Covering Central Willamette Ualley by Capital Journal Special Carrac!; : r : : . ; : : , "T' W 2 1 ' T i f ! 1 2 it w V w Independence and Monmouth Enjoy True Prosperity, I a large and modern edifice, and it is noticed thit civic improvements thru out Jlomnoutli are many. There is a tnew spirit of progress manifested and I the city Is making: raoid strides for- age of the millaga biil at the recent I election has helped the normal school Independence, June' 2,-S-It is saU'more ,han one hundred fifty per cent. ......... . ,. . ., 'It helped Monmouth and it helped that all things come to him who waits, i0regon nd this is true with Independence! la a. great measure. Citizens have i waited and now everything is toward Independence. And Independ ence ia like a city set upon a hill it cannot be hidden. In this great rest Ida ralley there is no spot that has more of the building essentials; and In many respects Independence sur passes them all. Their fort Is the great of the Spring Valley country has been timber belt of the Silets basin. Their i rrestea by Sheriff John W. Orr for guns are the most productive ' havin intoxicating liquid in his pos and hop yards, and their many other ,session- Mr. McLaughlin bad a barrel acUvs Industrial institutions. And'0' cider wltn raisin klck in 11 which their ammunition, which flows intolwa Sheriff Orr. He has the hooners of Oreeon n inrtnafWil tnu far made four barrels according welfare In great streams, are the best t0 evldente received. Some young mem tmilding materials, the finest grains ;nave Deen Setting intoxicants in thit and hops and the most luscious fruits ! part ot ,he county and it la presum that the world has ever produced. tn9 80urc has probably been dis They are equipped to fight the "hun- coverd- Mr McLaughlin will appear viiuitu society is t'Uiiuing ) well known in Independence h spent her girlhood days. Mrs. D. V. Davis reecived a checS for iivrt yesterday from R. JJort. head clerk of the Modern Woodmen i f America, whose office is at Rock ls- janu ,111. inis was given in payment of the life insurance carried in that or der by her husliand who died a couple of weeks ago. The policy was pai I In full and promptly. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Butler of Port land visited at the home of his parents Mr. and Mr. Ward Butler, yesteidtiy. They will visit in Salem and Silveno.i before returning to their home in the Rose city. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson and Hf !.,. t?JMr and Mrs- Martin and son KJI UUrVUlg UUUtslol Portland visited relatives here the Dallas, June I James McEauehlin Iore Part ot this week. owing to a broken shaft, the ferry boat was hung up oa the east side of the river nearly all the forenoon yes- ! K- Jyhusoi-.; Fultitatorv. Grace A. Nel son; valedictory, Irene Lewis; addr.a to class, John Straub, dean of O. of i headed Spring Valley Man Held On Charge ary wolf better, perhaps, than any otlier section of the Willamette val ley. People who can be happy and prosperous anywhere can be happy and prosperous In Independence; be cause, in addition to the great rewards for those who court mother earth's favor by use ot the fertile soils and by converting their monster tree plants, which have been growing for these many years. Into lumber for the markets of the world, the town is backed by a cooperative and Industri ous class of people, who are Just now encouraged over the prospects for the future. What prompted this new life In Independence is not a matter of irreat importance, but It may be said that ths development of the mills along the Valley & Slletz railroad, and the renewed hop interests, together with better roads and better schools, have given the people renewed hopes, and they will work in harmony to de velop every resource. Another large mill is under course of construction by the Silets Logging & Lumber Co. at what ia known as camp 1, and a large mill at Hoskins was recently completed. Independence being- the terminus of the Valley & Silets rail road, la made headquarters for these enterprises, and they are proving a frreat benefit to the city and country. There are a number of smaller mills aouthwest of Independence owned sua oper&tea Dy private individuals. Some years ago the writer predict ed that the time would come when Independence and Monmouth would be one great city, the metropolis of Polk county. The prediction may nave been the result of strong Imagi nation, It may have been Inspired it may have been craty. But tendencies of the present point toward' the ful fillment of that prophecy. Monmouth Is located two miles west of Independence and with ths paved road completed all the way be tween the two cities they become near er from every standpoint. stats About Monmouth Monmouth is located twelve miles southwest of Salem on the Salem Falls City branch of the Southern Pa cific railroad. Of the soil in the coun try surrounding, it can well be said that there is none better In Oregon. It is sufficiently rolling to require lit tle artificial drainage. Is well adapt ed to the production of all kinds of fruits and berries and to dairying and stackraislng. Although no longer con sioerea a wneat country, spurred on by the Inducements incidental to the war, Monmouth raised last year 100. 