,)!
Gladys Brodie. j
Piano, Masurka (Leschetisky,) Lu-j
cile Atwood. I
Piano, Butterfly, op. 43 No. 2 Cho-!
pin), Sadie Pratt
Voice, "Sing, Smile, Slumber"
(Gounod.) Pearl Carson.
Piano, Love Song (Cadman.) Rubv
Voice,. "Evening" from Summer
Time. Song Cycle (Ronald). Marv
Jane Albert
Piano, Wedding Day at Troldhau-
shlp to Yates. Kan., where burial will I pronocutor April $,
Taeoma, Wash., June 2. Mrs. Julia.
B. Smith, convicted of criminal assault
on Prosecutor W .1). Aakren, touj
was wntoneed to from 18 to SO yeiys
in the penitentiary by Judge St. L. Cttf
ford. A plea for a new trial was re
fused. Mrs. Smith shot the county
t j session or the committee began. Hs,"108 wno ar members of an ex
conger tird was the flr ... j.i .t. ' i chansn whera nrndncA nt nfho.
were in Knl.m'. :. - nom-, -- -"
over the week nrt .i 7. . : """'on candidates whose campaiifns ! are traaea m pay a yearly tax or J50.
Mrs. Contrer'. rth Tk ... f;are under Investigation who has sd-I A two cent tax on shares traded in on
of the Yew Park district ".pearea at the inquiry. slock exchange nets the govern-
, -., 1 1 . . 1 . .. . . i ........ .... . 1 , J j ....
, x-ttimtfr repiiea onetiy to state-1 w "c,"i uwumhu uuuurs uauy
unouncement was made Wedneu ' me"tS made by Mr- B"""well saying , Unlisted corporaUone having a home
that tiie annual state convention did 80 only because his "good name office the United States are suhject
; to the original issue tax of 5 cents a
I earth.
1 ,..,..:...,-. o, roi.. number of IT. s nrnt r.!i xr" r i" Pennsylvania by the witness, he fraction thereof.
oi iSaiem, plan to attend the ne "wouia not have replied be-1 lne niomniy saie oi Documentary
ijUng admini:
Marriage Licenses
I c Cyrus Price. 3d, a merchant, of
Kurene to Emogene Ellis, 30, of Sa
il. C. L. McDonald, 20, of 925 Lo-
-Mt street, Salem, a post office clerk
tion, it was announced.
," . said, he "would
I cause in Pennsylvania Judge Bonni-1 stamps averages $3,000,000 more than
John Conger, proprietor of a print
ing establishment on North Commer
cial street, returned Tuesday evening
Margaret Crocker, 20,
tort jtreet.
Daily Statistics
iERHY To Mr. and Mrs. Josepn
Perry of Shaw, June 2, a daughter.
She has been named Marion Flora.
VaOAR To Mr. and Mrs. tAdolph A.
Hager. Salem route 6, a boy. May
j M, 1929.
OTEWAKT airs, iuncy juiitj oibw-
t . .'Im M c.n
art, bb, at ine laiiiny reomeiiw, u
North nth street, Tuesday evening
mneral at chapel of Rigdon .
Son at 4 p. m. Friday, Burial Yates
Center, Kansas.
of 925 Uh- frora Portland, where he spent several
days as the guest of relatives.
Don't forget the high school con
cert at the high school auditorium
Friday evening at 8:15. 132
wen s word is not evidence of the
Senator Reed interrupted to ask
that .Mr. Palmer refrain from
sonalities." The committee then de
cided that Mr. Palmer's statement
should be made under oath and he
was sworn.
The attorney general said that
"Judge Bonniwell" had dealt in
"character assassination" In Pennsyl
vania for years "and that his state-
half of which is in stamps of (1,000
denomination ,or approximately 1,500
$1,000 stamp sales for stock transac
tions, Mr. Edwards said. To supply
the demand a reserve supply of stamps
valued at $10,000,000 always la main
tained in the Custom House vaults.
- Loss of a valuable silk umbrella
was reported Tuesday, night bv Mrs ' ments would not be dignified by
T. E. Needham, 967 Leslie street, to'denial had they been ma(Je anywhere
ponce. Efforts were being made Wed-; Dut to a senate committee.
nesday to find the umbrella, which.
It Is thought, was not stolen.
The Woman's Missionary society of
Um First Congregational church
taMta Friday at 2:30 p. m. B. the
June of Mrs. L. Olson, 1490 McCoy
jtraet The hostesses for the occasion
are lira. H. W. Elgin, Mrs. George
JSrne and Mrs. Olson.
Ue. jeweler, watchmaker, Salem.