00 bushels of wheat. Individual farm rs in the district raised as much as 400 bushels of wheat in addition to oats, vetch and other seed crops. -A single prune orchard near Monmouth, it la said, harvested 75,000 pounds of prunes which sold for $11,000. Cher ries grown In and around Monmouth have mors than a local reputation. Ths Monmouth Crenmory made more than 100,000 pounds of butter last year. Monmouth is the home of the Ore gon State Normal school, the only state normal in Oregon. It is a city : 80 inhabitants, excluHive of the tu dents, of which there are normally 400, The summer normal this year will be of twelve weeks duration In stead of six, and everything points to the best summer term In the history o flhe school. There will also be a six weeks term at Pendleton conducted under the direction of the Monmouth board of resents. . Oregon l(uds the world for Jersey cows and Monmouth leads Oregon. The Monmouth Herald, ably publish ed by R. B. Swenson, is one of the irreat fuctors In the development of the city and country. There U located In this little city n tile factory owned and operated by R. IT. Btoelquist aud O. H.t Partridge, and there la said to be an inexhaust abl supply of material close at hand to keep the plant in operation for many years. They are building a side track from the Southern Pacif ic road to th eplant and in the fu ture brick will also be manufactured as well a building blocks. This week- will see the cbmpletlon uf a new gravity water system, pro Tiding water from Teal creek, a dis tance of eleven miles, which will furn lah a supply of water sufficient for a population of five thousand or more Inhabitants. Within the pant year the Bank of Monmouth has more thus doubled Its resources, and this may be taken as a criterion by which a correct es timate can be made upon the pros perity of the community. The resourc es at the present time are close to $5,000,000. The Willamette Valley Lumber Co , under ths management of Kd Hamil ton, will build a saw mill in Monmouth this season, if present plans are con summated, and there is every reuson to believe that they will be. Jointly ths citisens of Monmouth and the Monmouth city council have purchas ed a sits for the mill and will donate the same to the company as soon as arrangements are fully made to con struct ths mill. Surveyors and an at torney were in the city yesterday looking after the preliminaries per taining to the proposed mill. Mr. Hamilton says the capacity will be Ir. feci per day. Logs will be haul ed by rail from the company's tlm hr blt on the Lucklamute river. Br a rcnt vote of the cltlxens of Slatunestii It was decided to build a rrwa&sttim n-ntlrg 11 1.000, and work w;8 t commenced soon. It will bo f. flush eofor the firm week of arnssl t,s f!l. In sdiilton to this ! before the Justice court in Dallas for I hearing in the near future. Dallas Rations Gas Dallas, June 1 Dallas ' commercial club has taken the gas situation In hand and the supply of 250 gallons per day la now all delivered by the Standard Oil company to one gas sta tion and before anyone can get gas they have to procure a permit from the secretary of the commercial club and in order to get the permit, a person must prove an emergency either com mercial or otherwise. Perhaps when the specific gravity law of Oregon is repealed John D. will treat the Ore gonians as he does other people. Gasoline Thieves Drain Tanks Of Monmouth Cars Monmouth, Or., June I. When Kd ward Noisen left his car standing cut In front of his house Monday evening he forgot that gasoline was scarce to everyone else as well as himself. He had driven to Salem that day to get hl tank filled, and the next morning, when he wag ready for the day's drlvo, the tank was empty. Some miscreant had taken possession of the entire sup ply. Evidently there were two carloads of gas thieves in Monmouth that nlgnt as a man named Jones lost a tank full of gas In tltfe same way. Silverton Lodge Visits Convention At Scotts Mills Silverton, Or., June i. Members of Heaver camp ,M. W. A., and the Royal Neighbors will got to Scotts Mills this evening in great number to attend the Koyal Neighbors district convention wnicn la in session there. Scotts Mills has always shown a hospitable spirit under such circumstances and tlir is always a big attendnce at the roysl neignnors suppers. a oapy Doy was born yesterday to ,Mr. and Mrs. Louis Robinson. a. h. uonkle, former principal of me Bilverton high school, Is visiting In the city. u as most or the traftie to and from Salem goes by way of East inctepudence now there was much i v lay and vexation. Cars were lined up on either side of the river for two or three hours waiting lot the repairs on the boat to be completed. Dallas Schools To Close June ill Dallas. Or., June 2. School for Dallas pupils will close June lilh. hut the last few days will not be all work, as a very exclusive entertainment has been prepared. ... . Saturday, June 5, the three-act com edy, "Green Stortings" vlll be pre sented at the high school auditorium oy the senior class. Sunday, June 6th, the baccalaureate services will be held at the high school auditorium at 8 o'clock p. m.. under the direction of Rev. S. J. Benney, pas- tor ot tne Christian church. me gnatie pupils will put on' the operetta, "The National Flower" at the Majestic theatre on Tuesday even ing June 8. More than 150 Dumla will participate in the operetta. Wednesday, June 