Tat renting of Moose hall see Har-
;Jey C. Pugh, phone 801 at 1641 D
Miss Elizabeth Levy, accompanied
it her mother, Mrs. Sol Levy, went
a Portland Wednesday to attend the
fElmaa-Ysaye concert at the Heilig
jtteater. Four of Miss Levy's violin
'pupils were also in the party. The
fumiila were Miss Hazel Peetz, Miss
Sybil Peetz, Ben Dadeholt and Glen
Employed temporarily for the
summer months while other officers
are taking vacations, S. P, Engle
Wednesday morning was sworn In as
a special officer. Officer Harry Rowe
Is first in line for a two weeks' vaca
tion, which he may begin to enjoy
I Building permit was issued Tues
day evening by the city recosder to J.
w" Llmbaugh, 254 North 24th street
to alter and repair his residence. Cost
ot the work, according to the ner.-nit
terms, will be $500.
"Down on the Rio Grands?' Frank
Mayo and Edith Roberts in "Lasca,''
now showing at the Liberty for one
day only. 132
'Second Concert
Of Salem High
Students Friday
The second concert of the year win
Piano. The Flatterer (Chaminade,)
iivelyn de Moss.
Organ, Romance (Zitterbart), Lu
oile Atwood.
Voice, Little Mother of Mine (Bur
leigh,) Floyd Mclntyre.
Piano, Claire de Lune IDebussv,)
Dorothy Stafford.
Piano, To Spring (Grieg,) Laura
Voice, "Good Bye" (Tosti,) Sadie
Piano, Two Xarka. (Lchetutky,)
Fay Pratt
Piano, "Soaring" (Schumann) Mir
guerite Cook.
Piano, The Lark (Glinka-Balaki-rew.)
Loa Briggs.
Voice, "Blow, Blow, Thou Winter
wind" (Sarjeant,) P. M. Blankinsop.
Piano, Etude, "Un Sosplro" (Liszt)
Mrs. Stephen A. Stone.
Our Remodeling Is Almost Finished
Watch for Special
In Friday's Paper
. if W
Good Goods, (c J
Large Reward Is
Offered By State
fj" f 1 gram will consist or numbers by
iOr IJynamiterS band, orchestra, glee club and
Notice is hereby given, that the un
dersigned Harty Ralph has filed his
be given by the music department "rr""'?" V'Tin'8 1'' Ahe
l .v.. 0.1 k.u .... .... 1".""' KMivu. ueceas-
I ui .un oaio iiiiiiii hviiuui r 1 lunj, bio
ting, Irt the auditorium of the school.
There are more than 100 pupils en
rolled In the department and the pro
gram will consist of numbers by the
Reports that unknown persons have nnmbr ot soloists. Several special
!, , . . . M, . xeaiures nave aiBO ueen arrangea lor
been engaged in extensive fish dyna-; The loIlowln(f ar, onM) of the wlo.
miting on the Satiam river between jsts who will appear: violin, Scire Bu-
Green's bride and West Stayton has ell; voice, Mabel Marcus; cornet
caused a reward of $200 to be- posted; Frederick Arpke; piano, Guy
Boy wanted at the Spa. Must be
mr it years.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde a super-
(leattire, comes direct from a mam-i
ImoUi run in the cities, now showing
'th Bllgh theater. 132
J Chief of Police Schneider, of Wood
Wn late Tuesday night warned po
tHce to be on the lookout for thieves
jho itole an auto front that town
Soring the evening. Chief Schneider
ffenorted that the thieves and the
rstolen car were seen to depart from
.Woodburn, headed toward Salem, at
?''5 p. m.
f The big dance in the large cool ar
mory Frl. nlght Beat jazz music ln
-uie valley. 132
I B. M. Savage, whose address was
jMt $nn on p0ice recorija. waa re-
""t t0 Police Tuesday evening for
I "nuns corners ycitta his auto at Court
i4 Church streets, and at State and
Lnurdi streets.
Col.. George A. White, adjutant gen
eral of the state of Oregon, after
about thtee weeks absence from his
office here, returned Tuesday and as
sumed active charge again. Col.
White's attention has been occupied
in Portland with the Illness and sub
sequent death of his father, who was
burled last week. .
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Browning of
South. 21at street, who are heading
their own amusement company this
season, stopped ffhere for a few
hours Monday enroute to points south
in, the valley, after a very successful
run, in; eastern Oregon. .
Governor Sproul
To Be Advanced
For Nomination
Philadelphia, June 2. Governor
William C. Sproul at a caucus of
PonnnvlvnnlR national delegates today
B. E. Bassett and wife and Mrs. ! ,nnnnced his name would be pre-
Emma Bassett left Salem Tuesday 1 gented to the republican convention
This amount will be paid by the state
fish and game commission for infor
mation leading to the arrest and con
viction of the "dynamiters."
District Warden Roy Bremmer has
received notice of the offer and asks
that h'8 Salem, office be given the full
co-operation of every true sportsman
in the effort to locate the person or
persons guilty of the outrage. Warden
Bremmer Is authorized to receive this
Information and states that anyone
giving the reliable aid desired. Is en
titled to the reward.
In addition to other sources, Salem
fishermen have- reported that large
numbers of dead trout and salmon
have- been found recently in the San-
There will be no reserved seats,
and a nominal admission will be
charged, the proceeds to go to the
music fund of the school. Parents are
especially Invited to attend and en
courage the children who are Inter
ested in music. -
for a seven thousand mile auto trip
expecting to be gone three months go
ing east via the Yellow Btone trail.
armory Fri. night
Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr.' Jekyll
Mr. Hyde now showing at the
"Wn theater. 132
A tandem cushion for a motorcy
"Jound May 26 at 12th and Oak
u T Clarence . Clement, was
"""led at nnii. -,.!.. .
r'Wenlne by V. E, Rings, 463 South
"merciai street.
.fcnphone, xylophone, piano, vio
" ""1 trans. PVI 1.UM
Orders placing upon the active list
for duty Captain Lee J. A. Plronl, re
tired infantry officer of the- Oregon
national guard, were issued Wednes
day by the adjutant general's office
here. Captain Pironi is instructed to
report to the commanding officer of
Fifth infantry, for assignment to du
ty, with station in oPrtland.
Bond of $100 was exacted of Wal
ter A. McDougal, route 3, "Salem,
Tuesday, who was arrested on a bench
warrant from municipal court on his
third charge of speeding. McDougal
was to appear before Police Judite
Race Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Blackburn ..f
Long Beach, Cal and Mrs. M. L.
Prunk of Eugene, are in Salem for a
few days as the guests of relatives
and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn
have been the house guests of Mrs.
Prunk at her Eugene homo for sev
eral days.
as a candidate for preaident, buj was
opposed to the delegation taking any
formal action as a unit.
The governor said:
'"My name will be presented to the
convention", and I should much rather
have the support of our delegates, as
determined by their own individual
convictions, than as representative of
any caucus action or unit rule."
Mrs. E. B. Millard, 2011 D street,
will entertain the .ladles auxiliary of
the Spanish-American war veterans
Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
It is expected that a- full attendance
of members will be present.
: TorH,' Stalls ot tha collision
t ir. . "''"rnoon of automohjlen
, y r!- George Waters and
? k.. n-uo otevenflnn. in wnicn .. . - . j 1 in.
i women . , . . ,ln cost 01 siampeu cnieiui. .i
! cm, "!" "arrowly escaped Injury,! . h new Drjce, to go Into ef-
IWmL 8day bV MlB fT'fect immediately. No. 5'. are now
nTnJ,TnB?n 7. lrlv"Sl selling at $22.26 a thousand Instead
. . Bwrrx. ami nan wit
1 . "way. Due to a mlMinriArfltRnd
"I Signals made hv Ir Water.
oil 4rivin8 east on Court street
we confusion of an auto driver
"""nut heiiinj 1 .
onti r "SLTrt Beclaring that the cost of hi. cam-
Word received at the local post of
fice Wednesday state the fact that
ihe, . , 44 nA nnnApiv Tha ra Ira does
not effect orders already on the books,
(but all orders hereafter will be uo-
eonfusion of an auto driver," 10 lne ngw t"'"-
'nson. The collision then! P'li'n' wa on,l
Tjft of a revolver from his estab
A. Rowland,
3S- cenW, Ralph
Thompson, - councilman canuiuaio
from ward seven, Wednesday filed
his expense account with City Re-
1 1-- ii . Hainh Thompson u
: vui uci . . - . -
Honor Hopewell Boy
Who Fell In Flanders
The United Brethren and Seventh
lay , Adventiot churches of Hopewell
and the Methodist and Evangelical
churches of Aumsvllle, held union serv
ices Sunday afternoon in paying tri
bute to the memory of William Man
ley Bower of Hopewell.