9th, the seniors will be the guests of the Juniors at the annual Junior-senior reception. Friday, June 11th, graduation exer cises will be held at the high school Woodburn Nine Defeats Speedy Portland Team Woodburn, Or., June 1. The Kerr Gifford team came up from Port land Sunday telling how they were go ing to clean up Woodburn. They were too sure. They were a fast bunch but not fast enough to take home the ba con. The score; - R. IT. E. Kerr Gifford 2 7 4 Woodburn (10 1 Next Sunday Woodburn is scheduled to appear: n the Salem diamond against that team, s . . State House Notes. Applications for Increases in rates for services were filed with the public service commission. Tuesday, bv tho Cottage Grove Electric company and the Drain Water com nan v. both of Cottage Grove. John C. Murphy ' of Portland has ben admitted to' the'practice of law In Oregon. Murphy was a member of the Washington baj association before coming to Oregon. Sure Relief Prominent Young Couple Married . rAt Independence Independence. Or,, June. J. Misa Mary Purvine was married Sunday aft ernoon to Edward O. Brown, a proirfT nent farmer of this community. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Duns more, pastor of . the Predby lnrlan ehureh In Independence, at the homv of the bride's parents near McNnry station. Only intimate friends, and rela tives of the contracting parties were present. They will reaido upon Mr. Brown's farm near here. Mrs, Zaldde Putnam Kellog, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Putnam of this city died In Salem Sunday. The funeral was held Monday and was conducted by Dr. Dunsmore. Mrs. Kellog ,.. 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief (BELL-ANS bssf FOR MN DIGESTION Good Year Tires Watchf ire Kept' Burning. Miami, Fla. Another stomp dance has been held by the Cherokee Indians near the hamlet of Murphy, around the Indian campfire which has not been quenched for two score years. This is watchfire of the Cherokees and is kept burning as a memorial to the Great Spirit"1 And Tire Accessories Will be found at Lloyd E. Ramsden '387 Court St. MIMMMMIDM ll1IIIIIIIHIIiHMt)MI)li WE SELL GOOB iKHON TIRES ' TUBES AND ACCESSORIES Valley Motor Co. : : Better than Pais -wp- SOHi YOU WILL NEVER wish to take another dose of pills after having once used Chamberlain's Tab lets. They are easier and more pleasant to take, more gentle and mild in their action and more reli able. They leave the bowels in t natural conditionj while the use of pills is often followed by severe constipation, requiring a constant increase in the r!fHi T?trhr kAv1ss I I ,vjr uvtuc guarantcca Dy your druggist. E An oU friend in a neW package VACUUM PACKED Sdwarrfc ENDADLE JEP Tsaas btt, (o futtUt" SU E4 m u Famous For Its Marvelous ' Afotc The Chandler Gives You the Service You Demand THOUGHTFUL men, in selecting an automobile, find in the history of the Chandler Six a source of real confidence. The Chandler motor of today is the development of the Chandler motor of seven years ago, embracing refinements and improvements which have been the natural development of these years of service in the hands of thousands of owners, and the constant application of the engineering skill and the since rity of its builders. Motors of one type and another have been heralded and retired within these years. But the Chandler motor, its true superiority proven in service on every roadway in America and in many nations abroad, has lived and gone forward into a place of distinction. Men who have owned and driven many cars, men from coast to coast will tell you the Chandler is the leader of all sises. Over the long moun tain roads or on the trails cf the desert or in crowded city traffic, anywhere the Chandler will give you the service you demand. Its power, its flexibility' and its sturdy endurance are not surpassed. The Chandler Six ia the Most Closely Priced Fine Car Built SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES Seven-Pestenger Touring Car, S1995 Four-Passenger Roadster, S199S Four-Passenger Dispatch Car. S2075 Seven-Passenger Sedan, SZ995 Four-Passenger Coupe, S2S9S Limousine, 1349S (.All tricti, j. e. . Cleveland, Ohio) ' Oleson Motor Car Company 349 North Commercial St., Salem. CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO a Majority of the Smaller Cars Come on Goodyear Tites it mi Last year more cars using 30x3-, 30x3V2-, or 31 x 4-inch tires were factory -equipped with Goodyear Tires than with any other kind. This is plainly a result of the high relative value produced in these tires for the smaller cars by Goodyear's enormous resources and scrupulous care. They represent the same intense endeavor to supply utmost satisfaction in tires that has laid the basis for the marked preference which exists everywhere for Goodyear Tires in the larger sizes. , This real Goodyear value in tires is available for your Ford, Chevrolet; Dort, Maxwell, or other cir using one of these sizes; at our nearest Service Station. Go there for these tires and Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes r - i 303V4 Goodyear Double-Cure fsbrie. AUAVcther TresL 303V$ Goodyear SingisCur Fatxk, Aoa-Skul Tread $23; GckW Hc.vy Tourist Tuhes are .hick, wron, tabes that cLaLTl?K riL . good caring with a cheap tube I Goodye Hesvy Tourist TuKTcost Ihds mors tiZftT - $450 - 's, 1 i