While serving with the American ex
peditionary forces In France, William
Manley Bower died ln action near the
Belgian frontier. No previous services
having been held at Aumsville in honr
nor of tha deceased soldier, Sunday's
observances were held. Many per
sons from various sections of the coun
ty were present
Convict Caught
In Douglas County
Sam Panff, erstwhile nihilist, who
escaped from the state prison here Just
Driscoll Named
On Commission
In Stones' Place
The resignation of C, F. Stone of
Klamath Falls as a member of the
state fish and game commission au.-r
the appointment of James H. Dris
coll of Klamath Falls as his succes
sor was made public by Governor Ol
cott this afternoon. Stone gives lack
of time to devote to the duties of the
office as the reason for his resigna
Driscoll was a deputy game warden
in Klamath and Jackson counties for
several years and was later employed
as a bookkeeper In the Portland of
fice of the commission. He was" at one
time county clerk of Klamath coun-
ed. In the county court for Marion
oounty, Oregon, and said court has
duly set the time for hearing objec
tions thereto, and the final settlement
thereof for Monday, the 28th day of
June, 1920, at the hour f 10 o'clock
a. m. of said day ln the court room
in said court In Salem, in aaid county
and state.
Dated this 19th day of May. 1920.
Administrator of the estate of Mar
tha Jane Ralph, deceased.
MoNary, McNary ft Keyes,
Attorneys for administrator.
and does a general office practice
Office Tyler's Drug Store
157 South Commercial Street
Six $100 Liberty ' Bonds have
been lost. These bonds bore ser
ial numbers 2308143-45-46-48-51-62,
and all coupons had been
clipped. Any one finding same
will please notify the city mar
shall and receive suitable re
ward. Any one knowing of any
or all of these bonds being of
fered for sale will please notify
the city marshall or any mem
ber of the Salem police force
Immediately. Aoross the front of
each bond was written the name
"B. Cunningham.' This name
may have been erased aad In
that event there will be the
mark of the erasure. The party
who lost these bonds has been
placed In an embarrassing pos
ition financially and Is very
anxious to recover them. If they
are returned to the city, mar
shall no questions will be asked
and the finder will be suitably
1 ton Ford with express body, top and wind
shield, extra good tires. A bargain at
1919 Maxwell panel body, electric lights, starter
car is just like new with good tires
1918 Maxwell, 1 ton truck with cab and wind- CJfirA
shield, good stake body, new tires, bargain price tpJOl
1 ton Republic truck, overhauled, repainted
and guaranteed, new tires, cab and body
1920 1 ton Republic truck, almost new, body
and cab, overhauled and guaranteed
2!2-ton Republic truck, new tires, overhauled
and guaranteed, extra good value at
1918 212-ton Republic truck, like new, over
hauled and guaranteed with new tires
1920 2-ton Bethlehem truck
almost new .................. .
Call at the Yellow Front Truck Store for Inspection
. - . 279 N.' Commercial St.
Phone 675
a Finn 1 1' i? n u,vxiT',T
We Can Help You Solve
The Corset Problem
Galley Motor Go.
to 'polled mL,rTZi: manager for the Marlon Garage
na aealer at 444 North Com
otreet A description of the
siav Wa" ven authorities and. a!
a, fo, bln aa during Ihej
f "Mm. Temples Ttrnm'
primary election. "
Oscar A. Steelhammer, secretary of
the Salem Business Men s Leagw,
took Silverton s allotment of the new
1 r cminfv advertising booklet to
that town Tuesday. Each community
affiliated with the Marlon County
Community Federation that participat
ed In the formation of the booklet Is
I Klinger and MeCourt obtained ,
'permit from the city recorders office
i Tuesday evening to repair, at a costl
of $2500, the old two-story bnck(
hnilrfinir at 162 ..Norm tomnimu.
street. The work will be done by V.
1 K
Special meeting of PacW'f
ode No. 50. A. F. A A. M..
fc;s evening. Wr 1" K. A.
., - " ! '
Steel Oil Barrels
Sale Price
Our Stock Is Limited
Buy Early y
! "V alley Motor Co. 1
j.l..Hrt4iMr"' 1JI
There is a corset made for your
figure that will mould if com
fortably into correct lines. That
corset is the
Pliably boned with a rustless
boning Lady Ruth fits as
comfortably as a well-made
glove from the moment you
draw up the front lacings. And
yet Lady Ruth Corsets are
moderately priced.
" AT
$3.50 $4 $4.50
$5 and $7.50
For Women Who Prefer the back laced models, you will
find the R. and G. just your style of corset Be sure that
you get it.
We recommend the R. and G. because we know that every bit of material, every bone
every clasp, has been tested for quality and service before it waa used. You feel sure
of durability and Holid wearing qualities when you get an R. and G. You net service and
beautiful lines with the R. and G. A combination you are sure to appreciate. R. and G.
CORSETS are designed in splendid, easeful and graceful models to fit every type of
figure. Our corsetitre will help you to select the one meant for you. . Priced at
$1.50 $2 $2.50 $3.75 $5 . $5.50
.l.,, Gil n -HI IV
. U